To Love or to Hate pt 2

Story by WolfyShiroji on SoFurry

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By Shiroji Magnus

It started two years ago. When I met a leopard by the name of Hideo Yushime. We were still in high school back then. I remember, the girls wouldn't leave me alone...what pests I thought of them. I suppose I've grown since then. But then I bumped into him. I was always considered the most popular guy in school, every one else envied me. I had plenty of self confidence, and ofcourse, I even had the good grades to back up my looks, but that leopard changed my life. He was well known in school also, popular with the girls, but in a different way... but I don't think there was a single guy that didn't talk rudely behind his back. They did not envy him... more like pitied the one who went wrong. Actually... pitied isn't even the right word. Hated is closer. I was nineteen at the time, the last year of school for both of us, but then, the year had only just begun. We had been going together for about three months. Those first two months had been alittle shakey, but I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. Hideo Yushime had been having trouble in his english language classes...

"Seguchi-kun..." the effeminate voice of a shoulder-length haired leopard muttered quietly. It was between classes, both Hideo Yushime the eighteen year-old girly boy of a leopard, and Hansunoma Seguchi, the nineteen year-old caspian tiger had slipped into one of the lesser used stair-wells and were embracing eachother, as they often did between classes. It had only been a month since Seguchi had made his confession of love for the slender Leopard in his arms, a very short month, too short. Time had been passing by far too quickly. As these thoughts came to him, the tiger muttered, though not to anyone in particular, "Atleast it's not wasted time." Yushime looked up from where he had his head laying against Seguchi's chest. the leopard blinked once, deliberatly and then smiled as it clicked in his head what the tiger had meant, but his only responce was, "I love you, Seguchi-kun." The taller man pulled back just alittle and reached a paw up to lift the smaller man's chin up. Seguchi just smiled down at him then lowered his head down and kissed him firmly, lovingly on the lips then as they broke, he huskily responded with, "I love you too." Then the bell rang.

The Tiger sat at his desk, though he seemed genuinely disinterested in what the teacher was prattling on about, something about the United States President Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal. Hansunoma Seguchi didn't care much for history, and even still, he allready knew everything there was to know about the Watergate Scandal. Instead he rested his head in one hand and stared out the window at the yards, wishing that behind one of the windows across the school courtyard was the classroom where Yushime sat in his English class. Ofcourse, that was not to be, the classes on the other side of the school were dedicated to the younger students. His eyes found one of his previous teachers and they reflected abit of cold humour, remembering how that particular teacher had berated him for snoring in class... the class in question had also been a history class. He sighed and took his eyes off the windows and looked down at his textbook, setting a paw on it and lightly thumping a few fingers on it. He was just waiting for the bell to ring at this point. Seguchi wanted out of this class, not just to spend time with Yushime though. After this class was lunch period. The bell rang finally and all the students, Seguchi included, began to pack their books away and leave, whilst the history teacher continued to prattle on about the subject. Very ofton the teacher was so involved in what he was reading, he didn't notice the bell, or the students leaving. It wasn't uncommon that he forgot to set homework as well.

Hansunoma Seguchi wandered the halls of the school, going fairly roundaboutly towards the cafeteria. He stopped by his locker, and after deftly opening it with the same cool confidence in which he did anything, he pulled out the bag that held his self-packed lunch. Tucking it under his arm he slipped his paw into his pocket and began to walk towards the caffeteria once more. He alsways packed his own food, not being one of those students that ate from the food prepared at the cafeteria. He thought the food made at the school was horrible, but he didn't begrudge Yushime his preferance in it. He didn't share, however. As he sat down at the very end of one of the corner tables, he unpacked his lunch and looked around for Yushime. Normally, the leopard was sitting down with him talking about his english class, and how much he didn't understand his why his parents had enrolled him into that particular class. "It's not like I wanna leave japan." Yushime would say normally, but today, Yushime wasn't anywhere around. The Tiger finally lowered his gaze down to his food and began to eat, whilst a group of three girls, the same three that had accosted him the day he met Yushime sat a few tables away staring at him. It was well known that the three of them thought that Seguchi was only hiding behind the guise of being gay so that they would leave him alone. They had been right at first. The tiger, aggrivated by the sound of the three girls talking animatedly about the one thing they always talked about; how to break up Seguchi and Yushime, got up and cleaned up the place where he had eaten. He stopped by a trash bin, tossed away the remains then went looking for Yushime.

