Red the hunter: saddened days part1

Story by commisiar on SoFurry

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Yet another Red the hunter Chronicle and I will be honest, this will be grim, a tad dark and possibly might pull on your heartstrings although I am unsure. All I have to say is be wary of part two of which I shall start soon if you don't want to be surprised of well a very detailed surgery. I'm not joking and nor will this be something that will be a paragraph or two it shall be a strict surgical process and likely be rated extreme thank you.

NC17 material yet again for male on male sex with no yiff for male and female yet, although there is a more romantic view between my fursona and his wife.

Welcome one and all to a new Solatorobo aka Red the hunter series! Unfortunately this will not just be fluff but a rather sobering and quite chilling work. I don't like torturing Red as I have done so in my work but alas it's difficult to stop my mind from not writing it.

I have a rather big planned work stuck in my head, it has been for weeks keeping me on a grim subject. However as of now I do really believe I should place them all into a folder.

However the question is why does it seem like everytime I write something and place them into a folder it's note rated on or given commentary as I get confused. However if you don't want to then I'm not stopping you their all their for your enjoyment to read along with these.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Yhuu zan Vhong they belong to the starwars books. Even if they weren't that good or just alright they terrify me.


Tick Tock Tick Tock

Was the sound of Red Savarins electronic clock as he stirred in his sleep covered in sweat. He groaned feeling pain as he coughed and coughed before finally waking up hearing Elhs shout.

He slept through the entire morning due to his strange amount of pain and sickness as he coughed again before getting dressed. If he were to give his bed another look he would have gazed upon his spit combined with blood and it was a rather black color.

Unknown to the poor caninu his organs were contanimated from the exotic radiation from the Rite of Sacrifice caused 6 months ago slowly turning them black as his heart struggled to keep him alive. It was only due to his sparing in ki and magic circuit training his father figure and wife were doing that kept him alive.

If nothing was done then he will most certainly die.

Wind blew in the afternoon sun as Red gently started combing Elhs white hair. The feliniku merely smiled softly as she replied "thanks for combing my hair Red, I like having my hair free of knots when they are difficult to be removed with a brush!"

The caninu smiled softly as he nibbled on his bone before asking "your welcome, would you like some hot chocolate?"

She merely nuzzled him back and replied "sure thing, have you see your boyfriend lately?"

Red merely blushed as he halfway closed his blue eyes in embarrassment. He merely replied "he's outside gazing at the capital city of the Shepherd Republic it's amazing to look at it when the lights are on. He might be my boyfriend of sorts but your my feliniku of choice and always will."

She blushed as she replied "aw that's so sweet Red!"

They gazed at each other before slowly looking outside and Red raised an eyebrow seeing his boyfriend resting on his back. They looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders as they slowly walked onto the deck.

Evan sighed before gazing at Red and Elh who looked down at him and replied "hey you two!"

Red raised an eyebrow and asked "why so bum?"

Evan huffed and replied "apparently my boss has no choice but to cut down our paychecks by 40 percent because apparently the Common Wealth Security Council noticed a rather sharp increase in swindling. As it turns out a bent dirty cop has swindled away over 3 extra-large crates worth of rings because of money issues. What money issues the bastards been living in the more greedy side of town, now how am I supposed to tell my wife that I won't be able to take her to one of the fanciest restaurants in the city for our anniversary dinner?"

Elh grinned and replied "yep you are so whipped!"

Evan huffed and replied "yeah, yeah laugh it up I would never upset my wife that badly. It's all fun and games until she starts pegging with that spiked metal dildo of hers!"

Red snickered as he grumbled before asking "why not pay with rings? I've seen your stash of rings so it should pay for your romantic date!"

Evans face brightened as he replied "hmm that should do it, still I can't help but envy about not being a hunter sometimes."

Red smiled as he replied "it is fun true and sometimes the job can get a bit hectic with sky pirates. I haven't run into a job that isn't honest before but I'm sure it has happened before."

Evan merely slowly sat up as he asked "Red have you ever felt like somethings missing in your life?"

Red merely rolled his blue eyes and replied "I used to until I confessed my love to Elh and found you falling from the sky that day. What exactly is the worst thing to happen to a person besides being raped?"

Evan grimaced and replied "besides being forced hmm? Oh that's rather simple being enslaved of course unless it's a punishment. The form of punishment is basically labor for a few years however being enslaved for your body is a lot worse up to the point where you don't realize what to do if your shackles are freed because some brainwashing attempted training."

Red blanched as Elh hid a whimper and replied "that's sick, who the hell would say anything good about that anyway?"

Evan merely looked at the screen and replied "oh I don't know maybe a very positive stereotypical writer who supports it by via his own propaganda the likely person is Lithier to me anyway in my opininated mind."

Elh simply watched Red nibble on his bone while he was thinking and asked "Red why do you like bones so much?"

Red shrugged his shoulders and answered "I don't know I just do!"

Evan rolled his eyes and replied "he's a caninu and dogs happen to love chewing on bones. It's sort of like an addiction at best on other hand it's like a dessert or favorite snack."

Red blushed and replied "I know that feeling I have a large box filled with bones underneath my bed."

He whispered softly so his little sister wouldn't find out about his stash. This caused Evan to roll his eyes and replied "honestly Red you and your obsession with bones!"

Red merely huffed and folded his arms before replying "so? At least I am not a bit of a sex addicted little natural slut!"

Evan scrunched up his face and replied "that's a low blow you naughty caninu even though I love you anyway!"

They snickered and Elh merely replied "so what do you think of the capital city when the lights are on in the morning or evening?"

Evan slowly turned to gaze at the Capital of the Shepherd Republic before responding "it's peaceful and majestic, back home there is only one little piece of corruption left and New York shall be freed from it's grip. I've heard the Enforcers are doing a military parade throughout the main street when that happens."

Red widened his blue eyes and replied "military parade? You mean like footsoldiers, robos and tanks moving through the city?"

Evan gazed at them before replying "well yes however the thing is I'm going to be in said parade by rather default reasons for making sure it stays away. I would like you Elh and Chocolat to be with us when we drive in my SWAT van along with the entire family and friends of course."

Red felt his tail twitch as he replied "well now when that happens it will be a very exciting day and sure why not. I've never been in a parade before in my life!" he finished as he wagged his tail which was going crazy in his excitement.

Elh giggled before asking "Red you and your curiosity, ano isn't a militaristic society a bit controlling?"

Evan simply shrugged his shoulders and answered "their mostly democratic however the reason being for such militaristic build up isn't exactly well known. The thing is even with how peaceful or often militaristic the Common Wealth can be were not exactly liked by most of our neighbors who would gladly be more then willing to destroy us."

Elh and Red looked at each other slowly before Red asked "what exactly do you mean?"

Evan sighed and replied "it's not perfect there have been sightings of space pirates, or the dreaded xorg emporium which are cybernetic aliens who see the common wealth as either food or more xorgs. However their relatively small fry compare to the Yuuzhan Vhong in the next galaxy..."

