Made For Each Other

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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Strange things could happen sometimes. That was what one panther thought as she encountered somebody while eating lunch in the park one day. It really was not that strange to encounter strange people in the park, but there was something different about the fur that approached the panther. The fur, a raccoon, was carrying a small briefcase and he dropped it in the panthers lap saying, "This is for those that want to be made for each other. I hope you and your vulpine lover enjoy this gift."

The panther found it kind of creepy that the raccoon seemed to know that her lover was a fox. Actually, to be specific, he was an arctic fox, but he had guessed pretty well. Thoughts of calling the police to let them know that she was being stalked came to mind, but she was at least a little curious about what was in the briefcase. A brief look down at the briefcase was all it took. By the time the panther looked back up the raccoon had disappeared. The panther decided against calling the police at that time. It was not like they would do much about an incident with a mysterious raccoon that disappeared into thin air. They were more likely to think that she was slightly crazy than to take her seriously.

She decided that she might as well take a look inside the case. The panther did not know what she expected to find and did not really care that much as long as it did not kill her. There were only two vials set in the case. One was filled with a violet liquid while the other was filled with a green liquid. The panther assumed that the contents of the vials were for drinking, but she was not about to do that anytime soon. It would take a serious lapse in judgment before she would be willing to drink anything given to her by some stranger in a park.

When she came home her lover noticed the briefcase almost instantly. "What's that you've got there Sherri?" asked her lover.

"I'm not quite certain Rob," responded Sherri, "Some weird raccoon just handed it to me in the park during my lunch break."

"What's in it?"

"Two vials of stuff," said Sherri.

"You didn't drink any of it did you?"

"Of course not. I'm not that stupid," Sherri said. It was true for the both of them under normal circumstances. The problem was that there was a situation that would impair both Sherri and Rob's judgment one day. They had attended a party one night with their friends and at the party their friends had managed to convince them to drink a bit more than they normally do. While they had managed to avoid getting drunk enough to need to be driven home, it had been a close call. By the time they did arrive home on that night they were feeling a little more adventurous than they normally did and their judgment was lacking at the moment.

Drinking a couple of mysterious vials seemed like an exciting idea. The fox drank the green one because green was his favorite color and the panther drank the purple one because she thought it looked pretty. They waited to see if anything would happen to them, but nothing did. The two lovers felt a little excited from their experiment and retired to their bedroom to work off some of that excitement. It was there that things would finally start to happen.

The two did not take long to strip themselves of their clothes. They spent a few seconds looking over each other and admiring each others bodies. Rob was a slim, but athletic arctic fox with soft white fur covering his body. Sherri was only slightly slimmer than Rob, but the addition of a couple of nice round hills on her chest and her jet black fur made her look much different than her lover. The mere sight of Sherri without her clothes on was enough to give Rob an erection. Sherri was quite pleased with what she was seeing and made her way down to the appealing piece of pink fox flesh that was poking out of the surrounding white fur.

Rob just leaned back and relaxed, occasionally growling a little in pleasure as Sherri worked on pleasuring his member. Sherri was enjoying the slightly salty taste of her lover's member when she started to feel a little funny. It was a tingly feeling that made her want to giggle. She was also feeling pretty lightheaded, but Sherri thought that it was just all the stuff she had been drinking that night catching up with her. Rob was also feeling a little strange, but he just assumed that it was alcohol combined with a great blow job. He was feeling too good to assume that anything unusual was happening.

Sherri was the first one to notice that anything really out of the norm was happening. Rob's cock felt like it was a little larger than it should be. Since his member was not exactly small to begin with, that really meant something. It felt like it was still getting larger as well. At one point Sherri's jaw felt like it was getting sore just trying to stay cupped around Rob's huge member. Even as the bed that they were laying on started to creak, neither of them made a move to try and stop what they were doing.

