Learning to Swim - Part XIX

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#19 of Entropy Series

The gang has a little awkward bonding time and comes up with a plan.

Before I knew it this chapter was written and waiting to be proofed. I won't spoil things, but if there's two concepts that strike my writing fancy they're romance and science. This chapter has a lot of both, so it was quite exciting to bang out and even when reading again for the proof. Still, it ends a bit abruptly due to the length, as I decided to split the chapter rather than have a 15,000 word beast for you guys to read.

As always, this story contains adult themes and explicit sexual imagery. If you do not want or are not able to view such content, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are not only welcome but encouraged, as your input only helps ~your~ story!

"Damnit, this itching is killing me!" Iolvin whined at the top of his lungs.

"Well you can shut up until your leg gets cut off!" retorted Ilaria.

Robyn forced herself in between the two saying, "Enough of that, guys. Everyone's got issues but complaining isn't helping." She then looked to Ari, held her by the shoulders, and whispered, "The pain's making you irritable, Ottah. Maybe some painkillers would do some good for once?"

"Fuck that. I'm not getting on that train again," she growled back at the squirrel. Looking over to Sprite she then demanded, "You're the one that screwed us up. You need to make it right, Sprite."

Ilaria's tablet lit up with, <Mistress, we are sorry for failing you. We shall do what is within our ability to rectify our masters' bodies, then we shall decommission ourselves.>

"Aww... shit..." Ari took two deep breaths to clear her head a bit and then said, "No, Sprite. We don't want you to do that. Just..." She squirmed in her seat to try and rid herself of some of her phantom pain though it really wouldn't do any good. "You can't mess around with life-threatening operations if you don't have the ability to do it a hundred percent. If you had more processing power we'd be perfectly fine right now, at least from what Ashe tells us."

"She's waaay underpowered," Ashe chimed in for a second.

"Right. But before we figure out how to fix that we need to take care of ourselves." Ilaria sighed as her leg wasn't getting any better and went for a crutch she kept near her desk. Walking slowly back and forth sans-prosthesis managed to keep her mind on her footing and off the pain, allowing her to explain, "Dee's really numb below the waist, Yoyo's itching all over, and my missing leg's killing me. What do we need to do to fix this?"

<Master Rustfelt will regain sensation as he utilizes the areas in partial paralysis. Likewise, localized exercise will increase blood flow to Master Rihzyet's skin and will sooth his discomfort. Mistress Rihzyet, your issues are unknown. We repaired missing neural pathways leading to the stated area. Both legs should be functioning correctly as a result.>

"Sprite... My leg wasn't broken, it's just missing." Ari stopped her pacing for a moment and took another breath. "Okay, but you saw it as a problem. Can you still go back and undo whatever you thought you fixed?"

The fairy quirked her head in thought and then pointed to the tablet as it lit up. <Removing neural connections is a permanent operation. If Mistress truly desires this, we will obey.> The transparent little girl cocked her head to the other side and then glided a paw over the screen again. <We may have an alternative, however. If Mistress' limb is missing, a replacement could be made to receive the neural input instead.>

"Is she saying what I think she's saying, Ottah?" Robyn asked as she read over Ari's shoulder.

"Maybe," answered Ilaria before turning to face the smaller being again. "I already have a metal lower leg, Sprite. Can you make that work?"


Staring at her tablet for a minute expecting more of a response Ilaria mumbled, "Right, forget she's still just a computer." With a more deliberate tone she clarified, "Well how long would it take? And what do we need to get it done. Because, honestly, I'd rather option 'A' if I end up waiting more than a day or so."

"Seriously? And what if you could move your leg again or something, big sis?" Yoyo stood up himself and walked over to his sister, his cell phone in paw with an apparent copy of all Sprite was saying. "I see what she's thinking. Lose your leg forever for a bit of comfort or put up with it and get a piece of your life back..."

Whispering to Adrian, Ashe asked, "There something I'm missing? Why's this such a big deal?"

"You should really talk to Ari about it but... Well, she lost half her leg a year or so back and it's been rough rehabilitating her." Dee huffed as he stood up as well, sharp pins and needles battering his nerves in his legs. "She likes to keep it quiet though so I'll just shut up now..."

