Kendo and Lorelei: A love story part 3

Story by kendowolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Kendo and lorelei

This is the third part of the kendo and lori story

Part 1:

Part 2:

The next day Kendo and Lori met up at school and greeted each other with a kiss and held hands as they walked onto campus; some students were staring, some chatting about last night and some saying that she was crazy to be with Kendo, but they didn't care; they loved each other and were no longer scared to say to it or show it and no one could do anything about it. In homeroom Blake was no where to be seen and for the first time Lori sat in the back with kendo; the teacher put on the movie: Romeo and Juliet to start their lesson on Shakespeare and as they watched kendo whispered into loris ear 'I love you so much' and all Lori could do was blush and whisper back 'I love you just as much hon'. After homeroom and through chemistry they worked together on their work, which surprised even the teachers, swim class had been canceled for the week so the pool could get cleaned and a jacuzzi could be installed. Kendo and Lori both got their lunch and sat down together, both getting a salad and sitting across from each other.

"So, I know that your birthday is coming up sweetie, is there any place you would like to go?" Kendo asked Lori as they ate.

"Um, well truth be told I have been wanting to go to the new sushi place, I have been wanting to try sushi but haven't really been able to get around to it" Lori said, feeling embarrassed that she hasn't tried it yet when she has been wanting to for three years.

Kendo nodded and kissed her on the cheek and licked up the ranch he had left there and Lori let out a small and quick purr and stopped when she realized it, though kendo hadn't noticed cause all he did was smile. After lunch they went to their math class, but as the class was started kendo got a call into the front office and loris heart felt heavy as he left, just as with last night she didn't want kendo to be away from her because she felt alone and her heart felt heavy, as the rest of the school day went on Lori was unable to focus on her choir and theatre classes because kendo had not returned yet. After school Lori went home and sat on the couch and started to cry: Was last night just a dream? Did kendo truly love her? Why did kendo not return to his classes? As the thoughts went through loris head she turned on the news to get her mind off it, she knew kendo loved her and that last night did happen, she could still feel the kiss they shared when they said good night. When the TV. turned on and she got it to her favorite news station she saw kendo next to the reporter and the headline that read: R.S.T. owner found dead, will son take over? Lori was in shock and turned up the volume and she recognized the reporter as Blakes' dad, who looked just like Blake in every way.

"Today around 11am, the owner of the famous tailor store in the Hellana Mall was found dead after the store had been robbed, next to me is her son kendo; Kendo, will you be taking over the store?" The reporter asked, putting the microphone near kendo.

"I have talked with the mall owner, the store will have its doors closed for up to two months, the shortest being one month as I deal with the paper work to put the store in my name, but I promise Right Size Tailors will open its doors again." Kendo said, keeping on a strong face as he left the cameras view.

"Also, this just in, I have been informed that on May 14th, Kendo Renolds will be the richest citizen in our little town, with $50 million he is now the towns most eligible bachelor so ladies, get him while you can, back to you Tim." He said, with a smile like it was planned.

Lori turned off the television with disgust at Blakes' dad, but then she heard the door open and turned to see kendo walk inside but he was fighting back tears.

"Kendo, I am so sorry about what happened" Lori said, closing the door and holding him close, resting his head on her shoulder.

Kendo broke down and started crying into her, he lost the strength in his legs and they both sat down; Lori started to stroke his head and back to try and help him relax. Kendo spent 2 hours just holding her and crying, after he felt he was done he asked if he could stay over for a few days, which Lori happily agreed to and showed him the guest bedroom again and told him she was gonna be right back. As Lori walked into her room and closed the door, not realizing it didn't shut all the way, she took out a long night shirt and began to take off her clothes; all Lori could think about was kendo and that he just lost his mom, as Lori took her shirt off so she was only in her blue panties and bra she heard the door open and turned to see who it was.

"Hey Lori, do you think we ca...." Kendo said mid sentence as he looked and saw Lori in her underwear, where his face turned pink and closed the door, "I'm sorry, I saw your door was open a bit, I didn't know you were changing" kendo said, feeling embarrassed

Lori put her night shirt on and opened the door and saw kendo walking in the guest room, she walked in there with him and sat down next to him.

"It's OK hon, true it was surprising, but part of me didn't mind, if we are together as a couple I see nothing wrong; truth be told while I never let Blake see me like that because he was wanting sex a lot, I feel kinda comfortable if you see me like that, just not too often for right now hon" Lori said as she kissed his cheek, "So, what were you going to ask me?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go the the beach during the summer" Kendo said, his face still pink.

