Oral Con-tract: The Next Day

Story by Xial on SoFurry

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#2 of Oral Con-tract


This story was written to appease one of my fouler moods.

This chapter may contain abuse, science-fiction, fantasy, sex, forms of

sexual foreplay that are less than savory to purists, and other things.

If you can't handle these materials, Consider this your fair warning.

Save your breath on flaming me for it - It's not that hard for me to

procmail away the flames.


The main character was originally intended to be me. I was in a

"I HATE ME!!" kinda groove. It went from heavy abuse to something else.

If you read it, spend a little time to let me know what you think of it, no?

AIM: XialLunashine

ICQ: 23249659

IRC: [#voices on DarkMyst](%5C)

EML: vx.ocon at pixelechoes.net

And now...

The Next Day

Sully came to in a soft bed, surrounded and cushioned by pillows all around his bruised body. His stomach rumbled its hunger violently as he turned a bit to ease the pressure on his back. He nestled into the pillows, murring quietly, his predicament quite forgotten.

Mmm... Just five more minutes... this feels good... Sully thought drowsily, snuggling into the pile of pillows, yawning as he stretched his body a bit. He noticed soreness all over, but it wasn't so bad. I guess I must've worked out a bit too much yesterday...

Sully sat up in bed, trying to get his eyes to adjust to everything. He looked around his room in the dim light of dawn, absorbing every little thing in sight. Odd. I don't remember going anywhere, Sully pondered as he climbed out of bed. He felt slightly chilled as he stood up, looking for something to put on. On a hook, next to the door, was a cream colored robe and a note. He picked the note from the robe as he put it on, covering his body with warmth, and read it.

[Ahhh, my dear Sul'tunth. I see you made it through the night, if you're reading this. I'll assume you're hungry, so I have left instructions with your door guards to have some food brought to you on your request. If you wish to eat, simply open the door, and ask.

I regret having to forcibly take you from your home, but in all actuality, I miss you, Sully. I just wish I knew why you wanted to turn my friends and myself in, rather than letting us have your planet, and being able to sit by my side, with anything you ever wanted. I mean, at first, I was a bit appalled to find out you hated being male so much as to have wanted to get your gender legally changed.

I read more of your journal, as well. I noticed how you felt inferior because you were male. I noticed how you felt like you could have more control if only you didn't have a penis in your way. I noticed how you would make observations as to how the 'real' control lies within the female, with how they could easily bend the average male to their will.

Did you want to bend me to your will? Did you think that being female would give you more control over me? Did you want to experience the thrills of having a subtle power?

I want to confess something to you and you alone, Sully.

I wasn't born a male. Nor was I born a female. I was born as a hermaphrodite. I've experienced both kinds of sexual power. I prefer being male simply because most people worship the power of the male sex tool. But...

Sully, if you truly want to be female, I ask of you one thing.

Stay with me for 14 days. During the first 7, you will be as you are a male. On the eighth day, I will ask you, do you still wish to be female? If you answer yes, I will make the arrangements for your surgery and resulting therapy. During the arrangement period, I will return you to your home, so that you may properly prepare for this. You will need to sever all ties with everyone you knew as Sully, male fox.

Assuming you did say yes, Sully, you will have the surgery, and the therapy, including the necessary shots to begin your internal changes. I do mean that when you get changed, it will not be just an external change, it will be internal as well, Sully. You will be able to bear children when all the changes have finished and stabilized, which takes about 2 years. I will discuss the other seven days with you on a personal level, Sully.

- Jarn]

Sully sat down, stunned by the note from his former lover. His stomach protested again, so he decided to go the obvious route, and request his breakfast. He padded to the door quietly, wrapping his fingers around the knob, turning it slowly.

Peeking out the slit that just formed, he saw a chiropteran, dozing at its assigned post outside the door.

Heheh, I think I'll give Sleeping Batty there a scare; Sully chuckled quietly to himself, thinking.

"Good morning, Mr. Sul'tunth. I assume you would like breakfast," the bat spoke quietly, its voice somewhat high-pitched.

Sul'tunth spooked, jumping away from the door, not expecting the bat to speak.

