The Camping Trip of His Dreams

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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Oh Fin, you get yourself into some lovely situations. Mostly because you hang out with hypnotic women all the time. :3

A commission for the awesome barisaxophone77, done for Majorra's tablet fund!

This story contains straight sex, female dominance, and hypnosis. Don't read the tags if you don't want spoilers! :3

Characters (c) to barisaxophone77

Story (c) to AnubusKiren

A warm breeze stirred the humid air around the campsite, relieving only the slightest bit of fatigue that had set in upon the two campers. Fin, the wolf-husky hybrid, and Saradia, the vixen, had just come back from the lake with a bounty of fish to cook over the fire. The wolfsky had already set about skewering and preparing the fish for cooking, the light of the fire casting an orange glow on his light gray fur and certainly not doing anything to cool him off.

Saradia sat back, lounging against a rock and watching her companion work. Fin had already shed his shirt to try and beat the heat, much to the vixen's delight. She wore only a pair of loose cargo pants and a short black tank top, which showed off much of her fur; pure white from head to toe, save for the tips of her ears, her feet, and the end of her tail, which faded to black. The vixen watched him with a little smirk, admiring his toned physique as he speared each fish onto a stick to be held over the roaring flame. She rested her arms up behind her head and called over to him, a playful tone in her voice, "You know, if you're going to walk around shirtless, you might as well go all the way. We're all alone out here, you know."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Fin's tone matched hers. The wolfsky set the fish skewers over the fire and sprawled out on a sleeping bag next to her, staring up at the quickly-darkening sky, "It'll be night soon. It's been a while since I've gotten to do anything like this."

"Same." the vixen's tail teased against her companion's side, "Mm, one guy, one girl, one tent... Nothing around us but nature... I could get away with a lot out here."

A hint of redness showed in Fin's cheeks, and he cleared his throat a little, "Yeah, like saying things like that."

Saradia snickered and poked out her tongue, "You're too easy." She sniffed the air, picking up on the scent of the fish, "Think they're done?"

"Soon, probably." Fin felt a little relieved as the teasing was let up. He enjoyed her little flirtatious gestures, but he was a bit of an easily-flustered guy. It didn't help, of course, that Saradia was such a lovely example of a vixen, nor that she'd decided to wear something revealing.

The flirty fox had apparently exhausted her supply of teasing remarks for the moment, and instead decided to run a brush through the fur of her tail, idly thinking aloud, "It's safe out here, right? No bears or anything?"

"Nah, I've never heard of any bears, wolves, or coyotes up here. So we're all set to have a nice, relaxing weekend." Fin handed her a fish on a stick and took one for himself.

"And we both know how much you enjoy relaxing." Saradia's comment earned her another blush on the wolfsky's cheeks, and she gave a cheesy grin upon spotting that familiar redness.

The two ate their dinner under the setting sun and rising moon. They swapped some idle banter for a while, then decided to call it a night once darkness had settled in. Saradia dragged her sleeping bag into the tent and crawled inside. Fin was just about to follow her in when he felt something nagging at him in his head. He paused, looked around the camp, and finally noticed that something was missing.

"Crap." he sighed, standing again and grabbing a flashlight from his backpack, "Be right back."

"What? Is my wolfsky pillow not tired yet?"

"I forgot the fishing rods over at the river."

The vixen huffed playfully and flopped onto her back, waving a footpaw at him, "Fine, fine. Just hurry back. I need something manly to sleep against."

"Heaven forbid I deny you of manly cuddles." he said with a grin, waving behind him as he headed off into the woods, "Back in a sec."

"Right, right." Saradia waved him off and sprawled out on her back, staring up at the roof of the tent. She listened to Fin's footsteps grow quieter as they gained distance and then finally went silent, leaving only the ambient sounds of the woods around them. It was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of the city, where the only ambience was a mixture of shouts, mumbles, sirens, and car engines day in, day out.

