Unexpected evolutions

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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#3 of pokemon training and other evolutions

Brief recap of my tail so far, my name is Jay I am a pokemon trainer in training, and my trainer is my small cute fluff ball of a vulpix Julia whom utterly owns my penis. Quite literally I had to give it to her to keep her from roasting it off my body as proof of her dominance I now have 2 paw print brands on my stomach. I still have know idea how I got my self in this mess.

Any way we finally made it to Pewter City, Julia nestled in my arms and my eevee Narnra walking at my heels there poke ball lay forgotten In a pocket of my duffle back per Julia's orders . My first stop was the poke mart to pick up some gauze, burn heal, bandages potions, 5 extra pokeballs, and cooking oil I got the oil for two reasons actually watching Julia 'play' with my.. Err I mean her cock I figured I would need it for lube as well as cooking.. Julia inspected each item as I put them in my pack even telling me what pocket to put them in. our next stop was the cities gym old man Brock retired a few years back leaving his son brick in his place though he still used rock type pokemon 4 of them which was 2 more then I had. Watching him train with his poke mon I realized something I had been doing wrong from the start, practice it seems I forgot about actually training my pokemon to use there moves .

Julia looked up at me "yes twit, we need practice and you need to catch some more of us, but just watch for now maybe you'll learn something"

I sead nothing just stroked Julia neck as I watch brick he pit his two strongest against each other an onix and gravler there strength seemed evenly matched he put out a geodude to shadow box into a brick wall and decided not to show his last pokemon, nodding to me with a smile on his face as I watched..

Julia interrupted any thoughts a had by speaking to me "I seen enough we got to prepare, you got to catch some more sisters and want to play with my penis some more"

I looked down at her and whispered to her "sisters as in female pokemon" it took me by surprise that she would be so specific about gender.

She looked up at me with those pale blue eyes "out side first and away from town I do not want any one seeing my human talking to his self they will think you crazy"

I bit my lip and did as bid Narnra at me heels as we left town and headed back for camp.. Just after we arrived Julia jumped out of my arms and ordered "strip and sit!" I didn't hesitate this time I immediately pulled off my shirt sat down to take off my shoes and pants when fully nude she told me firmly "take care of your burns." I open my pack and pulled out the burn heal gauze and bandages.

I spread the lotion over my paw print brands shivering at the cold then cover them with the gauze and bandages "so" I asked Julia "why only sisters and no brothers"

She stepped forward and nuzzled my cock it harden quickly at her affection "I got my cock, I don't need any others.. There for why would I want to surround my self with other useless males that want to do nothing but stare at my back side" at this point my cocks was throbbing hard "lay down" she told me then licked up my length..

I did so with a sigh of pleasure "so I cant have and male pokemon"

She smiled I can tell now she moods for the most part and this was one over her more playful. She prowled up to my chest "do you need any male pokemon?" she laid down when her face was over mine tilting her head to the side.

I blinked and looked at her "don't we need all types"

She put her paw over my lips "types not sexes and not all just different" she giggled into my mind "maybe you'd like to suck a pokemon cock"

My eyes went wide at the thought "no! I like girls not boys"

She giggled "oh so you want to lick a poke fems pussy?" she quickly turned around and presented her bud to me

"that's not what I meant!" I protested only to have her lower her self onto my open lips..

"oh I know what you meant.." she sead lustfully but "I don't really care you should start licking unless you want more paw shaped burns to treat."

And once more I was being dominated by the 2 foot tall poke fem I close my eyes and took a taste of her intimate folds, to my surprise she tasted like salty sweet cinnamon the moment my tongue touched her fold my nose was a salted by the same smell "it feels good" she sead in my mind "lick the inside" I reached up slowly taking her small rump in my hands and used my thumbs to spread her neither lips then ran my tongue between her silken folds only to find the cinnamon taste growing stronger the deeper I press my tongue and that's exactly what she wanted as she moaned into my mind "oh yesss it feels soo good.. Go deeper" I pushed my tongue in as much as and felt its tip brush over her hymen.. She stiffen and howled as she flooded her mouth.. She crawled down my chest a little way looking back to me as I licked the sticky female oil from my lips and panted into my mind "I think I found.... Something your good at"

I looked down and stroked the vixen softly may cock was achingly hard I caught a glimpse of Narnra slowly creeping over "what does she want" I asked my sexually exhausted vulpix.

