Walk in the woods -part 2

Story by Bennu on SoFurry

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#2 of Walking in the Woods

Yeah uh in between the time change and sinus problems I'm alittle loopy so this is weirder than usual.

The next day Bennu slept a bit late, and was woken up by a familiar scent and sensation of a warm soft body crawling into bed with him....

and suddenly he panics! In the heat of the moment yesterday, he had forgotten all about his girlfriend. Technically they were just starting to date, but that was no excuse for him going off and banging some random bimbo. His sleep drunk brain struggled to function as she snuggled up close behind him, holding him tight as she whispered-

"Who the fuck do those pink lace panties belong to?"

Well, she'll tickle me until I squeal, he thought, so he briefly told her about his adventure the other day, obviously leaving out salacious details. Then, he went into a quick explanation of how it must have been magic, being half-dragon he'd be more susceptible to supernatural influences.

Her fingernails started to dig deeper in his fur, and he waited while she silently considered things. Then, gently, she relaxed. It was odd but made sense, although that still didn't do anything to sooth her that he had totally forgotten about her.

She sighed, petting his arm, saying "Ah well. I won't kill you yet... it's all hunting leases and timber out there, so how could a farm girl be shagging random guys? Since I'm a unicorn and magical as well I want to investigate, we'll go as soon as we get ready." letting him see her horn sparkle and glow with octarine light. He relaxes, grunting approval, and then she reaches around to grab his morning wood, growling "But you're on probation till we find out for sure!"

He meeps and mumbles agreement, and they get up to have breakfast while looking at online maps, trying to see if anything shows up on the satellite photos, but only finding treetops. Finally they leave, following his path until they're close to the spot, gloomy in the morning chill. He looks around and says-

"Yeah the creek is over there... I can smell where I was- here!"

He points down at a trampled spot in the grass, and his footprints in the mud around the creek. After a few minutes of looking around, they start to go in the direction he thought the squirrel went, until they go down the far side of the hill and gasp as they break into a small glade filled with flowers waving in the breeze, covered in buzzing bees and flittering butterflies. Then, they see a deer girl, in knee length white dress and stockings, a skinny young thing. She glances up and freezes, so Yata waves, and the girl relaxes and waves back. Then they walk closer and greet each other.

"I'm Bennu-" the half-dragon said, trying to look harmless, hiding his canines in front of the herbivore.

"I'm Yata." the unicorn said with a friendly smile.

"Oh I'm Donna..." said the doe, with a thin weak voice and shy grin "what are you doing out here? I didn't expect anyone to find this place."

Bennu shifted and said "Well uh, I live over yonder east, and I came out walking the other day, and- ran into a squirrel girl who said she lives on a farm near here. She a friend of yours?"

The deer frowns and says "Oh no, I don't remember any squirrels, but maybe she doesn't go to school with me. I'm only sixteen." she said with a blush, and Bennu's eyebrows popped up as Yata shot him a dirty look. The unicorn's horn sparkled brightly as she said-

"Oh well, who does live out here? We thought it was all wild and empty."

The doe shifted and looked at the ground "Oh I dunno, it's kinda weird out here... but I like to come out here to relax and be myself."

"Ah yeah," Yata replied, "well is it OK if I just hang out here too while my lovely Boy Friend and LOVER," clearly enunciated the capitals, "goes to find the very NICE young lady he met yesterday?"

Sensing drama, the deer meekly agreed, and Bennu continued off along the faint scent trail of the squirrel (his big nose has better sense of smell than a humans, tho nowhere near as good as a dog, the squirrel girl had a very strong just-had-sex scent that he could easily detect).

When he was gone, Yata started talking with the deer to be friendly, and investigate why these woods were so weird. Eventually she noticed that 'her' voice was a bit funny, and 'she' didn't quite move in a feminine way...

"Hey, you're a boy!" Yata blurted, and the deer blushed, obviously uncomfortable.

The unicorn apologized, "Oh I'm sorry, I just- it's no big deal! I'm a tomboy so I understand!"

"Oh it's OK, I just try so hard to get things right, but I'm afraid to let anyone know, so I have to sneak out here to dress up and let myself be free..."

"So what's your real name?"

"Donnatello! hehe. Donatello Deercelli. Nothing to do with ninja turtles, there's only so many names that start with D. Daniel, David, Doogie Howser... my family is weird."

"Huh. Well how do you get the clothes then?"

"Ah, heh, uh, oh you know... admirers...."

"Mhmm, well I wont judge.... so uh, do you go commando or what, cuz I totally hate wearing panties, I put boxers this morning..." she trailed off, with the feeling she borrowed them from someone, but couldn't remember who...

"Ah, well I love wearing panties, I have some silk ones see..." as he lifted up his dress, revealing smooth thighs still speckled with fawn spots, and his silk panties, shimmering and reflecting the colors of the flowers around them.

"Oooh" said Yata, getting strange urges, "that's... hot..." she pants, as he slowly takes his dress off, revealing a corset, turning so she can see his little tail flutter over his tight rump.

She licks her lips and says "Oh, well, I'm sure the boys like it..."

