Trapped heat

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#3 of Heat

This latest installment of heat is definately a stand alone story the original characters do not appear. I wanted to explore the biological aspects of heat and felt that the best way was by an unwilling outsider. I've labeled it as semi nc, although it's very mild. After this I'll be getting back to the more romantic stories i like to work in, but the scientist in me had fun thinking up the background detail given here. I hope people enjoy.

Heat 3

"Falcon 359 please confirm your travel destination?" A rather stern female voice squawked into John's ear.

John flicked on his transmitter and replied. "Our destination is Lapros, please can you confirm clearance to depart?" The human asked impatiently, he hated using his ship to ferry passengers. However, with no cargo runs available over the last two weeks any job which paid and got him to a new planet was worth doing. Still eight lapine passengers for a four week interstellar flight was going to be hell. Fortunately his sole employee could do most of the passenger handling. John planned to spend most of his time in the cockpit or engine room, two areas he had forbidden any passenger to enter.

"Clearance granted and safe flight Falcon 359." Came the reply from flight control.

"Thank you flight control." John replied as he flicked a few switches bringing his baby to life. He smiled as he felt the vibrations of her engines under him. Ever since he started to learn to pilot he had loved the thrill of take off. The adrenaline rush as the ship fights with the planet's gravity, the feel of being pressed into the chair as you hit the accelerator and power your way out of the planet's gravitation field. Followed by the smooth hum as your ship finally clears the atmosphere and you switch it over to impulse drive.

The blonde haired human sat and basked in the feeling until he was interrupted by the cockpit door opening. He turned to find his tubby employee entering. Larry was in his forties, with a growing beer gut. His six foot tall frame was covered by a heavily stained and well worn jumpsuit. A messy mop of brown hair, fading to grey already, covered the top of the older humans head.

"The passengers are just getting settled into the first class passenger quarters." Larry informed him, the two had spent an evening scrubbing the smaller cargo bay and installing four sets of cheap bunks to create their new passenger lounge.

"Good, let's hope they stay there." John mutter as he started up the navicomputer in preparation for their light speed jump.

"They seem nice enough, very friendly. I mean you know what they say about lapines right?" Even without turning around John new his employee would be sporting a wide and way too dirty smirk.

"Yes, I do but they are all male so..."

"Oh please, it doesn't matter what hole you put it in, it still feels good. Besides it's been way to long since I've had more than my own hand for pleasure. I ain't that fussy." His first mate replied checking the navicomputer over John's shoulder. "Couple of flyboys at the spaceport reported there has been an increase in pirate activity between here and Lapros. It might be worth taking the longer route by Plexus V just to be safe."

"You just want a few extra days with these rabbit boi sluts." John said with a snort.

"Well I wouldn't say no and I already have a... bunkmate for the next few nights. However, I wouldn't suggest a different route if I didn't think there was a risk." John could tell from Larry's voice that he was serious and slightly offended.

"I know you wouldn't but we are only barely making a profit on this run, if we take a detour we'll be making this run at a loss."

"Alright, but you could always get these bois to make it up in trade. I know you normally don't like aliens or guys but trust me these boys know how to please a guy." Larry responded as he ran a diagnostic on the ships shields and cannons.

"I won't ask how you know that, because knowing you you'll tell me. There is nothing wrong with liking human women you know." John replied as he rechecked his course. He thought about making an alteration, but it was probably just a rumour or an excuse used for someone's late delivery.

"Oh aye, nothing wrong at all. Of course it's been a year since we last saw an available human woman. Plus some alien species have some extra 'fun attributes', you never know you might like it." Larry persisted once again giving a smutty grin.

"I'm a patient man I can wait." John replied as he engaged the hyperdrive a few seconds later the ship shot forward. "Alright four weeks to go and then hopefully we get a decent cargo run to start pushing us into the black."

Larry finished his checks and got up as he left the cockpit he said. "Seriously though, think it over boy, if you don't use that thing between your legs sometime soon it'll just drop off." With that he left before John could reply.

John hated it when Larry called him boy after all Larry was only about fifteen years older. Besides nobody thought he was a boy when he served as a fighter pilot in the Dragos wars. Well actually every older pilot, engineer and trooper had called him boy but still this was his ship, he was the captain and he'd be damned if he let his one employee talk down to him. Besides a couple more trips in this direction and they may score a cargo run to Earth or one of the human colonies. It had been a good few years since he had any female companionship.

The first two weeks passed slowly, he spent every moment in the cockpit or engine room and had barely spoken a word to any of their passengers or let them catch much more than a fleeting glimpse of him. Larry, however, had been having quite a lot of fun with their guests. John had forbidden his employee from divulging any details.

However, his streak of avoiding his passengers ended rather abruptly as he left the engine room one day and walked right into one. A tall brown haired rabbit called Toby, who in his early twenties was the youngest of the bunch.

"Good morning captain." The rabbit said giving him a smile and a wave.

"Good morning, I was just on the way to the cockpit." John said sliding past the rabbit.

"There's something I wanted to ask you captain?" Toby said following the human.

"My bed is fine thank you very much." John replied curtly.

"And with your winning charm I'm sure it stays that way. I have no interest in that either way. I wanted to ask about your leg." The rabbit retorted calmly.

John froze in his steps "How do you know about my leg?" He asked trembling with rage, he guessed that Larry must have been letting his mouth run on.

"Ears like these don't miss much, your gears are grinding you need to get them replaced or your joint will seize." Toby replied gesturing first to his tall brown ears and then down at John's cybernetic leg.

Deflated a little John bent his flexed his artificial leg, he could hear the tiny grinding sounds and had been meaning to get the leg fixed. However, it required a specialist technician and they didn't do work cheap. "I know, but replacing parts in these things isn't cheap. Or covered by my insurance."

"Well if you can spare an hour or two I can fix it. I am after all a fully qualified engineer, as are my travelling companions. I promise no-one will molest you or even smile in your direction if that makes you comfortable." Toby said with a warm smile gesturing in the direction of the passenger's quarters.

