Fantasies of Taurs

Story by AnnoyedDragon on SoFurry

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Written basically for SlinkyDragon and posted December 2012, fantasies of taurs looks at an already transformed lizard women who wishes to make further tweaks to her body, getting more than she bargained for.

The cover image was done by WhiteGuardian over at FA:

Being a heavy mutagen user can have its problems. You experienced the thrill of a dramatic transformation, with all the exotic feelings and novelties of a different body. But eventually those feeling fade away, your new shape falling into the mundane of routine. This can lead to the user seeking further changes, at times more dramatic... to maintain that fresh thrill of an alien body.

In this instance a perfectly formed lizard girl seeks to reach even deeper into the animal kingdom, to in her eyes; get that little bit closer to the feral shape she so adored. Only without sacrificing her human advantages. But the mutagen market doesn't cater to such changes, and DIY mutagens are full of perils...

Appreciation to slinkydragon for helping to refine this :)

Home brew mutagens were hardly the safest or most legal of activities. My lab being a couple of instruments on the kitchen worktop, gene synthesizers sharing space with the coffee machine and toaster.

But if you wanted something more tailored to your desired changes, you weren't left with many other options. Commercial mutagens underwent years of testing and hence were quite broad in their targeting to maximise their audience. Getting a new tail from a particular species was one thing, but what if you wanted fins on your lizard tail instead of the typical dorsal crest? Yet of all the things you'd want to fit to your tastes just right, what's is more important than your own body?

The form you lived in simply couldn't come from a cookie cutter package of designs, roll off an assembly line so to speak. Each individual had their own tastes and needs, their own personality in which they desired to be expressed on their physical form. Even if it was just the particular curvature of their back or the spacing of their nostrils, each person wanted something a little different. While mutagens do factor your original shape to an extent, and each company offered their own brand of a species. It simply wasn't the same as having a say on each detail, and you couldn't rely on minor mutagen tweaks factoring the changes you had done previously.

When you realise that, you understood why some people would take that risk. That despite the warnings and horror videos that circulated the net, those success stories of getting hold of a piece of individuality were too tempting to ignore.

Ever since I was a little girl... I'd stare almost hypnotically as these strange creatures did their thing within pet shop displays. My parents mistaking it as the desire for one as a pet, not that I complained as I could now while away the hours appreciating the subtle curves of their form from the comfort of my own home. But it was more than an appreciation of the species, much more! I wanted that long, smooth, sleek body for myself. To stroke across its plump frame, to be able to move that thick tail and feel each delightful sensation along its length for my own...

How do you explain that to someone else, your parents even? That beyond all logic and reason, you'd rather your form be more like that of an animal than the human shape you was born into? How could you possibly look into your parents eyes and explain to them, their little girl wanted scales and claws for Christmas. I never could... Only when I had left home and become my own person did I have the freedom and confidence to truly indulge those desires. And while it's undoubtedly awkward for family during visits, they thankfully never made what I had done to myself an issue. Their daughter, their flesh and blood, that yellow scaled creature sat at the dining room table.

I loved the lizards body in which commercial mutagens had granted me, I am ever thankful that I grew up at a time when this was possible. When I could not only access the technology to become a lizard, but I can get tailored clothes cut to fit my reptilian physique delivered straight to my door. Where full body genetic cosmetics were quickly becoming mainstream and it was not uncommon for someone to get something done, whether it be mild tweaks or a full blend. Granted, the full hybrids such as myself were still a minority, but a growing one. Society was slowly coming to realise that it wasn't a bad thing to not look human. It was exciting times, and I lived at the forefront of that revolution.

I am most grateful for it all, to be alive at this time and to live so comfortably in my new shape. But as I've gotten older so has my tastes evolved, and now I feel my body should move along with my new frame of mind. Sadly, this option isn't available on the open market. Hence why I find myself engineering custom DNA in my jammies at home, having a go at it myself. I'm quite convinced I have done all the necessary research to be able to whip up my own custom batch of mutagen. At least, the instructions online were written clearly enough...

