Petco: Where the Masters Go

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little story about a master/pet store. I heard that petco commercial/slogan too many times, and replaced it with the current title of the story. And thus, this.

Petco had always been a large company, one where people could go to find many different things for their pets, or, if they weren't too choosy, find an actual pet as well. It stood out as one of the better businesses in the world as a supplier for all things pet related, from leashes to collars to food to grooming and other services, and it made many profits on the business it had with pet owners.

However, as the world changed, Petco found itself changing as well. It continued to serve the needs of pets, but gradually it shifted over to include the needs of the masters as well. And when the definition of 'pet' changed to incorporate the different adult lifestyles that swept the globe with the advent of the Anthro Shift, they changed their business yet again.

The current Petco would never be conceived, let alone recognized by the Petco of the human era. Gone are the tanks of fish and snakes and reptiles; long vanished are the cages with kittens and puppies; the ferrets that used to run through little bubble cages have disappeared. Nothing, no trace of them, remains in the new, modern Petco.

In their place are cages of different pets, other anthros and humans that have submitted themselves to the new lifestyle, crouched naked in cages with everything exposed. The aisles, formerly holding food and chew toys, now hold dildos, harnesses, aphrodisiacs, and other playthings. The leashes and collars remain, but with new designs, to remind those that wear them of their place compared to the person that held the leash.

Even the slogan of the business changed. No longer was Petco the place where the pets go. Now, it's the place where the masters go.


His master pulled him along by his leash through the parking lot, keeping them moving at a brisk pace. The raccoon was thankful that his master allowed him to stand on two feet, unlike some of the other pets that were forced down on all fours against the wet pavement of the parking lot, but this was one of the few times that he wished that the law would allow him to wear shoes. The cold water from the recent rain soaked right into his feet, leeching all the heat from them no matter how hard he tried to ignore the cold, making his teeth chatter softly in seconds.

He almost wished that being naked out in public still embarrassed him; at least the blushing would give him a chance to stay warm as it burned his cheeks. But nooooo, he'd gotten too used to being naked in public. Ever since the ruling officials had declared that all pets had to stay naked at all times, he'd been forced to go outside without the slightest stitch of clothing on, not even a bit of underwear or a primitive loincloth to his name. The first few times, he had gone running back inside as soon as he could, his face on fire at the thought of so many people seeing his bare butt and crotch, of having so many eyes on his chubby body.

Now? He barely noticed when people were looking at him, and when he did, he was more likely to show off than do anything else.

Of course, showing off didn't always work. There were those that didn't like his body type, as he was a bit more chubby than some of the pets that people kept, with a bit of a belly and a very big butt. Some people had even said that he looked feminine from behind from all the curves that he had, for that matter, and there had been several very confused straight males that had approached him while his master was distracted, only to run off with a blush on their face when they realized he had a cock instead of a pussy.

Thinking of that made him giggle softly, shaking his head at the memory. It was flattering to know that others besides his master desired him so much, even if he would never really want to go be with them in the way that they wanted. Angelo was his master's pet, and nobody else's.

The raccoon looked up at the dragon beside him. Though the raccoon stood up straight, he still had to look up at the taller dragon, who loomed a good foot and some inches above him. Unlike him, the dragon was clothed, wearing a pair of jeans, fancy formal black shoes, and a denim button up shirt. All of the clothes bulged against his body, verging on being just a little too small for him, and showing off his body in a way that properly sized clothes wouldn't.

Black scaled, the dragon was a picture of a stern master, particularly when he wasn't smiling. When he did smile - like he was doing now - the effect was only slightly spoiled, considering all the teeth that showed in the dragon's grin. It was predatory, masculine, and definitely a grin that belonged on someone that was in a position of authority.

And that was discounting the bulge that the dragon always sported, for that matter. The front of his jeans were filled with a big bulge. It wasn't quite a tent, but that was because the dragon's cock was soft at the moment rather than hard. If the dragon were to get hard, the raccoon would need to find a place to tend to his master's cock quickly, or it would keep getting harder and harder until it ripped right through the front of his jeans. It had happened in the past when Angelo hadn't been quick enough to spot the signs, and he'd spent the night in the stocks back at their house rather than in the master's bed, where he preferred to spend his nights.

As Angelo stared at the dragon's crotch, he saw a slight stirring in the dragon's bulge. Not enough to concern him about it growing hard, but enough for him to know that the dragon had noticed him staring. His master loved to be watched, he knew, and he blushed as he realized that the dragon was looking down at him. He raised his eyes from the bulge to the dragon's white eyes.

Master Draconicon looked at him with a smile. "You like what you see, slut?" the dragon asked with a smirk.

"I always do, master," Angelo said with a bow of his head. "I also know my duties. I can't let master get too hard without being ready to satisfy him. Should I be ready, sir?" he asked.

"Not yet, but things could change," the master said as they stepped off of the pavement, standing in front of the automatic doors of the store. "After all, with all the stuff in here, master's imagination might get very interested in some new ideas, and you know what happens when master's imagination runs away from him."

Blushing, the raccoon nodded his head. There had been a few times when the dragon's imagination had run very wild, and he'd been pushed down to his hands and knees and fucked hard. Thankfully, the laws allowed for public nudity and fucking now, but it was still embarrassing when it happened, particularly when they got an audience as they inevitably did. His master never allowed them to touch him, or use him in any way, but they were still staring at him the entire time, measuring him with their eyes, and enjoying the show.

Shaking his head and dismissing the memories of those fun times, Angelo asked, "May I ask what we're here for today, Master? I thought that we got everything we needed last week."

