Striped Shenanigans

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A zebra returns to the stables for her nightly liaisons but finds that she's gotten herself more than she bargained for at the hooves of a stallion.

Story (c) Amethyst Mare


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Striped Shenanigans Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

There was not a pair of wakeful eyes to discern the figure slipping through the stable yard in the middle of the cool, spring night. Set on the city edge where concrete gave way to peaceful countryside, it boasted ideal access to countryside quiet and every amenity one could imagine. Consisting of a stable barn, outbuildings, two arenas, several grassy acres and a spacious house, it was idyllic and a sanctuary of equine life. As the early hours of the morning rolled on, not a soul breathed bar the horses, their tails swishing rhythmically as they dreamed of warm oats and summer grass. Only one dared intrude upon their rest.

Nostrils flaring, Vee peered around the edge of the barn, the zebra panting lightly as she checked the house for lights; it paid to be cautious when one was somewhere that they were not supposed to be. Tugging the hood of her navy sweatshirt over her head, the zebra lowered her muzzle stealthily, arms cradling her pride and joy - her magnificent, hyper sized breasts. She received many a stare for them on the street, even though they had the potential to become a hindrance; they were so large that no normal clothes would fit and she was forced to purchase custom tailored clothing for her daily life. Vee swallowed, her mouth unexpectedly dry, and paced to the broad barn doors, bare hind paws quiet on the dusty road.

The stable owner had oiled the barn doors for once as they swung open with a gentle push, declining to scream the usual obnoxious creak. Vee chuckled and swung the door closed at her heels, bolting it from the inside for added security. The zebra wagered that she knew the yard and the horses as well as the owner after so many nightly visits; the barn layout was as familiar to her as her own flat. There was one reason that she had chosen this stables above others in the locality, however: it was a breeding farm. That meant geldings were a rarity and stallions abounded.

Holding her breath, she collected the dirty, yellow torch hidden behind a bucket, which at all times appeared in the same location like clockwork. Flipping on the switch, the scope of the mare's section of the barn was revealed in an artificial, white glow. Several equines peered over the painted, red half-doors, ears twitching and eyes dark with curiosity. In the corner was a rounded bale of hay, still wrapped in green twine and with only a stray scrap of missing hay where a crafty mare had snatched a passing mouthful. The barn ceiling stretched high overhead, higher levels storing more hay, feed and squares of straw that would be pitched down to the aisle between stalls as and when needed. Vee had never seen the stables badly stocked. She breathed a sigh of relief at finding everything as it should be, to her eyes, and made her way down the centre aisle, murmuring greetings to familiar faces.

"Hey there, ladies," she said under her breath, pausing to rub the velvety nose of a black mare with a dished face. "How are we doing tonight then, girls?"

The horse butted her in the chest, startling a giggle from Vee. She had wondered at first why the mares were kept in a separate part of the barn from the stallions, nonetheless behind two closed doors for additional security, but had then experienced a stallion's reaction to a fertile mare. She shivered pleasantly at the memory and massaged between her thighs with the tips of her fingers, desire for the continuing escapade growing. The zebra could have entered the barn directly into the stallion quarter but she liked to say 'hello' to the mares beforehand, though their bond was better left in words unspoken.

A zebra's lust had to be sated, no matter how much she longed for patience. She broke into a trot, leaving the mares at her heels. It would be dawn soon and she could not be discovered under any circumstances. Her clothes were suddenly too tight and she clawed at them, desperate to shed even the baggy tracksuit bottoms that kept her decent in public, flowing tail draped through a manufactured hole in the rear. Snorting as if she was a feral, she threw herself against the first of the connecting doors, fumbling with the latch until it clacked open. Almost before it had settled back into the frame, Vee scraped back the bolt on the second door, clumsy in her haste. She was not one for patience and, as she rammed open the barrier, the stallions nickered in greeting, the sound music to her ears.

"Did you miss me, boys?"

A bright bay stallion tossed his head and whinnied as if in agreement. The stallions knew her well and were favourable in their responses. Perhaps that was because she had spent many nights with her lips wrapped around their cocks? A smile danced upon her lips, fuchsia eyes gleaming with opportunity. Oh, how she had missed this!

"Evening, Star, my boy," she stepped forward, patting a different horse, a palomino. His full name was Starlight Dancer, though Vee considered it pretentious, even for a stallion at stud with extravagant names, depending on bloodline. It was too much of a mouthful. The zebra had other matters on her mind than a mere mane, matters that were swiftly rendering conversation superfluous to action.

