
Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#1 of Sold


By: Rakuen Growlithe

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon. I own this story; it is mine and only mine! But feel free to read if you're old enough or sneaky enough to not be caught. And if you do it's not my responsibility.

AN: I got a laptop for my birthday! What this means for you is there's a chance that I will start to write more as I can have some privacy when I'm on the computer. This is the first story to be typed out on my laptop and also in Open Office as the only copy of Microsoft Office is a trial one. I know this isn't the longest chapter ever but the later ones should be longer, this one's more to get me back in practice. Thanks to Keita for beta'ing.

Chapter 1

The early morning sun's warm rays shone out over the world, driving aside the chilly night air that had wrapped, like an unfriendly blanket, around the inhabitants of the slave pen. Most felt the change in light and heat and stirred form their uneasy rests. Among those that remained in repose was a young growlithe by the name of Pyrope. He'd only recently been captured and had cried himself to sleep the previous night, leaving him exhausted.

"Oi!" called an angry voice, shaking the young fire-type's thick iron chain.

The motion carried along the metal to the locked metal collar around Pyrope's neck, startling him awake with a yelp of pain.

"Get up," snarled his captor, a large human male with thick black hair over his face and scarred, muscled arms.

Next to him stood a younger male, somewhere in his late twenties. He was dressed in close-cut, black pants, polished shoes and a white, silk shirt with an open neck.

"How much is he?" asked the younger man.

"$300," answered the older man.

"That's far too much," came back the cool reply, "One dog's only worth $100 at most."

"You're thinking of bred dogs. This one's wild. No one knows about it, no tattoos, no microchips, no one cares what you do to it. $250."

"I could catch my own. Pokeballs come pretty cheap. $120."

"Growlithe are rare pokemon. It would take a while to find them. And most are in protected areas, you'd run the risk of being caught. $200's the lowest I go."

Pyrope's ears and tail hang low as he stood on display, keeping close to the relative privacy of the bales of hay that acted as a barrier to the harshest winds and provided him some bedding on the wooden display floor. Every time he moved, his chain rattled and clunked, drawing the prying eyes of the men who were discussing his price. Eventually he just stood still, waiting for whatever outcome he was destined for.

"It's a deal," agreed the grizzled slaver,taking the cash his younger client proffered.

The man whistled to Pyrope, clicking his fingers to indicate for him to come. When Pyrope hang back the man grabbed the chain and flicked his wrist fiercely. The chain, as heavy as it was, flew through the air, striking Pyrope's face before the spin forced him off of his feet and crashing to the ground.

"Here now!" barked the man, glaring angrily at his new pokemon.

Pyrope whimpered and scrambled to the man, one side of his face screwed up in pain as his cheek stung and he swore there was a taste of blood on his tongue. Pyrope's new master removed the lock that held the collar on. Immediately after a spiked choke chain was slipped over his head and pulled close, the points reaching through the fur and pressing against his skin, a warning.

"Now let's go."

The man turned and started to walk, ignoring the yelp as Pyrope was pulled off the waist-high platform and fell to the ground. The chain tightened around Pyrope's throat and bit into him, providing the necessary motivation for him to get to his feet and follow his master.

As the pair walked, Pyrope kept his head low, not watching as the slave pen passed beside him. He was glad in a way that he was leaving it behind and he knew the other pokemon, still locked in their cages or tied up outside, were watching him jealously. No one wanted to stay in the uncomfortable conditions but there was still the question of what would happen to him now. Would his life improve or get worse? It was something only time would answer but Pyrope doubted that anyone that would buy a pokemon from slavers had the best intentions for that pokemon.

Pyrope's new owner stopped in front of a black, low-slung sports car and took a bunch of keys out of his pocket. The lights flashed once and the car beeped as it unlocked. The man opened the boot of the car.

"In," he commanded, looking at Pyrope and indicating with his head where the pokemon should go.

Pyrope jumped up, landing in the boot, which had a canvas sheet lining the interior and protecting it from his fur, claws and any dirt on him.

Without saying anything, the man then reached under Pyrope, placing a hand on his chest and pushing the growlithe over and pinning him on his back.

Pyrope meeped, his eyes going wide as he was flipped over and had his belly exposed, something he, like most dog pokemon, disliked being forced into.

"Stay still," growled his master as Pyrope began to squirm, "I don't have time for problems with you."

The man kept his one hand on Pyrope's chest, holding him down, while his other hand reached between Pyrope's hind legs and began to rub against his sheath.

The touch on his privates was too much for Pyrope who gave a growl and tore himself away, his fur bristling up he bared his teeth.

"Don't try my patience," warned the man, yanking Pyrope's lead, cutting off his breathing immediately and the spikes on the chain piercing through his skin and drawing beads of blood.

As Pyrope collapsed from the sudden pull he was dragged back and pinned down again. His master reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, unlabelled bottle and a rubber glove. He put the glove on his one hand and dripped out the liquid onto his gloved palm. Immediately, Pyrope's sensitive nose twitched at the strong smell that came from the fluid.

"This should make this a lot easier," grinned the man, rubbing the liquid roughly over Pyrope's nose and muzzle, making it soaked into the fur.

"It's a mix of dog pheromones," he explained, grinning as Pyrope's body betrayed him, his cock sliding from its sheath from just the scent.

Pyrope whined, feeling light-headed, as though he were about to fall, even though he was lying down, as the strong scent swirled around him and began taking control of his body.

The man kept holding Pyrope down, even though the dog had become weak from the intensity of the chemicals flowing through his body, and began to run his gloved hand over his erect cock.

Pyrope moaned softly, starting to murr purely from the physical sensation even as he wished he could escape. As his pre oozed out it was smeared over his length, leaving the fleshy rod slippery and shining as the light caught the slimy coating.

The man rubbing Pyrope knew exactly what worked, dispersing his attention between just rubbing the length, squeezing the knot and rubbing his fingers over the extra-sensitive cock head.

"Hehe, you're getting close there, puppy?" chuckled the man, removing his hand and picking up a small elastic band.

Pyrope just moaned in pleasure as his cock tingled at every point the man touched. His involuntary bliss was soon interrupted as the elastic band was slid down his slick cock and snapped shut behind his knot, making him yelp. As Pyrope opened his mouth he was grabbed by the tail and his rear was lifted up as he was forced to curl into a tight ball. His cock was pushed into his open maw, his eyes going wide as he tried to pull his head away and began coughing. His master paid no attention, forcing the knot past Pyrope's lips and holding it there as the elastic band made it swell further but prevented any reduction in size. Pyrope whimpered as he tied with his own cock, the knot bulging in his cheeks and pressing against his teeth that held it painfully in place.

"There we go," smirked the man, letting Pyrope fall onto his side, "That'll keep you quiet until we get you home."

Pyrope whimpered, his eyes watering as he struggled not to choke on his dick, but his master just closed the car boot, plunging the fire puppy into darkness. A few seconds later Pyrope felt the car start and begin to move.


AN: Sorry this took so long. I made a great plan to write more but it didn't quite work so well in practice. I just need to work on my work ethic. But it's finished now so enjoy it. It's not too long still but hopefully my skill is coming back to me. I...

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