"I think that sounds like a fun idea, we can pack a picnic for it" Lori said, giving him a wink.

Kendo kissed loris lips as a way to say thank you for letting him cry on her, after which they got up and Lori started to cook dinner, which was a lasagna; as she put the lasagna in the oven she felt kendo give her a hug from behind, placing his hands on her sides and she smiled and blushed as she moved one of his paw to her left breast and he kissed her cheek, knowing where his paw was but just keeping it still.

"I can feel your heart beat hon" Kendo said as he kissed her.

"It belongs and beats only for you my love" Lori said as she started to purr from the kiss and his paw, she had never let Blake touch her there, but something about kendo made her feel safe with him touching her.

As their dinner baked they just stood there like that, both enjoying the embrace and time felt to move slow to them and the world felt right again now that kendo had Lori in his arms again, the pain of the death of his mom more bearable with Lori around and he was surprised: she not only felt comfortable enough with him and their relationship to have placed his paw on her breast, but she had said she a little comfortable with him seeing her in less clothing. After the lasagna was done cooking they set the table, served up their plates and sat down next to each other as they ate; after dinner they washed their dishes and put away the leftovers kendo kissed loris lips and went into the guest room. As Lori saw kendo lay down she looked at her door and then she sat down next to kendo and stroked him again and then she layed down next to him.

"Do you mind if I sleep in the same bed as you tonight" Lori asked, nuzzling the back of his neck.

"I actually was hoping you would, I don't want to be alone right now" Kendo said, feeling the nuzzle.

Lori put her arms around kendo and held him close, he put her paw over his heart and closed his eyes and fell asleep in her arms; Lori felt kendos heart and knew it belonged to her and she feel asleep as she held him close to her. When the morning came Lori woke up to find that hers and kendos noses were touching and she blushed as she gave him a kiss, going into her room and changed for school; as she walked out into the hallway she glanced over at the guest room and saw kendo was changing for school but he was only in his boxers and she felt her face turn dark red as she walked by. A few minutes later kendo walked out and he drove Lori to school but after they parked and walked into the lunch area, Lori and kendo got a huge surprise: a lot of the female students had either watched the news or had heard about the money kendo would be getting in may because of girls of different species were crowding themselves around kendo and pushing Lori away, heather walked up to Lori and told her what happened, that Blake had made an announcement over the loud speakers about Kendos inheritance; Lori looked at the crowd and wanted to cry, afraid of losing kendo, till she saw that he was trying to push his way out of the pile of shallow girls and back to her. Lori reached her hand out and took his paw and pulled him out, he had some lipstick stains on him and his clothes had tear marks but she took Lori and they went to an old classroom that was never used anymore and they hid inside; kendo went over to a sink and washed off the stains as he turned on a light and Lori saw it was an old art room that had been changed to look like a relaxation room, as Lori looked around she saw kendo go into a cabinet and grab a new coat and change.

"I never wanted anyone but you to know about that, I just knew something like this would happen if others found out" Kendo said as he put the coat on.

"I am so sorry hon. I know that it was Blakes' dad that announced it over the news, and I was told Blake told the school, what are you gonna do hon?" Lori asked, getting mad at Blake for what he did.

"We go on through the day like normal and deal with the females as they come, my heart belongs only to you Lori and I want no one else to hold my paw" Kendo said, looking into loris eyes and holding her paws in his.

They left the room and went to their homeroom, girls were trying to get close and hitting on him, but kendo would ignore them and tell them to go away, which made Lori feel better because she saw he wanted a relationship with her, and that he was willing to go slow with her and that he wasn't interested in a quick lay. The girls kept going at him all day, but it got bad at lunch; when they sat down two girls grabbed Lori and put their paws over her mouth as she and kendo saw a very well endowed vixen walked up to them, her bra was showing and she grabbed kendo and trailed his chest

"My name is Sara sexy, leave her and I can give you the best relationship with more benefits then she can give you, I'm not scared to show you my body or let you explore it" she said, starting to lower her bra so part of her nipple can be seen.

"No man can resist Sara, she has the body and skills to take him away from you cunt, what man can say no to the schools slut?" both girls said into loris ear, with Lori trying to fight them off.

