Shelter from the Rain

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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Should've focused more on this one a week ago to finish it sooner, and the ending is left in need of a second part. As always, fave, comment, or vote if you want... Enjoy!

Mount Thurii contained everything that Cody liked; the lack of pavement and a little bit of quietness except for the natural forest sounds. The trail was simple enough at the bottom where dense oaks and other deciduous trees were clumped about, but it gradually grew more rugged towards the point where the red wolf desired to be, with more pines than any other tree. This Saturday was ideal for a hike up the forested mountain. Cloudy, warm, with an occasional breeze, made it all much more pleasurable to do. Cody slipped, nearly losing his footing if it wasn't for a branch nearby to grab hold of.

"Phew! That was close," he wiped his forehead with a paw regaining balance, continuing his ascent along the trail. Cody was a red wolf and loved to hike ever since he was a pup. The feeling of the wind against him, with nothing around but the flora and fauna, made it physically as well as mentally possible to get away from the cramped city that he resided in. He breathed in the fresh mountain air, it made him tingle with excitement, something the city failed to do in every way. He was about a minute from the summit where he would eat a small lunch he packed himself. Then he would descend back to the bottom and head home. Cody rarely took this pathway up the mountain trail, but he was always game for a challenge. Kicking a rock out of the way, the trees thinned out along the twisting path to where he could see the lowlands below, a beautiful sea of greenery blanketing the area all the way to the southern hills that neatly covered up the city were he was from behind them. The only two places he was every able to venture at included his apartment and office, both of which contained noisy neighbors with the latter having an annoying boss.

'No work for Mr. Laprande today,' he happily sung inside recalling his unnecessary rough attitude. Moving a branch out of the way he approached the last twist in the path with a reminiscent smile over his face. The soft ground quickly turned into tougher gravel like terrain making his way around one last bend. With the next step onto hard rock, he looked over the familiar setting that he had traversed over the past few years. There were plenty of little "rock tables" to fix something to eat on, their red sandy texture providing a very scenic picnic. Surprisingly, there was no one else on the small flat with him. The spot wasn't a kept secret or anything, even well known to those who were locals. "More peace and quiet for me!" he sang passionately shrugging off the loneliness, practically skipping over to a preferred table. Setting his backpack on the rocky table, he sat down on an old wooden bench that might of been ten years old, but still strong. Cody pulled out plastic utensils and a tub with a large portion of chicken and dumplings, something he had memorized to make when he left his hometown for the city.

He unceremoniously dug in savoring each bite with the scenery around. While eating, Cody remembered three years ago when he first came out to hike the mountain during a warm spring day, spending the whole day running throughout the forest. The year after he lost his car keys only finding them after a tedious search with a friend; and more recently, he even attempted painting a sunset here a while back. Only to quickly figure out that he didn't have an art career or hobby in his future. Every memory helped get him that much further away from work, giving him a small reason to grin. Finishing the last of his food, he was ready to walk around the area for the remainder of his spare time. Just as he started packing up, a raindrop landed on the bridge of his muzzle startling him. Looking over at the sky, that was much darker than before, storm clouds were almost overhead as more drops of water began falling around him. 'Guess I'll have to cut this one a tad short,' Cody thought as he stuffed the plastic tub in the backpack. Everything in place, he hurried out of his little paradise stealing one last glance before retracing the trail he started on.

Cody quickly jogged down the pathway, careful to watch his step along the way, as the raining only increased. After a minute, it had become a downpour, leaving the red wolf in dire need of finding shelter other than useless pine trees. "There has to be a ledge or something," he scanned along noticing a small opening along a section of rock wall. Covering his head with the backpack, he dashed towards the rocky surface eager to escape the downpour. A lone figure watched the stranger approach.

'Perfect,' it retreated for the time being expecting the soon to be visitor. A few seconds later, Cody bounded in stopping just inside the entrance where he rain couldn't reach him.