I looked into the clear purple fluid with a yearning fascination, heart racing and breathing deeply as the final adjustments were made. The product of many a weeks part time tweaking and obsession coming down to this small vial. You only needed a little to initiate the process, but one accident was all that was needed to send the lot across the kitchen worktop. I tried to divert my nervous twitches and shakes into my tail, which could flick and sway to my hearts content in an effort to provide an outlet to keep my hands steady. Being thankful that I didn't sweat, as undoubtedly these budget goggles would have steamed up long ago if I was a mammal.

Once done I gave off a very squeaky sigh from my reptilian muzzle, when the vial was safely transferred to the storage and dispenser unit. The stress draining from me and my previously anxious tail coming to rest calmly on the cold tiled kitchen floor.

It was finished.

Recognition of this sent my whole body into cautious excitement, my heart in a flutter and even some things I probably shouldn't be open about... That feeling of lively anticipation in your flesh, as it eagerly awaits the treat you have promised it. Like the ever present mild arousal of planning to play with yourself or spend time with a mate after not doing so for so long. As the designated hour approaches, your body yearning for the coming stimulation it so craved.

I must admit there was more to this new change than cosmetic preference, something about it created feelings in me that would be awkward to admit. My imagination involving it often including a bedroom and a well hung companion. Did I really want these... tweaks. Or was I changing my form in order to satisfy simple lust? Some strange fetish?

Was that the driving force behind my present body? I cannot lie that allowing a similarly changed reptilian male to lay with me was not difficult to get used to, the desires to be with them were already there. I didn't believe in souls, but my tastes for things of the herp variety sometimes made me wonder if I had been born into the wrong body. As if some otherworldly mistake had been made and I was just seeking what I was meant to be.

If it was sexually motivated, would that really matter? I enjoy my present form whether it be in normal day to day life or in the bedroom, I couldn't imagine it being any different with this next change to my body. Yes, it would take some time getting used to and accommodating its needs, and there would be a few fantasies I'd undoubtedly act out with it. But in the long term I couldn't imagine regretting this next step, the feelings to take it were simply too strong to resist.

Accepting that, I secure everything in my "lab" and set out for the bathroom, in order to prepare for my transition. Removing the rubber washing up gloves to reveal the yellow gleaming scales that lay underneath. Each finger being tipped with a well manicured claw embedded in styrofoam chunks, in an effort to prevent them piercing through the gloves. Them being beautiful in their own way to those who could appreciate them.

The old tatty pajamas had served their purpose. Taking hold of the zip at the back, I took it down to where it came away at the tail accommodating hole, the whole thing easily falling from me and onto the bathroom floor. Exposing my smooth scaled lizard form, female underwear being all that concealed me from total nudity now. Those were easily dispatched of, and I could at last stand in the nudity that this body was meant for.

Shame while societies views on genetic cosmetics had progressed, they still struggled with the simple matter of nudity. Which was particularly confusing given nude animals were everywhere, but the moment you put a human intelligence behind one of those forms; it suddenly mattered that you could see a their bits. Granted, mine weren't as hidden as my feral counterpart, and there couldn't have been many wild lizards roaming around with fully developed human like breasts. The very thought made me chuckle

I stepped into the shower for a good rinsing of the days dirt. I didn't sweat or constantly shed skin cells like a human does, so frequent showers weren't a necessity for me. The occasional shedding cleansed my surface far more efficiently than any soaps or body creams. But that hot falling water felt too good against my body to pass up on, it washing over me with warmth. Trickling water making its way over my yellow hide, invigorating me, making my tail raise with lively delight at the sensation and my clawed toes fidget amongst themselves.

I could have easily spent hours under it if given the chance, my reptile instincts being muted but still present, yearning to bask in the showering warmth from above. But I wasn't under it recreationally today, as for now I needed to make sure there was no chemical residues on me and get back to the task at hand. More exciting things awaited.

The water droplets were easily wiped from my surface with a nice hot towel, no soft skin for it to soak into. Taking a moment to clean the steam off the large foggy mirror in the bathroom, admittedly selected specifically to enabled self admiration. That yellow scaled lizard that looked back at me was as cute as ever, no wrinkles or spots to blemish my form, with all the assets to attract the attention of anyone who appreciated the reptilian form. Squeezing those smooth plated mounds on my chest; within sharp clawed fingers as I observed myself, I wondered if it was these or the meatiness of my tail the herp males cared more about. Regardless of species, I had the goods to keep the men happy.

