Among the Wolves

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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It's not easy staying on a single idea for so long, especially when it's the longest thing I've continuously written.

This story spans over a few years marked by the seasons, and it does contain breastfeeding, but it's not a main part or meant to be erotic.

The beginning and ending are more defined, but the middle is a patchwork trying to connect it all (In my opinion)... So as always fave, vote, and comment if you want.

Edit: Fixed spacing (again)!

End of winter, 2754

A chilly cool wind blew across the plain sparsely dotted by a couple of trees. Grass bobbed gently in response with a lazy nature. The sun helped warm the mostly flat terrain from the last clutches of winter. A large house occupied the otherwise dull space with a proportionally large tree right beside it. One would wonder why a human structure was this far out from where the owners originated from. The cause was a land bargain two decades ago that became cheaper the further northwest you could go and settle. The result was isolated contact between natives scattered around the region. But recently the lack of human sightings, no matter how scarce, raised suspicion among a separate tribal pack. Four figures made their way towards the structure from the north. Each walked on digitigrade paws carrying weapons slung over their shoulders. Their faces were adorned with muzzles and snouts that harbored large jaws full of teeth. The group of four were indeed wolves and rarely went this far south.

All of the them were in tribal attire, marking each as members of their village and pack. It was the only tribe of wolves in the region that lived on the edge of the plains connecting to large forests. In fact they were the only pack of natives within a good weeks distance of walking. Red shivered ruffling the fur on his arms. Spring couldn't come quick enough to him, and this cold snap made him dislike what was left of winter that much more. He followed his companions around the white washed walls towards the front entrance. There was a short fence that had fallen over with a sign facing up. The sign read out 'Nicholson Manor,' but wolves didn't know how to read, therefore the owner's name wasn't significant. Anthos, his tribes chieftain, wanted a small group to head south on the lack of humans sighted within the past seven weeks. The tribe and nearby humans generally avoided each other but kept a close eye out. So when one went missing, the other would more than likely find out what happened.

"It's hard to believe that we're still a few weeks away from Erkhüü," One of the wolves with Red said. That was the name the wolves called the human's closest "village". The others shrugged. It didn't really make any difference to them about something so far away. Each stopped in front of what mostly looked like an entrance to them. Doors could only vary so much between different cultures. The front door though was already cracked open revealing a small section of what was inside.

"Do we just go in?"

"By now we should've seen one," another replied.

"If they act just like us at home then we go in." The first replied pushing the door as it swung to the side.

"Except their entry doesn't require any bending down," Red stated receiving a chuckle from Mist. Red paused and stretched before entering. More than half a days journey through the southern lowlands without rest wasn't the easiest task to complete.

"Hey! Any humans home?" Red yelled breaking the quietness of being inside. He didn't want to make any unnecessary surprises towards whoever lived here. There was no response as they stood in the front room.

"I don't even think I can hear the wind from in here."

"These aren't like the walls of our huts," Red pointed out tapping one with a finger. The space was decorated with strange areas to sit but despite the neat items, there was plenty of debris on the wooden floor ranging from a few leaves and sticks to small rocks.

"Why would they abandon this stone hut? It's huge... Although it's kind of dusty too," Mist, another of the wolves spoke up observing the surroundings before a sneeze hit him. Things were a little dusty as Red drew a finger over a table top collecting a small amount of the grey material. Mist shook his body, brushing off any that became entrenched in his mostly grey fur. Wiping his nose did help to help stave off a sneeze. The other two looked at a picture hung on the wall before walking around. The room didn't hold anything important as far as they could tell, and there weren't any humans present. Mist pointed to an opening that led to another room. Walking through the doorway, they scanned the area finding two figures near a corner curled up next to each other. Approaching, the four quickly found out that they were motionless. A strong moment of silence and uneasiness fell over the group.

"Well I'm going to check around," Mist said leaving through another open doorway. Red turned away after seeing the dead pair. He took it especially hard since his mate Amu couldn't bear a pup, and she would've given anything to have a child whether he could be human or wolf.

'I'm glad Phasu didn't go on this trip since her brother died recently,' Red thought to himself. The red wolf kicked a rock where he stood to try and distract his mind, but the other wolf had no such troubles confronting the two dead bodies. He even went as far as to poking the mother with the end of his spear.

"Must have been another wave of Coughing Death that infected them," Another said looking at a few paintings on the floor and wall. "I think that's why we never saw any of them for a while about eight years ago."

"It's strange how only humans can catch it," the first wolf said poking the small child with his arms still wrapped around its apparent mother. The wolf made a startled bark jumping away from the two humans catching everyone else's attention.

"Woah Ilo, don't tell me you're afraid of the dead," the sandy furred wolf said with a playful yet serious undertone to the jet black one.

"I think it moved Oran!" Ilo aimed his spear towards the corner until Red came by brushing him out of the way.

"Only one way to find out," Red stated crouching down in front of the child and woman. The woman only needed a quick glance to tell she had passed away hours ago, if not a day ago. A thin trickle of blood that had escaped her lips was enough evidence of the disease he had seen once before. But the boy stirred as a clawed finger poked his forehead. The little human groaned and rubbed his eyes. "He's not dead!" Red exclaimed surprising everyone who quickly gathered around with some distance.

"You brought the dead back to life," Oran said with a happy note only to receive a brief cross look from Red.

"What about bringing out your dead?" Mist said coming back into the room with a handful of messy papers.

"This one is alive," Red pointed out showing him the much younger human. The other wolf looked surprised and stacked the papers neatly on a countertop.

"What did you find Mist?" Oran asked to momentarily change the subject.

"I know it's called paper, but I have no clue to what the markings on it are," he said neatly organizing them on the kitchen table before returning his attention back to Red who had turned back around to the human child.

"What's your name little guy?" Red asked quietly. The boy was afraid, but not petrified.

"D-David," he whimpered out afraid of the wolves.

"His name is David," Red said turning around to everyone.

"Leave the pup here, we already found out why they've been disappearing," Ilo said wanting to return home.

"Leave him? He's by himself! How could he survive without anybody to look after him?" Red barked glaring at Ilo.

"You're acting like you and Amu can't have any children of your own." Oran said calmly.

"She hasn't been able to have a child Oran, you should know that by now!" he snapped back at him. The boy looked frightfully back and forth between the wolves, unsure of what they could possibly want with him.

"We have definitely heard how hard you two have been trying," Ilo said with a smirk.

"Didn't the two of you participate in the fertility dance a few weeks ago?" Oran asked ignoring the last wolf's comment.

"Of course! But nothing has worked," he said with frustration.

"Uh, Anthos is not going to like this one bit," Mist complained noticing the wolf's stern defensiveness.

"I can't just leave him here to die! Just look... It's unbearable," Red pointed to the boy still fearfully watching them as he clung to the dead adult. The red wolf had a big soft spot for the human who he knew nothing about. Red had lost his father at a young age and his mother not long after. When he was a young pup of eleven, his uncle took care of him before building his own hut at the age of fourteen. It was hard even with his uncle's help, but this little human had no one else to receive any assistance from. "Besides, he has my eyes," he stated pointing to the identical pair of light brown. To the three wolves present that knew Red, it was obvious that he wouldn't abandon the child no matter what they said by now. He turned and crouched back down before picking the boy up, and scooping him into his arms. The boy held onto the dead adult's shirt only to be pulled away with a disgruntled cry. Red held the young human up looking him over. His clothes did look messy and worn, but everything else seemed to be in good shape.

David's face was scrunched closed expecting the wolf to eat him or at least kill him. To his surprise neither scenario played out. Red cradled the boy comfortably in his arms before looking back at everyone else.

"Well I guess it's up to your mate and Anthos to decide if he should be kept in the pack," Oran said with a shrug.

"Let's head back home before it turns dark. We know why they haven't been sighted now," Mist said. The rest agreed without much else to say on the topic and filed out of the entrance heading back home. "And what will you do with those funny leaves Mist?" Ilo asked seeing the wolf carry them outside.

"I don't know, probably keep them or maybe the human knows what they are," he glanced back seeing Red exiting the house with the boy in tow.

"Mom!" the boy choked out a dry scream as he was carried out of the house. Ilo's ears pinned down, not liking the harsh noise at all. Red patted his back to calm him down as he followed the others due north. The grass quickly returned to knee length as they wasted no time walking through it. David unclenched his two handfuls of fur and wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck. He looked up from Red's chest to see a determined face marching forward.

"What are you going to do with me?" David squeaked out fearfully as his captor held him close.

"Don't worry, I'll see to it that you can stay with us. You don't deserve to die so young," he said holding the boy close as if he were holding a younger version of himself. The group continued their travel northward across the mostly flat landscape. The hours passed with the sun warming the area and Red carried David during the whole walk back, who at least was able to fall asleep part of the way. As soon as they reached their first large hill, each knew it wouldn't be much longer. The sun was just about ready to set as the group finally caught sight of their home. The quaint village was tucked away bordering the edge of a forest to its north while the south where they had come from was mostly rolling hills or flat plains of grass. One by one they broke off from their little group and headed their separate ways.