"Plus, out here, we can be as loud as we like." the vixen said with a snicker. Fin's reactions to her flirting belied a deep intimacy between the two; one that occasionally resulted in noise complaints from neighbors. Saradia recalled, with another little giggle, that it wasn't always her who was loud, either. Out in the woods, however, who made the most noise was irrelevant, and the only inconvenience now was waiting for Fin to return.

Or so the vixen thought. Something shifted under a blanket in the corner of the tent, unseen by the daydreaming girl. From under the quilt came a white-scaled snake, only about two feet in length, which slithered over toward Saradia. It moved purposefully, quickly approaching her foot and opening its mouth...

Fin's ear perked up. Had he heard someone cry out just now? He paused for a moment, waiting to see if the sound would return. It did not. The wolfsky shrugged it off, dismissing it as his imagination and gathered up the fishing supplies. They'd decided not to camp too close to the lake due to the swarm of mosquitoes that would have doubtlessly set upon them in the night and cover them in irritating bites. The downside, of course, was the long walk between the campsite and the lake. Fin wasn't too worried about leaving Saradia alone such a long way back; there had never been any bear sightings in the area, and it was a frequent camping location with no history of violent incidents.

Still, though... even if he had imagined that scream, the thought kept creeping back into his head. Should he have left her alone? The wolfsky grabbed the rest of the gear and quickly made his way back. He tried to convince himself that nothing was amiss and that it was all in his head, but a healthy amount of paranoia was a good thing in this day and age.

Fin returned to find the camp undisturbed, the tent unzipped as he'd left it, and the remains of their campfire still smoking just a tad. He breathed a soft sigh of relief and set the fishing gear down, then went to crawl into the tent, "I'm back. Kinda had an odd feeling so I... hurried..."

The tent was empty. Fin grabbed the flashlight again and swept the light beam across the area, catching a glimpse of white fur and focusing on it. "Oh, thank god... What's wrong? Didn't feel like waiting?"

"Maybe." Saradia had herself hidden behind a tree, the vixen peeking her upper body around the trunk, "Come on over."

"What for?"

"You'll just have to see, now won't you?"

The sultry, playful tone in her voice brought butterflies to Fin's tummy. He decided to play along, though, and walked over to the vixen. He stopped in front of her, one hand leaning against the tree, "Well, here I a--Mmff!" Saradia cut him off with a kiss. Her muzzle locked around his, and her tongue licked and lapped around inside his mouth. Her... long, thin, flicking tongue. Wait... that didn't feel quite right.

Before he could pull away and question her, though, he felt something quickly curl around his ankle. Saradia broke the kiss, and a second later, Fin was yanked off his feet and held, upside-down, in the air. His arms flailed, and he stammered a little as he tried to figure out what was happening, "H-Hey, what... Ah..! Something's got me!"

"Yeah. Me." Saradia giggled and poked out her tongue, revealing it to be long and forked, like a snake's. Whatever was curled around the wolfsky's foot pulled him upward, bringing him level with Saradia's face. The vixen flicked that tongue over his muzzle and cheeks, eyeing his upper body, now completely vulnerable to her ogling, "Mm, and now I've got you right where I want you."

"W-What are you talking about?" Fin's head turned left, then right, trying to avoid that distracting tongue as he struggled to adjust to the upside-down view of the world. He looked up (or down, from his perspective) to see a white, fuzzy snake tail curled around his ankle. His eyes followed it over a low-hanging branch and back down behind the tree, presumably connected to his grinning vixen friend. He was beginning to make the connection, but one question still lingered in his mind, "How... How did this happen?"

"I was just laying down in the tent." Saradia began, her fingers tracing over the wolfsky's belly and chest, blatantly feeling him up, "Just minding my own business, when I felt something bite me."

"So that shout I heard..."

"Yep. Me. Good thing the only effect it seemed to have on me was... this." she slithered out from behind the tree, showing off that long, fuzzy snake body that had replaced her legs. Saradia had become a full-fledged vixen-naga.

Fin couldn't help but squirm in her grasp. Even as surprised and disoriented as he was, he was still being felt up, and with the blood rushing to his head from behind held in the air like this, he was in no position to defend himself from her groping. "So..." he flexed his abs and bent upward to try and alleviate some of the pressure in his head, "Are you going to let me down?"

