A little payback part 2

Story by Katishi on SoFurry

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I added a pretty interesting twist ending, though it won't like be my thing, I still think it turned out pretty good for the context. I may bring Setson back for another story I am making depending on the comments on this. anyway, enjoy and comment if you would be so kind. The ending may seem kind of rushed,, so I may redo it later.

Setson made a smooth landing on the stone floor to his cave. He normally lives with his older brothers, but they were still out hunting for the rest of the day, so Setson had the whole place to himself. He reached into his bag and pulled out his catch, the tiny buizel, Foamy. "I'd like to show you my home, where we will be having lots of fun." He said, holding him tight.

Foamy looked around, gulping nervously as he squirmed a little, trying best he could to get free. "Look, I'm sorry okay, I never ,meant to offend you alright!" He said, pleading for freedom again

"Hmm... I... believe you." He said watching as Foamy sighed in relief. "But!" He continued, chuckling as Foamy tensed up again. "I haven't had this much fun in a long while, and since I already have you, I am going to enjoy it while it lasts." He said, smiling as he brought Foamy up to his face, his hot breath blowing over the buizel, bearing his slightly yellow fangs. "That's not going to be a problem is it, or will I just have to eat you my cute little morsel?" He said with a low growl.

Foamy trembled as the hot breath blew over him. "No! I'll be your toy! Just please don't eat me!" He begged, struggling around more.

Setson rolled his eyes, chuckling a little. "Good, then here is the deal, you don't run, you don't hide, and I play with you for as long as I want. In return I won't eat you, in fact I will let you go free, alright?" He asked, setting up a deal. Foamy slowly nodded. "Good, now then..." He set the buizel on his soft bed of leaves. The giant dragonite then turned around, showing his gargantuan rump, slowly starting to lower it down on his helpless victim. Foamy kept his word, not moving one inch, just lying on his back as he watched as he is sat on. The buizel, soon buried deep in setson's huge, blubbery rump. It was so fat he wouldn't be able to escape easily if at all from under it.. His face was dangerously close to the dragonite's anus, it smelled of strong musk and flatulence under there. Setson put one claw on his chubby belly, it starting to groan loudly. He pushed on his pudgy stomach, forcing all the gas out in a long and loud blast that stunk of rotten eggs and cabbage. Foamy's eyes started to water from the stink being blasted right on him. It went on for almost a full minute before finishing off.

"Ahh, nothing like releasing some pressure in a good old fart huh Foamy?" He chuckled, relaxing some more and adding to the weight. "And there's plenty more where that came from little guy."

Foamy wasn't as amused though, being stuck under a huge dragonite and sniffing his farts wasn't exactly fun for him. The buizel noticed the dragonite anus right in his face tensed up a bit before a foul wind blow into him. There was no sound except for the faint hissing, but it stunk terribly all the same. The next fart was not as silent but still very deadly, it lasted about twenty seconds, very loud and an eye-burning smell. Foamy almost felt himself slipping out of consciousness.

Setson gave a smirk, finally getting up. As he looked down, he snickered at the dazed buizel. "What? Can't take the heat?" He asked mockingly. Setson reached down, picking him up again, then proceeded to shove him right up his rear. Foamy was squirming around, trying hard to escape, only his head was sticking out. The dragonite gave a hearty chuckle, wiggling his butt a little. "Oh yeah, you feel good in there, right where you belong." He smiled, his anus flexing around Foamy before blowing out a huge eggy fart, making Foamy qish he could pull his arms out to cover his nose. The chubby dragonite started to walk around to find any leftover food from the last hunt, or atleast some sort of snack. His hopes were answered once he found two cans of beans, smiling deviously. "Well, what do we have here? Mmm, my favorite, beans!" He grinned, using a claw to open the cans, swallowing them both down rather quickly, His belly grumbled as it was fed.. "Oh, this is going to give me tons of gas little buddy, hope your ready."

Foamy squirmed a little, very nervous. "What? Oh please no!" He shouted. Setson just chuckled a little, sitting down once again. Foamy was smooshed into his huge butt, trying to get out in a pitiful effort. The dragonite had a quick digestive system, it only took about fifteen minutes. Setson smiled and jiggled his belly, the digestive juices sloshing around. After about two more minutes, he clenched his fists, groaning a little. It was the start of a fart Foamy would not soon forget, it lasted a good two minutes. The pitch constantly went from a low bassy sound, to a high squeaking sound. The smell was simply horrid, it stunk terribly, enough to even make the dragonite groan. "Oh, that was really bad, I'm glad I'm not the once in there though." He chuckled a little, blowing out a few more farts, not nearly as bad as the previous ones, but still pretty bad. After a few more minutes Setson reached back and grabbed Foamy, pulling him out and up to face level, putting a paw over his nose. "Whew, you stink!" He chuckled a little.

Foamy honestly was in a daze, not paying attention. It was almost as he was high on farts, it that was possible. After a few more minutes foamy came to his senses, looking up at the dragonite as he grinned. "W-what now?" He asked, quivering a little.

"Oh nothing, in fact that was really great fun. I think you have served your purpose well, now to get rid of you." He said, opening his maw wide.

Foamy gasped, quickly trying to jump off his hand but it closed over him before he could. "Y-you said you weren't going to eat me! You said you would let me go!"

Setson blinked. "Oh, right I did didn't I?" He shrugged. "Ah well, I lied." He said, licking his lips as he brought him up close. Without another word, he popped the little buizel in his mouth, closing it and trapping him inside. Foamy couldn't believe it, this was really happening? He had been betrayed and eaten after the torture he just went through. This wasn't fair, it couldn't be happening. But it was, and foamy was trapped. Feeling the dragonite's tongue lick across him, savoring his flavors. Soon he was traveling down into Setsons stomach, falling in the stomach acids.

Setson smiled a little, lying down and patting his belly, satisfied with his meal.

A little payback part 1

The lake was crystal clear, not a cloud was in the sky, and it was just an all around beautiful day. The surface of the water was soon breached by one of it's inhabitants, a small but well built buizel. Little Foamy, the buizel, had finished a morning...

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A friendly visit

It has been five days since I moved in with Layrius. He still does enjoy to fart on me, but even though it's gross, I can manage. He enjoys using me as a nice seat cushion, as he does think I'm comfortable to sit on. He has a pantry filled with all...

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New encounters

"It shouldn't be much farther." I quietly muttered to myself, walking along the path through the forest. I had been walking for a few hours which had proven tiresome on my legs. I decided to take a break and rest at the foot of a large tree. Taking...

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