Sherri was eventually forced to remove her mouth from Rob's thickening member. It was obvious to her that her jaw would have been torn apart if she had continued sucking on the warm piece of fox flesh. Just as she decided to do that the bed shattered and they were both briefly jarred as they fell to the floor. They should have been startled by what had just happened, but instead they just giggled and Sherri did what she could to try and satisfy her growing lover.

Everything seemed like a very pleasant dream to her as she licked her lover's member as if it were a tasty piece of candy. She used her hands to start massaging the fox's hand sized balls. To her it was a good thing that he just continued to keep on growing. There was not a single point in time where she was the least bit frightened by what was going on. In fact, she wished that things would continue going on as they were for quite some time. Larger and larger Rob grew. He never noticed his legs growing through the walls. Neither did Sherri as she concentrated on the pillar like cock before her that seemed to be more than half her size.

A short time later, Sherri noticed a large hand with nice pink pads descending over her body. She knew that hand had to belong to Rob, even if it was much larger than it should be, but that did not bother her in the least. Even after the hand covered her and pressed her hard against the shaft of her lover Sherri did not feel the least bit worried. There was enough pressure on Sherri's body that she felt like she should have been crushed, but her body was easily taking the pressure being placed on her. The experience was actually very pleasant as Rob began to pump her up and down his still growing member. As the two lovers were occupied with their mutual pleasure they did not seem to notice or care about the splintering and crumbling noises that surrounded them as Rob outgrew his home.

Sherri simply enjoyed the taste of her lover's member while ignoring the destruction around her. Large drops of pre were leaking out of the head of the piece of fox flesh that had grown even larger than she was. Rob's grip only grew more powerful along with his size and Sherri knew that she should be nothing more than a red smear along the length of his shaft. It did slightly annoy Sherri that Rob showed so little concern for her safety, but only a little. She could not stay mad at him while the wonderfully powerful scent of Rob's musky member filled her nostrils and she felt that he was so close to his climax. Rob may have shown a little more concern for his mate if it were not for his mind being clouded by a combination of alcohol, the mysterious liquid, and pure ecstasy. As it was, Rob was unable to think of anything at that moment in time. Then the moment finally came. Rob's cock erupted like cannon, destroying one of the last walls left standing in his house. Gallons of cum rained down on the area and onto Sherri as well, who was more than happy enough to try and lick up the sweet tasting mess.

Rob did not give Sherri that much time to clean up or rest. He already felt like he was ready for more. In fact, he felt like he need more, and fast. Rob dropped Sherri on the ground next to him. Before she had a chance to figure out what was going on she saw Rob's huge body descending onto her. His enormous shaft, at least four times as long as she was tall, descended onto her. Everything around Sherri was crushed flat by Sherri's weight, but Sherri herself was unharmed. It was not long before Rob started grinding her roughly into the ground. Even with all of the flesh between her and the outside world, Sherri could still hear the sounds of Rob's grunting as he went to work satisfying himself. Even though Sherri had such a tiny body compared to Rob, she found that it was not so fragile and that made it possible for her to enjoy the experience instead of being crushed like a bug.

Once again, Rob's member let out a mighty eruption. This time a neighbor's home happened to be in the path of the milky white flood. The side of the house that took the hit did not fair that well against the fox's seed. A large hole was blown through the walls of the house and the tiny fur that had been hiding in the basement was more than a little surprised to find that his hiding place was starting to flood. Rob paid no attention to the destruction that he was causing. All the screams and the sounds of chaos surrounding him did not affect him. In fact, he was starting to feel tired for some reason, as was Sherri. Rob let out a mighty yawn and fell asleep where he was lying as did Sherri.

Sherri was actually the first one to wake up. Her head felt a lot clearer, but there was still something different about her. The panther woman felt a lot more powerful than she ever had even though she was not in a position of power. She was still trapped under the immense sheath of her lover at the time. It took a bit of effort, but she was able to pull her way free. After she did so she was able to tell just how impossible a feat that had been. Rob was no longer growing, but either one of the large orbs that had been resting on her was the size of a small house. She should have been unable to move under all that weight, actually, she should have been crushed, but she had somehow mustered the strength to pull herself out from under all of that weight.

