Otters At Play
The age old question of what otters do when no-one's looking is finally answered; nothing appropriate!
A long over-due scuba story. Commissioned by Charonbond (on FA) but I have to admit, I've been planning to write another one of these anyway.
I went with purely close combat situations, no harpoons this time and of course non-lethal. I'm hoping it's not too confusing, there were a truckload of otters in this story so I tried my best to keep out any parts that'd leave you guys thinking, "Um, which otter is he talking about".
Please tell me if there's any points where you think that!
Enjoy, guys!
Story, Teemu & Lini (c) KayrinSF
The whistle sounded, and Teemu answered.
The soft lullaby of waves crashing against the sand was interrupted by the plodding footsteps of a gaggle of otters. More crested the hills that bordered the shoal upon which Teemu stood, and the sound of laughter on the wind brought a smile to his lips. It was a beautiful day for a battle and as he pulled his snugly fit diving suit on, Teemu breathed in the fresh air.
"You ready to lose?" The simple words caught the daydreaming otter by surprise. Turning to wrinkle his nose at Lini, the one who had spoken, Teemu jabbed his tongue out.
"Not a chance! We've won the last three years, and we'll win this year too!" The boy's teasing was as light as the clouds that drifted lazily across the accommodating sky; the smile didn't falter for a second. Once his dark blue lycra suit had been pulled into place, Teemu continued. "You guys will just have to put up with fishing on the far coast for another year."
Lini, an otter who stood half a foot taller than Teemu but whose features seemed younger by at least a year, simply rolled his eyes. His own light green dive-suit had been pulled down to his waist, left flapping behind him like a second tail and exposing the complicated series of tattoos that had been etched into his brown-furred body. The others were arriving for the annual mock battle, most wearing the skin-tight suits that both Lini and Teemu wore, though a few had opted for simple brief-cut trunks.
Teemu leaned in, nosing at his friend's cheek as their lycra-covered cocks ground playfully against one another, "For luck" the shorter otter murmured into the other's ear; Lini's grin broadened.
"For me?"
"You wish." A lonely seagull's forlorn cry punctuated the swift exchange as Teemu pulled away to join his tribe; Lini, likewise, moved towards his. The two groups exchanged catcalls and a few friendly waves before they began to move into the crystal blue waters of the ocean. Flippers kicked up sand as mouthpieces were adjusted. Teemu grunted as he hoisted his small yellow airtank and slid it onto his back, rolling his shoulders until the padded straps fell into a more comfortable alignment. He followed his tribe into the water, the warm water greeting the otter like an old friend as he dove beneath its shimmering surface. It took only moments for all of the otters to ready themselves and dive, leaving the sandbar silent and serene once more.
Within the weightless freedom of the ocean Teemu felt more like himself than he did on land. Here he could go anywhere, do anything, down here he could fly. The boy's strong legs carried him swiftly through the sights and sounds of the ocean, slowing only to watch a school of brightly coloured angel fish swerve to avoid his path. Around him he could see the silhouettes of otters dancing in the water, the sunlight that streamed from overhead highlighting the sleekness of their bodies as they moved; that otters could not breathe underwater had always struck Teemu has inherently unfair, and a sure sign that evolution was not as steadfast as some might believe!
"Get ready, boys." The warning cut through Teemu's distracted musings immediately; the battle was about to begin. It was not his first encounter with their peaceful neighbours, the battle an annual event that had been created to not only strengthen the bond between the two groups but to resolve fishing rights along their shared coast. The tribe who was left standing at the end would win the rights to the nearer shore, while the losers would have to make the slightly longer trek to a nearby inlet. There had never been a case of dispute following the end of the match, as all of them were far too busy enjoying the post-battle celebration to think of complaining about something so trivial; the real prize was shared amongst all of the otters, both winner and loser.
The tone grew more serious as the otters, who had spread themselves out throughout the visible waters, turned to face one another. Blue swimsuits versus green, the teams were unmistakeable. Teemu turned with the others, his paw firmly grasped around a short rubber blade which had been sheathed at his waist. They all knew the stakes; the blades would not hurt, quite the opposite in fact; coated with a water resistant fluid which excited the nerves and would reduce a fully grown male into a cum-pulsing decoration on the ocean floor in seconds after contact with the smooth blade, nobody had even been hurt by them.
The fight did not ramp up, it simply was. Struggling figures in the clear water were everywhere, fresh and rested warriors battling for both honour and fun. It wasn't long before Teemu had his first opponent as well, an otter with a grey tint to his fur despite his youthfulness. The other boy wore a light green speedo, his muzzle split in a broad grin beneath his mask and his cock aching in the small swimsuit. They couldn't talk, but their body language said more than words could.
Teemu caught the boy as he moved in close, tumbling in the water as both otters brandished their weapons. Around them the battle raged as fighting otters spun and wove through the water, looking for any advantage they could steal to score a strike against their opponents. An otter in a blue dive suit cried out silently into his mask as a blade dragged across his throat, the boy's body arching as he pumped warm cum into his suit. The fabric did a poor job of keeping it inside however, a cloud of white misting out into the water at his waist as he was pushed away to sink. A stiff dicked green otter bit the dust as well, clutching the weapon that had slain him as it sank harmlessly into the softness of his belly. His feet kicked, thrashing in the water as he grit his teeth against the orgasm that ripped through his body. More cum flooded the water, spraying from his tip to mist against the body of the otter who had slain him.
