On Wings of Clay

Story by Exilo on SoFurry

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Eve had beautiful feet, and Ishay had spent the hours prior to this worshipping them. Covered in sweet black leather pads, very warm and just a little bit squishy to the touch, he had spent almost the entire day massaging them. Eve had bathed before their game, of course, and so her feet carried the smell of fine soap, mixing and mingling with the natural, leathery scent of her toes that no amount of washing could ever hope to hinder. Ishay had slathered his hands in cream, and then got to work, rubbing the moisturizer into every nook and cranny of the cracked leather. He kissed and nuzzled her toes, biting cutely at the largest one, which earned gentle giggles from his dragoness mate. He slipped his tongue between the skin of her toes and the underside of the nail, licking at the nerves that had never felt affection before. Those earned him very feline purrs from Eve. He took his time, kissing and nibbling between the toes and at the stretch of skin that connected the two, before moving to the next toe and getting to work on the nail. It was heavenly for Eve, who found herself drifting in and out of lust filled dreams, as her little mate worked so hard on it, giving her everything and expecting nothing in return.

She had to giggle when the pleasures grew too intense for Ishay, and she felt a miniscule point of heat at the instep of her foot. Then Ishay pressed his whole body against her. She sat up, bracing herself on her elbows as she watched Ishay's little nude body grind and push against her sole. "Eve," he asked. "Can you step on me?"

Eve's heart dropped into her stomach, but she did her best to smile. "Ishay, this isn't good enough?"

"Come on Eve... I'm so close. Just smother me." He rubbed his body up against the gorgeous black pad. Even rubbed with fine lotions and oils, her pads were still a little rough, and the friction against his penis made him drool. "Please."

Eve pulled her foot back slowly, causing Ishay to fall to his knees. He rolled onto his back, and looked to her, breathing heavy. His erection was quite hard, standing almost completely perpendicular to his body. In another situation, she would be flattered and amused that her feet could get him going like that, but now she was starting to feel a little sick. With a heavy huff, she pushed herself up, getting to her feet. A step forward, and Ishay was resting between her legs. Because he was on his back, his vision was dominated by the tree trunk sized legs, going endlessly higher until at last they met at the curve of Eve's impressive crotch. She had been teasing herself for hours, enjoying the foot rub, and her nether lips were glistening and drooling white. One pearl of thick cream formed at her labia, and very gently rolled along the fleshy lips, gaining mass until it became too heavy and fell. Ishay was disappointed when it didn't land upon him, but its plop upon the ground caused a heavy roll of musk to wash over him, only making him harder. In fact, as he breathed deep, it was remarkable his penis didn't simply start to spurt like a feral dog's, so intense was the sense of bliss that washed over him.

Eve lifted her foot a little off the ground, and carefully moved it over Ishay's body. She positioned it, so that his head would peek out between the toes he had spent so much time worshiping, the connecting flap of skin resting against his chin. She almost jumped when she felt his penis' warmth rest upon her sole, but kept calm, and applied just a tad of pressure. Ishay humped hard into the foot, gasping loudly. His face, framed by her massive toes, spoke of a sense of sheer bliss as he felt his penis, as well as his whole body, smothered by the luscious foot. Her toes curled slightly, and came to rest on his shoulders, as she started to grind her foot very gently upon him.

"Harder," he shouted through gasps. "Eve... I'm so close. Please."

Eve bit her lip. A finger drew a circle in her belly, and then moved lower. She tentatively pushed a finger into her nethers, as she had done before, but it didn't feel the same. She tried twirling her finger, sure that she could masturbate to this, but she didn't feel the same butterflies she had when Ishay had been massaging her. This is for Ishay, she told herself, and attempted to push down.

"Harder!" he screamed, as he continued humping. The fact that he could hump was the problem. He wanted to be so smothered he could not move. "More!" he screamed again, as he felt his erection tense and his balls contract, but Eve actually lifted her foot off the ground, if only slightly. He rammed his erection into her foot, his glans catching on a crack in the leathery sole, which caused him to see stars. He hit a release like he had never dreamed of, his penis spurting wildly, and painting her clean claw with white. He shivered and moaned, convulsing, and Eve quickly placed her foot down on either side of him, squatting over him, afraid she had hurt him.

"Ishay? Did I... are you alright?"

Ishay lay there a moment, penis still spurting cutely. The white washed onto his belly, and he humped the air a few odd times, before sitting up. "Oh... by the heavens, that was intense." He looked up at Eve. "You could have crushed me though, you know. After a few hours, I'll just pop right back."

Eve sighed, but hid her frown. "I don't... I don't really enjoy crushing you, Ishay, even if it's only temporary."

"But just imagine it," he said, walking towards her foot, and giving her toe a cute little hug. "My whole body pressing against you, and then my whole body embracing your godly claws at the moment I hit my climax. Just think about it."

"Y-yeah... I guess that might be nice..."