"That's a very kind offer... "

"And you'd be a blasted fool if you turn it down. After all fixing your leg will cost more than the profit on our last two trips." John wasn't sure when Larry had snuck up behind him or how much he had heard. He didn't feel like he had a choice and before he knew it, his friend and the rabbit had swept him into the passenger's quarters.

He was swept into a chair located by one of the bunks. Seven new pairs of eyes gazed at him. Three of the rabbits were laying in their bunks and the other four were sitting around the dinning table playing cards. As he entered a white rabbit with black fur over his left eye and ear leap down off his bunk. He was taller and broader than John, wearing a tank top with some cheap pants. John could see from his figure this was someone who worked out regularly.

"How nice, our captain has decided to spend some time with his cargo." He said giving an over theatrical bow.

"Donny I know it takes a lot of effort to prevent your asshole nature from showing, on behalf of the rest of us please make the effort." Toby said standing in front of the other rabbit and looking right into his eyes.

For a moment John thought that the standoff was going to escalate. However, with a nod Donny backed off.

"If it helps lad I rather like your arsehole nature." Larry said giving the retreating rabbit a lascivious grin.

Donny smiled and winked with his black eye. "Feel free to admire it from a distance old man it ain't going anywhere near your bunk."

"It don't have to boy, I've got good eyes and no shame."

"Please don't pay him any attention Captain. You are welcome to spend time here anytime you want." Said one of the rabbits getting up from the table. He was by far the shortest of his passengers. By John's estimate he could be no taller than five foot, not counting the ears. His fur was a much darker brown than Toby's, but like his younger colleague he had a creamy white furry chest peaking our under his jumpsuit.

"I'm Colin chief technician and the boss of these guys. Please excuse Donny, he has never liked spaceflight and being away from his husband for six months has left him a little more tetchy than usual." The rabbit explained then pointed to each of the remaining rabbits in turn. "That's Hank, Jamie, Scott, Denis and Paul."

John nodded to each of the rabbits as their names were called, all too aware that he was the focus of their attention. "Hello everyone."

"All right shows over, everyone back to your card game and let me get this leg fixed." Toby said as he shooed Colin away.

John rested back in his chair grateful that all eyes were finally off him. "Thanks."

"That's alright. They're just curious you know. We've been cooped up here for almost fifteen days with just ourselves for company. Anybody with something new to say is welcome. Now take off your pants please." Toby said as he got he pulled his toolbox out from under his bunk.

Feeling incredibly self conscious and very grateful that he was wearing some clean boxers John unfastened and removed his pants. He tried to ignore the staring from the room's occupants and the fact his cybernetic leg was on display. It was black metal with a smooth chassis framework, starting at his hip and down to fake metal toes.

"It's ok you know Donny, Colin, Scott, Paul and Hank all have husbands at home. They might steal a glimpse but there aren't interested. Jamie and myself had our fill of aliens on Canos. As for Denis, he's spent more time in Larry's bed than his own." The rabbit pulled out some tools, running his paws over the metal limb he pulled a few screw covers off and set to work removing the knee join covering. "What I'm trying to say is no-one is interested, you don't need to be afraid of us."

"I'm not afraid, just a little uncomfortable. I mean your people have a certain reputation for..." John started then stopped when he realised where his words were taking him.

"Being horny, homosexual and xenophillic. Well I can't say it's an unwarranted reputation. More than ninety percent of our population is homosexual, it was a social necessity before development of birth control." Toby explained as he worked his eyes fixed on his work as he examined the joint. "Looks like your bearings are totally shot. I can replace them but it'll take a little while."

"Thanks." John muttered leaning back in the chair trying to take his mind off his lack of clothing. "So why was it a necessity, I don't understand?"

"Well, our people are very fecund and with our heat, it lead to large numbers of children being born at regular intervals. We simply couldn't feed them all. The only answer was to separate males and females and only allow inter gender mating when there was a need to procreate." The rabbit explained as he gently removed the damaged components from John's knee.

"What's heat?"

"Oh it's something all adult lapines go through once a year. Our bodies start to overproduce hormones and we become extremely sexually active. We go to something called a heat clinic where there will be plenty of other males in heat and we... work off the excess hormones. If the clinics were mixed every female would come out pregnant."

"So once a year you guys just... with a group of random strangers?" John asked trying to hide the disgust in his voice.

"Yes it's a biological necessity and while to some cultures it's not savoury I see no reason to be ashamed of it. Still it does explain our homosexual nature, for centuries anyone displaying heterosexual attraction was severely punished and often killed. Selective breeding you see." The rabbit looked up into John's shocked face. "Don't let our current peaceful culture fool you we have had quite a bloody history. Our heat has also been used to explain our xenophillic tendencies."

"How so?"

"Well any two lapines who spend a lot of time together find their heat cycles synchronise. Early on in our development before enforced homosexuality, before society started to really form. Inbreeding was a serious problem as the entire settlement would go into heat at the same time including close and distant relatives. Those who opted to mate with an outsider had a greater chance of producing viable offspring. At least that's one theory." Toby said as he rummaged in his toolbox and pulled out a few components comparing them to the damaged ones he had just removed. "These are not exact matches but they should work with your leg."

"Good enough for me." John said leaning back in his chair.

"May I ask you something?" Toby said as he prepared the new components for installation.

"Well after sharing so much about your people and fixing my knee I can hardly refuse. Ask away." John replied trying to force himself to relax. He didn't like talking about himself and he was dreading what the question would be.

"How did you lose your leg?" The rabbit asked as he started to slide the new components into place.

John winced, he really didn't want to go into his past. However, as he'd said he owed the rabbit at least a few answers. "I was a fighter pilot in the Human Dragos war. My fighter was hit by an enemy missile and my leg was damaged beyond repair. So they gave me a cheap artifical leg, a medal on the chest, a pat on the back and a kick in the ass." His tone was bitter and it reflected how he felt. The military had been his life and they had cast him aside without a moments notice or hesitation the second he was injured.