Red watched him break out into a cold sweat and questioned "it sounds like you're scared of these Yuuzhan Vong."

Evan bit his bottom lip and replied "the Yuuzhan Vhong is a zealous species that loathe technology in fact everything they have is all homegrown and organic. Being masters of biotechnology they can produce some very scary things and their territory is far larger then the Common Wealth's. Common Wealth jurisdiction is to make a few cities and colonies but to leave other societies alone when they want to be. The Vhong are very aggressive to others that use technology and often asks others to leave. They didn't used to be like that until a space pirate attacked their home world causing a lot of hatred to simmer and bubble but still developed into a cold war like tension when the Common Wealth fought them off and left them alone."

He broke out into a sweat and replied "they are extremely brutal fighters even more so than me and if they even bring their full might chances are the entire common wealths 14 galaxy republic will nearly be shattered. They wanted revenge against the ones responsible for said attack so they attacked the pirates without mercy and they still do it, if a Common Wealth carrier attacked them then it would all over for us. I'm terrified because I know that this race was from the Star wars books except their territory is much larger, one incident is all it takes to set them off and they have killed trillions without mercy because of what few have done to their home world."

Red and Elh swallowed hard before Evan continued "however that was after the bydo war they are deeply spiritual now but still they hate technology because they were caught up in a intergalactic war of their own and became that violent. Backstabbing, fighting each other all kinds of things but now they are not so violent they just have a look of distain. The Common Wealth has a peace treaty with them while making sure that their home world doesn't get attacked again. Still it's powder keg situation because who knows who is going to stab their leader in the back for some messed up plan and attack."

Red merely shivered and replied "that's pretty messed up to know a race could be that violent."

Evan grimaced and replied "they didn't used to be that way at all, it's just they were caught up a war that created the xenophobia and technophobia on a very large scale because of their near destruction of their galaxy from droids creating such hatred as well. All they just want to do is live in peace but one poke is all it takes to stir a hornet nest. The situation is basically the United States and the Soviet Union during the cold war just a little cooler."

Red shook his head and rubbed his forehead before replying "that's just messed up, so all the military presence is to make sure somebody doesn't poke them with a stick?"

Evan grimaced and answered "that's sadly correct, their extremely ruthless when they want to wipe out something with organic weaponry which has many advantages our most weapons. They gave us a coral skipper and some other organic technology to make sure we don't pollute anymore anyway which is very rare from them. If somebody pokes them with a stick the Common Wealth will stay out of the way, because their more than likely not leave them be until the perpetrator is crushed hard."

Red merely grimaced and replied "sounds scary, so it's basically a cold war status?"

Evan merely sighed and answered "the presence of military is sadly necessary because a lot of other threats besides the Vhong, there just a big fish among possible dozens."

Elh merely sighed and replied "would there ever be no war?"

Evan merely answered "you can't have perfect peace, the only way that would happen is if all anthros or humans get cleansed..."

Red grimaced in distaste as he replied "you know that sounds so wrong on so many levels. Practical omnicide of all species for a utopia is just wrong!"

Evan smiled softly before shuffling his feet and asked "Red am I well possessive of you? I want the honest truth..."

Red rolled his bone in his mouth as he cocked his head and answered "no, and I don't see any jealousy in your eyes."

He blushed as he was kissed by Elh as she replied "I'm going back in to get warm if your going to be with lover boy here!" causing him to sputter as she skipped back inside giggling softly.

Evan watched her leave and replied "lover boy hmm? I guess she really doesn't mind that much, I still feel terrible for her though because of what the Lunos did to her people."

Red grimaced and replied "at least there not as bad as Baion, that bastard destroyed an entire village and Elhs friend's sister. I can't believe that watching conflict so much would twist a man so far!"

Evan grimaced as he replied "I know he sounds zealous, still I can't believe he would have committed cold blooded omnicide over it. You know if a person dies because of that their soul gets sent to well the abyss..."

Red raised an eyebrow and asked "Abyss?"

Evan merely grimaced and explained "after death if a person is good they go to heaven according to the bible. If their evil they go to hell where they are cleansed by being tortured for all eternity again according to the Bible because of whatever heinous acts they did in life. The Abyss is Azathoths territory or oblivion for souls it is a place in between where souls are trapped and the soul is erased..."

Red blanched and replied "erased as in they don't reincarnate or stuff like that?"

Evan grimaced and replied "well yes, I'm not a nice person but I like to help even if I'm rough around the edges. However I'm not an evil person either I'm just not mentally all their."

His eyes glowed red briefly before it faded making him give a deep sigh.

Red merely replied "committing omnicide is really the worst thing a person can do isn't it?"

Evan merely replied "such souls belong to the Abyss so Azathoth can twist or devour them because only the worst belong there I admit to having blood soaking my fur that it literally almost smells like it however that's because I hunt said monsters that get away. In the magi world their called freelancers or magi that hunt other magi or criminals. Still I wouldn't mind being a hunter for the Shepherd Republic should I retire from my positions."

Red chuckled before slowly bring out his red and silver gunblade and asked "care for a sword fight? Trace on!"

He shouted at the end activating his magic circuits and traced his gunblade in his other hand. Evan shook his head and laughed as he pulled out his two sonic knifes and replied "your on, first one to get cut three times loses!"

One of the better ways to get out of ones funk for them is to spar and fight. For Red it's to increase his sword play skills as a budding magus.

As they clashed together sword and knife they smiled at each other but as they did their eyes would have even made the coldest of men cringe with how much pain and sorrow they held despite the love they had for each other.

Chocolat watched this as she fiddled with the Dahak to repair the damages caused by Angrya Mainyus brief appearance a few weeks ago. She sighed before asking "Elh why is it they feel so open together?"

Elh shrugged her shoulders before replying "its probably because they feel the same, although I really can't say I feel the same but at least Red really does care for me."

Chocolat shook her head and replied "Elh he loves you as much as him. Plus you know how he acts when it comes to romance with the other gender he's almost as dense as Shirou Emiya!"

She joked making her cringe as she did the same and replied "next time I better be careful what I say about him, Red is quite terrified of becoming Archer still after all."

Elh raised an eyebrow and asked "oh you mean that possible future of Shirou as a counter guardian for Alaya? I can understand that Archer was a wary and very untrusting man having his ideals broken and murdered on a hill of swords. I don't think that is even a possibility though despite his emotional distortion."

They heard cursing seeing yet again Evan being cut three times even with using his sonic knifes. They heard him reply "you're the only one to ever knick me three times when I use my sonic knifes. I really need to increase my speed and dexterity."

They heard Red laugh as he replied "you nearly always nick me but if wasn't for my magic circuits I wouldn't have slowly slowed down time. Your wife wouldn't by happen to have any fire magic by any chance?"

Evan shrugged and answered "I don't know she doesn't use her magic circuits often, still you have to be one of the few caninus who adore Felinikus!"