'Guess I'll have to wait here till it passes over,' he watched the grey somber clouds ease on by. The wolf checked over himself to see where he needed to dry off. Surprisingly, he was nearly dry from the torrent that had begun pouring outside. Leaning against a wall, he caught his breath setting his bag down by the entrance unaware of the pair of eyes watching him. He looked down at his backpack and watched the darker wet spots evaporate before his eyes. 'What is going on-' he paused hearing a quiet clicking noise deeper in the dark hideaway. He took a few cautious steps inside wondering if he imagined the sound himself.

"It's good to see that you finally found me," a voice rung out from deeper within the cave. Cody spun around feeling the fur on his neck stand up as he scanned the dark invisible depths for the owner of the mysterious voice. A figure slowly approached from the shadows stopping a few feet in front of Cody, mostly remaining covered by the darkness.

"Who are you?" he squinted into the darkness only able to see a rough outline, relieved it didn't spawn from his imagination.

"I should be asking what are you, a stranger, doing in my home," the clearly female voice teasingly retorted.

"Wha- I didn't know someone lived here... I mean it's raining outside an I have nowhere to go and stay dry!" he pleaded watching her head sway and nod as if in thought of what to do with him.

"Alright, if I get a good look of you first," the figure stated leaving him confused briefly.

"Pardon me?" he was interrupted with a quick noise. She snapped her fingers and the whole place lit up, without any apparent source, revealing it to be a homely cave with little more than a large stone bench jutting from the wall for furniture.

"I knew I sensed someone special coming up this side of the mountain," she said returning his attention back to her. She looked like a typical fox with appearances, the normal red, white, and black patterns except for a clear lack of clothing and extra tails calmly swaying in the air behind her. The vixen was clearly a few inches shorter than him, wearing a cute grin along her black lined lips.

"Um... miss, where are your clothes and what's with your... tails?" he motioned towards her clearly presented body. It wasn't uncommon for a fur, especially a fox, to have an extra tail where he was from but this was ridiculous.

"Oh these?" she motioned holding a few tails in one arm, cupping a large breast with the other, "I only have seven tails for a kitsune, and I don't see the point of wearing clothes in my nice home here." His eyes went wide, pulling up his arms defensively. Cody took a nervous step back shaking his head.

"Fox spirits don't exist!" He said unbelievingly. She matched his step with confidence.

"I'm right here, so how would you explain me?" adding a cute smile tilting her head slightly.

"You could just trick me into doing something, or even kill me!" Cody said closing his eyes expecting the worst as she advanced towards him. The kitsune halted in front of the scared wolf and extended a hand, grasping it around his tense shaking one. "Trust me, if I was an evil kitsune, I would've killed you as soon as I found out that you arrived at the top of this peak." That statement didn't seem to help Cody settle down at all as he stood there, eyes slammed shut.

"Please don't go," she said meekly, "you can't stay dry out there, so stay here where it's warm... with me," her voice picked up a smoother, richer tone. She did have a good point, and it wasn't like she was being mean or anything, just offering space for a complete stranger. Relaxing, Cody heaved a sigh and opened up his eyes looking at the lonely pair of brown ones hopefully gazing back at him, eagerly awaiting a reply.

"Ok... as long as you don't mind me staying here for a while," he said a little unsure of himself and the whole situation.

"Of course not!" she beamed. "Let's sit down, hiking all the way up here must take a lot out of you." The kitsune directed him over to the stony bench jutting out of a reddish brown wall. Both walked over and sat down, the kitsune to Cody's right. The red wolf had trouble keeping his eyes locked on hers, or anywhere away from her impressive bust. The large areola capped with a firm lighter red nub practically beckoned to him to be felt. He took a nervous gulp doing his best to remain polite, no matter how strange this predicament was. "You know, you're the first who recognized that I'm not just a vixen in a very long time," she said breaking the silence. He cleared his throat before responding.

"When I was little, if I couldn't play outside, I would read mythology stories from an old book my uncle have me."

"Mmm, interesting," she commented looking over the young body, mostly in between his legs. She scooted closer to him seeing the nervousness in his eyes as they darted around from her large chest to the exit. "It gets very lonely up here without anyone else to talk to," she placed her hand on his, feeling it tense up briefly only to relax somewhat uneasily.