I didn't bother putting any fresh cloths on, deciding in favour of leaving the bathroom bare and with everything on show. I couldn't afford any constraints on my body during my transformation, I'd be needing to replace a lot of my wardrobe in fact. Thankfully I had a few suitable items in storage for when the time had come. Loose for easy fitting if my proportions end up not being as exact as I had hoped, so I wouldn't be left to wander naked until my new measurements could be tailored for. What the people who made them must have thought...

My avian room mate would thankfully not be home for a while, so I was free to indulge in the novelty of laying across the living room furniture without a strip of cloth concealing my body. Spreading myself out and enjoying the texture of the lounges fabric against my entire underbelly, brushing against the most intimate of areas as I moved across it. Oh, if that feather butt knew what I had been doing with this furniture while he was away. Laying across it like one of my feral counterparts on a warm rock, nothing between my most intimate regions and it.

But it was more than simply enjoying the furniture in the nude. This would be the last time I'd feel this way, could experience these things. The next time I'd have a very different form, so I had best get this out of my system now when I still could. Getting up into the traditional sitting position; with my tail lazily hanging down the other side, I made sure to take note how it felt to sit like this, because I wouldn't be doing it again beyond today.

But I had delayed long enough. Once again my heart raced, my breathing becoming deeper and my flesh tingled with excitement under the smooth plates of my scaled surface. Accepting both in my mind and body that it was time to shed my old shape, time to embrace the new one which I had desired for so long... I wished so very deeply that it would work!

I got up from the lounger and proceeded back to the kitchen, where everything was how I had left it. That purple vial still sitting within the preservation unit next to the toaster. I stopped and stared at it from the doorway for a time, contemplating all the possibility that lay within that purple fluid should it actually work, and should something go wrong. Gathering confidence, I stepped inside, placing my fate in all the work and research I had done to get to this point now.

I pressed the necessary buttons for a dose of the mutagen to be prepped into an injection, I only needed one. Pulling it from the dispenser, followed by a pressurized hiss, I held the small injection in the hollow of my hands and looked upon it a moment more. Snapping myself out of all this foot dragging, I gave myself a mental slap and ordered to get on with it. I had waited long enough! With my body coated in scales, I wouldn't be able to inject it the traditional way. It would require an alternative method and I didn't particularly savour having to do it. But there was no other way.

Opening my mouth, I pushed out my long tongue and went cross eyed in an effort to bring it into focus. Barely being able to see its end poking out from under my muzzle. It was the only soft flesh I had available to inject into, and while I hesitated initially; I just stabbed the mutagen injection down onto it. Sending me into an instant fit of coughing and drool, as it felt as if a bee had stung me on my tongue.

The tongue felt as if it had doubled in size! Inspecting it in a nearby mirror, the injection site had become a swollen throbbing blemish. The tongue was enlarged from the assault on it, but nowhere near as bad as it felt. I greeted the sight of the blemish with a lizardy chirp, not being pleased with the look or feeling of it but being glad I had gotten it over with. Your entire body practically being armour plated does have its drawbacks.

Closing my toothy maw, I looked at myself in the mirror with a mixture of excitement and concern. The mutagen was in my system now, it would be taking effect soon. I knew I had done everything in my ability to perfect it, but I was no scientist. There was always going to be that nagging concern that it wouldn't work right and I'd end up being one of those horror stories, and I'd be finding out in a matter of moments.

My first indication that the changes had begun was when, ever so slowly, I noticed myself getting taller. It was hard to miss when the mirror that had been so perfectly positioned for my height began to get lower, my face disappearing upward from it and coming to view the white tiled wall of the kitchen. The goal of the mutagen wasn't height, but my body growing longer was a necessary part of it.

I looked down to observe the distance between my chest and crotch growing larger, feeling as if someone was stretching me on one of those medieval machines. But it wasn't painful in the slightest. Before any discomfort could be felt, new mass would be pumped into the space. Freshly developed bones would click into place to ensure my spine was properly reinforced. Enabling me to to continue growing in height comfortably, my already long reptilian body reaching the length of my purebred counterparts.

