Made for Each Other Part Two: The Black Cassidy

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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#2 of Made for Each Other

Good to be back. As promised here is the long awaite MFEO part 2

It was warm. My entire body was covered head to toe in basking glow of soft, furry warmth. I craned my head up between the white and blue mounds I was buried in and saw the angelic face of Bekkie, sleeping peacefully with herself curled around me, as if holding on to make sure I was real. I kissed her on her adorable snout, causing the buxom giant by my side to stir ever so slightly with a purr. I smiled, so pleased to be with someone that I cared for, and loved even. I pushed my face in between her breasts, relishing in the warmth and the smell of her sweet fur.

"Mmmmm... Good morning little Ashie." Bekkie murmured into a steady moan as she spread her legs, allowing me to place my thigh against her heat, rubbing gently.

She opened those gorgeous eyes and looked down at me, kissing the top of my head lovingly as her arms wrapped around me. She smiled, a tear rolling down her snout and onto my cheek as she clutched me tightly. I recalled the night previous, loving every second of our tender love making; it was the purest form of bliss and happiness I had ever experienced.

"I was afraid you would leave in the middle of the night Ashton. I was so afraid you were just a good dream."

I smiled, deciding to play off a joke to my nerdy buxom Sergal lover.

"You must have some pretty orgasmic dreams if last night was a dream." I slyly replied as I placed my hands on her hips, pulling myself tighter against her.

She laughed, pressing me so tightly against her I struggled for breath momentarily. It felt amazing, being loved for the first time in my life, the ability to talk to a woman and then have the courage to be with her for the night, and a Sergal no less!

"You know Bekkie my boss is the one who got me on the site in the first place. She told me a while ago that it was there where she met her husband." I explained, sitting up to pet her sides as she stretched out in a similar way to a cat.

"Well it's not surprising, the site is meant for human/Sergal interactions." She mused with a smile.

My mind collapsed as I stared at her dumbfounded. Apparently the look on my face was conveying my thoughts for she immediately looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my god she didn't tell you that?"

I shook my head and watched as she pulled on a surprisingly too large sweatshirt, running to get her laptop as she pulled up the site. I saw with a grin that she had a folder with all our IM's saved and my profile pics dotting a small section. She turned red and pulled up her friends list, slapping my gently upside the head.

"You did not see that. So... what is your bosses' name?" She inquired while pulling up the search bar.

I sat next to her and watched her friends list, scanning the profile pics till one stood out that made my entire face grow red. Bekkie clicked on the name seeing my dead giveaway, displaying a picture of my boss with a long black haired man sitting next to her, both naked and covered up with his guitar. Bekkie let out a whistle and looked back at me.

"You mean to tell me your boss... is my aunt?"

I stuttered a little and looked from the picture to Bekkie. She was at least three feet taller than Serkesh! I looked back at the picture then to Bekkie before finally saying something similar to a complete sentence.

"Serkesh is your aunt!?"

Bekkie smiled and opened a file on her computer labeled "summer fun with family." I watched in awe and shock as she went through picture after picture of Serkesh and her family all having fun, with the same guy standing with them like family from the dating site. He looked so... so familiar.

"Well if you are wondering, perhaps I should call her and say that the "Jedi" I met online is you." Bekkie stated as she pushed the laptop away and crawled up me as I reclined on the bed.

"But I don't understand... Serkesh is so... so steel like. And that guy looks like..."

Bekkie smiled and reclined, pulling her top off as she pressed my head close to her breasts.

"Ashton, my aunt isn't all steel and claw you know. There was once a time when she was only looking for a strong dominant Sergal. But as you can see my aunt is much... shorter than the average Sergal. This led to some problems for possible mates, so one day she went out and ended meeting this guy, this human... You know what I shouldn't tell the story, she should."

I was going to say something to stop her but found myself mesmerized by how good it felt to lay next to her. I merely smiled and nuzzled into her as she made a quick phone call, occasionally looking down at me to scratch my head. Within a few minutes we had gotten dressed and got into my car, she told me we were to meet her aunt so that she could congratulate us and tell us the story of how her and her husband first met.

Bekkie got into my car with the looks of her neighbors, making sure to give me a powerful kiss before starting my car while I lingered in a daze. Soon enough we were on our way to see Serkesh Delear, my cold blooded boss.


"DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SLEEP WITH MY NIECE ASHTON?" Came Serkesh's voice as soon as she answered the door, leaning over to glare into my eyes as she let out a feral snarl.