Red huffed as he replied "that's because I like how gentle and beautiful they look but honestly I like Elh the most."

Elh heard this causing her to blush as Chocolat giggled before they both looked at them. Red blushed as Evan spoke slowly "awkward!" as he then laughed watching as they face palmed together.

Red rolled his blue eyes and replied "that wasn't very funny Evan!"

Evan merely blushed and replied "sorry, I kind of trolled them!"

Red huffed as he replied "will you stop your internet slangs?!"

Evan merely eyed him and replied "u mad bro?" causing him to tackle him as he laughed as they tussled with each other to the ground with him growling and snapping at him in frustration.

Supper time.

Evan chuckled tiredly as he took out his plate of food and replied "thanks for cooking tonight Chocolat, I would have done the same however I'm bushed from trying to help Red with his love issues with Elh!"

Red blushed as Elh giggled and replied "I know he can be dense but not that dense!"

Red huffed as he replied "he's been trying to tell me to play safe, if it helps I happen to have a large box filled with condoms to be careful should we do it."

Elh cocked her head as she replied "on one hand I wouldn't mind losing my cherry, on the other hand I'm not so sure I want to have a child just yet."

Evan raised an eyebrow and replied "do you by any chance know the ovulation cycle for feamles?"

Chocolat blushed hard as Red sputtered as Elh replied "erm well yes, once a few months when I go into heat. Are you saying if I'm not in heat I can't get pregnant?"

Evan merely replied "of course not, although it's best to play safe. You must be a virgin if your that concerned of having sex."

Elh blushed as she replied "sadly yes but also I doubt we could raise an extra felineko or caninu aboard the Asmodues after all."

Evan simply rolled his eyes and replied "that's why some people retire from their jobs, I don't want to retire from mine because it's important and well to much fun!"

Elh flinched as she heard the word fun as a sadistic glass grow grin threatened to cross his face. Chocolat merely shook her head and replied "I forgot that you're a sadistic bastard who enjoys what he does the most, causing pain and agony to those poor bastards!"

Evan sniggered as Red sighed and replied "as much as I like noodles with white sauce sometimes I just miss having some roast beef. Still time does slow down back in the Common Wealth?"

Evan nibbled on a noodle before explaining "it's complicated, crossing a dimension should have time still continue onwards however. It doesn't it slows down when you have a gateway installed connected to one that is far away. I crossover time goes back to normal in the common wealth, it just passes extremely slowly though. Right now my daughter is making pancakes for herself."

He then blushed as he replied to Reds compliment to his pot roast "aw oh you and your compliments, I try my best with making pot roast however it doesn't compare to my parents."

Red blushed even as he smiled kindly drawing quiet giggles from Elh and Chocolat once more. Elh merely asked "is there any reason why you wanted to help him with his shyness and dense behavior around romance?"

Evan stopped eating as he sighed and replied "I can't fully explain my reasons but it's just a bit suggestive that's all. I have a nasty habit of manipulating people sometimes to get what I want it's how the corrupted bastards in power don't realize that upon my manipulations they slowly destroy themselves. However in this case I'm worried, do you even know the max age limit for Felinikus and Caninus?"

Red lowered his fork at his question as Elh replied "no what is it?"

Evan sighed and materialized a data slate before replying "ever since I got here I did some dna and data scanning on a few felinikus and caninus. The data I collected however did quite how to say disturb me."

He showed them a chart cut in half and he showed them the chart on the left "see this? This is the chart for the average person in the common wealth it seems normal."

He showed them the chart on the right and replied "this is the chart regarding to Felinikus and Caninus in the Shepherd republic it's how to say disturbing. Cells multiply by millions upon millions until they slowly stop producing more which is simply the process of aging. However the data I collected here shows that the cells spread and multiply three times faster..."

Red felt his heart stop as his eyes widened in shock as they listened feeling numb as he continued "by all means the average life span is sixty years max. If I would have thought about it I guess whatever happened when the Shepherd Republic formed cut both your species life spans by half."

Much to his own dismay and sorrow as Red simply allowed his bone to drop from his mouth in shock.

Chocolat shook her head rapidly and replied "no that can't be true it just can't be!"

Evan winced and replied "it unfortunately is that is why their has been developments of gene therapy and pharmaceutical drugs. However I did scan Red one more time after I injected him with the serum to make sure everything worked fine and well, the cells erosion rate has shifted to the standard Common wealths rate."

Red widened his eyes as he balked and replied "what?!"

Evan merely huffed and replied "your genetics are unique and it isn't because you're an ex hybrid. I know you hated it and so did I because of the oil virus issue however your genes after the serum cleansed them of that particular side of yours unearthed something that could potentially fix the death rate ratio."

Elh shuddered and replied "no wonder felinikus and Caninu reproduce rapidly, its not fair!"

Red rubbed the bridge of his nose and replied "did you send this report to Mervielle?"

Evan sighed and replied "I had to she was very unnerved as I was, she just wanted me to ask you if your willing to donate some blood after all so she could present this to other scientists and doctors around the capital city of the Shepherd Republic."

Red removed his right hand and replied "sure why not..."

Evan merely smiled softly and replied "I know your quite upset about this and well so am I to be honest."

They finished their meal and Evan gently took their dishes over to the kitchen sink. Upon returning his eyes widened as Red got off his seat and leaped onto him for a tight hug before smiling softly. He gently patted his head and wrapped his own arms around him and replied "um Chocolat I'm going to borrow your big brother to draw some blood in one of the cabins I hope this isn't to inconvenient."

Chocolat merely shook her head and replied "it isn't though you feel disappointed why?"

Evan sighed as he gently stroked Reds back with his right hand and answered "well personally it's just he should have spent more time with Elh, however that's just me because I am not possessive. In some way Red is because he seems to always want to be with me because of desperation."

Red frowned as he replied "am I really that desperate for a parental figure?"

Evan sighed as he looked at him before gently nuzzling him as he rubbed his cheek against his own. He then replied "no, it's just I think you never really did find somebody to truly love except for me or Elh. I think your just clinging to me as a case of desperation because you seem to think that I would leave you alone. I don't know how your mind works, and nor can I even after fighting depression for 5 years."

Red simply sighed as he nuzzled him as they turned to leave smiling as he felt the warmth of his clothes against his own.

Evan smiled as well gently stroking his blue shirt and asked "I'm sure it will be all over quick unless of course you wouldn't mind another round of love making hmmm?"

Red blushed as he smiled brightly and replied "well maybe!" as he was gently kissed on the cheek as they headed for his cabin door.

Reds bedroom

Red gritted his teeth and hissed as his right wrist was injected with a small IV connected to a plastic bag at the end before watching his blood slowly circulate through the plastic tube.

He looked a tad disgusted as he replied "I've never seen so much blood is using an iv really this necessary?"

Evan raised his head as he watched the small plastic bag quickly filled up with his blood before removing the iv from his wrist. He gently rubbed it slowly before kissing the entry wound and replied "it is, just be glad it isn't something like bone marrow that really hurts like a bitch!"

