Learning to Swim - Part XXIII

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#23 of Entropy Series

Our favorite furs make things right with each other.

I have to apologize (I'm always apologizing! xD ) for this entry being a week later than I normally publish. I had issues with a kidney and have been on meds the whole week, so my ability to comprehend the ~English language~ took a bit of a toll. That's all fixed now and today I finally had a day off the meds, so here I am!

This chapter mostly deals with the relationships of furs in the gang. Some issues are resolved, others brought to light, but in the end I think this iteration leaves everyone in a good place to move forward. Next chapter should be an interesting one to write as it's pretty different from the rest of what I've done for LtS. Lots of fun on the horizon, hehe.

As always, this story contains adult content and explicit sexual imagery. If you can't or don't wish to view said material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged!

"...Mmmm..." Vasily attempted to turn in his sleep, slowly waking himself in the process as he resisted another warm body. "Ooh, Cat..." he quietly groaned as he realized the resistance was more or less around his groin. "...what's gotten into..." As his paws firmly traced their ways up her thighs, Vasily opened his eyes to find Ashe riding him with a smile. "...you?"

"Shh..." Ashe ground her hips down onto the husky's own and surrounded his slowly growing knot. "Don't want to wake your wife, do you?"

Vasily turned his head and remembered where he was, sleeping in his own bed right next to his wife. Rather than give her the response she expected however, Vasily grabbed Ashe by the hips and thrust back into her. "She's a heavy sleeper. Just don't mess with her and we can try having some fun."

Ashe lifted herself up and then drove down solidly, holding herself there for a moment to say, "I'm not here for you, Mr. Rivet. I simply needed to vent some frustration."

Vasily learned this the hard way when he tried to pull down the top of the wolf's dress and instead received a scratch to the back of his paw. "Gah! I get it. I get it." He instead turned to Catherine's sleeping form and pulled up her pajama shirt, a paw remaining to grope his wife's tits softly. "Sorry, I just like a bit of imagery when I'm intimate."

"No need to be polite when you're getting ~raped~. You can say we're fucking." Ashe took advantage of Vasily's paws being anywhere but her hips and resumed her movement, lifting her ass up and slamming it home at quite a rapid pace, her pussy clenching firmly around the husky's manhood every time she drew it out herself.

"Hey, slow it down Ashe," Vasily requested with a hushed voice, obviously being denied when both his paws were batted away and pinned to the bed. "Why the hurry?"

In a few more deep gyrations Ashe gave him her answer in the form of an airy, almost silent howl. As her head lifted up to the ceiling she started to quiver and shake, her cunny soon following suit to Vasily's delight. In seconds the wolf was huddled over Vasily, gasping and out of breath from her peak. Yet when the old husky tried to move himself for his own release Ashe just pulled herself off him and ground her clit against his length slowly.

"Damn that was good..." murred Ashe as she slowed her grinding to a halt.

"I'm sure it was. But can I get a little help here myself?" Vasily took Ashe's ass and lifted it, her weakened muscles barely able to resist, and lined himself up with her petals. "Now then..."

As she squirmed from the pressure against her flower Ashe pulled herself upward. While avoiding one kind of invasion she found another, Vasily's tongue pressing into her muzzle unexpectedly as their mouths met. After fighting to back away she bit his lower lip, the pain giving Ashe enough of a window to slide off the side of the bed. "No kissing, Mr. Rivet."

"Hey, I'm bleeding!" Vasily complained as he brought a paw to his lip. He stared back at Ashe waiting for an explanation and was left wanting when she reached on the ground for her panties. "What're you doing?"

"I'm leaving. I raped you where you slept for my own sake and made you bleed to boot. That makes us even, I believe." Ashe slipped the panties on and then pulled them off after she realized she had them inside-out. "So how's it feel, Mr. Rivet?"

"Fucking frustrating. What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" Vasily reached down and rubbed his length, focusing on his fully swollen knot.

Ashe got her panties the right way this time and slipped them up, hiking her dress just long enough to give the husky a brief view of hot, wet wolf slit. "Well you ~are~ married, aren't you?" She started moving back towards the bedroom door and paused as she opened it to add, "And I'm sure it's a happy union, right?"