That question was quickly answered by a quick release of the tail around his foot. Fin dropped down to the ground, but was caught on a thick, fuzzy section of her tail, cushioning his fall. Saradia was quick to wind it around him again, though, this time coiling around his waist and chest. The snake-vixen giggled and settled in on top of him, eyes narrowed in a 'bedroom eyes' look as she gazed down at her catch. "You know, I think I like this, Finny. Kinda awkward at first, but this big, strong tail has some unique advantages. I'm sure you can see what I mean, quite plainly."

"Y-Yeah, I can." Fin struggled to at least free his arms from the furry coils entwining around his upper body, but to no avail. Even a small snake had enough muscle to require a great deal of force to pry off its prey. Her coils, at their largest, were as wide as her waist and extended a good fifteen feet, all stretched out. There was no escaping this grip once she had him. The wolfsky tried not to think of himself as prey, and asked the next obvious question, "So what... are you going to do, now that you've got me?"

The vixen's lips curled into a smirk. She rose up again and turned toward the tent, slithering forward and dragging Fin in a knot of coils behind her, "Well, first of all, let's get more comfortable. The ground out here isn't soft enough."

Fin sighed, resigning himself to her will for now. Not that he had a choice. He sat limp in her coils, allowing her to drag him along and into the tent. It took a lot of curling and piling to get all that tail inside, but the two managed eventually, and Fin zipped the tent shut. He stretched his arms, having found a few moments of freedom when Saradia had busied herself with arranging her coils, but quickly found himself ensnared again. Several thick ropes of coil looped over his head and tightened around his body, trapping him in place and leaving him at his friend's teasing mercy.

"You know, snakes aren't just known for their powerful grip." she explained, her face hovering right in front of his as she leaned against the coils holding him in place, "They have a legendary gaze. One said to possess the ability to ensnare the mind."

"You already have a gaze like that." Fin said, poking his tongue out at her, "No need to be mysterious about it."

Saradia huffed a little and gave him a quick squeeze with her coils, causing him to jump in place, "You buzz kill. I'll have to punish you for that."

"Punish me how?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Saradia's lips curled into a grin, "Now look at me."

It wasn't like he had much of a choice, being all coiled up like he was. Fin's gaze met with the vixen's, and he quickly realized just what she was setting up for. He watched as her eyes took on a faint blue glow, just enough to tug at his mind and keep him staring. Any thoughts of looking away began to slip and vanish, allowing the vixen to work on him at her own pace.

"That's a good boy." she said with a giggle, leaning in closer and flicking her tongue across his lips, "There's no need to resist. You know how nice it feels to fall under my spell."

"Doesn't mean I can't... resist." Fin's head began to spin a little, and despite his claim to the contrary, it was impossible to completely turn away from those magnetic eyes. His head turned left, then right, trying to prove his point but failing to remove that gaze from his vision. He simply couldn't look away. No, it was more like he simply... didn't want to.

"Mm, you were saying?" Saradia grinned, tickling under his chin and letting out a soft, seductive hiss, "Just admit, Finny. You can't resist. Your mind already belongs to me. Anything further than this is just icing on the cake."

"I... b-belong... No..!" still, he tried to resist. His vision blurred around the pair of eyes in front of him, her mind-numbing gaze compelling him to focus only on her, to forget about everything else around them.

The serpentine vixen brushed her finger against his cheek, petting his fur gently with her thumb. She intensified the blue glow, making it brighter, deeper, more attractive to his eyes, "Yesss. You belong to me. Your mind, your body... Everything's already mine. You know it's true." The light grew in intensity again, now taking up the entirety of her eyes. In each eye, a light violet 'pupil' appeared and began to spiral outward, creating a vivid mix of blue and purple colors that swirled and circled around in her eyes like one of those classical hypno discs. "Fall into my eyes..."