"I assume you thought I was asleep, sir? No, it isn't possible to sleep when our leader is willing to give us whatever it takes to stay awake. Nightwing, at your service, sir. Let me request your breakfast..." The bat stopped for a moment, only to warble in a very high-pitched voice down the hallway.

Sully just stood there, dumbfounded, and nodded as the bat spoke.

Nightwing spoke, looking at Sully as he did. "'What would you like for breakfast?' they have asked."

Sully mulled the thought over for a minute, and said, "I'd like some blueberry pancakes with a breakfast steak, please. I'd like cranberry juice to drink, as well, if I may. Thank you."

The bat nodded, and warbled down the hall again.

"Mr. Sul'tunth, sir, they said it will be ready in about 20 minutes." He walked closer to Sully, his beady black eyes fixed on the fox. "I was also asked to show you to the bath, and to wash you up."

The bat walked into the room, relaxed, and headed for a door that Sully missed on his first inspection of the room. Sully followed, holding the robe close to his body for the moment.

Nightwing's claws scratched at the wall tiles, missing the switch the first time. On the second pass, the switch clicked, and the room was filled with a soft light. The bath looked oversized to Sully, who was used to a small bath chamber.

Sully spotted the toilet, and had a sudden urge, his bladder feeling full to almost bursting. As Sully headed to the toilet, Nightwing stopped him, his ears laid back on his head, a nervous air about him.

"Sir..." Nightwing began nervously, "I wanted to ask you a favor, if I may. You see... I have a fetish that only our leader has ever indulged me in... and I wanted to just ask you, to get it off my mind.

"May I... swallow your urine, sir?" The bat closed his eyes, hiding his face in his webbed claws, ashamed that he asked.

Sully mulled the idea over as long as he felt he could, then answered, "Well, I wouldn't mind, but I need to pee badly right now. When did-" Sully gasped at the interruption.

In no time flat, the bat was on his knees, opening the fox's robe. He began to lick slowly at the underside of Sully's partially exposed, piss hardening cock, as he whispered, "Thank you, sir... Let me know when you wish to empty your bladder..."

Sully nodded, gasping as he spoke, "I need to empty it now, Nightwing..."

Nightwing took the head of Sully's cock into his muzzle, his small, pointed tongue lapping at the piss slit, sucking gently at the head to encourage the fox to urinate.

"Ahhh... yes..." The fox murred softly at the sensations of the tongue coaxing him forward, cooing soft encouragements to the bat between his thighs. With a little grunt and a sigh, the fox began to empty his bladder into the bat's muzzle slowly. The bat swallowed each mouthful of the bitter fluid, murring a bit as he took more of the swelling fox cock into his muzzle.

Oh, my... I've never thought pissing for someone would turn me on, Sully thought to himself, feeling his cock swell more in the hot muzzle engulfing his length. Damn, that bat has a nice tongue...

Sully's hips were bucking a little as he urinated into the bat's muzzle, pumping his thickening cock into the small orifice, aroused by the touch, and the uniqueness of the moment. His urine was pouring forth in torrents, his overstayed bladder contracting, rushing out the bitter liquid. The bat was struggling to keep up with the fox's emptying bladder, but failed, urine running out the sides of his muzzle, and down his chest.

Sully was very aroused by the time his bladder was almost empty. He kept pumping into the bat's muzzle as his paws clutched the head, his cock throbbing, fully erect and engorged with blood. Softly, he growled as his grip on the bat's head became firmer, actively humping the hot, wet orifice that his bladder had just finished emptying its contents into. Sully began to force his full length into the muzzle, startling the bat.

Nightwing gagged as the head of Sully's cock hit the back of his throat and kept trying to push forward. The bat was quite accustomed to such length, but wasn't expecting this reaction from the captive fox. He panicked as the fox's pumping and thrusting became more violent and desperate in nature, cutting off his breathing for up to thirty seconds at a time.

Sully was approaching his orgasm as he pumped all eight inches into the bat throat, murring and moaning with each thrust. Suddenly, there was a faint knock at the bathroom door.

"Private Nightwing, why are you not at post? Where is the captive fox?"