"Happy?" Vasily repeated as the arctic wolf left the room. He looked over to Cat and mumbled to himself, "Maybe if she'd be more adventurous sometimes..." As he stared at his wife's tits he rolled over, reached down, and pulled down her pajama bottoms. Then as he lined himself up with his wife's pussy he said, "You want to try being more adventurous for me, Cat?"

As Ashe closed the door she leaned back against it with a smile. A loud moaning bled through the wooden panel as the husky found his desired climax, making Ashe's smile broaden. "You're welcome, Mister Rivet."

"Ooh, something smells scrumptious!" squealed Adrian as he made his way to the kitchen. Spotting Ashe fussing about with oven mitts he sat at the counter and inquired, "So you're the one to blame? And here I thought Misses Rivet was finally cooking more to my tastes."

"Hey, she'd kill you if she heard that. I might even just watch too, haha." Iolvin placed a paw on his mate's shoulder as he sat in the seat next to him, smiling widely as he turned to Ashe for her to hear better. "So what's cookin', Ashe?"

Taking a moment to open the oven and pull out an item she then answered, "Pies, two kinds. This one here smells about done, should just start caramelizing. The other's got a bit of fruit in it so it'll take a bit more." Placing the pastry in front of the two she then went and reduced the temperature a slight bit for the other to cook slower. "Now I'm not sure what that one is exactly, but it's some kind of nut. I was thinking pecan but it might just as well be walnut. The other's pear."

"Damn, well that's one hell of a breakfast. Any reason we're so lucky this morning?" Yoyo queried as he took a closer look at the pie, squinting his eyes as he did so.

"Well your mother was still in her room and I wanted to make something nice for all of us." She pulled off her oven mitts and placed them on on the counter next to the stove. "Besides, I'm feeling pretty good for once. Toned down the drugs just a bit, even."

"That's good to hear. I like you better off that junk," Dee spoke up as he reached for the brown-glazed pie and received a slap on his paw from Yoyo. "Ooh, can't even get a taste?" he mumbled back.

"We'll all get some soon," Yoyo assured the smaller otter.

"Some of what?" Ilaria asked as she hunched over her brother's shoulder to spy the tasty treat. "Mornin' lil' bro."

"Morning, Lulu. Ashe here is baking up some awesome for us." Yoyo looked over to his parents' room and then back to his sister and Robyn as they sat down in the remaining seats. "Not sure why mom's not up yet though. You think she...?"

"No, not her way to peep on us..." Ari answered back as she tried to sneak a taste of the pie with the same result as Dee.

"What, am I the only one here with a little self control?" Yoyo grinned as his eyes rolled back playfully.

Ari reached her paw up to ruffle her brother's fur from his back to his head. "You want it as much as I do, idiot. You forget I know how you think!"

"Oh, is that right?" Yoyo started to chuckle with his twin as they equally roughed each other up.

Suddenly Robyn popped in between the two and slapped Iolvin hard enough against the muzzle to knock him off his stool. "...Greedy son of a bitch!..." Her paw went to slap him again but her will faltered upon seeing Ilaria's surprised expression. "Did the fucking prom mean nothing?!" Robyn wiped her eyes as she started crying and backed away slowly. "I... need to go..."

Ilaria tried to stop Robyn from running off but tripped on her own hindpaw as she hopped out her chair. "Robby, wait...!" Before she could catch up the squirrel was already out the door with her keys in paw. "Shit. Yoyo, what the hell was that?"

Iolvin stared at his sister and gave her a thoughtful sigh. "Long story, but you know senior prom? How Robyn dumped that buck she was with like twenty minutes into it?"

"Wait, she's actually bringing something like high school up and not what we--"

Yoyo cut Dee off as he stared into his twin's eyes. "She told me she wanted to ask you to go and I convinced her otherwise. That you had stuff going on that wouldn't settle well, and it was the best for both of you. You know..."

"Me being intersex. I get it, but you know I wouldn't have cared if the rest of our class thought I was just a lesbian or whatever." Ilaria settled her leg back into place and made her way over to the door, not much caring that she'd twisted her skirt in the process. "Gods, I need to talk to her about this."

