Pins and Needles, Part II

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#11 of Patterns of the Grand Design

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains adult themes and situations and should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen. The characters depected are copyright Radical Gopher. No character in this story is under the age of eighteen.



"Interrupting? No, not at all," Victor replied. Rising from his desk he gestured towards a nearby chair. The tall female human nodded her thanks and sat down, brushing the back of her burgundy skirt and gracefully crossing her legs. The woman was of Latin descent with light brown skin and auburn hair that was swept into a neat and very business-like style. She wore almost no make-up, having little need of it, and dressed in a simple, yet elegant woman's executive suit

At twenty-six Dr. Alyssa Aryan was not only the youngest member of the museum's board of governors she was also the wealthiest. Her membership had been inherited from her father, along with the lion's share of the family fortune. This was because unlike her siblings, she had a good business sense and knew how to effectively manage her wealth, doubling it in the space of only three years. This talent for high finance, combined with her love of history and innate showmanship made her one of the more dedicated and active museum governors.

Victor had met her three times before today. Once at his appointment interview, once during a performance review board he'd sat in on and once at the annual Governor's Charity Ball, a function all assistant curators were expected to attend. Now she was here to check up on the reported missing display items.

"I think I have some good news, Dr. Aryan," the Zorr said. " According to the computer records, our missing collection was assigned a transient storage code by mistake, not the normal display preparation codes they should have been given."

"So we're looking at a clerical error, not a theft?"

"I believe so. Once I can back trace the codes, we should be able to find out exactly where the paintings are."

"So why didn't anyone else notice this?"

"I don't know," he replied, "but it's not all that surprising a mistake. Our old inventory control system would have blue-flagged the pieces for inspection and evaluation, making the misplacement readily obvious. The new program streamlines the inventory access by deleting that particular function. More than likely Mr. Downing simply discovered the accounting discrepancy and pushed the panic button without doing a type 7A program sweep. He is fairly new to the job."

"So the display is safe?" Alyssa asked.

"We'll know in a minute."

Almost as if in response the computer chirped and spit out a card with a small list of codes on it. Victor snapped up the card, read it then smiled. "Sub-basement seven, vault 4, row three... That's where we'll find the paintings."

"Not to doubt our infallible computer, but I think it would be best if we visually inspected the vault," the woman said, standing.

Victor lifted his jacket from a nearby coat rack. "By all means, Dr. Aryan. If I may lead the way."

"Thank-you... and by the way, the name is Alyssa."

Making their way to the elevator, the woman couldn't help but notice how youthful and vigorous Dr. Peabody appeared, especially for someone reputedly in his forties. A stray thought crept into her mind. She tried to ignore it, but for some reason it wouldn't leave. She watched him as he called for the elevator. Her eyes wandered down to his ass. Somehow, the simple, leisurely way in which he moved his tail was like a flag, suggesting all kinds of possibilities. More thoughts crowded into her mind, making her feel both excited and curious.

"Is there anyone working sub-basement seven?" she asked.

"Not to my knowledge," the todd replied. "I didn't want to call in any additional staff until we could ascertain if the display pieces were actually missing. Waiting means we probably saved thousands of dollars in overtime pay."

"If the paintings are actually there."

"They will be... unless there has been a theft, in which case our next step is to call the police and do a full, vault by vault physical search."

The elevator ride down to the sub-basement levels only took ninety seconds, but to Alyssa it seemed like an eternity. The air in the lift grew more and more sultry and for the first time in months she felt an urge rise inside her that demanded attention. She had always prided herself on her self-control and patience. Now she seemed unable to find or rely on either trait.

There was a slight bump and the elevator stopped. They stepped off into the sub-basement and Victor crossed over to a small control terminal. He flipped a switch and the room lights came up. "Here we go," he said, taking a seat. He quickly entered a series of access codes and commands. Across from him one of five large vault doors swung open and a set of ceiling mounted retrieval arms went to work. They brought out a group of seven Raphael paintings, all on temporary loan to the museum.

"There!" the todd smiled triumphantly. "Nothing to worry about. The display's safe and ready for the opening next week." He looked over at Dr. Aryan. She was standing in front of a painting entitled 'The Three Graces,' seemingly mesmerized by the trio of nudes.

"Magnificent," the woman breathed. "I wonder what this would have looked liked if there had been anthrops like you in Raphael's day."

"Less skin... more fuzz!" Victor quipped. "The sad truth is we probably would have been declared offspring of Satan and immediately burned at the stake. They weren't much into tolerance back then."

"Pity," she sighed, "though I do imagine you'd make a rather magnificent artist's model all the same." Alyssa turned and looked at the Zorr hungrily. He was facing away from her and neither heard her remark nor saw the look in her eyes. Instead, Victor was focused on inputting the correct storage codes so the paintings would not be misplaced again.

"Give me a moment and I'll have everything put right."