"I bet you want some special attention tonight, don't you, Star?" Vee whispered, yanking her sweatshirt over her head, the clingy material robbing her of the loose t-shirt simultaneously. "Sure you do, darling."

She tossed the bundle of clothes over the stable door, pushing away Star's eager muzzle as he tried to grab them playfully with his teeth. Cursing, Vee struggled with the bottoms, dragging them off to reveal her usual lack of underwear and swollen zebra sex snug between her thighs, flushed with arousal: she was in season. Snorting, Star paced around his stable, kicking up clods of straw and knocking the green water bucket with enough force that water slopped over the side. As one transfixed, Vee watched his every move, taking note of the pole of horse flesh dangling beneath his belly, anticipating her lips. Her hide gleamed in the trembling torchlight, black stripes shining and mane spilling over her shoulders. The scent of stallion flooded her nostrils, a delectable combination of equine, musk and hay. Her pupils dilated and she flung the lightly torn tracksuit bottoms on top of her sweatshirt, uncaring of neatness. She needed him.

She slid the top bolt back on the stable door, bending fluidly to tend to the lower bolt, breasts brushing against the cool wood. Impatiently, she squeezed through the narrow gap between door and frame, slamming it to so that Star would not be up to his tricks and escape. The palomino shoved his head between her voluptuous, striped breasts and snorted heavily, lips exploring her engorged nipples, the size of dinner plates. Vee rolled her eyes in pleasure, allowing the stallion his nibbles and licks as she dug two fingers into her cunny, driving them in like a piston - mimicry of a pounding cock.

"Come on, boy," Vee breathed, dropping to her knees in the scratchy straw. "Let me have you."

Star stamped and she ran her paws over his smooth, warm flanks, following the rounded curve of his belly down to the coveted prize. His mottled pink and brown cock bounced as he flexed, rocking the appendage against his own body in a form of equine masturbation. The blunt head throbbed and Vee leaned in to lap like a dog at a water bowl, caressing the thick shaft as the stallion huffed in four-legged appreciation. Wrapping her arm around the horse's hind leg, she curled her tongue luxuriously around the underside of the massive phallus, marvelling that she had the chance to please him once again. She moaned with the taste of salt and musk on her lips, kissing down his rigid cock until she found the horse's deliciously heavy balls.

A shudder ran through the stallion's body and he shook his head, dick jumping as if he approved of the stimulation. Vee nuzzled between Star's balls, catching the enticing aroma of horse sweat, and opened her muzzle wide, striving to suck one of them between her lips. Her jaw refused to open to that extent, but she refused to admit defeat, sucking on as much of the soft flesh as possible with her tongue teasing the part that graced the interior of her maw. Shifting eagerly from hoof to hoof, Star stretched out his neck as the zebra pulled back for breath before latching on to the other ball, a paw stroking the stallion's length with a near reverent touch. She did not have enough paws to do all that she wished and the heat in her sex induced her to buck her hips reflexively, wanting to be filled, wanting to be bred. It was a feeling encompassing both heaven and hell. Furries took medicine to avoid it: Vee revelled in the lust.

Gasping, Vee drew back and pressed her lips to the flat tip of the stallion's cock, teasing the slit with the very tip of her tongue to a chorus of excited squeals. Oh yes, he was ready. Heat rising to her cheeks, the zebra opened her mouth, allowing the blunt cock-head into her maw, warm and pulsing with need. Above her head, the stallion nickered and stamped, hunching his back as if to thrust, though once again finding the stance for his need incorrect. As if to compensate, he rocked his hindquarters forward, spearing into Vee's waiting maw until the head bottomed out at the back of the zebra's throat. Widening her eyes, Vee swallowed reflexively, paw rising to massage both heavy balls, imagining the cum that would soon pour forth from them, so delicious. Star snorted eagerly and rolled his hindquarters again, demanding more. With the increasing pressure on her throat, the zebra briefly considered how glad she was to forgo the presence of a gag reflex as a zebra: it made cock sucking far more enjoyable.

Stretching, the zebra gulped in a mixture of apprehension and anticipation, angling her muzzle so that she could provide the stallion with exactly what he wished. The medial ring bumped against her lips as the horse pressed on, feeling the slight give in the anthro's fuck hole. Vee groaned and lurched against Star's belly, his cock sliding down her throat as the duo found the perfect alignment. Her nose collided lightly with the stallion's balls, laced with a thicker, more tantalising musk than before, and she moaned around the dick, hardly able to breathe. Star grunted, driving as deeply as possible into the zebra's tight maw and throat, only pulling back to thrust in with greater power, racing to his equine peak as four-legged stallions were prone to do, expressing their virility. Gasping for breath every time the horse pulled back, Vee squirmed erotically with almost her whole paw shoved into her sex; her hair clung to damp patches of sweat on her neck and her spread cunt dripped with unabashed arousal. But she could not cum yet - she was waiting for the flood.