"And I'll be alright. We did the research into the amulet, remember? It won't break, it won't stop, as long as we follow the rules. And I trust you, Eve. I trust you completely, and I know you would never let anything happen to me."

Eve reached down, and Ishay obediently climbed into her great claw. She brought him to her lips, and gave him a soft kiss. "I trust you too," she said. "I just... I'm not sure about... I guess I'm just worried that you might have read something wrong in the books. You're not fluent in my language. Not completely, anyway. You've learned so much, in such a short amount of time, but... it's not an easy language."

"Well, I have a good teacher. And you read the rules over. You confirmed what I read."

"Well... I might have made a mistake. I just... I don't want... When I had thought I had lost you... and that I had done it. I had killed you... I stepped on you, and I crushed you, and... just the thought of doing that again..."

"You didn't kill me. I got better. Eve... Look... I'll admit, the thought of getting stepped on is kinda a turn on, but it's not the only reason. I know that what happened still bothers you. I know it keeps you up at night, and I think this might help you. It's like... shining a light on the Boogeyman."

"Who's the Burger Man?"

"No, I mean... to show you that there is nothing to be afraid of. Eve... I know you're afraid to pick me up. I know you're afraid when I'm in bed with you. I know that just me being close scares you because of what happened. I think that if you... see that there is no risk, it might put you at ease."

Eve lowered her hand, and placed Ishay back on the ground. "I'd just like to take a walk. I think I'll head down to the river and wash up again. I love you, Ishay."

Ishay nodded. "I love you too." He sighed, and sat on the ground, watching her leave. "I'm not afraid of you," he whispered. "I don't want you to be afraid of me."


When Eve returned to her house, after an hour or so out, Ishay was in the library. Every night for the past few months, Eve was there, reading up on the amulet's powers, terrified there was something she had missed, so there were several books on the table. Meant for a dragon, the books were easily five times a human's size, but Ishay was determined, and seemed to be doing a fairly good job of reading them.

"Anything interesting?" Eve asked.

"You got me a little worried about it, so I was double checking all the research. But I found something rather interesting. The amulet is simply a shell, a container that houses the magic within."

"Yes, that's how magic works, Ish. Magic is like water; without a container, it simply spreads thinner and thinner until it dissipates."

"It seems there is some way to change the container though. If I'm reading this right, then I can, for lack of a better word, become the container, and house the magic inside of me."

Eve leaned forward, quickly reading over the words that it had taken Ishay almost the full hour to translate. A dragon's written language was composed of symbols, consisting of several odd lines. Each symbol had a meaning, but in the context of the sentence, that meaning might change. A reader had to identify the symbol, and identify all the surrounding symbols, and then deduce the meaning based on the context it appeared in. It made reading the dragon's language nothing short of migraine inducing. How Eve's eyes could so effortlessly skim over the page and take it all in was nothing short of miraculous.

"There is an incantation that must be said, followed by three trials. The incantations causes the amulet to... there isn't a word in the human language for it. You could say the incantation 'frees up' the power of the amulet. If a new host for the magic is discovered, that host is imbued with the magic. If not, the magic simply dissipates."

"And, because I would be the host, there would be no risk... at all. There would be no time limit, to let the amulet to recharge. I would simply reform, or be indestructible, or... it doesn't matter. There would be no risk!"

Eve turned the page. "Ishay, these trials... they are not just a walk in the park. The first one is called the Trial of Pain. That should tell you something. The old dragons who crafted these amulets, who brought magic into this world, were a sadistic bunch of monsters."

"But Eve, there would be no risk. There would be no worry. And if I become the amulet's host, we can be together forever."

Eve looked to Ishay, confused.

"We both read about the amulet. The magic will reform my body when a force acts upon it, but it can't fight what is going on inside of me. Someday I will grow old, Eve, the magic can't stop that. But you'll live forever, because that's what dragons do. You're eternal. But the host of the magic, carrying that magic inside, cannot grow old and cannot be destroyed I'm guessing. You can step on the amulet, you can swallow it, and you could breathe fire upon it until your lungs are shriveled up, but it will not even be tarnished. When I turn to dust, it will still glow, unless I take the magic for myself. Those old dragons who did this, maybe they were sadistic old bastards, but maybe somehow they smiled down upon this day."

Eve lowered her head to the table, closing her eyes. She soon felt Ishay's little hand brushing against her lips, one of the spots on her body not covered in scales, and so keener to little touches of affection. "Eve, this is a blessing."

"What if something goes wrong? What if you can't pass the trials? The magic of the amulet would be gone, so you wouldn't even reform in a few hours. You would be gone, for an eternity."

"That won't happen, Eve."

"But what if it does?! Ishay, if the magic is freed up, it's not like we can just take a break and wait a year for the second trial. We have to do them consecutively to assure the magic is not lost."

Ishay stroked her lip. "It won't fail, I promise. I don't care what the trials are, I'll pass them. I promise."