As usual she wore a very fitted business suit, her silver cold eyes peering over her half rimmed glasses. Bekkie laughed nervously and blocked her aunt from killing me as we entered the house, walking to a living room that was much more modern styled than I would have suspected from my boss.

"Sorry to bother you aunty, but I was wondering if you would tell Ashie- I mean Ashton how you and Uncle Cassidy met?"

Serkesh sighed and took off her glasses, cracking a smile as she looked at Bekkie and I. She walked to the book case across from us and drew out a book, handing it to Bekkie as she looked off in the distance, placing her angular jaw on one hand.

"Well Thomas isn't here right now but it's probably for the better, he always over-embellishes the story. That book is his, he was a photographer. Every time we went on a date he took a picture, careful near the back he took some... interesting photos. Damn fisherman had a way with sneaking into my home when he returned late at night, lit the fire and... Oh how I love those nights" She sighed with a light growl of anticipation.

Bekkie opened the first page to show a picture of the same guy, Thomas, as he smashed himself against Serkesh who did not look all too happy.

"We met years ago. I was starting my business and I was looking for a mate to share in the family business with me. After years of males turning me down and not so much as looking at me, I fell into an angry depression... I could never forget that night."


Serkesh undid her tie as she walked down the streets with heavy angry steps. Her hair was a mess and undone, her suit wrinkled in some areas, it was apparent to anyone unfortunate enough to pass her that she was falling apart. Her business was booming, but somehow, somewhere she felt empty.

"Come on Serkesh! You're a Vernek for crying out loud!" She angrily whispered to herself.

But it was no use. She felt like she was not wanted, like she was unattractive to her own kind. She looked and saw the moon overhead, shining on the river as she stumbled into the fisherman's square. Gone was the usual yelling of the merchants, it was past closing time. She stopped suddenly, hearing a sound she had never heard before. Like a violin, but faster, much more joyous. Using her sense of music she walked to a small glowing window as quietly as she could, marveling with wide eyes as she saw men, human and Sergal alike, standing in the midst of a pub with violins, fiddles, and drums fashioned from wooden barrels all cheering.

She composed herself and tossed her tie away, walking into the bar as she was met with stares of confusion and distrust until she sat at the bar, watching as the apparent ringleader, a human man with long jet black hair, took the lead on his fiddle. He walked up to an old dirty mic and laid the fiddle to his side as he was joined by a very tomboyish Sergal girl with deep crimson fur. Her breasts were not even pronounced to display adulthood status, so Serkesh was quite intrigued as they sang in unison.

His voice was light yet deep, and she found herself tapping her foot to his fiddle playing and singing.

I went down to the river But the river was dry I went down to the sea But it was not the place to be So I climbed the highest mountain And I climbed to the mountaintop

_Girl, I found me a home And I don't have to roam


She marveled as suddenly he started singing in French, his hair whipping around himself as he tapped his booted foot on the ground while couples began to dance around him.

Au bord de la riviére Mais la riviére était sèche Au bord de la mer gras n'était pas la place pour moi Je trouve la plus haute montagne Mais la montagne était trop haute Oh j'ai trouvé mon foyer Il faut plus me promener

He stopped, his bright green eyes sparkling as the whole room clapped. Serkesh stood to leave until she felt a tug on her arm. She looked and saw the red furred Sergal that sang with him.

"Now I reckon you wouldn't leave when a man treats ya to a drink would ya?"

Serkesh looked confused until she saw a large stein of dark ale next to the bar, the bartender smiling and nodding to the singer as he approached. She felt herself grow hot, and mistook it for anger as she fronted the tall human.

"Why the hell did you buy me a drink? Have you no manners human? Buying a drink when your mate is standing right her, it's despicable!" she yelled, anger covering her confusion as to why he was smiling so brightly.

"You mean Mira? Hell I couldn't mate with her if I wanted to. I mean I'm Scottish but that dinnay mean I'll get it on with me sister!" He laughed along with the entire bars inhabitants.

Serkesh stood frozen with confusion as he hugged the squirming and giggling red Sergal. Before she could react Mira slammed the glass in her hand as the men and women of the bar all raised glasses.

"To Black Tom Cassidy! Lord of the fiddle!" the bartender cried, followed by the jubilant clamor of every person crammed into the tiny fisherman's pub.