"I'm sorry, Lulu. I don't know what's gotten into her but... Yeah, I' sorry."

With bursting giggles Catherine and Vasily broke out of their bedroom and into the kitchen. The husky made his way past his daughter as he worked a neck tie, while Cathy joined Ashe in the kitchen. "Hurry to work, honey! And don't speed on the way!"

"Dad?" the twins spoke up at once, the husky being uncharacteristically late for work.

"Bye, kids. Have fun today." Vasily winked at his wife as he exited the house and added, "And I'll definitely see you later, Cat."

The older otter smiled as she looked over Ashe's work, not much caring that she was barely covered in a bath robe whilst her children looked her way. "Oh, this looks tasty. Must have taken you forever to find what you needed, too..."

"Uh... Mom, there a reason you're not wearing any... uh... any clothes?" Yoyo finally broke the question.

"Oh... OH!..." Cathy pointlessly wrapped herself tighter in the robe, arguably making things worse by showing her curves. "Sorry, sweetheart. It's just that your father and I were... Oh ~gods~, him and that tongue of his..." She turned to her utterly stunned children and clarified, "I don't think he's ever taken me that many times in one go..."

"Mom!" Ari blurted out as she checked the door for a moment. "The hell?!"

"What? I thought we were being more open now, what with all the love in the air recently..." Then Catherine squeaked as she noticed she was leaking white from between her legs, a small puddle forming on the floor from what didn't decide to trail down her thigh. "I, uh... Let me go get cleaned up and we can try this again..."

"Uh, sis... You might want to..." Yoyo warned as he pointed to Ari, who now sported an erection hard enough to break free of her panties and hang below the lip of her skirt.

"Damn..." Cathy mentioned as she passed by and scurried back into her room. "At least we make 'em scary instead of small," she joked to herself as she shut the door.

After adjusting her skirt and forcing her male parts back into confinement Ilaria stammered, "I-I'll j-just go after uh... after Robyn..." Reaching for the door she added, "Lunch, okay?"

"Yeah... We'll catch up later," Iolvin confirmed as he adjusted a disturbance in his crotch as well, Dee snickering the whole time.

When Ilaria passed though the doorway she expected to find nothing there for her except an empty driveway and a chance to see if her metro ticket was still working. Instead she found a single car parked with a crying squirrel behind the wheel. She jogged over, nearly falling on her face twice as her stride became acquainted with her new leg, and shouted through the glass, "Robyn, we need to talk," She tried the handle to the passenger door and again tried, "Please Robyn. Open the door."

It took a few seconds for her to respond, but Robyn popped open the locks and let Ilaria inside her car. Wiping her eyes momentarily clear she mentioned, "I've known you long enough to know you'd just stand there all day..."

"That I would, because I love you," Ari stated as she sat and pulled her legs into the vehicle. Closing the door for some privacy she asked, "And I only want to make you happy. So, what's going on?"

Robyn put her paws on the steering wheel and stared forward as she answered, "You and Yoyo. I've known you two were close and all but..."

"I know... I should have told you sooner." Ilaria pushed herself forward and looked into Robyn's eyes to add, "But it wasn't like we've been at it since high school! We only started fooling around just before I asked you out!"

"That's... not my point." Robyn dropped her arms and looked down at her shoes beneath the wheel. "The two of you get to love each other, fuck around, all that... I'm alright with that much, to a degree." She brought her eyes to rest within Ilaria's and came to her point, "But you two still act like you always have. And now that we're dating you've been less like yourself around me more and more..."

"So... This isn't about last night?" Ari leaned a little closer and tried to hold Robyn's paw, understanding but still frowning when she was refused access. "So I'm not the same, and you're upset? But I don't know what you mean. I haven't been trying to be any different."

"No, it's not deliberate... And I can't blame you for it, really..." The squirrel took a moment to draw a long, deep breath and then clarified, "It's just that somehow I see you and Yoyo and I see... No..." She stopped herself long enough to finally give Ari her paw, clasping her other around their grip as well. "I feel like I traded a friend for a lover, and I never wanted to lose a single ounce of the you I fell in love with."

"I don't see how Yoyo has anything to do with that, but I'm listening. I want to fix this but I don't know what's changed."

