Library Lessons.

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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When the nerd is caught reading smut in the library, his card gets checked. lol ;)

Dane - Boy, Tiger Nikki - Girl, tiger

Dane sighed as he flipped his way through the text book, keeping it propped up so no one else in the library could see what he was really looking at. He was currently pulling a silly old trick of sneaking another book in to read so no one would be suspicious. The tiger had found an old erotica book, and glancing through some of the passages from the book caused his sheath stiffen and fill out in his pants.

The young tiger always felt embarassed about his size, the tiger easily topping eleven inches in length and quite thick. He was always careful to try and avoid getting aroused in class, cause it was fairly difficult to hide the bulge when he was hard. Dane let his fingers wander under the table, gently squeezing his shaft through his jeans and gave a quiet growl. He kept reading the book quietly, allowing his digits to slowly stroke and tease himself through his jeans.

A voice in his ear made the feline jump in place. It was soft and feminine, almost teasing in it's tone.

"What are you doing?" Dane stiffened feeling that paw gripping his shoulder. The tiger's ears folded flat against his head, turning to look back over his shoulder.

"Umm..." Dane swallowed softly, noticing who it was. "Nothing Nikki, why do you ask?"

If it was possible for someone to burn a hole through a person, it definately would have happened.

"I see what you're reading, you little fucking perv..." Her words hung as he saw where he gaze had wandered.

"It's not what it looks like." He yelped when his muzzle was slapped, stopping in his protest.

"Bullshit! Who'd have thought the little faggot nerd had a big ass dick?" Dane closed his eyes and had to fight back a growling moan, Nikki's paw gripped him through his jeans. He felt that tongue flick against the inside of his ear as she whispered. "Well... the library is empty right now." He couldn't help him, his tail lashed behind him occasionally smacking against her leg from time to time.

"B... But." The young male squirmed slightly, spreading his legs unable to help himself as she kept teasing him. He was so lost to the teasing with his eyes closed, he didn't realize what was going on. Nikki had undone his pants and tugged his stiff cock free, making him gasp as the cool air of the cooled library hit his slick cockhead. "O.. oh fuck."

A quick glance back over his shoulder, saw Nikki's eyes and they were as wide as saucers. Her words confirmed that he was indeed freakish. "Damn near boy, I ain't even see dicks this big in porn." The soft voice of hers filled his ears. "I'm going to use this dick and enjoy it."

Dane's shaft twitched as her fingers ran over it, making him whimper slightly in pleasure. "P... Please don't." Thick precum was starting to drool from his scent, his thick aroused scent filling the air. Dane couldn't help himself, he moaned out whimpering. "I... I want to save myself..." It was very hard to focus, there was something odd about Nikki's perfume that was making his cock ache almost painfully.

"Ha! Saving yourself? What for... I'm going to enjoy this right now." Dane felt her teeth nipping his neck, those fingers gently brushing against his barbs the wrong making him growl. Each time those fingers plucked against his barbs, his hips jerked upwards against her touch against his will.

"See... your body alreadly wants to get more of my attention." Her tongue ran along his ear, he whimpered from the attention. Dane had to admit that it felt so much better letting someone else touch him instead of his own paws.

Dane shook his head, trying to fight off the growing urge between his legs. It was odd, this was the first time he'd ever felt liks this. His nostrils flared, drinking in her odd scent more and more with each deep breath. After a few moments, he decided to let himself relax. His hips began to push up against Nikki's touch, closing his eyes and moaning.

"That's a good boy, let me make you feel wonderful. Do you want to fuck me?" Dane couldn't help himself and nodded slowly a growl escaping his muzzle. His paw reached down and gripped her wrist as it stroked his cock.

"G... God yes, I want you... I need it." Dane started to stand up, not even worrying if there was anyone else in the library at this point. His cock jutted out stiff and menacing from his groin, dripping thick precum onto the floor.

The grin on the tigress' face was rather big. "Poor kitty, don't even know why you want to fuck me so bad." It was his turn to get large eyes, watching the girl lifted her skirt and flashed her thickly furred mound. Dane's lips pulled back slightly with a soft snarl, her fur was glistening between her legs. The sight made him shudder, his paw reaching out to stroke that damp patch of fur.

"I... It's so slick..." Lifting his paw up to his muzzle, couldn't help himself moaning as the scent flooded his senses. Dane's tongue flicked agianst his fingers, licking and sucking them clean. The tiger's cock gave a strong jerk between his legs, a thin strand of precum squirting out from the tip.

"It's cause I'm in heat silly, poor boy never getting a girl." Between her fingers was a condom as she spoke, rolling it through her fingers like a coin. "I don't need kittens, especially from some dumb nerd. Doubt my boyfriend would like it either." She rumbled and carefully torn the package open pulling the condom out. It was then that Dane remembered Nikki was dating the captain of the football team.

The condom slid along his shaft, stretched quite tightly over his shaft. It was clear that she didn't have one big enough to cover his shaft, about an inch or so of the base of his cock was uncovered. Dane's barbs made quite a dent in the material, he went to say something bout it, her finger pressing to his lips.