Red grimaced before falling onto his back on his bed. He placed his hands on the back of his head and asked "whenever we fuck I feel this odd sense of fire within my loins and my bodies core what exactly is it?"

Evan raised an eyebrow and replied "normally that's pleasure but to feel it in your loins and your entire core is quite a high amount and none the less pleasing."

He picked up the plastic bag filled with Reds blood and continued "the anus has many nerves within it that receive pleasure and acts on it if done correctly. Combined with your prostate it makes it really feel like a feeling of fire in your loins of sheer bliss. It feels wonderful like a drug however in a few cases such forms of pleasure might make you addicted to sex if your not careful."

Red blushed up a storm and replied "that's nuts, I can understand that must have happened to your wife right?"

He huffed and replied "my wife is not a sex addict she just loves it a lot. In my case I'm bit of a natural slut because I like being taken by my club friends. Once you're taken by Kobe or Zume it's a bit hard to stop especially with Jayce involved because they really want to give you there best."

Red merely huffed as he adjusted his goggles on his flight cap before asking "so basically my bodies core gets ablaze from such stimulation that I supposedly can orgasm?"

Evan blushed and replied "well yes and normally its when you release yourself however the stimulation can get you released enough to cover your stomach or chest and your partners as well. That is why I don't finger myself because while it does feel good sometimes you just might feel addicted to sex."

He perked his ears up hearing the Asmodues stop and answered "maybe Chocolat docked with the Golden roar, that's good maybe I can deliver this to mervielle. Even though I forgave her that is only a white lie I can't forgive nor forget what she has done because of Baion."

Red grimaced as he sat up right and Evan replied "hold on one second please." Even as he walked over and gently leaned down to kiss him on the lips before turning to leave the cabin even as Red gave him a saddened look.

Golden roars walk way.

Mervielle shivered seeing that silver furred wolf slowly down the hallway even though she knew that he was Reds boyfriend she knew oh she knew that he didn't fully trust her and was working on his forgiveness slowly. He didn't trust people easily and his forgiveness was a thing that was very difficult to gain.

As she watched him head towards her Gren asked him "and what are you doing back here? Attempting another scrap?"

He glared at him making him wince as his solemn blank look turned arctic cold as he replied "no I just came here to deliver this rather shocking evidence. If you really think I would want another spar with you three then forget it!"

Everybody winced or growled at him making him chuckle mirthlessly as he held back a fanged smile as he continued his trek.

Gren huffed and replied "what the hell I thought he would have been nicer even without Red around?"

Calua shook his head and replied "dude it's not you, he respects you but to him your just collateral damage if your unfortunately around Mervielle. It's going to be quite a road for him to forgive her because well she doesn't have remorse just a slight bit of regret for what she has done anyway."

Gren shook his head sighing as he flicked his blue tail before replying "I swear his provocative and slightly aggressive stance will get someone in the Kurvaz to assault him again. I find it terrifying that he loves causing so much pain to his foes."

Evan heard this sighing as he scrunched up his face before reaching the golden retriever. She had a soft look of grief on her face as she asked "you didn't forgive me did you?"

Evan eyed her and replied "I did truthfully I did but my mind doesn't accept it sadly. I'm how to say quite insane and not in a good way, I have a rather serious grudge with someone and that resentment spills outwards. I want to fully forgive you but your lack of remorse still makes me cynical towards your person. For what's it worth you didn't deserve this and I know this however again my mind tells me otherwise."

She merely shed a tear and replied "thank you, I know my actions would have led to blame but most of this really belongs to Baion. I love Red so much that I was actually quite heartbroken when I told him to escape on his Dahak."

She sobbed and he materialized a hanky for her to blow her nose on as she continued "I expected some form of resentment or anger from him but what happened was quite unsettling to know that his depression he would have considered taking his own life."

She raised her blue eyes in dismay as sat on the throne before finishing "I didn't expect him to be distorted either, I was devastated to know that in some aspects he was permanently broken all because of that man."

Evan sighed as he folded his arms and replied "I want to forgive you I truly do but right now my mind just wants to rib you again or laugh. Maybe just maybe I will if you actually show some remorse for him. I feel happy to know that you admit this kind of feeling that it might go away for you, you poor dear."

Mervielle widened her eyes as he gently embraced her before smiling sadly. He gently released his hug and then answered "unfortunately this isn't a pleasant thing on my behalf I have some rather disturbing information about the Shepherd Republics age rate..."

He materialized the dataslate for her to see and she blanched eyeing it in shock and horror. She raised her head and replied "but this, according to this information of cell division all caninu and Feliniku only live for sixty years!"

He winced and replied "I know however I do have a possible answer in hoping to fix this issue."

As he showed her the plastic bag containing blood and he replied "this is a sample of Reds blood, apparently in his rather unique case after getting his human side flushed out of his system from the serum shows normal growth of the average person in perfect if not good health which quite frankly is shocking. Would you like to study this to try and find ways to fix it?"

She took the bag and spoke hurriedly "of course I will, still I just can't understand why you don't forgive others that easily."

He merely answered "rough life, being a high functioning autistic, an emotional person and hyper empathy along with genetic traits for depression and being jaded. I don't trust easily and my forgiveness was tossed away by a betrayal from one I had deep respect for, or something he just was the last straw who pushed me over the edge personality wise."

She merely shook her head slowly as she replied "I didn't expect this problem at all, you do realize that you and Red are going to be heros again when word gets out right?"

He snorted and replied "I'm no hero, I'm more of an antihero a vigilante at heart who does anything to make things right. I'm rather glad that you understand your faults because in some aspects others might think that you're an uncaring bitch."

She winced as she replied "I'm not uncaring! I just can't show it right because I'm a professional scientist. I understand why Red doesn't fully like me, I really do I just wish I could have been there for him more but no Baion was still out there at the time!"

She burst into more tears making him quickly hug her as she hugged him back tightly. He gritted his teeth hearing his cybernetic spine groan from the strain as she whispered "I felt terrible with guilt from not checking up on him, I really wish I did but I didn't. Now I just I just wish I did!"

He gently nuzzled her and kissed her on the forehead before replying "because you admitted this you have my full forgiveness."

As he gently rocked her as she silently cried leaving lady Opera and the others to smile sadly at the scene.

Eventually they broke off the scene as she sighed and whispered "thanks for listening."

Evan smiled sadly and replied "it was my pleasure, although I do have to say this forget the past and look towards the future and please stay happy. I know you call him your little boy as a joke but he doesn't like that anymore."

She merely adjusted her glasses as smiled softly and replied "I just do it to annoy and have fun with him. I guess Baion really cause a lot of grief..."

Evan shrugged his shoulders as he turned to leave smiling softly as he knew her guilt was gone and relief was soon going to take its place. He stumbled over briefly as soon as he got outside feeling his heart thump making him grit his teeth and thought "shit, sometimes I hate being hyper empathic my heart hurts!"