"Well... I know you've seen how tender you've gotten with Ashe, right? You've done that with me too. It's just one of the surprising parts of you I wanted to discover with us dating. But for me, that's replaced the frank, brash idiot of a friend I used to have." Robyn paused as she realized she wasn't making much direct sense and diverted, "You used to challenge me. If I screwed up, you pointed it out. If I had an idea, you worked it to the dirty details with me. You were never afraid to treat me like you do your brother, like someone you can just be yourself with and not have to worry about the repercussions... You were an asshole to me. Now all I want is for you to be ~my~ asshole."

"Uh..." Ilaria took a breath herself. "So you don't want me to hold back any punches even though I have feelings for you?" She added another paw on top of the cluster between them. "I only stopped because I thought lovers didn't... well, make each other feel bad about themselves."

"Ilaria... Ottah..." Robyn leaned against her lover's shoulder to make her point. "...I love you, and I always will. There's nothing you can do to me that will make me think otherwise. So beat the living crap outta me if you gotta. Just don't ever hold yourself back."

"I... won't..." Ari rested her head on top of Robyn's and stared forward, frowning a bit at the other otters peeping on them through a window. "It might take a bit, but I'll try to get back to the way I was. I'll never be the reason you cry ever again. Now Yoyo on the other paw..."

"Don't... He means well." As the two in the window vanished Robyn commented, "I didn't mean to blow up on him like that. I was just jealous of what you two had."

Ilaria kissed Robyn on the forehead and chuckled, "Gods bless you Munchkin. Don't worry. I'll talk to him about it."

"You know just before prom? He lied back then you know," Robyn injected. "Said we weren't good for each other."

"Oh, well in that case..." laughed Ilaria as she bore her weight down on Robyn, "his balls are mine."

"Sis?" Iolvin stepped into the laboratory and lit up the floor beneath him, peering through the glare into an otherwise dark room. "You here, Lulu?"

"Sister?" Ashe spoke up as well, her ears snapping to various corners of the room to no result.

"Maybe she's up front with Robyn? I mean, we saw her car in the lot." Adrian stepped forward and made his way to his desk, the final few floor panels lighting up to reveal Ilaria in her own desk with her headphones over her ears. Waving a paw in front of her face he informed, "Hey Ari. We're here."

Yoyo walked up behind Dee and waved at his sister as she removed her headphones, loud rock music bleeding out until she paused her phone's playback. "Hey. I don't have class today so... How you doing?"

"Oh... I'm..." Ari spun her chair to face the others and smiled when she saw Ashe and India heading her way carrying what she supposed was pie. "~We~ are just fine. I mean, we talked things out and I think we can fix things."

"Well I'm just throwing it out there that I'm here to help if you need me," Yoyo assured with a rather serious look on his face.

"Glad you aren't taking things the wrong way. Robyn was just jealous when she hit you, you know." The familiar smell of baked goods filled Ari's nostrils and she stood to greet the wolf carrying them. "Sorry we ran out on you, Ashe. Those pies must be freakin' awesome."

"Thanks, sister!" Ashe tried to go in for a hug but found herself unable to do much with two pie tins in her paws. "I brought the rest in for you and Robyn. Theres only a little of the pecan pie left though."

"DIBS!" Robyn cried out as she slipped through the door to the front of the building. "Damn, I thought I smelled that pie!"

"And of course she comes running for something made of nuts. Typical squirrel, hehe," Yoyo chuckled out as Robyn snatched one of the tins into her own paws.

Peeling back the wrapping Ashe used to keep it fresh Robyn grinned almost to the point of drooling at the wave of pecan scent laced with sugar and vanilla. "It was hard walking away from this earlier. You don't even know..."

"Well thank you! I just thought you'd want some before it dried out so..." Ashe smiled at the source of Robyn's voice and held out the other pie. "Here, there's some pear left too."

"Oh ~hell~ no. I'm diving right into this." Robyn placed both pies on a lab counter and looked around for something to use as a utensil for a tasting. "Sorry, nothing against your other treat hon. It's just... this is one of my all-time faves..."

"Ah, don't worry about it. As long as none of it goes to waste I'm happy," Ashe comforted as she grabbed Indy's bar and followed her to a seat.