Sprite flew down to inspect the prosthetic leg near Ilaria's desk, chirping out another message when she came to a conclusion. <Required materials are as follows: copper, 13 oz; gold, 0.2 oz; silica, 1 oz; oxygen, 1.4 m^2 at atmospheric standard pressure; iron, 2 oz; cadmium, 0.06 oz. Additional materials may be required if sufficient supplies cannot be gathered. Projected build time: one hour, fourty-eight minutes, twelve seconds.>

"Okay, let me rephrase that. What stuff can we buy at a store to get this done? That is, if we don't already have the stuff anyway."

As Ilaria finished her words the screen of her tablet blanked out and corrected itself. <We can cannibalize several items within the premises. We have done so before with projects deemed failures. Shall we proceed?>

"The time's reasonable..." Ilaria hobbled over to the fairy and looked down at her. "Go ahead. Take what you need. But make an inventory of anything you've ever taken apart! We don't want to get fired over any of this."

"Yeah, I'd like to keep my job thank you," Dee added as he just found the will to walk.

<We shall obey.>

"Good. Now what do we do about our other problems?" Ari turned herself around and began pacing once more, a very serious look on her face as she did so. "How do we upgrade your capabilities, Sprite? Or is that even possible with a being like yourself?"

Everyone's screens flashed white a moment and then lit up with a diagram of some kind and the text, <We have reached localized entropy, Mistress. We have expanded as much as possible while being able to self-sustain through internal power, yet due to required calculations we have required external charging as well. As shown, in order to increase our sisters' ranks we must reduce individual power consumption.>

"The sun lights the world but a million bulbs keep us out the dark..." Ashe mumbled barely loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Wait..." Ilaria stopped in place and thought about the girl's words. "She's got a point. Why rely on one big, wasteful machine when you can split the work between billions?"

"Yeah, but we need power stations to keep our lights on all night." Robyn brought up with a confused expression.

"Exactly. That's the point. The sun powers itself, but it's not the most versatile light source out there," Yoyo explained.

Ari sat herself down as she thought about what could be done. "So then we build a power source Sprite can use and she can grow around it. But reducing load?..." Ilaria looked over to one of the robotic instruments in the lab and smacked a fist on her table. "Got it. We build her a whole body. If Sprite doesn't have to use so many nanites just to keep her shape, she'll save tons of power right?"

A chirp brought her attention to the tablet. <With current motor and hydraulic technology, power consumption will still be moderately high. Battery systems are not sufficiently developed to sustain our kind as well as a mobile skeleton. Chemical fuels of able output are known, yet none currently exist. Again, we are at entropy.>

"That's... not good to hear then. And a shame, because you deserve a full life like the rest of us." Ilaria winced a bit in pain and then forced herself to walk again. "So there's nothing we can really do right... now..." She turned and made her way over to the AI, a sudden perplexed look stretching over her face. "Wait, you said you know of something that doesn't exist?"

<The elemental compound Miss Holmwilt was discovering may theoretically prove potent enough for expansive growth. However the element currently does not reportedly exist on this planet in a natural form and requires manufacture. Our sources are likely unworthy of trust, though atomic structure appears proper.>

Ilaria looked at her tablet ponderously, then extended her expression to a similarly interested Adrian. "By new element, you mean an atomic one? Like, Nobel Prize level discovery?"

A chirp brought the two otters' eyes down to their devices immediately. <We presume correct if our entries on 'Nobel Peace Prize' are also correct. New atomic element will have a variable atomic mass, as it would only exist in an oxidized molecular structure. Electron affinity of the element cannot be calculated until synthesis as said element would contain no protons of its own.>

"No... protons?" Dee carefully walked over to the fairy and stated his mind. "Every element has protons. There can't be an element with an atomic number of zero, can there?"

<Incorrect, Master. The element in question would contain no protons, borrowing protonic mass from oxidization.>

"Oh, I see though..." Ilaria thought out loud as she tried to remember her basic chemistry. "No protons, but it'll have neutrons and possibly electrons. That means it has to join with oxygen to interact normally with the rest of the elements, by piggybacking on it's protons. And with a high electron affinity, each time it adds a molecule of oxygen--"

"--It would build up an electrical charge! So that's how it would help..." Dee's expression changed to something akin to a child receiving his birthday presents. "Amazing!"

Chirps on everyone's devices drew all eyes except his down to read, <Correct, though not in this case, Masters. The element in question may have a high electron affinity, but long term energy supplies will come from an inverse electronegativity. Breaking oxidization bonds would theoretically release more than the required amount of energy for our intended usage.>

"Can someone explain this in a way that the rest of us understand? Please?" pleaded Robyn.