He coughed as he slowly stumbled back inside the Asmodues having dropped off the packages

Reds Bedroom

Red opened his eyes as his boyfriend reentered his bedroom and gazed upon his blank face as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Red asked him "um Evan is everything alright?"

Evan merely blinked and replied "sorry just emotional feedback, sometimes being a professional scientist really isn't worth it if your that detached. I talked to Mervielle again and she's been suffered a crushing guilt for what has basically happened to you, she even admits to herself that she wanted to raise or watch over you more closely if it wasn't for that monster..."

Red growled as he barred his teeth and replied "Baoin, Baoin, Baoin! Every single pain I have felt and her is linked back to that fucking hybrid and even in death he leaves rifts behind."

Evan shook his head as he placed his head in his hands and muttered "I don't want to experience anything like that again as I personally hate being the reasons for such behavior from woman. I might be cold, cruel, or dark in some aspects but heartless no. As we talked it over after admitting that she could have done something more but couldn't act on it her guilt slowly vanished."

Red sighed in defeat as he slowly turned onto his side making Evan concerned as he stroked his side slowly.

Red stiffened as a reflex before slowly relaxing as he closed his eyes half way as the rubbing slowly turned into a gentle massage as Evan replied "sh just relax, you poor boy I can't imagine what it must have been like for you when you were a kid."

Red shed a tear as he whispered "it hurt being left alone without any parents for us as though nobody even wanted us.

He started to cry softly even as Evan atomized his armor and moved onto the bed resting behind him as he wrapped his left arm around his waist slowly.

Red burst into tears as he covered his face with a pillow and sobbed even as Evan gently stroked his chest slowly making him sigh. As he released him Red slowly moved onto his back and removed his blue shirt and red cloak along with his pants as he gazed at him with saddened blue eyes.

Evan slowly wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him in for a tight hug as he squeezed him tightly letting Red hug him back as well tightly.

He watched as Evan gently felt his chestnut brown fur as he massaged his back and replied "I'm here Red I'm here sh."

He gently massaged his back as he closed his eyes and started to weep as Evan slowly began to rock him.

Evan sighed as he held the younger caninu letting him cry out for as long as he wanted while gently stroking the back of his neck. He gently nuzzled him as red let out a soft whimper and replied "I've always wanted to talk about this issue but despite my blunt behavior I just couldn't. I was just afraid..."

Evan raised an eyebrow and replied "afraid? I don't think so maybe nervous because you and your sister have never received such a form of parental love before. I've never seemed to notice it before but you really do have soft fur for a male."

Red blushed slightly as he smiled sadly gently removing his embrace as Evan did the same. He wiped the tears out of his eyes and replied "I've never had anybody that is willing to listen to our own issues and grief before. It feels nice and a lot better."

Evan merely smiled as he replied "I didn't know that would you like to do something e- mph!"

His eyes widened feeling his lips being covered by his own before moaning softly as he returned the kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other's waist quickly as they French kissed one another their tongues battling each other for dominance.

Red was gently pushed onto the bed as they rose and lowered themselves rapidly due to their increasing amount of lust and passion. Red slowly slipped off his boxers as Evan gently slipped his cock through his own boxers opening before slowly taking Reds boxers and tossing it aside.

They broke the kiss and smiled at each other softly before Evan replied "if I didn't know better then I would say you really feel a fire in your core now don't you?"

He was kissed again as Red licked his neck and replied "oh shut up and mount me!"

Evan chuckled and gently nipped his neck and replied "and that's why I love you, you silly loving caninu!" he teased.

Red rolled his eyes at this before grunting as he slowly felt his large nine inch length slide within him. He grunted and moaned as he felt him start to thrust slowly feeling a fire within his core and loins that slowly started to build.

For every time he was taken did the pleasure slowly begin to rise unless he started grinding or rubbing against his prostate? That organ never seemed to make sense to the caninu unless it was because of the pleasure he was receiving. Hearing him grunt and pant really did make him smile at the sexy noises he was making as his body began to sweat.

The heat within his body began to increase as he felt the feeling slowly start to spread from his stomach and began to spread outwards as it slowly covered his loins. He felt his cock pulse and throb as he grunted and groaned as well gritting his teeth feeling the fire roar and howl across his entire body.

His cock couldn't take the pleasure anymore as he released himself covering his chest with his white seed. Evan raised an eyebrow and smirked as he replied "naughty boy!" before knotting him.

Reds blue eyes bulged outwards feeling the heat explode outwards sending a shock through his system as infertile bydo seed flooded his colon and anal cavity.

They panted softly together as they gazed into each other's eyes even as Red rubbed his hands together producing the dimness of fire from his magic circuits and slowly scorched off his seed.

Evan nearly flinched at the temperature and replied "yow that's hot, at least your making progress with your fire element along with sword Red."

Red looked at him sheepishly seeing a bit of scuff marks on his chest and replied "sorry, I didn't have a towel and I didn't wanted to use my clothes."

Evan rolled his eyes as his knot deflated and pulled out as he replied "it's a good thing I remember to sterilize my seed around you, it's a gift and curse that comes with being a bydo wolf hybrid."

Red rolled his eyes as he slowly sat up feeling the large load slosh inside his bowels before slowly getting his boxers. As he placed them on Evan slowly pulled his pants back on followed by his shirt and waited for him to dress himself.

Elh giggled as they exited the cabin while chatting with each other and Chocolat sniffed the air and replied "alright whats with the musk?"

Red blushed and replied "well I wanted him to take me again, however it was to deal with the whole parenting issue. I feel much better though after admitting it."

Elh grimaced as she replied "I forgot you and your little sister had that issue. Still you better remember to brush my hair tonight okay?"

Red nodded before asking "Evan tell me what exactly is the worst person to be in a relationship with?"

Evan frowned as he replied "the worst person? Well that's a bit complicated honestly but there isn't anything worse than an abusive asshole that has connections to the police by friends. It's like this their friends detect the abuse and he tells them a lie, even though they see it they ignore it all together."

Red Growled as he bristled angrily and replied "anything moderate?"

Evan merely grimaced and replied "a person who sees a woman as a trophy or a chauvinist and a draconian person. A chauvinist sees woman weaker or lower than men and it's a bit of a hassle when it comes to relationships however a draconian person likes to be sort of over controlling."

Red slowly removed his bone and placed it back in his mouth and replied "so there is a history of relationship abuse?"

Evan merely grimaced as he looked pained before answering "unfortunately yes one of the more common types are if their drunkards, I don't touch alcohol well at least I didn't until one time I drank some with friends, I only drink a glass or two a week that's it because I don't like it."

Red raised an eyebrow and Elh eyed him with her golden eyes and replied "Red do you want me to give you a hug?"

Red eyed her as he nodded laughing softly as she bounded over and embraced him as he hugged her back. He had to lift her in order to nuzzle her hearing her purr making him chuckle and reply "aw thanks Elh, you really do have gentle fur."