It did not take long for a police officer to run up to her and say, "How did you survive that miss? Never mind, just hurry up and get out of here while we handle that monster."

Sherri looked over at her giant lover and smiled fondly at him before turning back to the officer and frowning. Who did he think he was calling her beautiful fox a monster? She also did not like the way that the fur was staring at her nude form. Sherri then responded to the officer, saying, "I'm not going anywhere and how dare you insult my lover you insignificant little-"

That was when she realized that the officer really was little. The officer had a look of horror on his face as he noticed that the panther standing before him was growing at a fairly rapid rate of speed. It only took a couple of seconds before she was taller than the 20-foot tall tree that was still left standing in her yard. With a smile, Sherri placed one paw on the offending fur, still standing paralyzed in a mixture of terror and awe of the growing female. Sherri's sensitive pads were able to feel every little bone being crushed beneath her and the sense of power she received from felling the tiny fur's body popping beneath her weight was a real turn on for her. That was when she realized Rob had had his fun, but she had yet to have hers. It was a good thing that he was starting to wake up by the time she reached his size.

Rob was pleasantly surprised to see a still nude Sherri hovering above him when his eyes opened. He was also happy to see that what had just happened had not been a dream when he looked around the area and saw all the little furs fleeing in terror all around him and his lover. For some reason he found that having all of those people running in fear just from the sight of him was enough to turn him on. It was a good thing that Sherri was still in a mood for some loving. Sherri was already positioning herself above his stiffening member. The panther started to bounce up and down on Rob's member and Rob was easily able to tell that she was getting a little heavier as she did so.

Even though Rob had stopped growing Sherri just seemed to be getting started. Rob did not think it was an unpleasant experience. His body appeared to be just as durable as Sherri's as the weight on top of him reached the point where his body should have been easily crushed. At a certain point she reached a size where Rob's member could no longer satisfy her. She picked up her giant miniature lover in one hand and noticed that he was barely the size of one of her own boobs. It was time to get a little bit of payback for his carelessness earlier, but she planned on doing it in a way that was as enjoyable for him as it had been for her.

Sherri used her miniscule lover to caress her breast. His soft fur felt wonderful against her nipples and it was easy enough to get them erect while Rob dwindled in her hand. Rob did have to admit that it was an enjoyable experience even if he was more of the dominant type that liked to be in control of the situation. That was mostly because there were worse places a guy could find himself besides being pressed into the soft but firm flesh of his lover's tits. The fact that they just kept getting bigger seemed more like one of those fantasies that you never really expected to see fulfilled. At least it was a fantasy for Rob. To everyone else that was watching it was a nightmare as the panther woman grew to a monstrous size. Her expanding form was demolishing buildings without her even noticing and anyone caught under her unimaginable weight was crushed like a bug.

None of that concerned Sherri though. She was too occupied with her tiny lover. It took a little while to notice that she had stopped growing and that her lover, who had balls the size of houses, only appeared to be about three inches tall to her. His relatively small size gave her an idea and she started moving him lower onto her body as she playfully said, "Since you're so small you are going to have to work extra hard to satisfy me Rob. I'll be very angry if you don't put some effort into this."

"You can count on me to do my part," Rob said with a smile. He knew exactly what she had planned and he was looking forward to it. A sweet intoxicating smell filled the fox's nostrils as he was slowly moved closer to Sherri's moist pussy. Then he found himself being forced head first past the lips of his lover's pussy. Sherri could feel Rob trying to pull himself in faster, but she wanted to take things slowly and she gently eased Rob inside of her. The purring of the giant panther could be heard far and wide as Sherri enjoyed the sensation of Rob's fur tickling her insides. It must have been hard for the little fox to see within her pussy, but he was still finding all the right places to stimulate her. Rob definitely knew how to do his part. He felt feminine juices welling up around him as he worked and it was not long before the walls of flesh that surrounded him contracted around him as Sherri reached a level of pleasure she had never felt before.

