Boo and Kye: Taster

Story by mrfoxypaws on SoFurry

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#1 of Boo and Kye

This work is based on a Little Skunk Adventures story written by skunkishblue; I loved his original so much that I just had to try writing it in my own style (with permission).

It's the story of a novice pet - a virgin skunk - and his first introduction to dragon meat by way of a playfully loving yet clearly dominant master.

skunkishblue is pet to kaidron.

Taster (storyline and original story by Skunkishblue; restyled here by Mr Foxy Paws)

I sat on the edge of my master's bed and trembled, a young virgin skunk looking anxiously up at his towering dragon owner. I nervously flicked a tuft of my cosmic-blue hair away from my eyes and gulped; a rosy blush sat itself astride my muzzle.

"Y-Y-You want me to do what, Sir?" I asked. I was still fairly new to being a pet, and apparently it wasn't all strokes and cuddles.

"I want you to suck it," said my master, holding his stiff cock an inch away from my face. I dropped my eyes back down to the swollen dragon dick in front of me; I swear that I could feel the heat it was giving out. For the first time, I noticed the size of the firmly growing knot at the massive organ's furry base. My eyes dragged themselves along the rigid member, picking out the pattern of veins just below the skin that were feeding the long erection. Finally, my gaze reached the thick and luscious foreskin that was peeling itself back to reveal a glowing red helmet beneath, from where a small thread of pre-cum had begun to drip. A wonderful sight for any skunk I'm sure you'll agree, because skunks are suckers for pre-cum, however it is always going to be a somewhat daunting sight for a skunk that has never tasted cock.

"Suck it!" ordered my master. "Show your master just how much of a slut you really are." I lifted my innocent eyes to look back up at my master, and saw that he was grinning; his yellow whiskers were quivering with anticipation, and his twin purple horns matched the colour of his taut member.

Well, I know an order when I hear one, and you don't argue with a muscular white dragon standing over you, their legs spread, their eyes drilling down into you, one paw on their hips and the other holding their heavy cock in your face. With one final glance up at my lusty master, I returned my attention to his amazing dragon dick. I licked my lips, leaned forward and slowly delivered a long slurp over the crimson tip, tasting the fresh dragon pre; it had an amazing, sweet taste rather like the yummy icing on the most mouthwatering of birthday cakes. It was fantastic.

I murrrred.

My master seemed to enjoy the attention of my hot, wet tongue curling artfully around his cock-end, for he began to murr as well, but after a few moments he stopped. "But that's not sucking now is it, Slut?" he pointed out.

I stopped licking so that I could reply. 'No Sir, I'm sorry Sir,' I said.


I delivered a few final broad licks over my master's large cock-tip, enjoying the final remnants of his pre, then slipped his dragon dick into my maw. I slid my tongue around the large member; first in one direction and then the other, over his cock and then under it, up and down the sides, and across the bulbous tip. I tasted the flesh of his ample foreskin, and the hot smoothness of his rounded slit end. My master moaned, his body tensing slightly, causing him to shuffle his feet in order to retain his balance.

"Good pet," he praised, causing my tail to waggle happily for I always get excited when praised. "Hehe, but don't get too excited now, pet," he said. I blushed, and continued my work, moving down over his solid dick until around three quarters were in my maw. My master had released his cock to return both paws to his hips, so I moved one of my own paws to the base of his dragon-hood to steady it. I started to bob my head, up and down, up and down, slurping and pumping my master's delicious endowment of dragon meat.

"Ooooh ... Pet ... I-I ..." stammered my master, moaning so much that he could barely speak. Encouraged, I found a nice rhythm and settled myself down to giving the pleasure expected from any skunky cock slut. There I sat, young pet skunk perched on the edge of my master's bed, head bobbing back and forth along his dragon master's warm, thick and rigid erection like an oiled piston operating to perfection. Beside the strangled moans from my master and an occasional salivary slurp by myself, the only sounds were the "click, click, click" of my collar's D-clip, and the faint swish and rustle of my long blue hair.

"Oh, Pet! You're such a slut!" said my master, stretching out a claw to rub my ear. The sudden movement startled me; my ear flickered and I let out a short squeal of surprise. "Shhh. Hey, hey, come on now Pet, don't be shy," coaxed my master, his voice instantly soft and soothing. I relaxed and resumed by bobbing, now letting my master stroke my ear.

Gaining confidence, I began to slide more and more of my master's deep length into my maw, wondering whether I would be able to deep throat him. By now the room, the street outside and the rest of the world had disappeared; I was in a different place and all that mattered was my master's swelling dragon cock and my need, my absolute desire to please it.

I continued bobbing my head, comfortable in my routine, until I felt my master stop stroking my ear and move his claw to the back of my head. "Have you ever been Muzzle-Yiffed Pet?" he asked.

My blush promptly returned; I could feel its rosy colour spread-tingling across my face. However, far from making me stop, his words only increased my excitement and I began to take his cock faster, faster.

"Ehehe, looks like you want it anyway, young skunk," he said, pushing on the back of my skull and forcing me down deep on his cock until my lips reached the tight knot at its white furry base.

Now, having gently coaxed his pet into the position that he had wanted from the start, my master began thrusting into the back of my throat. I coughed and gagged at first, but Master slowed down and I was soon able to enter a rhythm and embrace it, letting my master increase his speed and mate into my maw, getting quicker with every lust-filled thrust. The D-clip on my collar rattled and jangled in harsh and humiliating accompaniment.

I cannot recall for sure how long we continued in that manner, Master muzzle-fucking his obedient pet. Eventually, however, I was aware of four exceptionally hard, deep thrusts that even forced his knot a little way into my maw; with each individual thrust I felt and tasted a thick lashing of cum hitting the back of my maw - not just any cum, but hot, thick and creamy dragon-soda cum. My master moaned, and I moaned along with him, both dom and sub drowning in waves of pleasure. Disappointed that the amazing display of passion was over, I didn't want to release his cock from my maw so I leaned back slightly and started licking the tip once again, desperate to extract every flavour of my master's gift. Once he had let me tongue him clean, my master pushed me back so that I was lying down on the bed. I smiled up at him, my tail swishing contentedly between my legs. He leaned forward over me and enquired gently:

"So how was your first time, Pet? Did you enjoy it?" My master giggled to himself a little. "How was it?"

"I-It was good ... Good, Master." I couldn't say much; I was lost for words, still panting and moaning and whimpering from the recent frenzy of ecstasy. I didn't want my master to leave, I wanted him to stay there forever, leaning over me; it was all that mattered, would ever matter, throughout time and space and eternity.

I opened my mouth one more time, but all that emerged was a gentle ~Buzzz~

"Dawww, what a cute pet I have here," said my master. He smiled, and kissed me on my nose. "You know what comes next, right?" he asked. He slapped me on my rump, causing me to meep loudly. I waited for him to continue, and he uttered just one last word, a word that brought my most fiery red blush yet:


The End.