"You're not exactly telling the full story though now are you boy?" John had forgotten that Larry was sitting on the bunk nearby listening. "I looked up your military record when I joined your crew and I know exactly what happened." John closed his eyes and took a deep breath preparing himself for the betrayal he was about to receive.

Larry stood up and wandered around the bunk making sure all eyes were on him. "You were flying escort for a troop ship carrying ten thousand troops headed for the front lines. When you were ambushed by a Dragos patrol. Outnumbered three to one your squadron managed to hold out until a nearby destroyer came to your aid." Larry waved a hand a John. "He flew half the mission with his leg hanging off. Boy's a bloody hero."

"I'm really not, I just did my job." John replied quietly as he blushed. He hated to hear people call him a hero it brought back bad memories. He remembered a few receptions he had attended where he'd been introduced as a hero. When people had showered him with adulation. Only for the military to cast him aside a few weeks later with a tin leg, no medical insurance to cover its maintenance and a paltry disability cheque. "Then got a scrap of tin pinned on my chest and a kick in the ass out the door."

Sensing John's uneasiness with the current conversation Toby decided to change the topic of conversation. "Well your leg should be working now. Why don't you give it a test drive?"

Grateful for the break in conversation john pulled his pants back on and stood up taking a few paces. "Much better, feels nice and smooth. I don't hear any grinding do you?"

"Nope it all looks good from here." Toby said getting from his position on his knees by the chair. "Now I'm hungry, who is up for some dinner."

As John opened his mouth to respond he found himself flung to the floor as the ship suddenly decelerated. "That's not good." He muttered as he got to his feet and sprinted for the cockpit, passing Larry on the way.

He landed in the pilots chair mashing half a dozen buttons at once running sensor scans and engine diagnostics as quickly as he could. He watched in horror as the readouts showed his worst fear had come to life.

"What's the situation Captain?" Larry asked as he also reached the cockpit.

"We are very very fucked. That was no engine failure, we hit a subspace mine hypedrive is offline it'd take a week to get it back. We have two velor class ships ahead and a third behind. I estimated four hours to intercept. If we run maybe six." John said leaning back in his chair.

"Velor class? That means... Dragos slavers!" Larry's voice sounded just as terrified as John felt. "Come on Captain we have to think of something."

"They out gun us six to one, are faster and more manoeuvrable. We can't run and we can't fight. I've sent a sos but it'll be at least two weeks before help can reach us." John sighed and sagged in his chair. "Sorry I should have listened to you."

"We can't just give up, do you know what they will do to us and to our passengers? We have to find a way out." Larry's voice was pleading, John had never heard his friend sound so desperate.

"There is one thing we could try, if we get everyone into the escape-pod and launch it at the same time we go from dead stop to full impulse. Their scanners won't detect the launch over the impulse wake." John said turning to his friend hoping he didn't spot the huge hole in John's plan.

"Alright, you got get the passengers into the escape pod I'll meet you there and we can get off the ship. Sorry to see the old girl go down without a fight, she deserved a better end." Larry said as they both got to their feet and headed back into the ship.

John felt the same, but he knew that the ship would go down fighting. After all the ship didn't have an auto pilot and someone would need to be in the pilots chair to hit full impulse. Plus if the ship survived the fight the slavers would find the empty escape-pod bay and go looking for the escape-pod.

John ran into the passengers quarters and before anyone could ask a question said. "Grab your stuff and get to the escape-pod now. We have three Dragos slaver ships inbound." He watched their panic filled expressions for a moment they all froze to the spot then as one they burst into activity. Grabbing supplies and their possessions. "We have limited space in there take only what you need." He shouted as he moved to the galley grabbing a couple of boxes of ration bars and turning around. "Ok follow me."

With eight terrified bunnies behind him he reached the escape-pod. As he entered the tiny compartment he was slightly glad that he wouldn't be stuck in there. Just a five meter circle room, the only comfort provided were seats around the circumference and a tiny sink and toilet that folded out of the wall. He piled the supplies he had brought on the floor and ushered the rabbits inside.

"Ok we just need to wait for Larry to get here with more supplies and we can get this escape pod moving." John said standing in the escape pod hatch.

"Sorry lad there was one tiny flaw in your plan." Larry said as he appeared behind John gun in hand. "I'm not an idiot." He added pulling the trigger, John only managed to flinch as a blue beam caught him square in the chest. The world around him turned black as he lost consciousness.

John groaned deeply as he opened his eyes, his head felt light there were thousands of tiny hammers trying to smash their way out of his skull. He was laying on the floor of the escape pod his head was resting on a pillow made out of clothing. He looked up into the faces of eight concerned rabbits. "How long was I out?"

"About eight hours. Are you ok?" Toby asked his voice filled with concern. "We don't have any medical supplies so we thought it best to let you wake naturally."

"Ok is a relative term. Lets just say I'm not about to drop dead on you, although with my headache I'm not convinced that that is a good thing." John said as his mind started to work and he realised what had happened. "Damn that bastard Larry."

"Why did he stun you, was he working with the slavers?" Toby asked helping to pull John off the floor and into the seat next to him.

"No, you don't understand. The ship has... had no auto pilot. For our plan to work, someone had to stay behind." John sat in silence for a few moments before adding. "Eight hours... He's probably dead by now. Stupid bastard, I'm the captain it was my job to go down with the ship." The last part was almost whispered, his head and shoulders drooped and he found himself fighting back some tears.

"He might have been captured, it might be possible for the authorities to rescue him." Toby said trying to comfort both John and everyone else. The group had grown to like Larry quite a lot and looking around him he could see a lot of drooping ears and tear filled eyes. Toby wanted to try and inject some feelings of hope.

"Captured? I hope not. If he's captured that means they took the ship, which means they will find the escape pod missing and come looking for us." John responded his eyes fixed on his feet. "He knew that, as well as I did. He knew that anyone who stayed behind would have to die. He was my friend, my only friend and I treated him like shit." John could feel the tears on his face now, he couldn't muster the energy to wipe them away. "Stupid bastard why did you have to go and do that?"

