Restaurant issues

Story by commisiar on SoFurry

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Now then let me give you the run down, Starfox and Starwolf are invited over for a restaurant in the Common Wealth section of space. I would have gone with normal things but I figured why not a space station with a restaruant in place. They will also meet with Red savarin and his friends so I have to say it's a bit of a crossover when it comes down to this detail.

Um if my fursona grips about the United States its going to be the fact I can't really seem to trust the mainstream media, parts of our administration, and the fact our president is lying to us about PRISM. I'm very annoyed with the Obama administration, he wanted transparency but really? It's worse then Bush's.

Obamas poll as president from RT is 45% positive and 55% negative. I have to say his approval rating sure as hell took a nose dive, I don't really feel like I can trust him because the rest of the senate and houses have been pulling him down a spiral or by his free will. All I have to add is alot of people in our administration or government including the President is Lying about nearly flat out everything about the NSA's recently leaked PRISM program for the sake of national security of which I think is flat out bull shit. The taliban already know, Osama bin ladin knew before he got killed and nearly every major terrorist knew and Genral Alexander went on trial and told Congress about the stopped terrorist plot of the New York Stock exchange bombing with it? No that is a lie, a farce becuase it wasn't done by PRSIM in the first place that stopped said terrorist. it's also got to do with money by that I mean according to The Young Turks on youtube the NSA's PRISM program intakes an annual 45 billion dollars a year.

I don't blame the NSA because it is their job, but the ones who kicked started this disaster, now then I would say to blame Dick Cheney and sort of Bush. Bush did order the creation of prism but due to extensive criticsm he shut it down. I blame Dick Cheney for having a hand in this unconstitutional program but dam it I am pissed off at Obama for going the way of Bush.

It was quiet aboard the great fox as the ship flew through outer space, in the bridge was two foxes one orange with a decently sized body with green eyes.

Next to him was a blue furred vixen wearing a purple body suit while she also had jewelry on her forehead and green eyes as well.

She flicked her tail and replied "Fox are you sure general pepper wants you to scope out the Common Wealth border in case of pirates? You do understand that were being tracked right?"

She asked the fox who shrugged his shoulders and replied "hey I don't like to do it either but it was either this or trace Wolf O'donnel again, I'm surprised the rest of the crew hasn't freaked out yet."

The lights flickered as they were being scanned briefly and he swallowed before replying "ROB can't detect any heat signatures or even the most basic of stealth systems. I am sure the government would like some samples of whatever they use but this is nu- what the?"

They walked slowly over to the big screen and gazed upon a giant space station shaped as a gear. A transmission was shown on the screen to the side showing a soldier wearing black armor and a helmet shaped like visor strip.

He then replied "Welcome to the Rest stop Station, We built and designed this station a few years ago as a sanctuary against the Mayor. By the way the SWAT agent is waiting for you in the docking bay, if something goes wrong then listens to your guides and stay away from the black sector. I can't believe we still haven't had the time to clean house."

The shook their heads and on the screen Fox watched as a black cruiser slowly broke away and roared only seeing the slightest of shimmers twice the size of the great fox.

Krystal whistled and replied "that was a large ship I wonder what materials they used for stealth?"

Fox shrugged his shoulders as they spotted the large hanger that was open before they docked.

Fox and Krystal stretched their legs as they emerged from the great fox hearing chattering and laughter causing them to turn their heads. Krystal raised an eyebrow seeing a familiar blue armored figure expect in this case he was surrounded by three young looking teenagers.

He chuckled and replied "ah Foxy and Krystal it's a pleasure to see that you could make it. There's an invisible barrier keeping the oxygen in and various ventilation systems as well. As you can see I have some friends or passangers. This albino kitty is Elh, the one wearing purple clothing is Chocolat."

The teenager dressed in a red and blue attire looked at them and replied "salut!" as he smiled brightly with his optimistic blue eyes.

Evan rolled his eyes and replied "now now Red Kun, you must watch your manners. Anyways this is Red Savarin and this is their first time in space, their awfully excited for Caninu and Feliniku."

Krystal raised an eyebrow and replied "so these are the three that you have been busy with, he looks a bit young."

Red eyed her and replied "hey I'm seventeen and a caninu is always different if there not old enough."

Evan frowned before whistling making him raise his ears as he felt a hand gently rub the back of his neck. He chuckled nervously and replied "um I apologize for his behavior he's a bit rash."

Fox merely smirked as he replied "that's okay, this place is larger then it looks. If I knew better you look a bit worse in the head then last time we met."

Evan winced making Red growl as he replied "yeah well you try and control the insanity that messes with my boyfriends life for once!"

He snapped causing them to widen their eyes as Krystal giggled softly as she covered her mouth.

Fox sputtered as he replied "b- boyfriend?! How old is he?"

Evan blushed up a storm and answered "seventeen, but these three are not from the Common Wealth either. In his society the Shepherd Republic everything is on floating islands and the use of mechas and airships are commonly used by everyone. Quite frankly it is the most peaceful society I have ever seen except in the case of sky pirates but meh they only steal. Once you get a job in that society your basically an adult. Red Kun here works as a hunter or person who does odd jobs with his mecha Dahak."

Red murred as he smiled softly moving a bit closer into the soft hand causing Evan to snigger seeing the dreamy look in his blue eyes.

Fox and Krystal were escorted by him across the station and he replied "there are plenty of terminals that have maps and directions however it's best to stay with a group if your not comfortable. Did the soldier tell you about the black sector?"

Fox and Krystal nodded and he looked over his shoulder and answered "well that's good and a bit uneasy at the same time."

He stopped in the middle of the hangar amongst the crowd of over a thousand furs walking and chatting. He cleared his throat and raised his hand pulling up a massive blue holographic screen of the station.

He then answered "now then I want you to pay attention and that includes you three especially you Red. This station is split into four parts or sectors, this is the green sector which is where people visit the station."

He turned his hand causing the hologram to turn and answered "this is the blue sector, this where all the dancing, dining, and generally fun stuff including gambling is done including a huge arcade and shopping."

He turned it again and then answered "the red sector, this is where all your needs for selling and buying things related to electronics, shares, private markets, and including the Black market. Also weapons lots of weapons among other deals."