"Then why don't you live somewhere less... secluded?" He asked Looking outside hoping for a break in the weather.

She chuckled before responding, "I like the nature among other things, if that's a good enough answer for you."

He looked at her with a raised brow, "I'm sure there's more of a reason than that for a fox spirit like you." She only continued her chuckle, it was far too complicated to tell the wolf everything concerning her. Turning towards him a little more seriously, she ran a finger through the fur on his arm watching him tense up again to see if he would run. He shuddered and rubbed his arm, "Why do you keep doing that?"

"To see if you would run," she stated nonchalantly. He was confused at how strange she acted, even for a supposedly unreal creature.

"Why would I? You said it yourself that you weren't out to kill me." The mischievous vixen grinned and looked up at him.

"You look too tense, maybe if I could rub it out," she demonstrated sliding her hands together. Cody twiddled his thumbs trying to think of an excuse only to come up with nothing.

"I don't know," he started out already feeling resigned to a terrible fate. Besides, he never had a women so interested with him before. And being shy was simply a part of his character, which wasn't going smoothly for the eager lady.

"Just trust me, it won't hurt at all, in fact," her voice turned seductively, "you will enjoy it more than me." His eyes looked forward outside, but he felt her pressing against his side.

"Your making me uncomfortable," he whined folding his ears back.

'_Wolfy just needs a little convincing is all,' _she thought. Cody held his hands nervously on his lap, embarrassment was clearly shown with a reddened face. "If you want me to stop, just tell me," she told him as he watched a hand approach his face. Focusing enough power in her right hand, she reached over and cupped Cody's cheek, gently rubbing her palm into the fur. To Cody, his muscles tingled with joy and relaxed warmly as the apprehension evaporated from such a simple caressing motion. Her hand seemed to be contoured perfectly as she worked over the small plot of muscle. She continued along the relatively basic muscle, not having a lot to work on except keeping him soothed.

"That feels magical," he moaned out immediately sinking into her luscious grip.

"Glad you like it so much," she said reaching her other hand around his back, placing it over his heart. She sifted through his emotions and inner workings, happily surprised at what she had found. "Mmm so pure, kind... and unclaimed," she added with a more husky undertone, dimming the lights in the cave. Cody was too busy to hear, enjoying the sensations from her hand gently caressing him. 'His energy will be perfect, being his first time, it's no wonder my magic affects him so easily,' she concluded to herself, removing the hand from his chest. His hands went back to the bench to help support his body, now turning into a tower of good feeling that made balance necessary. Her other hand waved in the air for a moment, and his clothes quickly faded away. The kitsune licked her lips seeing his flaccid member revealed, now exposed to the cooler air. "By the way, my name is Ainu, who might you be?"

"Mmm... Cody," he barely made out trying to contemplate the wonderful sensations coursing through him. She looked him over, not stopping her actions.

'Handsome too, quite the bonus for me,' Ainu licked her lips lecherously in thought. She moved tracing his arms through the fur. He wasn't a body builder but the wolf did have a wiry frame, evident from his love for the outdoors. Both of her hands slipped below and began massaging his inner thigh, watching them spread apart the further up her hand went. His tongue by now had starting lolling out as he couldn't prevent his eyes from keenly watching her hands continue their dance. 'All I have to do is make sure he willingly gives me his seed,' she thought, very determined to do so reaching for the prize. Brushing up against the softer flesh, she quickly glanced up at him happy to see her magic still had its effect of overwhelming pleasure. She began stroking the organ with one hand, the other on his two delicate orbs softly handling them. "You like that don't you?" she asked coaxing him to full length with her determined hands.

"Ugh," he replied with half opened eyes watching her actions, feeling his cheeks burn hotly with arousal. He was clearly unable to think about anything. Rigidity increased in time with her tempo until he was as stuff as possible. He softly ground his hips into her velvety hand from tip to base ever so slowly feeling every nerve fire a tiny bolt of electrical pleasure.