"He was a fighter, he'll have set course for the solo ship. Looked to damage or disable it. He'd have been heavily outgunned but if he was really lucky he might score a hit on their weapons or engines. If he did he could run for deep space that'd buy him 2 days before the other two vessels caught up to him and then. The Falcon is a good ship, but she's not manoeuvrable. Against two vessels and heavily gunned... it will be a short fight. They will look to disable the ship then board her. Larry won't let them board. He'll wait until they dock and then blow the ship, take some of the bastards out with him." The tears started to flow faster as he thought of his friend fighting for his life, knowing that he was going to die but swearing like only Larry could.

"I remember when I first met him, it was three years ago. I was drunk and angry and in a fight with three canos, three really big canos. I was doing ok for about the first ten seconds then two of them grabbed my arms. The third was getting ready to give me a good going over. Then I heard someone say "What big beautiful bastards you boys are, what a bloody shame we aren't going to be friends". It was Larry, a second later he hit the biggest of the canos with a chair. " John smiled at the memory as he continued. "We fought those three canos to a standstill, then drank them under the table. I still don't know how we went from fighting to drinking. Larry has... had a way with people. Something I badly lack."

They sat in silence for a while John let his tears fall silently as he thought about his friend. After what seemed like hours John stood up wiped his eyes and looked at the supplies they had brought. Spotting a bottle of whiskey he grabbed it twisted off the top and raised it up in a toast saying. "Here's to you Larry, have fun deflowering all those angels in heaven." With that he took a deep swig from the bottle and then passed the bottle to Toby.

The rabbit looked at the bottle for a moment before raising it in a silent toast and taking a swig. The bottle passed around the pod and by the time it reached John again it was half empty. He took another swig as he settle back against his seat. The temperature inside the pod was already too warm to be comfortable. The two gulps of whiskey on an empty stomach were already working, he felt the rosy internal glow as alcohol dulled his senses. Too tired to fight against the drowsiness that filled his mind he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

John awoke to the sound of whispering it sounded like several voices in a debate that was growing quite heated. Suddenly some said quite loudly "Fine you tell him then."

The human opened his eyes and looked around the pod. The rabbits were huddled together as far from him as they could get in the tiny sweatbox. The air was getting very humid and ripe with the musk of nine male creatures sweating in the growing heat. "Tell me what?" John asked as he sat up.

The rabbits jumped and looked at him guiltily. They had all stripped down to just their underwear thanks to the heat. John had to admit he was very tempted to do the same but first he wanted an answer.

Toby stood up from the middle of the bunch. He was wearing some tight red briefs and John found himself admiring the lithe brown body. His eyes ran along the contrast between the sandy brown of his limbs and back with the creamy white of his chest. He felt something unexpected stirring in his pants. Shaking his head free of such thoughts he returned his gaze to the rabbit's face as Toby sat down next to him.

"Look, do you remember I explained about the heat our people go through?" Toby asked and as John nodded in reply he continued. "Well the thing is, we were all sort of heading home because our time was coming up in a few weeks."

"Don't worry our mayday wasn't blocked. We'll be rescued in about two weeks I'm sure you will be home in time." John said earnestly.

Toby sighed "That's not going to be fast enough. There are some things that can... accelerate the entrance into heat. Being confined in a small room with a bunch of other males is one of them."

"So you guys are going to go into heat, here, now?" John asked in surprised suddenly pushing back away from Toby as if worried the rabbit would jump on him there and then.

"Not now, I'd guess about a day before it starts." Toby said making sure to give the human some space what he had to say was going to be hard for John to accept.

"Can you really do that just the eight of you, I thought it took dozens?" The human asked as he tried to process what was going to happen in front of him.

"We don't have a choice, its better if there is at least twelve, but heat can be resolved with four or five if that's all there is." The rabbit explained carefully suddenly unable to look John in the eye. "Nine is more than enough."

"Nine? No thanks I'll stay in my little corner. You guys do what you got to do." The human said pushing himself back into the chair. "I've never been into males or aliens. You guys lose on both counts."

"Please understand, you won't have a choice." Toby said quietly.

John jumped up his fists balled up ready to fight. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Please relax, we're not going to rape you." Toby said standing up as well, holding his hands palms out in front of him to show he meant no harm. "It's just... heat, you are trapped in here with us. When in heat we won't be aggressive or take anyone who doesn't want to be taken. However, you will be in heat too you will want to be taken and you won't be able to help yourself."

"What do you mean I'll want it? You sound like someone who date rapes someone." John shouted backing towards an empty section of the pod.

"No, we do not and would never have sex with anyone who didn't want it." Toby said firmly letting John back away without moving. "Offworlders have been in our heat clinics before. There have been studies, every time they have entered a sort of pseudo heat and lost control just like any of us would. The theory is that the air is so soaked in our hormones and pheromones that we trigger heat in a species that doesn't normally go into heat."

"What about humans? Surely our body chemistry is different to yours, why should your pheromones or hormones affect me?" John said backing up into a seat and sitting down.

Toby shrugged "As far as I know you guys are as susceptible as anyone else. As for chemistry you might be right. There have been some studies into the possibility that our species is empathic. It has been suggested that we might affect minds directly."

"So you are going to brain wash me into being your fuck buddy?" John's voice sounded much more resigned and less angry than before.

"Not by choice, please understand that we have no control over this. If you sit in the corner and turn away our advances then we won't do anything to you. However, it's more than likely that you will enter heat too. In which case you will accept an advance or maybe even approach us of your own volition. We won't be in our right minds to say no to anyone who is willing." The rabbit took a few steps forward as he spoke, slowly approaching John. The human didn't react and so he sat down next to him. "I'm sorry, we're all sorry. None of us wanted this to happen. Please believe me we don't have a choice."

"I believe you, I believe you." The human whispered his shoulders slumped in defeat. He looked up. "But, I don't have to like it and I won't just submit to it. Believe me if it's possible to resist I will."