Taking advantage of this stage, I felt up and down my bodies sides, stroking along its length; if only to be able to come close to what it must be like to be one of them. What it felt like to be a feral lizard always intrigued me, but was an extreme I couldn't possibly contemplate and nor was the option available. But how could you not wonder, being spliced between the species; what it felt like to be on the other side? I doubt this body length alone would give me insight into that, but it was something, and it brought a grin to my face.

But I did not stop there, my body continuing to push upward beyond that of my four legged counterparts. Far beyond! I began to groan, growl even, as the strain of my extreme length began to make it difficult to stand. Hanging on to my environment, I struggled to maintain balance as the length of my torso reached absurdity. Becoming impractical for four legged movement, never mind the two legs I was on now.

I meeped loudly as the sheer weight became too much, sending me falling onto my backside, my legs hanging helplessly either side of my body and tail going into a frantic swaying as I struggled to maintain balance. Even as I sat there, my hands could reach and were pressing against the ceiling in an effort to stay stable! But I did not panic, I did not cry at the absurdity and monstrosity of what was happening to my body. It was all going to plan, and I knew I had to just endure this radically impractical form as the process continued.

The most unpleasantly loud crunching and gurgling noise came from my abdomen as something took place underneath. The sensations ranging from odd to concerning, as bones really shouldn't be cracking and popping like that within your body. I just hanged there, struggling to maintain my position while being assaulted with these strange sensations as things within took shape. Until finally I gasped at part of my torso bulged, expanding as new bone structures erected themselves. A large ribcage taking form not far under my waist, a new long waist taking shape below that. As if a whole new body was forming above my legs with my old one extending from where the neck should be.

This was all understandably disorientating, as my guts shifted position and changed shape. Making my already unstable position up at the ceiling all the more difficult to maintain with the addition of the sickening activities down below. This wasn't anything like the commercial mutagens were the changes were often pleasurable, my transition into a lizard women being a pleasant and most memorable experience. This home brew obviously lacking all the things that made the transition more bearable, focusing solely on getting the job done quickly. I was aware this was going to be the case, but that didn't make it any easier to endure now. As I looked down at this huge rib cage forming below me, the most unsavoury sounds coming from it, and even less savoury sensations.

The changes continued downward and my legs were seemingly popped from their sockets as the bulging mass of this new body poured their direction. This sent me falling forward, grabbing at everything in a panic to slow my descent; as I painfully made my way to the floor. The legs continuing to shift around and begin growing in scale as I rubbed my head and attempted to recover.

The changes did not wait for anything. Even as I groaned in a daze on the floor, cradling my head from the impact, I was forced into squeals and panting by the activity down below. The mutagen mercilessly marching forward to complete its job regardless of what state I was in, its exotic sensations being forced on me in a most vulnerable state. For a time barely aware of the growing mass and reshaping limbs just behind me.

The world slowly returned to clarity and I put my feet under me in an effort to stand. To my surprise, them being quite capable of lifting my bulk. Looking back my legs were almost unrecognisable. Their lean shape being replaced with thick, powerful, muscular thighs. Easily twice the size of my former, the feet bulking and shifting before me into reptile themed paws. My heel being pushed upward as the feet stretched and took on a less reptile, more exotic, digitigrade stance.

I welcomed my paws. I had always enjoyed everything involved in the lizard form, but paws in my mind took it to the next level of the animalistic experience. So different, so very inhuman when compared to just my longer clawed plantigrade lizard feet. Looking back at those paws as I delighted in wiggling the toes and taking note in how they were used. Being mammal but still retaining a reptile-esque appearance, which helped them look more natural for my lizard themed body despite being from a different species

But a tail is and has always been that ultimate bestial trait that you just had to have, and my eyes widened as my own tail began to bulge. It growing considerably in thickness and length, far beyond anything my former shape could have managed to carry. I closed my eyes and cried in pure delight as I felt it pump larger, longer, making my favourite limb even more enjoyable to have and play with.

Its close proximity to my womanhood offered a surprisingly pleasurable sensation as the surrounding flesh stretched and grew, pulling at and growing the various pleasure receiving nerves of my reptilian slit. It almost became too much when a particularly sensitive area was stimulated, sending my now massive and very powerful tail swiping across the kitchen and inadvertently wreaking a lot of the items on the shelves. I didn't want to cause a mess, but I had bigger priorities right now. Like riding out these transformation induced orgasms, as my reproductive system grew and reshaped internally to better suit my new form.