Elh giggled as she lightly licked his cheek before asking "I just want to see you happy Red, although I feel rather put out on how sometimes you don't spend enough time with us."

Red looked a tad guilty as he flattened his ears just a little and replied "well truthfully I've been very interested elsewhere. Still do you think I should spend less time with you?"

He referred to Evan who merely replied "yes or maybe find a way to spend equal time together. I was rather happy when you decided to spend the rest of the morning and afternoon with her so I think it's a form of jealousy."

Elh grew a tick mark on her forehead and replied "I'm not jealous I've been feeling lonely on how even you haven't done anything but gone to the extremes he follows you more."

Evan reeled backwards and replied "well I beg your pardon! I say that is not like you at a- Red by any chance did you accidently rub some liquid nono on her fur before you were petrified a month ago?"

He spoke the last part slowly with concern in his voice as Red replied "um maybe some of it splashed on her why?"

Evan eyed her as he gently walked forwards as he replied "magic as it stands is violent and volatile if to much is used. Liquid nono used for attacking is combat class magic otherwise known as dark magic. There is a problem with dark magic if your not strong enough mentally it will corrupt you and taint your core."

Elh winced as she bit her bottom lip and replied "so these feelings of jealousy and envy are not part of myself?"

Evan sighed and replied "not really, still nono contamination just makes those feelings being more prominent. If left untreated the feelings shall become permanent, Red would you like to the purification ritual with her alone? I need to be with my wife as I sort of realize I haven't spent as much time with her as I would like."

He bowed to her before slowly walking through the artificial doorway while they both watched.

Red eyed Elh and replied "I know I have been around him a lot but it can't be helped, although we have been talking together about me spending more time with you."

Elh smiled softly as he gently nibbled on her left ear before replying "do I really have to go through a purification ritual?"

He smiled softly and answered "you have to if you want to be back to normal, I don't want you to get hurt because of it."

He released her before gently walking over to one of the crates nearby. Chocolat watched him open a brown box and removed a piece of chalk and replied "lets see here, magic circle a chalk will do. Now for a purification element ah perfect!"

He removed a piece of silver making her raise an eyebrow as he explained "silver is a holy element when it comes to lycans and apostles if it's crafted just right. This one is in shape of a crucifix!"

He took the piece of chalk and slowly and carefully created a circle 20 feet wide and 20 feet long and answered "simply stand in the cirle and I will repeat a mantra of sorts."

Elh merely did as he asked her of and he extended the silver as his feet rose and lowered themselves. His eyes slowly turned distant making his little sister raise an eyebrow as he spoke slowly "yu momo vivi vie sal yu momo vivi vie sal"

He continued chantining making the silver grow brighter before placing it on the circle making it grow as she gasped softly feeling the taint slowly dissipate. He continued his chant as it began to weaken and weaken until it was all gone making him pant.

Elh felt her white hair making it smoother as she giggled and skipped over to give him a kiss of which he accepted. He merely murred softly as he kissed her forehead an replied "ah thanks, do you feel better?"

She giggled as she replied "very, do want to well go star gazing with me?"

He chuckled as he answered "of course I would! It's been a while since we had any time alone together."

Chocolat watched them turn to leave to gaze at the stars in the night sky she smirked at the scene before hearing a shuffle of feet. She gazed at the portal seeing Evan with an arm wrapped around his wifes waist as he asked "are you sure you want to be over here love?"

The golden eyed wolffox merely nuzzled him and replied "of course for once I would like to gaze at the stars snuggled up with you. Sometimes I think those are gone..."

Evan sighed softly before replying "but Sheana all you really had to do was ask me what you wanted. I still feel a tad guilty for not spending more time with you."

She giggled as she brushed her blue hair out of her eyes and replied "oh Evan, I swear you would easily bow down before me."

He rolled his eyes and replied "it's because I worry a lot and it's a bit of a pain. Oh hello their Chocolat um is Red outside looking at the stars again?"

She merely huffed and replied "yes and he is with Elh as well, I swear did you by any chance manipulate him?"

He looked appalled and replied "I would never do that to Red nor Elh all I have been doing is trying to coach him when it comes to romance. It's the least I could do for helping him overcome his shyness towards Elh, speaking of which I kind of thought you were a feliniku but your not one are you?"

Chocolat huffed while fuming as she replied "I'm caninu you fucking idiot!"

Evan blushed up a storm and muttered "I knew I shouldn't have sworn around those two!"

Sheana rolled her eyes before tugging her husband over to the outside deck of the Asmodues as Chocolat silently fumed while staring daggers into his back.

Red and Elh raised their heads as they watched Evan and his wife lie down next to them. Red smiled through his gritted teeth on his bone and replied "why hello you two, what brings you here this fine night?"

Sheana merely smiled as her husband embraced her and replied "I just wanted some peace and quiet to spend with my hubby that's all. The worst thing a person could do is cheat on those you love."

Red blanched and replied "cheating? Who the deuce would do that?!"

Evan looked a bit uncomfortable and replied "someone who is not satisfied with their relationship or someone who doesn't care. I call my wife for permission if it comes to certain women who want to be made love to, and often I use condoms because even with her permission I feel guilty. I bedded a blue vixen and my wife got to bed her as well and she was very understanding."

Red raised an eyebrow as Sheana explained "her name is Krystal she has problems with her boyfriend sometimes but it's not his fault. As my hubby explains sometimes after you have done your growing pains your hormones might get in the way. In his case having been a virgin for so long his hormones made him quite well odd."

Evan snickered as they sat up together letting him rest his head on her right shoulder. He merely continued "his estrogen and testosterone levels were off the charts, a few nips on his neck a lick as well as playing with his nipples even though he is straight made him submissive for males. He's not bi just a bit bi-curious and I got the chance to take his rump as I pointed out only having sex would get him stabilized."

Red blushed feeling embarrassed even as he shook trying to hold back hysterical laughter. Elh merely blushed up a storm as her slightly purple and white hair blew in the wind and replied "stop it, you know that Red is bit of a pervert!"

Red sputtered and replied "hey so my nose leaks whenever I see some felinikus in hot dresses. However I don't go that extreme at all."

Evan merely snickered and replied "I'm not a pervert well maybe a little having been interested in hentai and other naughtiness a bit but I don't enjoy it. Some males even if we try our best have some level of perversion and truthfully I only saw those pictures because they were hot."

Sheana rolled her eyes as she adjusted her glasses and replied "do you remember that incident where you snuck into the Enforcers girls locker room?"

Flash back

Evan watched through a peep hole watching the various vixens and wolves undress while whispering "remove the towel, remove the towel oh, oh! Oh no they spotted me!"

He blinked showing that the peephole was infact only a portion of the locker room door.

End flash back

Evan blushed heavily hearing Chocolat and Elh burst out into laughter and he whined "oh come on I was dared to do it by Chance! I swear to god they wanted my balls for that before I quickly explained my reasons while still getting kneed in the nuts as punishment 14 times!"