Toby nodded replying. "I understand and we'll try to keep away from you as much as we can. At least until you're too far under to notice."

"I'd appreciate it, also when we are rescued could you not tell anyone. Don't want to ruin my image as a rough, tough and straight space hero." John paused for a moment. "Any further... after abandoning ship at the first sign of trouble leaving my only friend to face the music."

"As I recall you didn't abandon your friend he shot you and locked us in here." The rabbit replied leaning back relaxing a little. He'd been worried John may have tried to attack himself and the others in some attempt to stop what had to happen. He was relieved to see the human accepting his fate and even using some humour in this dire situation.

John leaned heavily back against his chair breathing slowly. He couldn't think of anything more to say and fortunately it looked like the rabbits weren't going to force the issue. He closed his eyes and tried to get the thoughts of grief and worry out of his mind. He noticed that his shirt and pants were soaked through with sweat. His body was soaking in sweat, he could feel streams trickling down his cheek and neck. Every part of his body was soaking, except his mouth which felt dry.

Realising that the last thing he needed was to become dehydrated he stood up. Peeling off his dripping shirt and pants he grabbed an empty bottle and pressed a button on the wall revealing the tiny sink. He turned the tap on and filled the litre bottle with cold water. He drank half the bottle, glad to feel the cool water chilling him down if only for a moment. He emptied the other half of the bottle over his head and basked as the coolness of the water than ran over his skin.

He quickly filled the bottle again the sat back down, smiling as the rabbits all jumped up and made a run for the sink. He realised he'd never taken the time to show them the facilities offered in this sweatbox. They all drank their fill and the floor of the pod was semi flooded as they all copied John in trying to cool down by soaking their fur.

The human watched the water on the floor draining away. He knew that it would be taken to a storage tank and slowly purified and eventually end up back in their drinking supply. He sat back down and closed his eyes the heat of the pod returning all too quickly. His skin was still dripping but the water was warm and the air was now far too humid for the wetness to have any real cooling effect.

He wanted to say something to the others, but couldn't think what to say. Talking to civilians was something he wasn't good at. Hell being a civilian was something he wasn't good at. He'd been raised by military parents on a range of military bases and ships. John had joined up the day he was old enough and never wanted anything more. He thought he'd be in the military until he died.

It had come as a huge shock when the doctor had told him that his leg was beyond repair. Not because he was losing the limb, because he was losing his life. To serve you needed four fully functioning limbs and cybernetic replacements don't count. He'd been cast out with a pathetically small disability cheque into the wilds of civilian life. Where the hierarchy is not displayed by insignia on shirts, nor always obeyed. Where conversation was difficult without insulting, upsetting or offending someone.

Life as a lone cargo pilot had seemed like a good alternative. Still every time he sat behind the stick he thought back to his fighter ship pulling turns and manoeuvres the falcon could never match. He put his hands behind his head noticing as he did so the dampness dripping down the walls. Opening his eyes he saw the rabbits cluster as far from him as possible. Part of him wanted to go over to them, share some words of comfort. However, he couldn't think of what to say and the more he thought about it the more difficult it seemed.

Instead he sat still for hours just feeling the sweat drip from his body. The air was rank with the musk of nine males now with each breath he could almost taste the others. His eyes wandering from time to time glancing over the rabbits bodies. He found himself spending almost an hour staring at Toby's chest and down to his crotch. He licked his lips idly tasting the salt of his own sweat.

With a small jump John realised what he had been doing and quickly moved his gaze to the floor. He hoped nobody had noticed that he had been staring and that his soaking boxers were slightly tented by his reaction. He realised that Toby had told him the truth, he was feeling the effects of their impending heat already. He wondered how much longer it would be until it was all over as he took a deep swig from his water bottle.

The hours dragged by slowly as the atmosphere inside the pod grew unbearably humid. Each breath was filled with the taste of male musk. John kept his eyes fixed on the wall trying to ignore the feelings growing inside him. His skin was itching his insides felt like they were on fire. What was worse was his traitorous cock was now sitting at full mast inside his boxers. He had turned his body and lifted his leg a little trying to hide his shame from view. However, he was sure that his aroused state had been noticed.

His detailed examination of the condensation dripping down the walls was disturbed by a moan. This wasn't the sound of someone shifting uncomfortably or reacting to pain. This was a deep guttural sound of someone in a high state of pleasure unable to control their own voice. It was followed by a few pleasurable grunts and John founds his gaze moving. He knew he shouldn't look, that the feeling and temptations growing inside him would only become far stronger if he saw what he knew he would see.

His head turned against his own will until he was looking at the rabbits. Colin was sat with his legs spread apart. The human noted that the cream fur of his chest and stomach was spread across his inner thighs. His underwear had been removed and between his legs was the black furred bunny John identified as Hank. From his vantage point he could see a thick pink shaft as it slid slowly in and out of Hank's muzzle.

His eyes couldn't pull away he sat there enraptured with the image as those black lips swallowed the thick pink meat again and again. With each complete motion Colin moaned loudly the sound echoing off the walls and directly into John's ears. His erect cock throbbed between his legs and he felt a drop of pre running down his length. His mouth felt parched again, he took a swig from his water bottle but the water didn't quench his thirst. He realised that wasn't the liquid his body was craving.

His eyes were distracted by one of the rabbits walking into his line of sight. It was Jamie a light tan coloured rabbit. He was stroking his long rabbit cock with one paw, with the other he gripped Hank's rear pulling him up a little higher as he positioned himself behind the black bunny. John held his breath as he watched the bunny cock start to sink inside Hank. He could hear a deep groan come from the subby rabbit as he was filled with thick cock on both ends.

The human realised he had been holding his breath as he watched the cock. His gaze moved upwards looking at the rabbit rear as it thrust in and out with growing speed. He could see a pink tailstar, resting between two taught buttocks. He licked his lips again, his cock throbbing as he thought of how good it would feel to sink his meat deep into that ass. He was unable to sit still, his body was burning up from the inside the oppressive heat of the escape pod combined with his body's reaction to heat was almost unbearable.

