Ticket to Ride

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#20 of M/M Fun

The warm spill of the covers made the bed a warm safe haven that was almost impossible to want to leave for the day that stretched ahead. The fact that Ben was wrapped around his girlfriend made it even harder to pay attention to the bedside clock. The slender red squirrel was snuggled beneath the covers while he teased his fingers along the soft pale fur that ran along Brandy's belly. His girlfriend grinned at him and tilted her head up so that she could nibble against his neck. She seemed to be about as eager as he was to leave the bed. The warm scent of her fur tickled his nose as he traced his thumb in circles around the dimple of her belly button. The warm curves matched perfectly with his body, from the soft swell of her breasts to the spread of her hips.

She was shorter then he was, but he had always been a bit lanky and he enjoyed the height difference. She wasn't thin as a rake as he was, but was curvy enough that she caught the eyes of most guys when she went out for the evening. But she was his, all his, and he leaned into the feel of his fingers trailing along the edges of his hips. Her tail flicked upwards to wrap around his legs and Ben let out a puffing laugh as the long hairs tickled along his calves. Brandy chuckled and deliberately flicked her tail up high enough that it brushed against the back of his legs sending him yelping and half wriggling up from the covers.

"Stop that! You know I'm ticklish!" He sputtered and Brandy gave a saucy grin and shifted over him so that her leg straddled his hips and her soft rump cheeks rested on his upper thighs.

"Mmm, but you're adorable when you squeak like that." Brandy snuggled down and rested over him so he could move his hands up to grace along the plush fur of her back.

"Freak." He teased and gave a gentle kiss to her lips. "If you keep this up I'm not going to get to class on time."

"Wouldn't that be a shame.." She wiggled her hips back and forth against his blue underwear making him hiss out softly and pull her down a bit more firmly against his loins. "But on a serious note, did you think about the trip some more?"

Ben sighed and let his hands drop so he was just holding her waist. The topic nearly as effective as cold water. Brandy was a part of the High Adventures Club, a semi-formal school group that went on trips to do everything from skiing to white water rafting. That was how he'd met her two years ago. He'd ended up going on a trip with a friend who was a part of it and met her along the way. He still liked to go on trips when he could, but he tended to avoid the ones they couldn't easily drive to. The last few trips they'd taken had been to Canada, something he definitely couldn't afford on a student's budget. He was lucky to keep his car up and running. Brandy was lucky enough that her scholarships took care of most of her expenses leaving her able to spend her paycheck on other interests.

"You know I'm kinda broke after getting new tires." He sighed out and ran his fingers along her back. "I'm pretty sure my ticket is going to cost more than my next check."

"I know, but EUROPE, Ben. Won't it be amazing to be able to go there? Just once?" Brandy rested her chin against his chest and let out a little sigh. "We could have so much fun and I can't think of anyone better to be with then you."

Europe. He flinched a little at the name. He agreed with her entirely. He tried to imagine being with Brandy in the midst of the Alps and skiing together without any worries about school or his Masters. Cuddling beside the fire with hot chocolate, or back packing through the country side. Seeing France or England or even Spain. They'd even talked about going mountain climbing, and had nearly made him green with envy with the discussion of going hang gliding. It was one of his dreams. It would be thrilling, amazing, fantastic... and empty his bank account until it was below zero.

"I know.. I just.." He sighed as he watched Brandy's ears drop down with disappointment. "Hey, don't look like that, love. I'll figure it out. Maybe I'll crunch the numbers and find a way I can swing it, alright?"


"I promise." He leaned up and caught her lips in a gentle kiss while her hands moved to spread along his chest. He didn't see how he could manage it, but there had to be a way. He'd figure it out. Somehow.

~ ~ * ~ ~'

The red squirrel spent the day worrying about about how he was going to stretch his meager funds to cover a trip to Europe. He spent his time in class mulling it over, he spent his time at lunch crunching numbers and he brought his worries to him to the gym. He was majoring in mathematics, he knew that there was no way he'd be able to afford it no matter how he scrunched and saved. He could stop eating, driving his car or paying bills and he still wouldn't be able to buy a ticket. He couldn't imagine spending two months without Brandy. No school, no girlfriend, nothing but being alone in his apartment and getting calls and video of the fun she was having. She'd probably even be able to find some European man to sweep her off her feet. Someone more muscled and appealing then a scrawny math geek.