Lori saw that Sara was grabbing kendos' paw and she lifted her skirt to show that she had no panties on, but as she tried to get close Kendos' face turned to anger and he pushed her down and then he turned towards the two girls who let Lori go and helped Sara up.

"I don't want someone who just wants cock or will hold Lori down, go back to Blake, Sara, tell him and every other girl that my heart belongs to Lori and Lori alone, only she will ever touch me and that if they hurt her then will learn why you must watch out for the quiet ones!" Kendo said, yelling at the girls in an angry and dominate tone, the three of them leaving, "Your money isn't worth it, besides I doubt you could handle me in bed, if you have never took a girl to bed a girl, why did Blake think you could handle a high class slut like me" Sara said as they left, kendo walking to Lori and saw she was OK.

Kendo held Lori, who was surprised at what kendo did, she had never seen him angry or dominate like that, and seeing him being dominate made her weak in the legs and a bit wet, though she didn't show it nor did she say anything; kendo just held Lori close, showing his love for her and kissed her lips again, after school they went to loris house and kendo went home to work on getting his moms store in his name. When kendo left Lori went into her room, closed and locked the door where she stripped and layed down naked on her bed and placed a paw on her crotch, did a single stroke and and brought it to her face.

"Seeing kendo acting dominate like that turned me on more then I thought" Lori said as she began to rub her pussy and rub a breast.

Lori started to masturbate to thoughts of kendo dominating her and acting out her fetishes, though she didn't want to say it, when he saw her last night it made her a bit horny and she wanted him to touch her. Lori pushed two fingers into her pussy and fingered fucked herself hard as she rubbed her breast harder and pinched her nipple, crying out kendos name as she came hard, bringing her fingers to her lips and licking them clean as she panted and purred, hoping the day she felt kendo inside her would be better then just imagining it as she masturbated. Kendo had finished the contract with the mall and layed down in his bed and his thoughts went to Lori, the softness of her breasts and body, and then seeing her in her bra and underwear, and thinking back to that make his cock come out of its sheath and started to get hard fast, he removed his pants and started to jerk off his 8" cock, thinking of seeing Lori naked and going inside her pussy, what it would be like to lick her juices and for her to suck his cock and cumming in her mouth and pussy; when the thought of cumming entered his mind he hurried to the bathroom and moaned out loris name as he aimed his cock down and shot his load into the toilet, shooting five think and long ropes of cum and he panted when he was done.

"Someday, I will give myself to her when she is ready, but I'm scared for her to find out I have those thoughts of her, let alone some of my fetishes I want to play out" Kendo said, pulling up his pants and flushing, washing his hands and going to make dinner.

The next day they met up at school, and this time the girls stayed away from them, which made both happy and the day went by like normal though both hardly talked, both embarrassed to say what they did last night. After school Lori joined kendo as he turned the contract into the malls owner and then they went to loris house, where they sat down in silence, till Lori broke the silence.

"Kendo, there is something I want to tell you, and I don't want to push you away, but last night, I masturbated to thoughts of you, when I say you be dominate yesterday, it made me wet, I couldn't help it, you turned me on" Lori said, looking down and into kendos eyes.

"I masturbated to you too Lori, I had been turned on when I saw you in less clothing and when you placed my paw on your chest, I just felt scared to tell you what I did, I didn't want you to think I was trying to rush things in any way" Kendo said, looking back into her eyes.

They both just sat there and then they kissed passionately as kendo stroked loris hair and back, causing her to purr and relax in his arms; she started to rub his back as well and she felt him relax. Kendo decided to stay with her again that night, after dinner Lori went into her room to change, but as she was closing the door she asked kendo to come inside and to sit on the bed.

"I think after what we did last night, I think we should be able to see each other in less clothing, if you're OK with it" Lori said, kissing his cheek and smiling.

"I see nothing wrong with that sweetie, but I think we should take it slow still" Kendo said, kissing loris lips.

Lori began to take off her shirt and skirt in front of kendo, who in turn took off his trench coat and pants, both feeling embarrassed and comfy with what they were doing; once Lori was in her bra and panties, which today was a black bra and underwear, and kendo was just in blue boxers which showed a small buldge. As they stood there, they both blushed and then embraced each other and layed down on loris bed, kissing and Kendos paw was rubbing her leg and Lori moaned. They didn't touch anymore then that as they fell asleep on her bed, as morning came she noticed kendo wasn't in the room but as she got up she realized why: her heat cycle had started, she put on a bad and took a pill to calm her urges, she put on a pair of jeans and long shirt and walked into the living room and saw kendo sitting down, holding his head.