He fought the urge to stand, to join the hot scene he could see less than three meters in front of him. As his mind was beginning to lose the battle he felt a furry paw on his knee. He looked down to see Toby looking up at him from his position kneeling on the floor. The rabbit had crawled over unnoticed while the human was watching his friends. The rabbit's eyes held a glazed and slightly far away look, but were filled with lust as well.

John moaned softly as the furry paw slid up his inner thigh. Part of his mind screamed at him to say no, to push the rabbit away. However, a larger part loved the feel of the furry digits on his hot flesh. He didn't fight or struggle as the rabbit pulled down his sweat soaked boxers. He moaned softly as furry digits closed around his shaft, part of his mind still told him to resist to fight. However, as the rabbit leaned over and placed his lips around the human's cock any thoughts of resisting melted away.

The human moaned loudly as wonderful warmth surrounded his cocktip. He gasped loudly as a strong tongue lapped across his cock head. The sensations overwhelmed him he thrust into the rabbit's muzzle his hands reaching down to hold the rabbit head. He gave in to the urges filling his body, thrusting repeatedly into the warm bunny maw.

The rabbit clearly knew what he was doing, he let the human thrust up his tongue and right to the back of his throat. Breathing through his nose as the human pulled out, keeping a good firm suction within his muzzle. He was slightly surprised when after only a minute of thrusting the human cried out and his muzzle was flooded with warm thick human seed.

John flopped back in his seat panting heavily, his mind reeling. It had been years since anyone had touched him like that and he felt a little embarrassed by how quickly he had cum. He felt the rabbit lick his cocktip clean, he looked down into Toby's face and smiled. A moment later the rabbit's lips were pressed to his in a passionate kiss. His hands groped and explored the furry body pressed against his own. His fingers running slowly through the dense fur as he felt a thick cock pressing against his thigh.

His tongue pressed into the rabbit's maw, tasting his own seed as well as the rabbit's sweet breath. His mind was lost in a blaze of sensation and desire, he felt the cock sliding against his thigh and found himself leaning back further laying down on the chair, lifting his legs. He exposed his virgin pucker, offering himself willingly to the rabbit on top of him.

The rabbit already almost lost in his own heat gave no thought to rejecting the offer lining his cock up to the exposed pucker. He pressed forward gently, his cock dripping with pre cum as it pressed to the virgin unprepared rear. John groaned into the rabbit's muzzle as he felt himself being penetrated by a thick cock. Toby paused sensing the pain he was causing, he allowed the human to adjust to the meat inside him.

The rabbit started to thrust again, very slowly but firmly his cock speared deeper and deeper into the human. John squirmed under the rabbit torn between sensations, his body and mind wanted to be taken, but the pain of the first thrust brought him to his senses for a moment. He could feel every inch of the rabbit's cock as it thrust further inside him. He broke the kiss and cried out in pain as the rabbit's hips pressed to his.

Toby stopped with his cock fully inside the human, he moaned as John squirmed under him the humans rear clenching and twisting around his cock. His heat wasn't fully in control and he fought the urge to mate the human hard and fast instead just held himself inside John allowing the human to become accustomed to his size.

John gasped deeply gritting his teeth. Part of him wanted to fight off his lover the pain of the initial penetration had been as unpleasant as he always though it would be. However, as the rabbit held still inside him the pain faded, as it faded so did the panic in his mind. The will to struggle died inside him, instead he found himself pushing back into Toby's hips trying to get the rabbit deeper inside him.

As he felt the human bucking gently into him Toby began to pull back withdrawing half an inch then thrusting forward again. The gentleness of the thrust brought no pain to the human and the second and third mini thrusts started to bring a new pleasure to him. John moaned softly pushing into every thrust his mind reeling from the new sensations.

The rabbit was well versed in the art of fucking and wanted the human's first time to be a pleasurable one. He knew that before long they would all reach a frenzy of mating where there would be no pain only pleasure. Before that there was a short build up time where the urge to mate was nearly irresistible but some control was possible. He wanted to use this period to both pleasure and prepare the human.

He let his thrusting grow slowly in speed, strength and depth. He was careful to keep his thrusting at an angle, making sure each movement brushed his partners prostate. Reaching between them with a paw he was gratified to find a fully erect drooling human member. His hips continued to rock his thrusting growing faster and more powerful by the moment.

John groaned loudly as he felt furry fingers wrap around his cock and start to jerk his hot meat. His body felt like it was on fire, the pleasure of the fucking grew with each thrust. He pushed back willingly onto Toby's cock, his hands held tightly to the rabbit's shoulders. He couldn't form a thought he only had one desire to keep that cock inside him.

Toby moaned feeling the human under him bucking willingly into every motion. His thrusting grew faster and wilder as he gave in to his feral instincts. He mated the human with fierce passion his hips pounding into the human's, a satisfying smack accompanying each thrust as their hips met. His paw on the human's cock squeezed and jerked the member fast and hard desperate to bring his mate to pleasure first.

Between the rabbit's powerful thrusting and deft paw John was in a state of ecstasy unmatched in his entire life. He felt his orgasm arrive and his whole body convulsed as his cock jetted a thick stream of warm cum onto his stomach and the rabbit's paw.

Feeling the human orgasm around him was all Toby needed to send him over the edge. With a muffled squeal his cock erupted inside the human coating his insides with warm bunny spunk.

The two shared a few moments of bliss the bunny's hips still bucking as he continued to pump his first load into John. The human lay there panting feeling the bunny continue to cum inside him. The fire that had filled his body was temporarily quenched. He closed his eyes and panted heavily trying to recover his senses. However, the fire returned first, this time it spread further taking not just his body but his mind.

Toby pulled out of the human moaning softly at the feeling, his lustful needs already rising again. He rolled off the human and stood up beside him. Before he could blink the human was sitting in the seat, he felt two hands grab his buttocks and a warm maw surround his cock. He gasped as the human stared to suck and bob on his thick length.