That last was the cause of a fierce workout that made his muscles burn and strain as he attacked a bag that had been set up for kick boxing. He spun around and hammered against it while working out his frustration on the inevitable. He normally worked out to keep fit, he had to keep in shape for his hiking trips and his time skiing when winter came. Not to mention his recent fascination with biking. He might not be heavily muscled as most of the guys at the gym, but he was proud of his slender strength. He had no desire to end up so muscled that he couldn't be flexible. Brandy loved how flexible she was, she adored it.

In the end he went to the showers with his legs nearly shaking and so tired he didn't even care that it was nearing the close of the gym. A group of men were leaving the shower and that suited him just fine. He sometimes felt a bit self conscious when they were all crowded around him. With only a handful of other males in the shower he felt comfortable enough, and sore enough, that he snagged a towel to wrap around his nude red-furred body and made a beeline to the shower. Sometimes he was able to think more clearly when he was in the shower, especially if he could claim it by himself. His tail was nearly twitching as he ducked through the last few males, a large bay stallion, a rabbit and a tiger. He was able to slip into the sauna and was hit by the wave of hot air.

His hopes of having the place to himself were crashed by the sight of a large dog settled on one of the high benches with his muscular arms stretched out and his legs sprawled in front of him. The russet and black Doberman opened one eye as Ben slipped in and he fought the urge to leave again. The canine was muscular and looked to be in late forties, but there was a layer of fat and a slight paunch forming from his age. The muzzle was flecked with a hint of grey as he raised one copper colored brow to look at the squirrel. With a swallow Ben shut the door and averted his eyes from where the glossy dog was seated without the benefit of a towel. Obviously he felt no shame of letting it all hang out. Not that Ben wouldn't do the same if he were obviously well endowed.

Juuuust ignore him. He's probably just finishing up. Ben thought to himself and settled on a lower bench and tightened his towel around himself. When the dog left, he could try and work out another plan. Perhaps another job...

"A bit younger then my normal.." The Doberman drawled in a baritone voice making the squirrel blink up at him a bit. "But, Randy never did send me anything less then interesting."

"Randy, sir?" Ben answered tentatively as the large dog tilted his head and lifted up a pair of cropped ears in his direction.

"New to the game, eh?" The Doberman leaned forward and lolled out his tongue in a grin. "It's been a while since I was sent a new one. Come here, lad, let me have a look at you, might be I could use more than just a half hours worth."

"I don't think.." Ben tried to figure out what the man was trying to say. Perhaps he had sent for a masseuse. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.."

The Doberman flashed his teeth in a grin, "Smart lad, I like them smart. Means they're more entertaining. I'm Bruno in case Nicky didn't mention it." The copper hand reached behind his body and came out with a wad off humidity dampened cash. "I'll tell you what, one hundred for a blow job and if you're good at it, I'll pick you up for the evening. I do that, and you might just be a wealthy little twink come morning."

"A hundred..." Ben stammered and then flushed a hot red as the sense of what the man was offering him. He thought the squirrel was a prostitute.

He opened his mouth to tell Bruno differently. The older dog was grinning at him and peeled off a hundred dollar bill from the wad and held it out. It was humiliating to be treated like a hooker! Embarrassing! He tried to get the words of denial out, but his eyes slipped down to the wad of bills that were cupped in the paw. How much more did the Doberman have? He wasn't just offering a simple hundred bucks to get a blow job, he'd offered the chance to take him home and pay him more. How much more would he get for doing more than a quick blow job? He barely made a hundred dollars a day if he was lucky!

I.. I could pay for my own ticket if I was smart and careful. This wouldn't really make me gay, I'd just be doing it to make money to go on a trip with my girlfriend... The dog's grin started to fade a bit and the hand lowered. I can do this!

_ _

"Done!" He yelped out before he could think too hard about what he'd decided to do. He snagged the damp money from the dog's hands before it could be taken away.

"Good lad, get to work then, always good to relax after a work out." The dog stretched his legs out and spread his thighs so the thick heavy girth hung over the round furred orbs. The uncut tip thickening slightly.

Ben licked his lips nervously and moved from the bench to slip down to the floor. He'd never done anything with a guy before, but he was willing to take one for the team if it meant being able to live his dream of going to Europe and maybe have some cash left over. He dropped to his knees and one of the dog's hands moved to stroke along the edges of his neck and he felt the press of a metal ring. He tilted his head a little bit and caught sight of a gold wedding bend as the Doberman pulled him forward to nestle between his legs. The dog was married, what was he doing in the sauna soliciting guys for sex? He didn't get much time to mull over the idea as his slender muzzle was pulled up between the thighs and towards the gorging girth.