"We did get most of what we needed, but I was thinking of getting another toy for your ass," the dragon said as they stepped through the doors. "The last one is getting a little too small for you, and considering that you can't have my cock up your ass all the time - much as I'd like that - you still need something to keep you satisfied while I'm not around."

Angelo blushed again, one hand drifting behind him and fondling his ass. It wasn't entirely his fault that his ass always craved cock or something inside of it. There had been many things that happened in the time since the furs appeared and changed most of society with their culture, and some of those things had changed people in strange ways. Some people got bigger cocks, some got endlessly productive balls. Some were made into total sluts, going into heat like real animals, and some were made into more feral, dominant, territorial creatures, though that usually happened when a human got changed into a fur, rather than with furs that got themselves changed or augmented for more fun.

Having not had a lot of money at the time, Angelo had gone for a 'grab bag' option of changes, changes were random but supposed to be pretty good. It had resulted in his hole becoming more elastic and more hungry, eager for cocks to fill it up, and with balls that were always producing more and more cum. They swung heavily between his legs as a result, getting heavier by the hour since his master didn't allow him to release them very often.

The raccoon yelped softly as one of his fingers slid inside of his hole, pulling his hand back a second later and looking around to see if anyone had seen him. If one of the other masters in the area or one of the pets around had, they didn't show any signs of having seen him. That didn't make the blush go away, though, and he hurried after the dragon, shaking his head the whole time as they passed the registers at the front of the store.

The Petco store was one of the best places for masters and pets. It was separated into several distinct parts, each one catering to a different part of the master/pet lifestyle. There was bondage in one corner of the store, toys in another; there were leashes hanging everywhere, and there were various materials for fashioning collars to be found at any corner of the store. Other masters roamed around, keeping their pets to all fours behind them, many with toys buzzing away in their holes, the raccoon noticed with a blush. His hole twitched at the sight, and it took a great deal of willpower to keep from asking his master to do the same thing to him. Nudity and sex in public he could handle, but that sort of teasing, while arousing, was still just a little past his comfort zone.

Master Draconicon led him along on his leash past the bondage straps and harnesses towards the help desk for anal toys, and pulled him to a halt at the front of the desk. Angelo paused, keeping his hands behind his back, and holding onto his wrists to prevent himself from touching his ass, fondling it the way that he had out in the parking lot.

The clerk, a fox with a pink shirt and tight panty shorts, looked over at them with a smile. "Hello, sirs, how can I help you today?" he asked.

"You can help me find a new toy for my pet here," the dragon said. He pointed at the table, and Angelo hurriedly climbed onto it, getting on all fours and raising his tail as he was trained.

The dragon continued. "As you can see, his hole is getting a little loose, so his last toy isn't quite up to par with satisfying him when I can't be around. Do you think that you can measure him and see just how big of a toy I'll need to keep this little slut satisfied when I have to be elsewhere?"

"We can do that easily, sir," the fox said with a nod of his head and a smile on his muzzle. His hands roamed over Angelo's ass, bringing a blush to the raccoon's cheeks.

A little bit of a bulge formed in the fox's panty shorts as he continued to fondle the raccoon's ass, Angelo noticed, and the raccoon felt his own member start growing from his sheath as the fox pulled his ass cheeks apart. A little hot air on his hole made him blush, pushing his cock all the way out of his sheath and hanging under his stomach.

"My goodness, just how much have you been playing with your pet, sir?" the fox nearly shouted, getting a few other customers to turn their heads. Angelo's face burned in embarrassment; well, at least now he was a bit warmer.

"Oh, at least five times a day," the dragon said with a shrug. "I know, it's a little low -"

"I'll say. For this level of looseness, I would have thought that you would be tending to your pet at least ten times a day," the fox said. One of his fingers pushed into the raccoon's hole, and Angelo's eyes went wide as it pressed down expertly on the raccoon's prostate, his cock throbbing hard as it rose up. In seconds it was fully hard, dripping some pre as the fox pulled his finger free. "Well, at least he can still respond to stimulation. Just how big are you, sir, so I know what to get in terms of a toy? I want to make sure that his hole is still tight enough for you to enjoy, though with how loose it looks back here, you'd need a monster to make sure he can still feel anything."

Every comment had the raccoon's cheeks burning brighter and brighter, and it took all of his willpower to keep from getting up from the table and back on the floor. The only reason he didn't was because he didn't want to embarrass his master; after all, he was supposed to be a well trained pet, and besides, Master Draconicon would be well within his rights to punish him if Angelo embarrassed him. So he stayed right where he was, though his face burned and his cock throbbed.

That didn't stop him from feeling a hint of satisfaction as the dragon whipped out his cock. It was soft for the moment, but Angelo could see it growing bigger as it was let out into the open air. The eight inch flaccid shaft was already lengthening, and he could see the ridges along the bottom half starting to inflate as well, growing more obvious, more visible. The shaft had a potent musk around it, and Angelo couldn't stop a soft moan from escaping him as the smell filled his nose.

The smell had an affect on the fox as well, provoking more of an erection in his panty shorts. He stared at the rising monster of a cock, watching one inch, two inches, three, and finally four add themselves to the length. The footlong cock rose off of the table, pushing up in the air, and then thickened. It was already two inches thick, but by the time that it was finished getting hard, it had gotten a full inch thicker. Three inches wide, and wider than that at some points as the ridges along his shaft got hard. They were in waves down the bottom half of the shaft, enough to ripple a hole open, then allow it to tighten shut again, and then push it wide again, almost an accordion effect.

The fox stared at it for a few seconds, then leaned back to look at the raccoon's hole again. Angelo felt him slide one, two, three fingers inside of him, wiggling his fingers around a bit. The beating of the fingertips against his inner walls made him moan, and he clenched down on the fingers. Hard.