Sherri's juices flooded out of her in massive amounts. Any of the furs left alive between her legs and close to her pussy soon found themselves struggling to stay afloat in the thick creamy juices. Sherri wondered how things could have been better until she felt something strange going on within her. It was easy enough to tell that Rob was starting to grow again. She could feel him forcing her flesh apart and she used a couple of fingers to get the fox out of her before he could get too large to easily remove. It was a good thing that she had been so quick about it too. Rob was growing fast, easily catching up to Sherri's own impressive height.

They both wondered if things were going to keep repeating like that, where one of them would grow much larger than the other and then the other would grow. Things did not work out like that. Instead, when Rob reached Sherri's height that time around they both started to grow together. They smiled at each other and were just happy sitting there and growing together. Something interrupted them though. A large ball of flames blossomed against Rob's cheek and they finally noticed that they had been under attack by the military for the past couple of minutes. Nothing was really having an effect on them and all they did was look around at the tiny furs surrounding them.

They were both in deep thought about something and it was Sherri that finally spoke, "Look at them all, so tiny, so insignificant."

"I know," said Rob, "It's hard to believe that we were ever one of them. The fact that some of them used to be our friends, our equals, almost seems ridiculous know."

"Yeah, there existence seems so pointless to me. You're the only one that could ever satisfy me Rob and all of these other bugs could just disappear for all that I care about them," said Sherri. It was probably a good thing for all of the other furs that they could not understand the conversation going on between the two ever growing giants. Their voices were too deep and the things being said would have just frightened them. It was better that they had some hope that the panther and the fox did not have totally ill intentions towards them.

Rob eventually smiled and said, "I can think of something that would bring some meaning to their lives. Let's use them for our pleasure. That way they can have at least some point to their otherwise pointless existences."

Sherri smiled sweetly back at Rob and said, "That sounds wonderful." Then the two lovers stood up and went in search of a new location to continue their love making. The bug sized people that happened to be in their way were given little attention by the two towering giants. Sherri and Rob actually liked the popping sensation that the tiny furs made when they stepped on them. Each step that they took was enough to cause a minor earthquake. Lesser buildings were barely able to hold up to the brief walk that the titans were taking. The buildings that happened to get caught under a paw were reduced to rubble in the bottom of a crater sized footprint. Those that had been attacking the panther and the fox were instantly forced to either get out of the way or suffer the same fate as anyone else.

Rob and Sherri had already decided where to head, especially once they noticed that once towering skyscrapers were not even a foot tall compared to them. The city was in a state of utter chaos as the two lovers strolled downtown, destroying anything in their path. People did not know whether to flee or to hide and, as a result, most people were having a hard time getting anything done at all. Everyone had thought that the military would be able to handle the titans and it had come as a big shock that modern weapons appeared to be totally useless against the enormous couple.

Those people were in for an even bigger shock as Sherri sat down. Her finely formed rear was able to demolish buildings and furs just as easily as her paws had been able to. As she spread her legs Rob was gingerly plucking a skyscraper out of the ground and trying not to destroy the frail thing in his grasp as he did so. It was slightly smaller than his own cock at the moment and Rob thought that was perfect. He brought the building up closer to his eye to get a closer look at the tiny furs still trapped in the building and was pleased to see many tiny frightened faces staring right back at him. They were about to get much more frightened as Rob started moving them down to Sherri's moist pussy.

It was not even a tight fit. Rob was easily able to shove the building right into Sherri and he was able to elicit a little purr from her as he did so. Since they were both still growing the skyscraper did not take up that much space. Rob was able to fit two more within Sherri before he decided to stick something of a much more adequate size within her. Anyone that had been near a window in the skyscrapers had to know what was coming, but there really wasn't anything that they could do about it. The skyscrapers were on there side and many people were trapped where they were. Many furs were also being overwhelmed by the smell of Sherri's arousal.