With a little shiver he licked out and brushed his tongue right around the tip. He rolled in a slow circle that made the dog let out a slow growl of pleasure before Ben licked out again. It didn't taste bad, the humidity had beaded up in droplets over the swelling flesh and there was a faintly salty taste as he glided his tongue downwards and then pulled up again. The fingers kneaded against the curve of his neck as he worked his tongue down to the base and gave a gentle curl around the thickening flesh. As it swelled, it became more impressive then it had been when he'd walked in. The girth began to throb and become thick enough that he couldn't lick his tongue around it. The glans started to spread the foreskin apart so that it brushed along the curve of his cheek.

Ben wasn't tiny, but he certainly wasn't huge. His pink flesh was around six inches or so, but the Doberman's black flesh cock rose up at least eleven inches as the veins stood out and he licked his way towards the tip. Bruno growled out in pleasure as the squirrel gave a rapid lick along the tip and stared at the swollen glans that peeped out. He moved his hands down to wrap around the base and gave a rough swallow. He didn't even know if he could get his mouth around it comfortably, but he could try. He strained his jaw open and rubbed his tongue over the tip until a dribble of precum oozed out to spread over his taste buds. He pushed downwards slowly until his jaw ached and he managed to wrap his maw around the cock so that the dog growled out a sound of pleasure.

"Damn, that's a good lad." Bruno woofed down at him and let out a rumbling noise before rolling his hips upwards. The tip jabbed deeper into Ben's throat and he swallowed hotly while a bit of saliva clung around the cock.

With his ears back, he closed his eyes and started to push downwards onto the shaft, inch by inch it drove into his maw while his face burn in a hot blush. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but one of his hands gripped the damp money that promised he would be able to afford his trip to follow his dream. That's the only thing that kept him in place as he wedged his head down and his tongue was pinned down along his lower jaw as he pushed the thick tip all the way back towards his throat. He suckled hotly and another dribble of precum oozed out of the tip while the dog growled and rolled his hips against the seat. The large legs moved to either side and a second hand dropped to squeeze against his shoulder.

"Don't be so damn timid, boy, you need to be adventurous." Bruno didn't sound as if he were really complaining, there was a teasing lilt to his voice. "If I want someone to be timid I'd be sleeping with my wife."

Ben twitched his soft tail and pushed his head down in a sudden drive that stretched his throat open as the glans plunged into the snug opening of his throat. His walls convulsed around the cock and he swallowed his own saliva to keep himself from drooling. For a moment he couldn't breathe and the he was able to pull his head up and licked hotly around the tip again. He licked in swift brushes of his tongue tip, gathering up the precum as if afraid that it would be missed and even swirled about right beneath the edge of the foreskin. His cheeks were burning dark red, but he tried to let out little noises of pleasure to please his 'customer'. What's what a prostitute did, right? Not that he knew for sure. He'd never done this, never dreamed of trying this.. And yet here he was.

When he pushed the tip into his aching maw again he let out a stifled whimper when the dog's hand guided him downwards. He moved his hand around the base of the dark smooth flesh and felt it pulsing before he was allowed to lift upwards again. His tongue dragged along the underside while his breath came out in ragged gasps before he was pushed down again. He moaned out around the cock and swallowed another dribble of precum before pulling off and licking all around the head. He swirled and twisted his tongue as the dog rumbled out an eager noise. His rounded paunch tensing up as Ben moved his hand up and down the dark spire. His fingers teased almost to the head and let the foreskin pull over it before tugging it back down again.

"Extra fifty if I can go on that pretty muzzle." Bruno's words came out as a low growl and Ben grinned before rubbing his muzzle over the cock tip.

It was humiliating and degrading, but he'd never made such a large amount doing something that was so terribly easy. At least physically. He tried to ignore his blush as he licked around the tip and kept pumping with his hand. The heavy dark balls began to tense up and pull close between the legs, building his customer closer to his orgasm. The Doberman let out a breathy whine and his hips gave a final jerk forward. One of the large fleshy paws pushed Ben's hands away so that the canine pumped himself to his climax with a few rapid strokes and the squirrel was left with his muzzle tilted downwards and waiting to earn his extra money.

