Slave Hunter, 4

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#4 of Slave Hunter

Here is Part 4 of Slave Hunter and the lead up to the long awaited raid, the raid itself will happen in Part 5, well I gotta give you guys a reason to keep reading, lol

Slave Hunter, Chapter Four.

Written by Wolfie Steel.

The following morning, both Brandon and I begin our first day as full blown mates lying in bed and wrapped in each other's arms, I stare longingly and lovingly into my mates' eyes, Brandon is the first to speak.

"Morning my sweet Husky, are you ready to save the world Scotland Yard style?"

I let out a hearty belly laugh as I make my reply.

"We could do it doggy style love, as long as you are with me I wouldn't give a shit"

That earns me a playful thump to my left arm.

"Very funny Hunter, but on a serious note, if Matt Wolf agrees to be our plant then we gotta play things by the book, we can't get complacent, because complacency costs lives"

Well there is the bucket of cold water that is used to dampen my spirits, but I know that Brandon has a point, and so it is time for us to get our bark on. We both get showered and dressed and then head to the kitchen for some breakfast. With breakfast over we load up the dishwasher with our plates and bowls, we then grab our car keys, badges and jackets and then head out to our cars.

The journey to work gives me a chance to change from being a happily mated Husky into a no nonsense tough talking detective. I pull into my parking space and I look into my rear view mirror, I see Brandon's car heading for his parking space, I catch a glimpse of the dog behind the wheel, gone is the smiling Rottweiler that I woke up with this morning, the stony faced Captain James now takes his place, we both exit our cars and head to our respective offices.

Once inside my office I remove my jacket and hang it on the back of my office chair, I'm about to take a seat when my intercom sounds.

"Detective Hunter, can I see you in my office right away please?"

I acknowledge the call and head towards the captain's office, on the way I see the young Dalmatian is also heading towards Brandon's office, obviously having also been called, the Dalmatian sees me following him and starts to get a little nervous.

"Detective Hunter, have you any idea what I have done wrong, because I have been called to see Captain James, and the fact that you are heading that way too can only mean one thing, that I'm heading for a huge bollocking"

We stand at the captain's office door and just before I knock it I place a gentle paw on the young officer's shoulder.

"Relax Matthew, I know for a fact that this is not a bollocking, but I won't say anything further until we get into the office"

With that said I remove my paw from Matt's shoulder and then knock on the office door, the door opens and we both enter the office, once inside Brandon closes the door and then locks it, he then switches on his office lamp and then closes all of the office blinds, he then motions for the young officer to take a seat, he then motions for me to join him behind his desk, which I do without question. Brandon clears his throat and begins to talk.

"Now Sergeant Wolf, the reason I have asked to speak to you this morning is this, I have an undercover job that would be totally suited for you, in actual fact it was Detective Hunter that put your name forward for the job, it is also Detective Hunter that has come up with the plan itself. I'm sure that you have heard of the Bo Jangles night club in town? Well Detective Hunter and I have evidence that the place is being used as a slave camp, homeless kids, some as young as eight are being kidnapped off the street and being used as drug mules and sex slaves"

A deep routed growl emanates from the young Sergeants muzzle, the captain continues his speech.

"Well we are looking to infiltrate the club and the gang so that we can execute a raid to shut the operation down, and no offense but you have the look of an innocent pup about you so we want to exploit that by using you as a plant, I will now hand over to Detective Hunter who will fill you in on the plan"

I now walk around to the front of the desk and sit on the front edge, I now stare stony faced directly at the Dalmatian in front of me and begin to outline the plan.

"Okay Sergeant, the plan is to put you on the street as a homeless kid, the hope is that you will then be kidnapped by the gang and taken back to the night club, you will of course be wearing a hidden wire and we will give you a trigger word which you can use in case you get into trouble, I want to emphasise the fact that you will not be alone as Captain James and I will be stationed in an unmarked car across the street from the club, there will also be an armed response team ready and waiting to go"

The Dalmatian begins to take on a determined look as I continue.

"If the kidnappers ask you to be a mule for them do it, however, if they want you as a sex slave you have a choice, if you feel uncomfortable with that then you use the trigger word and all hell breaks loose, if you feel comfortable with it then go as far as you dare, that way we can get more evidence against them and it will mean a much longer sentence for them. I can't say it enough though Sergeant, if you are not comfortable being a sex slave then use the trigger word and you will be rescued, even if I have to go in single pawed"

The Dalmatian's determined look grows stronger as he makes his reply.

"Detective Hunter, I moved to Scotland Yard for exactly this opportunity, I want to help make a difference, I want to help clean the streets of scum, and if that means that I have to raise my tail to get the bastards off the street, then I will do it"

I look over my shoulder at Brandon who then takes over from me.

"Sergeant, your safety will be paramount at all times, we will have medical teams on standby, now I'm not going to lie to you son, there is every chance that if you are to be a sex slave that you will have to endure an anal act, if that happens, once the act is over you call the trigger word and the raid will take place. While you are in the club any Intel that you can give us like how many kids there are, how many kidnappers and what they are armed with will be invaluable, of course I have no need to tell you to do it in a way that doesn't bring suspicion onto you, this is a volunteer job only, if you don't want to go through with it then neither myself or Detective Hunter will think any less of you"

The Sergeant stands from his seat and replies.