Thomas looked around and raised his hands, looking back to Mira as he tossed her his fiddle.

"Sing us a song about our new friend Mira!"

Mira smiled wickedly at Serkesh as she took to the stage, followed by a large black man and a tiny framed child. She bobbed her shoulders as Serkesh watched on, sinking her head into her neck as she found she was staring at the clapping figure of the raven haired Thomas.

_The life I've always wanted I guess I'll never have I'll be working for somebody else Until I'm in my grave I'll be dreaming of a live of ease And mountains Oh mountains o' things

To have a big expensive car Drag my furs on the ground And have a maid that I can tell To bring me anything Everyone will look at me with envy and with greed I'll revel in their attention And mountains Oh mountains o' things_

Serkesh grew hot with anger as the whole bar laughed along and clapped, some dancing at the expense of some stereotype based on her clothes. She slammed the glass on the counter shattering it, walking past the hurrahing patrons with blood dripping off her hand. It was a joke to them!

She walked off hurt, walking as her mind swam with rage until she was back in the safe cage of the inner city. She felt the cold wind and wrapped her arms around herself noticing for the first time that she was bleeding.

"Awe poor bonnie lass. Ya know Mira was only jokin right?" Came a strong voice behind her.

Before she had the chance to turn around she felt warmth over her. Thomas had removed his heavy brown jacket and draped it over her shoulders. With a quick movement of his hand he had her cut one, he looked at it with a sigh and gritted his teeth, tearing a piece of his shirt off and tying it around the wound. She stood there, petrified with a mix of emotions as he smiled, patting her hand as he walked away into the distance.

"Now you take care bonnie, that jacket is yours, consider it a gift from a lowly fisherman to a beautiful lady like yerself." He trailed off, waving a hand to her as he whistled softly to himself.

Serkesh recovered to say something, a thanks, an argument, anything, but found that in her daze the man had long since disappeared into the maze of the city. She pulled the coat around herself, noting how strongly it smelled of cinnamon and bread. She walked to her home and sat in her recliner, staring at the reflection of herself before falling asleep.


The mornings rays caused Serkesh to fidget, her hand throbbing as she sat up. The coat fell from her shoulders and she let out a gasp, remembering the man from the night before. With a shaking hand she clutched the wound, her mind asking one simple question.


She went to work and mutely greeted her workers and secretary, sitting behind the desk made of imported maple. Her assistant walked in to serve her coffee and gasped as she looked at Serkesh's hand.

"Ms. Vernek! That wound is bad you shouldn't be using a dirty... shirt to dress it, here let me-"

Serkesh pulled her hand away with a growl. Her assistant recoiled and excused herself, watching with worry as Serkesh slammed her fists into the table.

"He's a fisherman! A damn penniless fisherman!" She yelled to herself.

With a sigh she walked out of the office, his coat wrapped tightly around her as she left the building, casting a glare back at her business and the many things she had bought since its success. Her mind kept running, kept swimming with thoughts of the black haired Scotsman. Who was he? Why had he been so kind to her?

She heard a guitar and fiddle playing, and with eyes wide she found she had wandered to the fisherman square. The entire area was abuzz with the sounds of people and workers, men pulling crates of goods, women tossing fish to their helpers to be gutted. Even with the foul stench of fish she found some kind of connection to this place. She looked over towards the tavern and saw Mira singing with a guitar in her lap, her slender fingers plucking at the strings as she just sat there with a smile on her face, a rose tucked behind her long ear. Serkesh found herself approaching and blending with the crowd to hear the music.

Three fishers went sailing out into the west, Oh, into the west as the sun went down; Each thought of the woman, That loved him the best, And the children stood watching them out on the town. For men must work and the women must weep, For there's little to earn and many to keep; And the harbour bar be moaning?

The harbour bar be moaning. Three wives sat up in the lighthouse tower, And trimmed the lamps as the sun went down; And they looked at the squall, And they looked at the shower, The nightbird came rolling in ragged and drowned

Serkesh found herself filled with some kind of sadness. She realized with the storms even with modern technology that fishing was dangerous. As if to establish her fears she heard a rumble to the east out towards the sea. She felt a light touch on her wounded hand and saw Mira merely smiling at her, drawing her into the bar with a light pull.

"Aye, you be missin my brother is that it? He said you would come back, said you weren't like the other high browed people of this city. I'm glad for once that he was right." Mira stated with a spritely spring in her step, serving a cup of tea to Serkesh as she sat next to her at the table.