He turned his hand again and he sighed and replied "the black sector, this is medical and drug sector in some areas however it is also known for the dark sections. Having a soldier warn you is normally a good thing if I didn't feel so concerned. There have been attacks, muggings, sexual assaults because of the fact in the darker sections of it is Lizard man territory. I'm not saying there bad but they have a bad reputation like certain snakes, a reputation for well sex by force."

Krystal cringed even as Fox bristled and replied "you don't trust them don't you?"

Evan sighed and replied "I only trust snakes in the force otherwise no I don't trust them with a dildo!"

Fox and Krystal stared at each other before Fox added "I know you didn't mean to be lewd but saying you don't trust them with a sex toy is a bit incredulous."

Evan snorted and replied "teenage snakes testosterone and hormone levels are something to wary of. They make them aggressive, demanding, and it's hard for them to not stop! If a girl is a girlfriend to one even if they are very kind their hormones make things difficult. When their new to sex sometimes their hormones drive to want more and often taking advantage of the situation if there not under control. There is a reason why their given hormone supplements to calm things down and there reputation is quite hard to get rid of."

Fox cringed even as he rubbed his forehead and replied "well damn, I've never expected that."

Evan lowered his hand and breathed a deep sigh. He gritted teeth and replied "things have gotten a lot worse for my temper okay? I'm very protective of my boyfriend here and it's not statutory rape. I'm getting more pesmistic and often a cynical asshole so I apologize for my behavior."

Red nudged him and added "ano shouldn't we head to the Dragons tear? After all your wife is waiting for us."

He blushed as Krystal giggled and whispered "he does look cute for a dog. Though I do wonder if his parents would a-"

She cut herself off seeing the younger canine flinch causing Evan to bristle and snarled audibly. His eyes pulsed red as he shook his head and replied "he's an orphan, he also used to be part of project hybrid as well. You know what I mean he used to be a fucking android!"

She balked as she replied "he used to be a what?!"

He sighed as he gently wrapped an arm around Reds waist hearing him growl softly before gently streoking his head.

Evan sighed and replied "I will explain on the way to the restaurant which is down the corridor to the left side of the station. In fact you can see the large neon signs close by."

As he escorted them down the blue sector that had a blue sign over the hallway.

As they reached the restaurant of choice he sighed and replied "I had already made reservations, in fact there just so happens to a be a few seats left open in case Falco and some others are interested in joining. By the way Starwolf stopped by and waiting at the table, thankfully without the crazy lizard."

He joked at the end making Krystal snigger before adding "so this fellow who is carrying a sword used to be something else?"

She spoke cautiously noticing Reds reaction and he answered "unfortunately yes, Red is still very upset about the whole thing. The hybrids were a creation of humanity in the old earth of the Shepherd republic because a long time ago they destroyed it, now the planet bellow is covered by plasma clouds that are extremely treacherous to people and air ships. A particular hybrid was safely stored away along with a few others his name was Baion."

They could easily hear the pure vitrol in his voice as he sneered darkly.

Fox raised an eyebrow and replied "you really, really hate that guy don't you?"

Evan huffed and replied "that guy planned omnicide of the entire Shepherd Republic by the use of a specialized program that would have caused all the floating islands to fall. Not to mention the guy is a remorseless monster he exploited other hybrids as a means to control them to kill each other! He slaughtered an entire village of feliniku and caninus as well by the use of a fucking Lunos or mechanical titans that were made of old world technology. Hybrids were meant to control them!"

He nearly ranted at the end causing Fox to cringe and replied "that is just screwed up, what exactly are caninu or feliniku?"

Elh looked at him and replied "caninu is dogs, feliniku are cats. However back to him he killed one a friend of mines only living sister in the destruction of that village and he doesn't forgive him for it either. There is an awfully large amount of nono in this sector of the space station."

Fox raised an eyebrow and Evan replied "nono is the essence of magic in the Shepherd Republic. Elh knows magic and is strong enough to halt a large missile strike with a barrier for at least a while. Her position is called a paladin otherwise known as a guardian in the Shepherd Republic responsible for shutting down Lares a Lunos that rose every 300 or more years. She's actually 300 years old but the magic of immortality is gone for her, now though she is Red Kuns girlfriend of choice."

She giggled as she adjusted her grey clothes and replied "aw knock it off your making me blush!"

Evan shrugged his shoulders and Krystal asked her "so your going to age naturally am I correct?"

Elh merely blushed as her golden eyes gently dimmed and replied "well that's correct but at least it's with Red."

Evan sighed and added "Baion knew how to make other hybrids but he needed help. A fellow scientist also worked with him a golden retriever named Mervielle who had designed an imperfect one. Red hasn't fully forgiven her for it though he was depressed because in order to save his life from that mad man of a troll she had to let him escape. This is how he met Chocolat as an orphan and she adopted him at Bassett."

They flinched as they reached the entrance to the restaurant and went inside a rather quite place and a large table. He smiled softly seeing his wife and daughter already at the table and huffed seeing his son take a packet of sugar. He rolled his eyes and replied "when I go to restaraunts sometimes it's hard for me to not take a packet of sugar until I decided to cut back. For two solid months I had no sugar and diet drinks because I'm tired of soda ruining my teeth..."

He escorted them over to the large table and Fox and frowned spotting Wolf and Panther sitting at the table.

He asked "was Red in a emotional turmoil or something when you met him?"

Red flinched and replied "I was depressed, saddened, and I held a grudge against Mervielle. Look I hated being part human and basically not a living thing. I was artificial cells and all at the time until I met my boyfriend who fell out of the sky one day."

Krystal and Fox snickered before sitting down as Evan sat down next to his wife and daughter Red, Elh, and Chocolat sat down in front of them.

Krystal eyed Panther who replied "why hello Krystal it's a unfortunate pleasure to meet you. Maybe I shouldn't have manipulated you at first due to my jealousy."

As he deflated while Wolf grunted and replied "you know what it's funny knowing you get fucked in the ass to help your hormone issue Fox. Still it's nice to not dog fight for a change!"

The vulpine smirked deviously causing Fox to blush hearing sniggers from everyone around the table.

Evan eyed the eye patched vulpine and asked "hey it was either that or let him become a sub. I've sort of heard among the online communities that foxes can be sluts if there not careful."

Fox and Krystal bristled even as Panther blushed and replied "are you serious?! That is just nuts!"