Julia tilted her head "what else she is hungry and want to play" she tilted her head "maybe I should let her lick your cock its nice and hard and I happen to know she like the taste of your cum"

She waited for me to say something I just shook my head "what do I care it not mine" my reward for that was he licking my abs and the eevee leaping between my legs and attacking my meat with her tongue.. Liking over the smooth flesh of my ball sack even as the vulpix crawls forward to start to lick back my fore skin.. The feeling was indescribable there tongues bathing my man hood it didn't take long before I called out "I'm Cumming" Julia took my rod in her mouth to point the tip to the waiting mouth of Narnra the first spray catching the eevee across her muzzle the second went right into her she steeped forward licking the creamy fluid as it spills from the purple head Julia running her tongue over the base..

The eevee murred happily setting down and licking her chops while my vulpix let go my member looking up at me as I looked down into her blue eyes as she moved up onto my lap and ground her bud against the soft exposed head looking up at me honestly saying "this is going inside me"

Suddenly we heard we both startled out of permateing with a startled cry "VEEE!" we looked to the eevee as she started to change her fur becoming sleek her body growing longer and taller her pelt becoming changing to a lovely violet.. I and Julia just stared at her she look back to use then cleaned her paws, though it still seemed as the white spay of my cum decorated the violet fur on her snout.. Julia started leaped forward to like the eevee's snout the spot stayed.

Julia's eyes

I got jay up early then next morning we ate and headed into town, he went straight to the Pokemart picking out some needed items I personally approved of each even the cooking oil though that last one was a mystery as we don't eat to much fired foods but I allowed him that he been such a good boy after the items were put away I s nudged him to the gym as we needed to check out our competition.. The trainer there use nothing but rock type pokemon which is a slight problem for me personally buy no mater we will just have to start to train.. I looked back to jay and saw the wheels of his mind working as he noticed the pokemon training for battles 'yes twit, we need practice and you need to catch some more of us, but just watch for now maybe you'll learn something" I told him as I continued to watch the trainer never showed us his 4th pokemon s I am guessing it is his strongest I tried to concentrate on its ball trying to get a read on the pokemon with in it.. And smiled to my self as I got something "it's a steel type" I told the eevee looking from behind use whom looked up to me

He response was only to tilt her head and ask " when we gona eat again"

I closed my eyes to listen to the wind whistle threw her ears giving out a sight I looked back up to jay "I seen enough we got to prepare, you got to catch some more sisters and want to play with my penis some more"

I could tell he was perturbed by the fact I planed him a party of nothing but females even before he asked "sisters as in female pokemon" he was oblivious..

I didn't want any male sniffing after me every time I took a squat and if needed to keep control of my sisters I would just share MY cock with then.. I would tell him later though as we were drawing to much attention from the other trainers. "out side first and away from town I do not want any one seeing my human talking to his self they will think you crazy" obediently he turned ant headed out side the eevee hot on his heels. I almost wished he could share in my misery as the eevee asked about eating constantly as if nothing else could survive in the vast emptiness of her head..

I could get back to town fast enough telling him to "strip, sit" firmly the ordered him to teat his wounds as I examined my cock looking to the eevee as she still complained about being hungry "I will give you some white stuff if you sit there quietly for a few minutes"

She perked up "but white stuff is masters"

I growled at her "I am masters master and he gave his rod to me that means the white stuff is mine"

She sat there trying to think about that and I knew I would have some quiet for a while.. Then jay asked "so?, why only sisters and no brothers"

Restarted our conversation.. I gave it a seconds thought and responded nuzzling 'my' cock happily as I told him "I got my cock, I don't need any others.. There for why would I want to surround my self with other useless males that want to do nothing but stare at my back side" I looked at it happily as is got nice and hard for me then ordered him to "lay down"

He did so with a sigh of pleasure and asked "so I cant have and male pokemon"

It confused me to no end.. Why would he want male pokemon he got his girls unless he was.. I stalked up his chest looking him right in the face.. "do you need a male pokemon?" I asked him

He obviously didn't understand the question as he asked "don't we need all types of pokemon"

I closed my eyes "types twit not sexes not all just different" suddenly I got a mental picture of him sucking the cock of a Growlithe I had to ask "maybe you'd like to suck a pokemon cock?"