"Fine," she muttered. "You're going to do it one way or another, and I would rather be here to make sure you get it right." A long, delicate finger stroked the page, the nail tracing the words. "Repeat after me, Ishay."

Ishay nodded. Eve began. "Seapl, ik nopu rew keh Stow. Ag Nol devi who keh, ik off geb ik, Rew keh ik tanr. Rup si treh ik y, orp bus ik rof, ret-laf ik suac ton lash Wor y Naip. Vil to kees ik revef y, wokin ma ik, torh ma ik, theng tis ik tan y to ti Wolloh. Kima keh tiw ik liff y, ma kreak, Stow tis saken."

It was difficult for Ishay to form his lips into the words that Eve spoke. They were meant to be pronounced with a long snout and forked tongue, after all. But he managed, and then looked to the amulet, and then to Eve. The subtle glow of the blue stone in the center of the amulet had dulled somewhat. Had Ishay not spent days and days staring at the amulet, memorizing its every inch, he probably would not have even noticed. In fact, perhaps the loss of luster was simply in his mind. But when he looked to Eve, she gave her best smile, and continued smiling as he said, "Let's get started."

Eve placed her hand down on the table, and Ishay climbed on. "The Trial of Pain is first." Eve traced a finger over the text. "To put it in simple terms, you must die with great pain. If the gods are pleased with this sacrifice, you will reform around the amulet, as you have every time. If not, then... then you won't reform at all."

Ishay gave his best smile. "How about a claw rub?"

Eve squatted, and placed Ishay on the ground before her, before standing up. Her tall, shapely body towered over the miniscule human, and when she placed her feet at either side of him, he was treated to a rather awesome sight of looking up between her legs, and to the godly curve of her groin. "I know this is hard for you, Eve," he said. "But it has to be painful. So... don't hold anything back. I love you."

Eve nodded, and lifted her foot. As she had done many, many times before, she very gently placed her foot upon Ishay's body, making sure his head was between her toes and the rest of his body was smothered beneath her warm, supple leather. The warmth of her sole soaked into his body, and the heady aroma of her scales and claws already made him feel flustered. Eve rolled her eyes as she felt his little body tense beneath her, and then he started to grind very gently. Quickly, she felt a miniscule point of heat pressing against her sole. She adjusted her foot, placing it so her largest toe was smothering his face, and still she only felt kisses and soft nibbles of affection against the skin. She extended her claw and pulled her foot back very slowly. A large gash was formed down Ishay's body. With her sharp claw, she cut him from his crown to crotch, lacerating the penis that had moments before been affectionately pressed against her foot to ribbon. That was the first time she had ever made Ishay scream. It cut through her heart like a blessed longsword, but she did not show the agony she felt.

She placed her foot down very slowly, and looked to Ishay. The ugly gashes were bleeding quite profusely, but he didn't allow himself to scream again, aware of how it would break her heart. He nodded as she stared, and soon she lifted her foot again, and placed it so her toes were on either of his legs. "I love you," she whimpered, as she placed weight upon his knees and caused them to shatter into dust. Ishay sat up suddenly, but stuffed a fist into his mouth to suppress the scream. He looked up at her, nodding again, as she moved her toes to his thighs, and crushed them as well, with as much ease as he would crush an ant.

She tilted her head up, swallowing her revulsion at what she had done, and then squatted down, so she was over the squirming, dying man. Blood loss had kicked in quickly. His skin had grown sallow and pale. He was sweating profusely and shaking without control, and worse, she was not sure the pain was sufficient. If the gods were not pleased, all of this would be for nothing, and so she extended the claw on her left index finger, and placed it down upon Ishay's navel. It took virtually no strength to press the sharp, strong nail through the skin of his belly, and soon she had cut him in half. She moved the nail an inch higher, and sliced into him again, this time dragging it back.

Ishay screamed for the second time, and she tilted her head to the side, trying not to listen. He begged for her to stop now, and though she longed to, she instead she placed a claw upon his right arm, at the elbow. The smallest amount of pressure, and his arm had been severed at the joint. She squeezed his left arm at the bicep between two fingers, crushing and then tore it off his body.

No longer could Ishay scream. His lungs had filled with blood, or his chest cavity had collapsed, or he simply did not have the strength. Eve was shaking as well, unable to look at what she had done. That was enough, she decided. Even if the gods did not accept the sacrifice, she did not want Ishay to endure another moment of such horrid pain, and placed her foot upon him. She leaned her weight forward, and the tiny body popped. Her foot was so large, and smothered him so fully, that the only evidence of his death was the crimson stain that ran out the sides of her scales.

Eve waited beside the amulet for the tense hours that followed. She did nothing else. The blood and guts that stained the underside of her sole hardened and dried into something sickening, but she did not even take the time to wash it off, unwilling to take her eyes off the amulet for more than a blink. She stared at the amulet, not moving, barely blinking, until she noticed the first sparks of glow emerging from the center the gem. Ishay's body reformed quickly: growing out of and around the amulet. Eve fell back off her haunches, relief and disgust at what she had done sweeping over her, and it took all her strength to keep from sobbing.