"Sure, hon," Ari assured. "We need to make some of this new element, and from the sound of it we just keep it around oxygen and feed it a bit of electricity... and it'll turn into a mega-battery of sorts. Not sure how much it'll output, but... Maybe it'll pop out ten volts for every one we feed it? A hundred? We'll have to see."

"Yeah, but we have to make it first. And how the hell do we go about doing that?" Dee raised to the group.

<Several restricted compounds are required. Some are harmful to living beings as well. Once materials are acquired, a diamond press mold and a class six argon laser are required to fissure and fuse the new element from the input materials.>

"Because everyone has a magic diamond maker in their basement collecting dust..." Yoyo joked.

"No, you're right. Sprite, even if we could locate that stuff..." Ari paused as she realized that the AI might have some version of emotion and could be off-put by her next words. "I don't think we'd be able to talk anyone into letting us use any of it."

<Miss Holmwilt intended to steal all required components. We agree with her logic on the matter.> Another message soon chirped on everyone's screens as Ashe typed something onto her laptop. <Miss Holmwilt believes this planet will fill with chaos when it runs out of fossil fuels. Chaos jeopardizes the safety of our masters.>

"That's ridiculous." Ilaria sighed at the seemingly dumb logic. "We have more than enough oil left to last us a lifetime. Ashe, please stop filling her head with--"

<Predictions place oil reserves at depletion in twenty-eight years. Our masters will continue to live a predicted eight hundred and fifty years taking nanite reconstruction rates into account.>

"Say WHAT?" the twins shouted at once.

"She's right, guys. She explained the math to me a day ago, somehow..." Ashe looked up from her laptop and stared at nothing in particular. "You guys are lucky I guess."

"I'm... going to just say that was a mistake or something. That can't be right," Robyn commented as she made her way to her mate.

"If we get Sprite upgraded we'll have to recalculate that. I thought we'd be in better health with the nanites but not ~that~ level." Ilaria leaned on her crutch and took Robyn under her free arm as she approached. "But that's even considering we get her this new oxide-only element. I dunno, 'oxydium' for lack of a better term."

"Oxydium. I like it," Dee mentioned as he got the hang of standing still on his stiff legs.

"But theft? No, that's too dangerous. I'm not risking losing you again, Ottah."

"We'll see what's up with Ashe's data later." Ilaria dropped her head to rest atop Robyn's and continued. "Sprite, for now just work on my leg. I can't think straight with this throbbing headache. We'll see what we can do once we're all in a better state of mind."

"Well I was thinking we should head home," Yoyo said as he stopped next to Dee. "We took the train like you asked. That mean Ellie and Robyn are driving us back?"

"What's that? Everything sorted out already?" Elliot rounded the back entrance with his phone still lit up. "Sorry about the call by the way. I'm still on call with the hospital the rest of the day."

"No, it's fine sis," Dee answered. "Apparently the three of us are immortal, we're about to solve world peace, and we still can't drive ourselves home."

"Uh... Okay?" he stared back at his sibling, soon looking to the others for a better answer.

"He's joking, Ellie." Iolvin messed up Dee's hair a bit and then requested, "We could use a ride home. I'll explain on the way if you'd like."

"I'd love to hear ~that~ conversation, haha!" Ilaria chuckled.

"Hey, I'm not all science-y like you guys but I got most of it..." Yoyo protested.

"I'm just kidding, lil' bro," Ari grinned back to her brother. "How about you three take off and we'll catch a ride with Robyn once my leg's all fixed up?"

"Sounds like a plan," Yoyo responded, chuckling as he added, "So I've got an hour and a half plus change to catch up with Dee. I'm all about that..."

Ilaria smiled and joked, "If you can even enjoy it with all the itching, hee."

"Oh, but remember what Sprite said," Iolvin retorted with a particularly devilish smile spread across his muzzle. "A ~bunch~ of exercise would make everything all better..."

"Yeah, yeah. Now get your silly butt home already, smart ass," Ilaria giggled as she pulled Robyn tighter.

"Okay, then we'll see you guys in a bit." Replacing his phone with his keys and waving with the other paw, Ellie started back out the rear door and said, "Come on, you two. And take care, lovelies!"

"I really am fine, Robby. Just taking a while to get used to this thing," Ilaria assured as she laid back on her bed.

"Yeah, and I know when you're uncomfortable," Robyn pushed, her paw coming to rest on Ari's newly modified prosthesis.