My finger claws left scratch trails on the floor tiles as I rode out this phase of my transformation, my back legs rocking my tail in an effort to milk those new gential lips for what they had to offer. But then, something else joined in. Barely able to scrape across the floor as it attempted to replicate my back legs motions. I gather myself enough to once again look back, and what I saw rapidly forming on that new torsos sides were an extra set of legs. Just as I had hoped.

I watched in eager anticipation as the small and weak limbs grew and bulked in scale in a race to match their further down counterparts. I internally cheered them on as freshly developed paws tested the floor, eventually remaining there and gaining strength. Slowly but surely, becoming just as large and strong as the other pair.

I couldn't wait for them to finish, I needed to try them out now! So cautiously, I rested my weight on them. Taking short but frequent tests to trust them with more of me until finally, with the assistance of my environment, I pulled my upper torso up over them. My spine clicking in response to this unnatural bend, but having already developed the necessary joints and just needed to put them to work. At last I stood there on all fours, my body still growing and shifting; but finally I was able to stand in my new shape. My new existence, as a taur.

I was acquiring the benefits of both worlds. I knew what it was like to stand on all fours, to have paws like that of an animal. My tail so beautifully thick and long, so very powerful, something only a quad beast would be able to take ownership of. Yet, I also retained my functional hands, I still kept my humanoid upper torso and womanly breasts. Yes I had taken things above and beyond a simple blend of species, blurred the lines between just being a modified human and an animal. But it felt glorious! My body radiating with strength and bestial beauty.

I lifted one of my new fully developed forelegs for closer inspection, my body seeming to stabilize in its new shape as the changes were brought to finalisation. Once again playing with my lizardy paws, I immersed myself in the richness of the experience, to be so close to the animal kingdom and know exactly how it all feels. I felt I could cry in joy. My mutagen had worked flawlessly, my body was perfect in every way imaginable and I was still coming to terms with how truly incredible it all felt. There was just so much new and exotic anatomy, all of which was screaming for attention, I wanted to play with it all.

Taking cautious baby steps, I slowly left the disaster zone of the kitchen and entered the warmness of the living room. Entering it as a totally different creature and eager to spend time exploring my new body. Being mindful of the large body now behind me, I made my way into the sitting area and that lounge I was all over just earlier. The textures of being against the furniture before still being fresh in my memory, I wanted to feel them against my new form.

It only took one foot on the lounger for the whole thing to tip upward like a seesaw! The shock of which was so sudden that I quickly stepped off and sent the whole thing crashing to the floor with a loud thud. Clearly I was much heavier than before and will need to treat things more delicately. Handling a four legged body still being very new to me, I carefully spread my legs as far apart as my new anatomy would comfortably allow and slowly edged my way over the lounger. One of my legs going into violent muscle spasms as I did, this all being very new activities to freshly developed muscles.

Once standing over the top of it I then began to slowly, ever so slowly, lower myself onto the lounger. I didn't let my large tail knocking over a lamp shade distract me, as the worst thing I could do right now would be to just drop onto it. Eventually I felt the soft fabric of the lounge against my scaled underbelly, and I eased my weight onto it. It creaked and cried under the monster of a woman that lay on it, and concerningly it pushed down lower towards the floor under my weight than it should. But eventually I could release my various feet from the floor and it appeared to take my weight.

Sighing with much relief, I turned my attention to finally relaxing. I had just undergone a dramatic and tiring transformation and I shouldn't put too much strain on this body so soon. I felt like a bull in a china shop, with even the smallest movements putting my environment at risk. Another sway of my lovely long tail sent something else crashing to the ground, but I couldn't turn my human waist enough to discover exactly what. It was all quite unnerving, but I wouldn't let a few initial issues like moving around my flat get in the way of enjoying this new body.

Although my present position prevented me from seeing much of what was behind me, it was all back there and I was very pleased with the overall feel of this body. I had achieved my goals and it was just a matter of becoming accustomed to my new shape. I knew I would be large and heavy, but nothing could quite prepare you for lugging that much additional body mass around. It all feeling so large and so very powerful, I'd have to learn how to be delicate and mindful about things behind me.