"I don't like this, Ishay," she said.

"I don't either, Eve," Ishay said. He climbed onto her palm, and she lifted him to her face, giving him several nuzzles and soft licks. "But if we can just get through it, we can be together forever."

Eve lowered her head. "What if something happens between us?" Ishay looked hurt. He took a step back, but her thumb lifted and prevented him from tumbling off her hand and to the ground in a possibly fatal fall. "Ishay, you don't understand. I used to love someone, another dragon. I was convinced I loved him, I was positive! But he did not love me. He desired me, but there is no love in his heart. What if this... what if we are just... What if the novelty of having a dragon as a mate wears off? Or the novelty of having a human? What if another war grips this land and we are on opposite sides?"

"What if we were meant to be together, forever, and fate smiled upon our lives, and gave us this chance? What if every decision we have made in our entire lives has been building to this one moment?" Ishay leaned forward, and hugged Eve around the lips, kissing her soothingly. She felt his little hands brush over her mouth, and had to giggle when she felt one of his feet find her nostrils. Soon, his little head was peeking over her long snout, and he climbed onto the long bridge of her nose. She giggled again. "I cannot promise you we'll always be happy together, Eve. But I do believe we will. I do believe I will always love you, and you will always love me. I don't want to lose the opportunity for eternity."

Eve stood slowly, keeping her mate balanced on her nose, as she walked to the table and the spell book. She tilted her head down, and allowed Ishay to climb down, as she began to read. "The second trial is the Trial of Love. You must die by the hands of your one true love, and with great love in your heart."

Ishay laughed, and looked up at Eve. "Well, that's convenient, huh?"

Eve paused. The next words would not be easy. "What if I am not your one true love?"

"Then I see no further reason to live."

"You don't understand, Ishay." Eve brought Ishay to their bed, and climbed in. She placed Ishay down on her navel, or, where her navel would be if dragons had one. He sat cross-legged on her, rising and falling as her breaths inflated her tight belly. A lone finger traveled down, and very gently, she brushed over Ishay with the back of her nail. "I'm... I'm worried about this. When... when I was doing those things to you... I enjoyed them... Not that I enjoyed hurting you! But... it felt good, somehow, deep down. Because that's what dragons do. I don't know if I'm capable of loving you, deep down. I don't know if dragons are capable of love at all."

"I don't believe you," Ishay said, standing up, and spreading his arms to balance as Eve inhaled. "I know you love me."

"Ishay, look at what I did to you! My claws are still caked with your blood, and I enjoyed it! Something felt right about severing your arm and then pulling the other off like an infant human would a dragonfly's wings. How could I do that to you, but love you still?"

"Because... you are a dragon. And dragons are cruel, monstrous creatures. Your every impulse is to cause pain and horror, but you fight that every day. And that is why I love you, and that is why I know you love me. He turned and began to walk down her body, approaching her groin. "And now, I'm going to show you how much I love you."

Ishay leapt down, off of Eve's pubic bone, and landed between her legs. Her massive nether lips greeted him, as did the warm, womanly aroma that rolled out of her in great waves. Eve sat up slightly, propping herself up with her arms and looking down at him. "Ishay," she whimpered. He took a step forward, and ran his fingertips over the warm lips, already drooling in anticipation of what was to come. Ishay remembered back to the first time he had been returned to life by the amulet, and the first "close call." It felt oddly right that he should die this way again.

The heat was stifling. Eve had enjoyed crushing him, but perhaps too ashamed to alleviate the fire between her legs, it had been left to simmer and burn for the hours it took his body to reform. He stroked her very gently, brushing his hands up and down over the quivering, desperate lips, just teasing her for now. He looked up to Eve, her face just peeking over the horizon of her pubic bone. She swallowed nervously, eyes flickering. She did not want to ask, but it was clear what she wanted. He smiled and nodded, and pressed both arms into her tight lips. In an instant, she clenched so hard it was a wonder his arms did not turn to dust. Using all his strength, he pried the tight, fleshy lips apart, and took a step his first step off the bed and into the warm cavern of Eve's vagina. A silly thought passed through him, but he was quite happy he was barefoot.

Eve eased herself down to lie on her back. She spread her legs wider apart, hoping to make Ishay's travel easier, as she felt his tiny, nude body brushing and rubbing against her sensitive inner walls. He felt amazing. His strong arms pushed and rubbed against her eagerly flexing muscles, and though she could so effortlessly overpower him, she forced her body not to... not yet, at least. She reached forward, resting a pair of fingers on her lips, and then carefully worked them inside her. Ishay was as deep as he had ever been, which was not very deep at all. Even with the amulet, she was worried about it getting lost inside her, him reforming, and immediately suffocating deep within her womb or being crushed by her madly clenching muscles. But now... she wanted him to die? No, of course not. She wanted him to live forever, but this was the only way.

