Ethernet Bridges

Story by porterjoe on SoFurry

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Came up with this idea from watching an episode of The Guild immediately after playing Mechwarrior Online.

Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

Act I: AutoTank Wars

"Quick! Take their scout down, target Delta!" Warning klaxons screamed as autocannon fire tore through Redwolf's armor.

"We're getting overrun over here; can't comply..." The commander's usually hoarse voice was growing higher in panic as the enemy swarmed over their thinning resistance.

"Redwolf, break off and try to regroup with us!" Gossamer's call was punctuated by a bassy pop as he tried to snipe down the encroaching forces.

"My back armor's stripped...I'm not going to make it..." Redwolf tried to sound apologetic as his viewscreen began to fizzle and his damage readout flashed in finality.

"You're going to make it! Come on, Redwolf!" Blade's voice was calm, like she actually believed what she was saying. She always was the optimist, even when it was hopeless...

"He' a lock on me and he's faster...I'm sorry, guys..." A wave of short-range guided missiles tore another weapon mounting from his tank; his pursuer was picking him apart with almost deliberate slowness, like a cat toying with a mouse that had nowhere to go...

"Blade he's got to be in range, fire for effect on Delta!" the hoarse voice was almost pleading as another enemy crawled into view.

"I'm...dry," Blade's voice hissed in an apologetic whisper as her missile tubes clicked empty.

"Redwolf, I'm sending Goss to you, what's your position?" It was a risky move, but if they lost Redwolf...

"..." There was only crinkling static.

"He's gone, Boss..." the sniper tried to sound comforting, but it was hard to feel sorry for the dead considering he'd be joining them soon anyway.

"Blade," the commander had to try to even the score, "We're going to go down swinging, form up on me."


"Just you and me now, Boss," Gossamer chuckled sadly.

"...It's been fun, Goss," the commander keyed in the overrides to his emergency shutdown. He would keep firing until his Autotank melted itself into slag.

"We gave it out best sh--" The mike crackled and fell silent.

"Die you motherfu--" Oaths fell upon deaf ears as the heat from his weapons fire overloaded his systems and incinerated Boss in a billowing plume of carnage and--

"Hey, I'm assuming we lost?" Redwolf sighed into his headset as Boss's TeamTalkie pip flicked from yellow to green next to his callsign.

"I got a couple of 'em, but yeah," Boss groaned when he looked at the score totals from the match, "It's okay, the rest of our team wasn't using comms. We gave it our best."

"Yeah, I think I need to load out more missiles," Blade piped in as she sat back down at her computer with a sandwich in hand, "That's the third game where I run out just before SexyWolf over there needs me to save his arse."

"Blade, please stop referring to your little internet boyfriend as 'sexy' when we're around," Boss grumbled into his mic as he rubbed a paw over the bridge of his muzzle. Kids these days...apparently it just took an ethernet connection to have a relationship with someone now.

"Oh come on, old man," Redwolf chuckled into his headset as he leaned back in his chair, "She uses the right callsign in game--"

A text bubble popped up inside the TeamTalkie window, a private message from Blade

[are you as horny as I am right now? ;)]

Redwolf giggled but didn't push down his mic button, it had been a little while since they'd talked each other off.

[go down to our afk room, I'll be right there ^^]

"Hey, I'm going to have a cigarette, I'm gasping," Blade's voice was thick with excitement, "Mind if we take a break, Boss?"

"That's fine, I need to respec this Auto' anyway," Boss sighed as he opened the game's refitting screen, "Take a ten everyone, then let's try to get out of this losing streak, yeah?"

[lol think you can make it?] Blade typed before she moved to the AFK room.

Redwolf laughed himself and went to join her.

Their "relationship" had started when they both joined the same AutoTank Wars clan at practically the same time. Redwolf fondly recalled the day that he had first heard Blade's voice as they waited in the guest lobby to be greeted.

"Hey...I'm new here, you?" She had chirped into her mic as Redwolf joined the lobby.

Hearing a girl's voice had been surprising enough, but it was the most melodiously sweet voice Redwolf thought he had ever heard, "Yeah, just thought I'd give joining a clan a try, you know?"

"Same here," she had said back warmly, "It just wasn't much fun anymore with randoms."

"Totally," Redwolf felt his voice wavering slightly. Was he getting nervous talking to a girl he couldn't even see? "Erm...So what kind of Auto' do you pilot?"