Evan shrugged his shoulders and replied "it's a bit of a stereotype when it comes to certain foxes. It's a bit of a pain especially because my wife is a wolfox and she is not a slut. We enjoy sex a lot but acting like a complete slut and tail raising no."

Panther resisted the urge to stare at his daughter as the beautiful dark grey furred wolfess raised her hood. Her golden eyes flickered softly before whispering "daddy he's staring."

Evan eyed panther before replying "are you staring at my daughter?"

Panther blushed before adding "hey I maybe a womanizer but I can't help but notice how beautiful your daughter looks. She doesn't like being out in public does she?"

Fox grunted as he grabbed a menu and added "do you notice a marking or to on her fingers? Those used to be jewelry her father removed because they were signs of ownership!"

That sent the black cat into a sharp recoil as he blanched watching his hosts eyes flickers. Wolf and Panther were absolutely terrified as they saw in that mere flicker was dark rage as well as a coldness to match a blizzard. Another aspect that made them freeze was laughter, twisted laughter as insanity swirled away lazily inside his eyes but most of the whole reason was when they gazed into his eyes they gazed into unimaginable malice.

Panther shuddered and replied "um your husband is pretty messed up Sheana was it?"

Sheana raised an eyebrow as she gently replied "so? Its nothing really that scary, you should see him when he used to go out at night and leave a bloody tare through the city streets. He maybe a SWAT agent but he is more of a vigilante antihero. I wouldn't piss him off if I were you unless you want to join his increasing body count."

A disturbing mirthless chuckle escapes her husband's throat briefly as he gave a sardonic smile with his blood shot eyes wide open.

Panther had to look away and replied "what the hell is wrong with you?"

Evan merely stopped smiling as he gave him a blank face and added "oh many things, really like my failing sanity and hard to handle rage. Since when did you become interested in Krystal."

Before gently nuzzling his daughter who smiled softly underneath her blue hood, as she gently hummed quietly.

Panther watched him and spoke slowly "well when I first saw her I looked quite smitten. So whose the next three open seats for?"

Evan sighed softly and replied "oh just a few of my guy friends a blue wolf named Zume, a yellow fox named Jayce, and a large Doberman named Kobe. I'm rather not sorry to see you react on edge because of my rather cruel nature. I take my daughters wellbeing very seriously because I would not want her to become a mere trophy wife."

He raised his head spotting his friends in a tuxedo and his daughter smiled softly saying "Jayce over here!"

She called out to the five foot tall green eyed fox who smiled softly as he flicked his tail as the other two chatted with each other.

They slowly sat down at the table before Fox added "so your boyfriend is he strong?"

Evan raised an eyebrow and replied "he's almost as strong as me but he's a far better at sword play I have to give Red Kun that."

Red smiled at the praise as he smiled brightly and replied "thanks it was a difficult time for me because of what Baion had done. Sigh project hybrid had a nasty fault if their memory gets corrupted and his was faulty."

Fox frowned and replied "and what exactly was that?"

Evan sighed and replied "Red was infected with the oil virus, it's a type of virus that is raw poison to hybrids and nothing could be done to fix it. Well almost nothing I offered him an injection to become a real living and breathing caninu and he took it. I injected the serum after a small argument with Mervielle because Red quite frankly had a grudge with her."

He rubbed his forehead and added "after the whole fiasco however things turned into exactly my luck twisted."

Krystal winced in sympathy and Wolf added "you must have some bad luck."

Evan sighed and added "tell me about it, some days its fine others not so much. Still I have to hand it to you for not acting angry at fox during this time to ourselves."

Zume cracked a grin as a waiter stopped by their table and asked what they wanted to eat a rather decently figured cheetah.

They ordered what they wanted to eat and particularly Red wanted a large T bone stake causing Wolf to raise an eyebrow. Evan chuckled and replied "Red is a rather voracious eater meaning he will eat a lot of food. It's a 5 pound steak but it be enough for him, I will have a large plate of spaghetti and Caesar salad and one Shirley temple please."

As he waited for the reason of the group to order which was either stake, or a burger with a nice order of rice as a side dish.

Eventually their meals were served as the waiters returned with the requested food and Evan paid them the right enough along with a generous tip worth 4 credits.

Panther had his steak and started to cut into it noticing the chestnut caninu start to salivate upon seeing his own. He chuckled and replied "so you're his boyfriend are you a virgin?"

Red shook his head and answered "nope popped my cherry when he gave me a suggestion after showering with him together. He's very gentle for first timers however he can get quite rough, the pleasure though is quite intense and I'm a bit worried that I might get addicted to sex."

They snorted even as Evans daughter rolled her eyes and spoke softly "Red the only time that happens is if you have sex a lot of times in a single day. From what father tells me you only have sex when your in the mood which is quite rare."

Red huffed even as he sliced a chunk of his steak with a knife and brought his fork up to his mouth. As he chewed on it and swallowed he added "yeah well I swear my bodies core is always going nuts when he takes me."

Wolf shook his head and grunted as he replied "I'm not gay or anything but that sounds like you really enjoy it."

Red growled as he replied "hey I'm bi not gay and I do enjoy helping Elh when I can."

As he activated his magic circuits in his arms causing them to hum softly as Evan winced. He merely replied "um Wolf I would suggest not to unintentionally anger Red, he has a nasty short temper. If he doesn't trust you he will treat you spitefully if you do the same. Also Red don't use your magic circuits here in the restaurant."

That cause Panther to eye him briefly and replied "this kid uses magic?"

Evan grimaced even as Red bristled as Elh replied "I can do something different as a source of magic. However for Red his magic is mostly centered around flames and blades. After all his type of magus is the kind that walks with death."

Panther blanched even as their host toke a deep sip of his drink. He stopped drinking and added "I tested him beforehand to see what kind of magic he has as a kind of bored behavior. However now I do sort of feel very proud of him and concerned because of the fact of what he has. Red has 32 above average magic circuits and a reality marble that has been a semi curse to him."

Fox winced and Wolf added "from what I have heard from Fox here about it it's not good is it?"

Evan sighed and replied "reality marbles rarely form in a person, his elements are sword and fire. His origin is sword as well. Look having one is like a subconscious pull to do something for Red it's sort of hard to stop but he has a grip on it. It would have been a lot worse, however also because of it we found out that he was emotionally distorted."

