Belial: Dark Water

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Dark Water

By Von Krieger

He walks down the dark alley, the sounds of drunken revelry coming from inside the building to his right. A party of some sort, commemorating the accomplishment of something he will never know, nor care about. He could end their levity but with a mere thought. But there was no fun in that, he'd long tired of that particular hobby however. But he'd found what he was looking for.

Abara digs through the garbage behind the tavern, looking for anything edible. Clothed in rags, small and thin from a lifetime of malnutrition, she's rather a pathetic sight. Dirt and grime perpetually covering her body, hair matted and tangled, her eyes near feral. She's lived this way, homeless and hungry, her entire life.

She hears a noise, her head pops up, a half finished chicken leg held tightly in her mouth. She looks around and sees nothing, she slowly turns back to her search for food when a large, strong arm wraps around her midsection, her scream quickly muffled by a huge hand that nearly covers her entire face. Within seconds the two are on the roof of the building.

"Be silent." he whispers. "I do not wish to hurt you, but if you make too much noise you will leave me no choice." She wriggles, knowing all too well what usually follows those words. "I do not mean to molest you in any way, I want to help you. You don't have to say anything; all you have to do is think it. Do you understand?"

The tiny girl nods. "Good. My name is Mephisto, not my real one, for in the centuries of life I have long since forgotten it. I am not the demon of legend that bears that name. But we do have something in common. We both give people what they want, and we are both of course, demons." Abara struggles even harder, as demons are mostly the same as rapists but worse.

"Stop it. I only wish to know what your fondest wish is, the one thing you would like more then anything else in the whole world. And I shall grant you that one thing, whatever it may be." His voice sounds honest and sincere. Images of things Abara wants flash through he mind. Simple things, things that an average man or woman would laugh at.

It never occurs to her to wish for something grand, it never occurs to her because she doesn't allow herself to fantasize about it, all fantasy does for her is make reality that much worse. She thinks of what she could use? Shelter that doesn't leak or smell bad? No, she can tolerate what she has, even if it isn't much. Company? No, she can stand being alone as she has almost always been. She can go without companionship. To never be hungry again? Yes, that's it.

Mephisto laughs, a deep sound that is legitimately full of amusement and mirth. "Such a useful wish little human. And with my gift to you, you may just be able to acquire the other two all by yourself." He sets the girl down and with a wave of his hand, her change begins. Mephisto bows politely and leaps off the side of the building. The black cloak that covers him allowing him to blend easily into the night,

Abara's body is wracked with sensation, not exactly painful, not exactly pleasant. She quickly strips off her clothes, her body growing larger, taller, heavier. She looks down at her flat chest and sickly torso, each rib outlined in painful detail. Her body is filling out as she grows. Soon she is of perfectly normal human height.

She watches with fascination as her flat chest gains definition, a pair of perfectly sized and shaped breasts. She raises her hands to cup them, as if to check their authenticity. She smiles with the realization that they are in fact hers. But the sensation of change has not stopped. He hands dart to her temples where a sudden pressure has built up.

On each temple she feels a bump rise. Her skin splits painlessly as two shiny black horns project up and slightly back from her head. She runs a finger slowly over one, feeling the blunted conical tip, and the smooth ribbed texture. She shivers at the sensation, she grips one of her horns with one hand, somehow she can feel her touch on her horn, and she finds it extremely pleasurable.

A serpentine tail snakes from her backside, Abara looks at it curiously, she twitches it experimentally. She curls it around a loose brick, lifting it up slowly. She giggles; a tail might be a useful thing to have after all. She's enjoying her changes, far more then a normal human in her situation would. Abara has never spent time fawning over herself in front of a mirror, and cares little for her appearance.

A strange tingling in her crotch leads her to send an exploratory hand down between her legs. Abara suddenly pulls her hand back in surprise, each digit, of which she now only has four, ends with a thick black claw. She looks down at her feet and finds them the same way. "Let's see those dogs chase me off now." she thinks to herself, continuing to stroke one of her horns.

She runs a finger around her now enlarged pussy. Her pelvis and hips have changed some as well, her tail now coming down to cover the area where her buttocks were, her hips growing thicker making her look rather much like a lizard. She watches as her legs change even further, becoming digigrade like those of an animal. "Probably better to run away from the town guard." Abara thinks with a smile.

She slides three of her fingers into her now much larger pussy, running from its original location back to several inches onto her tail. A curious sensation comes from her spine, all the way down to her tail, bony black spines, each a good six to eight inches in length, grow from her back, all the way up to the top of her head, where they form a sort of crest.