He laughs and says "Oh they do, but I like the girls too..." with a shy hopeful grin.

She looks at how young he is and asks "Are you really sixteen too, or is that part of your later ego?"

The teenage deer glances around and mutters "Oh well uh my fake ID says I'm 21..."

"Really? Mine says the same thing..." replied the 30 year old unicorn with shifty eyes.

"Oh well then..." he says in a husky voice, turning shyly as she approaches him, her eyes devouring his supple slender body as her hands move on their own, throwing her shirt and shoes aside carelessly. Her green bra perfectly accentuated her C cup breasts, framed by her long crimson hair on the side and creamy floof down her middle. He shuddered as her dark chocolate fingers lightly slid along his body, his bulge stretching and popping out of his panties, which she slipped her fingers into before removing them, letting them glide to his ankles as she pulled him into her arms, nuzzling his ear as he groans and sighs.

He reaches back and undoes her pants, jeans fall to the ground and she steps out of them, before discarding her boxers as well. Her crotch is hidden by the long trail of pale fur spilling down her belly, but his hand finds it's way up her thigh and into the hidden treasure there as she cups his balls and nibbles his neck. He turns around, aroused enough to be more aggressive, and they kiss roughly and eagerly, and like an avalanche he fells on her, rolling in the long grass his eager throbbing deer cock slips between her labia, fruitlessly sliding between them without going in before she can guide him into the proper place. She gasps as his seven inches of sleek hardness plunge into her repeatedly, feverish and frantic until she grips his hips firmly and sets him on a more measured pace.

Relaxing, the young buck looks to her for little hints, whispering in his ear she teaches him more subtle moves, and before long they are both groaning louder as he reaches orgasm, suddenly pounding into her and releasing a torrent of semen, as she shudders and cums herself, pushed over by the warm sticky sensation exploding inside her. Then they lay there hot in the sun, with butterflies starting to land and lick up their sweat, while they rest. She could see the light burning through her eyelids, and breathed deeply, enjoying the cool grass on her back, and the warm buck on her front. His cock softened slowly, but finally he slipped out and rolled over onto the grass himself. She pulled her legs up and sighed, letting his seed trickle out and down, enjoying the dirty feeling of being sweaty and filled with cum, just like when... when someone... with yellow fur she was with recently...

"Oh shit, where's Bennu!?" she yelps, startling the deer, who starts to jump up and run off with his white tail raised high, but then realizes what's going on and helps her find her clothes, and they try to look respectable before following the path Bennu took earlier. She's trembling because now she went and got carried away too, which might make things even but doesn't really help her position, and she wonders why she was... hypnotized? Hmm...


Bennu stomped away, grumbling "Great she's gonna have hot lesbian sex with that jailbait schoolgirl and I don't get to watch! That's what I get for being a dumbass! Plus, if I don't find that fucking squirrel Yata's gonna like gore me with her horn and leave me to bleed to death in the woods or something..."

as he tromped his way down into a wide valley, finding a large beaver pond with a house made of sticks in the middle. Carefully he approached, not sure how to reach it, when a beaver pooped out of the water onto shore. She was chubby, with plump tits, but not so fat they sagged or her belly drooped. He saw this because she was completely naked, and his eyes gravitated to the thick dark pelt between her thighs. It was hard to tell she was anthro, because beavers are halfway there to begin with, but she smiled and said-

"Oh hello young man, it seems you caught me swimming- it's so much easier for a beaver to be bare when it gets wet...." with a smooth, mature voice.

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am" he squeaked, "I don't mean to interrupt private time, but I was looking for directions..."

She smirked "Oh I didn't know men liked to do that, I guess I can guide an inexperienced young man like yourself..."

He blinked- Bennu was a dirty slut, but no point in mentioning that if she chose to think differently. Once again he got the odd feeling he was in some sort of porn movie, so he tried to chill and think about talking instead of fucking.

"Oh I'm Ben- Ben Bonington." he blurted once again- well might as well keep up the persona, he though.

"Oh, what a nice old fashioned name. I'm Busty Beaver. Mizzus Beaver, but Mister Beaver went off and left me alone without any wood... for the dam, it just can't hold the pressure back without more sturdy big pieces of timber to jam in there..." she purred as she slinked over, gracefully moving her round body, obviously experienced at doing so. She lightly stepped close enough to touch him, looking up with big brown eyes sparkling with desire and said-

"Oh, and how old are you? Do I need to call you parents to make sure you're OK?"

"Oh no ma'am, I'm old enough that I live on my own- I'm uh... 21." said the thirty year old monkey-dragon, wondering why he picked that number... it felt magical somehow...

"Oh my, only half my age, but a full grown man... how precocious, my babies are still in school! I'm just all alone alllll dayyyyy..." she moaned, somehow touching him without actually doing so, hips swaying with anticipation.

"Well that's a shame, going hungry for wood every day..." he said in a deep voice, stroking her soft thick pelt, making her shudder and fall against him. He picks her up, and her eyes go wide, blurting "Oh my! How forward! And how... strong you are... oooh I'm about to swoon, do take me into the house dear..."