Panther coughed on his beer and replied "say what!?"

Red cringed and explained "I change emotions to quickly to be normally, it's also because of that my mental state was starting to crack because the lid on my emotional state was stuck on."

Panther gave the poor boy a saddened look before Red sighed and added "things have gotten more hectic and some cases worse. My boyfriend is being watched by the outergods, the same outergods that Lovecraft created in his writing..."

Wolf balked and their guest grimaced and muttered "Azathoth wants an heir and what better heir then me? Nobody knows what his form is but even described or talked about can drive a man insane. Do I look like a normal hybrid no because I have been coughing up crimson fluid. My split personality is an eldritch beast, and his fucking throne has been leaking fluid into my soul."

This caused them all to freeze slowly as his wife swallowed and answered "you weren't joking when you said within the palace of chaos as described by Lovecraft lies the throne. People have searched for that throne for years before because of the sake of knowledge, power, or intrigue."

Evan grimaced and muttered "the only way to get that throne is by walking into his arms. It's not possible unless you're a outergod. Enough with this topic though how has your jobs been going?"

Panther smiled as he swallowed yet another bite of his steak and replied "it's been going very well actually even if were a bit of a rouge mercenary squadron."

Evan simply sighed and replied "you know it's not always fun running or fighting away. But that depends on who you ask; if you ask me however well I guess you can say I enjoy it too much because of mentality. Chris don't sneak another pack of sugar alright it's not natural sugar cane."

They grimaced as Panther spoke to the Doberman "your friend is disturbing."

Kobe shrugged his shoulders and replied "I know, he knows it to but there is hardly anything he can do. He maybe a swat agent but he has waged a private war against terrorists. From what I can tell he carved them up like cheese on a cheese grater across the entire east coast. It is why he doesn't use his vigilante armor the one that is dark red and black in the day time. Look if you piss him off there is nothing in this galaxy that will stop him from beating you except for his boss, but of course he would wait till night fall to do it if you attempt to use his hermaphrodite daughter."

Panther blanched as he stared again at the wolfess who took a sip of her strawberry daqari. She eyed him briefly and whispered "I can see that your curious but please don't push it, while out in public I am quite timid around people I don't know. However around the city bellow I can act the way I want to, you must understand really daddy gets me what I want and I can be quite manipulative to get certain people away from me. I still remember my time as a cub beig an orphan with my fucking whore of sister that I was sent down that path. I was reluctant I truly was until I stared into those swirly rainbow eyes it makes you want to give in and that soft honey laced tongue god I hated that bastard snake so much."

Panther looked confused as Fox growled and whispered "if you think this is an innocent family then think again their quite manipulative except for their son if the need to be is shown. This however is her remembering that sick bastard of a snake that did the whole thing, I can't believe there are companies who try to make slavery legal if it's illegally done."

Evans daughter chuckled darkly as he whispered "in various brothels around the city I am known as Mistress Kris for a reason. I'm quite demanding, rough, and yet all those ways to teach and receive pleasure make them come back for more. As a hermaphrodite the entire legally prostitute world is under my gentle palm but I don't command them. Why should I when their loyal to a default most prostitutes and women in brothels are ex soldiers in the depths of New York. Do you know what happens to men or women who attempt to use me they end up as my play toys."

Panther blanched as their hosts shrugged their shoulders and Evan added "there only rapists who want something similar. My wife isn't troubled as much but was still concerned I was the one who offered her the choice of having fuck toys from the same people who attempt to use, abuse, or rape her and if they break I put them out of their misery. For some reason she always attracts the truly dangerous toxic elements in the sexual underworld."

She smiled dangerously as she replied "I can be quite an actress and people don't seem to notice what I do until it's to late unlike you and mother of course. Of course despite my seduction if I really wanted to I could close that palm into an iron fist. I prefer to speak softly and carry a massive stick you must understand father pays for the best lawyers and solicitors to look over our money."

Evan smiled softly before noticing the waiter returned with a large jug as he replied "which one of you is monsieur Red Savarin? Were sorry for the inconvenience as we had a bit of a hassle preparing this amount of pure milk." As he smiled sheepishly before Wolf snickered softly.

Red laughed softly as he replied "salut that's me and thank you!"

The waiter gave him the large milk jug nodding as he did so as he returned to the rest of his business.

Fox whistled seeing Red lift the jug and started to drink it slowly. He asked "that's a lot of milk at least half a pound, since when can you speak French?"

Red stopped his drinking briefly and replied "where I come from everyone speaks French. Our secondary language is English, as for this amount of milk apparently my bones are a bit thin. So I figured to drink until they are strong enough to be healthy."

Evan smirked as he replied "that's a wise choice, so I have to ask and I am sorry if it's a bit embarrassing but what exactly is your sexuality?"

Panther blushed as did Wolf who answered "well that's a bit a tricky, were not exactly gay but for some reason I've always stared at Fox's rump."

Fox groaned as he shook his head and replied "it's always my rump! He stares at it his friends stare at it is it that hard to not stare?"

Evan blushed as his daughter giggled and replied "not really, daddy is a very active so it gets in the way for him. Then there is Jayce and the two others, they work in a night club and are very gay enough to the point where they sometimes drool over asses or stare at crotches."

Zume huffed and replied "that only happens if it's a full moon, its hard working as bouncers when most males come and go are young and sexy and have rumps that are hard to not look at. There is a reason why we have to be together or else one of us well looks at someone when we're not being professional."

Panther sniggered and asked "aw whats wrong fox embarrassed?"

Fox growled softly and Krystal huffed saying "Panther easy don't push it our host has a hair trigger rage."

Panther snickered before saying "aw why is that I mean I haven't seen such a orange colored ass before, I wonder if it was done out of pity or s-"

He was cut off feeling an aura of killing intent as a black aura swirled around him. He broke out into a sweat gazing at their host who smiled sweetly with his eyes closed before shaking as he slowly opened them gazing into an arctic blizzard that swirled around filled with barely contained rage. He spoke sweetly "I'm sorry what was that Panther didn't Krystal tell you to stop?"

Panther and Wolf could easily tell something was very, very wrong with him as his smiled seemed to widen ever so slowly. Panther shuddered and replied "not to do it again?"