Fin's jaw hung slightly ajar as his mind was washed over by the intense hypnotic light pouring out from her eyes. The blue glow had been enough to daze him, but he could at least resist most of her compulsions. That enticing spiral, however, really drilled deep into his subconscious, causing him to sway dizzily in the embrace of her coils, "Nnhh... f-fall... falling... into..."

"Into my eyes." Saradia finished the sentence for him, her hands slinking along to his shoulders and rubbing them firmly, "Into the center of the spirals. Falling endlessly. Forever drifting into the blue and violet light. Letting my voice guide you into the depths of trance."

The wolfsky's eyes glazed over, and the longer he stared, the more the world around them blurred and faded. The chirping of crickets, rustling of the leaves on the trees, and the tiny ribbits of frogs... All were reduced to static, and then obliterated beneath wave after wave of relaxing, mesmerizing light that now shone onto his face. He could only vaguely remember trying to resist, and even these fragmented memories were so heavily fogged up that they made no sense. What was 'resisting'? What was 'will'? These words were foreign to his mesmerized mind; the only one that truly mattered was 'obedience'.

"How do you feel, Finny?"

"Nice..." Fin's lips moved slowly, finding it difficult to form words, "Floating... relaxed... can't think..."

"It's ok to not be able to think." Saradia murmured in a soft, comforting voice, her eyes continuing to bore into his mind with their bright, swirling spirals, "You have a friendly snake vixen here to do all that thinking for you. All you need to do is listen and be a good boy."

"Mmm a good boy..." Fin's glazed eyes began to reflect the spirals in Saradia's, and in that moment, his mind completely surrendered to her hypnotic assault. Conscious thought had been washed away in a flood of soothing light, and his subconscious, now freed from the depths of his mind, responded all too eagerly to her guiding voice. A smile spread across his lips as the last vestiges of free thought retreated to the back of his mind to sleep, leaving him helpless, defenseless before this seductive vixen.

Saradia grinned, letting the light fade from her eyes a little, but keeping the eye-catching spirals just to give him something stimulating to gaze into, "Almost too easy. But then, you're used to slipping into trance for me. It's no shock that it comes so naturally."

"Yes..." the response came automatically and without any thought. It was just instinctual to agree with her, regardless of what she was asserting. Just the tone of her voice and those pretty swirls of color made her so convincing.

"That's a good boy." the vixen giggled and tickled under his chin, "Now, let's get a little more comfy, shall we?"

Fin watched, mindless gaze unchanging, as Saradia's hands slipped down to the bottom of her shirt and began to tug it upward. Inch after inch of snow white tummy fur was exposed as her hands made a slow journey up her front. The exposure of her perky breasts came before long, and her arms lifted up over her head to pull the skimpy garment off the rest of the way. The shirt landed behind her, quickly forgotten as her hands found a new home at the hem of Fin's pants.

"You'll be much happier without these." she said, not waiting for confirmation from the dazed wolfsky. Her eyes stayed locked upon his as she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, fingers slipping behind the hem and pulling them down. It took only a second or two for her to meet an obstacle; her own coils. This was quickly rectified by that very same furry snake tail taking over in undressing him. The long, winding coils began to undulate around Fin's body, sliding up and down in a steady rhythm that carried his pants down to his ankles. The seductive snake-vixen repeated the motions with Fin's boxers, which quickly found their way to the floor of the tent with the rest of his clothes, leaving the wolfsky completely naked in the furry coils of his captor.

"Much better." Saradia's tongue flicked out over Fin's lips, powerful eyes still swirling in those pretty blue and purple spirals, "Wouldn't you agree?"

"M-Much better... Yes." Fin's mind echoed with her words, that dumb smile still plastered on his lips as wave after wave of hypnotic bliss flowed into him. There was no resisting her once she'd caught him in that gaze. Agreeing with her was all he could think to do.

"Good boy." the vixen's coils gave a little squeeze around him, tugging a moan from his lips. She slid herself downward and parted the coils near his crotch, exposing his already slightly stiff maleness, "Mmm and what have we here?"


"Oh, I know what it is, silly. Looks like I've gotten my cute slave excited."