No matter how the fox tugged, those fingers just didn't move. Angelo smirked a little bit, knowing his master could see it, but knowing that he would get away with it as well. There was only so much that the raccoon was expected to take in terms of humiliation before he was allowed to prove himself here, and in this case, he wanted the fox to know something. The raccoon might be a slut, but he was a tight slut when he wanted to be. He was just loose because his master liked that look, and liked how easily he could slide a finger or three inside him if he wanted.

Only when the fox started to look around for a tool to get his fingers free did Angelo let go of him, shaking his head silently. That ought to teach the clerk a little lesson, he thought to himself.

"As you can see, my pet can tighten up to provide pleasure, no matter how loose his ass looks right now. Now, do you think that you can measure him for a toy?" the dragon asked, his voice tinted with a bit of amusement.

"Yeah, I can measure him," the fox said with a nod. "Sorry for the delay, sir." First spraying his fingers with a bit of disinfectant to keep things clean, the fox then reached down into one of the drawers. He pulled out a small device that Angelo was familiar with, sort of a mix of a tube and a ball shape. The fox went behind him again, and Angelo braced himself as he felt the toy press against his hole.

Normally they would use lube, but after taking the dragon's cock for so long - and keeping up with toy use when the dragon was away to sooth the itch his hole had when empty - the tool was able to slip inside of him without any trouble. He felt the cool plastic material sliding along his insides, sliding in...and in...and in past what the tool should have been able to reach.

The feeling was strange, and he had to remind himself that the tube was extendable. It could stretch inside of him, pushing in deeper and deeper as the fox measured just how much he could take with the thing. A couple of buttons at the base controlled it, he remembered his master explaining to him before. The first pair controlled the length of the tube, sending it either further in or pulling it back out.

It kept pushing in further and further, and Angelo almost thought that he would feel it inside of his stomach before the fox stopped pushing it in. Finally, he grunted and tapped his hand against the counter, giving the signal that it was getting uncomfortably long inside of him, panting softly as he felt just how full that toy made him feel. At least, full of length. It was still rather thin, he thought, barely even an inch wide.

Whatever the numbers were, they seemed to have stunned the fox into silence. At least, he was quiet to Angelo; he might have been talking to the dragon in whispers, the raccoon supposed.

He grunted again as he felt the toy start to expand. They were measuring the width that he could take with a toy, he realized. The toy was quickly growing wider, wider. It passed the two inch mark in seconds, and then slowed as it started to reach the third. His hole was a little less loose around the tool now, and it might have actually given him a little friction if they slid it back and forth now. Not a whole lot, admittedly, but at least a little more than fingers or the base size of the tool would have.

His fingers tightened, slowly curling up into a fist as he felt the tool get wider, and wider, and wider inside of him. It pushed his hole open, and Angelo moaned as the pressure increased against his prostate. It pushed at him, making him moan, forcing pre out of his cock, almost like a prostate milking. It was a stretching moment of bliss.

Finally he tapped his hand against the counter again, shaking his head a bit as the tool reached what he felt his limits would be for a toy. The tool stopped stretching, and he thought he could hear the sound of the fox's eyes bugging out.

"This...what kind of a pet is this?!" the fox clerk shouted.

"He's my pet, and a very good one at that," Master Draconicon said. "Show him the numbers, if you would?"

"But -"

"Show him. The numbers."

Angelo shivered at the tone of voice that the dragon used. Most of the time he avoided hearing it, at least nowadays, but he remembered his first few weeks as the dragon's pet. The combination of those white eyes looking into his with that firm tone of voice, the note of command that was in the dragon's voice that quietly threatened Armageddon to the would take a special kind of disobedience to even consider going against the dragon when he talked like that.

The fox stepped around him again, and held up the readout for the device. Angelo looked down at it, and felt a little smile cross his muzzle. The numbers were laid out simply, arranged under width and length, titled with a simple W and L.

Width: 4.5 inches.

Length: 16 inches.

"And I almost thought that I could get another half inch in the width too," Angelo said wistfully, shaking his head and stifling a laugh at the wide, buggy eyes that the fox had. "What can I say? I love big cocks. That's why I have a dragon master."

"He's not lying; he just can't feel the smaller ones," the dragon said with a shake of his head. "Left a certain human I know very embarrassed the one time that I shared my pet's ass with him. Didn't feel a damn thing."

Unable to keep from staring, the fox slowly stepped back from the counter. "I'll...I'll go get that" His voice sounded a little intimidated, like he couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing. However, the tent in his clothes didn't go away, so Angelo was pretty sure that he enjoyed it on some level, even if the fox would never admit it.

When the fox was out of sight and earshot, Angelo giggled, looking up to his master. "That was funny."

Master Draconicon nodded. "Yeah, it really was," he said. He looked down at his cock, hard, long, and definitely too big to go back into his pants. "Well, you know what to do now, pet. Get it down."

"Yes, Master," Angelo said with a nod. He felt a few eyes on him from other pets and masters browsing the shelves, but he ignored them as he leaned forward. His lips parted around the dragon's cock head, pulling it into his muzzle slowly, taking a moment to savor the taste that went along with the musky smell.

Moaning softly, Angelo flicked his tongue along the underside of the dragon's cock, collecting the taste of the musk and the pre that had stuck to the cock. It was sublime, powerful, wonderful; his taste buds felt like they were exploding with the flavor of the dragon's cock. His own shaft jumped and bounced as he pulled more of the dragon's cock into his mouth, pulling it deep into his muzzle. It tasted so good, so musky, so sexy, so masculine, he thought.