The caspian tiger stopped right next to the locker of the Leopard he searched for, glanced around and then leaned against the locker in question. He sighed and closed his head, then pushed away intending to look else where. As he walked down the halls, he glanced at a clock over a door to a classroom, mathematics by a glance at the chalkboard barely visible within. Lunch period was almost over but Yushime still was nowhere to be seen. In fact, Yushime remained missing for the rest of the school day.

The weekend passed uneventfully for Seguchi and without word from Yushime. Sunday night, the night before school, he lay in his bed staring up at the dull white ceiling of his dull white room in his dull white house. He lived alone, having had moved away from his parents house the previous summer. His house was small, and not exactly of the quality he grew up in, but atleast it was a house and not an apartment. Atleast it was his, and not simply on loan. He closed his eyes, blocking out the blankness with more blankness. He then opened his eyes, sat up and looked out the window of his bedroom. the window was alittle dirty, and there were not yet any blinds or drapes so they were totally bare, like everything else in his house. He looked out through the window and made a resolution, he would deffinatly see Yushime at school the next day, no matter what he would find out why the leopard had all but dissapeared.

Once again, the next day at school was uneventful. Seguchi did see Yushime, however the leopard didn't seem to want to talk about it. "Yushime-san... stop trying to change the subject, Why have you been avoiding me?" Seguchi was starting to grow irritated, and was looking at Yushime with that cold glint in his eyes that he hadn't used for atleast two months. Yushime just lowered his head and whispered something, or more accuratly just moved his lips without actually saying anything. Tears erupted from his eyes and he turned and rushed off into the crowd of other students rushing to and fro trying to get ready for whatever class was up next for them. Seguchi tried to give chase, but the throng around him held him back until Yushime was completely out of view. Eventually, Seguchi gave up his attempt to persue the leopard and vowed to find him at lunch.

Once again he sat in his history class waiting for the bell to ring and announce that it was lunch period. Of course with the teacher prattling on about, Seguchi wasn't even paying attention to what the topic was, It seemed to take far longer than it probably should have. Eventually, ofcourse, the bell rang and as the teacher announced homework, Seguchi gathered up his books, put them into his carrying tote and rushed out to his locker to put them away and he stood at his locker for the next while, waiting for the other students to clear out and leave the halls mostly cleared. It was then that he began his search, a search that didn't last long. He decided that the first place he would look is Yushime's English class.

When he arrived infront of William Jackson's English class he found that the door was closed. At first glance anyways. He reached for the doorknob to see that the door was actually slightly ajar, and he heard noises from within, a sort of strange whimpering noise. Seguchi stopped to listen more closely and could hear the sound of a deep whispering voice, though he couldnt' make out what the voice was saying. He pushed the door open a small bit to let more sound filter out to him. His eyes widened as he realised the whimpering he heard was the whimpering of Yushime.

"Please... Jackson-sensei... please stop." He heard the leopard's voice say in a sort of choking sob, followed by an almost cruel responce, "But you don't mean that, Yushime-kohai... you know that if we don't continue these lessons then you'll fail this class." Seguchi clenched a paw into a tight fist as he continued to listen. Yushime started to say something but as his voice rose, he began to sound muffled as if something were forced into his mouth, the following noice was that of the wolven teacher, William Jackson moaning. That was enough for the caspian tiger listening right outside the door. Seguchi reared back his paw, opened it wide with his claws flexed and swiped at the door with all his strength, slicing the door nearly in half and off it's hinges in any case. He there in the door frame, both arms extended and claws flexed glaring with all the coldness and loathing he could muster; which, as Yushime knew, was considerable. The scene before him was horrific. Yushime was stripped down and bound hind and forepaws behind him. He was on his knees and his headfur was soaked and streaked with tears and seed. In his mouth was stuffed the wolven teacher's swollen, black cock; knot and all. William Jackson was, ofcourse, stripped from the waist down and had a strong grip on the leopard's now disheveled hair.