The bar was near empty, highly strange compared to the previous night's uproar Serkesh thought. She fidgeted in the chair and avoided looking at the happy little Sergal girl, trying not to appear angry about her song.

"I don't get it. I'm an accomplished business woman running a huge company that makes products everyone buys... Why do I feel this, what am I feeling?" She asked to no one.

Mira giggled and bumped Serkesh with her elbow, raising her glass.

"You're falling for Black Tom Cassidy. Many have before but he was always cold and short, like the briny wind of Clauclan shores. When you left last night something... changed in my brother dearest. He chased after you like a highlander on a quest for vengeance. Twas quite the sight I tell ya."

Serkesh drank her tea and nodded her head, feeling the wind pickup as the light from the outside became darker. Mira shivered and looked with worry, ringing her hands as she bit her lower lip with long elongated fangs.

"The storm is coming... I worry about my brother and my mate-to-be." She whispered, ears going down with fear.

Serkesh held her by draping an arm over her, not quite knowing what to say. Was she indeed falling for the fisherman? She couldn't tell. As she stood up to leave the door of the bar slammed shut, breaking the glass as a microburst erupted in the street, throwing Serkesh to the ground as the wind howled louder and louder. She grabbed hold of Mira's hand as she was pulled up, only to hear Mira laughing.

"With a storm like this I wouldn't suggest you go anywhere, you can stay here until it subsides, I'm sure mah brother wouldn't mind in the least having you stay in his bedroom." She said, leading Serkesh up the stairs.

She was let into a very nice bedroom, decorated with instruments, oak tables of fine make, and a large bed big enough to fit her niece. She walked around the room slowly, dragging her hand across the surface, admiring all the amazing things that looked as if to be carved by hand.

"Where did Thomas get all of these... treasures?" Serkesh asked Mira, resting her hand on a gorgeous driftwood frame, showing a very tall muscular Sergal woman with her hands on two children clearly in the middle of a fight.

She recognized the children as Mira and Thomas, just kids fighting it out. She admired the taller, motherly figure... Her fur was dark grey with small hints of blue, a long beaded ribbon covered her left eye which had a series of thin scars running down it. Her smile displayed love and pride in the kids.

"He scavenges the materials, and he fixes all this up himself. That's our mum, she died getting us away from our father, and you see Thomas is adopted... He came from a clan that hated our own kind but the child was born with black hair... the clans are old and superstitious, and black hair mean bad waves so they abandoned him in the woods where my mom found him. So we took 'im in. He is our family but father never saw it that way." She sighed, looking at the picture over Serkesh's shoulder with a soft smile.

Serkesh set the picture down and sat at the edge of the very comfortable bed, looking out the window to see the trees whipping their limbs in the torrential winds, feeling a desperate urge to see Thomas get back to the land. She was scared for the first time in her life, for a man she hardly knew.

"You should sleep. I'll keep watch on the waters and let ya know when the weather calms down." Mira whispered as she closed the door behind her.

Serkesh fell back on the bed and sighed, perhaps she was right. Mira was holding her brother up. Without Mira Serkesh knew Thomas would have no point in working. She hadn't seen such a good family since she was just a little Sergal girl. As she closed her eyes she saw the Scottish fisherman, his bright green eyes looking into hers as he held his hand out. She felt like she was wanted for the first time in her life, and it brought her peace.

A loud crash woke her from her dreams, followed by a great amount of worried shouting coming from the bar. She bolted down the stairs and saw three men gathered around two bodies, one she immediately recognized.

"Thomas!" Her and Mira both shouted as they raced down the stairs.

Mira went and grasped the large African American man, kissing him deeply as she asked him what had happened. His head had a cut along his crown, his clothes torn and tattered. He managed to look at Thomas and shook his head.

"Boars... what happened?" Mira asked again as she kissed him, holding onto his thick neck tightly.

"Worst storm I've ever seen. Tore our ship apart Thomas... he swam for what seemed like forever and drug me ashore. I had to go back and grab him... he just passed out, couldn't wake him, brought him here." He gasped.

Serkesh went to Thomas, looking with a worried expression as Mira tried to wake him. A man in a long coat burst in and pushed everyone away, his spiked beard almost releasing a waterfall of rain as he leaned into Thomas' chest.

"He's alive... He just over-exerted himself and he's frozen. Get him to his bedroom, he needs warmth now!"