"I want to hear what happens to Anthos has to say about him tomorrow," Mist said pointing a claw to the human fearfully clinging to Red. Red simply waved him off passing around the first few huts that comprised the village. David hid his face seeing other wolves of all ages in the village dressed similar to the wolf carrying him. Everyone else in his path stopped what they were doing to watch as Red proceeded walking through the village.

"Red what is that?" someone asked as he continued walking.

"Is that thing still alive?" another said. Red just furrowed his brow and waved them away heading to where his hut was located. Dodging around the forming crowd of wolves, Red made a quick detour before arriving to his hut. His wife had been waiting for him to return and sat by idly on a few spread out blankets inside. She heard the door flap being noisily opened and closed.

"Red you're finally home!" She sat up to greet him only to have her attention diverted to what he was carrying. "Red what-" She stopped as he kneeled setting David down next to her before taking a seat himself.

"Our group went to the large human home to find out why there were suddenly no sightings of them, and we found this one to be alive."

"They're awfully small, I thought you said they grew about as tall as us?" she asked. Red shook his head as the boy watched them converse.

"He is only a pup, the mother was found dead with him. We think all of them have died from that coughing death because the giant house was left unattended to."

"That's horrible," she stated looking over at David then back to Red. "But why bring him into out home if his kin are dying out?"

"Well..." he started out looking at his lap where two lupine thumbs traced over one another. "Since we can't have a pup... I mean we've tried for years without any success... I was hoping that we could raise him together and have our own family." Her olive green eyes lit up in surprise as Red looked back up to her with a promising grin. "He even has my eyes," Red finally pointed out with a quiet chuckle, smiling. The female wolf looked back between the two before a wide grin overtook her lips. Amu practically pounced at the human child squeezing him in a tender hug. David stiffened as he was taken off guard.

"Oh we haven't even though of names yet or anything!" She said rocking him back and forth before backing off to peer into his brown eyes. Red gave a hearty laugh standing back up.

"His name is David, Amu." Amu gave David a kiss on his forehead as Red turned towards the entrance.

"Where are you going now?" she asked as Red walked over to leave them.

"I'll be right back. I need to talk to Anthos," he said departing from the two. Standing up fully outside, Red found his hut clustered around the front with at least twenty individuals.

"Can we see the thing?" a pup asked before being elbowed in the chest. Red was a little more than annoyed by this unnecessary curiosity.

"Everyone go back to your own huts! I need to talk with Anthos," he said shooing the crowd away before storming off himself to the center of the village. Making his way across the shorter grass, he made it to the large fire pit in the center and spotted the chieftain's house on the other side. Anthos waved away someone else he was talking to for a moment and turned facing Red.

"I heard you brought a human into our village. Is this true Red?" the chieftain asked.

"Anthos, if I didn't intervene and bring the human child back he would've died," Red explained to him the situation that was at hand.

"So I take it there were no others at the house your group was sent to?"

"No, he was found with a dead mother and the home wasn't very well kept either."

"Coughing Death must be widespread over all human settlements," he said aloud thinking for a moment. "What will be done about the young human? Who will take care of him then?"

"If you will allow it Anthos, me and Amu can take care of and raise the boy," Red offered. Anthos rubbed his chin with a hand trying to grasp the whole issue while Red patiently waited.

The boy looked around the simple home as the first wolf left. It was nothing like the chartered frontier manor he lived in. No clear bed, rooms, windows, sinks, appliances or anything. The wolfess who was with him quickly retrieved one of the folded up blankets in the corner. She looked over his less suitable clothes with disapproval and kneeled in front of him. Amu wrapped the boy up in the warmer blanket seeing him shiver from the cooler air in his older clothes, and hugged him to help heat his fur less body faster. She smelled like the wilderness itself much like Red, but with its own tiny uniqueness.

"Who are you?" he asked the wolfess holding him.

"I am Amu," she said with a grin looking at the human who stopped shaking.

"A-are you going to eat me?" he asked fearfully remembering a story when he was little that told about a pack of wolves killing a traveling family. To his surprise, he received a shocked look from her.

"No, we don't want to eat you! We want to take care of you here." David relaxed a little seeing her ears fold back briefly, making him feel guilty for even considering it. "So how old are you?" Amu asked to change the subject.

"Eleven years old, I was born in January."

"Eleven years?" She questioned the strange word year, "January? I haven't heard of that season." David thought over how she was confused hoping to word it better.

"I was born in winter, so I am eleven winters old then," he restated receiving a knowing nod. David didn't know a thing about this pack of wolves, or any of them for that matter. There hadn't been any sort of official study with written records as far he knew.

"That makes more sense. Well you're not too far from becoming an adult," Amu said on a brighter note snuggling closer as she gently swayed side to side. The now mother wolf had a child. Eleven years of not being with him, but it was a start nonetheless. They simply stayed there on the ground in the close embrace for an unknown amount of time. Amu was running through all the new responsibilities she now had as a mother. David was doing his best to imagine how life would play out within the next week. Red suddenly burst back through the opening wearing a pleasant smile. He quickly made his way over to sit down next to Amu and David as they waited for him to speak.

"Well kiddo you're officially a part of the tribe, and just as importantly, our new little family," Red happily stated hugging them both.

"You'll adapt quickly. Everyone here is strong, even the smallest of pups," Amu added happily tapping his paler nose with a finger. David stiffened as the soft furred finger tapped him, expecting it to hurt from the claw that it harnessed.

"New family?" David asked.

"Yep," Red said happily, "Me and Amu will be your new mom and dad." It sounded strange to the human boy to have wolves adopt him, but he didn't have any control over the recent change of events. The two wolves though looked happy at what they had said and genuinely meant it too, so David mustered a grin up for them. It was awfully difficult for the boy to tell if the whole situation would end with a good or bad note, which made him more cautious among other things.

"We should be sleeping soon, it's almost time for the moon to rise," Amu said noticing how dark everything had become around them as neither had prepared a fire. Red was way ahead of her and was at the bedspread already starting to fix it up. She directed David over to the area of spread out blankets with a few folded ones at the top resembling pillows. Red removed one of the top ones and refolded it, replacing it with a thicker dark brown looking one. "I don't know how humans sleep, but this is where we will be sleeping every night," Amu pointed out for David as Red situated everything.

"Let's get some shut eye," Red stated flopping down before patting the side next to him, "I promised Mist and a few others to go out for a hunt early in the morning." Amu and David joined him. They laid down together on the reasonably comfortable spot. David was pulled down by Amu just as he rested his head on the folded blankets. He was moved just below where her arm waited to support him instead. The edge of the blanket that he laid on was curled up around his front to help stay warm. He wiggled a little in his makeshift cocoon, settling down as the two wolves beside him fell asleep. David laid there staring blankly at the opposite wall. He had a family to take care of him now. Just one of different culture, and species. But there was still a strong sense of attachment he had to his real mother. She was talking to him just like any other time three days ago, although the coughing starting progressively becoming worse.

'Mom could still be sleeping,' he thought with wide eyes thinking of escape. The far flung hope was definitely created out of sheer denial, but served to keep him slightly optimistic. The human tried to crawl away from the wolfess, but barely managed half a step before a furry arm closed over his chest. David felt her reeling his body back to her side. "Mom," he whimpered out as his eyes began watering. He was afraid and wanted his real mother back even though deep down he knew attempting to return to his former home would spell his end. A furred jaw rested above his head as if to physically shield away all the sadness he would be feeling. Wiping his eyes to clear away the tears, a different arm came across and held him after softly patting his stomach. It wouldn't be easy for David at first, but at least now someone was out there to protect him, and he was more than grateful for that. Making himself as comfortable as he could, David closed his eyes and held onto the two larger furred arms. His first night in his new home would not be spent shivering in a corner.

David awoke alone staring up at a ceiling of a strange type of thatched wood. The events from yesterday reworked through his mind like the intricate workings of the thatch. He had what amounted to a second chance at life with a new family in a very different culture. The crackling sounds from a low fire were heard from nearby along with an occasional humming noise. The quaint homely feeling did match the tribal characteristics of the hut that lacked modern appliances that his hime had. Sitting up as the blanket pooled around him, the female wolf from the day before was seen sitting nearby with a bundle of cloth in front of her.

"Good morning David," she said cheerily working with what appeared to be a thread and needle.

"Good morning ma'am," he kindly returned feeling the feint glowing heat from the fire. It felt good against his scantily clad body. He paused hearing a growl, not from a wolf, but from his stomach.

"Are you hungry David?" Amu asked turning to him setting her stuff down.

"I... am hungry," the boy quietly said feeling his empty belly. He hadn't eaten much yesterday and was too scared being brought into the village to realize it. The last food he remembered eating was graham crackers with some dehydrated food about twenty four hours ago.