The dragon's hand pressed to the back of his head, but it wasn't needed. Even as Angelo felt it, he was already sliding down the shaft, pulling more and more of it into his mouth. The shaft rubbed against his lips, holding them apart. The friction against them as the shaft pushed towards the back of his mouth added to the feeling of submission, of being a pleasure toy for his master, and the raccoon moaned around the shaft again.

His lips were pushed further apart by the ridges along the bottom six inches of the dragon's cock, pushing his lips open wide, and then letting them close a bit, and then pushing them open wide again. The size was such that it almost felt like he was getting facefucked, even though he was the one that was doing all the work, the dragon just standing there as he was sucked off.

Angelo started panting, his hands twitching with the desire to reach down to his cock and start stroking it, but he ignored it. Instead, he focused on the feeling of the cock in his mouth, the size of it pushing his jaws apart, and the feeling of the length going further and further back in his mouth. The tip was already pressing against the back of his head, and as he slid forward, bobbing forward again, he felt it slide into his throat. A little gag tightened his throat for a second, but Angelo pushed past it, pulling the dragon in deeper, taking him into his throat.

The sheer size made it hard to breathe, but he was able to keep just enough air going down his throat to keep himself conscious and aware. Not quite enough to keep bobbing along the dragon's cock on his own, but that was alright; this was the point where the dragon took full control.

As Angelo went a little limp, he felt the dragon grab hold of the sides of his head. Those scaly hands held him tight as they dragged him up and down that massive cock, soon pulling him all the way down to the base of the shaft. The raccoon's nose filled with the aroused musk of his master, and he panted with need as the dragon held him there, need for air, need for the potent, powerful musk of his master, need for master's cock.

Despite being too weak to keep moving, the raccoon was all too aware of the eyes of others watching him and his master. Not disapprovingly, he thought; most of the masters were nodding approvingly at how well he took the cock, and the pets were staring at him in some awe. The raccoon thought he could feel some glances towards his ass, some masters looking at it with desire, but considering his eyes were mostly locked onto the dragon's crotch, he couldn't be sure.

Still, it was clear that he was being admired, and that most of the other customers were enjoying the show that he and his master were putting on.

He tasted and felt Master Draconicon's pre leaking down his throat, and he moaned softly at the taste. His cock throbbed hard against his belly, and he felt his stomach get stained with some pre as he squirted some out. He'd probably pay for that later, but at the moment, he didn't care. He just enjoyed everything that he was getting, everything that his master wanted to do with him.

Soon, Master Draconicon was thrusting into his mouth hard and fast, the dragon's balls slapping against his chin with every thrust, his nose and lips mashed against the dragon's crotch hard every time the dragon hilted in his throat. The dragon grunted and moaned above him, panting in the way that he always did when he was getting close to his climax. Angelo shivered, bracing himself and closing his eyes as he got ready for his mouth and throat to be flooded with his master's cum -

"Excuse me? I got the toy."

The thrusting stopped suddenly, the cock leaving Angelo's mouth even as he tried to suck hard enough to keep it inside. He whimpered softly, whining with the need for the cock, and then, when Master Draconicon didn't let him have it back, he turned to the fox clerk with a glare of frustration and annoyance.

To his credit, the fox did look abashed, but he didn't back down either. He held up a dildo, a bright red one, canine in design. Considering that it was going to be his new toy if his master approved, Angelo examined it closely.

The toy was quite big, though not quite to the limits of what he could take. Whether that was because the fox didn't want to offend the dragon or because he didn't really believe the device, Angelo didn't know, but he supposed that it would work. After all, eleven inches of length wasn't something to sneeze at, and while the width of the toy itself was only about two inches, the knot looked like it would be enough to really push at his limits. Definitely not a bad purchase, he thought.

"Looks good to me," the dragon said with a nod of his head. He didn't look at Angelo at all, and purchased it on the spot. The fox sent the toy through the scanner, and then quoted the total. The dragon just handed over his card, and the purchase was made, the toy bagged and given to the dragon along with a complimentary container of lube.

Angelo remained on the counter with his ass up for a moment, half-hoping that the dragon would put the toy in, but instead Master Draconicon only pointed to the floor. With a soft sigh, Angelo got down from the counter, standing beside his master as the dragon took his leash again.

He expected that they would leave at that point, but instead, the dragon asked, "Have you gotten in a new shipment of pets lately?"

The raccoon's jaw dropped as he stared at his master. New...pets? How could the master ask something like that? Was something wrong with him? Was he getting replaced? Was the master bored with him or with anything that he did? Had he done something wrong that had offended the dragon, and made his master think he needed replacing?

He started hyperventilating in worry. The dragon noticed, and grabbed hold of him by the shoulder, turning him to look at him. "Angelo. Angelo, look at me. Look at me. Calm down."

"Calm down? Why? Why are you asking about new pets? What's wrong with me?" Angelo whimpered.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong with you."

"Then what - "

"Give me a moment to get the answer from the fox, and then I'll explain to you, okay? Just calm down for a moment, and don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen."

Slowly nodding, Angelo leaned against one of the nearby shelves as the dragon and fox talked with each other. Despite being asked to calm down, the raccoon couldn't make his mind stop worrying. He couldn't help but think that there was something going on here, that he was being replaced. Maybe he should have gone on a diet? The master had never said anything about his size, but maybe he was starting to think that he didn't look good, or maybe was thinking that a thinner pet would look better than he did.