"It's nothing, really. Just itchy." Ari moved her lover's paw and gave the entirety of her lower leg a careful but firm twist, the metal and carbon fibre limb snapping loose to reveal a new implant at the base of her stump. "Hey Ashe, remember not to tell the others about this. Last thing I need is for Yoyo to baby me over a little extra work."

"I'll keep quiet," the wolf responded from the corner of the room, huddled over India.

"Considering all you guys have been through I'm not sure he'd make as big a deal of it as you think," Robyn added. "Besides, it's gonna sting for a few days at least and I know someone'll notice."

Ilaria slowly placed her leg next to the bed, leaning it against the nightstand. "Hey, have some faith. I'll make it until this is healed, and then nobody can complain can they? Especially not with the benefits Sprite hooked into the whole deal."

"Well... yeah, if you can get the hang of that thing anyway." Robyn laid down in her usual spot next to Ari and cuddled up against her, head resting on her shoulder. "Just think though. You can do all sorts of stuff again now that you can move that leg."

"We'll see about that. It's only the knee, so I think climbing and parkour are out of the question." Ari looked over to Sprite as she charged herself on the nightstand and asked, "Ashe, you think maybe Sprite can make me a better leg? Like, a more functional one?"

"Maybe. Better to ask her yourself when she's done charging though," Ashe responded sleepily as she curled up with her pup.

"Hey, why don't you come join us in bed honey?" Ilaria looked over to the wolf and continued, "I thought we talked about this? You're welcome to stay in my room instead of that musty study."

Ashe picked her drowsy head up and said, "I'm not... I don't want to intrude..."

"Nonsense! We don't mind at all, do we Robyn?"

"Well..." Robyn paused a moment and pulled herself over Ari's side to look at the girl. "I think it's only right that you have a proper place to stay. You obviously can't stay with the boys so... We have room for three so why not?"

"Robyn... are you--?"

"It's alright, Ilaria. I'll find somewhere else to sleep." Ashe picked herself up off the floor and India soon reluctantly followed with a yawn. "I'm not picky or anything."

"Ashe, wait..." Ari tried to no avail.

Bumping her shoulder as she slipped out the door, Ashe assured, "It's fine. I'll grab the couch or something."

Ari tried to follow the girl but cursed herself for removing her leg once she sat up. Robyn decided to hold her back herself however. "Just let her go, Ottah. She's made up her mind for now. We'll figure it out in the morning."

"Yeah... I hope so."

With a nod Ashe closed the door and headed downstairs. Not knowing her way around the living room, she found the back wall and followed it to the glass doors, pausing as she heard something outside. She spun one of her ears to better listen to the sounds, nearly pressing it flat against he glass.

"Need some help with the door?" Ellie suddenly startled the girl on the other side of the portal.

Ashe backed away from the door, her heart racing from the quick scare. "Nah, I've got it..." She reached a few times for the handle and slid it the door open, closing it again once she and India were through. "What are you doing out here?"

"Couldn't sleep. My schedule's off from working late the last few weeks." Ellie took a few seconds to puff a cigarette in his paw and then exhaled, "How 'bout you?"

"The Ilaria wanted me to sleep in her bed but..." Ashe coughed as she got an unexpected whiff of smoke and then continued, "...well, I couldn't do that to them."

Elliot snubbed out his cigarette and said, "Sorry, bad habit." As Ashe found the bench he was sitting on he scooted to make room. "At least I'm not the only one feeling a bit weird as a guest. Can't say no to a worried mom though."

Taking a certain nudge from Indy as a hint about the bench, Ashe reached down and guided herself to sit next to the otter. "It's nice of you though. Miss Rivet really calmed down when you said yes."

"I'd have freaked out the same if my kids came home with that crap in their bodies." Elliot stretched his arms out the back of the bench and then rested them on top. "If having a doctor around makes her feel better, the least I can do is stay the night. Even if that study creeps me out a little."

"I know the feeling," Ashe commented as she wrapped her arms around her torso, an incoming gust of wind giving her the shivers. "Maybe we can split the place for the night? I need a place to sleep now."

"I might just stay out here a while if you want to take the pull-out in there." Ellie took one of his draped arms and slipped it over the girl's shoulders, pulling her closer to stay warm.

"That's... uh..." Ashe hesitated before allowing herself to lean against the otter. "Um... So what's so interesting about back here?"

"Nothing, really. They just have a nice yard is all." Ellie looked over to the girl and her dull eyes that stared off into the distance. "There's um... The pool is glimmering... and the lake beyond that just sparkles so wonderfully..."