"Well then come here and sit on mommy's lap," Amu proudly said putting emphasis on the word mommy. It reoccurred to him that she was his now his new mother. David stood up and walked over to where she was, noticing the air cooler than the warmth the blanket provided. With a slight hesitation, he sat down in her lap facing away from her. The wolf behind him giggled and pat his shoulder. David couldn't see her reaching for a bowl or anything and didn't see why he had to sit in the wolf's lap either. Out of the corner of his eye a piece of clothing was set aside as he heard humming from behind. A pair of furred hands picked him up before turning him around to face her, only for the boy's eyes to widen in shock and confusion. His adoptive mother was topless in front of him, smiling. His real mom would have slapped him if this scene had ever taken place. Her smile faded slightly. "Come on David, winter isn't over quite yet and until then all pups stay on their milk diet," she said bringing her hands up his sides to help direct him forward.

It took a few seconds for his snapped brain to register what she had said. David shrugged away from her hands and stumbled back off of her lap landing down to the floor, covering his eyes from seeing her bare chest.

"I'm not supposed to see a girl naked, it's rude," he said keeping his eyes covered from seeing her. She was startled by his reaction, but quickly put it in perspective.

'It must be a human thing,' Amu sighed covering her chest with her hands. "You can look now, I covered them up," she said not wanting to scare him anymore. David peeped through his fingers before removing his hands to sit up properly in front of her. "It's only disrespectful if another adult male sees them, and we usually don't have a big surplus of food this time of year to give you little ones a ton of variety," she explained to the boy.

"Sorry... I-I've never eaten any meal that way before," David said remembering that this wasn't his old home anymore. There would be plenty of customs and habits he would have to adjust to, no matter how strange.

"Well I've never performed it before either because I can't bear children, so I hope we can try together and bond for the first time," she smiled a little nervously with anticipation. David calmed down somewhat seeing that she was in the same boat as him. He nodded and encouraged by his growling stomach moved back into her lap. Amu kissed the top of his head and removed her hands from her chest. She waited for him to make the first move so he would be more comfortable about it. The small nubs of pinkish flesh surrounded by fluffy grey fur stared back at him as he edged his head forward. David took a deep breath and chose the one on his left, a few hairs tickling his nose as he inched closer. Feeling a skin like texture poke his lips, his mouth cracked open before forming a seal around the spout. His face was only able to see a wall of fur before him. The fur that did touch his face was pretty soft though. David imagined a baby bottle feeling very similar as he began suckling on the pink nipple. At first nothing happened, but quickly small amounts of something milky trickled onto his tongue.

To his surprise, it was actually warm and tasted a little sweet. The edge of the taboo feeling was also taken away as he continued. David liked it and didn't feel as guilty wanting more. Amu brought a hand to his head and another to his back holding him. He only paused a moment feeling her touch him. The wolfess slowly rubbed his back, the warm palm briefly making goosebumps appear before being smoothed away. He wouldn't directly admit it, but it did feel very nice to have that close physical affection. His actions soon paid off as the trickle became a steady flow of liquid from her.

"Don't ever feel afraid of them around me or anyone else. It's not even uncommon for another mother to offer hers if you're around depending on the situation," she said softy continuing to pet his back. David was surprised to hear how open the tribal wolves were about such things, and Amu clearly noticed his reaction as he halted. "I guess the best way to phrase that is common courtesy towards another's child," Amu said continuing to comfort him. He looked up feeling the wolf starting to rub his back again. Her olive colored eyes warmly looked back at him as he returned feeding. It was strange eating something that came from and was stored inside of her. Even stranger was the natural feeling he was experiencing that made him calmer in the foreign house. "I'm sure you still miss your parents very much, so please take everything slowly to adjust. You can call me and Red by our names instead if that helps." Surprisingly her voice sounded soft and caring as she spoke like a real mother. David gave a slow nod before returning his gaze towards the wall of grey fluff in front of him. They both remained quiet as David ate while continuing to be comforted by Amu. He was thankful that the liquid passed smoothly down his throat to prevent any coughing or choking. Feeling himself grow full, David unlatched swallowing what was left in his mouth. He wiped his lips as Amu readjusted her top piece of clothing. "Are you full?" she asked returning her hands to his back to pet him.

"Yes Amu," he said shuffling off her lap. About to stand, David was instead greeted by two strong arms constricting around his body.

"You don't know yet how happy I am to have a son," she said hugging him tightly, craning her head over his shoulder. He could see her happy smile beside his face with the black canine nose out ahead of him. A hand patted his chest as she kept him in the warm embrace.

"Uh, thanks for the meal," he swallowed still tasting the substance as she finally released him from the binding hug.

"Your're very welcome, and ask anytime if you want more," she said before kissing his cheek with her thin fuzzier lips. Then he finally stood up and stretched quickly as Amu redressed before returning to her fabrics. David walked around exploring his new little home in detail up close. It contained many primitive things compared to his manorial home. Clay pots, arrows, an old quiver, and even a large decorated shield laying against the back wall. He looked over the bedspread that was a little messy from being slept on. There were at least a dozen extra blankets folded behind the ones used as pillows.

"Who made all of these?" He asked picking one up.

"I did many seasons ago when my ankle was injured," she turned briefly to see. "I guess having a bunch of spare time is productive."

"They're really nice," he said looking over a basic pattern along one side. She thanked him as he decided to look around away from the bedspread. David folded it back up and continued his limited exploration. He traced along the tightly constructed wall until his hand came across a stretched flap covering the exit. Not exactly a door in his mind, but it helped air circulate through the quaint space.

"Don't go outside," she said without even turning around. Curiosity nagged a little at him despite knowing there were a ton of wolves he didn't know on the other side.

"Why can't I go outside yet?" he turned to Amu, watching her continue to sew.

"You will need proper clothing to be a part of the pack and it can still be chilly out there, with or without fur." David looked back to the entrance stretching his hand out before retracting it. It wasn't worth trying to run away from such kindness. Instead he walked over and stood by Amu watching her stitch together the strange cloth. It looked very similar to the clothes she was wearing and piqued his curiosity.

"What are those?" he said sitting beside her pointing to the handiwork.

"These will be your new clothes," she said proudly holding up the completed garments. One was a pair tanned leggings with a few tassels that looked soft, and the other resembled a tight fitting short sleeved shirt made out of similar material with a few decorations. "But since you don't have any fur except for what's on your head, I'm making another set with parts of a blanket put inside," the wolfess showed him holding up the new set that was almost done. "When I finish, you can wear these instead of those ragged clothes. They won't keep you as warm anyway," she pointed out feeling the thinner fabric that he wore. David rubbed his chilled arms and had to admit that his synthetic clothes were not very effective at retaining heat. And what the wolves wore looked better for the weather rather than wearing blankets around the whole day.

"What should I do here then?" he asked sitting down between her and the fire.

"Sorry, but I won't quite be finished until later, but I hope you don't mind being stuck here for most of the day."

"It's ok," he responded quietly sitting there. Time passed as David chose to watch her make what would become his own set of clothes. Every now and then she would add a few things to the fire keeping its low flame strong and the hut warm. David found himself almost nodding off until he noticed Amu stop working. The wolf looked back at him with a smile as he stretched, physically shaking the sleep from him.

"It's about midday, are you ok having a small lunch before Red comes back?" she asked setting her fabrics and other such materials aside. David hesitated from setting the blanket down but nodded approaching her, hoping that the variety of food in warmer months would be better and less embarrassing to become accustomed to. But either way, going hungry would be the worst option available. Taking a seat in her lap, he patiently waited as the wolfess pulled down the top half of her tribal attire. As soon as she did, David wasted no time and started to draw forth the warm milk from her left breast. He didn't want to make awkward for either of them. "See it's not so bad when you get used to it," Amu said holding him close as he ate. David looked down feeling his cheeks redden slightly. Embarrassment would keep him from admitting a yes to that any time soon. He fed quietly for a few minutes, obtaining a healthy amount of milk as she rubbed his back soothingly. He unlatched when he finished satisfied but remained in her lap as she readjusted the top piece of her outfit. "Is something wrong David?" She asked placing her hands on his shoulders as the boy stayed in place.

He didn't respond, and instead wrapped his arms around hugging the wolfess. The soft leathery garment pressed against the boy's face as he held Amu close for a change. It was the only way he could say thank you to her for all the kindness she and Red have shown him, even if it was awkward for him. Amu hugged back warmly. It was the first kind gesture that he had shown her or Red. After a few moments ticked by, he pulled back choosing to stare at the intricate pattern sewn in her vest like part of the wolf's outfit.

"Thank you for everything Amu," he said quietly while keeping his stare towards her vest. David felt a finger lift his chin up until his brown eyes met her golden ones. Her black moist nose touched his nose. A little affectionate lick was given.