"Y... yes." Fin squirmed in place as Saradia's fingers wrapped around his length and began to stroke, lightly gripping him and sliding up and down. He came alive with whimpers and moans, every nerve in his body so much more receptive and sensitive in his hypnotized state. The wolfsky's toes curled inward, and his head rocked slowly back and forth, "A-Ahh... Nnhh...!"

The fingers wrapped around that length squeezed lightly, and her thumb slid over the tip in a slow sweep, causing him to tense and groan out louder. Saradia watched with glee as her boy toy squirmed under her lightest caress, coils holding him firmly in place, "Aww, what's wrong? Is my boy feeling pent up yet?"

"A-A little..!"

"Well that simply won't do." the naga-vixen grinned and released his cock, naughtily eyeing him from between his legs, "Let's make that 'a lot', and then I'll see about relieving it." Once again not awaiting an answer, she opened her mouth and let her long, forked tongue snake out, licking and lapping wetly against Fin's member and dragging more happy sounds from his throat. "Mmm, yummy."

Fin's body tensed up, the wolfsky letting loose another loud cry of pleasure as that tongue began to coil around his cock, starting at the bottom and sliding in long, slow circles upward. It was an intense feeling he'd never quite experienced before, and he struggled to move in her coils, wanting to squirm like never before! He needed to move, to relieve the tension in his muscles, to maybe distract himself from the intense sensations before they overwhelmed him!

"Well look at you." Saradia teased, speaking surprisingly well for someone whose tongue was stuck out like it was, "Absolutely ecstatic, and I've only just begun. Bet you'd love to get your hands on me and hump me silly, huh boy?"

"Ahh... Nngh..! Annnhhh..!"

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." the vixen giggled and flicked the tip of her tongue across the head of his cock, lapping at the sweet flow of precum there and driving him even further into a pleasure-induced stupor. She didn't want to get him too riled up too quickly, though, so she slowly uncoiled her tongue and let it slip back into her mouth, giving one last teasing flick over the yummy member and then crawling back up onto the ensnared wolfsky, leaving him panting and gasping, needing more of that intense touch. Her powerful eyes beamed down into his, still whirling with those pretty spirals and projecting thoughts of submission into his head. "I've given you a preview of what's to come. Now I want you to give me something in return."

Fin watched his serpentine friend rise off of him, his world whirling around him a bit as the coils ensnaring him lifted and turned him over, belly facing down and head level with Saradia's pelvis. His cock ached with desire and dribbled precum onto the tent floor below, and his hands desperately tried to wrestle free from the powerful tail trapping them at his sides to go and relieve that need. Try as he might, however, there was no escaping her grasp. He felt the coils rest against the floor and tilt him upward a little to keep him level, his muzzle propped up in front of the vixen's sex.

"You know what to do." Saradia smirked, leaning back against a pile of pillows and spare clothing, a hand drifting down and spreading the lips of her pussy. "Do it well, and I'll consider letting you cum tonight."

That kind of encouragement was just as effective as intense hypnosis to a boy as needy as Fin was right now. The wolfsky tried to lean in closer, but was quickly reminded that he was inescapably coiled up. He was just about to mention it to her when he felt those coils shuffle forward, pushing his nose into her crotch and exposing him to the heady scent of her arousal. Fin's tongue went to work, licking slowly along her outer lips from bottom to top, then sliding up the middle and ending with a firm press to her clit.

"Mmm just... like that. Slow first." Saradia sucked in a breath as the wolfsky complied, licking her lips and running her fingers through his hair, "Good boy. You love eating out, don't you?"

"Mmhmm..." Fin's response came out muffled, his muzzle now buried against her lower body, tongue slowly lapping and fluttering out against her clit. He found her pussy to be just the same as when she'd had two legs, except out in the open at her front, where her fox and snake bodies met. He made love to it all the same, swirling his tongue around her clit, putting pressure on the sensitive nub and giving little teasing flicks, each motion rewarding him with another gasp, another moan, another coo from the vixen whose eyes and voice now held sway over his mind.