A few of the furs had managed to escape from the buildings only to find that they were still trapped deep within Sherri's femme. Then Rob decided to stick his cock in there along with the skyscrapers. Many furs saw the onrushing pink wall of flesh. It was obvious that it was going to obliterate them when it hit. The sight only seemed to get more horrific as everything kept getting bigger all around them. Death was near instantaneous for those furs. Rob and Sherri rather enjoyed the feel of the buildings being reduced to rubble and the furs being turned into paste. After continued pumping, even the rubble was reduced to nothing more than dust.

The rest of the city was not fairing that well either. Rob and Sherri continued to grow and did not seem like they were going to stop. Buildings were knocked over without them even noticing. Pedestrians that were caught under their expanding bulk were reduced to little red stains in their fur. Rob continued pumping into his lover, not caring that each pump was causing the earth beneath him to rock. Much of the city was being destroyed without Rob or Sherri actually having to touch it. And then the colossal fox finally came. If anyone had been left alive within Sherri they would have been killed by the incredible torrent of fox seed or drowned in the thick musky substance.

When Rob was finished spurting his seed into Sherri he extracted himself from her. They were both feeling pretty good about what they had done and they decided to just snuggle with each other for a little while. Neither of them really noticed just how large they were getting. Of course, everyone else on the planet took note of the constantly expanding titans. They watched in growing horror as the two lovers shared such a sweet moment with each other. Anyone with the least bit of common sense assumed that it was the end of the world. It did not seem that anyone could survive living on the same world that such massive creatures did, especially when the lesser creatures on the planet were viewed as nothing more than sex toys to them.

By the time Rob and Sherri were finished being tender with each other and took the time to look around even they were surprised by their size. The city had completely disappeared beneath Sherri. In fact, the two of them were so large that an entire city was nothing more than toe jam to them. Rob realized that if he were to tap one of his paws on the ground he would be able to cause a major earthquake. Both Rob and Sherri thought even less of the furs on the planet now that they were all so small that they could not even see them, not unless they were in a huge group.

It was Sherri that eventually broke the silence and said, "Rob, just stand right there. There's something that I want to do."

"Alright, do whatever you want hun," Rob said as he smiled sweetly at his lover.

Sherri looked carefully at the ground and spotted what she wanted. It was hard to tell at her size, and she was still getting larger, but she was certain she had found a city that was still relatively intact. She dug into the ground beneath the city and lifted it up on the tip of a finger. It was so tiny it was cute to her. Even though she was sure that the furs in the city could not understand her she said, "Don't worry little ones. This should be fun, at least for me and my fox."

The people in the city only had a short time to despair before they found themselves being dropped down Rob's cock slit. It was a long fall down the giant piece of fox flesh and most of the city did not survive the impact with the bottom of Rob's shaft. There were a few furs that had managed to survive, but they had other things to be concerned about as Sherri went to work on Rob. She gave his member a couple of long licks, taking it into her mouth briefly. What had at first looked like a blow job soon turned into a hand job as Sherri took Rob's stiffening member into her hands.

Those still within Rob's member found that they were soon within a rising sea of pre. It was nearly impossible to swim in the stuff and most had drowned before they could reach the head of Rob's member. Those that did manage to survive up to that point did not have much to look forward to. It was a long way to the ground as the drop of pre they were in dripped thousands upon thousands of feet to the ground. No one was able to survive that. The small town that had been under the mammoth drop of pre did not fair well either. That single drop had been significantly larger than a city. It was like a huge bomb had been dropped on the town and only a lake remained where the town had once been. And that drop was just a preview of what was to come. When Sherri did manage to make Rob come he had grown a good deal. His spurts of cum were enough to cover huge swaths of land. Entire regions were submerged under fox seed. Even mighty mountains could not stand up to the impact of the torrent of cum that was battering the region. Cities were washed away and it was like they had never existed to begin with by the time Rob's spurts ceased.

"Would you look at that. I've created a few knew seas," chuckled Rob.

"You sure did. Isn't it wonderful to be able to change the geography of the planet with such ease? We can make the planet look like whatever we want it to," said Sherri.

"That's if we want to keep the planet around," said Rob. "Look at us. We're outgrowing this little dirtball."