Evan nodded before saying "look it's a rather sensitive issue for Fox. He doesn't want to talk about and he doesn't want to get harassed either. The reason why I warned you to stop is because I have been on the end of sexual harassment cruelty before and I can't stop remembering what happened. Being called slut, faggot, gay, homo does that to a person during highschool and they wouldn't stop calling me that even after the teachers told them to stop."

He finished as his emotional mask cracked showing them a look of rage and an endless well of pain hidden behind cracks of insanity in his eyes as he whispered "even after so long I can't forget it after all those bullies were the ones responsible for making this personality and behavior of mine in the first place."

Krystal winced as she shuddered before adding "is that why you're so angry?"

Evan sighed before returning to his noodles and swallowed a forkful before adding "oh yes but it was also a combination of factors that happened throughout my life. I have only told my wife and the rest of the family what exactly I went through and I doubt I will. I can write exactly whatever I went through but I also delete it because it's to much and I really want to forget most of it except for the good memories I cherish. Sigh sometimes I think my life is like Moscow, and while the united states criticizes Russias government it's because Vladimir Putin is trying very hard to repair the cracks in the government system."

He snorted and muttered "like as if the USAs government is any better and in this case I am glad I have duel citizen ship because I really, really hate the current government. It's becoming the soviet union very slowly..."

Sheana cringed and muttered "I can't believe its gotten that bad for you're the US government."

Fox growled and replied "it can't be that bad right?"

Evan snorted and replied "The current president has been taking serious heat as more then 4 scandals wrecking through the white house like a wrecking ball. The biggest thing was our government tries to paint others who are whistleblowers of serious criminal activities as treason or traitors like Bradley Manning. The biggest thing is the NSA has been hacking people internationally using an illegal program dubbed PRISM because it is unconstitutional millions of innocent americans are being hacked by this program even overseas. It was revealed by a whistleblower named Snowden and now the government is using the Main stream old dinosaur media to try and paint him as a traitor or even a Chinese spy. The current administration is the biggest hypocrites ever because the USA always gripes with china hacking them which is sometimes while PRISM has been hacking Hong Kong and Main land china since 2009. The director who runs the NSA James Clapper has lied to congress about the program as well when originally asked about it even and they have been trying to defend it. The current administration is making the United States hated world wide, the EU is furious not mention they even spied on the Russian Federations president during a 2009 summit which pissed them off as well. It's very bad form and yet the NSA under Obama has been taking some serious nasty heat, the best part is they are defending illegal activity that they themselves committed all to save international face. Obama has sworn to be the most transparent president for the entire government and guess what it is a fucking lie! If anything our government is slowly going soviet union on some levels under his administration!"

They looked disgusted and Fox rubbed his nose holding back a growl and Krystal asked him "what exactly is the main thing that you don't trust them about?"

Evan sighed and replied "have you ever heard of a biotech company called Monsanto?"

Sheana and the others looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as he sighed. He bit his bottom lip and replied "in the United States certain corporations create genetically modified foods, some are good and healthy while others not so much. Then you have the main cause of hate for GMO's Monsanto. This is a aggressive company who wants to collect the seed market for their own use to supposedly feed the world. No way is that not possible because their food and herbicides have caused a lot of damage to our agriculture and worldwide because their herbicide is called Glyphosate. It is also because of them that genetically modified food has been seen as evil or hated by a lot of people."

They frowned as he continued "whenever someone accidently has their seed planted in the ground they get sued by them and they have been ruining thousands of small farmers. Then there is the fact that they don't want any GMO labeling and have threatened to sue the entire state of Vermont before. It is as though they refuse to see it happen and their crops require that damaging herbicide of theirs. Anyways a senator in congress slipped a rider bill into the plant protection act to make sure that Monsanto is above the law for six months dubbed the Monsanto protection act."

They looked outraged as Sheana breathed a frustrated snort as she replied "all for that one company?"

Evan sighed and muttered "their lobbying is always a hassle when they use ambassadors to try and promote monsantos GMO's. Not all GMO's are considered to be bad but Monsantos is something to be concerned of because they won't let anybody due an independent testing. Some of their corn has been linked to cancerous growths because their injected with Glyphosate in their structure a type of herbicide responsible for all the known problems in the United States. The studying could do a lot of helpful things but Monsanto is really destroying it, as of 2013 Monsanto is voted to be the most evil company in the world."

Zume snorted holding back his laughter as Jayce rolled his eyes and replied "the food in the Common Wealth has been fit to be labeled and the genetically modified food has always been under careful scrutiny. Still Monsanto can't possibly be that bad."

Evan sighed and muttered "there ceo has told critics and protestors that their reverse elitism, not everyone in Monsanto is bad its just that company only sees money..."

This caused them to look outraged even as Wolf rubbed his forehead and growled as he replied "reverse elitism? What the fuck he sounds like a real douche!"

Evan sighed and muttered "so true, hardly anybody trusts the main stream media unless its about important topics. I just have to ask this though would you like me to fix your weak eye?" as he raised an eyebrow causing Wolf to scowl.

Wolf sighed and replied "I've been to different hospitals and nobody has ever fixed it but how can you?"

Evan simply smiled softly and replied "nobody can fix it even with nanites and nanobots? Hmm looks like I have my work cut out for me after all, did Fox tell you what level of a psionic I am? He should after all I host the most dangerous and lethal thing to ever exist within my chest and surrounding my heart."

He raised two fingers as his silverware began to float and he gently guided it around slowly causing them to stare in fascination.

Evan sighed and added "I can only handle enough to listen to thoughts surrounding the entire city because even a bydo wolf hybrid like me can't handle the sheer mental power. The bydo core was originally built to be a bio weapon, a weapon that can control machinery. The mind is a computer as well just the most complicated computer of sorts in the known universe. I want your consent first because I always ask before doing certain things."

Wolf bit his bottom lip before adding "fine but if you make one mistake I will beat your silver furred ass!"

Evan chortled before gently sending a probe as a yellow translucent hand snaked within the vulpines mind. Ever so slowly he frowned as his mental reach extended slowly and traced along his left eye stalk seeing him shiver at the odd feeling.