Saradia's coils squeezed and shifted slowly around the wolfsky's body, massaging him with their powerful muscles to keep him relaxed, and to partially ease the tension she'd caused earlier. She wanted him pent up, but not exactly tormented... yet. The tip of her tail slid down and brushed against his hardened cock, causing it to twitch, and then slipped past his thighs and circled around behind him. The vixen grinned and slowly pushed that tail tip into his tight, exposed tail hole, bringing a surprised yelp from the helpless wolfsky. The intruding tail slid inside, wriggling around in search of the sensitive nerves that all men possessed. The tensing of his anal muscles around her tail revealed that special spot to her, and she focused the twitching and wriggling of the thin tip against his prostate, causing him to let out muffled whimpers and moans as he worshipped her pussy, "There it is. You like that, hmm?"

"Uh... uh-huh..!" was the only answer Fin managed to bring to his lips, his mouth far too busy with more important things. He slid his tongue in deeper, plunging it in and out of her slit and listening as her own pleasured sounds grew in pitch. His body followed her unconscious cues and suggestions, focusing on the spots that produced the loudest sounds, the strongest clenching of her inner walls, the more intense reactionary squeezes of her tail around his body. Like a living sex toy, Fin's body and mind adjusted to suit Saradia's every pleasure, every whim, and every desire, all thanks to a pair of pretty, spiraling eyes.

Saradia wasn't about to let their little session end with something as tame as this, though. As wonderful as that long, flat tongue was, she was in the mood for something more... meaty. She loosened her coils, unraveling them from Fin's body and gently pulling his head back and away from her dripping sex, "That's enough, boy. You've earned a reward, I think."

A reward. Even in his lust-drunk and mesmerized mind, Fin understood the meaning of that word. He'd been a good boy, and now he would be shown how pleased his mistress was. His tail wagged slowly behind him, and he gave her that mindless, obedient smile that he had before, "Th-Thank you, mistress."

"Don't thank me yet." the snake-vixen grinned and pressed her soft, furry body against his, those long coils circling around once more, this time ensnaring both of their bodies, "Wait until after I've finished, and then you can tell me how grateful you are."

Fin felt his body squeezed against hers, arms once again trapped at his sides, keeping him completely immobile and helpless before her. He looked up into her eyes, only to be met by the mind-melting spirals again. The wolfsky's features slackened, his eyes went dull and glassy, and what little bit of thought he'd managed to summon since last breaking eye contact was washed away. Once again, he was a mindless boy staring into an irresistible tunnel of colors.

"Now be a good boy and fill me up." Saradia's coils squeezed tighter around them, forcing their hips together. The vixen sucked in a gasp as Fin was forced to penetrate her, his needy cock slid deep inside of her and hilting at his knot, "Ahhh..! That's more like it..!"

Fin's nerves went into overdrive as Saradia began to ride him, rocking back and forth on his member, using it for her perverse pleasure. The tailtip in his ass hadn't been removed, and continued to wriggle and flick against the nerves inside, sending powerful jolts of pleasure through his body. He was in ecstasy, crying out loud every time she would push herself forward and engulf his cock once more, the vixen's coils squeezing rhythmically around his body. In his suggestible state, the synchronized motions began to associate with one another, and each squeeze of her coils felt like a powerful, full-bodied orgasmic tremor pulsing out from his center and crawling out to the furthest nerves in his body. He cried out as loud as he could, but no sound could give meaning to that unrivaled pleasure that left him twitching and drooling as his serpentine lover used him.

"Who's my good boy?" Saradia grinned, stuffing her tongue into his mouth before he could answer, muffling both their sounds with a firm, forceful kiss. Her chest rose and fell swiftly, hot breaths landing on Fin's face as she huffed moans out through her nose. Her powerful eyes swirled faster and faster, the spirals becoming almost imperceptible at a point and becoming truly dazzling to look into. Her sex clenched and squeezed around Fin's maleness, milking him for everything he had and then some, her wet muscles massaging every inch of the wolfsky's member.