Ari dug around in her desk for some spare takeout utensils and presented a set to Robyn. "Here, shouldn't get your paws sticky and ruin this clean lab." She took a packet herself and ripped the cellophane with a claw. "Now give me that other one. I'm starving."

"So you two really are doing alright? Aside from rabidly attacking with your sweet teeth?" Iolvin found his sister's seat and commandeered it for himself, kicking his hindpaws up on the desk. "Maybe I didn't need to come after all."

"Mmmf..." Ari choked down a large bite of her pie and started again. "Sorry... Uh, don't leave yet. See that box on Dee's desk? Ellie's gonna be here in a minute so get that ready for us. Can you do me that favor?"

"Sure, but what is it?" he answered as he rolled the chair lazily to grab the thin container.

"A secret for one of us," Ilaria answered as her head rocked towards Ashe. "Just get it ready please. Oh, hey! Save me a taste!" Ari reached over and tried to stab her fork into the last remaining bits of pecan pie, finding herself battling another plastic utensil. "Don't hog it, ya' little brat!"

Suddenly Robyn's own fork gave up the fight, the girl giggling back contrary to the tears forming in her eyes. As Ari smiled back and then devoured the spoils of their battle Robyn nodded and whispered. "...Found you..."

"Damn, good enough to make you cry," commented Ari in a heightened voice as she wiped a rogue tear that started rolling down Robyn's cheek.

Robyn smiled as she went for the last bite of pie, locking eyes with Ari when she popped the fork in her mouth. "Mmm... It's just what I needed."

"Pie makes everything better," Ashe giggled back at the two, obviously catching that there was more to their words than they showed.

"Pie? Did I hear that right?" Elliot snuck in through the rear entrance and looked over to the one utterly-destroyed tin with a frown. "Don't tell me I missed out? And who the hell even had time to make that?"

"Here, there's loads left," Ari mentioned as she shoved the pear variety forward with almost half the treat remaining.

"And I baked them! I was in a good mood after yesterday." Ashe found the table and then slid her paws around until she bumped into the pie in question. "Here, take a taste. I won't take 'No.' from you, mister. Oh, uh... 'miss'. Sorry."

"It's alright, Ashe. You'll get the hang of it eventually." Ellie stopped by the table and took the fork Robyn was now offering him. With a grin he scooped up a gooey chunk of pie and shoveled it into his muzzle. "Damn, that's pretty good," he mentioned even as he chewed. As he reached for more and swallowed what was in his mouth he commented, "I'd love to see you make a cake. Or eclairs."

"I'm glad you like it, Elliot." Ashe leaned in and found the fork, intercepting it before its payload went to the otter's muzzle. "I still haven't had any..."

Feeding her a forkful of her own treat Ellie said, "Well then we need to fix that. And speaking of fixing things..." He looked over to Yoyo and smiled when he saw the contents of the box were assembled and ready. With a wave of his free paw he signaled for it to be brought over, Dee joining Yoyo on the way. "I have a bit of a gift for you. Well, DeeDee and I do, really. We both chipped in."

"For me? I... didn't do anything to..." Ashe lightly argued. The wolf girl obviously had a history of declining charity as evinced in the baffled but firm expression on her face.

"Nonsense. You've been all I can think about since we've met. That deserves some thanks." Ellie took the gift and placed it on the table in front of Ashe, guiding her paw to rest atop it. "I won't take 'No.' for an answer either. So tell me what you think, hee hee!"

Ashe slowly brought both her paws to the side edges of the item in question, feeling the smooth, cold texture of the entire top panel. Some sort of recessed shape or logo snagged her fingers as she moved to the edge, and the surface vibrated ever so slightly from microscopic pits and impurities. Rounding the sharp edges there was a beveled seam of some kind. Within the bounds of the sides small holes and ports caught her claws, leading to some sort of hinge in the rear. A paw slid closer to her chest to find the other end of the hinge, a curious quirk of Ashe's head coming as she flipped the top halfway open.