"How about you lay down," she cooed to him. Even in his very aroused state, he was still a little reluctant to comply, instead responding with a feint whine. She gently leaned him back herself, adjusting him as if he were on a real bed. The much cooler stone shocked him out of those tantalizing feelings, realizing that he was currently naked. Attempting to prop himself on his elbows, he felt something constrict around his wrists and ankles. Ainu didn't want to take any chances and wasn't far behind as she bound Cody to the ground climbing on top of him. She focused a small portion of energy in four out of the seven fluffy appendages, making sure he wouldn't be able to move an inch. Her tails tightly retained his limbs, yet comfortably, holding the wolf's struggling body down. Try as he might, Cody couldn't budge from the strong grip. She giggled moving atop him, breasts gently jiggling. "You need to relax more," she half whispered out straddling his waist as he was held down. Ainu then used her nimble fingers to massage into his chest rubbing out all the tightness in the muscles hidden below. Cody moaned, wherever the digits went a wave of warmth and ecstasy would follow.

He was soon left panting for breath, his tongue lolling out with a dazed look. Ainu soon let go of the energy used in her hands, he had to give his consent without its influence, although it certainly works as a splendid shortcut. Even without the extra help he seemed to start enjoying her ministrations as a muffled groan was heard, but his weak struggles were annoyingly persistent. 'Guess he needs some natural assistance,' she looked down at her glistening folds. Warm glow gone, Cody still enjoyed the massage, but was nervous of having sex with a complete stranger. A separate tail rubbed against her throbbing sex coating it in her own juices. It then re wrapped itself around his head glueing the wet end to his nose, her hormonal scent making his body react independently. He whined squirming his hips only able to breath in more of the musky odor. She felt his hot breath blowing the fur on her tail with each breath. Coupled with her skillful hands Cody threw his last caution to the wind and relaxed his tense body, taking her full actions for what they were worth in pleasure. He suddenly groaned loudly feeling a silky sensation glide under his throbbing erection behind her. An extra tail rubbed along the underside making his claws scrape the stone around.

"Please..." he moaned out allowing his hips to give a first buck into empty air. She gave him an innocent look only pausing briefly to undo her tails from their locking grip.

"Aww, my wolfy wants me... well no need to keep you waiting any longer." Getting up, Ainu aligned herself and slowly went down, her lips barely kissing his tip. Eyes unwavering, Cody watched his member being enveloped with her downy fluff covered sex. He bit his lip, she felt like a furnace of velveteen bliss all inside a glove like fit. The vixen ground her hips hard onto his as she took him to the hilt, making both of them moan out. She began a quick pace of lifting herself up then slamming back down making sure he couldn't last long. Cody could already feel something building up down low with each motion she made, each one adding onto the last. He didn't know how couples would regularly go at it, but this seemed way too fast for both to enjoy. He placed his hands onto her piston driving hips slowing her down as much as possible wanting the feeling to be drawn out and last. The cave soon became an echoing of lust filled moans, only drowned outside by the sound of rain. Each motion, Cody could nearly map out her tight passageway with its wonderfully simple motion squeezing every inch so lusciously. Despite their slowed pace, the red wolf couldn't last to long.

"Something feels like it's going to burst," he grunted out feeling the pressure in his groin increase. She made a few prolonged thrust before swiveling her hips sending him over the edge.

'Yes!' she cheered salaciously in thought seeing him writhe in overloaded pressure. His organ twitched once as if one had stopped.

"I-I can't... hold it!" he stuttered in vainly wanting to hold it back. One more lusty drive sent him over the edge with a banshee howl. His seed splashed into her awaiting womb, those silken covered iron muscles milking him heartily as her climax hit just as hard. With a shriek she squeezed hard obtaining another jumpy spurt from him, placing her hands on his shoulders for support. The last bits dribbled out as the flow nearly halted, Cody seeing spots everywhere. With vacuum like suction, the product of her efforts was gathered into her womb where it was absorbed through the walls. Ainu felt a surge below as her body began to store the large amount of his, now her, energy. Receiving it made her break into an ecstatic smile as her heart fluttered.

"My... you really are a unique one," she said breathing deeply overtop the exhausted wolf in a deep afterglow. Her whole body tingled excitedly with the newly found source. She looked down at the happy wolf.