I'd lay on here until my blue feathered flatmate got back. What a shock it would be for him to come home; to find this large sample of reptilian feminine beauty laying completely nude before him. He'd undoubtedly be pleased, because he too shares my perspective on the perfect body. He too will be making use of that mutagen at some point. Though frankly I couldn't picture an avian oriented hybrid such as himself looking quite as exquisite as what I had become. Mmm... Just the thought of myself got me moist, and why not? I've dreamt about this form for so long, including it in a range of fantasies, is it then surprising that having it now would have this affect on me?

I had made preparations. Sat in my room right now is the biggest, longest, lizard orientated dildo imaginatable. I knew this sort of body would prevent me from being able to touch myself down there, so I had one prepared to the specification of this body and had it mounted to a base. So if I ever felt the desire or the males simply weren't hung enough to satisfy my new appetites, I could easily make use of it without having to rely on holding it.

It would have been physically impossible and even dangerous to try to use it in the past, but now... A feral body like this can take a lot more manhood than most women could dream of, I can safely take a penis of lengths that would have probably impaled me in the past. So big, so very deep. Oh, just the thought was getting me worked up. Just being in this body was making me incredibly aroused because of all the possibilities it opened up...

I have to try it, I must go to my room and try that toy now! I simply couldn't wait long enough for my flatmate, even when he got here it would be some time before I had the privacy again to make use of it. I craved to be spread wider and deeper than ever before, I needed to satisfy it now while the opportunity was still before me.

I cried in an almost feral manner, surprising even myself as I began to shuffle in preparation to get off the lounge. The size of my reproductive system has been enlarge significantly, I hadn't anticipated the craving to satisfy it would also be magnified as well. It didn't help that I found this form so arousing, fueling my cravings all the more. My mind awash with imagery of male taurs mounting me, thrusting their massive meat deep within. I feared the toy I had custom made may not be enough to satisfy such strong urges, but it was all I had for the time being, and I needed it now!

The lounge gave out a last loud creak of defeat and it collapsed under me. The shock of it distracting me for a moment while I gathered my senses, but the urges soon returned all the stronger. I knew I was placing a lot of strain on it, but that small shuffling around shouldn't have broken it. But the pain of impacting the floor, while unpleasant, was replaced by something familiar and most disturbing. Something that struck much fear in me, as I shouldn't have been feeling it at all by now.

These... feelings... Why are they still here? The transformation is over, my body is completed to specification, why would something be changing now? Yet there they were, familiar to what I experienced just before and working diligently to some unknown end.

As I got up the reason for the lounges collapse became clear. It broke because my body had gotten even heavier, I had kept gaining mass. My transformation was still ongoing... it... was still going! I stared in utter disbelief as I turned to see the back end of my taur body visible to my left. But it shouldn't be over there, my body wasn't long enough for that. Closing my eyes and letting my body tell me what was going on, I came to a disturbing conclusion. Six legs, I had six leg! This new pair still being developed, still sprouting out of an extending torso and pushing my rear end further back. I couldn't turn enough to see them, but I knew they were there.

Whatever aspect of my transformation that was designed to grow the extra set of legs to become a taur; hadn't switched off. It was still going. Still lengthening my body and still inserting additional legs to support that extra length. Those familiar popping sounds and gut turning sensations as new bones and organs established themselves within this additional extension to my body.

No... I didn't want this. I wanted to be a taur, not a damn reptilian caterpillar! What if it continues? What if it doesn't shut down when it has finished constructing this extra set of limbs? Good god, I had to do something now!

Furniture be damned, I knocked everything as I kicked and pulled aside anything in my way. It was difficult to get around a living room with a body so long and bulky, but time was clearly of the essence and I had to get to the kitchen before any new developments begin. I crawled over the couch, getting to the other side while my tail end was still making its way up. What I freak show I had become.

But probably the most shocking aspect of my reaction was just how horny I still was, and increasingly so! The feeling of this body aroused me, and feeling even more of it had a compounding effect. Like a breast lover being surrounded by jiggling women, I couldn't help but be aroused by six chunky digitigrade legs all at it and a thick swaying tail to boot. But what really stopped me in my tracks was when a familiar glow could be felt at the rear end of these new legs. A moistness... as incredibly, a new vagina and additional female reproductive system established itself on the second torso. The new scaly genital lips burning with a virgin vigor to be tested for the very first time.