"You're right, aren't you? How about we have a little more fun while we do so," said Sherri.

"I'm always up for a little fun," said Rob with a smile. Sherri laid on her belly, causing untold devastation beneath her as she did so. Then she lifted up her tail and presented herself to Rob. He did not need any other motivation to mount her. Just as he did so they noticed that the rate of speed at which they were growing was starting to pick up. That ended up turning both of them on even more. The very ground beneath them started to make a noise. It was as if the planet was protesting having to support the weight of the massive couple. The ground began to split apart. Fissures large enough to swallow entire cities were formed. Rob and Sherri could have cared less about the fate of the furs on the rest of the planet at that point. They were too large to notice anything as insignificantly small as a city and what happened to them was no longer any of their concern.

Entire countries were utterly destroyed as Sherri and Rob grew right over them. Even the furs on the other side of the world had something to worry about. Rob's pumping could be felt on the other side of the planet. Earthquakes of unheard of power devastated the planet. The colossal fingers of the two lovers dug into the planet, at one point breaching the planet's crust and causing little lava flows to form around their fingers. The little planet rocked in motion with the two lovers and soon half the planet was covered by the two giants. They did not notice as they started to float off the planet, but the people that were still alive did. At first they thought it was something to rejoice even as the two grew large enough to block out the sun. Unfortunately, Sherri did eventually notice a much smaller planet hovering a short distance in front of her face.

Sherri was able to get Rob's attention and get him to pause briefly. They watched as the planet dwindled in size. When it was small enough, Rob and Sherri continued. Rob just made sure that the planet was between him Sherri. Actually, the planet was in between Rob's cock and Sherri's pussy. There was plenty of space for the planet in Rob's cock and he managed to avoid touching the planet for the entire time that he made love to Sherri. What happened to the plant once Rob came into Sherri was pretty obvious. Since the planet was nothing more than a spec of dirt to the two titans, Rob's cum was more than enough to shatter the tiny planet. What little was left of it was launched deep within Sherri and she loved the idea of having her former homeworld within her.

"That was fun love," said Sherri.

"It sure was, but what are we supposed to do now except keep growing," asked Rob.

"Let me answer that for you." Both Rob and Sherri were surprised to hear the new voice. Then they also realized that they should be surprised that they could breathe and talk in space too. But, after growing to such a huge size it really wasn't that surprising. Sherri recognized who the voice belonged to after she recovered from her surprise.

"Hey, your that raccoon-"

"That gave you those vials, yes I am. I'm here to explain a few things," said the raccoon that was growing right along with Sherri and Rob.

"Like what we're supposed to do and maybe when we stop growing?" asked Rob.

"Technically, you never have to stop growing if you don't want to. But, once you get to the size of a large star you'll find that you can control your size. And once you do that you only have one task before you can do whatever you want," explained the raccoon.

Sherri asked, "And what task would that be and why do we have to do it?"

"Like me, each of you has to find a suitable couple, sexual orientation doesn't matter, to give potions like the one I gave you. After taking that potion you can't give birth anymore and we need someway to add to our numbers," the raccoon continued to explain, "There is a planet we keep for ourselves that none of us are allowed to destroy so we can all have a nice place with a roof to live under. By the way, worlds you destroyed in the fashion you did can be reborn if you want them to. All you have to do is will it back into existence. Up the pussy or down the cock both work that way. And if you don't complete the task given to you, you will lose your powers and become normal furs again. You will be forced to live on a normal world and hope that none of us ever visit it for a little fun."

"I think we'll complete that task," Rob and Sherri said simultaneously.

"Good. All you have to do is wait to reach star size and you will be able to sense life bearing worlds. Just move to one, find a couple, and then do whatever you want. One of us will show up to show you to our homeworld once you're done. Farewell," the raccoon said before vanishing.

"Well, what do you think we should do while we wait," said Rob.

"I think you know what we should do," Sherri giggled. Once again, the two titanic lovers made love while they waited.