The Wolf looked at Seguchi with a malicious grin. "Now now.. look at what a mess of the door you made, I certainly hope you can pay for the damages... but.. oh I've got an idea... if you join this beautiful boy down on your knees infront of me, I'll cover the--" Seguchi interrupted the American teacher with a very loud, almost window-shattering roar. After the roar died down, Seguchi continued to glare coldly at the teacher. "That ought to have gotten someone's attention.. don't you think? I wonder what the other teachers will think when they see you like this?." The wolf gave a howl in responce to the Tiger's question and quickly let go of Yushime. He kicked off the pants that were pooled around his legs and then launched himself at Seguchi. It was not what the tiger was expecting, but before the wolf could reach the tiger, another, even more shattering roar followed. The headmaster of the school, a very large lion named Hoshii Takeshi, followed by two other teachers, one an Eagle the other a fox, appeared on the scene, pushing Seguchi out of the way and planting themselves infront of the enraged wolf.

The eagle, the one closest to Seguchi, turned to look at the tiger and then nodded over towards Yushime, "Perhaps you should go help your friend out of here..." Seguchi looked at the eagle for a moment then slipped around the room to Yushime. He said nothing as he carefully pulled the leopards clothes from his limbs and draped them over him to cover him. He then picked up Yushime and once again slipped around the room with him. The eagle once again looked at Seguchi and the leopard he was carrying. "It might also be best if you and he were to leave the room now, go wait outside the school." The tiger mutely nodded and carried off Yushime, ignoring sounds of protests and argueing behind him from the room. He intended to do as requested, but first he stopped into a washroom and gently lowered Yushime down into a stall. He said nothing to Yushime, but he looked emmensly relieved. Yushime was still looed back before saying. "You should get dressed... then... we can go wait outside..." It took about five minutes, but Yushime eventually walked out of the washroom stall, head held low in misery. As they walked down the hall towards the entrance to the school, Seguchi moved to take Yushime's paw in his own, but the leopard pulled his hand away and just looked away. Seguchi sighed and they continued to walk until they were outside in the sunshine. The two sat down on a bench together, but Yushime slid over to be farther way from Seguchi. The tiger growled slightly, more like a low rumble in the back of his throat then spoke, "Allright.. I can't take this anymore.. Yushime, you've been avoiding me all weekend... and now, now you're acting as if you all but hate me. snap out of it.. it's over, you're safe." He sighed and continued. "It's not as if it's you're fault you know... he was forcing you." Yushime turned and looked at Seguchi and said quietly. "I agreed to it." The tiger looked at the leopard almost dumbfoundedly. "What?" is all he said. Yushime lowered his head, tears welling up in his eyes again. "I was failing the class... I told William-sensei that I would do anything he asked if he didn't fail it's.. it's my own fault... I agreed to it...I was afraid to tell you...afraid you'll hate me for it...and now..." his voice trailed off and he looked away, tears dripping from his clenched eyes. Seguchi looked wide-eyed at the leopard that he held so dear in his heart. He could feel that dearness slipping away. Could he still love Yushime after such a confession? The tiger looked away from yushime to see the american teacher being put into a police car; strange that he had not noticed the police arriving, or the wolf being brought out. He also noticed the eagle from before approaching them. He looked up as the eagle stopped right infront of the bench they were in and looked down at them. "The police are going to want a statement from the both of you. just come on over when you're ready." The eagle then turned and walked back towards the police officers.

Seguchi sighed and then looked back over to Yushime. It was then that he made up his mind. He reached over and gently took Yushime's paw into his own and squeezed. "No matter what happened... I still love you, Yushime-kun. The leopard turned and looked at the tiger and then collapsed into his arms sobbing and saying "I'm sorry" over and over again. Seguchi made gentle shushing noises and pulled Yushime into a tight hug. The two embraced for, once again, what seemed like an eternity to them then finally looked at eachother. For the first time since their tender moment in that remote school stairwell, the two locked lips and kissed eachother with a newfound ferver. When finally their kiss broke, Yushime whispered, "We should.. really go give our statements..." Seguchi nodded, smiling for the first time in a few days. "Yeah.. we should." The two of them rose up from the bench and started to make their way towards where the police officers were talking with the two teachers and the headmaster. They held paws all the way, now confident that their love was stronger for this trial.


Here ends part two of To Love or To Hate. Part three will come in it's due course.