Nightwing struggled to get Sully to let go of his head so that he could free his mouth to answer, but the fox was too close to be discouraged. Sully growled as Nightwing began to dig his claws into Sully's scrotum and lower sheath gently, trying to get the fox to let go. Unfortunately for Nightwing, this sent Sully over the edge into his orgasm. The fox jammed his cock deep into the bat's muzzle, the head plugging up the bat's throat, his knot swelling on the bat's tongue, pleasantly trapping him where he was.

Cum poured forth in torrents as Sully came violently, his balls emptying their contents rapidly into the throat of Nightwing. Nightwing was beating desperately at Sully's thighs, trying to get the fox to snap out of it and pull out, so that he could breathe.

The person at the bathroom door opened it to walk in on a somewhat familiar scene. A wolf walked in to see an engorged cock in the muzzle of the bat, which was gagging and fighting for his breath with each contraction the cock made.

"Nightwing, I see that even the captive knows who's the bitch here. Need some help unplugging that loose throat of yours, you slut," the wolf laughed as he padded over, gently scritching behind the fox's ears, eliciting a soft murr.

Sully was too absorbed in his orgasm to notice when the wolf began to pry open Nightwing's jaw. Slowly, the pressure on his knot relaxed as the wolf opened the bat's mouth. Sully stumbled back a bit, dazed, his knot coming out of the bat's muzzle. Fortunately for Nightwing, this also freed his throat.

Nightwing gulped down air greedily, his lungs starved for the cool oxygen of the room.

"Nightwing, get back to post. You haven't even done what you were ordered to do, so I will just simply take over. Dismissed."

"Aye, captain Sol'th ," said the bat as he stumbled out, cowering in fear as he made his egress from the bath.

Sol'th tapped Sully on the cheek lightly a few times, trying to bring his mind back to reality as he walked him over to the very large tub.

"Foxy, you all there yet? Hey, Sully, come to there, a?"

Sully mumbled softly, his mind still swimming a bit from the previous moments' events as he replayed them over and over in his skull, "...yeah?"

"How hot would you like your water for your bath?"

"Not too hot... something to get the ache out of my body from whatever it was that I've been doing, thanks."

Sol'th nodded, and twisted a couple of knobs. The tub began to fill rapidly with water, slightly steamy to the eyes, but crystal clear. As the tub filled, Sol'th began to undress himself, first removing the long sleeved, tight black uniform chemise, revealing a well-muscled chest.

Sully noticed this, vaguely, and queried, "Uh, what're you doing, sir?"

"Simple, fox. I'm going to give you a bath. It just wouldn't do to get my uniform messed up when I still have another 4 hours left on my shift now, would it? Mind removing that robe, and trying on the water for size there, fuzzlebutt?" The wolf folded his shirt neatly, his gray fur a bit mussed by the shirt, but still well groomed. He pulled down his pants, exposing a gray pair of bikini briefs that nearly matched his fur.

Sully nodded, removing the robe, his naked body revealed to the wolf. His orange-red fur was missing in small patches, and otherwise stained with feces and urine from the week long journey. Sol'th tsk'ed at the sight, as he looked over the fox's body.

Sol'th gestured to the fox as he spoke to come to him.

"Hon, what have they done to you? You look absolutely terrible. Come into this tub here, so the captain can take care of you," he murmured as he stepped into the tub, pulling the wary fox gently in, sitting him in his lap.

Sully was very tense, and even shaking a bit as he was in the wolf's lap.

"Come on, I won't bite you, foxy, unless you ask me to. I just want to make you look and feel beautiful, like the vulpine I can tell you are. Lean forward a bit, please? I'm going to begin by scrubbing your back, since it's the first thing I see here."

Sol'th tried his hardest to soothe the fox. He announced his every move with the brushes, combs, and cloths that he used. He had Sully stand, and tenderly cleaned the fur across the fox's bottom, making it clean.

As Sol'th continued to bathe the fox, there was a tap at the door.

Sol'th quietly said, "Who is it?"

"It's Jarn, Captain. What is taking you so long in there?"

"Come in, sir, I'd like to show you personally, if you do not mind."