"They have a lake too? Gods..." Ashe suddenly started trembling at the new information, to which Ellie responded by leading her to lay in his lap.

"I take it you're not fond of water? They are otters, after all. Can't blame them." Elliot slowly rubbed the top of the wolf's head, playing with her hair a bit in an attempt to sooth her. "Well you can't see it too well right now, but the moon's the real star of the show."

"The moon..." Ashe closed her eyes and focused on the warmth coming off her new friend's lap. "What's it like?"

"Well it's... the moon. That's sort of..."

The drowsy wolf softly groaned out, "As much as I know, there's so much out there I'll never... never understand..."

Finding himself staring down at Ashe instead of gazing up and out, Elliot did his best to describe the celestial body. "It's grey and white all over most nights... it can be a little red or brown if the sky's right some nights though. It hangs over us and only shines back the best of the light the sun has to offer, a brilliant and soft white glow. It brings the world a unique color from above, proving that the colder the night, the better the world will appear..." Elliot paused a moment as he thought Ashe was falling asleep, which was proven wrong when she snuck out a light yawn. "And it's only still half as pretty as you."

"Hmm?" Ashe mumbled a bit of nothing as she held onto Ellie's leg tighter, her other paw reaching to find India even though she was slowly rendered unconscious.

"Time to put sleeping beauty to bed." As Elliot picked up the wolf girl in his arms and found his balance, a few drops of rain pattered on the furs and their surroundings. "Perfect timing, too."

"Fuck your homework. You can do that after you make my supper."

"Sorry daddy." Ashe reached for her eraser and and restated, "Just let me finish a few more and I'll start cooking."

A paw found the eraser at the same time as hers did, snatching it up and hurling it across the room pointlessly. "I work hard all day so I expect something on the table when I get home! I swear, your mother always managed that much at least..."

"But mama didn't have an oc... oc-cu-pa-tion... so she could cook all day--"

A paw violently and loudly slapped Ashe across the cheek. "Don't you DARE talk about her like you knew her!" Ashe's father paused briefly, huffing in anger to a near growling. "Now get in the damn kitchen, Ashe."

"I'm s-sorry d-d-daddy..." Ashe sobbed through new-formed sniffles as she stood. She wobbled across the room, slamming her knee into a counter in her distress. "Ouch!"

"Damnit, girl! Can't you do anything right?" Ashe shut herself up and hunched over a drawer, preemptively preparing for another slap as she heard her father stand. Instead he thankfully just went for the fridge, mumbling, "She just had to leave me with a broken blind girl instead of a real daughter, didn't she? I'd much rather just have Claire..." as he rummaged for a beer.

Ashe grabbed a pot from the drawer but yipped as the her father bumped into her to grab a bottle opener. "S-sorry..." she apologized out of turn, rubbing her shoulder after it was shoved into the handle of the next higher drawer.

"Watch where you're standing, girl. Useless little..."

Ashe lurched forward and fell onto the floor as she spasmed awake suddenly. "Gods!..." She barely kept herself from crushing poor India beneath her as she rolled off the side of the couch, instead pulling herself to lie next to the feral dog for comfort as she cried into her dreadlocks.

"Oh, you're up," Iolvin said from a seat across the room as he watched the girl's abrupt awakening. "Rough night?"

Ashe wiped her eyes a bit and then froze in place. Perking her head upward and grabbing the edge of the couch she whimpered, "Where am I!? How did I get here!?"

"Relax, Ashe. Ellie said he brought you here after you fell asleep." Yoyo tapped a few times on his laptop and then stood to help the girl find her bearings. "Oh, right. You're in the living room."

"Ellie?..." Ashe got herself on her feet with a pull from Yoyo. As she pulled Indy's guide bar into it's extended position she said, "Thanks... I tend to recreate very vivid dreams whenever I sleep uncomfortably."

"Nightmare, eh? Well I didn't see any tears if you didn't." Yoyo walked over to his spot on the kitchen counter and went back to his morning news browsing. "Sound about right, Ashe?"

"Thanks," she responded as she followed his voice to an adjacent seat. "I appreciate the concern for my external appearance to others. Might you tell me what is the time?"

"Smart mode, already? Huh." Yoyo checked the time in the corner of his display and answered, "About ten thirty."

"Just to be certain, that's in the morning and not the evening, correct?"

"Yeah," Yoyo confirmed while politely trying to muffle a chuckle.