Serkesh helped Mira take Thomas to his room, laying him on the bed as they lit candles and piled blankets on him. He shivered, his eyelids racing as they tried to warm him up. Serkesh looked to Mira as she cried, sobbing as she held his hand tightly.

"Hey go take care of your mate... I got Thomas." She whispered, never taking her eyes off the shivering man under the pile of blankets and coats.

Mira nodded her head and left with a click of the door. Serkesh locked the door tightly, looking back at the man's angular face as it was highlighted by candlelight. She took a deep breath and took off his coat, draping it over the bed as she undid her shirts buttons, followed by removing her shoes one at a time. Serkesh closed her eyes and removed her pants, then looked one last time at Thomas before removing her bra, letting it fall to the floor.

"You helped me human... I will gladly repay the favor." She whispered, pulling the blankets up sending shivers across Thomas' body.

She quickly slipped in, pressing her warm furred body against his cold wet flesh. She rested her head on his chest and curled around him, wrapping her arms tightly against him as she closed her eyes. She would warm him if she had to stay for a week she thought.

"Thomas... I don't know if you can hear me but... I wanted to thank you for making me feel wanted. Mira told me everything and I... I feel like I really care about you. I didn't even give you my name," She whispered as she brought her muzzle to his ear, inhaling the subtle vanilla in his long black locks.

"My name is Serkesh."

With that she laid against him, listening to his strong heartbeat as she drifted off to sleep.

"Don't you die on me."


Serkesh opened her eyes, the bright light of morning bursting across her face as she stretched, yawning as she sat up in the bed. She frantically felt with her eyes closed, feeling that Thomas was not next to her.

"Good morning Serkesh."

She looked over and saw Thomas sitting next to her in a driftwood chair, his smile warming her as she saw him holding a coffee out to her. Then she realized he was not wearing any clothes.


He smiled again and sat next to her as she pulled the blankets over her bare breasts. How long had he been awake watching her?"

"Thank ye Serkesh... I felt the briny coldness of the waters calling me. I was afraid I would drift to the bottom with my ancestors. Thought I'd be engulfed by the blackness. I was sure Seonaidh would be taking me away but... I heard the most beautiful voice calling me back. Felt the warmth of life."

Serkesh blushed and looked away, wishing very much that he would either hold her or even say something positive before she started crying for no reason. She gasped and felt his hand along her snout, guiding her around as he locked his lips with hers.

She stopped, eyes glazing over as she closed them, pressing her hand over his as she returned the kiss, feeling as if filled by the strong nature of this Scottish man. As he broke away she let the blanket fall, covering her very erect nipples with her hands as she looked at him, tears falling from her face as she smiled.

"I knew from the moment I laid my eyes on ye that you'd be my bonnie lass. You got a soul of fire, eyes of steel," He began, crawling on top of her as she nervously leaned against the stack of pillows.

"And I would very much... like to kiss ye again." He whispered as his black hair cascaded down across her hands and breasts.

With reckless abandon she grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him, feeling his manhood even through the many blankets. Her hands wandered across his shoulders and back as she pressed tightly to him, feeling long crevices, scars no doubt left from many trips, many storms, and many fights. She moaned as his tongue lapped over hers, his eyes opening to look deeply into hers.

She pulled the blankets back, laying exposed to him while biting her lip. She knew at that moment that she wanted this strong musician to take her. She let out a very loud moan as he leaned down, kissing her neck, making his way down to her breasts, taking one into his hand as he suckled slowly, meticulously and slowly raising her levels of pleasure. Her hands found his long locks and she grabbed, dragged, pressed into them with her fingers lacing around knots, her head pressing backwards into the pillow as he wet lower still, letting his tongue sink into her navel as she gasped, body arcing to meet his touch.

"Thomas!" She cried, suddenly filled with fear as she felt his hands grasp the edges of her soaked panties, afraid of what he would do when he saw...

"Do not fear my lass. I know of your kinds certain traits..." He whispered lovingly, pulling the fabric back and casting the panties away, pulling her legs apart as his hair grazed her thighs.

She felt his tongue run across her clitoral hood, felt his tongue dexterously curve inside of her. Never had she felt such pleasure, and with her hands in his hair she bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. His hands went across her fur, massaging her, parting her lips as he licked deeper, reaching her clitoris beneath its covering as he blew gently on the small nub.

"Ah! Thomas... Thomas please..." Serkesh felt herself beg. She was betraying every alpha tendency she had, molding like clay in his hands.