The conversation had continued in that fashion for a while, the two discussing their favorite aspects of the competitive online game and the strategies they had formed. Redwolf had been surprised by how genial his new friend was, and hoped that he would get to actually play the game with her to see her in action. Just because she was a rare commodity in the video-game world didn't mean she was necessarily a good player...but on the other hand, the prospect of getting to know this confident and strangely forward gamer-girl was much more enticing than his stats in the game itself. He decided it might be worth trying to see if she would be up to meeting in person sometime; under the pretext of playing AutoTanks, of course.

"So, where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" Redwolf tried to ask casually.

Blade had hesitated slightly, but her voice didn't hint that she was uncomfortable when she spoke, "I live in the southwest, just some nowhere town. It's named Codswhallop if you can believe it."

Redwolf did a quick search for the town even though he lived on the east-coast, and he groaned when he saw the massive distance between their two cities, "Oh, that's too bad. I live in," he quickly tried to remember the name of the city he used to avoid giving out private information, "Beagletown, in the south-east." Why bother telling the truth if they were so far away anyway?

"Aww," Blade had cooed back with obvious disappointment, "I thought we might live closer...oh well."

"Yeah, I was kind of hoping so too..." Well, there were other fish in the sea, Redwolf tried to bolster himself, "I never see girls playing this game, I would've liked to hang out sometime."

"Wouldn't that make your girlfriend a bit jealous?" Blade replied with no apparent concern for what she was driving at.

Redwolf quickly tried to think of how to say he didn't have a girlfriend without seeming like the typical geek, "Er...uh..." He wasn't really pulling it off, "...Nah, W-Windo...Wendy doesn't really care who I hang out with." There, now he had a fake girlfriend that was almost named after the operating system for his computer. Not geeky at all...

"I see..." Blade had chimed back with obvious disbelief, but she seemed more amused than put off, "Well that's good then; I just got out of a relationship and I didn't really want to make waves in anybody else's."

"Oh yeah?" Redwolf felt his heart trilling with excitement that was quickly dashed to pieces as he remembered that she might as well have ten boyfriends for all the distance between them, "I'm sorry to hear that. Was it bad?"

"It was a mutual thing," Blade replied with a sigh, "Let's just say...He wasn't really into girls like me."

"He didn't like gamer chicks? What a moron, you seem awesome," Redwolf blurted before his brain could stop him.

Blade laughed, fortunately, "Something like that, and thank you for saying so. You seem really sweet."

Redwolf felt his heart trilling again. Was it weird to have feelings for this girl after "meeting" her in a glorified chatroom? He brushed the thought aside as he scrolled through the TeamTalkie window, "Oh, hey, it looks like a couple spots are opening in a droproom. Want to just try to jump in with them?"

"Hmm, 'Boss' and 'Gossamer'...boss goss..." Blade mumbled slowly before she replied with enthusiasm, "I think I like it, I'll see you down there!"

Act II: Cybersex

[ do you want to play this, sexywolf?] Blade continued typing even though they were both in the AFK room.

[hmm you decide ;)] Redwolf typed back one-handed as he undid the front of his pants.

[Want to do a little roleplaying? #giggles] Why was she still typing? Odd...

[In the chat, or out loud?] Redwolf rubbed the front of his underwear slowly.

There was a distinct pause before Blade replied [um let's do it here in chat like our first time. Do you remember?]

Did Redwolf remember...of course he remembered that, it was both the most exciting and the most heartbreaking time of his life, not to mention it was only a few weeks ago. They had joined Boss and Gossamer's unit within the clan a little while before that, the grizzly commander and his goofy sniper being an excellent complement to the two new members. The quartet had gotten along famously, and soon they started setting up regular times to play. Redwolf and Blade seemed rather flirty from the start, and it only got worse as the group became better at playing the game together.

But, Boss and Gossamer didn't seem to mind their behavior as long as it didn't obviously start affecting the team. And besides, it was amusing in a way to think of these two twenty-somethings trying to date, essentially, over the internet.

Then one day while the other two were arguing about some strategy, Blade had opened a private chat to Redwolf with the cryptic message

[hey have you ever tried cybersex?]

Redwolf was beyond flummoxed [no? Why?] He had heard of people joining chatrooms to basically have text-based phone-sex, but he had never tried it.

[well] just one word, then a new line [I thought you might like to try it] [with me? :)]

[now?] Redwolf felt his shorts tightening as his new internet girlfriend suggested having internet sex with him.