He nods and hops across the water to the cabin, kicking in the door and taking her into the kitchen. Despite the odd chaotic appearance of a brushpile outside, it was well made and cozy inside. He glances at the empty kitchen table and sets her soft bottom on it, kissing her as she wraps her limbs around him, and he deftly undoes his pants, releasing his horny cock, obviously cheerful at having another adventure. He doesn't even bother to undress more, but maneuvers it into her dark pelt and guides himself by sensation, seeking the wet warmth nestled inside.

She gasps yet again, pretending to be violated, but quickly she murmurs little hints- "A bit slower dear... firmly but gently... deeper, not harder... ah yes..." and he obeys, moving the way she wants, letting his lean body sink into her soft furry chub.

Trying to slow himself down, he gently rocks his hips as his hands play with her body, filling them with her soft tits, licking and sucking on her nipples as she gasps and claws his arms and sides.

After a few minutes of gentle delicate sensations, she grips him, like an equestrienne giving commands to her horse, she uses her body to command him to speed up, driving deeper and harder as they wordlessly pant and grunt, the table shaking and starting to scoot across the floor as he reaches full speed. She loudly moans and starts to wail like a banshee as she cums, shuddering wildly as he slips noisily inside her pussy that's been flooded by her juices, and flops his ears down as he gives a few last thrusts to burst his wet mess to join hers.

She kept making noises for some time, and he settles down into her pillows and rests panting while she has aftershocks that shake the table. Finally she stopped, and he gently released himself, and she hopped up casually saying "Oh well, bath time sweetheart! Follow me, let's get you good and clean!" as she lead him into a bathroom with a large shower. Quickly she got him naked and started scrubbing him, fussing over brushing his fur up real nice, and cleaning his equipment in a teasing way. Then they hopped out and she got a blow drier for each of them. Before long they were back in the kitchen, fully clothed, while she was making a nice lunch for them.

"Do you like BLT's hun?" she said in a motherly voice, and he replied like a 50's schoolboy-

"Oh yes ma'am! I love bacon! oh and those other bits too."

Then they heard voices outside, and she peeked out- "Oh it's some girls, a deer and a unicorn!"

Bennu bites back a few dirty words, suddenly remembering Yata, and squeaks out "Oh those are my friends..."

"Oh well everyone come in and have some nice lunch! I just cleaned the table..." she said with a poker face, while Bennu, glanced around guiltily. Then she glanced at the leaves in their hair and said-

"Well maybe you two should clean up first, looks like you've been roughhousing! That's not very lady-like you know." which made Yata look around guiltily and make some excuse about slipping down a hill, and a quick dip in the pond would help. After that Yata and "Donna" settled in and everyone acted like they were perfectly innocent while they ate and chatted.

Bennu brought up the squirrel again, and Mrs Beaver said "Oh, I don't know, it doesn't sound familiar but there are little houses all over the country."

After some time, Mrs Beaver sipped her tea and casually said "Now Donna darling, if you're going to act like a lady, you need to be one, stop glancing at tits with that look in your eye. Your boner is raising your dress up."

The buck blushed, and Bennu turned on his vagina detector, realizing the doe was a boy. Then he remembered that he left Yata alone with him... hmmm. Then he got a plan, and discretely suggested-

"Well, Mrs Beaver, if you need a young man who likes to be out in the woods, perhaps 'Donna' can help you with your lumber shortage since he lives nearby..."

The beaver glanced at the lean but toned boy, eyes starting to glisten as she said "Oh yes... I think he could be a very good help..." as the boy blushed, and Bennu caught Yata's eye, glancing at the door pointedly. She got the hint and they made an excuse to go outside, slowly walking until they were out of sight, and then they ran all the way home.

Finally he said- "OK yes I had sex with the beaver, I'm sorry, but there's something going on out here, some sort of chthonic oneiromancy..."

She grunted agreement and nuzzled against him as she told him of her adventure.

He remained calm and said "I knew it was something freaky... glad it's not just me. We should get a dungeoneering party! Thalia, Skitter, maybe Ilsa and Arion...."

She twitched her ears- "You're not jealous!? Aren't you worried about how bad I feel?"

He turns back to her- "Oh- well a little..." he tapers off as she glares at him from three inches away. Finally he says "Well maybe... we should... do something romantic? Like... cuddle more and talk... and then I'll cook you dinner!?"

She snorts, grinding her teeth before replying "Yeah OK we can do that. Because..."

"I love you!?"

"And I love you, monkeybutt."

Walk in the woods -part 3

The next day, Bennu talked to his cousin Thalia about magic. She was half dragon too, only her other half was nymph, but still resembles Bennu strongly, except for having a dragon tail, and being obviously female. They went over their stories, then...

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Walk in the woods -part 1 of 3

There was this one time Bennu took a walk in the woods.... The monkey/dragon was living in a tree-house at the time, bohemian style, and on nice days he'd go on walks into the vast forest around his home to exercise and relax. There were other anthro...

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Iconoclast Chapter 4

That night was our first in the new house, and Tsukari and Tsalani stayed in our room so her various adult relations could sleep in a place that didn't have ten kids running around. This was fine as Makari was happy to cuddle with her sister- who looks...

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