Or maybe Angelo just wasn't tight enough anymore? That was another thing that he worried about. The master used him and stretched him out a lot, claiming that he liked 'marking' him with that, showing just how much of a cock slut he was. The raccoon liked that, liked having his ass ruined by his master so that he could only get off with dragon cocks or bigger, but what if that had been a mistake? What if it had made him too loose? He could still clench, but maybe the dragon's tastes had changed, or maybe he couldn't clench tight enough anymore? What if all the stuff that he had done to indulge his master, serve his needs and his fetishes, had been the thing to get him cut loose as a pet?

He wrapped his arms around himself as he slowly sank down to the floor in a fetal position. His breath came quick and ragged as his mind was filled with possibilities, feeding him things that he might have done wrong, or done in a way that would have displeased his master. What could he have changed? More important, what could he still do to change the dragon's mind, and keep him as a pet, keeping him from replacing him? There had to be a way that would remind Master Draconicon that he was still a good pet, still worth keeping.

He was lost in his thoughts when the dragon returned, and before he could say anything, Master Draconicon picked him up in his arms, carrying him towards a more private part of the store. When Angelo tried to talk, the dragon shushed him softly, shaking his head.

Soon they were back at the rear of the store, near the bare walls and less occupied shelves of the video section. Most customers didn't come back here, because the videos paled in comparison to what they actually did, but the store kept some things here for masters and pets that didn't have their partner yet, so that they could learn and enjoy the videos. Back here, they would be less likely to be interrupted or seen, Angelo realized.

The dragon set him down on the floor again, and squatted down by him. One of his hands rubbed Angelo's cheek, and he shook his head. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier. I guess I didn't think you'd react as strongly as you did."

"Master, please," Angelo begged. "Just tell me what I did wrong, what I can change. I don't want you to replace me. I want to stay with you!" He whimpered softly, a little tear slipping from the corner of his eye. He didn't want to lose his master. He didn't want to lose his dragon.

He didn't want to lose his love.

As he cried softly, the dragon pulled him into his arms, and Angelo pressed his face against the dragon's chest. Those scaly arms held him tight, and he felt his master's hands rubbing his back gently. "Angelo....Angelo," the dragon whispered. "I could never replace you. And I'd never get rid of you. I promised you that a long time ago, and I would never break that promise."

"Then what is going on, Draconicon? What are you doing?" Angelo whispered. "Aren't I good enough?"

"You are. More than good enough." The dragon patted his back gently before pulling his head back, kissing the raccoon on his lips. "You were good enough as a boyfriend before, and you are good enough as pet and boyfriend now. I promise, I'm not replacing you." The dragon kissed him again, and this time Angelo kissed him back.

When Draconicon pulled back, he smiled softly. "Now, will you let me explain, please?"

"Just...just tell me what's going on. I'm so confused."

"I bet," the dragon said with a nod of his head. "Short version: I want to get another pet so that you can have a friend around, someone you can spend time with, so we can give one of the other pets here a good home rather than leave them in the cages in the store."

"And the long version?" Angelo asked.

"Basically more details of the short version," Draconicon said with a shrug. "I don't really need another pet, since you do so well. But I think you and I could both use another friend. And since we can afford it, why not get someone from this store, someone that might go to a lot worse master than me if I don't get him or her now? We don't have to do anything with them, and you'll still be my one and only, but they'll have a better place."

Angelo went silent as he thought about it. He had never known Draconicon to lie before, and this was one thing that was too big for the dragon to lie to him about. The dragon had said that he wouldn't replace Angelo, and that was something he believed. He believed the dragon's motivations, too, considering that the dragon came from a family that adopted things that most people would throw back out on the streets.

It was still weird, but now that Angelo thought about it, he admitted that he wouldn't mind another pet in the house, particularly if the other one was just a pet and not a replacement to him. A friend would be nice too, though that would be just a little more tricky to make work out. If it did, though, it would make it a lot more fun around the house when the dragon was busy, or out doing some bits of business, or other things that kept him out of touch for Angelo.

And more to the point, the pet could always be brought back here if he didn't work out. It was a safety net for him, and though he was the pet of the relationship, and Draconicon was the one that wore the pants here - literally as well as figuratively - he knew that his master would listen to him on this matter. If the new guy or girl didn't work out, they would bring them back here, and that would be the end of it.

So he nodded his head. "Alright, Master," Angelo said, keeping his head down. "I understand. Just so long as you remember about the store's return policy, okay?"

"I understand, Angelo." The dragon's hand patted his shoulder lightly, and then took the leash in hand again. "I'm glad that you're willing to try this. I don't expect you to do much with the pet if you don't want to, but you and I both know that they don't always treat the pets well here. Pets might have fun, but they don't get treated too well in their cages."

That was debatable, in the raccoon's mind, but he nodded his head anyway, following his master to the adoption part of the store.

They passed by several other masters and pets, each duo busy with trying something out. One pair was working with a sex swing, the wolf master fucking his bitch on the swing as she went back and forth; another pair was trying out a set of vibrators, miniature ones, all tied to the mouse pet's cock while the cat adjusted the vibrators to varying strength. There was even one pair of masters - mistresses, actually - a vixen and a skunk working on teasing a tabby cat with different toys, pushing her to massive orgasms right in front of everybody. Some passing folk nodded in approval, offering a few suggestions, but most people just enjoyed the sight for a few seconds before moving on.

Soon they reached the adoption cages, the wall along the north-east side of the store. It was one of the bigger collections of pets out there, Angelo supposed, but he had to admit that it would be a special kind of pet that found their cages good as well as fun.