She smiled, circling behind him. "Take your time," she whispered. "Now that we've found the display, we've the whole day ahead of us." She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with Victor's intoxicating scent. The musk drove away any and all inhibitions that Dr. Aryan might have still had. Her senses whirled with lust. She quickly began stripping out of her business suit, dropping it silently on the floor behind her until all that was left was a black lace pair of panties, black nylon stockings and burgundy high heals. A black, lace garter belt circled her waist keeping the stockings taut against her thighs. Her neatly shaved mound pressed against the panties, creating the outline of a camel toe.

Ignorant of what was happening behind him, Victor finished entering the new code sequence and activated the retrieval system. The mechanical arms immediately began depositing the paintings in a special freight elevator nearby. The entire set was then whisked up to the active display vault in the main basement. The Zorr monitored the transfer until the system reported that all indicated items were secure and ready for placement in the museum proper.

Smiling with satisfaction the todd closed the vault doors and had the retrieval arms stow themselves away in the ceiling. Then he turned and suddenly found his muzzle buried deep within Alyssa's ample cleavage.


"My... you certainly are an eager one, aren't you?" the woman breathed huskily, shivering to feel the vulpine's fur brushing against her naked breasts, his cold nose pad pressed against her heart. She quickly sat in Victor's lap, trapping him in the chair. "Is it true what they say? That male Zorr have a knot just like their four-legged cousins?"

"Doctor Aryan?"

"My name is Alyssa. I told you already." She reached up and began opening his shirt, one button at a time, spelling her name out as she did. A... L... Y... S... S... A... Alyssa. Did you know that in Greek it means 'rational?' My father named me!" She placed her hands on either side of Victor's head, turning it up to look into his eyes. "That's what I've been all my life. Good old dependable Alyssa! Rational Alyssa! Responsible Alyssa!" She giggled.


"Do you know what they always say?" she asked sarcastically. "They say 'you can trust Alyssa. She's got a level head,' or 'you can trust her... she never even tried pot in college.'" Her hands moved down to the open shirt and she started to gently rake her fingers through the Zorr's chest fur. "Give Alyssa the keys... let her drive, she's sober!"

She giggled again. "Yeah... Give me the keys. I'm going on a joy ride and you're invited." She planted a flurry of kisses around Victor's face, running her tongue along the top of his muzzle and massaging the back of his ears.

The woman began rubbing her body against the todd's, trying to get him to respond. He could feel the heat pouring off her, particularly her mound which was now quite wet. Her arousal was having a definite effect on Victor. He could feel his rod slowly slipping from its sheath, even as he struggled to suppress his libido. It was obvious to the Zorr that Dr. Aryan was under the influence of his 'curse' but he wasn't sure what to do to snap her out of it, short of getting far enough away to curtail the effect of the dragon musk. Until now, he hadn't truly understood how potent it was.

Alyssa shifted her position once more, balancing herself on his knees while she tried working the buckle of Victor's belt. She reached into his trousers and ran a hand down his rod and sheath to his balls, which she gripped lightly, massaging his sack between her fingers. "Oooh! Soft and fuzzy! That really feels nice." She quickly slid the zipper on his pants open and undid the tail flap, exposing his shaft to the open air.

"DOCTOR ARYAN! For heaven sake... Control yourself!" the Zorr pleaded. Alyssa silenced him with a long, passionate kiss on the mouth that seemed to draw his breath away. Something primal pushed outward from the depth of his being, yet still he resisted. He was mated, and his love was expecting their first child. He couldn't betray her. He just couldn't!

Victor reached up with his hands and shoved firmly against the human female. Though she was taller than he, the vulpine had at least forty pounds of mass on his side of the equation. Unfortunately she had the advantage of leverage, so even as he managed to push her back, she was still able to wrap her arms around his legs, tripping him as he stood up. Falling forward, the Zorr tried catching himself with his hands but he was too late. His head bounced against the side of the control panel and all he could see were stars.

When Victor came finally to his senses quiet some time had passed. To his chagrin the todd found his hands had been tied behind his back with a pair of nylons. He was lying on the floor. Alyssa's business clothes were tucked under his head as a sort of makeshift pillow. His own clothing had been removed and tossed into a casual pile in the chair. Looking up he could see the human as she slowly, deliberately rocked back and forth on his cock. It felt sore, as if he'd been engaged in endless bouts of sex, or one long continuous session.

Even as he watched Alyssa moaned and began bouncing harder and harder against him. He could feel the tightness of her passage as his knot penetrated her and began inflating. Her moans became deeper, more full throated and she increased her pace even more. Sweat glistened off her body and her hair had been transformed into a wild, gleaming coil of damp ringlets. Her nether lips were saturated by both his seed and her own juices. It was obvious that they had mated multiple times, though Victor didn't remember any of it.