"We're a family now. You don't have to thank me for everything like a guest, but you're very welcome." Her voice was very soft and meaningful to what she told him. A grin sprouted along the boy's lips before he slid out of her lap. David watched as she returned to sewing with the small needle and thread on his outfit. The instruments looked crude to him but they did the work at hand just fine. Pretty soon Amu finished and set them aside finding herself in a different compromising position. She tapped a claw along her nose looking at his paws. They weren't like her digitigrade paws, and didn't look tough enough like one either. Guessing from their naked look, they would also easily freeze in cooler weather. Amu took a piece of hardened leather and carved out two sole shapes about his size before working with a few other materials at hand. Using a handy knife, she cut out a few organized shapes before setting them in an organized stack. "The footwear can wait a day, how about you try on these on for now?" she said holding up the shirt piece and leggings.

David took the shirt half and immediately liked the soft leathery feel that it provided. Looking it over, she had added longer sleeves that would go down to his wrists. He took off his old shirt and put on the newer one before taking the pants from her. After a quick turn around and swap, David was wearing a comfortable fitting tribal uniform.

"It feels great," he bent his arms and legs around feeling the warm smoothness against his skin.

"Good! I can remove the sleeves and extra bulk when the air warms up," she stood up and tugged the fabric showing how sturdy it was. David gave a practice walk around the hut liking how unrestrictive the new outfit was while moving. "Do you want to walk around outside for a while? You won't need the fabric for your paws unless you go out into one of the forests." She waited as he thought it over in his head before agreeing. Amu went over to unfasten the door's flap before motioning him to step through. David bent over walking through the opening and stepped out into cooler fresh air, shielding his eyes from the brighter sunlight. He felt her hands on his shoulders guiding him a few steps forward as his eyes adjusted. The ground was a combination of short grass and little dirt roadways from being used so much. Looking straight ahead, he found himself at the side of someone else's hut made of the similar hybrid teepee wooden thatch. Their homes weren't very far apart as he looked around, maybe a few meters at the most if any at all. It was a crude partial formation similar to a miniature block like that of a city.

"Come on, I'll show you the village as we walk," she offered grabbing home of his hand. There were plenty of huts to see, each a little more unique from the last. Smoke occasionally drifted from the tops of some as others had anything ranging from clothing and baskets to blankets and spears lying neatly about. The wolves he did see varied in a wide difference of fur color, and everyone he saw was busy doing something rather than idly sitting back.

"Morning Amu," a wolf said replacing a section of roof over a hut.

"Morning Amedeo," she replied as he turned around. David immediately noticed how tall and big the dark grey wolf was.

"Well who is this?" He said. David partially hid behind Amu as the larger wolf towered over him.

"Don't hide," she giggled. "Amedeo is never going to harm you." She reassured David and scooted him forward. He turned shy and didn't say anything at first to the large wolf. "This my son David," Amu introduced him.

"Uh hello," David said holding out his hand as Amedeo's larger one engulfed his in a hearty shake.

"Look at you! Brown eyes just like Red," he said peering down at David. The human leaned a little back from his powerful presence.

"So what's wrong with the roof?" Amu asked redirecting his attention to give David some space.

"Apparently standing up with a spear inside ruins the thatching," Amedeo stood tall and scratched his neck embarrassed. "But it's almost fixed!"

"Sure it is," she said with a toothy grin able to see how indented the roof was. David contently watched them converse for a few minutes while taking a few peeks around the area.

"So how do you think David is adjusting to the pack?"

"He's doing perfectly." She proudly looked down at him standing beside her.

"Kind of shy and quiet compared to most pups," he noted with David simply standing idly next to Amu.

"Maybe if you weren't scaring him with your height so much."

"Hey if me and Vapi weren't the two tallest wolves in the pack, who else would be?" He joked stooping down to the human's height. "What do you think of everything so far David?"

"A lot of wolves are working," he stated earning a chuckle from the two adults.

"Well spring is just around the next tree, so it is time to organize the winter clutter that's built up inside," he said looking back over to his own hut. "And speaking of clutter, I need to clean out my own before Vapi gets on my fur if you don't mind."

"It was good talking to you," Amu said leaving with David.

"Bye!" David waved. Amedeo waved before returning to the roof. Not too many other adult wolves gave so much as a second glance towards him. They had already been told by Anthos or heard from someone else that a human was adopted by a married couple. The lack of attention took off a huge weight from David, and he didn't feel like such an outsider at the moment. A few more greeted him and Amu, but the latter was generally called 'human' instead of his actual name. She showed him the large fire pit in the center of the village and chief Anthos's hut, which looked similar to the others. It was a nice little area for the pack to live in and David liked it as they walked around. However, pups closer to his age were curious and as soon as one spotted him, they tagged along inching closer. David ignored the growing crowd and stuck by Amu as she continued to show him around. But soon more little wolves joined in and followed the pair, disrupting their little venture. David was halted by Amu's arm and turned seeing the pups' excited and curious faces. The group contained at least a dozen pups of all ages. One even looked to be only three years old, holding a sibling's hand to not get lost.

"We want to see the human!" One cheered as the rest practically bounced wagging their tails in agreement.

"His name is David," she corrected the excited bunch as they calmed down enough to hear the human speak.

"Hello," David said quietly introducing himself as all eyes directed to him. He stayed by Amu but was quickly surrounded by the curious canines.

"Wow he doesn't have any fur at all!"

"Is it cold outside to you?"

"How can you run with your ankles so close to the ground?"

"Where did you come from?" All the questions were coming too fast for David to even begin answering. One of them had even grabbed the human's hand to feel his hairless skin, oohing at the strange sensation. Backing off, the human child hid behind Amu holding two handfuls of fur for protection.

"Everyone calm down. He is shy and new to our customs, so please give him some space." She intervened resulting in a few whines and grumbles of disappointment from the crowd. David jumped feeling something poke his rear. He turned seeing a pup with a surprised expression.

"Hey he doesn't have a tail!" The crowd's excitement returned as they quickly surrounded him again.

"Get off me!" The human tried getting out of the constricting circle as hands grabbed, poked, and felt him all over. Suddenly David was lifted out of the crowd by a pair of adult arms. He froze in Amu's grip as she barked out at the youngsters who quickly scattered back. She growled once at them and carried David around a hut.

"Are you ok David? Did they hurt you?" She asked checking over his face and arms.

"Uh. No. You scared me." He replied feeling his quick pulse while shaking where he stood.

"Sorry, but no one messes with my only son." She said kissing his forehead. "We can go back home now. I think I've shown you just about every hut that is standing." With that being said, Amu led him around the edge of the village in a large arc. Arriving back home, she unfastened the door flap for David letting him in first. Inside, they found Red by the fire pit unstringing his bow. "Well you were pretty late coming back home," Amu said refastening the door flap securely to the wall.

"Sorry, I didn't think it would last so long. But on the bright side a huge number of deer and other wildlife should come back for the spring in a few days to stay till late fall." David took a seat on the bedspread as they talked amongst themselves for the most part. There were still about two good hours of daylight left, and it wasn't like he was going anywhere soon. A small fire was made to warm the hut as the cooler night settled in. Their dinner was revealed to have been pre made to a degree as dried pieces of meat were skewed onto a stick and reheated over the fire. David watched the two eat a few of the long thin strips, and wondered if they tasted any better than what he was already given. The pieces looked better than what his old family was given while living at the manor. As soon as Red was finished eating, he came over and sat by David on the blanket.

"Are you doing alright for your first day?" He asked putting an arm around his shoulder.

"It was ok I guess," he said looking at the grey, orange, and red hued pattern that defined his furry arms. The others his age certainly were a bit too much in his opinion.

"I wish I could take you around the area tomorrow, but your mother told me that human paws aren't rough like ours. So how about the day after tomorrow I show you around?" Red offered David. Not having to stay cooped inside sounded wonderful and definitely peaked his curiosity of the place. David nodded in agreement making a bright smile grow along the wolf's muzzle. "Alright sounds like a deal!" He said giving the boy's shoulder a shake. "You go eat and I'll get the bed ready," he said standing up after David to switch out blankets. Amu patted her lap and David walked over to sit down. He did his best to glance away as she partially removed the upper half of her outfit, but had no choice in facing forward as he ate. He was doing his best to adjust to the packs customs, and at least sleeping was mostly normal despite the closer contact.

"Why do we have to leave so early?" David asked Amu as he fastened the door flap before following her by a hut.

"This way you won't have to be seen by any nosy pups," she said with a hushed voice briskly walking through the village. David took after her and held the end of her tail in case she decided to slip away by accident. The sun was peeking above the horizon giving the village a strange early morning grey appearance as their two shadows danced across the walls of each home. Even Red hadn't entirely woken up by the time they had left the hut. Apparently Amu planned out a visit with a friend and wanted David to come along to start learning who everybody was in the pack. The hut wasn't far away, and the pair soon arrived without any overruling attention being drawn. "Phew! We made it without any trouble," Amu said entering the different hut with David. The boy looked around seeing a home very similar to the one he was living in, except it was currently occupied by four other wolves.

"Good morning Amu. I believed Red when he said you were coming for an early visit yesterday, but not this early," the mother greeted the two while holding a small pup to an open breast, nursing it. "So this is the human we've heard so much about," she said peeking around Amu to get a good look at David. He gave a quiet hello. "Aww, he's shy for a pup."

