Stopping Dragonien

Story by Sovrim Terraquian on SoFurry

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When dragonien decides to playfully rampage through a city, Osimaret decides this is not unfair and sets about ensuring the red dragon won't go on a rampage again.

Inspired by a couple recent images and stories I've found. Written in a grand total of about an hour and a half. Dragonien appears and is (mis)used by permission.

"Oh god! He's going to kill us all!" one person screamed as he quickly ran down the street, fleeing from the towering red dragon that had wandered into downtown. The titan's name was Dragonien, as he'd rumbled out upon reaching the city limits. At first people didn't even believe what they saw as the young-looking, slender giant walked through the suburbs, but once he began to stride through the city streets, the shaking ground and enormous paw-shaped craters made it clear this was not merely a shared hallucination. This red-skinned beast was both very real and very, very dangerous.

"Oops, I'm sorry," Dragonien said, in a voice that was anything but sincere. His grin was mischievous, though not outright malevolent. It's not that he wanted to break everything; he just didn't care if the micros and their constructions could actually hold up to him or not. Most of them couldn't even come close to handling him. Small houses didn't even reach the top of his toes and were stomped or kicked aside without the dragon breaking his stride. People ran out of his way when they could, but his paws were so broad they covered most of the streets and sidewalks; escaping him was a matter of running down another street and hoping he didn't follow you. Cars, trucks, busses, and vehicles of all kinds were subject to most of the same problem as they, too, were easily trampled into the fragile asphalt. Even buildings were unable to cope with Dragonien's swaying tail, as it tore down the façade of countless buildings with ease. Crumbling bricks and collapsing wood tumbled into the already crowded streets, increasing the chaos on the ground below and limiting escape options for those desperate to survive.

To the red dragon, the city was quite simply his plaything. After all, these little things were far too small to stop him. He got on all fours in the middle of a highway and started crawling forward, playfully snapping at some vehicles that were particularly slow to move. This quickly caused an accident as people desperately tried to flee, which in turn caused a traffic jam and prevented any more 'toys' from escaping Dragonien's clutches. It didn't take long before he started grabbing at the cars and playing with them as if they were just toys, running them through the crowded streets with no care whatsoever for the vehicle's contents or, for that matter, the survival of the car itself. The first vehicle he picked up simply collapsed between his fingers when he tried to lift it off the ground. The next fared only slightly better, though the forces the giant exerted quickly caused the vehicle's tires to pop and drivetrain to fail, leaving it immobile. Dragonien frowned at this and simply tossed it aside, causing a distant crunch of metal-against-concrete as it came down several blocks away. Another vehicle - a bus - was quickly grabbed as a replacement for this. It was flown around like a plane, complete with the dragon adding noises one might expect from a propeller. He stood up and started running along, 'accidentally' crushing half of the remaining vehicles under his feet as he moved closed to downtown. This makeshift plane was carried along for a full minute, jostling about all those inside, before the red giant carefully landed it upon the roof of a highrise hotel.

That bit of playfulness was enough to bring Dragonien into the downtown region. All around him stood the tallest skyscrapers in the city, but he still loomed well over them all. He smirked, unamused that nothing in this city could even come close to matching his size and power. Was this really the best those tiny creatures could do? He walked over to the tallest building in the city, a flagship office tower, with sides of gleaming metal and glass. He stood just far enough back to see his entire reflection in it and grinned. He struck a few poses right there in downtown, casually knocking aside some smaller buildings with his feet, hips, and tail as if it were entirely their fault for having been built in his way. He flexed his arms and legs in turn as he tried to mock a bodybuilder's routine, even though his lithe form was powerful just due to his raw, imposing size. He even bent over and mooned the building, wiggling his ass in its direction, as a final act of this destructive, narcissistic show.

With his exhibition finished, Drago stepped forward and leaned against that 75-story building as if it were nothing at all. The glass-and-steel structure creaked and groaned ominously as it struggled to support the red beast's weight, while its roof was barely at chest height upon the giant. Those in the upper floors got a good view of his pecs, while lower floors had the chance to get an excessively close-up view of other parts of his anatomy. For those fortunate enough to make it out the emergency exit, they were in the shadow of his feet, dwarfed by his toes alone. A few dared to look up at his legs towering above them as if they too were sculpted from steel; most were simply thrilled to have escaped with their lives and kept on running, refusing to look back.