Abara is distressed for a moment to find her hair gone; she looks down between her legs. All of it. But then she remembers having to keep it clean, and the constant itching. Her ears begin to tingle, changing in shape to a triangular form, additional muscles allowing them to swivel toward the source of a sound for better hearing.

She closes her eyes, taking in the pleasurable sensations she's giving herself, as well as the continued changes of her body. Her face shifts into a reptilian muzzle. Abara runs her forked tongue over her fangs experimentally. She opens her slit pupilled eyes to find a much brighter night. She involuntarily flicks her tongue out, stunned by what she can find with her snake-like sense of smell and taste.

Her entire body shivers, skin becoming scales. Beautiful, radiant silver scales. Except her belly, which is black. The deepest, darkest black she has ever seen. The scales continue down her tail, and up under her chin. She pulls her hand from her snatch and reaches up to stroke her belly, or tries to. Rather her hand comes up THROUGH her stomach.

The lizard-girl blinks, then slides her hand down her stomach, feeling the thick black scales that cover it. They feel solid enough. How did she do that before? She relaxes, thinking she was just imagining things, until she suddenly finds her hand in the middle of her torso. She looks on, curious. It didn't hurt at all, in fact it felt rather nice. It felt like a thick liquid, soft, sticky, and gooey. She pulls her hand away, and finds the black ooze sticks to it, but only so far. About a foot out from her body the goo releases it's hold on her hand and reforms back into place.

As she watches the smooth blackness solidifies to scales once more. Abara found this feature of herself rather strange, but interesting. Both hands dart to her crotch as the final change of her body takes place. For she is becoming a shi. Her clitty becoming thicker, longer, and a quite pretty metallic silver in color, just like her nipples.

Soon hir shaft is fully formed and erect, a sheath forming in front of hir pussy. Abara strokes hir new organ with one hand, while the other fondles hir scrotum. It feels odd, not quite right. Abara can't feel anything inside it. Shi wonders why, then dismisses it as unimportant. Shi revels in the sensation of hir new cock, sliding a clawed hand into hir pussy.

It was far from the first time shi'd pleasured hirself. Masturbation was in fact, after eating and sleeping, hir favorite thing to do. And as usually shi had just about no endurance, bringing hirself to orgasm in under a minute. Shi delights in the feeling of hir warm seed on hir belly. Shi brings hir hand from hir pussy to hir mouth, licking it clean of her juices. Her thick, black juices.

She looks down at her stomach, finding the same thing. Small globs of black fluid. Her black scales soften, becoming liquid and absorbing the globs. Abara notices hir nipples and cock taken on the fluid properties of hir belly as well. Shi concentrates for a second, clenching hir eyes tightly shut, then opening them, feeling her form solidify again as shi does so.

Each of hir breasts is now tipped by an erect cock, mirroring the shape of the one between hir legs, which no resembles that of a horse in size and shape. Abara giggles, thinking how silly shi looks, and with another thought changes hir nipples and cock back to the way they were. Shi thought about hir form for a moment.

Shi scratched hir chin, then as an experiment stuck hir hand into hir chin and felt around, unable to feel any bones at all from the inside. Shi pulled hir hand out, then squeezed hir forearm. Shi felt resistance, but not the kind of hardness that signified bone. Shi bent hit arm back the wrong way on her elbow, then shook her head and moved it back into place. That just looked creepy.

Abara felt a strange sensation that her mind registered as the equivalent of hir stomach rumbling of hir new form. It was then shi remembered what exactly hir wish was, and wondered how hir new form would help that. Shi bent down and picked up hir clothes, and prepared to put them on, when she was struck by a sudden urge.

To put them in hirself, rather then on hirself. Obeying the urge shi did just that, and watched as the black goo that made up most of hir body grabbed onto the scraps of cloth and appeared to dissolve them. Actually it wasn't dissolving, it looked more like it was spreading onto the cloth. She was eating it! Briefly shi wondered if shi could accidentally eat something, or even worse, somebody. Somehow shi answered herself.

Shi would have to hold a living thing within hir body for weeks before they started to become a part of hir. Shi also knew why shi would never be hungry, shi could eat just about anything. Abara smiles and leaps from the roof to the ground, feeling no pain from the impact. Shi makes hir way home, shi'd been meaning to tidy up the place after shi'd eaten, but now the two activities could be considered one and the same. In the darkness of an alleyway Mephisto smiles, wondering if the girl knew the meaning of her name. While the language itself lived on in names, the actual speaking of it had ceased for centuries. Mephisto laughed quietly to himself, thinking of the appropriateness of her form and her name. In that tongue 'Abara' meant water. Quiet fitting indeed.