[yeah. Interested?]

Is she joking?! Redwolf wanted to scream. There was nothing to give the text meaning, just the definitions of the words with no emotion or inflection to give them context. Was he about to ruin his friendship with this girl by accepting? Was he about to insult her by turning it down?

[yes] Just stick with the basics. He could still play it off like he was just joking too. What a laugh...ha ha...

[what do you look like ?]

[I'm] Should he lie? Make it sound like he wasn't just a scrawny, rust-colored wolf who wasn't clever enough to come up with a fancier callsign than "Redwolf"? Well, he was talking to someone who called herself "Blade" so... [I'm pretty skinny...] that was the truth, at least [um not really muscular, but my eyes are] talk yourself up a bit now [nice, I think.] [oh, I'm a wolf. Mid 20's]

[I'm a snow leopard, with speckled, silver fur that your fingers can get lost in. I wear a b-cup, but it looks good on my frame. And you can already see my nipples through it] Wow, she must be better at this than him.

[you sound really pretty] Was that too lame? [you sound like the perfect girl] too far...too far

[I'm not] ...? [But I want you to pull out your cock and start stroking yourself while I take off my panties. They're black so you can't really see that they're a little wet already, but I don't mind ;)]

That did sound pretty hot, maybe he should try some naughty talk too [okay, I'm stroking myself, my knot's getting all big] Ugh, not very good. But it was hard to type one-handed and still stroke himself.

[tell me how big you are]

[big] Redwolf grimaced at his average-sized endowment [really big]

Suffice to say, the conversation continued to this quality for some time, but in the interest of saving Redwolf from some rather intense embarrassment, we'll skip ahead to when he got a the hang of it a little more. At some time, both Boss and Gossamer had signed off, but the two erotic typists were too engaged in their own situation to notice or even say goodbye.

[Put your fingers into my pussy, you sexy wolf]

[I'm going to put more than that in you] Redwolf groaned as his penis ached to be stroked while he typed.

[Do it, fuck me hard]

[I'm going to fill you up until you cul;l;] whoops slipped [cum from all my hot semen]

[My vaginaa sis is squeezing you, cann youy feefl ammmmmmmy orga] [orgasm/?] Was she really cumming? The erotic thought made him squeeze his knot all the harder as the familiar tingles of his own climax began building.

[I'm going gto goin tp to danm damnit I'm going to cum too] Redwolf quickly hit enter without bothering to erase the bad message and gripped a handful of tissues over the front of his penis to begin ejaculating. He didn't see a response from Blade as he humped into his paw, the thought of her climaxing with him sending tickles of lusty joy through his heart. Then he looked back at the screen as he tossed the sopping tissues aside.

[Did you] the words were waiting for him in the chat window [cum for real?]

Was she teasing him? Why wouldn't she just use her mike? Maybe she would be breathing heavily, and he would know for sure this hadn't all been a joke [use your comms]

[you first, sexy ;)]

Redwolf's finger hovered over the CTRL key. What was he going to say to her? He pressed the mic key anyway, "Um...that was fun," He tried to keep any waver out of his voice.

"Did you...cum for real?" Her voice was soothingly calm, but she took a long breath in the middle. Just like her message.

"Yeah," Redwolf really hoped this wasn't a joke, but his heart began hurting as he thought of his affections for this...well, this stranger he had masturbated with. They couldn't really be together, even if she shared his feelings.

"Me too," her voice was sensuously thick. She wasn't joking, but he almost wished she had been...

Act III: Roleplaying

[And do you remember] Blade's words were appearing with painful slowness [what I said I looked like that one time?]

The mental image of a sparkling silver leopard was seared into Redwolf's mind [Yeah a beautiful snow leopard with perfect breasts, just like your pictures. Why? I mean, you didn't] Was this going to insult her? [you didn't send me fake pictures did you?] Oh, boy...

[No, those are all of me...] [Did you send fake ones?]

[No] What's all this about, anyway? [What's all this about, anyway? Can we just use comms?]

[I have to tell you something about why I broke up with my boyfriend. It's] [...important]

"Are you crying, Blade?" Redwolf whispered as he pressed down the CTRL key, "Is that why you won't talk?"

The pause felt like a lifetime [yes]

"Why, sweetie?" Redwolf felt his own tears forming as the fear of some unknown problem swelled in his chest.

[Do you remember when we] [pretended we were each other while we pawed off?]