And it felt so amazing, she could not move more than a shake or wiggle. Her body was not hers; she was only there to savor the blissful spasms. And although her vaginal muscles were brutalizing Ishay's body, he did not care. There was pain, of course, but his body was strong and durable, and surprisingly adept at enduring the pressure. Bones were broken, he knew. Ribs were shattered, and he could feel the pain of jagged edges pressing against soft skin, but nothing could eclipse the pleasure on his penis. Pressed into the warm, silky walls of Eve's nethers, whatever pain he felt was only in the back of his mind. All he wanted was the pleasure, and he wiggled and ground himself as best he could, even as Eve's fingers kept pushing him deeper and deeper towards her womb. His penis was dribbling and spurting endlessly, and a trail of white was left on her pink walls, soon washed away as she continued to dribble.

When she lodged him deep enough, her fingers pulled away. With the bulk removed, her opening came to squeeze shut. She should have been concerned. She should have been fearful for her mate, and yet she did not feel any of that. She only felt the pleasure bubbling up inside her. Was she competent in her love for him, to revive him? And that allowed her to enjoy the sweet pleasures that surged through her? Or did she not actually care?

So deep inside his lover, there was no light for Ishay, and very little air. Thick juice was filling the fleshy cavern he was housed in, washing over him and making him warm. Her powerful muscles continued to squeeze him tighter and tighter, only to relax just short of reducing him to paste. He hugged her from within, and kissed and licked as best he could, and liked to think that at least some of the pleasure she was feeling was due to his efforts. Indeed, although Eve had used a dildo or her fingers to work this deep inside her, never before had she felt a living creature that deep. And... that it was Ishay, her lover. Her sweet, little Ishay, working so hard, it made the gyrations and the poking all the more blissful.

She sat up suddenly, gasping, eyes bulging out of her head, when she felt Ishay touch some special spot in her. The pleasure came in great surges, and she found she could not control her wild clenches. She whimpered, looking down, as her body was racked with another spasm, and she felt her powerful vaginal muscles clench tight. She hissed at her body, snarled, and at last she started to relax from the painful tenseness. She closed her eyes and struggled to feel a little touch of Ishay, but she could not find a hint of him squirming within her.

She lay there, an occasional twitch touching her, as she felt wetness dribble out from between her legs. She still did not feel Ishay anywhere inside her, and slowly sat up and looked between her legs. There were sprinkles of red mixed with the white juice that had seeped out of her. She felt odd. The lustful bliss did not fade completely, although it was now augmented with worry. But somehow, she felt faith that this would work. She used her claw tip to sift through the muck that stained the sheets of the bed. At last, she hit something hard, and scooped it out to find the amulet.

Its golden luster had faded into more of a dull bronze. The once sparkling blue gem, held in the center, had begun to show scratches and ugly gashes across the face. A large crack had even formed down the middle, breaking the gem into two ugly pieces. Eve still cradled the amulet as if it were Ishay. "It will work," she whispered.

She walked into the bathroom and washed herself clean of the lust, and carefully washed the amulet under a stream of warm water. And then she walked to the book, checking what the last trial might be. Her eyes glimmered over the symbols with ease, but when she reached the end of the page, she was sure she had misread somehow. After all, she was capable of mistakes, and checked again. "No," she said, eyes wide, but again and again she read it, and there could only be on meaning, one final trial to be passed...


When Ishay woke, he was being held in Eve's sweet smelling hand. Although she had washed, the scent of her love had infiltrated deep into her scales, and so he could still smell it. He found himself growing flustered, and gently pushed and humped into her hand, hugging it, kissing it, until he realized she had noticed he was awake. He lifted his hand happily and waved to her, but she simply resumed looking straight ahead.

"It worked," Ishay said, standing up, and bracing himself on her thumb to keep balance. "Just one more trial left, and then it's done. Have you read what it is?"

"Yes," Eve said sharply.

"What does it entail? Let the gods throw their worst at me, I'll beat it!"

Eve stopped walking, and instead looked down at Ishay. They were outside, and judging by the position of the sun, it was high noon, though he did not know what day or how long his last two resurrections had required. Peeking over Eve's large hand, Ishay saw that the ground was rocky and dull, which meant they were far away from the grasslands and forests that they made their home.

"The final trial is the Trial of Sacrifice. In order to live forever, your one true love must give their life for yours. I told you the gods were sadistic bastards."

Ishay stared up at the red dragoness, eyes wide, mouth agape. "Eve, I don't want you-"

"I won't," she said, very calm. It was the calm, tranquil nature of her voice that made Ishay whimper. "I love you, Ishay, but I would never give my life for you, not like that. When I read those words, I realized, for all the love I feel for you, if you were to die, I would recover. Maybe it would take days or years, or centuries even, but I have all the time of eternity to find a new one true love."

"Eve... don't say that..."

"I'm sorry, Ishay. I truly am." And there was such sincerity in her voice, he believed her without fail. "But I... I cannot do that for you."