Dr. Aryan lifted both hands and began massaging her breasts, tweaking her nipples as she continued rocking against Victor. His knot had swollen to full size, trapping the human against him. She shook her head and without warning her vaginal muscles clamped down on the todd as she road him over the top. Her body convulsed and bucked against him and he felt his penis twitch as it involuntarily released his seed into the human female. She milked him for all she was worth, then, exhausted she collapsed against the Zorr. She rolled onto her side and spooned against him, a fatigued smile framing her lips.

Victor felt drained and more than a little sordid. Despite his best intentions or efforts he felt as if he had betrayed Sapphire; that he had compromised the trust that existed between them. Intellectually, he knew such was not the case, but at the moment he felt as if he were rationalizing the situation, trying to explain it away. It did nothing to help him alleviate his sense of guilt.

He pulled gently at his bonds, testing them to see if he could free himself somehow. Unfortunately, they had been tied too efficiently. The knot refused to work its way loose and he could not use his claws to scrape against the nylon. He looked across at the now sleeping human. Her breath came in short, soft puffs and her eyes fluttered in the depths of sleep.

The Zorr closed his own eyes and focused, turning his mind inward. He knew that if he transformed now, with moonrise only a matter of hours away, he would be unable to revert to his anthrop form until tomorrow morning. Still, it seemed the only way in which he could free himself from the current situation. Luckily the only staff on duty was in the museum proper, running tours and guarding the exhibitions. No one generally worked the vaults on the weekends, so no one would see him.

Touching a spot deep within his core the todd released what was there. A pulse of greenish-gold energy enveloped him and he felt himself fold inward as his form shrank and realigned itself. Within seconds his bonds slid from his wrists and he found himself plastered up against Dr. Aryan, his muzzle once more firmly implanted in her cleavage.

The pseudo-dragon backed away from the human and went over to his pile of clothing. He quickly retrieved his keys and wallet, both of which were now quite large in proportion to his current size. He then flew over to the elevator and pressed the call button. Fortunately, because he was already in the storage basements he didn't need to use his elevator key. He rode it up to the delivery level, and then flew across to the access door leading out onto the loading dock. Opening the door was difficult, but not impossible and after several failed attempts he finally managed to push down on the handle and force his way past it.

Victor looked to the north and took a deep, cleansing breath of air. There was no hope for it, he would have to fly home from here. He figured it would take him about an hour, but that was assuming he didn't stop to rest. He'd never flown that kind of distance before and wasn't exactly sure how much endurance he had, especially after what had just happened in the museum. He sighed then squaring himself he leapt into the air, climbing high enough so that anyone who happened to glimpse him would think he was a bird. It was going to be a long, lonely flight

* * * *

An hour passed. The vault floor was an uncomfortable place to sleep and it wasn't long before Dr. Alyssa Aryan began stirring. Opening her eyes she felt more than a little confused. What was she doing on the floor, and why was she naked? She sat up and glanced around, spotting her clothes on the floor next to her. She found her stockings, looped together and tied into a knot and wondered how they'd gotten that way. Then she remembered.

She looked around frantically for Victor, but the Zorr was gone. Moreover, so was his scent, the museum ventilation system had cleared the air out most efficiently. Alyssa moaned. What had she done? More importantly, why had she done it? Every detail fell into place, yet the rational for her actions escaped her. This was so unlike her, so wanton, so out of control that she shivered at the thought. She felt between her legs, touching the dry cum that coated her thighs. She felt dirty, not for what Victor had done, but because of what she'd done to him. What had she been thinking? He was more than just an employee; he was a highly valued scholar, an individual worthy of her respect, and she had treated him like a disposable toy.

Alyssa looked over at the chair and saw the Zorr's clothing. She wondered where he was and why he'd left his clothes. She wondered how she could possibly make this all up to him. He was mated for heaven's sake. She even remembered meeting her once, a beautiful, blue-furred vixen with an exotic accent. Had she gone and destroyed their relationship? She needed to find Victor, to talk with him. Maybe then she might understand what had happened. Her eyes strayed to the ceiling and she remembered the security cameras.

Dr. Aryan snapped up both piles of clothing and raced for the elevator. She dressed quickly as the lift headed for the main office level. Tucking Victor's clothes under one arm she made a beeline for the monitor room. Fortunately, due to cutbacks, the room was only manned after hours, so it was a simple matter to sneak in, remove the recording disk for vault level seven and reload a blank. As long as nothing happened today that required video surveillance, the disc would not be missed. She almost laughed at that last thought. "Nothing to report, officer... Nothing at all." Right!

She returned to her own office and promptly set about straightening herself out. Fortunately one of the perks of being a museum governor was having an office with a private bathroom, complete with shower. Thirty minutes later she was cleaned, dressed and much more relaxed. She still didn't know what she was going to say to Victor, but at least she felt more together.

Curiously, she dropped the disc into her computer and began reviewing it, hoping she might find some clue as to why she'd done what she had. She fast forwarded past the scenes of uninhibited sex and watched as the Zorr stirred following their last 'fling.' Her eyes suddenly popped open wide and her eyebrows practically leapt off her face.


To be continued...