Throughout this entire show, another creature had been watching from a distance. Osimaret, a demon, just shook his head at Dragonien's show. It's not like the city actually deserved to get torn apart just because a giant was bored. Just because he was a demon didn't mean Osimaret was entirely devoid of morals; he just had a very different way of enforcing them and he'd certainly seen enough from the red dragon. He sighed, stood up, and created a portal that would take him from his underworldly lair to the surface, where he could handle this situation personally. He appeared on the side of the city opposite where Dragonien appeared, at 'only' 700 feet tall, as opposed to the thousand or so the red dragon had attained.

Osimaret quickly got the attention of everyone in the city, including the dragon. Most people had been fleeing in that direction, so the sudden appearance of another giant induced a fresh wave of panic and another series of traffic accidents as people scrambled to find an alternate route away from this chaos. While Dragonien's skin was a vibrant, cherry red, Osimaret stood there in a pure, matte black, as if his skin refuse to even allow light to escape from his presence. The creature was roughly cetacean in appearance, best approximated by an orca, aside from the single, spiraling, ivory horn one might expect to see on a narwhal. His ruby eyes seemed to glow with an inner fire, a determination to impose justice on the situation that he had come across.

Unlike the tremendously destructive approach Dragonien made in the city, Osimaret was particularly reserved in his footsteps. He never broke his stride, yet his feet always seemed to find a gap in the crowd below when he stepped downward. There were massive craters, as no amount of concrete reinforcement could withstand the thousands of tons of weight that came down from the sky, but there were almost no casualties brought about by the demon's appearance. He was already massive, after all; why did he need to be deadly to reaffirm his power? The only person who was unimpressed was Dragonien, who just smirked at the approaching cetacean from over the rooftops of downtown Once the demon got close enough, Dragonien swept his tail around in an attempt to trip up the smaller giant. Rather than falling over, the demon stopped just out of range, which caused the dragon to nearly lose his balance and fall forward, crashing head-first against the building he'd previously been using as an arm rest.

"What are you doing, Dragonien?" Osimaret asked. His tone was even, yet firm.

The question made the red giant pause for a moment. How'd this guy know his name, anyway? What was this creature, for that matter? But those questions seemed rather unimportant for now as he decided to simply answer the inquiry. "Oh, I'm just having a little fun. You know how fragile these things are, right?" He smiled, gesturing at the wreckage he'd already wrought on the city. The demon did not smile at all.

"Oh, but there are other ways to have fun, don't you think?" Osimaret himself was getting playful now as he grinned down at the red dragon. There was certainly something attractive in those ruby-colored eyes, something that made it harder to look away. Dragonien found himself staring at them for several moments before he blinked and looked away, shaking his head as if trying to get out the cobwebs after that rough fall.

"Well yeah!" Dragonien responded as he got to his feet. "We could race to see who can stomp more of those little cars on the way out of town. I'd even give you a head-start, short stuff. Or..." Dragonien paused and stepped up to the demon, giving him a playful kiss on the lips, "If you want, we can just get comfortable right here in the city..." That comment made the demon bristle briefly, but it just reaffirmed his desire to resolve this situation once and for all.

"No, I think I have even better ideas, Dragonien," Osimaret said, looking right into the dragon's eyes once again. "I think there are things you'd like to do, deep down inside, that don't involve terrorizing a city to play a game. You don't really want to stomp on all those little creatures milling about. In fact, you envy the view they have, don't you?" Once again the demon's eyes seemed to shimmer, as if they were drawing in the dragon's attention. Did Dragonien really want... that? It was nice getting a view of himself, after all, as he loomed over a city. So big, so powerful, so hard to resist... The red giant tried to shake it off, but it was harder this time as the demon's gaze fixated on his eyes. "Yes, you'd much rather be the one looking up at a giant, Dragonien. You want to be able to appreciate that view for a long, long time. But please, I'm talking far too much. Please, take a seat, Dragonien. Sit in the park. Your feet must be so tired."

It was getting increasingly difficult to resist those words. Yes, his legs were getting tired from standing up so long, and his paws were sore from everything he'd stepped on earlier in the day. The dragon nodded softly as he stepped over to the next block and sat down, cross-legged, on the soft grass. The ground caved slightly under his shapely rear, but it was far from the devastation a stomp would have inflicted. From this angle, the demon looked quite a bit larger. Dragonien's eyes were level with Osimaret's waist, which required him to look up at those irresistible eyes once again. Along the way, he admired the well-toned muscles of the black creature's abs and pecs, carved deep into that ebony skin. If one were small enough they could almost get lost in those valleys, Dragonien noted, briefly picturing himself in that position. He quickly shook that off. Where did that thought come from? But he soon looked into Osimaret's ruby-red eyes once again and felt a fog starting to cloud his mind.