Teemu wasn't distracted by the sights. His arm was held at bay by his opponent but his size was winning out as it inched closer towards the other otter's chest. A simple slip and it was over, Teemu's weapon stabbing down to bury itself into the younger boy's chest. He could see the squeal that escaped the perishing otter on his features, and he could feel the defeated boy's body buck against him; he held him for only a second before pushing the spent diver away and letting him sink slowly as cum trailed from his hidden tip. Teemu's heart was racing and his cock throbbed in time to it; his first 'kill' of the day and the otter was ready for more!
Teemu spread his arms and kicked himself backwards, arching his back to swan out gracefully as he twisted to swim down towards the silt-covered depths of the ocean floor. A number of casualties already rested amongst the coral and rocks, all of them sporting still-stiff tents and oozing the last of their climaxes out into the water. It didn't take long for the eager otter to spot his next victim, the green-clad tribesman twisting away from a thrashing foe that had been dispatched with a quick slash to his chest. Teemu couldn't deny that his eyes lingered on the sinking form of his fellow tribe member, nor could he deny that he immediately felt the need for vengeance against the otter that had slain him!
Teemu twirled in the water, thick rudder-like tail steering him gracefully as he came up behind the still celebrating green-clad otter. It was a quick kill for him. Teemu moved one arm, jamming itself between the Green's legs to grip his balls in his swim trunks. Chest pressing against the surprised boy's back, he dragged his blade across the boy's throat and it was finished. Again he felt the thrill of his victory, feeling the boy buck and grind against his front as Teemu imagined the look on his face. More cum sprayed into the water, the boy's small speedos doing little but highlighting his rock hard cock as it jerked and spewed out his cream. Teemu allowed his paw to linger, stroking along the boy's shaft, coaxing every last drop out of it. The boy's body was already limp by the time it was released, left to float facedown towards the ocean floor with the others.
Boys on both sides were being eliminated with little regard now, victors becoming vanquished even as their kills floated away listlessly. A green clad otter gripped the blade planted firmly in his belly as his suit provided little privacy for his aching length as he fell; an otter in a pair of blue trunks joining him as he was eliminated with a slash across his back. The boy's cock jostled in his trunks as he humped into the water before him, semen seeping lewdly into the water. The survivors had begun to clump up, and it wasn't long before Teemu found himself surrounded.
Teemu couldn't help but stroke at his own needy dick as he spun in the water, trying to watch every direction at once lest someone send him to the bottom as well. Boys from both sides crowded him and only a lucky parry with his blade saved Teemu's life in the game. As the one who had struck out at him swerved, caught off guard by the successful deflection, it was an easy matter to slide the weapon across his rigid shaft. The result was instantaneous and another fighter was reduced to a thrashing, humping, mass of otter limbs, cum and lust. Teemu almost relished the thought of falling now, but he wouldn't give up.
Lini smirked as he spotted his friend. No words were exchanged as he swam in, purposely coming in low as he tried to jam his blade into Teemu's exposed belly. Much to his relief his weapon was turned away; such a strike would not have garnered the bragging rights he'd hoped to win today. The green-clad tribal otter moved to avoid a sinking Blue, watching the boy's cock bob in the water as he sunk away from the battle. The field was clearing quickly, a half-dozen otters left on either side and the next few minutes would no doubt determine this year's winners. He could see Teemu manoeuvring towards him and Lini readied himself for the engagement; one of them was about to exit the battle and this year Lini was determined that it wouldn't be him!
When the two boys collided it was enough to cause Lini to gasp into his mask, air sucked from his lungs. The weight and momentum caused both otters to spin in the water slowly as they grappled for position. Lini could feel the weight of Teemu's cock pressing against him, and was distinctly aware of his own shaft grinding against his lycra-clad foe's body. Heated breaths escaped both boys as Lini's cheeks reddened with both his growing need and his exertion. Around them boys struggled and fell, but both of them were far too absorbed in their own duel to notice. There were no speakers in these masks and they had only each other's facial expressions to glean. Teemu could see the exertion on Lini's, and likewise Lini could see the growing fatigue on Teemu's!
Lini's blade found its way inwards, striking out at Teemu's side, only to be stopped by the smaller otter bucking his body and wrecking the momentum of Lini's swing. They pushed and shoved, Lini's size allowing him to find a better position on Teemu. He shimmied his body upwards until he could close his legs around the smaller boy's upper chest, sitting above him and out of the reach of his arms; this was it, victory! Lini gave himself only a second to enjoy the feeling of his crotch pressed against Teemu's chin. It happened quickly; as he brought up his blade to plunge it into Teemu's back, he could feel the strike against his own. Somehow the blue-clad otter had gotten an arm free and had planted his blade into the small of Lini's back!
Lini had little choice but to cry out into his mask. He could feel the pleasure racing up his spine, exploding outwards from the point of impact before his whole body was sheathed in a white hot lust that had but one recourse. When he came he could feel the magnificence of it, his cock seeming to grow harder for a split second before pulsing out his cream. His position gave Teemu little chance to avoid the spray as it misted out and caressed his cheeks. He came almost directly into his friend's face, thighs tightening their grip on the smaller otter's body as the vanquished Lini rode out his climax. His body tensed for a brief second before he felt himself lose control of it, thighs relaxing their grip as quickly as they'd tightened it; he was finished; that single thought lit up the defeated otter's cheeks as he felt himself be pushed away from his friend.
Teemu nearly came himself as he felt his friend rock his way through his elimination; the sight of his spurting shaft didn't help. Once it was over, however, the boy simply grinned and shoved Lini away, the green-clad boy easily disposed of as he hung limply in the water. That was number four! Teemu was on a roll and immediately turned to seek out number five, not even watching as Lini sunk from view to come to rest atop on of his own tribe members, cock still upthrust proudly as the battle began to wind down above him. He'd rest for now, but next time... oh next time, things would be different...