I was completely stunned, it was as if my sex drive which I had already struggled with earlier had been doubled. My reason trying to fight through a thick mist of lust, two swollen vaginas crying out to be filled and filled right now. My bedroom was just to the right, there that dildo sat and it called to me. But I knew if I went now, who knows how many additional limbs I'd develop. Never mind the fact that I had two slits to fill and only one toy suitable to do it with. No... Even now I could feel more growth beginning, I had to stop this now while I still could!

Pushing my monstrous sex drive aside, I marched the six legs into the kitchen and towards my work area. Them climbing the furniture like some rocky mountain environment as I made my way. An emergency treatment, there is always an emergency treatment in the kit! Something that stops mutagen effects, wherever they're at. I had to find it now while I still had a chance.

I hastily went through my belongings in a mad panic, the feelings of new growth somewhere behind alarming me and making it very difficult to concentrate. I probably had the emergency treatment in my hands at some point, but lost it due to how freaked out I was. I got it again but it falls to the ground and rolls under the cabinet. Dammit all!

I back up six, soon to be eight legs, in order to get into position to kneel down and grab it. Struggling to concentrate enough to get all six limbs to back up over furniture in the distance and squat down on command, the still growing eighth pair touching the ground as the rest lowered. I reached frantically for the anti-mutagen, my claws barely scraping across the container but not getting hold of it. One last desperate push allowing me to get a single claw over it and roll it back towards me, as the eighth pair of limbs finish establishing themselves.

I get everything to lift me up again, various limbs in numerous positions trying to remain stable on top the surrounding furniture. I stick my tongue out to receive the mutagen, no longer being deterred by the pain as there were far more concerning things to worry about. But I almost bite my tongue off as a third vagina established itself... Now giving me three prime examples of womanhood, all eager, all demanding a man to fill them. Barely able to think amongst the overwhelming urge to breed, I stab my tongue with the anti-mutagen and pray it does its job.

Some time later...

My feathered flat mate comes through the front door and to the devastation of the living room, understandably dismayed. He calls out my name, sounding quite alarmed and concerned as to whether I was ok. But unbeknown to him, there was a dangerous and mindless predator lurking just around the corner. Salivating and waiting for him to come just into view.

As he did so, an eight legged monster leaped at its feathery prey. Making him cry in a very avian fashion with a series of piecing squarks, forgetting his human etiquette as fear was struck into the bird within, having been taken completely by surprise. His hollow boned, lightweight body standing no chance against the hulking creature as they both went tumbling to the ground.

He composes himself and nervously looks up to his assaulter, only to come face to face with his female flatmate. That familiar yellow lizard in which he lives and laughs with. But he could tell there was something very wrong with me. My face twisted into a toothy feral growl, lacking any recognisable humanity behind its fierce eyes as I panted heavily over him unapologetically. Seemingly without a care for my nudity, my plump scaled breasts hanging heavily over him.

To think just the other day I had chased him from the bathroom for getting a peep at me, throwing a sponge onto his beak for simply getting sight of my undressed tailed rump. Yet now... I couldn't care less, there were far more urgent things that needed to be satisfied.

But what was probably even more shocking to him than my nudity and unusual behaviour, was when his male instincts directed his sight downward to get a glimpse of my privates. Not intending to take advantage, but being unable to help himself, given I was completely nude and hovering right over him. Down there he saw the incredible sight of my many limbs decorating an impossibly long body. Thick muscled digigrade legs either side of it, each ending with a feral paw, a body so very long that he could not even see its end as it went around the corner.

He returned to the feral panting and wild eyes of his flat mate, not sure what I intended to do with him but probably fearing the worst. My face likely betraying my terrible yearning, gleamingly hopefully at his crotch and the relief it may bring. Without a word one of my stray hands moved towards him, slowly and cautiously, my eyes never leaving his crotch as I did so. Him not knowing of my intentions, what it was that deep panting within my chest was hungering for. As for all he knew, something had happened to me so radical that I had lost sense of my human inhibitions. For all he knew, this creature was seeking its next meal.