The door opened, with the leopard striding in, wearing a large, plush robe. Jarn's eyes took in the sight before him the fox, half cleaned, scared beyond comprehension, and a wolf, calmly working a lather into the tail fur of said fox.

"So, Sol'th, what is it that you wish to show me?"

"Well, sir," the wolf began, "When I walked in earlier, I saw this fox here, with his knot crushing Nightwing's tongue. Nightwing wasn't cleaning the fox. Nightwing was letting him face-fuck him.

"I had to get his knot out of the slut's muzzle, and send the slut out of here, back to post. I drew bath water for foxy here, and had to try to get him un-nervous as I clean him. Foxy here seems to think I'm up to something each time I touch him, methinks.

"Also, whatever he went through the previous week left his fur deeply stained. I wished to make sure he was appropriately cleaned to be in your presence, sir. All I have left are his feet, his chest, and his head fur. I will let him clean his sheath on his own, rather than doing it myself, as I feel I'd make him too uncomfortable doing that for him, myself."

"Thank you, captain, for being so diligent," Jarn said. The leopard padded to the edge of the tub, dropping his robe, leaving himself naked. He stepped into the tub with the fox and wolf, and sat at the edge. "However, being that I know him, I'll clean his sheath for him. Isn't that right, foxy?"

Sully, too scared to oppose Jarn, too weak to fight, could only nod in agreement.

Jarn grabbed a fine-toothed comb and began to run it through the wet, matted fur of Sully's crotch, gently tugging at any knots he encountered. He combed it smooth, all in one direction as he worked. Jarn's left paw reached up a bit, cupping the fox's scrotum, the balls inside slowly shifting around in the warm, loose sac.

Sully closed his eyes at the touch, murring softly, his ears laid flat to try to hide his blushing.

"Sully, I won't hurt you if your body wants to react to anything I am doing," Jarn quietly spoke as he gently ran the comb through the fur on Sully's sheath, grooming it. Sully nodded, murring louder, his sheath swelling slowly as the fur along his tail was gently brushed out, the wolf behind him teasing his body as well, gently pinching each of his butt cheeks, goosing him a bit.

Sully's paws reached up to his nipples, gently pinching them, twisting them a little, the damp nubs of flesh hardening rapidly as he let out a soft gasp. His cock slid slowly from his sheath as the wolf and leopard groomed his body. He tilted his head back a bit, groaning in pleasure from the gentle stimulation he was receiving from Jarn's paw on his balls.

The little fox gasped a bit as he felt something smooth, wet, and hard slowly penetrate his tailhole. He looked back, murring with a giggle as he saw that Sol'th had slowly eased the handle of a small brush into his tailhole, pushing it slowly in. He could feel his cock swelling, growing out of his sheath as the wolf leaned forward, lapping at his tailhole after pulling out the brush.

Sully's groans got louder as Jarn's lips closed over the tip of his cock, sucking gently as he softly squeezed the fox's balls. Every time the fox's hips bucked forward, Jarn bobbed his head, taking more of the vulpine's swelling shaft into his muzzle. When Sully's hips relaxed, Sol'th's tongue slid into his tailhole deeper, lapping at the muscular ring, murring each time the muscles contracted around the organ.

Jarn's head leaned forward, and swallowed the entire length of Sully's cock, his tongue pressing the fox's cock to the roof of his mouth, bobbing his head faster. Jarn was careful with his tongue; however, knowing it had a rough consistency that wasn't pleasing to weaker fleshed beings. The wolf whimpered softly as he lapped at the fox's hole, and kissed the ring of muscles, his tongue lapping faster and faster into the hole.

Sully was lost in the sensations, his paws on Jarn's shoulders, no longer scared of his ex, who was swallowing all eight inches of his cock, with a wolf tongue-fucking his ass. He whimpered and whined, his body shivering, approaching his orgasm.

Jarn gently bit down at the base of Sully's cock, his sharp teeth not quite piercing the flesh as his head raised up, raking the length with his teeth, eliciting a soft yelp from the fox, whose hips tried to buck forward. The leopard did not resist, his muzzle opening, releasing the length so that it could plunge deeply into his throat.