This caused them to be sent into hysterics and he watched them both as they rolled around on the deck howling in laughter.

Sheana giggled as she blushed and replied "dear was that really necessary?"

Evan blushed and replied "I might have gotten interested in it just a tad but no, I don't recognize any of the star constellations here though."

Red shrugged his shoulders before coughing he covered his mouth with his right hand and pulled it away in dismay seeing blood on his hand.

Evan eyed him in concern and replied "since when did you cough out blood? I checked your health and it's close to perfection."

Red shook his head and coughed again as he replied "I don't well I have had pains a few weeks after the incident of the rite of sacrifice that Bruno caused. If I wasn't unique at the time I would have died but now I feel like it's starting to get worse."

Elh bit her bottom lip looking uncomfortable and replied "don't look at me even I don't know what happens to someone who survives the rite of sacrifice. While yes it did awaken his tance however I don't know what else it may have stirred up."

Evan frowned before smiling softly as his wife closed her eyes and replied "looks like its time for her bedtime, I hope it was worth it my precious wolffoc."

As he kissed her cheek and slowly stood up to carry her bridal style through the gateway once more.

Evan returned through the gateway hearing Red coughing again in his room making him concerned. He made a note to scan him again to see what ecactly was going on and to see what he could do.

He slowly walked into his room and smiled softly as yet again he was jumped onto into a hug as he returned it.

He gently patted Reds head and kissed it before saying "oh you silly caninu. Red I would like to scan you again if that is alright?"

He was released as he released his hold seeing the chestnut brown caninu nod looking worried as he sat on the edge of his bed.

Evan sighed as he extended his right gauntlet and used the scanning system built within.

As the medical report was slowly produced within he pulled out the created data slate and stared at it feeling a nasty shock. It felt like a bolt of lightning struck his body before it turned cold making Red eye him in increasing worry and fear.

Red did not like the look on his face as Evan swallowed and slowly turned it so he could see it. Upon seeing the data Evan spoke softly "Red... This medical data can't lie and for once I feel a tad guilty for not checking your entire medical background. This has to do with the rite of sacrifice you went through and it's not good, the rite is supposed to be not survivable but this can't exactly lie."

Red felt cold as his heart began to pound hard in his chest as Evan sighed and replied "even if you have survived it unfortunately it didn't exactly leave your system entirely. What I mean by this is your body has been irradiated..."

Red felt cold as he asked "radiation, as in the plasma clouds?"

Evan sighed and answered "radiation our bodies slowly build it up however in your case you have suffered a large dose. While the serum is meant for removing unwanted traits it cleaned some of the radiation however it's been forced somewhere your heart for instance."

Reds blue eyes eyed the diagram of his struggling heart valves seeing the blackened areas s Evan continued "the radiation has caused a severe form of heart disease and it's giving out along with your other organs muscles and bones expect for other than your nanomachine laced brain and skull sadly. "

Red shed a tear as he whispered "so that's it? All this time I really if not truly going to die!"

Evan winced and replied "there is way to stop this but the procedure is very costly. It's a radical if not extreme surgical procedure however the problem is how exactly am I going to pay for a million ring operation? Even with the Corruption gone from hospitals this is a last resort I mean it's going to remove everything and fix it before replanting it, it has a high death rate if gone wrong though..."

Red looked highly disturbed and replied "it's a militaristic medical procedure isn't it?"

Evan bit his bottom lip and replied "the military that the Common Wealth has is has pushed the envelope on some cases from creating androids, to augmentations and nanite laced soldiers that are literally the terms of super soldier. If I'm going to pay for this I am going to need the extra money that you have earned. Standard hospitals don't have this procedure of which I am talking about there is only one place that does in NYC..."

He sighed and typed in a few buttons showing the enforcer data base and pulled up the Commando section. The screen flashed red making him grimace and replied "I wish I never had to pull this up. The Common Wealth's medical and militaristic side has a rather dark side and they do acknowledge it and heavily dislike it even though it's saved our asses."

He typed in the yes button and Red broke out into a cold sweat as a person in black armor gazed at them behind his prange visor and from one look at him he could easily tell the man was detached.

Evan swallowed and replied "this is the commando data base and they have another name one I don't like at all, their full name is actually biotic commandos. Some of the practices are extreme, unethical to an acute degree which is why their always voluntary. The medical practices however are really pushing it such as heavily augmentation to create cold hearted soldiers."

Red eyed the screen uneasily as he replied "I have at least 450,000 rings to be safe."

Evan eyed him cautiously as he licked his lips and replied "Red this medical procedure has been known to be disturbing and quite unsettling. After all anybody who enters the Commandos surgical room is a last resort of which many don't survive but it's not because of the process... The point is Red so far your mortality rate is 55% the point of no return is 60% if you go through with this..."

Red sighed as he covered his face shaking while silently sobbing.

Evan watched him before slowly moving closer and wrapped his arms around his waist while gently rocking the poor boy as tears rolled down face.


Was Chocolats and Elhs worried screams making Evan wince before sighing. He sighed and showed them the dataslate and they both paled drastically and slowly looked at Red in sorrow. Chocolat shed a tear as Evan explained "the rite of sacrifice had an unexpected and deadly side effect. From the energy released and his survival I am afraid his organs and skeletal structure including his muscles except for his skull, brain and eyes were given an acute amount of Radiation past the safe levels. Normally there is no cure for such things however the Commandos do have a surgery that can fix this however..."

Elh shed a tear as he continued "look the mortality rate or risks of death or crippling for them is a total of 60% your brother has a 55%. If it was sixty percent then they would have regretfully would have turned him away. This isn't going to be a normal surgery because not even common Wealth hospitals are prepared to fix this severity only the military, and in this case the Commandos. I won't lie to you according to these statistics Reds chances are quite low for survival."

Elh hugged her boyfriend and sobbed as Red held her as she rested her head under his chin. Red shed a tear and replied "Elh please don't cry, I will pull through this I swear on my tail."

Evan winced at this and felt his tongue knot up in his throat as he gazed outside as it started to rain. The water formed the grinning skull making him shudder as Red noticed it and asked "what is that?"

Evan merely spoke slowly "in the city whenever it rains on the windows or floor sometimes it forms a grinning skull, it's usually an omen of a potential death. It hasn't been wrong once sadly as after 45 minutes or an hour or two somebody dies. It's an urban legend that is confirmed, I need to take you now before you get worse. It's a very slow process but eventually your fatality rate shall increase to 60% in three days if you don't get the surgery."

Red lowered his head before replying "I want to take them with me to the Commando surgical wing."

Evan eyed him and smiled sadly and replied "I wouldn't mind at all in fact it's best that you chose this. My boss is going to tell me to work my ass off after paying 2/3s of the surgery anyway."

Red winced before taking a deep breath as he replied "I would like to go through with it!"