What did that have to do with anything? [Yeah] typing seemed easier than trying to talk to a silent headset [Of course, I liked that game]

[Pretend like we're doing that again]

[Are you still crying?] Redwolf was shivering with foreboding and the sorrow of knowing his internet lover was weeping, but without any means to be comforted.

[Just pretend. I want to watch you talk about my penis like that]

She was already roleplaying? [What's going on Blade? I'm worried] [what's wrong?] he tried pounding the keys harder as if it would communicate more desperation.

[Just one more time. Please just type the words like you did back then, and then I'll] a long pause [I'll show you what's wrong...]

It had been about a week and a half ago since the two internet lovers had roleplayed as each other while they masturbated. Before that time, Redwolf had been wanting more and more to use a different internet program so they could video-chat and actually watch each other. She had denied his requests, but offered to send some pictures instead.

Redwolf felt his heart swell with affection when he opened the email attachments, his beautiful leopard posing for him in her bra with a lusty grin on her face. She seemed to like showing off her breasts, never letting the pictures crop below her little tummy, but he hadn't thought much about it and pasted printouts of his favorites around the computer monitor. He best liked the one that featured her black nipples poking through her shimmering fur in obvious arousal, and he quickly sent ones of him tugging a finger in his sheath to her in response.

Sure it was a little risky, sending lewd photos like that to someone he hadn't met for real. But he made sure that his face and his genitals were never in the same picture, and he hoped that she would show him her vagina if he took a chance with himself.

She didn't, but had suggested a rather odd but erotic-sounding request the next day once they were done playing for the night...

"Hey, SexyWolf, can you hop down a channel? I need to talk to you about something," Blade had suggested with an obvious tone.

"Of course, sweetie, be right down," Redwolf chuckled and joined her in the AFK room.

"I was wondering if you wanted to try something...but it might seem a little weird," Her melodious voice was twinged with nervousness.

"I'm up for anything," Redwolf settled back in his chair and undid his trousers.

"Leave your mic open," Blade whispered as she set her own mic to do the same.

"Okay," Redwolf chuckled, he was going to get to hear her the whole time, something they usually reserved until one of them was climaxing.

"Now, I want you to type it out, just like usual," Redwolf heard a flick followed by a soft whirring buzz, "But I want you to pretend like you're me, and I'll type your parts too. That way we have to do whatever the other person is typing."

"I like the sound of that, and the idea isn't too bad either," Redwolf giggled at the whir of an erotic vibrator coming through his speakers.

"Then I guess I'd better tell you what my little friend here looks like, so that you can describe it," She laughed back.

[Redwolf pulls out a shiny, red vibrator. It has two little bulges at the bottom forming a canine knot, just like his penis. He flicks it on and listens to the sound of it as he waves it in front of Blade, her eyes watching it hungrily as he slowly lowers it towards her vagina]

Redwolf was already at full mast as he listened to her breathing, the clicking of keys stopping with a lusty sigh as she waited for him to respond [Blade mewls cutely as she reaches for the vibrator, her pussy already wet as she thinks about it pushing up inside of her.] The sound of Blade mewling into the mic sent an eager throb through his shaft [She grabs the buzzing toy and rubs it around her opening, letting the tip brush against her clit as she moans in delight]

The scene played out just like he typed, the whir becoming muffled as Blade pushed it against her clitoris and moaned in ecstasy [Watching Blade makes Redwolf eager to join in, he pushes his penis down towards the leopard and squeezes out his pre, letting the little drop fall like a string of melting glass]

Redwolf was surprised she was so familiar with male anatomy, but suspected she probably did this "cybersex" thing quite often. He hoped she was currently only having virtual sex with him, though. [Seeing Redwolf's fluids makes Blade's flow even faster, and soon enough she's ready to put the vibrator into her passage] He waited for the buzz to die completely as it squelched into her vagina, the sounds fueling his own stroking until he started typing again [She works it in and out, slowly at first, and then a little deeper. The feeling of her labia separating sends her beautiful tail thrashing in arousal]

[Redwolf takes a dollop of]

"Do you have lotion or something? I forgot to ask..." Blade's voice came through with breathless sheepishness.

"Oh, yeah," Redwolf squirted some lotion into his palm, "All set," he grinned and listened to her resume her typing.

[He takes a dollop of lotion and begins working it around his shaft, paying careful attention to his knot as it throbs in paw. He feels the first buzzing tingle of stroking himself and calls out Blade's name as he humps into his grip]

"Blade!" Redwolf moaned as he bucked his hips, the excitement of being told what to do canceling out the frustration of not being able to continue at the pace he wanted.