John moaned around the thick shaft, as he sucked it clean of cum in seconds, savouring the musky taste. It wasn't enough though he needed more, he continued to suck firmly thrusting himself onto the cock again and again. His tongue writhed against the hard flesh in his maw lapping up the frequent drops of pre. His hands groped and squeezed the rabbit's buttocks his mind spun with ideas of what he could do to the firm rear.

The rabbit wasn't prepared for the eagerness of the human and his cock was still sensitive from his first orgasm. In just a few minutes he felt his second orgasm take hold of him. His body trembling as his cock sprayed warm seed into the human's needy mouth. John gulped happily swallowing every drop of the musky fluid, continuing to suck and bob on the rabbit's hot length desperate to get every last drop.

As he felt his orgasm fade Toby pulled his cock out of the human's mouth. The human squeezed his buttocks hard. The rabbit looked down into John's eyes and knew what the human was lusting after. He pulled away and quickly turned around slipping to his knees and then onto all fours, as he presented himself to the human.

John needed no further invitation he was on his feet in a heartbeat. His hands gripping the rabbit's hips as he guided his cock to the warm tailstar. His mind lost in a fiery haze of lust left him unable to control himself and he thrust in hard. The rabbit under him muffled a squeal at the pain of the forced entry. Fortunately his rear is well trained and used to being used, the un-lubricated and hard entry stung, but didn't tear anything.

The human hilted inside Toby in one motion and didn't pause he leant over gripping the rabbit's shoulders, as his cock started to piston in and out of the tight rabbit rear. John cried out in pleasure as he mated the rabbit under him savagely. His cybernetic limb allowing him to thrust much faster and harder than most males. He could feel his orgasm building already and showed no signs of mercy as his manhood continued to ream the tight bunny depths.

Toby bit his lip to keep from crying out, the human's thrusting felt good but the lack of preparation left his tailhole still stinging from the initial savage thrust. The passionate and savage mating was starting to feel really good. However, the human's inexperience showed through and the rabbit knew that the human would cum long before he would.

As John felt himself near the point of no return two strong arms wrapped themselves around the human's chest. He felt himself being pulled up and against a strong chest. He stopped his thrusting for a second turning to find himself looking into the black and white face of Donny. The rabbit kissed him tenderly as he felt a sticky cocktip stroking down his back.

He thrilled at the idea of being taken while still mating with Toby. His lust crazed mind wanted to be taken every which way. Donny broke the kiss with the human and nuzzled warmly down his neck, placing tender kisses. John heard the rabbit whisper to him. "Mmmm lets calm down and work together, you want to make him cum first. Trust me it'll feel so much better."

John opened his mouth to reply but as he did so Donny thrust forward firmly making his moan loudly. His cock thicker than Toby's, but with John's ass still full of bunny cum and recently stretched Donny had no trouble hilting inside the human. He kissed tenderly down the human's back, enjoying the feel of hot skin on his lips. He started to thrust gently into the human whispering. "Now ride him with me."

Sandwiched between two warm furry bodies John moaned happily, allowing Donny to set the speed of his thrusting. He submitted to the dual pleasures of mating and begin mated. He thrust more gently into Toby taking his lead from the more experienced male behind him. With the savage mating stopped and replaced with a much more measured pace Toby was able to catch his breath, pushing back to meet the human's thrusts while he reached under himself to jerk his drooling shaft.

Donny leaned back glancing down admiring the sight of his cock disappearing again and again into the human's ass. He'd waited patiently, deliberately turning down offers of sex not wanting to lose himself to his heat until he got to take the human. He knew that after two or three orgasms his heat would fully kick in and he would be lost to lust and would not remember. He really wanted to remember taking this arrogant straight offworlder.

The white rabbit picked up the pace of his thrusts, the human feeling so good around him. The lubrication of Toby's cum and the copious amounts of pre lapines shoot during heat making the mating very smooth. He knew it wouldn't be too long before he lost his first load in the human's ass. He had already made plans to ensure that his second load was also emptied into the human.

As the mating grew faster and faster Toby felt the need to orgasm growing within him. He squeezed his cock tighter as he jerked not fighting his need to orgasm his body trembled as he sprayed a few jets of cum onto the floor.

The human cried out as for the first time he felt a male orgasm around his cock. The bunny's rear clenching and massaging his cock in a way he had never felt before. He cried out loudly as he reached his third orgasm his cock sending a load of human spunk deep into the rabbit's rear.

Donny gasped feeling the human orgasm around him, he increased the pace of his thrusting pounding home deeper and harder. He felt his balls rise and with wonderful satisfaction he sprayed his first heavy load into the human rear. His hips continued to thrust his cock reaming the human's rear filling it with more and more seed. He felt cum soaking his balls as it leaked out of the human's already full rear.

The white rabbit pulled out and sat down on the seat behind him panting heavily. He cast his eyes around the pod. The others had moved closer, it was a natural impulse during heat to cluster together. Hank and Colin were spit roasting Jamie just next to where John and Toby lay panting next to each other. Scott had Paul on the seat just next to him and was pounding away. Everywhere he looked he could see vacant lust filled eyes. He realised he was the only one not yet fully gripped by the full force of their heat.

John lay panting on the floor for a few seconds. He felt Toby roll away and looked about. His mind only caring about one thing finding a partner, any partner. His eyes met Donny's who smiled and gestured down to the erect cock between his legs. The human didn't need any further invitation. He crawled across the deck and placed his lips around the cock sucking firmly desperate for more bunny cum.

The rabbit groaned softly his paws caressing the human's hair and cheeks as he gently thrust into those wonderful lips. His heat was almost in full flow now and he knew it wouldn't take long for him to empty himself into the straight human mouth. However, he fought against his orgasm, he wanted to prolong this moment. After all he would never get the chance to take another straight offworlder like this and he had to admit it was a huge turn on.