He blinked slowly as his probe seemed to went over a small gap and frowned as he slowly looked inside using his mental vision. He blanched as he mentally pulled up the view and added "no wonder nobody seemed to fix your problem, your eye stalk has some cuts along its structure. Look damaging the eye stalk means you risk damages I guess this must have happened to you. I need to warn you however you will feel a slight sting like a dental pinch shot as I begin to heal it."

Seeing the vulpine merely grunt and added "well fuck me, well alright get on with it. I would at least like to see better with this eye without my eye patch on."

Evan nodded as he gently constricted the eye stalk mentally causing him to wince before sending out a psionic wave of healing causing the yellow probe to turn green. The green aura washed over the eye stalk as he watched very slowly as the cuts began to heal until it turned back to it's natural color before returning the probe.

Wolf slowly removed his eye patch as his vision began to clear up making him smile softly. He swished his tail and replied "thanks, I am going to keep the eye patch though because I want it to be a surprise for others. I do want to ask why you didn't invite Leon to dinner."

Evan gritted his teeth as he answered "he's too creepy for my taste and he is quite how to put it to psychotic even though I can be that way if I get to angry."

Panther merely blushed as he added "yeah I have to agree that iguana is quite a handful. So what exactly is your family pet a parrot?" he joked causing them to frown softly.

Sheana swished her tail as did her daughter as her husband answered "a xenomorph!"

They balked as Fox nearly spewed out his drink as his eyes widened. He spoke hoarsely "did you just say a xenomorph as in the ultimate killing machine type xenomoroph that is used as a bio weapon?"

Evan chuckled as he replied "they may be extremely dangerous even more so as a pet but really a bio weapon sounds to much of Weyland Corporations for my taste."

Fox grimaced seeing his eyes flicker as he could easily see the barely restrained rage and hatred for Weyland.

Panther grimaced as he replied "I guess you extremely don't like Weyland is it a type of company?"

Evan sighed as he answered "Weyland corporations, is technologically geared company aiming at development for science and military uses. They see xenomorphs as feral as they are as nothing but living bio weapons to use and dissect to see what makes them tick. They have done illegal things in order to try and get specimens for their own use and will do nearly anything to get one. They threatened my family once because I took in a hermaphrodite xenomorph. I will be honest yes I have had sex with him because he wanted me to and he can speak English but Weyland actually threatened my entire family for what I have done."

He took a small sip holding back a dark cruel smile that sent a cold chill down Wolf's spine.

Evan sighed and added "look the company has stabbed people in the back and have done illegal and threatening to things even to families. They sent a few thugs in suits and two guards, unfortunately those guards lived because I didn't use enough force to slice them in half oh well!"

Red rolled his blue eyes hearing the mirthless chuckle escape his boyfriends lips despite the fact that Wolf and Fox felt quite disturbed at how callous and easy it was for him to talk of killing.

Krystal grimaced and added "are you really that pained that your mind has twisted into such darkness?"

Evan sighed as he spoke to her "Krystal I relish the amount of horror I can do to people, the pain, the fear it is just addicting. I am what I am a nearly formed self-fulfilling prophecy!" he finished as he spoke with pure vitriol causing them to blanch.

Evan shed a tear as he added "I don't like it, I really don't even though the thrill feels quite good. However its what I have been shaped and molded to be and I would most definitely want the ones who pushed me this far to be pay for what they have done!"

He finished again with acidic bitterness and vitriol with pure contempt in his tone.

Wolf winced and replied "I maybe cold when it comes to back stabbing or greed but really? Your that spiteful?"

Evan glanced at him as his eyes flashed red briefly and replied "if you were to gaze behind my emotional mask about certain subjects you see the literally endless well of rage and with a sharp splice of mildly strong contempt however it's mostly hidden by the fact of the amount of raw emotional pain. I used to have a strong sense of dark hatred until I met Red, now I feel more at peace but reserve my more harsher behavior for those that truly deserve my ire."

Wolf grimaced before asking "I've heard from fox that you have a few nick names, one being the king of malice. You really do terrify the criminal underground don't you?"

Evan shrugged his shoulders before answering "oh very, you see I tend to leave gangers who attempt to enslave someone impaled on the metal poles on the skyscrapers. I just lift them with my psionics and watch them drop, others whoever love being serial killers I leave them crucified as I drop them into a large nest of driver ants with a concoction in them to feel the pain tenfold of being eaten alive by them."

He chuckled sardonically with a psychotic pitch in his voice as he finished giving a fanged smile causing Wolf to stare wide eyed in horror.

Wolf slowly whispered to Fox "he's crazier than Leon."

Zume heard him and sighed before saying "well what did you expect he was fucking nearly tortured to death and so his personality which is intertwined with his emotions became this. He was a wreck and he still is but despite his issues he wants to be a better person."

Evan sighed as he replied "that's true but it's hard for me especially when it comes down to the fact my emotions are influenced by angst and depression. I maybe a cold hearted killer but I know better then to let corruption poison New York, especially when it comes down to the fact the city is a major hub for Common Wealth in this sector of space. If it is not in check and spreads the entire sector might become worse then the Russian Federation when the Soviet Union fell."

Kobe grimaced as he asked "they can't be that corrupt?"

Evan sighed and muttered "an international study of corruption ranging from 0 which is highly corrupt to 100 which is least corrupt. Russia has scored a solid 28 since 2012, they have a very, very long way to go to fix the poisons."

Soon after the sour mood they began chatting and he told them about the one time he painted the side of his old house with green paint once as a kid causing them to stare while holding back laghter.

Evan blushed and added "I have done stupid things as a kid, some of them quite stupid. I remember this one time my parents were having a hot tub party one night and I was nude, instead of joining in I well walked next door. As I walked into the neighbors backyard they were all sitting around this fireplace while staring at me and their son replied "hey naked boy!" until my dad caught me to bring me back."

They lost it as Fox slammed a hand on the table while laughing as the rest of the group went into hysterics.

After paying for the meal they stood up slowly even as Evan stumbled just a little as Red jumped onto his back. He raised an eyebrow as the caninu smiled gently resting his head on his shoulder as he answered "thanks for an excellent time, weve never been in outer space before and they are so going to be jealous! You know gren, Opera and Kalua?"

Evan huffed and replied "I know but must you cling onto my back you excitable if not sometimes silly caninu?"

While this was happening Wolf and Panther easily saw the quick change in his posture. Wolf raised an eyebrow and asked "Fox why does he seem completely different?"