It was indescribable, what Ishay felt in that moment. Never in his life had he felt a pain comparable, and in the past few days alone, he had been through so much. He sat down slowly, and simply sat there, as a lead weight settled in the pit of his heart. Again and again her words echoed in his mind. He looked up to her, sure he had simply misheard, but she had already resumed walking, and his only view was the underside of her jaws. Tears swelled behind his eyes. He cried, but Eve barely passed a glance to him. And when his screams and cries grew too grating, she simply cupped her other hand over him, smothering him of sound and light, and squeezing him mercilessly tight if he grew too loud.

Ishay sobbed and cried, or simply lay in Eve's hand and did not move. The scent of her sex, an alluring aroma not minutes ago, was now making him sick. He screamed at Eve. He cursed at her. He cursed the years he had spent with her, and screamed how happier he would have been had he never met her, or begged without end for her to forgive him for whatever crime he had committed to earn her hate. He assured her there was another way, there had to be! He begged her not to leave him, not to leave him alone after all they had been through...

Eve walked a long time, nostrils twitching, until at last she caught scent of the dragon she was seeking, and headed in that way. At last, after several hours of travel, she came upon a clearing in the forest, and in the center of the clearing, found a great and powerful green dragon lounging lazily in the sun. As she stepped out of the trees, the green dragon's head rose, and he looked to her with his black eyes. He rose to his feet and walked towards her, inspecting her as if unsure of who this might be. "Goliath," she said, sighing dreamily. "It has been too long."

To simply excuse Goliath as large would be improper. Eve was huge, by human standards, but purely average by dragon standards. Goliath was a giant, even among giants. He was well over a head taller than Eve, and compared to her lithe, slender, shapely body, he was absolutely hulking. His powerful arms were the size of her torso, his tail (which was thumping the ground with impatience) sent tremors through the ground. How many thousands of people had slid down his thick throat and fallen into his massive stomach? He carried some weight in his midriff, a testament to how well he often ate. And yet, none of that concerned Ishay. Held in Eve's hand, he could just peek through her fingers, and because of his position, had a very clear view of Goliath's large, iron black erection, which was hanging down between his legs. Even more than the scent of sex on Eve's hands, the musk that radiated off the penis made Ishay want to throw up.

"Goliath," Eve said weakly, head hung low. A sparkling tear formed at the corner of her eye, but she wiped it away. With her free hand, she very gently brushed over Goliath's abdomen, feeling the tenseness of the muscle just past the layers of scales and fat. "Goliath, I made a terrible mistake to ever have left you. I was young and foolish, confused. I looked upon the lesser creatures you were so cruel to, and felt a strange tug of empathy in my breast. I sought solace with humans, with this one specifically." She brought Ishay forward. "And for a time I was happy, but no more. Whatever I felt has disappeared, replaced with an emptiness I believe only you can fill."

Goliath's eyes shifted from the quivering human, to Eve, then back to the human. Ishay had never felt such fear in his breast. Truthfully, he had rarely feared Eve, for despite her size, she was so kind and gentle, not just to him but to all. There was something in her eyes, a kindness, which was so pure; he could not fathom her hurting him. Even the accident was like a dream to him, not real, and so there was no lingering fear. But in Goliath's eyes, as black as a starless night, he could see... nothing.

"You will forgive me if I do not believe you, Eve," Goliath said, his voice as powerful as an earthquake and yet peppered with elegant dictation. "You run away from me in the middle of the night, so that you can live out a little fairy tale with this human. And now you come crawling back to me, and just expect me to believe your heart is now mine?"

Very gently, Eve brushed her hand over the green dragon's body, feeling his muscles tense beneath her fingertips. "I thought I wasn't like you, Goliath. I thought I was something different. I understand now, I was wrong. I looked upon the humans and was filled with pity, because I thought they were our equals. But I've done things; felt the rush of dissecting a human, bit by bit. Of feeling their blood on my tongue and their tiny bodies compressed between my legs. By the heavens, I fear I can no longer live without the thrill. I don't know how to be a dragon, though. I have failed at it. I want... I want you to show me. I want to feel a thousand squirming bodies sliding down my gullet or shoved between my legs, their insignificance sending lightning through my soul. I need your help."

Goliath reached for Ishay, who gave a pitiful scream as the mammoth fingers came down upon him. He swung his arms in a comical attempt to ward off the black claws, but only offered Goliath something to grab onto. With ironic care, Goliath picked Ishay up and dangled him before his face, licking his lips. Perhaps he would have devoured Ishay right there, but Eve placed a dainty hand upon Goliath's wrist, pulling it down. She took Ishay in her own hands, and then slowly started to kneel, until she was face to crotch with the green dragon.