In her paw, Vee felt the stallion's nuts begin to tighten, drawing up that fraction that forewarned the inevitable. With a triumphant squeal, the palomino drove forward brutally, tail flagging as thick dollops of cum spurt straight down the waiting zebra's throat. A large bulge showed where the cock forced Vee's throat open and she closed her eyes in bliss, luxuriously massaging the pair of balls that she did everything to achieve - achieve the prize locked within, that is.

Snorting, Vee attacked her clitoris with her fingertips, letting out a muffled moan of pleasure as this final scrap of over stimulation pushed her over the edge into an explosive orgasm. Her body trembled, vision going dark for a second of ecstasy that was slow to fade, taking her in its grasp and setting her legs to weaken. Full to burst, her belly rounded as if she endured pregnancy, swelling wonderfully with the sheer volume of cum that Star was all too willing to provide and her own natural reaction to being filled with cum. Flagging his tail proudly, Star swung his head around to nudge Vee's shoulder lightly, shaft softening within her muzzle as the last dribbles of cum fell on to her tongue.

"Good boy," she panted, lapping over the head of his retreating cock. "Well done, boy."

She slumped against the stable door, wooden boards holding her back straight. A sudden exhaustion drained her of all energy and Star dipped his head in concern, touching his nose to her cheek. Sighing, Vee's lips blossomed into a tired smile and she patted the shapely head of the worried horse, brushing aside his forelock to reveal the white diamond on his forehead.

"I'm all right, boy, all right," she murmured, eyelids drooping. "Wore me out a bit this time, didn't you? Don't worry, I'll be back another night. Count on it, boy."

She was never usually so drained. It was such an unusual occurrence that the zebra listened to the flicker of concern and dragged herself upright, leaning heavily on the door even as sharp splinters of wood pricked her coat. Out, she would feel better once she was in the cool night. Gathering her clothes over one arm, Vee picked up the torch - when had she dropped it? - which was still on, providing a path of white light for her to leave the stables. She patted Star's soft nose one last time and exited on shaky legs, the beams and rafters appearing darker and thronged with inexplicable shadows. The other stallions were restless, pacing their stalls and kicking at the doors, the activity anxiously loud in the night. Vee bolted Star's door, licking the remnants of cum from her lips, and staggered away to her particular escape route, a creature of habit. At her heels, she forgot to secure the bottom bolt on Star's stable door.

Her customary exit involved a short walk through the breeding room, which allowed access to a secluded part of the property. Upon her earlier visits, she had taken additional precautions and the use of the breeding room ensured that she emerged to darkness even if an early soul was wandering the yard. The habit had simply become engrained as her nightly visits continued. Swinging the torch light from left to right, she stumbled into the breeding room, ignoring the excited whinnies of the stallions. The breeding room was largely empty bar a well enclosed temporary stable on the right wall and a phantom mare near the left wall, but with enough room to direct a randy stallion to mount the stand. Vee could only assume that the remainder of the space was used for regular mating between two horses rather than semen collection.

Pausing at the phantom mare, Vee ran her paw appreciatively over the blue cover, imagining the stallion thrusting and snorting in his attempt to spread his genes, the animal instinct to reproduce. Lost in a half-dream, the zebra sprawled across the top of the stand, tucking her clothes beneath her breasts. She breathed a sigh of relief, long tail flicking absently; it felt so good to lie down. She could stay there, only for a short while, she thought, resting her chin on the stand. The room stank of horse and musk and a mare's hormones, not to mention the lingering scent of cum that was distinguishable only to the well accustomed. Blinking, Vee groaned as her sex clenched, wishing that she had a horse between her legs, breeding her like he would breed one of his own kind. Sucking wasn't enough.

A sharp nudge to her rounded rear brought her abruptly back to reality. Stifling a shout, Vee's head whipped around, tail flattening over her sex. To her chagrin, the culprit of the nudge was the palomino that she had sucked only a few minutes ago, standing with his head raised and eyes bright with curiosity.

"What are you doing here?" Vee cursed, twisting awkwardly to shoo off the too innocent horse. "Get back in there! You can't be in here, you'll get out. Star, back, now."