"Captain James, Detective Hunter, one thing you guys don't know about me is that I am gay and am used to taking my own precautions when I'm on a one night stand, I'm also pretty handy when it comes to defending myself, I find that a well placed knee has the desired effect, so my only question is this, when do we go?"

The captain stands from his seat and then stands in front of the Dalmatian.

"Go and wait in Detective Hunter's office, I want to go over a few things with him first, he will then get you rigged with a wire, I hope that you have some kid like clothing, if not I will authorise you to get something suitable from the local store, you will then head home to change and then wait for us to pick you up, the operation will start at midnight tonight, but we will pick you up at 22:30 so that you can get your head around what you are about to do"

With that Captain James dismisses the young Sergeant from his office once the door is unlocked; after the Dalmatian has left the office the door is shut and locked again.

"You know Hunter, I am still not completely happy with this plan of yours, there is so much scope for something to go tits up it frightens me a little, I'm only allowing it to go ahead because I trust you and I love you"

Brandon then opens a drawer from behind his desk and takes out a wire device and hands it to me.

"Make sure that you hide this real well on Matthew, I don't want the kidnappers getting suspicious of him"

I take the device and then wait for Brandon to unlock his office door so that I can go back to my own office and the waiting Sergeant.

I enter my own office and I see that the young Dalmatian is stood looking out of the window at the city below, probably trying to get his head around the seriousness of the operation that he is about to play a major part in, I walk up and stand behind him and look over his shoulder.

"You know Matt, you really don't have to do this, I mean think about it you will be in quite a lot of danger, and anything could go wrong, even with the best laid plans"

The Dalmatian turns his head towards my muzzle.

"Detective Hunter, I knew the possible risks that I would be taking when I first joined Scotland Yard, even though I look like a young wet behind the ears pup, I am anything but, now help me put that wire pack on and then let's get things underway"

The Dalmatian moves away from the window and then lifts his shirt over his head, I slowly make my way over to him and then I kneel in front of him. I chuckle a little as I realise that should anyone come into my office at this moment they would see a young shirtless Dalmatian with a hard assed Detective kneeling in front of him, and I'm sure that there would be no sexual thoughts running through their mind, who am I kidding, they would think that I was about to blow him.

First I undo the strap that will hold the battery pack in place around his chest; I then put the battery pack on the side of his chest where it will be covered by his arm, he then raises his arms so that I can wrap the strap around him, I pull it as tight as I dare and then fasten the end of the Velcro strap to its counterpart.

I get up from the floor and head to my desk drawer, inside there is some low adhesive masking tape which I can use to attach the wire to his chest. I plug the wire into the battery pack and then I tape it into place up the middle of his chest. With that done Matt then puts his shirt back on and to my amazement the wire is totally hidden, I ask Matt to switch the pack on so that I can do a radio test, I put the ear piece in my ear and wait. Once Matt has found the switch he flips it to on and so I carry out the test.

"Now Matt, I'm going to stand outside the office and close the door, once the door is closed I want you to say the trigger word using your normal voice volume, the trigger word is OUTSIDE"

Matt gives a gentle nod as I head for the door, I exit the office and then make sure that the door is closed, next I hear Matt's voice as clear as day saying the trigger word and so I know that the wire and ear piece are working just fine. I re-enter the office and make sure that he has switched the battery pack off, I remove the ear piece and make sure that is switched off too, after all we don't want the batteries to fail at the most crucial moment.

With everything sorted I send the Dalmatian home so that he can rest and get ready for what I'm sure will be the most dangerous night of his career.

It is now 10pm and Captain James and I are on the way to the Dalmatian's house to pick him up and make sure that he is ready. As we drive I can see that Brandon is still very nervous and very unsure about what he is asking the young Dalmatian to do, to try and sooth his nerves I gently rub his thigh with my left paw.

"Brandon babe, relax, the armed response guys are geared up, I personally have tested the wire and ear piece, I have a small arsenal of weapons in the trunk of the car should we need them, we have the emergency medical teams on standby, we even have snipers posted on top of buildings so we can keep every inch of the night club in sight at all times, hell we even have air support standing by should the need arise"

Brandon lets out a slightly jagged sigh.

"I know what you are saying is true babe, but even though we have thought of 99 percent of things that can go wrong there is always that 1 percent that we didn't consider, and that is all it takes for massive loss of life"

Of course I know that what Brandon has said is true, but I also know that if we don't take this chance we will never get rid of the paedophile ring.

At 10:25pm I turn into the Dalmatian's driveway and bring the car to a stop, Brandon and I get out of the car and make our way to the door of the house, before we can get there we are met by the man himself, Matthew Wolf. At first neither myself or Brandon recognise the guy, but then he speaks.

"Well guys, I guess this is it"

I stand in front of the Dalmatian who is dressed as a standard teenager in tight black jeans, red polo shirt and black denim jacket, and I make my reply.

"Look Matt, it is still not too late to pull out"

By the time I finish my sentence Matt is already standing at the rear door of the car.

"Look guys, I appreciate the concern, but I want to help make a difference, and if I get tail fucked in the process then that is a price that I'm willing to pay, now the longer we stand here, the less time we will have to prepare, so let's get going"

At this moment in time I could not be more proud of the young Dalmatian, he is showing a true dedication to his duty and staring danger directly in the face.

The three of us get into the car and then make our way towards the night club. What happens in the next few hours will define the career of one of the bravest young officers that it has ever been my privilege to meet.