[Redwolf keeps pumping his hips as he strokes, listening to his lover while she watches him tugging on his penis. He can't seem to breathe enough, the pleasure is so great, their moans joining together under the sounds of their pumping]

Redwolf heard an unexpected smacking sound coming through the speakers, "What...huff...what's that sound? Are you pawing the vibrator?" He stopped stroking to hear it better.

"Hmm?" The slapping cut off suddenly, "Oh, no. I was making that sound by pulling on my cheek, I thought it sounded pretty realistic," She made the sound again but it was a little different since she was talking, "We're pretending to be each other, remember?"

"Huh," Redwolf tugged on his own cheek, letting it suck at his gums before pulling away with a similar, squelching sound, "So your vibrator is still in you?" He grinned lewdly.

"It's still in you," she returned as the whirring was sporadically dampened as she pulled it in and out of her vagina.

"Then I'm using one of my paws to play with my clit, feeling the little nub send chills down my spine," Redwolf gasped as he began stroking himself.

"And I'm...I'm playing with my balls as I squeeze my knot, and I'm...Ah! I'm letting my penis throb back up with my strokes," Redwolf wasn't sure how she was making the sound again while she moaned the words to him, but suspected she was using the vibrator after all.

"I'm going to cum, I can feel my vagina tightening a bit, the splatter of my fem-cum getting louder around the vibrator," Redwolf tried to use some of the lines she had written to him in an earlier session.

"My balls are pulling up," Blade yowled loudly as she tried to wait for him to orgasm too, "They're starting to...push my semen up through my shaft."

"I...I'm cumming!" Redwolf heaved in air as his penis ejaculated freely, spraying up against his chest as he heard Blade writhing in similar euphoria. She sounded so aroused, so blissfully happy, and she mewled just how he liked as her chair squeaked under her writhing.

The air and their speakers were full of frantic panting as they settled from their climaxes, a rich gurgling sound bringing new delight to Redwolf's ears.

"You're purring for me, sweetie?" He whispered affectionately.

"Mmm," She hummed through the purr, "You gave me a particularly nice orgasm."

"I wish I could kiss you," Redwolf sighed mournfully, his aching heart ignoring the cuddly warmth of the afterglow.

The purring stopped, and he heard Blade sniffling slightly, "Me too...but let's not think about it. Just tell me about how much semen I ejaculated for you." She tried to sound lusty and hopeful, but it came out obviously depressed.

Redwolf did, but his heart wasn't really in it either anymore...

Act IV: Tears

[I can't masturbate if you're crying] Redwolf slapped the enter key defiantly. [I want to know what's gotten into you because it hurts me when you're sad]

Redwolf almost thought she had left before he saw [open your voice-chat]

The words hit the screen like a wrecking ball. Was he finally going to get to see Blade for real? He was going to finally know exactly what she looked like, with no danger of forgery or tricks. He had lost his mobile about a week ago and craved to have another means to communicate with Blade, because even then they had used their mobiles more to check up on each other and see when they could get online. It was mostly texts, just like almost everything else in their relationship. Until now...

With a shaky paw Redwolf double clicked the voice-chat plugin, and saw that he already had a request from Blade's username. They had exchanged the info around the same time as the mobiles, but Blade was never on the voice-chat program. And now she was calling him...

"Hi..." Blade whispered as Redwolf clicked the accept button. Her beautiful silver face filled the screen as he maximized the window; her pretty breasts that begged to be held were hidden under an AutoTanks collectible t-shirt, but Redwolf just looked into her delicate blue eyes as she wept softly.

"Hi...I'm...Marcus," Redwolf stammered under the sight of the leopard. He didn't even think to make up a name, there wasn't any need.

"I'm Clara," She whispered and snuffled into the back of her paw.

"Why didn't you let me see you before, Clara?" Redwolf whispered, "What's the matter?"

"I'm not just a normal girl," Blade mumbled back, "My last boyfriend broke up with me because...he didn't like how I have both." Tears worked down her muzzle to her wide, pink nose.

"Both?" Redwolf murmured in confusion.