The dog surged up to his paws and with a groan the first hot rope of seed bubbled out of the tip and splattered along the boy's muzzle. It drooled over the edges and spilled down in splashes that clung to his whiskers. The sharp scent of male filled the air as he the goopy cream splattered all the way up towards his forehead and low enough to drool over the edge of his nose. The slow dribble rolled downwards and coated his lips so he licked out automatically without thinking. His eyes were trapped watching the eleven inches of pulsing flesh just in front of him as the strange canine milked his cock and used the tip to smear the thick semen over his fur. It was too humiliating for words, but he let the dog do it and he even let out soft noises of pleasure as if he enjoyed it. He needed more than $150 to make it Europe.

"Oh.. god yeah.." The Doberman huffed out. "You're coming back with me, damn.. "

Ben firmly kept his mind on the money he would earn. He refused to think about anything else. It wasn't really gay if he were just doing this to make his trip to Europe..

~ ~ * ~ ~

Bruno let him clean up before he was walked out to a gleaming black jaguar and settled into the passenger seat. The dog was well dressed and grinned over at him as they went through traffic to a well off business district and a towering sky scraper. The squirrel had tried his best to get his price upwards, his mind had strained for things that would up his price. Bruno had been pleased with some of the suggestions and with a laugh had agreed to up his price amiably. $4,000 for an entire night where he'd let himself be tied up and used by the dog. He'd allow spanking, full contact, and agreed to have his muzzle used to the fullest extent. Ben had barely been able to get past advertising himself as tight as a virgin to the dog.

I should be.. I am.. He fought the urge to squirm all the way through being taken into a garage and led to an elevator that needed a key card to be taken up to a penthouse.

The squirrel had ample time to regret and be humiliated by his choices. Bruno had taken the time to drive here to recover, and that meant the Ben was playfully pushed into an office that probably cost more then everything he owned including his car. The dog had peeled off his expensive tailored suit and Ben had done the same with his own worn clothes. The way that the Doberman stared at him made him want to squirm, but he forced a grin on his lips to encourage the looks he was getting. He twitched his ears up and by the time he'd peeled off his pants the dog was hard again and gathering up what looked like leather collars of various sizes and lengths of silk rope.

"Over the desk now, m'lad." The dog growled playfully and Ben placed his bare chest on the rich cherry oak desk. "I do hope that you're as you've advertized."

"I never lie." Ben answered as his hands were pulled back and leather cuffs were wrapped around his wrists.

_Nope, never lie, just not tell him outright that I'm not a prostitute. _ He blushed as another cuff wrapped around his tail and was joined to the wrist cuffs. It left his rump cheeks exposed to the hand that gave a rubbing squeeze against his rump cheek.

"I'd love to take my time, but it's been a long time since I've had enough a chance to take in a lovely lad like you." Bruno gave a smart swat against his ass and Ben yelped out in reaction to the spank. "Oh yes, lovely... Think I can keep this up til morning if you keep making sounds like that."

The large Doberman gave a rolling press of his hips before the hand swatted down again in a firm swat that made the room echo with the slap of flesh on flesh. The squirrel squirmed against the desk, his own flaccid pink shaft rested against his leg as something heavy and swollen rubbed right up between his ask cheeks. It felt larger then it had looked when he'd been sucking on it. He swallowed roughly as the heavy rounded belly pressed down against his back and Bruno reached over the desk and yanked open a drawer. The weight pinned him down again as the dog nabbed something and moved his hands back. The squirrel wriggled a little before yelping out at a wet squirting sound.

Thick globs of cold lubricant suddenly splattered down right along Ben's tail hole. He sucked in a breath and twisted his head back to see the old dog grinning down at him as one of his fingers gathered some of it up and coated it over his thick tip.

"Don't want you hurt." Bruno licked his chops before setting the small tube to one side and his hand moved to grip the base of his cock. "Testing time, lad, if you're really as tight as you say, maybe I'll see about a bonus."

Ben felt his cheeks pound in time with his heart beat and he dug his feet down against the ground as the older male pulled back and the swollen tip nudged right up against his glistening pucker. He stopped himself from yelping out or whimpering, he was supposed to be a prostitute after all. Still, it chafed him to be doing this. He held to the knowledge that he wasn't doing this because he was gay, he was just doing it because he needed the money. There was nothing wrong with that. There couldn't be. He had to just hold that into mind and-

His thoughts were torn away as the powerful hips suddenly pushed forward and the spread the tight anal ring open. The squirrel balled his fingers up as he was stretched open around the swollen glans. His tailstar was pushed inwards as his hips were shoved forward before it popped into her with a wet sound. His walls clamped down as the dog growled out and his hands moved to grip Ben's red hips and pulled him backwards. Inch by inch the cock plunged into his body as his legs splayed open wider. He tugged slightly against the restraints and finally let out a short sharp cry as the dog's heavier body pressed down against him and gave a sudden bucking thrust. The heavy dark balls slapped up against his own as Bruno sheathed himself within the tight passage.