"Sorry, I haven't been sleeping properly in recent times." Ashe found a stool and pulled herself to sit atop it, giving her eyes another wipe or two once she was settled. "Lack of sufficient sleep and incorrect timing of sleep cycles can offset a fur's time of natural and interruptible windows of awakening by large enough margins--"

"I've pulled a pawful of all-nighters before myself, Ashe. I understand," Yoyo said to stop the girl's rambling.

"All-nighters? I hope not recently, sweetie," Catherine said as she found her way back to the kitchen. "Oh, good morning Ashe. Care for some coffee? I just put another pot on a minute ago."

Still a bit taken back from being interrupted Ashe quietly responded, "Oh... Good morning. Coffee's... fine..." She leaned a bit closer to Yoyo and turned her head to face him better, though her gaze actually rested between the other two. "Iolvin, could you uh... I desperately require my messenger bag..."

"Uh, sure. It's in Lulu's room, right?" Yoyo stood up and started for the stairs. "Anything else, or just that?"

"Sweetie, Dee said you needed to change something on one of your little gadgets. A battery I think," Cat reminded her son as he hit the top of the stairs.

"Thanks mom. Nearly forgot about that."

"And here's that cup of coffee," said Cat as she placed a mug in front of the wolf with a light clack. "You take cream and sugar, right?"

"I'm not used to..." Ashe stopped herself and just politely corrected, "Yes, please."

"Something wrong, honey? I bet you're just hungry..." Cat immediately went for a pan below the stove and then hit the fridge once it began heating. "Pancakes and eggs sound yummy, Ashe?"

"Um... Quite, yes." Ashe stopped a moment to sniff the air, only to mention a minute too late, "You really don't have to prepare anything, Misses Rivet. It's not--"

A groan faintly made itself known from the girl's tummy, drawing Yoyo to say, "Really now? That didn't sound like the case..." Sitting down in his old spot he notified, "Here's your bag, Ashe. I'll put it--"

"Just give it to me now," she said as she held out a paw, the strap being draped across her palm in response. She rummaged around inside fretfully and clarified, "And please, I'm just very acquainted with limiting my calorie intake."

"No, that's not dieting. That's starving on the street." Yoyo huffed out a quick sigh as he pulled his shirt over and off his head. "Besides, I'd never pass up mom's cooking if I were you. I'll just say it'll be the thing I miss most when i move out, haha. There's something wrong if you don't love her food!"

"Iolvin, manners! Be nicer to Ashe!" A sizzle hit the pan as an egg started frying, Catherine so used to cooking such meals that she didn't even look down as she tossed the shell into the sink. "And what have I told you about wearing proper clothing in the kitchen?"

"What? It's not like she can see anything anyway," Yoyo complained as he worked the used chemical cell out of his chest piece. "Besides, I need to do this or bad stuff might happen to me." Cat gave her son a stern expression to press her point as he placed the fresh unit into his chest. "Right. Uh, sorry Ashe. I'm not making fun of you for being blind or anything..."

Finding what she was seeking, Ashe dipped her snout into her bag and emerged with traces of white clinging to her wet nose. "No, it's quite alright. He's just stating the obvious. I deal in empirical truths myself, so no foul done."

"Truth or not, I won't have my children being impolite," Cat insisted as she turned back to her cooking.

Before his mother could spot the mistake, Yoyo brushed his shirt over Ashe's nose to clean her up. Placing his shirt back over his head and straightening it he said, "Sorry mom. I'll uh... make it up to her. Maybe I'll grab a treat on my way from class."

"You've got a class at noon, right? Aren't you pushing it?" Catherine said as she brought the pan over to a plate and scooted the contents over. "We're not paying for you to miss half your lectures, mister."

"Don't worry, mom. Traffic's nothing until after lunch." Yoyo finished getting his clothing in place and reformed his hair. "I'll leave in a minute and get there right on time."

Hearing the plate and utensils being placed in front of her Ashe sat up straight and crawled her paw over the counter to locate them. "If it's not a... uh... a big deal... could you give me a ride to... Ilaria's work?"

"Hmm? Downtown?" Iolvin took a moment to think about the route he'd need to take. "No way I'll make my class on time if I did that..."

Ashe found her fork as well as the scent of her meal and dove straight into it like she'd never eaten anything before. Speaking between hefty mouthfuls of food she said, "Please? I want... to help her with... what I can. Need to... repay her somehow."

Catherine stood with an apparently unneeded bottle of maple syrup over the girl, baffled at the pace she was setting. "Slow down, honey. It's not going anywhere."