Goliath watched, fixated, as did Ishay, as her long, serpentine tongue rolled out of her lips and very gently ran over Goliath's mammoth black erection. Goliath gave a toothy grin, watching her, as she toyed gingerly with his tip and glans, brushing her slightly sticky tongue over him and his slit. He soon took hold of Eve's head, and forcefully guided his erection into her mouth. She was not prepared for that. She tried to brace herself on Goliath's thighs, but her strength was far from adequate to even slow him down. Her tongue was first: she coiled it around his entire length, and then used the strong muscle to lift it into her mouth. With that as her guide, she began to put her mouth over his impressive girth, although still struggled to at least slow the green brute down, at least give her a moment to brace herself.

Too quickly, the shaft had forced its way into her mouth. A visible bulge formed in her throat as she suckled and licked, the bulge bobbing and growing thick as Goliath's growls increased in volume. Ishay watched the whole lewd spectacle. One of Eve's hands wrapped around Goliath's black shaft and gave it several squeezes, but the hand that held Ishay was beneath them, forcing him to bathe in the odors of sex. Goliath's massive testicles looming overhead made him feel absolutely miniscule, and only fueled the sorrow and hate that was boiling in his heart.

At last, Eve pulled her mouth back. A splash of white hit her in the face, but she casually licked it off with her long tongue. Standing, she used one finger to trace the moist, drooling lips between her legs, soaking the finger, before she brought it up to Ishay. For a moment, she chased him around her palm, until at last pinning him down, and rubbing him with the sickeningly sweet juice.

"No!" he screamed. "No! Eve, no! Please, stop..."

Eve looked down at him passively. After lubricating her finger again, she resumed rubbing him briskly, soaking him in the sickening love juice that clung to his skin no matter how much he brushed off. "Tell me something, Ishay, do you hate me?" she asked. "This is what dragons do after all. We use you little ones as toys and slaves. I thought I was different, I guess not, because I cannot say how wonderful it feels to make you squirm. Oh, do not look at me like that, Ishay. I am a dragon, after all, you pathetic little worm. Your little eyes swelling up and your lip quivering, what did you really expect from me?" She once more slathered her juice upon him, and finally decided he was wet enough. "Do you hate me, Ishay? Because I can say, I look upon you with nothing but disgust. I can't... I can't recall what it was I felt for you. I'm sorry for that... but I just look at you now, and if not disgust, I feel nothing."

Ishay's jaws clenched, and he looked to her. He cursed her. He cursed her gods and her linage, and the green brute who was looming over him, masturbating lewdly. He damned her and whatever spawn she and Goliath might share. And finally, he did admit, deep in his heart he could feel nothing but hate for her, for turning into the sort of monster she claimed to always hate. He could love her even if she valued her life over his, but she could never love what she had become before his very eyes.

That seemed to satisfy her, because she pinched Ishay under the arms and lifted him up. She gripped Goliath's black erection with her other hand, and carefully brought Ishay towards the massive, throbbing flesh obelisk, dribbling revolting white cream. Ishay continued cursing and swearing, turning his wrath to Goliath, who he found he despised even more than Eve. He hated everything about the green brute: his callous grin as he watched Ishay squirm, how he had stolen Eve away from him, and most of all, how he would break her heart, because that was what dragons do.

His toes touched the moistness of Goliath's slit. Ishay kicked and fought furiously, actually breaking Eve's hold on him, and he found himself falling. His feet sank into the yawning slit, sinking up to his knees before Eve once more caught him by a flailing arm, and began to feed him at a slow pace. The warmth of the other male enveloped him, slowly but surely, past his crotch and up his belly, soon coming under his arms. The thickness of his shoulders spared him sinking in fully, and he desperately searched for something to hold on to that might spare him disappearing into the other male's penis.

Eve's hand lifted away, and she lowered onto all fours, resting her chest on the ground and lifting her hips into the air. Goliath stared at the appealing sight of her curves and crotch, as did Ishay, who found himself moving closer and closer to the red dragoness as Goliath approached, rubbing his penis pleasingly. And Ishay continued cursing and screaming, fighting and kicking furiously, struggling to somehow escape this fate. He was brushed against Eve's buttocks, poked against the soft red scales, before he found his way more to the center. Goliath guided his erection along Eve's crack, until finally settling slightly beneath her, and moving himself up. The heat of Eve's nethers was sickeningly stifling. The alluring smells now did nothing more than make Ishay's curses grow more vulgar and cruel.

Goliath pushed himself forward slowly, resting his throbbing glans just between Eve's legs. Oh, it felt like it had been ages since he had a proper dragon mate, and reveled in the warmth of Eve's thighs and the sweet smell of her sex, her hot love dribbling over his penis and drowning the little human trapped in his slit. How the human fought and struggled did nothing but heighten the thrill for the green dragon, who let out several soft growls, especially as he started to push his penis up against Eve's warmth. Eve had come at the perfect time. He had just finished a heavy meal, and so was more than ready to relieve his lust properly.

He humped into Eve suddenly, making the red dragon hiss and scream as the full girth rammed into her tight cavern. It had been ages since she had taken something so large inside her, and so she was far from loose. She actually attempted to pull forward to relieve the pain in her groin, but Goliath took hold of her by the tail and refused to let go. In fact, he dragged her back very slowly, while rocking his hips forward and back, slamming himself inside her again and again. He gripped her buttocks, claws digging deep into her scales, and continued to drive himself inside her.