I watches him sputter and blanch "no I like girls not boys" he told me..

I know he was talking a bout human and not pokemon put it was such a naughty idea it had to be done I turned around and presented my self to him "so you want to like a females pussy." I stated in my most commanded voice.

Once more he blanched "that not what I meant" he sead..

I had to giggle it made me only want his tongue all the more so I dropped my pussy on to his mouth "I know what you meant.. But you need to start licking unless you want another set of paw marks" It to a second for him to get over his hesitance and taste my folds "that felt so good" I told him murring in pleasure "lick the inside" suddenly with out a word he attacked pushing his tongue into me, the deeper it went the better if felt.. "oh yesss it feels soo good.. Go deeper" he did just that hitting on something that hurt a little but then a wave of pleasure hit threw me sending me shuddering and howling In pleasure it felt so good I though I was going to die I wet In side jays mouth by it wasn't pee it smelled different and felt much better coming out of me.. Once I was able I crawled away from his tongue not ready for a repeat I gave him the best compliment I could think of "I think we found something you good at"

After a few moments he brought my attention to Narnra slowly creeping to us he asked me "what does she want" so I asked her

"sister I am a little tired what is it you want".. she looked at me tilting her head

I could see that she finally had enough thinking "I want the white stuff can I have some please ask master"

"for the last time I am master" I sighed in frustration "listen" I told her the went back to jays question "what else she is hungry and wants to play" I asked him hoping my training would give him to the answer I needed "maybe I should let her lick your cock its nice and hard and I happen to know she like the taste of your cum"

"what do I care its not mine" he sead with a shrug and that was good enough

"see" I told the eevee "the rod is mine which mean that the white stuff is mine to give"

I took her a moment to register "so I can have some?"

A nodded my head "yes just lick the rod and it will come" at that she attacked it licking It hard to get at her treat I smiled and as Jay moaned out in pleasure I thought to return the favor by helping the eevee lick..

It was so fun to listen to the sound Jay was making knowing it was us to pokemon making him do them lapping at his penis not giving him anytime to relax or recover I knew he couldn't hold out from us for long but I didn't expect him to actually cry out telling us when.. I took his penis genital in my teeth and pointed it to the Narnra to get her snack she didn't move quick enough and it caught her over the muzzle.. She then step forward and started to lick at the tip as it poured out, I ran my tongue at the base of it feeling it pulse out and after it stopped I asked her "you happy now"

"yes" she beamed and moved over to start licking her self clean

I looked back to Jay and climb up on his lap rubbing my self against the softening rod to get it back up telling him my plans leaving no doubt in his mind "this is going inside me" I rub roughly against it pushing down as it grew harder..

The suddenly I heard a startled cry of Narnra "something's happening TO ME!" I looked back to there and watched her evolve growing in size and changing in color... the air head didn't even know what was happening going on until it stopped she and in then started whimpering at the change I went over to console her and clean that last stubborn drop of jay semen off the narrowed muzzle only to find the white speckle was in fact her fur.. Some how Narnra evolution made Jay's spunk part of her... I considered this as I consoled her Jay as well come over to try to help we into the night until we wear much to tired to play any more..

Claiming jay

After we left scrub town my dreams became in frequent it was a long walk to pewter city with only scant scenery and forests, so there wasn't really much to do Narnra seemed to catch on to fetch quickly but Julia on the other hand seemed to want to get...

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Testing jay

The test was surprisingly easy almost as if I didn't have to study at all to pass I spent 2 week doing nothing but studying.. I got one of the highest scores ever of the exam.. I couldn't wait to get home and show my folks.. "Hi honey how did...

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jay’s training/threw julia's eyes

My name is jay... I'm a pokemon breeder... At least I was, there are some things they don't tell you when they give you your pokedex, like it keeps track of not only the pokemon you come in contact with but reports the information directly back to the...

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