"David this is Urganji, Melqart, Cocom, and Lilly," Amu introduced him to each. Urganji was a mostly brown furred wolfess sitting on a bedspread similar to the one at his new home. Melqart, her husband, had a more typical timber wolf pattern. Cocom, their son, was a year younger than David and had a mostly brown coat with two unique thick lack stripes going down his sides. Lilly, their daughter, was only five. Her fur was just like her mothers except for a dark blue diamond patch on her left cheek. She was busy drinking her breakfast from her mom to give any formal greeting.

"Don't put him on the spot if he's shy," Melqart said stringing a bow by the empty fire pit.

"Well it's our pleasure to meet you David, feel free to make yourself at home whenever you visit." Urganji was being very generous to David, something the boy wasn't very used to from strangers from experience. It was a nice thing to know nonetheless. Amu sat down beside the mother and David sat down a couple of feet away looking around the homely space.

"Aww, Lilly is growing up so fast," Amu teased ruffling the pup's fur. "I hope she doesn't complain if David is the only playmate she will have while we talk."

"Lilly won't mind, she just wants someone to play with," She smiled briefly glancing down at the content pup.

"Cocom stop staring with your mouth open!" his dad scolded him by pulling an ear.

"Ow! Ok, ok," the older pup said rubbing his ear.

"Me and the little guy are going out into the forest, we'll be back later in the day," Melqart said taking his son by the hand to the entrance.

"You two have fun!" Urganji waved them goodbye. Lilly unlatched from her mother's breast and also waved as they left.

"You all full?" the brown furred wolfess asked.

"Yes mommy," she licked her lips clean of the white liquid smudged on her muzzle. Her mother readjusted the top half of her tribal clothing and shooed the pup away from her lap. The two adults quickly struck up a conversation about the pack and other gossip leaving the other two to their own devices. As soon as Lilly made eye contact with David, the five year old wolf was immediately stupefied with curiosity. David noticed but stayed seated where he was, a little nervous as to what she would do. The pup cautiously approached on all fours smelling him from a distance before standing up and running around the human boy giggling.

"Where did all his fur go mommy? I can't find it anywhere!" The pup said in her cute young voice running around before Urganji was able to calm her daughter down.

"Lilly, he's a human. No fur except for what you see on his head," her mother said before turning her attention back to whatever Amu was talking about.

"It looks so soft," she said in front of him reaching over to pet his hair. Her smaller hands combed through his scalp amusing David in the process. The pup's tail wagged excitedly behind, nearly threatening to fall off as she leaned a little too far forward. Lilly fell into his lap with her arms sprawled around his face. He looked down to see her head vertically resting against his chest, ears pinned back.

"Oops... Sorry," she said unsure how to get up while trying to move around. David picked her up and set the wriggling ball of fur down on his lap, where she then stared at him with fascinated eyes.

"You are very cute," he started rubbing behind her ears. The canine pup leaned into his touch and happily sighed forgetting that she ever fell on him.

"That feels nice," she said smiling as he moved to her chin. David wasn't allowed to have a pet at the frontier manor. In fact the only pet he had seen was a photo of a kitten, but Lilly certainly reminded him of how one might act. She huffed feeling his hand retreat and quickly grabbed it, placing his fingers under her chin. "Don't stop," she whined at him. Feeling obligated, he resumed ruffling through the short brown fur and scratching the skin underneath. Lilly held onto his legs as he scratched under her chin before moving to her cheek.

"Ok, I think that's enough," he said removing his hand from her muzzle that had a content smile splayed across it.

"Thank you!" She beamed wagging her tail. David watched as she reached into a fold of her skirt like version of his leggings. She glanced over to their parents talking before pulling out what he at first thought was a small chunk of wood. "Here, it's a small piece of deer meat. My daddy gave me some to eat," she whispered into his ear. "It's much better than mama's milk," she said holding out the small piece of dried meat to David. He accepted the offer and popped it in his mouth. The familiar meaty texture tasted wonderful as his taste buds lit up. It didn't have any fake flavor, only natural from the wild. He almost regretted having to swallow it.

"Wow it's delicious, thank you."

"My dad said that it might only be a week before the deer are back in large groups," she told him. David found himself suddenly wanting the week to hurry to a close if that was the case.

"I hope your dad is right," he replied receiving a nod from her.

"So where are you from?" she asked feeling over his furless hand.

"South from here. I lived in a manor home for most of my life."

"Is that like a big hut?"

"Well... Sort of-" he was cut off as she jumped off his lap to show him something. The active pup brought back an item in each hand.

"Do you have bows from the southern plains?" She asked holding up a small one with an arrow.

"No. There aren't any bows that I have seen."

"How do you hunt then?" She asked with a tilted head.

"We don't hunt for food, it's already packaged and pre made." To Lilly this sounded like someone delivered cooked food to his hut door every day. Her questions seemed endless to David as she continuously ran about retrieving things for him to look at before asking if he used it at his home. All of the replies usually came back as a no much to the pup's disappointment.

"Ugh. How did you live in the plains without anything fun to do?" She fell back into his lap as if he were a worn out chair. David didn't mind sitting there with the cute pup in his lap. Both of them sat there until Lillt had another idea. "Hmm. I know! We can play Ddakje!" She said scrambling out of his lap once more.

"Duck what?" He asked standing up. She went through a small basket before picking out three squares of leather.

"It's called Ddakje. Here. This one will be yours." She handed him one. David looked over the piece seeing that it was made out of leather folded into a square sewn around the edges. "Ok. All you have to do is throw your square down not the ground and flip the others." She demonstrated by dropping one and then raising her right hand holding the other. Lilly threw it to the ground where the other was resting. A quiet slap was heard as the piece smacked the other, but it didn't flip. "That's all you have to do, except you want to flip the other one from hitting it." She said picking hers back up. David looked over the leather square before throwing it down. A slap was heard as it hit the corner of the other one. "Ah close." She said before throwing hers down. Another loud slap was heard as both pieces flipped.

"You got it." He said as she happily bounced before picking her piece back up.

"We can keep playing if you want." Lilly asked with a hopeful look in her brown eyes.

"Sure." It helped take stress off his mind, and the game was pretty fun for the boy. Many rounds went by and David eventually had to use his left arm to throw as his right becoming sore. Time wasn't even noticeable as he played the hours away. Arm lifted up for the umpteenth time, he was ready to win his fourth game in a row.

"Alright David are you ready to leave?" A soft voice called over to him breaking his concentration.

"Huh?" He turned around with the square in hand to see Amu standing in front of him.

"I wouldn't mind staying all day sweetie but I need to finish those special paw pieces that you need to walk outside with." An arm wrapped around his back as a hand patted his shoulder leading him to the door flap ahead.

"Thank you for playing with me David," Lilly hugged him quickly as he returned the leather square to her.

"Bye Lilly. Bye Urganji."

"I'll see you around Urganji, and you too Lilly." Amu said.

"Visit anytime you want." Urganji said as they left.

"Come back soon!" Lilly said waving at them with her mom. David and Amu ducked out of the door flap before it was closed behind them. The sun was high in the sky, maybe an hour or two away from noon.

"From what I saw, you two had a lot of fun."

"You watched me and Lilly play?" He was a little too focused on the game to see if the older wolves were doing anything other than talking.

"For a little while, and it's great to see that you made a friend so quickly." She said before holding his hand as she led him away. He quickly kept pace with Amu through the village as they made their way back home. David noticed the stares from wolves and pups alike weren't as bad as the first day Red carried him in.

"Ow!" Something hit his head that left a dull throb. Turning his head back as he continued, a pup about his size was revealed to be responsible. Rather than make faces, the little wolf waved with a grin at David leaving him confused as Amu rounded another hut.

"Everything alright?" She asked slowing her pace to a normal walk.

"I'm ok Mo-Amu," David said before realizing that he almost didn't use her name. Amu smiled giving his hand a reassuring squeeze that he was finally accepting her as his mother, no matter how slow the transition.

David stood up out of Amu's lap and wiped his lips clean. The liquid dinner wouldn't last much longer according to Lilly, but he was becoming more accustomed to the strange winter feeding habit. Red set down a few arrows he had been working on and gave a good stretch.

"Let's catch some sleep." Red said making his way over to the bedspread.

"The sun isn't even down yet." David said able to see the sun's rays through the door flap.

"It won't be very fun if you're tired in the middle of the woods," Red pointed out smoothing out the top blanket.

"There's no harm in us going to sleep early," Amu said leading him over to the bed where Red rolled over to the furthest end. David crawled beside him to the middle and Amu to the other end. Both parents patted David goodnight as they settled in easily catching sleep. He felt the bedspread underneath with a roaming hand. There wasn't any blanket covering him since the body heat from both wolves kept him soundly warm in the cooler air. Sunset turned to night as David laid quietly between Amu and Red unable to sleep right away. He didn't have a clock for the exact time, but it was definitely too early for him to normally be going to bed. Turning his head to the left, he noticed Amu beside him sleeping contently. David looked over the wolf noticing her fur pattern in detail for the first time. The basic grey that covered her facial area stretched down her upper body, arms, midsection, and even down to her exposed thighs. Then just above her knees, the fur blended into a white the rest of the way. Red on the other hand was a much more difficult case to describe. Being a red wolf, he had a complex mix of browns, oranges, grey with a touch of white and red hues.