Fin mumbled something incoherent when the kiss finally broke, one eye half-lidded, the other wide open. There were no longer words in his head; only sensation, desire, and a lust restrained only by his absolute obedience to the woman making love to him. His body struggled to decide between going limp from the intense relaxation of her hypnosis and going rigid from the hard, forceful mating he was now part of. All on their own, his hips began to buck and thrust with their limited freedom of movement inside her coils, pushing back and forth in tune with the vixen's own thrusts. He needed more. There was no such thing as "enough pleasure" at this moment. He needed to push himself over the edge, to climax, to spill his seed inside of her, on her coils, on the floor of the tent... anywhere. He just needed to cum so badly.

Saradia seemed to notice this, the naughty naga-vixen grinning wide and managing to lessen the intensity of her hypnosis to the point that he could actually form a simple thought, "You're all ready to blow, aren't you?"

"Yeh... ye... yes..!" his answer came between needy, desperate moans, his tongue lolling out almost comically. There was no way she could possibly know how much he needed this.

"Are you sure?" the snake giggled airily, having difficulty in controlling her own noises, "I don't know, Finny. You look like you could go another round without release."

Fin's only answer was a desperate half-groan, half-whimper. It would be impossible for him to last another round of this. Even with her in full control of his climax, he would spill before even half-way through another rough session like this.

"Mmm, well..." Saradia grinned, still busily humping into him all the while, holding onto the suspense for as long as she felt it necessary. After a long moment of 'thought', she tickled under the helpless wolfsky's chin and murmured, "Well ok. Since you've been good and all."

"Th-Thank--ahh..!" Fin was cut off by a firm squeeze of her coils.

"But only if you submit yourself to me."

"I... I already--"

"Do it again." Saradia's lips curled into a smirk, and she constricted tighter around his waist, holding his member captive in her clenching, squeezing snatch, "Tell me that you've submitted to me. Praise me, give voice to your devotion, and swear your subservience to my superior will."

The stopping of those powerful thrusts left Fin in limbo, his aching member unsatisfied and wanting, needing more. There was only one way out now. The words came uneasily, laced with groans and whimpers betraying his unrelenting need for stimulation, "Nngh... I... belong to Mistress Saradia..!"

"Good start." she grinned, plunging the tip of her tail deeper into his backside and getting a little moan in return, "But I know you can do better." "Mistress owns my body and mind..."

"Go on..."

"I am a... mindless boyslut who lives only to serve Mistress." Fin tried to push his hips forward, to try and milk some stimulation from Saradia's possessive sex, but to no avail. The coils wound around his body kept him held firmly still. His only hope was to please her sufficiently with his words. "My body is a toy for Mistress' pleasure..."

Saradia hummed sensually, appraising the squirming, needy boy in her coils for a moment that seemed to last an eternity. Finally, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and pushed his head down lower, forcing his muzzle between her breasts. Her tongue slithered across one of his ears, preceding a soft whisper, "That's more like it."

Fin's nerves came alive once again as Saradia resumed the fierce lovemaking. Every muscle tensed, and he was once again given room to thrust and arch into her as her coils loosened slightly. This was the reward he desired; the permission to spill his seed in his Mistress' hot, wet pussy... and that reward was coming very, very soon, for the both of them.

"Not more longer, coilslut." Saradia's squeezing and thrusting grew to a frantic pace, her moans climbing in pitch. Her inner walls clamped down around his shaft, squeezing and massaging him relentlessly, trying to coax that hot seed out of him, "Come on... Fill me up..!"

Fin's body began to shudder and tremble as his climax approached. He'd been tempted, seduced, and then teased to the breaking point, only to be stopped right at the end and then have it all picked back up again. Every thrust was an electric shock straight to his cock, spreading out to every nerve and muscle and wracking his tired body with ecstasy. He could no longer cry out in pleasure, the stimulation so intense it robbed him of his voice, reducing him to a whimpering, groaning mess. Even as the point of no return was reached, his ecstatic sounds were no more than lust-filled growls.