Fox sighed and replied "he never opens up around others for a little while as a self defense mechanism. When he does he can be very friendly and not so bitter, we have extended contact with him and his friends so hes not so hostile. It's something he's not happy and they are so very used to his attitude which can change very quickly."

They watched him gently hug his wife as she returned it while nuzzling Red as well. He gently smiled as he replied "I'm sorry for the fuss around dinner but, I don't trust the current administration in charge of the Unite States, their shredding the constitution..."

Fox cringed hearing that and Krystal smiled softly hearing him add "still it was nice meeting you and Krystal as well, Red get off my back!"

He chided to the caninu who released his hold and landed with a soft plop on the steel floor. Red blushed as he placed his hands over his shoulder and replied "sorry I was just a bit excited."

Evan merely huffed softly before saying "I know you like to be quite optimistic but you're making yourself to accidently look like a jester."

He mildly teased him causing him to grumble quietly before he released his wife as his daughter walked over to him quietly. He eyed her and smiled softly and replied "I hope you're happy, did your brother give you any trouble?"

She swished her tail as she smiled gently before saying "not really daddy, Jayce we'll meet you at the teleportation room heading down to the Enforcer headquarters okay?"

Jayce merely nodded as he left the waiters and waitresses a tip noticing they already as well.

Panther looked at Krystal and replied "well that was informative in a rather saddening way, does he always speaks like that around guests?"

Fox grimaced and replied "it's not his fault he puts up such behavior because he doesn't trust you guys. Especially regarding you Panther... You manipulated her to join your outfit briefly by using a sentence that reminded her of her home planet. After all you can't hide from a psionic whose mental probes can't be felt it's impossible"

Panther winced before widening his eyes and replied "no wonder I could see such raw malice and ill will for myself. He doesn't trust me after that?"

Krystal sighed and replied "if you can get him to understand what you did was because of your jealousy he should. Otherwise it becomes a grudge and he doesn't forgive grudges at all until the person responsible is dead. He's a very, very dark individual who would enjoy torturing you extremely slowly while laughing if you hurt his daughter..."

Panther balked seeing the family and friends walk away and replied "but he seemed so nice!"

Fox grimaced and replied "Krystal sometimes visits them to have psychiatrist lessons with his wife. She does admit her husband's behavior isn't natural due to her husband's depression. He has to live with a wrist pump on his wrist filled with medication and anti-psychotics for the rest of his life. Why it's because his insanity is something nobody can help or deal with, look he's been shaped into a cold blooded killer by just shear grief of his past. He wants to stop remembering what happened but his mind won't let him. He has been very open with her because well he does have a slight crush on her."

The vixen blushed as she replied "he thinks I am beautiful and should be treated as such. Not as a trophy but someone to cherish or love just like Foxy here is doing!"

Panther and Wolf sniggered seeing Fox turn red in embarrassment and replied "I swear I'm going to prank Evan for that infernal nick name. It is a bit hard to not say it is it?"

And they argued briefly as they turned to leave the restaurant as well.

Red removed a small bone treat from one of the pockets in his pants and placed it in his mouth as his blue eyes wandered around briefly. He smiled softly seeing Jayce and the two others catch up to him and watched his boyfriend's daughter softly squeal as she bounded over and hugged the yellow fox with a tight squeeze.

Jayce spoke hoarsely "easy Kris you're kind of crushing me, jeez she is awfully excited to see me."

Evan laughed softly and replied "well of course she is she hasn't seen you in a while. Come on were done for the night and I want to go home, and have fun in the bedroom with my wife or unless you guys and Red want to join in. Their better be no bugs in our room Kris so you can black mail me for extra rounds of our usual sex!"

He teased her causing the wolfess to blush heavily as she replied "I wouldn't do that unless I was very sexually frustrated. I swear you have sex with mother twice a day unless she is in heat and use the bydo core to sterilize your seed on such days..."

Evan shrugged his shoulders and replied "what better way to get rid of most of my depression then sex?"

This caused Red to blush along with his sister as Elh giggled softly before they walked to the middle of the station seeing a large crowd slowly walk towards a green pad.

As they headed towards the teleportation pad his right hand was gently squeezed by Reds left hand and he squeezed it back as well as Red walked closer to him before they vanished in a green flash down towards the planet bellow as the rest followed as well.

On the ground bellow they got off the platform before Red noticed Evans worried look as he looked over his shoulder and replied "you're worried for the vixen aren't you?"

Evan sighed biting his bottom lip and replied "well maybe, she sometimes uses her emotional mask to hold back her depression like Kris used to do. I always seem to worry so much about her, I have a big crush on her but not like true love for my wife."

He grunted feeling Zume wrap an arm around his chest making him huff as he nuzzled the wolf. He rolled his eyes and asked "seriously Zume you make it hard for me to not enjoy your abs or to nuzzle you while purring."

Zume giggled softly as he replied "aw so you do still care hmm?"

Evan huffed and added "I do care about you and Kobe especially Jayce. However sometimes I can be quite forgetful now as much as I want to nuzzle you and have some private fun later I need to escort Red Kun and his friends back home and then we can have fun."

Zume released him smiling kindly and asked "I know life has been hard but it seems you haven't been with us for a long time at the club is there a reason why?"

Evan blushed as he walked over and gently touched Reds nose seeing him trying to nip his finger. He chuckled as he replied "I've been too busy with Red kun because he is the only one to make sure the psychological damage that has been done to me slowly start to heal faster than a normal psychiatrist or counseling session with my wife."

Zume winced as Jayce grimaced and replied "he is sadly right you know, at least it has been doing wonders for your sadism, I've heard horror stories of you at night..."

Evan shrugged his shoulders even as he guided the caninus and feliniku to the Enforcers exit while hearing chatting and phones ringing about. He merely added once you start its hard to stop. Certain soldiers have developed PTSD from what they have went through and I am no different but."

He fingered one of the magnums strapped to his armor and added "there are certain people who find it a sick thrill caused by emotional turmoil or abuse as a kid. I've went through a lot and I can say for a difference I really do enjoy what I do in a more sickening way, I guess youcan say I am one of those that should stop what I am doing all together."

They felt cold even as he exited the building as they walked down the street and headed for home with them following.