"As soon as I smelt your heat I got out of your room, I didn't touch you anywhere" Kendo said, looking at Lori

"I know you didn't hon, and I'm glad you have more control then most guys in that situation" Lori said as she sat down next to him.

They kissed and kendo left to the mall to see if he had the store in his name. They stayed away from each other during her heat as always, but this time part of Lori wanted kendo be around, but she knew that they may not be able to control their feelings. After a week went by and her heat ended, kendo showed up at her door on her birthday and they spent the day together; kendo took her on another movie and dinner date and then to the park where he gave her the birthday gift he got her, her eyes lit up when she saw it was a necklace with a red rose on it. That night they stayed at kendos house and like before, slept in their underwear but this time Lori had a paw on his leg. As the months went by, kendo had Lori move in with him, finals came around in April and both passed and were on their way to graduate, but on the morning of graduation day, Lori saw just how protective of her and how dominate he could be. The morning of April 30th Blake tried to get Lori back by showing pictures of the day Sara had tried to seduce kendo, but the picture made it look like she was topless and he was rubbing her pussy.

"Come back to me Lori, I would never cheat on you like he has been doing behind your back, give us one more chance" Blake said with a sinister smile, thinking Lori was his, but then kendo walked up to him with a group of girls, different species and body types, and some looking pregnant.

"I call bull shit Blake, after everything you been doing and then the pic you photo-shopped, I found your book and contacted everyone you slept with this school year, and two things are in common with all 100 girls: you screwed them and came inside them during their heat, and all of them are bearing your child as you happen to be they only one they let inside them during their heat" Kendo said, pushing the book into Blakes hands, who looked scared as he looked at all the girls he had slept with, "Stay away from Lori, you're a daddy now Blake, you don't have time to date" Kendo said as the girls crowded Blake and Lori walked to kendo.

"How did you know about all that, and why did you do that to him" Lori asked, both amazed at how dominate he acted to put Blake down like that, and loving at the fact he protected her even though she didn't believe the picture or Blakes words.

"I got tired of him trying to steal you, and I feared you would believe the fake pic, plus all he wants is to fuck you and get you pregnant, so I decided to help karma and show him that being a playboy will never lead to anything good" Kendo said, looking into her eyes and then into blakes direction, who was lead of campus.

That night after they graduated they went home and decided to go to the beach in the morning, but as they stripped into their underwear, kendo watched Lori as she took off her bra and he breasts bounced a bit as the bra was fully removed, she then glomped kendo, pushing her chest into his and they kissed passionately before going to sleep. The next day they packed a lunch of sandwiches and water bottles, kendo wore his swim trunks and a tank top, Lori put on a skirt and tank top as well, teasing kendo, telling him he would have to wait to see her swimsuit. They drove down to the beach and set up and kendo blushed and covered his crotch as he watched Lori remove her shirt and skirt, revealing a red string bikini, she blushed and hugged kendo and they kissed, they day went by fast, they splashed each other in the ocean and ate their lunch, but the mostly sun bathed. The next day kendo offered Lori a job at R.S.T for it's grand reopening and she said yes, the reopening went off with no problems, and Lori noticed that Kendos birthday was getting close but she didn't know what to do for him or what to get him. Kendo and Lori both worked hard in the store and on the day of Kendos birthday the store was closed and they stayed at home.

"Hey kendo, happy birthday, want to go swimming" Lori asked, looking into the yard at kendos pool, wanting him to say yes so she can give him her gift.

Kendo agreed and went outside to the pool to change into his trunks, where he saw Lori walk up to him and strip into her bikini, which had been underneath her clothes, but then she removed both the top and bottom of her bikini and showed kendo her naked body and she jumped into the pool, and kendo got naked as well and followed her in, both enjoying the water and being naked together; that night they slept naked together and she placed kendos paw between her legs and she touched his sheath and rubbed a bit, and she knew when she would give herself to him. A few months later and many business day, the had gotten to a point where they would gently touch each others naked body, and then the day cam where it had been one year since they met and they decided to celebrate by going to a fancy dinner, Lori changed in a separate room, this was they night she would give kendo her virginity; she decided she was gonna wear something she had been saving for this night, she put on a red lace bra and a red lace thong and then put on black high heels and a black dress over herself that fit well enough to hide what she was wearing. That night they went to an olive garden and both had pasta, but what kendo said next shocked Lori

"Lori, we have known each other for a year now, and I feel I can tell you this: When you are ready, I want you to have my virginity, I love you and only you, I want you to have it like you have my heart" Kendo said, blushing and looking into her eyes.