With a loud yelp, the fox came deeply into the hot feline throat, pouring his second load of sperm into the belly of the leopard. His knot crushed forward against the lips of the leopard as his seed gushed forth from the small slit. The wolf behind him groaned into his tailhole, panting, his tongue pleasantly squeezed by the clenching of the fox's muscles.

The leopard purred softly as the fox sprayed his load over his tongue, taking care not to rasp his tongue over the sensitive pink fleshy organ he was tasting.

While the fox was dazed, the wolf finished scrubbing Sully's legs and inner thighs. Jarn sat the fox in his lap, facing him away, so that the captain could scrub the fox's chest.

As the wolf began his work, Jarn murmured softly into the fox's ear, nibbling gently at the tips.

"You're still as hot as ever, foxy. That's why I wanted you back. It's because I missed having a hot little fox to hold just like this in the tub as I gave him what he wanted, what he desired... and what I desired, as well. Do you remember those times, foxy?"

As Jarn spoke, he shifted the fox forward a bit, not to make it easier for Sol'th, but to alleviate some pressure on his own sheath, from which his cock slid from almost immediately, glistening with pre-come. He stroked his fingers through the fox's back fur, up to his head, his fingers tangling in the damp mess of head fur.

"Remember the time," Jarn began, "when we had those wolves over to have some fun, foxy?"

Jarn's claws raked gently along Sully's outer thighs, grooming through the smooth, clean reddish-orange fur. His movements went slowly inward, until Sully's legs spread open a bit. Jarn wrapped his arms around the fox's waist, nuzzling at his neck gently, talking quietly as the fox nodded his head.

"I'm glad you do. Heh, just thinking about it right now has me horribly aroused. I'm sure you remember what I did after they left, don't you, foxy?"

Jarn's grip around the fox's waist became firmer. He lifted the fox up a bit, holding him to his chest, sinking his teeth into the fox's neck slightly. Sully whimpered quietly, but didn't try to pull away. Sol'th continued his cleaning, his cock fully extended from its sheath, dripping pre-come profusely.

With one clean motion, Jarn lowered the fox onto his hard cock, impaling him with one thrust. Sully yelped, struggling in the leopard's grasp, surprised by the sudden impaling. The fox's struggles to escape the fiery sensation in his tailhole were in vain, however, as Jarn bit into his neck harder, drawing blood with the pricking of his teeth.

"Stay in fucking place, bitch. You knew that I was going to do that, so quit your damn whining," Jarn growled, his muzzle full of the fox's furry neck. "Better yet, squirm on my cock, bitch. I love it when you wiggle. Sol'th, get some relief. Let me know if he bites."

As soon as the wolf was addressed, he dropped his brushes, grateful for the chance. He stepped up, so that his feet were on the underwater seats of the tub, his cock at eye level with the fox.

"Open wide, fox," Sol'th said calmly, breathing through his nose to relax himself.

Sully kept his muzzle shut, whimpering as the leopard began to pump his cock into his inflamed tailhole slowly.

"Sir, he won't open his-" Sol'th began. Without warning, Jarn's teeth sunk deeper into the fox's neck.

Unable to hold in the pain, Sully yelped, his muzzle opening wide as he screwed his eyes shut. Sol'th took that opportunity, jamming his cock into the opened orifice. Sol'th also put his fingers just behind the back teeth in the fox's muzzle, holding it open to keep the fox from biting.

"Suck, foxy," Sol'th and Jarn said almost simultaneously. The fox, scared of what could happen if he didn't do as ordered, began to nurse gently on the wolf's cock, his tongue fluttering lightly over the surface.

Sol'th and Jarn moaned as they worked the fox's captive body, violating him. Sol'th hips bucked slowly as he pushed his cock further into the fox's muzzle, the well defined thigh muscles flexing through the wet fur. Jarn's pumping was relentless as he began to pound his length into the fox, pistoning his cock as he rammed home with each thrust.

Sully began to whine softly as Jarn's cock rubbed against his prostate with each thrust, shivering slightly as his furry chest was dried by the cold air of the bathroom. He began to work the muscles in his tailhole, hoping that Jarn would soon climax, and stop buggering him. His tongue flittered around the wolf's thickening shaft, stroking it slowly, and working it into the slit at the tip, knowing the wolf was already close.