'I should make this memorable for him since he doesn't even act in wanton lust.' She thought. Ainu was the one who had to seduce him after all. He looked up at her satisfied grin with one barely open eye.

"I feel lost," he groggily said unable to recall much of what happened earlier at the moment.

"Magic does that to first timers," she replied very happily practically purring at him.

"Why even waste your time with me? I'm no one special to be with someone as attractive as you." He sounded modest and truthful asking any age old question that a child would want to know. The kitsune was perplexed as to why he would even ask a question like that now.

'He's probably the first to not ask for more sex and compliment me out of kindness, so why not give it to him straight?' Ainu craned down so that her nose was touching his, able to detect the heavier aroused male scent that she had evoked from him. He in turn smelled the sweeter, more subtle aroma that was hers, reminding him of a windy day in spring. "Well the real reason I wanted you here is so that I could obtain some of your energy," she confessed a little guiltily for not telling him right away.

"It felt wonderful," he said breathlessly, "but is it supposed to make me this tired?" She pulled back and shook her head.

"Don't worry, I didn't take much, but the way I obtained it will last very long," she purred agreeing with herself.

He nodded understanding, "What do you do with extra?"

"If I don't need any more at the moment like now, all I have to do is put a seal on you like so," Ainu place a hand firmly on his chest. Cody watched as a three golden lines appeared on his chest in the shape of a triangle. "Now all of the fun you can have won't tire you out so much." Two of her tails wrapped around their joined hips.

"What are you doing?" he could barely move underneath her as it was.

"Just so nothing slips out," she cutely demonstrated gyrating against Cody, sending him through another groan as he held clawed the ground tightly. He tried pulling away from her, it was almost too much pleasure to bare. "You have nowhere else to go in this storm, so staywarm... with me," she cooed wrapping her arms around his neck, rubbing her muzzle against him.

"Didn't you mention that earlier?" he asked refocusing somewhat. She rolled her hazel eyes tapping his nose with a tail.

"You're not going to be shy after all this are you?" she presented her chest forward to him. He only gaped at her massive breasts in front of his eyes, even a small shake didn't make him act independently. The vixen made her move instead by grabbing one of his wrists. Cody felt a hard nipple against the center of his palm as she pressed the rest of his hand onto her breast.

"Do whatever comes natural," she demonstrated attempting to rotate his hand around in a circular motion. "Or just explore," she stated letting go of him. Curiously, he brought up his other hand exploring one, then the other, focusing mostly on the sensations texture of her areola and diamond hard nipples. "Yesss," she hissed through clenched teeth at him appreciatively, feeling the inexperienced hands roam. His member gave a quick twitch reminding him where it was. He started pumping the still rigid organ inside her slowly, making the excited vixen squirm from his actions. "Tongue and lips too," she shakily spoke enjoying every touch. Cody stuck his tongue out as she leaned forward. As he met the firm nub of light red flesh, Ainu gasped and shuddered happily. Working over in circles with his smooth appendage, he loved it almost as much as she did with her accompanied groans and panting sounds. Lapping at the expectant nipple feeling it bump spring back onto his tongue, she grasped the back of his head urging him on. Emboldened, he wrapped his lips around the teat and tenderly began suckling while teasing the end with the tip of his tongue.

Adding fuel to her erotic fire, he softly nibbled it between his teeth. Cody continued his ministrations to one while tweaking the other tracing unknown pattern throughout the exceptionally soft fur all under the attention of his slow rocking hips. Her hands gripped tightly as she whined, muscles beginning to spasm. Cody hugged her closely as she reached the crest of her climax, nearly vibrating in the embrace. The contractions caused his already sensitive member to pulse then expel a small amount into her hungry passage accompanied with a howl. Her arms gave out as she gave out into his supportive frame. Worn out, the vixen relaxed on him for a few minutes, nearly missing what he next said to her.

"Wow you're beautiful," he whispered into a foxy ear, making her cheeks turn a soft pink as the lights brightened before returning to normal.