His splayed fingers wove in between Amu's fur before grabbing onto it without pulling. It was comforting to have her and Red there every night. A protective arm wrapped around him, bringing the boy closer to the mother wolf's warmer body. At the same time a different hand grabbed onto his keeping his arm close. David found himself being shared between two loving parents and couldn't help but smile at the thought. He hugged the arm and squeezed the hand goodnight.

David halted in front of the towering trees. He had never been inside a real forest before, and felt intimidated by the darker dense foliage. Not even the sun was able to penetrate to the ground in there through the thick green canopies. A hand grabbed and held his snapping him from the fearful trance.

"Come on I won't let us get lost. Just stay by my side," he said walking his son through the first trees.

"How far are we going?" He asked glancing behind as the grass disappeared.

"Not too far." David trusted him, but scanned his surroundings carefully along the thin trail before relaxing enough to let go of Red's hand. The footwear Amu had finished worked very well despite their soft look as he walked over the ground quietly. They resembled a pair of moccasins with an open part of leather and lace at the top to tighten. David followed Red without too much difficulty through the trail until the wolf in front of him finally stopped at what appeared to be a crossing point for several trails. "Now we are in the forest!" Red raised his hands in the air taking a deep breath. David took a deep breath as well able to detect the earthy smell. It was the same scent that every wolf carried with them in tiny amounts apart from their unique one. There was so much to take in. Tall oaks towered above them with new bright green leaves. A plethora of wildlife noises could be heard all around. Even two grey squirrels pounced through the dead leaves of the forest floor.

"Where exactly are we in the forest?" He asked looking around the area with no unique landmarks. The area looked exactly like every other part of the forest he had seen, full of trees.

"This is the east forest. The other two are the north and the west. A tiny area of brush exists in the grassland, but it can't be counted as a forest because of its size." He paused thinking of anything else. "There's a stream nearby that we sometimes use to wash and clean in, but because it's a little too far out, we don't use it very often. And as you could tell, the trees next to our village are part of the north forest." David did his best to make a mental map of everything as Red happily walked around the spot.

"Do you like springtime a lot?" He asked

"Of course. It is my favorite season. Don't you like it?" David didn't have much experience with the seasons being holed up in a manor house for a few years.

"It looks nice and scenic," he admitted looking around the peaceful greenery.

"Every pup looks forward to spring. Not having to drink three uniform meals a day and wearing less constricting clothing makes them very excited." Red seemed to speak from experience as a grin was clearly visible along his face. The canine's ears suddenly dialed in as the smile along his muzzle remained. "Hear that?" he asked David. The boy concentrated hearing a rapid tapping noise among a few birds heard chirping in the distance. It sounded like someone was hitting a small block of wood really fast with a rock.

"Yeah I can hear it. What is it?"

"It's a woodpecker," he said pointing up to the side of a tree for David to see. A little bird with red feathers around its head was drilling into the side of the tree with great speed creating the echoing noise. He could see why the bird had its name. It was drilling into the tree's trunk like a machine. "It's all the little things that make it so wonderful. The birds singing, bright green forests, newer grass, warm weather, swimming. Each is a reason to love the spring season." Red explained starting to go down a trail leading northwest. The walk was pleasant to say the least for David, who wasn't very mobile at the manor home. There was a downed tree ahead along the pathway. With the more open environment, he let a little curiosity guide him. David hopped up on the fallen tree and walked as if he were an acrobat. The traction his moccasins provided were exceptional despite the wet bark. He took a few steps before seeing the trunk steadily rise higher before finally halting into another tree that if had fallen on. About to jump down, a hand held him still. "Don't worry I'll catch you if you fall," Red stood by with him. David trusted him, after all he is the one who took him in.

The boy carefully made his way rising a few feet higher. His knees were already up to Red's shoulders and quickly ascending. David soon reached the end where the tree forked into the other tall tree at it fell on. With nowhere to go he looked expectantly down about six feet to the ground and Red standing below. "Jump. I'll catch you," he held his arms open. The jump down was more of a hop than anything as Red immediately caught the boy with ease. David clung onto the wolf's stronger form until he was set down safely on the ground. "You have good balance David."

"Th-thanks. I don't like heights though." He said feeling shaky from the experience.

"That's understandable, but you never would've known if you didn't try." They proceeded and made good distance while looking around the forest. Red suddenly stopped feeling a tug on his shirt. Looking down, he saw David with a worried expression.

"What am I going to do about food?" He asked Red as his stomach gave a rumbly growl. There wasn't anything out here so far that could've been caught for a meal, and Amu stayed back at the hut.

"Luckily I packed enough for for both of us," he said pulling out a small pouch that was partially concealed by the tassels of his vest clothing. "Let's take a seat shall we?" he motioned on the trunk of a fallen tree. Red set aside the rolled up blanket he was carrying and sat down with David to eat. David happily ate a few pieces. The first bite he ate was just as good as all the others. "So what do humans normally eat?" Red asked chewing through his second piece.

"Mostly synthetic fake food. It tastes like sand compared to this," David said after swallowing another bite. Red didn't like how the word synthetic sounded and wasn't too thrilled about eating dirt.

"Well I'm glad you like it. There should be plenty more in a few days." They ate half the food he packed and walked around for a little while before the wolf had a new idea. "Let's go wash up by the lake. I haven't had a good bath since the fall," Red said waving David over to follow him. "And it smells like you haven't either," he waved a hand in front of his canine nose before laughing. They walked along the edge of the north forest all the way to the west forest, a trip that might have taken half an hour had David worn a watch. After being led down a path through the dense clusters of trees, David caught sight of water glistening as the sun's light reflected away in the distance. The shoreline was a mix of a golden sand and dirt that could even be seen below the mostly clear water a few yards out. Plenty of paw prints could be seen going in every direction. "This area of the lake is a warm spot, but we don't really use it in winter because we'll freeze trying to dry off." They both stopped at the waters edge and Red shucked himself free of his tribal clothing before stepping into the rejuvenating water. David, although hesitant, followed suit and set his newly made garments beside the wolf's.

He stood on land where a tiny lapping wave didn't even reach him watching Red wade out chest deep. The wolf turned around as David took a deep breath wondering if any large fish were swimming around. "Where's your sheath?" Red asked with a tilted head before shaking it. "Uh never mind, come on in. The water feels great," he quickly changed back to the task at hand. David ignored the strange new word and stepped in wetting his feet before wading out chest deep. He eased down so that the water touched his chin breathing out a relaxed sigh.

'This feels amazing.' The warm water worked wonderfully over his skin and muscles, especially after all that lengthy walking. The muddy bottom was even warm to his surprise as the mud oozed between his toes.

"This is the perfect place to cool off during the day, but I'm just glad that it's warm enough outside to use," he smiled scrubbing through his chest fur. David watched Red clean his fur and started to do the same for his skin. It did feel really nice to take a bath after staying cramped up in that dim hut and hiking through the forests. For once during his stay time passed quickly as he relaxed in the water, albeit a little too quickly. Before he knew it, Red was wading back onto shore. David followed him out of the lake with a hint of disappointment. He looked forward to coming back here frequently. Water droplets were dripping everywhere as Red stepped out. David stepped onto dry land only to feel a shower of water spray him. "Hey!" He rubbed his eyes clear seeing Red's fur sticking out everywhere.

"Haha. Sorry about that. Most wolves shake their fur to help dry off, but I guess you don't have to." He ruffled David's hair sending a few droplets of his own through the air. David straightened out his hair preferring it tame, rather than wild. "We need to find our own spot to dry." Red gathered their things seeing how every sunny spot on the hill behind them was taken by another family or wolf. "It's not appropriate to see a family together unclothed as and adult or be unclothed around another female, except for ones wife," he explained from a males point of view, tugging David along the sandy lakeside towards an empty area. "But it will never matter if you are with someone of the same gender."

"Amu told me that a mother might offer me... to eat from her respectfully." He felt embarrassed to say milk or breastfeed, even if that's how he had to eat until spring was in full bloom when food was more available.

"That's being nice to a pup until you become an adult wolf, it's completely different from total nudity."

"So if I was a season or two younger it wouldn't matter for swimming with another family or a girl?"

"Precisely, but I'd say ten seasons old is when you stop doing it to avoid any... Embarrassments." He said with his ears pinned back. David listened and put it in his mind to remember as the discussion was dropped. The last thing he needed was to be ousted socially. The two climbed the far end of the slope towards a break in the trees where the sunlight was able to break through the thick canopy of bright green. Red unfolded the blanket over the bare spot of dirt and set their clothes aside before laying down on his back. The red wolf stretched with a content smile placing his hands under his head. David rested next to him and closed his eyes for a short rest. The sun's rays warmed his skin, quickly drying him compared to the furred canine. Feeling dry, he sat up and looked around the lakeside view, seeing the peaceful scene laid out before him. A few birds could be heard chirping in the trees above with their own self made songs. Looking over to his left, David could easily make out others laying down like Red nearby. His eyes began to wander. Everyone looked content and happy even though they weren't dressed at all which amazed the human.