The cages were clear in the front, allowing prospective masters to look in at the caged pets, but all other surfaces were mirrored, showing off the enclosed pet from different angles. Males were kept in a squatting positions, their cocks caged in an erect state, with a vibrator buzzing lightly inside of their hole, their asses penetrated at all times to keep them ready for when they were eventually adopted. Females were kept squatting as well, but they had nipple clamps on, attached to the ceiling to keep a perpetual tug on them, and they had both their pussies and asses filled with vibrating toys. Both sexes had gags in their mouths, and blindfolds over their faces.

Despite the blindfolds, the pets were aware when they were being looked at. Angelo was never sure how that worked, but whenever he was looking at one of the enclosures, the pet inside sat up straighter, shoving their chest forward when female, and bouncing on their toys when they were male. Whether it was something in the cages that informed the pets when someone was looking at them or whether the pets had gotten some sort of instinct for it, it definitely helped them look better.

Surprisingly, there were a few humans mixed in with the anthros, but the dragon walked right by them. Not that Angelo blamed him. There were a few humans that made good pets to anthros, but they generally worked better with other humans. More often than not, humans only submitted to anthros because they had a fetish for being abused or humiliated by the 'animal folk', as some humans still called them, rather than any desire to be a submissive. It almost never worked out, and it only resulted in hurt feelings on both sides.

Instead, the dragon pointed out several potential pets, some female, and some male. Angelo didn't pay much attention, too lost in his thoughts, until the dragon tapped him on the nose. He looked up, curiously.

"This time, Angelo, I'm letting you choose," the dragon said. Angelo's eyes went wide, and the dragon explained. "You're going to have to live with them too; if I was just getting something for pleasure, that would be one thing, but they're going to be living with you too. Might as well let you pick who you think that you might be able to get along with."

The fact that he had a choice in this surprised the raccoon. Surprised him, but elated him at the same time. He should have expected it; after all, his master was a good person. He should have expected Master Draconicon to give him a little bit of control, particularly after his little outburst on the other side of the store when he reacted to the news.

Giving his master a kiss of thanks, he walked over to the wall of cages.

There were many different pets to choose from, he soon realized. At first, it hadn't looked like many due to the size of the different cages, but when he figured out that they were kept a certain way, that the pets were all held in the same positions, then it was clear that there were at least sixty different pets waiting for adoption, if not more. All of them looked desperate, and if there were any holes in the glass between him and the different submissives, he was pretty sure that the whole area would stink of sex musk.

He passed by several cages, discounting some of the ones that were big and muscular. While the raccoon was quite happy with his own body type, he didn't want someone around that would flaunt theirs too much. It would just get annoying, and he had enough of a problem with the concept already.

Most of the females were passed over as well. There were a few chubby ones that he liked the look of - including a hippo that was chubby like him, as well as very easy on the eyes with a large chest and bigger hips - but eventually he passed them by as well. They just didn't click with him the way that he needed someone else to do as a pet. Regardless of the dragon's guarantees, he needed someone that...that didn't intimidate him, he supposed.

Almost at the end of the line of the different pets, Angelo finally stopped at one of the cages. It was marked "Damo, Brown Bear, Slut" on the cage. A bear, he thought to himself. That was a little different, since most of the others had been of the smaller species, rats and felines, rather than the bigger anthros out there.

Pressing himself to the little cage, he looked in to see what the bear looked like.

He was a pretty big guy, but more in terms of waist and weight than in terms of height and muscle. Angelo nodded in approval at the bear's big belly and big butt. The former was bigger than his, while the latter was a little bit smaller. No competition for his ass, then; that was a good thing. A glance below the waist revealed that the bear was a little less endowed than him, too, though not by a lot. About six, maybe seven inches filled up the cage, about an inch below his own size. Not a bad size, not a bad size at all.

The bear's fur was nice and shiny as well, showing that it was brushed and groomed regularly by the staff here. There were a few marks in the fur, where some of it had been trimmed away, and it was irregular enough to suggest that the bear hadn't been groomed much before coming here, and they'd needed to trim off some of the fur to get rid of the knots and tangles that were left behind by the bear's old life.

The thought that that was needed, for any pet, was enough to stir the raccoon's heart with sympathy. Almost, he reached for the dragon to tell him that the bear would be good.

Almost. He stopped himself, looking down at the bear's history, the pet record that all submissives sold had if they had been used by previous owners. If Master Draconicon was going to buy the bear, he needed to see if the bear had had any diseases in the past, any records of being disobedient, or violent, or anything else.

But if the thought that the bear had been mistreated enough that he'd needed to be shaved and perhaps treated special by the staff here in other ways had made Angelo's eyes water, the history was worse. Apparently the bear had been the property of a lion that had recently been sent off to prison. The news had been quite focused on the story lately; the lion had broken quite a few laws with his pets, including killing them off while making snuff films and then enjoying time with them for a bit longer before burning their corpses and the evidence with them.

This bear had been the last one found in the man's basement, the other pets having wasted away into death from starvation or dehydration. Only Damo here had been able to live through it, and then only because he had been far fatter than this when he had been taken into the lion's custody as a pet. The record said that the bear was recovered enough to be adopted, and was eager for his next master.

Angelo put the record down, letting it fall against the cage with a soft click. The bear turned his head up at the click, and the raccoon put his hand on the glass. "Master?" he called.

The dragon walked over, looking into the cage. "This one?" he asked.

"Yes, master," Angelo said with a small nod. "This one. Let's make sure that he has a better home than the last master he had gave him."

"He will, Angelo. He will have a much better home with us," Draconicon said. He turned to one of the staff members around, and pointed to the cage. "Get this pet out of the cage, and bring him to me in the adoption room. We'll make sure that he suits the both of us, and then we'll go to the register and get the payment out of the way."