Sol'th moaned as he grabbed the fox by his ears, and began to pump into his muzzle. "Sir... request permission to fill this fox up," he said shakily, trying to hold back, but failing.

"Granted, Captain. I'm sure he won't mind one bit," Jarn grunted, panting as he fucked the fox hard, bouncing the fox upward with each thrust.

Sol'th threw caution to the winds as he pumped faster into the fox's muzzle, thrusting deeply, nearly choking him with each thrust. His swelling knot was caressed by the observant vulpine as he came closer to climax, groaning softly as the fox began to gently squeeze and caress his scrotum.

"Shit," the wolf cursed softly as he heard a beeping noise. Where he had lain his clothes, his communicator had begun to beep.

"Ignore it, Captain. Finish if you're close," Jarn panted, his cock being squeezed and milked with each thrust into the fox, his arms still around the fox's waist as he pounded into him.

"I am sorry, sir. I am unable to finish, as my duty comes before my pleasure..." Sol'th mumbled softly as he climbed out of the tub, drying his paws first, to answer his communicator.

"You're a very good wolf, you know, Sol'th. I'm going to reward you for that, later," Jarn grunted, hoisting the fox up slightly out of the water, standing waist deep, with his cock still buried into the tight ass of the fox he loved. "Sully, bend over and grab the edge," the leopard redirected his attention to the fox directly, pumping his erection into the vulpine's bowels faster as Sully followed his orders.

Sol'th saluted, fully dressed, his cock still hard as he left the bathroom, quite visible through his pants.

Jarn redoubled his efforts as he worked the fox's body, his paws pulling the rounded rump back onto his throbbing cock with each thrust, his claws sinking in slightly as he came closer to orgasm.

Sully moaned softly, wiggling his butt with each thrust the leopard made, panting softly as the water of the tub caressed his length, his cock hard again from all the stimulation. Quietly, he moaned in lust, his body succumbing to the leopard's efforts, working with him.

"Mm, enjoying it, foxy... I am..." Jarn's words became unintelligible as he draped his body over Sully's, thrusting fast and hard, panting into the ears of the fox, buffeting the soft, sensitive organs with his warm breath.

Jarn's voice was but a gurgle when his orgasm hit, his cock pulsing violently as he sprayed his seed deeply into the fox underneath him, the fox shivering in response. The water around the fox's cock became slightly milky as he had his orgasm, his seed spraying into the water. Jarn kept his length firmly entrenched in the fox's pulsing, contracting tailhole, letting it suck the rest of his seed from his cock as he panted.

The leopard's seed was so copious, that despite his efforts to keep the fox plugged until he finished, his seed leaked out around his cock, dripping into the water.

Jarn began to purr softly, the aching sensation in his loins sated for now as he slowly pulled out of the fox.

Jarn sighed softly as he spoke quietly to the fox. "This is what I miss, truly. I miss being able to have you like this. I really don't know why, but something about just having you is so satisfying..." Jarn helped the fox out of the tub, and into the dryer, drying their fur thoroughly.

"Sully, I promised to explain the other seven days with you on a personal level. Your breakfast should be ready now, so that we can just eat and talk about that, unless you'd like to wait..."

Jarn trailed off, his voice going quieter with each word spoken, draping a towel around the fox's body, hugging him close.

Sully, the little fox, was tired after all of the things that happened in the bathroom, however. He fell asleep in the leopard's embrace, going limp in his arms.

"Aww, I tired out my foxy, didn't I..." Jarn picked up the fox with a soft grunt, and carried him into the room, laying the sleeping vulpine in the midst of the soft pillows on the bed.

Oral Con-tract: A Beginning

Disclaimer: This story was written to appease one of my fouler moods. This chapter may contain abuse, science-fiction, fantasy, sex, forms of sexual foreplay that are less than savory to purists, and other things. If you can't handle these...

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..d.i.s.j.o.i.n.t.e.d.. .xial .a .lunashine .dis. I shifted to accomodate him, positioning myself on the futon, his grip on my neck unrelenting. He held me down, knowing that secretly I was excited, watching how my body melted and...

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