Sucking firmly holding his head steady and letting the rabbit fuck his mouth John waited to taste the cum he needed so bad. His cock was throbbing between his legs urging him to finish quickly and find another mate. He felt paws grip his rump and lifted it willingly presenting himself. He felt a cock press between his buttocks and slip into his cum filled rear. He didn't look back to find out who was taking him, it didn't matter all he cared about was the feeling of begin taken.

Donny felt himself losing control, the idea of holding back his orgasm slipped from his mind. He thrust faster into the human's mouth and with a deep groan he came, flooding the John's tongue with his musky fluids. The human gulped them down greedily lapping his cock clean and sucking up any stray drops.

The white rabbit looked around and spotting a free rump left the human with his current partner. John pushed back willingly into the hard pounding he was receiving he grabbed his needy cock and began to jerk it quickly. A few strokes were all it took to get him to orgasm more of his seed sprayed onto the damp floor. He felt the rabbit behind him shoot his load into his used rear.

The human barely noticed the rabbit behind him leave and paid no attention to the cum dripping out of his rear and down his thighs. All he cared about was giving and receiving his next orgasm. He looked around hungrily for another partner, he spied Colin on his knees with his mouth buried in Toby's crotch.

He moved quickly to the rabbit, quickly mounting him and as he thrust in he felt a gush of cum flowing out of the rabbit's rear. It made no difference to him all he wanted was a warm willing hole. He fucked the rabbit quickly once again using his cybernetic leg to give his thrusting extra speed and strength.

John found his orgasm came upon him quickly he shot a small load into the willing rabbit before pulling out and turning to look for another. As he turned he found himself eye to crotch with Hank. He didn't look up at the rabbit simply placed his mouth around the black bunny's cock and started to suck firmly. He bobbed his muzzle on the length quickly milking the shaft. After less than a minute his mouth was filled with warm seed. He gulped it down and let the cock go.

Licking his lips he turned around thirsty for more. He spotted Toby behind him the rabbit was now mating Donny and John could see cum glistening in the dim light of the pod as it dripped out of his ass. John didn't give any thought to his actions, he was thirsty and only one fluid would sate him thirst. He buried his tongue into the rabbit's rear, lapping up the cum he found there, a mixture of several males seed including his own.

The small escape pod floated serenely through the pitch blackness of space between star systems. Its occupants continued in their actions uninterrupted and unobserved for many hours. Until one by one their heat began to fade.

Consciousness slowly returned to John, he felt furry arms around him and opened his eyes to find himself nose to nose with Toby. His body felt grimy as he moved he felt his skin slowly peeling itself off the damp sticky floor of the escape pod. He pulled clear of Toby's arms waking him as he did so. He blinked as the memories of the previous day flooded back to him.

He sat on the flood of the pod in shock as he remembered everything he'd done and everything that had been done to him. He looked at Toby who gave him a concerned little smile saying. "Are you ok? It's over now."

"I don't know, I feel strange. I remember everything that... happened. I know I should feel disgusted maybe even angry but..." His voice trailed off as he couldn't think how exactly he felt.

"I don't think it's possible to feel angry post heat. I'm not sure on the bio chemistry for humans but your brain will be producing sex hormones for about a week. For us it's a nice long mellow high." Toby explained standing up and stretching. "Ewww, my fur is matted and this place is disgusting. This is why we have heat clinics, no sleeping in your own fluids you deal with your heat, shower and head home."

John reached behind himself, reaching down to his pucker he touched it and winced at the pain. "I could use an ice pack."

Donny offered him a bottle of cold water. "That's the closest we have in this tin can."

John accepted the bottle with a nod of gratitude to the white rabbit. He took a few swigs to rinse the cum taste out of his mouth. He used the remainder to wash as much of the grime and cum off his skin. Realising for the first time since he awoke that not only was he naked he was surrounded by eight other naked males. The others weren't paying him much attention, except for Donny who was watching him with a bit of a smirk.

He picked up his clothes which were still wet and stinking, the idea of putting them on again was very unappealing. Toby was using another bottle of water to clean cum out of his fur as were most of the others. John looked down to watch streams of water running into the drains. "We should clean any stains off the floor. We have at least another ten days before we will be rescued. This place is already a sweatbox we don't want to leave anything to fester."

"Good advice, lets try and keep this little tin can as pleasant as possible." Toby said as he emptied the rest of his water over a particularly sticky part of the floor.

It wasn't long before John found himself sitting alone at one side of the escape pod trying not to look back at the group. They were chatting quietly amongst themselves. He wanted to move over to join in the conversation. However, he couldn't think what to say "Hey I remember sucking your cock yesterday." Didn't quite seem like the perfect ice breaker. He found himself thinking of his lost friend again.

Larry had been perfect at this sort of thing. He never seemed to pause or think, just walked up to any group he liked the look of and started a conversation. Giving up and closed his eyes and lay back figuring that the more he slept the sooner their rescue would seen.

"Hi, how are you doing?"

The voice roused him from his near slumber state and he opened his eyes to find Toby sitting next to him.

"Not bad, my ass still hurts a bit." John replied turning to face the rabbit. Chiding himself for his opening line, it sounded way too much like a complaint and right now he wanted company not apologies.

"Yeah, sorry about that, believe me you're not the only one." The rabbit shifted in his chair a little.

John remembered how rough he had been with the caring bunny and he felt a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry if I hurt you." He said quietly reaching out instinctively to pet the rabbits arm.

Toby looked down at the hand on his arm and then back into John's eyes smiling warmly. "That's ok, to be honest I don't remember that far in, we don't remember much more than our first few orgasms. I understand most offworlders do retain their memory, do you remember?"

John blushed a little a looked away. "Yes, I can remember pretty much everything."

"I'm sorry, that must be an unpleasant burden. Especially for someone who didn't have a choice." The rabbit replied placing a paw over John's hand and squeezing.

"Well I'm not going to deny someone of my memories of yesterday aren't among my proudest moments." The human said still looking at a distant point of the pod. "But some of it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." As he spoke he turned his gaze back to the rabbit with a shy smile and gave Toby a subtle wink.