With Fox and Krystal they both chatted as they headed back to the great fox before hearing the twinkling sound of a music box. They looked over their shoulders gazing upon Evans still form leaning on the stations wall.

Krystal raised an eyebrow and asked "weren't you planet bound 20 minutes ago?"

Evan nodded even as the music box increased in sound making them feel a bit unnerved. He slowly walked over as he gazed at them with his wide hollow eyes that barely had a sense of humanity within. He spoke softly "I was until I returned to see you off, I am a bit worried for you emotionally are you fine Krystal?"

She bit her bottom lip and replied "well maybe I don't what to say about Panther though. Fox wasn't so sure about Wolf's behavior either."

His eyes flashed crimson briefly showing them the pentagram designs of the eyes of Azathoth within as he whispered "are you sure that your worried about his behavior Fox?"

They felt unnerved as his unnoticeable aura showed itself a swirling black red and grey aura covered him as his eyes gazed at them with a hollow expression. Fox felt disturbed as his fur stood on end and replied "I'm not so sure he looked quite disturbed is their something the matter?"

The sound only grew as he tilted his head with a soft thump in mix as his golden hazel eyes turned lifeless. He cleared his throat and whispered "he felt disturbed because he could have ended up like myself look you used to be bitter rivals but he was also given a task by Andross. The thing about him that you didn't know was that his heart was corrupted by that mad scientist to be a cold figure. He would have killed millions if you didn't fix things up."

Fox cringed before scowling as he growled as he stormed over to gaze into his eyes.

He grabbed his shirt and barked out "did you manipulate me the first time about the whole thing about Wolf O donnel?"

Evan shook his head before placing his hands on his wrists and started to squeeze. Fox gritted his teeth as his hands were taken off his shirt and Evan merely spoke smoothly "now, now your not supposed to do that to law enforcement and no I didn't manipulate you all I did was give you a _suggestion. _Look I plant seeds of doubt in some people when their being played like a fiddle or for them to do better. I admit I did something similar when I first talked about my daughter a minor subliminal message of caution hmm?"

Krystal and Fox both blanched even as a cold smile crossed his face as he released his hands before gently extending a claw as he placed it under his chin.

Evan gave a heartless chuckle as he answered "that seed was a warning about the dangers of it especially when it regards to your girlfriend Foxy. If I were to have manipulated you then you wouldn't be here at all because those I manipulate end up completely destroying their lives, their reputation and their sanity."

He removed his claw slowly as his laughter slowly started to grow mentally as he continued "I sound heartless I know and I am to an extent like a true cold blooded killer would be. However it's better you know what to expect on the more corrupted of planets then going through it. My suggestion on Wolf saved millions of innocent lives in the lylat system because while he does have his morals his grudge and bitterness would have made him into a monster if it wasn't fixed at all..."

Fox gritted his teeth and replied "it still feels like manipulation!"

Evan cocked his head as he raised an eyebrow as spoke softly "it wasn't Fox, I only knew about him from what he looks like through your memories. Unknown to most including you he has an emotional mask as well, it's hiding his hatred and rage for you I can see through it due to a gift. The key issue was you were a bit of a better pilot but also you blamed him for your father's death until you learned the truth."

Fox cringed deeply as he rubbed his forehead and groaned before sighing deeply. He laughed bitterly and replied "no wonder he dog fights me so fiercely, I screwed him up didn't I as a cadet?"

Evan sighed and replied "well yes and Andross the insane scientist made things worse for him as what he is now one of the most feared mercernaries in the Lylat system. What we saw was him opening up and slowly it is starting to drain away, it will take a few years for it to happen though."

He materialized a cigar to smoke it as he rubbed his index finger and thumb together to light it.

Fox frowned as he replied "you're a real peace of work sometimes you know that?"

Evan gave him a haunted look before removing his cigar. He sighed and replied "I've warned you before that I have a silver tongue and my psionic abilities can't be felt unless you're more mentally aware like Krystal is. For what it's worth this is the first time I regret what I did for causing such a reaction from yourself, I know you hate getting used and I didn't use you. Your mind feels angry but your heart feels free from guilt and the result is your emotions go haywire."

Fox shook his head even as he rubbed his forehead at the pounding head ache. He groaned even as he watched him leave with the sound of the music box following as well. He turned to ask him one more thing as they turned to leave "hey where do you keep that music box?"

Evan turned his head even as he spoke confusedly saying 3 words that complete froze them over "what music box?"

I know that sounded callous at the end or a bit off but that is way my fursona is, I admit I am not to proud for doing something as adding a subliminal message that doesn't have any more of an effect. He has a silver snake like tongue in some causes to be cruel or slowly alter someone as he can't help but to slowly look into someones memories and slowly bring it out. I like Wolf Ol'donnel but this is something I was always concerned with.

Wolf has a bitter rivalry with Fox so it wouldn't be that hard to guess that he hates him a lot with a fierce anger because Fox blamed him originally for his fathers death. However I do have to say this yes Fox is right to be pissed at my fursona emotionally but he was never used either. Just a bit of subliminal messaging laced in his speech very briefly to see how they would react and become stronger for it, I know it seems like foul play but really at the time my fursona never trusted them.

The final meeting... Sometimes I just don't like the way he was a tad cruel to Fox but as law enforcement you have to be a bit rough but not violent. *sigh* as I stated in my profile, journal, he is my darker half of my person with severe trust issues. He only trusts his friends, family and being out in a public place with Fox and Krystal was a hassle for him because he does not want to be such a person around Fox or Krystal at all.

Red The Hunter: Nightmare Shift

Red slowly stirred as he opened his blue eyes before yawning softly even as he smiled, in his arms was Elh the only Feliniku he could ever love at the same time he felt his boyfriends strong arms gently wrapped around his chest. The caninu looked...

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Red the hunter: saddened days part 4

Red sighed even as he snuggled closer into Evans neck causing him to chuckle before a sudden twinge was felt causing him to cough out saliva and a little trickle of blood. He placed a finger on his lips and pulled it away making him frown in...

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Red the hunter: Saddened days part 3

With a snap hiss Evan raised his head as the stretcher carrying his friend hovered out the surgical room as a commando followed suit. Elh and Chocolat both eyed him worriedly as the commando replied "hell be alright, still he had a lot of necrotic...

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