"Wow, I think she likes it." Yoyo closed his laptop and stared at the wolf as she chunked down her food. "Fine, I'll drop you off. That is, if you haven't choked first."

"Really!?" Ashe took a last forkful of eggs and crammed it in with the rest of her overstuffed muzzle. With a particularly loud and forceful set of gulps she finished off her meal in record time and spat out, "Well good, let's go!" As she picked up her bag from her lap and placed her fork down she smiled in the general direction of Cat and cheered, "Oh, thanks for the breakfast Misses Rivet! It was awesome!"

"Oh... You're welcome..." Catherine mumbled as she snapped out of her little daze watching the girl. "And please, call me Cathy sweetie. No need to be ~that~ polite around here."

"Sorry Catherine. I'll make up for it by helping with dinner, alright?" Ashe responded as she readied Indy and started for the front door.

"Hey, don't forget me ya' silly thing," Iolvin chuckled as he packed away his laptop and followed her outside. "Bye mom! Love ya'!"

"Drive safe!" The two barely heard behind the door as they headed to Yoyo's jeep.

"Here, let me get the door," Yoyo said as he outpaced the wolf. Opening the passenger and rear doors, he took Ashe by the paw and separated her from India's guide bar. "Here you go. Watch the height," he warned as he guided her to her seat, picking Indy up into his arms afterward. "Your pup's right behind you, alright?"

"Yeah, she'll be okay back there." Ashe reached about for her seatbelt, eventually letting Yoyo get it for her since the design in his jeep was different than with most cars. "Thanks. Don't normally spend a lot of time in cars."

Iolvin made his way around to the other side and hopped in the driver's seat. "Why? Get car sick without sight?" he asked as he started the engine and put the jeep into gear.

"No, just never really... could get near them." Ashe reached a paw back, scritching under Indy's muzzle when she started licking the appendage. "And when I do I'm not usually focused on the driving."

"Well don't tell me you're looking at the pretty scenery," Yoyo joked. "What, Indy keeps you busy?" he added as he spotted the two being cute.

"No," Ashe corrected as they pulled onto the highway, "I'm usually too busy repaying the driver."

"Now I'm really confused," Yoyo mentioned as he picked up speed.

"What, you've never given someone a ride for pleasure? Or are you just saying that because I'm not your type?"

Spotting a somewhat saddened expression on the wolf next to him, Iolvin reached a paw over to rest on hers. "Hey, that's not true. You're stunning. What would make you--"

"Stunning..." Ashe worked her paw over to Iolvin's pant buckle, immediately finding and dropping his zipper. "I'll have to pay you back double then..."

"Ashe, don't do that..." Yoyo begged as he shifted in his seat.

Pulling the otter's growing length out into the open Ashe impatiently corrected, "Oh, you'd rather my mouth then? Alright..."

Without a chance to voice his true concern Ashe undid her seatbelt and started licking Iolvin's tip. Instead he found himself more concerned with keeping the two of them safe as Ashe took a a fair amount of his length into her muzzle, the resulting burst of acceleration from Yoyo's twitching leg sending a rush of adrenaline to his system. Yoyo's heart fluttered as this innocent-looking wolf girl then decided to suddenly attempt the whole of his rod, artfully stuffing it well into her tight throat.

Ashe either didn't notice or didn't care when the jeep pulled to a stop outside her destination. She pulled back a bit, almost completely off Yoyo's throbbing member so that her jaw could rest after taking his hefty girth. She liberally licked the head of his cock as her paw massaged and stroked the remainder, all the way down to Yoyo's inflating knot. Briefly Ashe went lower only to lick from the base to--

"Yoyo, that you?"

"S-Sandy?" Iolvin blurted out as his head snapped to the jaguar girl now standing out his window. "H-hey, how's it going?" he grunted out.

"Hey, I didn't recognize you at first. What's up with the fur tinting?" Sandy queried as she looked up at the otter's glowing face.

"Sort of a... hng... long story but I have a... hah... glow to me now."

Sandy quirked her head at the odd hints Yoyo's face was showing and the gaps in his speech. "That's strange. You'll have to tell me about it sometime. Catch up in general even, maybe over coffee?" She caught a particularly loud groan and added, "Hey, you alright?"

"It's nothing..." Yoyo bluffed, a paw on Ashe's head to hold her below view.

"Crazy coloring aside, you look like you need to find a bed." Pulling herself up on the frame to feel his forehead Sandy added, "And why are you even out here when you're like this?"