"Yes, please, make yourself comfortable. You love the view from the ground, Dragonien. You like it when someone else is towering above you." As he spoke, Osimaret walked forward, slowly closing the gap between himself and his fellow giant. This caused Dragonien to look up further, and further, as if those eyes were getting even more distant. In his haze, he didn't realize he was starting to shrink. Where he once was a thousand feet tall, he now would barely match the demon's size, and even that was quickly changing. "You'd actually love to give me a footrub right now, wouldn't you?" With those words, Dragonien's gaze quickly moved downward, to the black feet of the demon. They were roughly human-like, though wider than normal, with four toes instead of five. They were as dark-skinned as the rest of the cetacean's skin, though his claws were as white as the horn atop his head. The ebony behemoth sat down atop a nearby building of suitable height - a structure that creaked in protest but just barely held - and propped his feet up, revealing his soles to the dragon. Despite the walk through the city they were relatively clean, with only a few spots marked by rubble where there simply wasn't enough room for him to avoid everything on the ground. They seemed oh-so-soft and warm and welcoming; without even thinking about it, Dragonien began to crawl forward until he was close enough to take one of those feet in both of his hands.

"That's it, Dragonien," Osimaret rumbled, "That's the place you've always wanted to be, isn't it?" The words seemed to echo distantly in the dragon's mind, as he was now too entranced by the feet to think about much of anything else. Though they were clean, they had a rich scent to them, a musk that permeated the air surrounding those paws and soon saturated Dragonien's nose. It was a pleasant, natural, earthy smell, baked in by the heat of the underworld. "Go on, short stuff," Osimaret continued, using the very same words the dragon had earlier. "Give them a kiss." The instant those words came from the demon's mouth the dragon took the invitation. He leaned forward and kissed each of those toes, one after another, all while giving a faint groan of pleasure. Why hadn't he done this sooner? It was sending waves of lust and pleasure through his entire body, though he didn't stop for even a moment to tend to that; he was too busy obsessing over the demon's feet. The foot was twice the size of his face now; the biggest toe was a struggle to get into his mouth, but the dragon soon was trying to suck every hint of musk from those thick, powerful toes. "Good dragon. That's exactly what you should do. Once you're done there, get down and kiss my heel. It needs the attention as well.

With most of his other thoughts simply gone, Dragonien took that command to heart. He found each one of those toes filled his mouth just as much as the first. Was he really getting that much smaller? It was really of no importance. He soon had to stand up just to reach the demon's toes entirely; the foot alone was now larger than his entire body. He couldn't be much more than a hundred feet in height now, and he still was getting smaller with every passing moment. As he got onto all fours to kiss the heel, as he'd been ordered, the demon decided to make matters more interesting. He slid the toes of his other foot beneath the dragon and lifted him into the air. Dragonien was quickly rolled down into the arch of the foot, then buried by the remaining paw, as Osimaret sandwiched him between the two. The warmth and musk were worked thoroughly into the dragon's body, at once relaxing him and marking him. It was a casual movement for the demon to simply rub those feet back and forth around the red dragon, but to Dragonien it was as if the entire world were nothing more than those two hot, firm, wonderfully-scented surfaces, which seemed to extend further around him with each passing moment. He soon found himself completely enveloped between those paws as they closed around him, sealing him in the darkness.

After half a minute of keeping the dragon in place, Osimaret slowly spread his feet apart and deposited Dragonien on the ground once more. The red creature was now hardly the imposing beast he had been earlier; he was even smaller than most at half the size of the demon's little toe. Dragonien panted heavily, trying to catch his breath, but that just worked the demon's scent into his nostrils once again. "So, Dragonien," the black giant rumbled from on high. "Are you ready to go? Please, crawl between my toes and make yourself comfortable. I wouldn't want to lose you." The dragon nodded dumbly, having forgotten all about being a giant himself. He slowly moved forward, disappearing into the dark crevice between those black toes. The only warmth was that of the demon's body; the sun never reached this far into the seemingly endless shadow of Osimaret's form. Once he was in place, Dragonien kissed each of the digits around him before he pressed himself tightly as possible against the webbing between those toes.

Without another word, both the demon and dragon vanished, leaving the city in peace to clean up from the presence of giants.

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