"Now... boy..!" Saradia's sex clenched tightly around him, and with a loud cry and an arching back, she hit her climax. A gush of fluid dribbled out around the wolfsky's cock, and her coils constricted around him once again, immobilizing him. Saradia grinded herself against him, arms hugging his head to her chest as she rode out her orgasm, slurring one last command into his ear, "Cuuuuhhhhmmmm..!"

It was too much. Fin's climax hit him like a truck, completely blanking out his mind and filling every neuron with pleasure. The ecstasy invaded all his senses, washing over him and enveloping his entire body. This time he did cry out, every muscle going rigid as he filled the naga-vixen with his seed, his knot swelling and locking the two together. He squirmed and writhed in her grasp, panting and groaning and moaning with every spurt of seed. His entire body ached, but he didn't care. It felt like he'd never stop cumming, but again, he didn't care. All that mattered was the intense pleasure that had taken him over and completely washed him out. The world around him, already blurred by Saradia's hypnosis, completely faded away, leaving him alone in his own little world with the serpentine vixen who'd lulled him into it.

He couldn't tell how long the sensations had gone on or when they'd stopped. His tongue felt dry, like it'd been hanging out for hours, but it was still dark out and Saradia was still awake, looming over him with a smug grin on her face. Some stray thoughts passed through his mind, and he realized that at least some of his free will had returned. Perhaps the intense climax had knocked him out of trance slightly.

"Welcome back." the vixen said, flicking her tongue across his nose and giggling sleepily, "I'm impressed. That lasted quite a while."

"How... long?"

"I'll leave it to the imagination."

"Mmm'kay." Fin still found it easier to just agree with her. Apparently he was still very much under her control. Not that he minded, of course.

"You're such a good boy, Finny." the vixen pressed a kiss to his muzzle and settled in on top of him, her coils shuffling around beneath the wolfsky. They'd been formed into a sort of nest for him to lay in. "I knew you'd appreciate this new form of mine."

"I do like it." he smiled and ran his fingers along her furry coils, "Gonna be weird explaining it to your friends, though."

"Oh, let me worry about that. All I need you to do is sleep."

"Huh? But--"

"Sssleep." Saradia hissed seductively to him, and once again her eyes began to spiral. Blue and purple swirls spun around in her eyes, whirling enticingly and glowing faintly in the darkness of the tent.

"B-But... nnn..." any hints of resistance Fin may have had was quickly pushed aside by the convincing gaze. The last thing he recalled was that lovely hiss...

A soft bed. Sheets draped over his body. Fin rubbed his eyes and glanced over at his alarm clock. Three in the morning. The wolfsky slowly sat up and brushed his hair back, then turned to look over at Saradia, sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed.

"Wouldn't hurt to check." he thought to himself. He carefully pulled the sheets down, making sure to not wake the vixen. Inch by inch slid downward, revealing bits of fur covered by a light blue nightgown. Bare shoulders, perky breasts, a covered up tummy, lovely curved hips... and shapely legs. Yes, legs.

Fin chuckled to himself and shook his head. Of course it was just a dream. A particularly hot dream, but a dream nonetheless. He covered the sleeping vixen back up and cuddled up beside her, shutting his eyes and deciding to go back to sleep. Maybe he'd have another nice dream. He had a few hours before he had to get up anyway...

A Good Entertainer

The imposing figure of Castle Mardux stood tall before the young leopard, its tallest turrets appearing to scratch the very sky stretched above the land. Alex squinted as a bright ray of sunlight peeked out from behind the cloud cover, momentarily...

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Tears in a Rainstorm

Snow fell upon the road before the horse-drawn cart as it rolled onward toward the small trading post closest to the Silent Hand's headquarters. Winter had been harsh this year, pouring piles and piles of white, fluffy powder down onto Farlan for as...

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Mama's Boy(toy)

The turning of the doorknob, followed by her son's voice shouting a "mom, I'm home", brought a smirk to the vixen's lips. She turned over on the couch and stretched, brushing a hand over the white fur of her plump belly and sitting herself up. The...

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