Remembering the whole nudity issue, he looked straight ahead through the trees, instead watching the sunshine shimmer on top of the lake. Red yawned with a stretch and noticed David sitting up. "You can get dressed unless you prefer staying naked." Red said chuckling as the boy hastily retrieved and put on his outfit.

"Where are we going to next?" David asked as Red finally stood up and dressed himself.

"The southern plains for a quick dinner and some sight seeing that I know you will enjoy," he replied rolling up their blanket. David furrowed his brow in thought wondering how the treeless landscape he lived by could be as unique like the forest. They traveled up a different pathway southward to the plains that didn't lead directly back to the village. Red whipped out the blanket before smoothing it down on the grass. David happily took a seat feeling his legs nearly give out from under him. The grass nearly reached the height of his chin as he looked around the plains from his seated position. The wolf plopped down beside him setting the bag full of dried meat between them. They finished off what Red had packed while watching the sun set in the west. The repetitive meal would never get old to the human's taste buds as he happily ate the last piece.

"Are we going to sleep out here?" David asked seeing him lay down staring up at the sky.

"Nope, just wait. You will see." He replied as David joined him. Slowly after the sun set, all of its rays disappearing from the skyline, the horizon and above lit up anew. Thousands of countless stars covered the sky with what appeared to be a plumed vibrantly colored cloud.

"Wow... Is all of this here every night?" He asked never seeing the night sky like this.

"Not every night. Sometimes the moon or clouds will block the way." The stars and colors fascinated him endlessly. "That's the hunting wolf," he said pointing to the stars that connected in the specific pattern. "And over there is the song bird." David soaked up the star patterns seeing the intended image. He would point and Red would explain the group with a story, describing everything to captivate his imagination. Only a yawn interrupted it for the briefest of moments. The human never looked at the sky from Red's perspective just laying outside on the ground. Then again he wasn't allowed outside after 4 P.M. David caught himself yawning again, except this time a furred hand patted his chest. "I think it's time for us to head back." Red said sitting up. He wearily agreed. He was pretty tired from all the physical activity that his body wasn't accustomed to. David's legs suddenly gave way as Red scooped him up

"I can wa-" he interrupted himself yawning much to the adult's amusement.

"Just in case, I'll carry you back home so neither of us fall asleep out here." David didn't argue as he was carried in the wolf's strong furry arms, nearly falling asleep along the way. He was set down as soon as they made it back to the hut. "You first," he opened the door flap for David. He went through and found the hut dark except for the moonlight he let in from outside. Everything oddly looked cozy to the human instead of the dirty feeling he had when walking in. David liked how the whole day was spent with his adoptive dad. His biological dad was rarely around at the manor while he grew up. Too busy with a job to the point where David didn't even know what it was about. But Red spent time with him, a whole days worth of it! "Sh, we don't want to wake a sleeping mom," he said pointing to Amu on the bedspread. David nodded as they both crept up to her laying in the bedspread. Red placed the blanket down quietly and laid down next to Amu's right side. David took his place on the left and curled the edge of the blanket over his body. He smiled briefly holding onto her hand as he closed his eyes. The warmth surrounding him was comforting on all levels.

Just as he was about to fall sleep, her hand gave a light squeeze before pulling him closer just an inch more.

Spring, 2754

The morning was crisp and young as David sat outside with his back to the hut that had become his home. He survived his first week in the village, and knew his way around the area as if the human had grown up there. David even made friends with Lilly's brother Cocom after a second visit a few days ago. He silenced a burp, able to re taste the flavor of what he had just eaten. Red had cooked a large bird earlier in the morning and it was the first solid breakfast he had. Not to mention a very tasty solid meal. Nearby, he spotted Lilly fast approaching from around a hut.

"Hi David!" Lilly ran over greeting him from a short distance away. The pup ran over and tackled him in a hug as the human braced himself in his seat.

"Oof!" David hugged her back barely able to stay sitting. "Where's your mother? Did you sneak out of the hut?" he asked holding her up in the air.

"No!" she giggled wriggling in his grip. "My mom lets me run around as long as I stay in the village." David smiled and set her down before ruffling the pup's head fur. "Is your mommy letting you run around by yourself? I don't see her."

"Amu doesn't want me to go out into the forests or plains until I know the land a little better."

"Amu? Why don't you call her mom? She is your mommy," Lilly said in her cute higher pitched voice.

"Well... I don't know. She isn't my real mother, just my adoptive mother I guess," he rolled the thought over in his head.

"Same thing!" She said folding her arms. Like anyone her age, she was quick to forego things and conjured up something to do. "Since we can't go outside of the village, let's just go walking inside."

"Ok," he started getting up.

"Wait! Let me ride on your back!" She pleaded already scrambling out of his lap. He obliged and let the pup ride piggyback style. Holding up the wolf's legs, David stood up and walked ahead. Lilly's head poked above his own as her arms carefully wrapped around his neck.

"Everything comfortable up there?" He asked adding a quick bounce to his step.

"Yep I'm good!" She held his shoulders for support.

"Let's go!" David declared walking ahead. Everyone else who was within sight waved at the cute spectacle. Lilly loved the attention and waved back with enthusiasm, greeting the other pack members as if she were royalty. He, however, felt that she was more of a tour guide showing him around the village.

"There's Belgim's home, and Zeon's. Ooh! Kazek lives over there!" she pointed out whenever a different hut came into view.

'She knows more about the village than me,' he thought doing his best to remember everything she said that was relevant. David started jogging around towards the edge of the village seeing Lilly stick her head forward enjoying the wind.

"Faster!" She happily laughed as David ran around the outer houses of the village. He happily obliged and ran around a hut bordering the southern plain. Looking to the side, the view was very scenic as a gust of wind whipped at him. It reminded him of a painting he had once seen in his old home. He breathed in the rustic breeze that gave him a surge of confidence, able to forget he was the only human around. Feeling a wonderful invigorating spirit, David weaved back into the village carrying the happy pup on his shoulders. Making a sharp turn, a blur of fur slammed into him with a loud knocking sound. David opened his eyes seeing the blue sky above along with Lilly's face looking down at him. "Are you ok David?" She asked tugging at his hand worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine, but how did you land on your paws?" He asked coughing before sucking in a fresh gust of air.

"I landed this way," she said pulling him up to a sitting position where the human then used his wobbly legs to stand. He stood up rubbing his forehead only to find himself face to face with who he ran into. It was a female pup about his height. Her facial fur was a mixture of browns and black, all outlined around with a thin white line of fur. Her jaw was a pure white like the line where her muzzle was instead a creamier tan color. The black nose on the tip gave a huff over his face making him blink. "Illu you ran into David!" Lilly pouted angrily at the other wolf pup. Illu didn't look happy and David backed up from her. Lilly grabbed her tail trying to stop her without effect. She took a few bold steps towards him for each he took back. "Run David before she beats you up!" Lilly wailed being dragged while still holding Illu's tail. David turned without hesitation and ran back towards the edge of the village before taking a left to circle his way home. Everything looked safe as he was more than halfway back to his hut, but he soon regretted not keeping a closer eye towards the huts. David saw Illu dash out from around one to his side but failed to dodge her as the pup side tackled him to the ground. He fell down and she rolled on top, effectively pinning him.

"If you keep struggling I'll bite you!" She warned making him freeze instantly. The pup sat down on his lap and looked him over.

"Are you going to beat me up?" He winced expecting her to punch him.

"No... But I should." She said looking away. "You hurt my nose." Illu whimpered rubbing it with a hand.

"Sorry. I didn't see you." He apologized. Illu appeared to accept it as her expression changed from anger to that of curiosity.

"So where in the forest did you come from?" She asked crossing her arms. David couldn't sit up with her cross legged over his waist. He made himself comfortable on the grass before pointing to the plains.

"I'm from the south."

"Every human is from the south," she said with an obvious tone. "I mean any specific village or pack. Like Erkhüü. Are you from there?"

"I lived with my family in one house by ourselves, and what is Erkhüü?"

"I've heard it's a giant village that humans live in far away in the grassland." David chuckled in his thoughts. She was referring to the capital city of Romleia.

"It is a big village." He agreed with her. Lilly came running up to them nearly out of breath.

"David... did she... hurt... you?" She panted out before taking a seat in the grass beside them.

"Hey, all I wanted to do was talk to him Lilly," Illu said before returning her gaze to David.

"Can I get up now?" He asked shifting uncomfortably beneath her.

"Sure," she stood up allowing him to do the same. He brushed off any clinging debris before facing her once more face to face. "Are all humans so fur less?" She asked, the pup's green eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Yeah pretty much, but we have a lot more clothing for different weather." He ran a hand over her shirt piece. She in turn grasped his hand, marveling at how different it was. To David the pads on her hand were strange as well.