The store employee, a rat, nodded before running towards the door to the back rooms. The block that the bear was in was pulled out, and the others were shuffled around to replace it, almost like a giant block puzzle. In the space of a few seconds, there was no sign that the bear's block had been there at all.

Shaking his head a few times, Angelo looked up at his master. "Is it alright if I'm there while you make sure he's alright?" he asked. "I just want to make sure I'm around..."

"Just a little jealous still?" the dragon asked.

"Maybe a little," Angelo admitted.

"Alright." The dragon nodded his head. "Let's get to the adoption room."


The adoption room was a plain white room away from the rest of the store. Shelves along the wall held various toys and leashes, and there were usually two chairs in the room. Today there were three. One for the dragon, one for the raccoon, and one for the bear. The last of the three had a fresh leash around his neck, with the end of it in the dragon's hand.

Now that he was sitting up, Angelo could see how the bear had lost a great deal of weight. While Damo was still a pretty hefty sort of bear, there were wrinkles around his belly that showed where he had once sagged with greater weight. Considering how good a cook his master was, Angelo had little doubt that the bear's belly would soon well outwards again from his master's cooking. If Draconicon decided to adopt the bear, at least; Angelo hoped he would, but Draconicon still needed to find out if the bear would be a good fit for their household.

"So, you were once a pet for -"

"Slave, sir," the bear interrupted softly.


"I was a slave, not a pet," Damo said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

The dragon waved his hand. "No, please continue. I insist."

The bear hesitated, but when the dragon waved for him to talk again, he did as requested. "Well, I was never considered a pet for Master Trius. He always referred to me as a slave instead, even though he bought me from a pet shop. He tended to use me as one as well, though he never explained just what the difference was."

"Probably because he couldn't appreciate the difference," Draconicon commented.

"Some masters can't have pets, only slaves," Angelo added. "Don't worry. If master adopts you, you will have a master that cares for you a lot. I know he cares for me more than anyone else has in a very long time." He looked at the dragon with a big smile.

The bear cracked a small smile, nodding his head. "I hope that I can come with you two. I know that I can offer a lot. I didn't like Master Trius very much, but he trained me in how to pleasure others very well, and how to give myself to those that need to get off." He looked at the dragon, cocking his head to the side. "You look like you need something pretty bad, if you don't mind me saying."

Angelo frowned at that, but didn't say anything. His fingers and claws did dig into the chair, though, which he knew that his master noticed.

The dragon chuckled. "I didn't quite finish something earlier. I'll finish later, don't worry; if I ever do use you for something like that - and I am not saying that I will - you'd be dealing with me and Angelo at the same time, not just me."

The bear looked utterly shocked at that, and the dragon explained. "You see, my pet raccoon here," he gestured to Angelo, "and I are more than just master and pet. We're also lovers. Boyfriends. Mates. Husbands. We love each other a lot, and that's one reason why I let him come in here, when it's usually just the master and his prospective pet inside these rooms. He needs to meet you and make sure that he's compatible with you and you're compatible with him, just like I need to. Otherwise, this just won't work."

"I...I didn't know that masters actually did that with their pets," Damo said, looking down at the floor. "I thought that they just used them."

"Some do. I am not some. Nor most. Nor a few. I am me." Draconicon shrugged lightly, then gestured to Angelo. The raccoon stood up as the dragon continued. "Right now, I am going to have Angelo demonstrate something. And then you are going to come over here and repeat it. Just to see if you can take me as easily as he can, considering what I'm packing."

The raccoon didn't even blush as he walked over to his master, undoing the dragon's pants. His master was still hard, massively so, and his cock popped right out of his pants. Grinning, Angelo rubbed it a few times to get the pre flowing, and then started spreading it along the dragon's shaft. With the way that his master leaked so copiously, it didn't take him very long to get everything all slick and wet, lubed as well as any commercial lubricant might have gotten it.

Without wasting a moment, he turned around and straddled his master's waist, grabbing hold of the dragon's cock in one hand to let the bear see the size. Damo's eyebrows went up, but he didn't say anything. Angelo did recognize the slight hungry look in those eyes, though; the bear wanted this cock, wanted it pretty badly by the way that his lips pursed slightly, the way that the jaws clenched to try and keep from saying something. And that was without the little twitch and growth from the bear's sheath, showing that he was getting aroused just looking at this little show.

"Master likes to have his pets take his cock hard and quick," Angelo said to the bear, sitting with his tail up and to the side, so that it didn't bump the dragon's face. He brushed the head of the dragon's cock between his chunky butt cheeks, feeling them jiggle a bit as he wedged it between them. The head of the cock was hot against his hole, and it took all he had to not just ram it in right then. "If you can, he likes it if you can just take the whole thing in one go, but if you can't, he'll wait and let you get used to it. But I bet you'll be able to do something just like this, if you stay with him long enough."

Knowing that it was showing off a bit and not caring at all, Angelo let himself fall. He felt the cock slam right inside of his ass, slipping inside easily. He clamped down hard when he hit the base, moaning loudly as his cock went hard immediately from the massive amount of cock inside of him. His toes curled around the thick, long shaft as his hole was stretched open, the soft burn from the friction of the dragon's cock sliding in so fast a wonderful mix of light pain and supreme pleasure.

Toes curling and uncurling, Angelo slowly opened his eyes. "S-see?" he said to the bear, watching Damo get up from his seat. The bear knelt down between the dragon's legs, and Angelo could feel the other pet's eyes between his legs, looking at the spot where the dragon's cock and his ass had met and merged. "It's taken me...a lot of practice to do that, but dear GOD does it feel good to take a cock like this up to the hilt that fast."