"Shh... Shh... It'll be fine. It fits my boyfriend, it'll keep us safe." Her paw rested on his chest, pushing him back into the chair. Dane grunted, his paws moving to grip his shoulders. His eyes were still wide, watching as Nikki straddled his cock gripping it by the base.

He couldn't help himself arching his back, gasping as her tight passage gripped his shaft through the thin latex of the condom. A very soft whimper escaped his muzzle as he spoke, his voice a whisper. "G... God it's hot, so damn tight." It took every ounce of his self control not to push up against her, only the head of his cock was inside her at the moment.

Dane's paws gripped Nikki's hips as he shivered slightly, eyes drifting closed tightly pulling her down slowly onto his cock. That musky scent was still thick in his nose, making his breath catch slightly in his throat. With his ears pinned back against his head, he could barely hear Nikki's groan, something about how thick he was. Dane was in heaven, all he knew was that he wanted to feel more around his shaft. There was a slight numbness due to the condom that irritated him.

"That's it... Just slow, let me get used to it. You're really big. Fuck." Dane couldn't help but nod slowly, feeling that snug tightness gripping him. She kept sliding down onto his shaft, until her lap was pressing against his own. Dane's cock throbbed inside her, he felt something pressing against the head of his cock. Dane didn't move, letting her set the pace just enjoying this for as long as he could. Her breath was husky in his ear. "Shit... you're buried up to my cervix, s... so glad for the condom."

The pair slowly rocked on that chair a bit, Dane's cock twitching inside the tight as he groaned out. His eyes were still clenched shut at the feeling. The latex was stretched to it's limit, each movement tugged on the thin material hooking on his large barbs. The pair of tigers were obviously enjoying the sensations that they didn't notice the condom slowly tearing.

"Feels so good... don't stop. Please..." Dane's words were growled out, bucking up as his cock was slowly uncovered from the tearing condom. Since it was his first time, he didn't realize the difference right away, just felt he was getting used to it. His ears perked up when he heard her voice, listening to her words and moans grew louder. Her fingers gripped her shoulders, claws unsheathed and digging into his shoulders.

"D... Damn that feels so good, fucking glad you're wearing a condom." His paws gripped her rump under the skirt, squeezing it firmly as he rocked his hips against her. His thick flesh stroked in and out of her passage slowly. Dane could feel his heavy swollen balls starting to tighte up, he hadn't gotten off in almost a week so he was rather pent up and churning a large load.

Dane closed his eyes, trying to stave off his impending orgasm as he mewed out softly. His claws dug into Nikki's rump as she yelped at that motion. His voice was very soft as he whispered. "G... Going to cum, fuck." His thigh muscles burned and twitched, barbs stiffening inside Nikki's passage, digging into her heat swollen passage.

Nikki's paws lessened their grip on his shoulders, Dane lifted his head and looked at her watching when she began to lift up. "I... I want to see you fill that condom." A quick shake of his head, he snarled and pulled her down onto his cock growling.

"N... No stay!" A few quick jerks of his hips, he stiffened underneath her moaning loudly at the sudden rush of pleasure. Dane's cock swelled and twitched, jerking as his cockhead bloated against her cervix. With his eyes closed, he didn't see the change on Nikki's face went from pleasure to sheer terror.

"P... Pull out, the condom broke!" He could hear the panic in Nikki's voice, but he was far too gone with lust and pleasure to care. Claws dug into her rump keeping her place, his cock pulsing hard inside her. It felt so natural, that heat now surrounding his shaft as his fertile seed surged inside her passage. He didn't realize how pent up he was until Dane felt his seed drooling out around his cock down over his balls and into his pants.

Dane's entire world was down to that single moment, savoring the feeling of Nikki's passage around him. She suddenly snarled out and clamped down on his shaft, her claws dug into his shoulders breaking the skin slightly. If it had felt good before, the sensation felt even better with her walls clenching and drawing his seed deeper into her belly. The pricks of pain to his shoulders made him growl out loudly.

After a minute or two, he slumped back against the chair panting heavily. "Fuck that felt so good..." Slowly Dane opened his eyes, glancing at Nikki on his lap. There was a look of pure hatred in her eyes, snarling loudly at him.

"You asshole... What if I get pregnant?" He was far too gone in his euphoric state to care. He shrugged and laid back, savoring the moment. After a moment, he spoke.

"Why is it my fault? You're the one who practically raped me..." He could see that little bit of realization hit her. There was a chance he'd get in trouble, but far more that she would as it was against school policy to attend during your heat. Also was the fact, she didn't give him too much of a choice in the matter abusing that fact she was in the middle of her heat cycle. He continued to speak, panting lightly in pleasure as his cock twitched inside her.

"You're the one who wanted to do this more than anything, I told you at the beginning. You're in heat, you should have known better..." Dane closed his eyes, his breath coming slow and steady now. The young tiger gave a quiet snarl, baring his teeth as Nikki pulled off his still semi hard shaft. Barbs raked her walls causing both of them to moan out, a slight shiver ran down his spine. Dane watched as she fixed her skirt, storming out of the library. He wasn't quite sure what was going to happen, but for his first time it wasn't too bad.

Any donations would help, please direct them over on PayPal to Steampunk Stallion. It helps make my life a bit easier, and I can keep putting out more stories. Please don't mention anything about adult content. Thank you. [email protected]