As Ashe brought her other paw to trace the logo on the far side of the lid she frowned, groaning back, "A Bartlett Pro? Oh, and it's the new one isn't it? Damn Elliot... I can't accept this. I know how much Pear computers cost and this one's worth a small fortune..." She pushed the new laptop closer to Ellie and begged, "Please, I'd be fine with a junker. I just can't have you--"

"I insist, Ashe. Besides, it's from my sis too. Don't want to hurt her feelings too, do you?" Ellie pushed the laptop back to her and requested, "Now, try it out and tell me how it works. I can help you set up the voice reader thingy if you don't know how."

Ashe tentatively placed her paws on the keyboard and took a breath. "I can tell you won't stop until I take it... but please don't do something like this again. It just doesn't feel... right." A shortcut and a few taps later and the voiceover enabled itself, reading aloud the title and contents of a terminal shell window Ashe had opened. "All this power and I'll barely use it with the default software..."

"Well DeeDee might be able to help there. Sis?"

"Oh, right!" Adrian jogged over to his desk and grabbed a small, boxy device as well as a cord that went with it. He placed it next to the metal laptop and found a port to hook it up. "I'm not sure how much it'll help, but I managed to salvage your old drive onto this new one." When the drive popped up on the laptop's display he set it up for Ashe, rubbing her between her shoulders when he finished. "It's the least I could do after hurting you, hon."

"My data..." Ashe stared blankly in Dee's direction for a moment, suddenly lurching forward to give him a low hug. "Thank you! You don't know how much it means to me!"

"See, told ya' she'd like it. Trust your big sister more," Ellie smirked as he ruffled Dee's hair. Moving around him, Ellie gave Ashe a quick peck on her temple and said, "So we did good, huh?"

"More than good..." Ashe swapped targets and embraced Ellie, planting her tongue in his muzzle for a deep kiss. A few seconds later they parted with equally devious smiles, though Ashe explained hers with, "Now we can find everything we need for that oxydium stuff! I can't wait to see if it really works for me!"

"Oh, so all your research or whatever was on that drive? That'll save us time for sure," mentioned Ilaria as she reached for another bite of pie.

At dizzying speed Ashe moved her fingers all over the keyboard until the entire screen lost it's graphical interface and a raw text environment took it's place. "Aha! And my custom OS still works!" As the screen spat out line after line of boot code the voiceover system eventually was replaced with a strange code of beep tones and clicks in various patterns. "Ick, I might need to use the default system until I get my headphones though," she mentioned as her ears tried without luck to find a good orientation for the panel speakers.

"Well if it goes towards finding us what we need..." Ilaria paused for a moment to reach for something on her desk, returning with her nice set of can headphones. "...then consider these payment for helping us out, sis. Besides, everyone's giving gifts anyway..."

Ashe made a quick "Eep!" as the headphones were draped over her ears, partially from the surprise and also from the slight discomfort of having the proximal edges of her large ears flattened against her head. When Ilaria gave the drivers life by plugging them in however, Ashe forgot about the odd feeling on her head and instead widened her smile. "Ooh... These sound ~so~ much better than my old ones. I bet I could speed up the signal and still hear everything! Thanks, sister!"

"My pleasure, Ashe. Anything to make things easier for you," smiled back Ari as she picked up her fork again. "And don't worry about owing me or anything. I was planning on getting a new set soon anyway."

"Oh, well the oxydium was gonna be my payment any... way..." Ashe rapidly stroked a few keys and then slipped into the naughtiest of expressions. "Hey, my porn survived too. Neat-o. Good job, Adrian."

"Porn? The hell does a blind girl do with porn?" Robyn queried.

"Well it's all written stuff. Pretty tasteful too, if I had to say so myself." Dee looked over the contents of the screen with a smirk as the others stared at him.

"Wait, you read it?" asked Yoyo. "All of it?"

"Well, I had to make sure nothing was screwed up on the drive..."

"So that's a 'Yes' then," Yoyo chuckled back. Moving closer to pull Dee in for a hug he added, "So you'll act some of it out for me later then, I hope?"

"Yoyo!" protested Dee, green flushing to his face as the others started giggling as well. Lowering his voice and nuzzling Yoyo's ear he barely managed, "Y-yeah... Maybe later..."

"Damn you're sexy," Iolvin whispered back, sealing his words with a soft kiss.