"I feel the same way hon, I have a surprise for you when we get home, I love you so much" Lori said with a sly smile on her face.

After dinner they got home and went into the bedroom, Lori locked the door and watched kendo strip and had him sit down on the bed as she unzipped her dress and let it fall, revealing her bra and thong to the man she loved, who reached by blushing and getting hard; she continued by doing a little sexy strip tease for him, beginning with the bra and slowly taking it off and throwing it at him and licking a nipple, she then took off her heels and bent over to show him her ass as she removed her thong as he saw her wet pussy, kendo now getting fully hard and both getting horny. When she was done she sat on his lap, pushing her wet pussy against his cock and her chest against his as she kisses him deep and plays with his tongue.

"I want you to make me yours kendo, I want you to have my virginity, I want you to be inside me, I want you to dominate me" Lori says as she pushes his face into her breasts.

Kendo licks both breasts and nipples and kisses her deeply back, 'I want you to suck my wolf cock first as I lick your wet pussy, then I will dominate you my love' Kendo said as he started to lay down and she put herself over him. Lori lowered her pussy, feeling it get more wet as he took charge and she moaned out loud as she felt his tongue move across her pussy and clit as she lowered her muzzle and licked his cock all around before taking his cocks head into her moth and sucks on it, hearing kendo moan into her pussy. The both began to pleasure the other: kendo was licking and sucking on her pussy, nibbling on her clit and pushing his tongue inside her, feeling her get more wet as he pleasured her; Lori was bobbing her head up and down his cock, deep throating him as well and felt him let out some precum on her tongue, she raised her head and swallowed it.

"Oh god, your cock and precum taste so good and your tongue and mouth feel so good on my pussy, I cant hold back!" Lori shouted as she came on kendos face and she felt him lick up her juices and she got off him and layed on her back as he rolled over her.

"Your juices and pussy taste so good, even better then I could have imagined" kendo said as he rubbed his cock against her pussy, "Are you ready for me to take you?"

"Yes, I want you to take me kendo, I've been waiting a long time to find the one I wanted to give it to and it's you, make me yours" Lori said in Ecstasy.

Kendo slowly pushed his cock into her pussy and heard her moan as she felt his cock go inside her, he paused a moment when he hit her wall, but a knod from her told him it was OK; he pulled back and with one hard push, pushed his cock through her wall and felt her lose her virginity to him, she rocked her hips against him and he did slow thrusts in and out of her pussy, both moaning out loud as he pushed deeper with each thrust and started to hit her g spot.

"Right there kendo, oh god your cock feels so big inside my tight pussy, hit me there more, I feel close to my orgasm" Lori said, talking in between moans at how good his cock felt.

"Your pussy feels so tight and wet and I love it, the way it squeezes me make me want to cum, I can feel myself getting close because I haven't released in months, but is it safe to cum inside you" Kendo said, scared that she may become pregnant if he did cum inside her.

"I have had my heat this month, it ended last week, I want to feel you cum inside me my love, I've been wanting it for months, let your load fill my pussy!" Lori said as she felt the biggest orgasm of her life hit her hard.

As Lori orgasm kendo felt it her squeeze around her cock and he screamed as he felt his load shoot out of his cock and into her pussy, mixing their juices together as they orgasm together, after letting out several loads of cum inside her, kendo leaned down and kissed her lips and they snuggled, Lori keeping kendo inside her.

"I want to sleep with you inside me, that felt so wonderful my love, you felt amazing and it was better then I could ever hope, and I'm glad I waited to give it to you, I wanted our one year to be special" Lori said as she purred and snuggled close to him, nuzzling his neck.

"I will sleep inside you then, and you felt so amazing as well, I'm happy I gave my virginity to you, when I first met you I wanted to be with you, and I think we both made it special my love" Kendo said as he licked her ears and stroked her as they snuggled.

As they both feel sleep in each others arms and being connected, they felt they could share their fetishes and both fell asleep, smiling and in peace being in each others arms, no more tension or secrets, all will be told.