"I'm a hermaphrodite," Clara tipped her webcam down to her naked genitals, a furry mound of her sheath preceding two fuzzy orbs. She lifted them up and leaned back to show him her cleft, "My boyfriend just got tired of it...I guess..." She looked back into the webcam with a pleadingly hopeful look in her teary eyes, "But I thought, since you didn't mind me talking about pawing off like that one time...maybe you wouldn't care? I want to actually see you...I'm tired of feeling afraid of being rejected again. So just tell me if you still want to do this..."


The world went black.

Not in a romantic or figurative way, Redwolf's room simply went dark as the power in his apartment shut down. His eyes adjusted to the dim-blue of his darkened room as the hum of his computer fans died down. He froze in place in disbelief, it was impossible that the universe would choose that very moment to break their only line of communication...

It wasn't fair!

He had to get back online, and he only knew of one nearby internet cafe. The east-coast town he lived in was not renown for its amenities, but there was at least that coffee shop a few miles down the road, even though he never went to it personally. That cafe was his only sure way to get back onto the TeamTalkie server and say how he felt to the beautiful leopard.

Clara had to think that he had disconnected on purpose, that he was reviled by her when the opposite was true. He loved her all the more, he wanted to watch her however she needed to masturbate. That was as close as they could get over the fragile bridge of ethernet cables...but maybe it would be enough. He had to try.

Redwolf grabbed his ancient laptop and tore out of his room, praying that he had remembered to install the latest version of TeamTalkie on the rarely used device. He was pretty sure that he had, and it seemed like his luck had to turn around now. The universe had already paid him the worst deal imaginable, surely it would let him get online at least...

He rushed to his car and slammed it into gear, realizing with a start that he had forgotten to do up his trousers. He screamed in frustration as he fixed this and pealed out of the lot; he had a mission to find Clara, and it was probably already too late.

The shop crowded into his windshield with mind-racking slowness, and he jammed into a parking space well over the lines. He didn't care, there wasn't time to repark. Clara was probably sobbing in front of her computer, his lover that he wanted to see more than anything.

Patrons balked at his rough entry as he slammed his laptop onto a table, opening it and pressing the power button with increasing panic. The cafe still had power, but that might only serve to mock him even more when he tried to find Blade's callsign on TeamTalkie.

"Come on!" He screamed as the computed dinged to life, and he frantically typed his password and ground his teeth at the appearing desktop.

"Please still be there...please still be there," he whispered desperately as he opened up TeamTalkie and rejoined his clan server.

"NO!" He moaned as he saw that Clara's callsign pip was red for "disconnected."

"I love you, Clara!" He screamed as he joined the channel anyway, "I love you and I'll come visit you in Codswhallop or wherever the hell you live! Just come back! PLEASE!"

Patrons stared at him as he pounded his head onto the keyboard, "I'll come visit you..." he sobbed into his elbow with a finger on CTRL, "and you can come visit me...I lied about where I lived, but we don't have to lie anymore. I love you, Clara...I--"


It was just as impossible, there was no way.

"Redwolf?" couldn't be... "Blade?"

Marcus turned to see a shimmering, silver snow leopard clutching a laptop to her chest, a shaky paw holding the door open as she looked at him in disbelief.

"Clara?" He whimpered again as he stood to face the beautiful girl, her laptop clattering away to reveal her black AutoTank collectible t-shirt.

"The power went out on the other side of town, and this was the nearest..." She gasped as tears poured through her fur, "I thought you would think that I...but you're here...because..."

"I love you!" He coughed around the joyful pounding in his chest as he rushed into her embrace.

"I love you!" She mewled still thinking she was dreaming as he pressed his muzzle into hers. They had both lied about where they lived, when they were closer than they could have ever believed was possible...It was too good to be true...but the universe had somehow torn down their virtual bridges and brought them together.

And for the first time, and for the longest time, the two internet lovers kissed.

The Royal Secret part 19: the Festival

"I believe your scheming brain has finally snapped under the weight of your age, uncle," Duke William said quietly as he held the curiously shaped bottle up to a lamp to inspect the fluid, "You want _me_ to use what few connections I have remaining in...

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Lucia's Lucky Day

" have _got_ to be kidding me..." Lucia muttered at the vial she was holding, ", no..." She slumped over her dressing table and folded her paws over her head as she let the bottle clatter onto the surface. There was just no way...

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The Royal Secret part 18: Waking Up

A warm, sticky fluid woke Phillip up as it poured over his chest, and he opened his eyes to see that Rachel had rolled them over in her sleep so that she was lying on top of him. Another gush of her unconscious ejaculation worked its way into his fur,...

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