The hand making its way onto his chest, pushing through the buttons of his shirt and into the soft feathers that lay beyond. His situation made all the stranger, being so frightened by what his friend had become and the unknown of what she intended, but also soothed as I sensually caressed across his chest. The talons on his long slender legs squeezing into a tight grasp as I tore his shirt open, squealing wildly as I did so. His own breathing joining mine in a heavy deep rhythm as I also took his pants in hand and pulled them down hard and harsh, taking his underwear with it!

My sight scanned across this avian fellow in rapid motions, taking note of all the areas of potential interest to me. But being a bird his body was lean and exaggerated with a puffed out layer of feathers, being a pushover compared to my reptilian build, even before I had received my enhancements. Consequences of avian anatomy, built for flight while in his case lacking the equipment to do so. I never could appreciate his tastes in the avian form, it was his decision to make. Now though... his species wasn't relevant. He was a male, and that was enough!

A male that was, granted, woefully inadequate for my needs. His species not being particularly well endowed, lacking in masculinity, I likely crushing him if I simply sat now. But there were no other options, no other men in reach, and I did hunger for release so very deeply...

It didn't help that even in his present circumstances I could see the beginnings of an erection poke out from his feathery crotch, a little bit of red rod starting to grow. His tail feathers curling inward in awkward recognition of his inappropriately timed arousal, crudely trying to hide it amongst the fluff. Even in his present situation, being unable to ignore his flatmates shape, the taur form being of interest to him as well. The sight of even that little thing beginning to pump up made fighting the urge to mate with him now all the more difficult, but what little reason was left in me knew it simply wouldn't work with how radically different our bodies were.

More pressing was him not having the bulk and enough members to satisfy my various burning womanhood. But there was a solution, in my hands... A dose of the mutagen injection. I knew what ill effects I'd be inflicting on my friend, what he would become. I also knew I could stop him from getting any worse than myself, growing just enough extensions to his body to satisfy my needs, this intense overwhelming desire to breed.

I could infect him and ride him as he grew, only delivering the anti-mutagen when my very last slit was filled. Even as he changed the difference in species would still leave him fragile, so he had best be on top. It would take time for the lust to overcome him as well, so it may be necessary to hold him against me with each leg to prevent his escape...

What was I thinking... this was my friend, my flatmate... I suddenly struck with a spike in those urges and I groaned and cried as I held him in place, my tail swingly powerfully across the living room and knocking more things from there place. His short stubby beak staying silently tight as if fearing if he uttered a word that I would be provoked to attack.

I didn't want to harm him, I simply couldn't... But the urges demanded satisfaction. Multiple crotches and multiple reproductive systems all flooding my mind with primal commands. Them being so intense, so incredibly hard to resist. I couldn't think straight, to contemplate the consequences of what I was doing. All eight legs rocking, grinding, humping at the air in a desperate search for release.

This body had become so large and dominant that my mind struggled not to submit to its commands. I wanted to go deeper into the animal kingdom and I certainly got there, becoming an animal like nothing before and like an animal struggling to control the most basic drives. But unlike an animal I could still think to contemplate my actions, although with a lot of difficulty and amongst my moans for a mate. I had to consider the guilt I'd suffer if I gave in to this beastly body and allowed it to direct my actions.

I would have to decide. Whether I was an instinct driven animal and I'd be using my flatmate in order to vent my lust into. Or behind it all I was still a young woman, and I could take control of these urges if only I fought hard enough. That there was still a human inside, and this long yellow reptilian beast was only flesh deep. The real question, was there enough humanity left in me to fight that battle and spare my flatmate the same fate as myself?

Interview with a post-human, the early years

"I'd like to start by thanking you for coming on today" said the interviewer, obviously unnerved by my appearance but attempting to maintain her professional composure. "I understand for a... person such as yourself, going out to attend a meeting can...

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Another Scaly Indulgence

"Oh god yes"! I delightedly cried to myself, impatiently snapping open the buttons of my shirt; to reveal spreading scales across a smooth plump reptilian belly. My excitement building as I witnesses my nipples and belly button melt away into a smooth...

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Request/Trade story - Juno's Story

Sometimes I like to walk around the park of a night. It's peaceful and helps me collect my thoughts after a day of tolerating what you could call a life. The silhouette of nearby vegetation barely visible against the remainder of the daylight as my...

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