Elh lightly kissed his cheek as Evan nodded before saying "if that is what you wish my favorite caninu..."

He slowly walked to the portal and waved his hands beckoning them to follow as Elh kissed Red one last time.

Red watched as Evan drove them to the Enforcer headquarters before driving to the right side of HQ in his swat van. He stopped infront of a black wall and a holographic image appeared showing a commando.

The armored soldier sighed and replied "if it isn't Peters pet monster, all joking aside what brings you to the Commando surgical wing emergency section?"

Evan sighed and showed him the data slate and watched as it was scanned making the armored figure stiffen. He sighed heavily and replied "What the hell would cause this kind of damage from radiation alone? He's lucky to be even alive without feeling pain. We can repair this damage to everything shown but it's going to cost a lot."

The metal wall slowly hissed as slowly split apart making Evan slowly swallowed as he drove inside slowly. As the wall behind them closed Red slowly looked out the side window in fear seeing green tubes as Evan whispered "cryo chambers, each of them are filled with the most extreme patients. Xenomorph chest burster wounds, acid, things that leave the lower body shredded or most melted away leaving only the head. They store brains here as well in case they grow bodies back. As I said this is not standard technology this is strictly military."

He slowly parked the van in one of the few free parking spaces and opened the door letting Red and the others get out.

Elh whimpered as she replied "I don't like this place."

Evan sighed and replied "neither do I and this usually for the more extremely drastic things where peoples lives are hanging by a thread."

He guided them down the hallway as Red slowly eyed the commandos seeing them nod to him and he saluted back into a large area.

Red felt his heart pound as he spotted a metallic stretcher as the previous commando from before slowly walked over. He then spoke "do you have the payment?"

Evan nodded as he paid him 650,000 credits and Red opened his own wallet and gave him the rest of the rings he was storing for later. He sighed in dismay before he felt a gauntlet gently rubbed his head and replied "you're a brave boy aren't you. Well do the surgery all you have to do is to lie down on the stretcher okay?"

Elh watched this nervously as did his little sister watching him slowly lie on it. Metal hands slowly and carefully removed his clothes leaving him nude before a medical gown was slipped onto his body. Red gently extended a hand to Elh who took it and gave it a gentle squeeze as he whispered "I'm scared."

Evan sighed as he waited for him to release his hold before he slipped it back on before a hard light shielding covered him.

The commando looked at him and replied "the shielding makes you not move and stay still in one place while we can use or instruments to do this operation. Will make sure that your as comfortable as we can make it when we turn you around using the hard light Now then for the sedatives..."

Red watched as a small mask fit for his mouth and face slowly emerged from the left wall and began to cover his face. He heard him speak although it was muffled somewhat "take a deep breath and mentally count back from ten. The nexomine will do the rest, a more potent and less hassle anesthesia..."

He took a few deep breaths slowly feeling the gas enter the tubes and into his body before he slowly closed his eyes and stood still. Before his mind entered darkness from the anesthetic he thought "Elh please wait for me..." before everything went dark.

Elh watched this with a soft whimper as she watched the stretcher slowly being guided by the commando through a dark hallway into the surgical room. Evan sighed as he knelt down to gently hug the Feliniku as Chocolat whispered "is he going to be alright?"

Evan shook his head and explained "I don't know I just don't know because I haven't been here before, just hope for the best and so must you. Your brother is a strong caninu at heart Chocolat..."

The last time they saw him was when the door slowly slammed shut and locked down as they waited together on the seats outside in the quiet waiting room. A loud thump echoed Evans heart as he clutched it with a hiss of dismay never notcing his shadow slowly growing ram horns on it's head.

Hidden in the darkness a figure in a black hood chuckled holding his scythe holding an hour glass. He gazed at the sand that stopped halfway from the rapid rate it was falling and replied "ha, so you have done it again Evan, well done well done. No wonder the fates loath and fear you the person they can not control."

_ If one was to look carefully at the name they would see it on the plaque..._

Red Savarin of Airedale as the grim reaper laughed a bone chilling laugh of amusement as he walked away.

Well I have done it again twisting things once more. I'm kind of happy for this and yet very, very unsettled for what is going to come.

Age rate:

In Solatorobo All Feliniku and Caninus only live for 60 years give or take from a canon stand point so I had to explain my reasons by writing it and why Red wasn't effected in the first place.

Yhuuzan Vhong:

I borrowed this race from the Starwars book series and I really, really do mean it that they are extremely technophobic. This race is terrifying and way worse then the Tyranids from Warhammer 40K. Am I joking? No they practically nearly destroyed the entire Starwars galaxy and they exterminated all races in their own galaxy while subjugating one race and that is Starwars book canon. They don't have technology everything they have is Biotechnology and home grown on an insane scale.

I had to GIVE an actual reason for such a high military presence because they just scare the living shit out of me. If they didn't have surrendered in the Starwars books then they would have slaughtered the entire starwars galaxy, the Galactic Aliance could not win they couldn't have won without discovering something behind the scenes. It's a massive galaxy true but at the end of the war the Vhong have slaughtered 365 trillion sapients and Coruscant.

Even if they turned peaceful and wanted to live in peace at the end never poke them with a stick.

Rite of sacrifice after effects:

While yes Red did survive what happened caused from a person who I won't spoil if nobody wants spoilers but. I have been thinking what else could have happened and so while this idea was sudden it fit. While yes some artifacts of powersources among other things have a unique powersource this idea fit an exotic radiation.

I need to make this perfectly clear their is no real cure for radiation that has been discovered yet none so I had to yet again give a scifi aproach yet again.

The rite of sacrifice I admit is a bit of a spoiler for the game upon just the name, however I never did reference it entirely. I felt heartbroken watching that scene on youtube already


The next part is going to grotesque and nauseating if your not a fan of surgical procuderes with plentiful details I won't blame you if you decide to skip it. There will not be any sex in the next part it will be straight out surgery.


I take a little bit of my past work and combine them to see where it fits, I particularly like my unlimited blade works so he's still a magus with a rather sad affliction despite having a reality marble.

_When Red swears on his tail he will always keep the promise and never break it, thats why I feel unsettled because while it's not an ideal but a promise its just something that kind of reminds me of Archers old ideals in a tiny aspect. _

Red the hunter: saddened days part2

_Warning this is extreme material. This isn't because of sex, or something violent but a very well explained surgery. Note as I wrote this I felt sick, especially when the fact is this is an interlude of sort._ _I know it's short, but it's short for a...

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Red the hunter: dear diary

Red laughed as he gently carried Elh on his shoulders giving her a piggy back ride even as they were being watched from the local populace of Airedale in the park. Elh giggled and replied "faster Red faster!" The seventeen year old caninu grinned with...

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Red the hunter: Unlimited Blade Works part 3

_Red slowly looked around with his blue eyes before gazing upon a lone hill. He tried to open his mouth to speak however he couldn't as though something blocked his throat. However upon that hill he gazed upon the swords and a lone figure impaled on...

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