"No one has ever called me that," she whimpered looking back at him. Cody merely smiled in return. She moved her head and locked muzzles with him, normally Ainu abstained from using romance but this one was much more worth it. Her tongue lapped forcefully at his sealed mouth before he cautiously opened it welcoming the adventurous appendage. She wrestled his tongue into her awaiting jowls, suckling it as if it were a bottle, making him open up wider. Cody reciprocated by rubbing her back tenderly, not able to whisper any kind words in return. She pulled out panting, hearing him try and garble out something but held his mouth shut with a quick flick of her hand. Without thinking, Ainu used a sleeping spell on him, not wanting him to leave just yet. Cody's eyelids grew heavy, no matter how hard he tried to keep them opened, their weight seemed to increase. He couldn't even remember what he was about to tell her earlier. "Let's take a nap Cody," she snuggled up to him, maneuvering her tails under his head to prop it up like a pillow would. He yawned, unable to think out any words, and held onto her shutting his eyes. Both fell asleep, the rain having passed long ago.

Cody awoke to the sound of breathing below his head. He nudged Ainu awake, whispering her name. With a big yawn, she snuggled back before opening her eyes to meet his green ones. The vixen immediately sat up. "I thought you would've left by now." She sounded surprised. He gave a nervous laugh running his head and pointed at their joined crotched.

"We're still kind of stuck together for me to run away." A lewd wet noise ensued as they started adjusting their positions. Pulling his now soft organ out, he sat up and noticed only a trickle of clear fluid come out, his seed had really been used. Ainu made a quick motion with her hand and her fur was immediately cleaned along with his. He moved while she stretched to find his clothes.

"What are you looking for," she called to him carefully searching the dusty floor.

"My-" he pointed looking down and sure enough, his clothes from earlier materialized around him as if they had never been taken off before.

"Anything for you and your energy," the vixen said patting his shoulder with a tail before getting up herself.

"By the way, what did you mean by other ways of obtaining energy?" Ainu paused next to him remembering all three.

"Devouring your soul, draining your blood, or basically what we just did, have sex." She said it so matter of factly that Cody didn't even bother to respond or doubt her. "But I would never want to harm anyone," she chimed in, "especially you." Cody smiled at that statement following her to the entrance. They took a few gradual steps outside before she stopped him, grabbing his hand so that his hand was facing upwards. Ainu pointed a finger onto his palm, and he felt a burning sensation. Jerking back his hand, Cody closely examined the new fine mark. A tiny pattern looked back in the shape of a funny eye tingling in his palm as it seemed to vibrate in place. Each hair seemed individually colored so that the symbol looked natural. "That's to let you know whenever I'm near you, just in case," she added with a wink. They ended up staring at each others eyes admiring the view until Cody moved his muzzle forward. He gave a quick peck on her black set of lips eliciting a cute giggle from the kitsune. "Please come back soon, or I might get too lonely and find you," she whispered into Cody's ear licking the tip as she finished. He shuddered but smiled in return and stepped forward giving her a hug.

Ainu gladly hugged back tightly, resting her head on his chest, feeling a kindling warmth spread inside her heart. She liked this male, much more caring and thoughtful than any other previous one. Then it was more of a need, but now it became a want, and she wanted him. She still clung to him as he began to draw away.

"I have to go now Ainu, it's getting late for me," he said rubbing her back. Both pulled back enough out of the embrace, with regret, but remained within arms distance. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Ainu, I'll see if I can get some spare time soon."

"Please do," she said barely loud enough to hear looking at her feet on the ground. She mulled over a rock before bumping it into another where it remained. Breaking out of her stare, she looked up seeing that he was already a good distance away, giving her a final wave and smile. Waving back hopefully, Ainu watched him turn back before leaving her sights altogether. 'I hope he doesn't live too far away,' she made her way slowly back to the cave. Everything inside looked a little more brand new, and her nose was able to detect the mingled scents of arousal. With a sigh, the happy vixen laid down on the bench contently before changing it into an actual bed. Cody made it down to the parking lot just as the late light began to dim. Throwing the backpack into the passenger seat, he hurried over and started the ignition with one thought in his mind, who he looked forward to spending his time with.