Yoyo instinctively bucked his hips upward and forced Ashe's head down as she squeezed his knot. "S-Sandy no!... W-wai--" The thrill of being caught and the sudden rush of pleasure sent the otter over the edge, filling Ashe's throat and muzzle with fuchsia cream to the point she had to fight to pull away.

"The hell is going on?..." Sandy demanded as she finally pulled her head into the vehicle to get a look, unfortunately in perfect timing with Ashe pulling her own head back with a few coughs. Before the jaguaress could react her hair and face were plastered with glowing pink as it gushed from Iolvin's cock like a fountain. "The... the FUCK!?"

"Goooods!..." Yoyo reached forward blindly to grab Ashe's head again, this time instead holding his other friend's face in the line of fire. "Heeee!..." he squeaked from deep in his throat as he pulled Sandy's mouth over his the end of his cock, another pint or so pumping into her mouth until a small stream shot from her nose.

Eventually Sandy gathered enough sense to start slapping the otter, a solid hit to the balls forcing him to release his grip so she could assume a much more comfortable position with her head barely inside the window frame. "Damnit, Yoyo! You fucking pervert!" she hacked and couched out violently as the wailing of her paw continued on the otter's chest.

"Damn, that was a ~lot~ more than I expected," Ashe coughed out as well, a pool of the glowing jizz drooling into two cupped paws below her muzzle.

"That... Wow..." Iolvin mumbled a few incoherent words until he noticed what exactly has perspired in his euphoric state. "Oh SHIT. Sandy, I'm so fucking sorry! I didn't--"

"What the hell, Yoyo!? Since when is ANY of that EVER alright in public!?"

Ashe paused from lapping up the contents of her paws and instead slurped it all down as quickly as possible. Then with a randomly-placed paw stretched over Yoyo she said, "Hey, sorry about this. I was just settling a debt with Iolvin. Name's Ashe."

"Who the hell?..." Sandy looked at the awkwardly held paw and traced it to Ashe's face. "Is that girl blind, Yoyo? How could you--?"

"Sandy, I'm ~sorry~. Take a breath and I'll explain." Yoyo took Ashe's strange, messy gesture and lowered her paw. "She started doing that well before we got here, all on her own. And I didn't mean to... Shit, you're a mess."

"You're kidding, right?" Sandy looked to her sides for a moment and then ducked her head a bit more into the jeep so her messy face couldn't be seen. "Aw, gods... It's running down my throat..."

"I didn't mean to grab you or anything, I swear. It was just..." Yoyo took a moment to stop Ashe from licking his length clean and restarted, "Well, I was having an orgasm. You know you can't control yourself like that."

"But last I checked you also didn't come like a fire hose either! By gods, what's happened to you?"

As she finished sufficiently grooming her own self clean Ashe interrupted, "Should I stay or...?"

"Right. Sandy, this is Ashe. Ashe, Sandy. I'll introduce you two properly later." Yoyo tucked himself into his pants and adjusted his zipper before continuing, "For now we need to get you cleaned up. I swear I'll make it up to you."

"Are we here or what?"

"Just follow the fence to the back and I'll have Dee open the door for you. And please don't tell him what happened." Iolvin spun his head to face Sandy and said, "Still want that coffee? I can't go to class like this anyway."

"You're fucking buying," Sandy huffed back.

"Ouch..." Ashe slipped out as she stumbled out the raised seat of the jeep and banged her head on the frame. "Come here, Indy! Heel!"

"She really is blind, isn't she?" Sandy asked as she saw the poolie round the console and hop out the front door, guide harness and all. "I must be missing something. Since when did you pick up random blind chicks for road head?" As she watched Ashe and India make their way to the back of the building as instructed, Sandy popped out the window frame and circled to replace the girl. "And why is it every girl in town's screwed the daylights out of you except me?"

"Well you did get the reward without any of the work..." Yoyo giggled, spotting his friend was starting to almost get used to her situation.

"Boy, if I'm not in a bathroom in five minutes you'll be lucky if you ever see a reward again." Taking a moment to buckle herself up, Sandy then took a finger and wiped some of Iolvin's magenta goop into her mouth. When she found the otter staring back with a considerably lively bulge in his pants she complained, "Hey, it's not like there isn't a damn gallon in me already."

Putting the jeep back into gear and then shielding his face preemptively from attack Yoyo quipped back, "Oh, just wondering if kitty wanted any ~cream~ with her coffee..."

"Nope, still fucking retarded," Sandy grumbled back as she rolled her eyes back in her head.