"Oh god.." He managed to gasp out and Bruno's only answer was the slow drag backwards that brushed through him and he arched his hips higher in the air.

The thrusts slowly started to build as the tip oozed out a hot dribble of precum that spread through his passage. It helped ease the passage of the thick girth, but that didn't help the sense of being stretched open so wide he was half afraid that he was going to be torn apart. The heavy older dog puffed out against the back of his neck and pulled his hips back at the apex of each thrust while the swelling balls clapped up against his own. It was overwhelming at first and made it impossible to do more then let out weak little noises in reaction. He didn't know how else to react, even if he was playing a boy-whore. The rolling movements tugged and stroked along him while his breath was forced out in hot puffing breaths and flattened his ears back.

Ben didn't know when the driving thrusts began to stop being overwhelming and something else happened. He only knew that he was driven forward against the desk that his cock tip bumped against it and brushed against his belly. He squirmed and let out a throaty noise as he realized that he was reacting to what was being done. The powerful thrusts that forced the precum deep inside of him, stretched him until he could barely take anymore, were making him harden and his body flush with more then his embarrassment. The dog let out a low moaning growl and one of his hands gave a rough swat right against his ass cheek that made him yelp out in a high pitched cry and pushed himself back against the dark hips.

The older dog's breath came in sharp huffs as time and again the balls slapped up against him. He squirmed slightly as he felt how much larger they were then his own, but he didn't try to give up. The swollen glans plunged so deep inside of him that he didn't think he could take anymore before it was pulled back again. Time and again it rolled through his sensitive body until the squirrel was letting out a short little yelping noises. His hips rolled upwards and pressed against his stomach as the dog seemed determined to push him towards the edge. He was so thick, so incredibly thick, the squirrel was struggling to clamp his muscled walls down around the veined girth as the Doberman's paunch pressed a bit harder against the curve of the squirrel's back.

Ben's ears snapped back as he felt his loins tensing up and the pressure built inside of his belly. He squirmed and pushed his hips backwards against the Doberman while the need rushed through him and started to build to an apex. He tried to hold himself back from giving into what was about to happen. He could pretend it wasn't gay if he didn't really enjoy it, but the thick veined length stroked time and again, rubbing and pushing through quivering muscles so he couldn't hold back. No matter how hard he tried he was losing control. With a short moan his body trembled and his pulse started to pound. His cock flexed up against his belly and splashed a spill of slippery cum against his fur while his body started to rhythmically massage and pull around the dog's shaft.

Bruno rumbled low in his throat and gave a series of sharp firm thrusts that nearly rocked the desk beneath Ben. With a final plunging push forward the larger orbs pushed up against his own and the swollen cock flexed inside of his virginal passage. The young squirrel pushed himself back with a gasping cry before a hot rush of thick seed erupted into his passage. He could feel it splashing in deep was his walls continued to massage and pull around the dark spire. He felt each throb as his own cock started to relax against his belly. His cheeks were blushed a hot deep red as the roll of Bruno's hips startled a little squeak out of him before they were stilled again.

"Mmm think I'll have to wash you out after this.." His 'customer' murmured and one of the large hands gave his hip an affectionate swat. Ben felt almost dizzy at the suggestion.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Dawn had started to lighten the dark sky bit by bit when Ben left the high rise office with a tip for cab money shoved into his pocket. He walked awkwardly with a care for his abused rump, not only from being had twice over, but the fact the hand had spanked him firmly enough that his flesh felt hot with the stings left over. He wouldn't be sitting well for a while. He caught the scent of the dog on him and flushed hotly as he waited on the cab and let the cool air relieve some of his blush. It had been a long night, but in his pocket he had $8,000. A hefty tip had been added for letting the dog do something to him that he nearly squirmed at embarrassment about.

Talk about marking your territory.. He thought and shoved his hand in his pocket to finger the money.

He had enough to buy his ticket to Europe and then some. Bruno had made him promise to come again after he'd had a chance to recover, and another $8,000 awaited him. He was going to Europe. He perked up and held that thought to him. After all, as long as he was doing it for money, he couldn't be gay. It didn't count.