The bear nodded at him, but rather than saying anything, Damo leaned his head in further. Before Angelo could stop him, the bear had his tongue out, licking both the dragon's cock and Angelo's hole.

The raccoon moaned softly before he could stop himself, whimpering a bit at the way that the bear was licking one of his most sensitive spots. "M-master...make...make him stop..." Angelo whimpered, moaning as his cock leaked pre down on the bear's head. He could feel each lick, the bear's wide, slick, hot tongue giving him immense pleasure as it licked his stretched hole.

"Do you really want me to make him stop, Angelo?" Draconicon asked, a little chuckle in his voice. A little suppressed moan as well, something that the bear might not hear, but Angelo did. His master liked it too. "I think that you might want this bear to keep going. Maybe keep licking your ass while I bounce you on my cock. Would you like that? Just this once, my pet?" the dragon asked.

Groaning in pleasure, Angelo barely could keep himself from nodding immediately. The need to keep the dragon for himself warred with his body's need for a little more fun, to have someone else join in the fun with them. A little bit of sympathy for the bear, the need to show him a little love and caring in addition to the lust that most masters showed their pets was mixed in there, too, making him really want to show the bear just what it felt like to have 'fun' with people that actually cared about their partners, rather than those that just used them for their own pleasure.

Finally, the raccoon nodded as the bear licked his ass a few more times. "Alright...alright, he can...he can keep going..." Angelo moaned softly. "Just...just start fucking I know that you''re still in charge, okay?"

"Heh, whatever you say, my pet," Draconicon whispered in his ears. Big, strong, scaly hands grabbed him by the hips, and he felt himself slowly rise up on the dragon's cock. The bear's tongue followed him up, stroking the bottom of the dragon's cock with each lick, and ending along his ass. Some of the licks actually stretched all the way from his ass to his balls, the bear's licks actually making his balls sway from the way that it pulled them out a bit before letting them swing back.

Then Draconicon dropped him, gravity and his own loose hole yanking him back down onto the dragon's cock hard and fast. Cock slammed inside of his hole, filling him up and stretching him open again, though less forcefully this time due to the extra pre inside of him and extensive coating of bear spit along the dragon's cock. Angelo panted and moaned, his cock already throbbing hard with the need to cum. Knowing that it was forbidden without master's permission, he reached down and grabbed his cock, pinching it at the base and tensing up to try and keep his orgasm off.

The tensing had the effect of squeezing the dragon's cock as well, and his master moaned behind him. "Mmmm, don't you dare...don't you dare ease up on that squeezing, Angelo..." Draconicon whispered in his ear. "So close now...just a little more..." The dragon's voice was as tense as his muscles, and Angelo could feel the slightest pricks from the dragon's claws at his hips, showing him just how much his master needed this, how much he had been denied earlier by the clerk at the desk.

Well, he wasn't going to let his master go without an orgasm now. Without waiting for his master to move him again, Angelo acted. He grabbed the bear by the back of the head, pushing that eager down down a bit, making sure that it licked around the dragon's balls, while he pulled himself up his master's cock. He had to use the bear's shoulders for a bit of leverage to be able to get up easily, but he managed to get himself upwards. Each inch leaving his ass made him feel very empty, incredibly empty, but he kept sliding up, his hole squeezing down on the dragon's shaft as much as he could make it do so.

Just as he reached the tip, he felt the dragon grab him tighter, and yank him back down again. The dragon's roar echoed through the adoption room, filling it with the sound of a dragon hitting his orgasm. Angelo grinned even as he moaned as well, his insides getting filled with dragon cum as his master finally got some relief. He relaxed his hole, letting it flow into him freely...and flow back out as well, he realized as he felt the bear licking at his hole rapidly, eagerly, swallowing up all of the dragon cum leaking from his hole.

He wasn't able to protest, either, as Draconicon pulled his head around, shoving scaly lips against his in a deep kiss. Angelo could only moan against it, panting as he was kissed and filled, filled and kissed by his master. All of his worries, all of his fears left him in that instant. For that moment, all that existed was his master, that cock, and all the pleasure he got from bear and dragon.

Then the kiss ended as the dragon's cock stopped shooting cum, and he slipped back down to reality. He panted softly, not protesting as the dragon lifted him off of his cock. Sliding into his chair, Angelo watched as the dragon patted his cock, still hard. "Now you," Draconicon told Damo.

Angelo watched with a giddy little smile as the bear got up on the dragon's lap, slowly turning around and presenting his ass. He got a little look at it, and shook his head. Just as he expected, the bear couldn't quite get himself down that massive shaft as quickly as the raccoon could, but Damo definitely tried his best to get it into him quickly.

The bear took about half a minute to work himself down to the base of the dragon's cock, and when he was there, he panted softly, shaking his head as he rested. " big," Damo grunted under his breath.

"You'll get used to it...If Angelo doesn't mind?" the dragon asked, looking at the raccoon.

"I don't mind...long as you let me...have first shot each time," Angelo said with a small grin.

"Heh, deal." Draconicon patted the bear on the back. "Alright, go ahead. See how long it takes you to get me off. Then we'll go to the front desk and get your purchase price paid, and - WHOA!"

Angelo laughed as the bear started going crazy, the big chubby brown bear sliding up and down the dragon's cock as though it were frictionless, and a big smile that had nothing to do with sex on his face. That bear had been the right choice after all. He wanted sex, alright, but he wanted something else, too, something that he needed as well as wanted. Something that Angelo and his master could give him.

Friends. Friends that would treat him well as well as give him pleasure.

Closing his eyes with the lingering image of his master's cock getting swallowed by the bear's stretching ass, Angelo imagined what else there might be in the future for him, Draconicon, and their new pet.