Ishay found his breath leaving him quickly, and was feeling dizzy. There was no air, and it was so hot, it felt like his skin was melting off his bone. Groggy and filled with pain, he continued fighting, continued kicking as if he might somehow escape, even though he was bitterly aware he only enhanced the green monster's pleasure. And as he felt the pressure beneath his feet, grow more intense, he let out one final curse. Goliath shoved his hips forward, ramming himself deep inside Eve, deeper than anything had ever gone. The surge of pain as his rocky penis tore through her brought her to tears. Like a cannon, he unloaded a great volley, each tearing through her walls and settling deep within her. Tears streamed down her face as Goliath humped viciously, again and again driving himself, until at last he felt the last of his spurts shoot out.

He pulled out of her without concern or care, as she was no longer important to him. He tore out of her and when he was fully removed, threw her aside like a piece of trash. He spent idle moments examining her, black eyes fixated. She was lying on the ground, sobbing lowly and covering herself with her wings. She was bleeding, he could smell that. "You are pathetic," he muttered. "Dragons don't cry, you pitiful little whelp. Your mother should have smashed your egg before you hatched. Tell me, Eve, why should I take you back when I can barely stand the sight of you. Go, live among the humans. Perhaps with them you can find a hint of love, as they are the only things more pathetic than you. But never shall dragons think of you, I shall see to that."

Goliath turned, and stomped off, never even looking back. He wanted to find another human settlement. He was not hungry, but soon he would be. And he wanted to make sure he had something to eat and something to rape when the time came.

Eve very carefully rolled to her side, and brought a hand between her legs. The simple bulk of her fingers sent waves of agony rippling through her, enough, in fact, that she collapsed and sobbed deeper. Her insides felt like mush. The white cream that was dribbling between her legs was mixed with red, and not all of that was Ishay's. She forced her fingers between her torn nethers, fishing blindly, although again and again she had to stop lest the pain make her pass out. This pain was both virgin and familiar, and she bitterly recalled all the times Goliath had done this to her before she finally left one night. How terrified she had been he would come looking for her, razing the countryside. How many night she stayed up in fear, until she realized, he simply did not care.

She fished through the blobs of goo and blood, trying to stop her tears, until at last she felt something small hook on her nail, and pulled it out. Her hand shook as she used her free claw to scrape off the clinging goo, and at last uncovered the amulet.

It was impossible to tell it had ever been something beautiful. The center gem had shattered and fractured into pieces, only shards around the edge still clung to the metal frame. The metal itself had lost any trace of luster, and looked old and rusted and ugly. Eve held the trinket to her heart as if it held her very soul. She sniffled softly, and begged beneath her breath, "Please work."


Ishay woke very slowly. At first, he didn't believe he was awake, as he was sure he was dead, and so didn't bother to open his eyes. He didn't bother to breath, but eventually his chest started to burn, and he was forced to sit up and take a breath. His eyes opened next, slowly, painfully, for the first lights that touched him left him reeling and blind.

His first sight, after his eyes adjusted to the light, was Eve. Her eyes were puffy, and her wings were around her as if she wearing them as a cloak. He stood, and immediately let loose a string of curses and slurs, despite the pain it caused his lungs. As he had done before, he cursed her blood and her linage and whatever spawn she and the green monster would have. He cursed the days they had shared and the time they had spent together, as how the very thought of her made him sick. She surrendered not a whimper or a snarl. She sat there, nodding to every vile word he spat, and he only stopped when a tear, a sweet drop of crystal, ran down her cheeks. She tried to swipe it away without him seeing, and when done, closed her eyes, prepared for him to continue his barrage. But a sense of empathy he thought had died swelled in his breast. He was alive, that much was clear. He took a step off the table, and asked, "What happened?"

Eve did not answer immediately. She looked away, as more tears streamed down her face. She wiped them away. He asked again, "What happened?"

"The Trial of Hate," Eve said, voice barely above a squeak. Ishay actually could not hear her. She swallowed, and tried to speak louder. "The third trial is the Trial of Hate. You must die at the hands of one who hates you, and your heart must be filled with black hate as well."

She gasped, swallowing a sob, and looked to him. "I cannot ever do enough to earn your forgiveness, but I am willing to spend an eternity trying. But if you never want to lay eyes upon me, I would not blame you. Please just know one thing, Ishay. You are my one true love. You always will be. Even if you only lasted a single day, that fact will never change. I have no right to ask, but now I ask your forgiveness for the lies and pain I put you through. I cannot imagine the pain of your broken heart."

"Eve," Ishay said. She looked to him. She expected hate. She expected horrible things to spill out of his mouth. She expected his last violent words and then him to turn and leave her forever, and she could not blame him. He simply said, "I love you too."

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