He brought his lips away from hers, smiling as he raised his hips, showing Serkesh the first look at his manhood. She sat up with a gasp, taking the solid cock in her hands, running them across the small black stubble beneath his navel. She bit her lip, felt herself grow even wetter as she imagined him mounting her. She was ready.

"I see why they call you Black Cassidy..." She whispered, lying back down to take her legs in her hands, stretching herself in anticipation for her first.

"The name is due to my hair I thank ye. Serkesh... I dinnay wish to hurt you." He said almost sadly.

It brought a tear to Serkesh's eyes. She quickly rolled over, raising herself up on her legs and lowering onto her forearms as she looked behind her and wagged her tail alluringly.

"How about now?" She asked, her clitoral hood and womanhood quivering in anticipation.

He took her hips in his hands, pressing the tip of his cock against her opening as a long steady groan escaped her lips, drool spilling from her lower lip as euphoria pounded her mind with every inch he pushed inside of her. He was slow, tender, but also sure of his movements; sure of how much she could take. The perfect mate.

Once he was all the way in she felt herself filled with his cock, felt it throb and twitch inside of her as he pulled back, falling into a gentle rhythm like his singing or guitar playing. She moaned, relishing the feeling she feared she would never experience. Her breasts bounced in unison with his thrusts, the slight curve of his cock rubbing against the spongy interior of her G-spot.

His breathing became labored as she groaned, a feral growl escaping her as she sank her fangs into the pillow, a steady amount of "yes, yes, yes..." escaping her as she drew closer and closer to climax.

"Serkesh... I don't know if I should..."

Serkesh released her grip on the pillow to scream loudly, claws gripping sheets as she tried to speak.

"Cum inside of me!"

What came next blew her away. With one final thrust he pierced all the way inside of her, releasing hot torrents of his seed as she laid there, her mouth wide open and a glazed delirious look in her eyes as she moaned quietly.

"Oh god... Thomas..."

She collapsed, his cock satisfyingly sliding out of her as she felt the cum drip out of her exhausted lips. He laid next to her, curving her in to kiss her, his eyes closed as he nuzzled her lovingly."

"So where do we go from here?" He asked.

"I definitely wish to pursue you... but you're gone so often to fish, and after last night..."

Thomas quieted her, hugging her close as he cooed softly to her.

"You dinnay have to worry about that. I'm done. That was my last fishing trip... but I am a photographer and musician... maybe I can make money off of that."

Serkesh smiled and licked him.

"You never have to worry about money anymore. You have me, and I'm going to take care of you and your sister."

They laid there, curled into each other as the gull's sang along the coast outside as a sun shone brightly on a new future.


Serkesh ended her tale and sighed happily, jumping up as we heard the door open. I looked over and saw a man in a black turtleneck and a leather jacket enter the room, his guitar in one hand as he proudly smiled, a well trimmed goatee shining in the light as Serkesh pounced and pinned him to the ground, kissing him fiercely.

"How was your concert Black Cassidy?" She cooed, rubbing herself against him as he smiled brightly.

"Aunt Serkesh!!!" Bekkie shrieked, covering her and my eyes from the sight.

"My apologies." Thomas stated, his Scottish accent very clear to me.

"Is this the man I heard word of?" He asked, approaching me with an open hand.

"Pleasure to meet you laddie. I'm Thomas Cassidy, CEO and founder of Mate-finder."

I stood with my mouth agape, hands shaking as I suddenly realized the fisherman that Serkesh married was actually the founder of the site that led me to Bekkie. That's how I knew him!

"I told them of the time we first met. Little Bekkie just claimed him Thomas, very much like how you claimed me." Serkesh purred, her hands grazing his open coat.

"Well like all good stories I hope you two have a happy ending as me and my bonnie have." He smiled.

Serkesh drug him upstairs, Bekkie led me out, but as I left I saw one final picture, a picture of Thomas, Mira, Serkesh, and Boars all standing together outside of a studio, the words on the vinyl Mira holding read "Clan Cassidy."

I guess everyone gets their dreams... and mine was just starting I thought as Bekkie leaned down to carry me, kissing me softly as we got to the car.

Hearts a Mess

God there she was again, eating alone in the mane hall again like she always did, always at a quarter to two. The fiercest form of lust and passion sat just a few tables in front of me, bobbing her head to dubstep and metal, a girl all the bad guys...

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