Ever oblivious, Star nipped Vee's rump, shocking a yelp from the zebra. Tightening her grip on the torch, Vee sighed heavily, resigning herself to returning the mischievous horse to his stable. She should not have rested anyway, so at least he was getting her back on her paws. As she pushed her upper body off the phantom mare with a groan of exertion, she was suddenly slammed down again with a broad chest weighing on her back. Star snorted and snuffled at Vee's hair, straddling the stand with his forelegs.

"Hey!" Vee hissed, squirming and digging her fingers into the phantom mare. "Get the fuck off! Oh hell... No!"

Wrenching at the horse's leg, Vee writhed in a panic, limbs flailing, and dropped the torch. In the shadows cast by the fallen light source and her position, she saw the dark shape of the stallion rise, stomach scraping across her back and something familiar slapping her thighs. Moaning, Vee shook her head, resting her cheek against the accursed phantom mare: what a situation she had gotten herself into! Star huffed and groaned, stabbing blindly with his cock, his shadow hunched and desperate on the wall. Vee bit her lip. Was this not what she wanted, to be fucked by a strong horse? But it was so big! How would that cock ever fit?

The zebra had little choice in the matter, pinned as she was with her soft breasts squashed around the phantom mare. In one, last desperate attempt to free herself, Vee strained against the stand and pressed her tail down over her traitorously winking cunt, though Star would not be denied: he understood his task too well. With an almighty snort of satisfaction, the stallion rammed his cock past his conquest's tail, sinking the tip into the warm passage that he sought so frantically. Curling her fingers until the nails dug into her palm, Vee panted and gasped, sharp pain lancing through her sex as she was brutally stretched like a puppet. Inch by inch, Star hunched and thrust deeper, ramming the medial ring past the resisting entrance and catching against the zebra's cervix, unable to fit any more of his length inside. Crushed beneath the equine, Vee exhaled slowly, tail twitching from the partly welcome pleasure. She had never been so full!

"Go on then, Star," she challenged him, lifting her muzzle defiantly. "If you're going to fuck me, go on and do it. Fuck me, horse!"

In true equine fashion, Star groaned laboriously and pumped with his powerful hindquarters, driving that thick rod of horse meat into the juicy zebra sex. Pain gave way to pleasure and Vee squealed against her will, taking every thrust and wishing that he could go deeper, past her inner barrier. The slightly flared head of his cock dragged against her hot passage and Vee could not resist clenching her sex as much as physically possible, stimulating her rough partner with every muscle in her body. Intent on his goal, the horse nipped excitedly at the back of her neck, fucking her so hard that he slammed her hips into the phantom mare with every motion. Knowing that she would be sore the next morning, Vee lifted her head and panted open-mouthed, crying out as she was taken advantage of, pussy stretched beyond comprehension.

Tensing, the stallion's flesh rippled and he snorted, thrusting unexpectedly deep so that the entrance to Vee's womb was strained a fraction. The zebra's eyes widened and she clawed at the phantom mare, breasts and belly pressed uncomfortably against the stand. No! She wanted it but...not the pain! What could she do? Nothing, nothing at all, was the answer, and Vee hissed between clenched teeth as she shivered, body and mind succumbing to mind shocking sensation. Helpless to resist, the zebra shook her head over and over again, letting out a screech of pain and ecstasy as the flaring horse cock finally burst into her womb and sent her senses rocketing into climax.

Through the haze of orgasm, Vee felt the stallion give a body-shaking thrust and then go still, warm cum spilling directly into her womb. Her womb swelled, adding to the belly size that her cum swallowing episode had supplied; the zebra wriggled on the stand and moaned lustfully, thoroughly used. Every ounce of energy had disappeared from her body and she did not even have the strength to slide off the false mare when Star dismounted, dripping cock dangling beneath his rounded belly. He nudged her once and then lost interest, moseying off in search of hay.

In her drowsy stupor, Vee did not hear the outside door open, grey light spilling into the barn around a slim, red figure. She did not catch the surprised inhalation or the jingling of a bridle, casually slung over the anthro mare's shoulder. The zebra opened her eyes slowly, widening them as she saw the chestnut mare standing in the rectangle of light cast by the early morning. To the side, the stallion snorted and tossed his head proudly, his member remaining limp and visible as if he was proud of his breeding accomplishment. Fearfully, the zebra raised her muzzle, ears flat against her skull, as she met the horse's amused, brown eyes. Caught.

"Well, well, well," Amethyst raised one eyebrow speculatively. "It seems that I have another volunteer for the breeding program!"

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