"Illu can you carry me home?" Lilly asked waving a hand from the ground.

"Fine. We can play another time David, I'll see you another day." She said turning to the pup lying back in the grass. He waved them both goodbye and finished walking back to his own hut. David ducked through the door flap and entered his hut, only to find his parents engaging in strange behavior. His mom was sitting down bent slightly forward with the top half of her garment missing. His dad was on his knees behind her meticulously combing through her fur. The whole spectacle confused David as he watched his dad occasionally flick something toward the fire.

"What are you two doing?" David asked startling both his parents. Amu covered her chest as Red stumbled back. Both looked at their son before breathing a grateful sigh of relief, relaxing their guard.

"Don't scare us like that David! We thought you were someone else," his mom said moving her hands to her lap. His dad chuckled combing through his headfur.

"We are just checking each other for ticks, and it can be difficult if we can't see through all of our fur," he said returning to his knees. David smiled realizing how they overreacted over something silly. He walked over noticing his mom patting her lap to sit down with them. The boy took his seat facing away from her only to feel a pair of arms pull him back. Wrapped up in his mother's embrace, David snuggled in and held both her hands. He felt Amu rest her chin on his head murring a happy tune while his dad finished picking out any parasites. His mind wandered back to what Lilly had said earlier. They were his parents no matter what. The whole reason he was alive and well was because of their efforts. He barely even noticed as Red finished combing through Amu's back, except when she wanted to stand up. He continued to cling onto the wolf's arms even as she uncrossed her legs.

"You are very affectionate today David," she said standing up and holding him a few inches above the ground. He didn't reply and continued to hold onto her arms, even as she set him down. "Now let me get dressed," she bent down and retrieved her top piece of clothing. David patiently waited as she tied the last lace together.

"Mom, where did dad go?" He looked around noticing the other wolf was absent. Amu blinked. She heard the address correctly and stopped with a smile.

"I don't know, but..." She turned around picking up David in a new hug. "He better come back home to spend time with his family!"

"No, no, no, not like that. Hold it like this," Cocom demonstrated pulling the bowstring back with his first two fingers. "Or if it feels more natural, use your thumb and first finger. My dad does it that way." The fluid motion hadn't been quite so easy for the human to master for the past half hour. David held his bow ahead and drew the string back using his fingers instead receiving the correct result. "There, perfect!" Cocom applauded. "Now try it with an arrow notched in," he gave one to David. Readying the arrow, he pulled drawing it back. Aiming the best he could, the arrow was released followed by a vocal thud. "Wow you're a good shot!" Cocom said as the target rocked back and forth on the tree limb.

"Beginners luck," Ion said firing at his only to miss.

"Try it again David!" Cocom handed him another. The same result happened as it flew through the air and landed with a thud next to the center.

"Alright!" David happily declared as Cocom ran over to retrieve the two arrows. A pair of hands suddenly gripped David around the waist and tossed him into the air. He screamed coming down only to be caught sideways. Looking up, David saw his dad smiling down at him and gave a sigh of relief.

"I heard someone's a good shot!" He said setting David down.

"Hi dad!" He hugged the red wolf.

"Looks like you weren't the only one scared," Red noted seeing the other two's hackles raised. Cocom hurried back with the arrows to give back to David. Another arrow flew true to its aim as it struck close to the center target.

"Alright David!" Red cheered his son as another arrow was let loose. Over the next hour at least a hundred shots were made, and all of them hit the target close to the center. "David we can hunt together any day if you're up to the challenge." His dad said patting his shoulder.

"My arm is getting tired," David said stretching out the used limb, moving the bow to his other hand.

"Let's go home then. You can rest all day tomorrow," Red said picking up his son.

"Wait! Can I come and rest too?" Cocom asked gathering an extra arrow before following them.

The summer day was hot and dry in the plains, but the weather didn't hamper anyones activities. David was running with the other pups across the grass playing a combination of tag and racing all at once. The air was filled with laughter and squeals as they all ran in a curvy path towards a specific oak tree claimed as the finish line. In a span of two seconds, all hands were on the tree bark minus one.

"Looks like Illu is the slow one!" Ion chanted teasingly. She gave a huff and crossed her arms.

"I didn't want to upset everyone by winning so easily," she stated receiving a few murmurs from the others. David straightened his hair as the two smeared insults at each other, it didn't really matter to him who won or lost in a silly game.

"What're you gonna do? Start a fight?" Ion said mockingly.

"No, but I will finish it," she confidently said approaching him.

"Woah, let's play a new game instead," Axiu distanced the two.

"It's getting hot," Cocom noted waving his face with a hand. The late summer heat was definitely a problem to over active wolf pups who were covered in fur.

"I know! Why don't we go to the lake and cool off?" Mizu suggested pointing into the west forest.

"No, we'd have to split into a guys and girls group," Cocom said shaking his head.

"Why do we need to go in different groups? You didn't swim separately from me and my mom last fall," Illu claimed placing her hands on her hips in minor annoyance.

"Hey, we're getting older so don't blame me," he said pinning his ears back resulting in Illu giving another dissatisfied huff.

"How about Ddakje?" Axiu said.

"No, it's too grassy and I didn't bring any pieces," Mizu said with a shake of her head.

"We could play with a ball," Ion offered making all the pups' ears perk up.

"You lost the last one somewhere in the snow during the winter," Illu pointed out making half the crowd groan once more.

"We could always make a new ball," David suggested.

"No more pinecones please as a material," Gren said rubbing the back of his neck from memory.

"Okay, wait here everyone I'll get a ball!" Ion shouted running off behind a few trees. The other six waited patiently for Ion to return, and were in luck seeing him bound back with speed and a ball. "What kind of ball is that?" Illu questioned its odd shape and appearance.

"It's a ball I found yesterday on a stump that I heard making noise." Everyone shrugged not able to hear anything, so they formed a big circle to start throwing it. "Catch Mizu!" Ion shouted tossing the strange looking ovular object. She caught it and threw it over to David in a short distanced arc. He had no trouble catching it, but something about the ball didn't seem right to him. The object felt like paper vibrating in his hands. A piece cracked under his thumb to reveal a writhing mass of buzzing insects inside.

"It's a bees nest Ion!" David screamed throwing it back to the grey wolf. Everyone else screamed in unison and bolted back towards the village at full speed. Instead of catching the nest to throw further away, Ion smacked it out of the air resulting in it being torn in half with a thin black cloud of bees swarming in the air around him. There were plenty of screams and yips as the group was ravaged with the territorial insects. By the time they made it back to the village most of the bees had been swatted away or lost their stingers to fight with, and every adult present sent in a panic. Pretty soon David found himself with the feisty pup Illu in an older wolf's hut who knew natural remedies by heart.

"I feel bad for Ion," Illu spoke up, "He got the worst of it." David groaned looking over the few spots of stings on his body as he sat on the bench next to her.

"At least you guys have fur, I don't have any protection," he tensed poking one.

"I told you to stop picking at them!" Huexo scolded him before continuing to rub an ointment on his back. Huexo was one of the few medicine experts in the pack who happened to be around, and the old wolf didn't see bee stings as an emergency that required looking after. But having an angry pack of mothers on his tail would be an emergency in itself. With a dissatisfied grunt, he looked over to Illu before doing the same. Her fur proved to be a little difficult to comb through, but Huexo didn't miss a mark yet. It wasn't fun for the two having someone so cranky and particular trying to help out, but it sure beat dealing with painful stings.

"Maybe he's so angry because he sat on a pinecone," Illu whispered making David giggle.

"Hey is David in here?" A voice called from behind Huexo as the two noticed the door flap being moved.

"He's right here Mist. If you want to punish him and Illu, I think they already have it set in for a few days," the older wolf pointed out with a senile smirk. Mist stepped in the smaller, rounder hut wearing a grin of his own.

"Will Mist punish us?" David whispered to Illu with a tinge of dread in his voice.

"I hope not, but maybe if they talk to each other a lot we can slip out," she said quietly realizing that the only exit was behind the two adults.

"I remember doing plenty of risky things when I was their age, but that's not why I'm here," Mist said showing a handful of stacked papers. "I was wondering if David could tell me what these human symbols mean that are on these funny looking leaves." Mist approached David sitting next to the bumpy human. He scooted a little further from the older wolf hoping his fur would make his bumps itch or sting worse than they had to. "Hello David," he greeted the boy warmly enough. "Do you have any recollection as to what these might be about from your old home?" He questioned setting the stack in David's lap. The human picked up the first sheet in the stack looking it over. All of the papers looked fairly simple and short in length.

"I can read it out loud if you want me to," the human offered picking up the first one. It was written in standard English, what he had been taught to read at a very young age.

"That would be perfect! I'm trying to learn a little bit more about humans, but I guess I should've asked you first."

"Alright... Lets see what we have here." He didn't know what some of the bigger words meant, but he understood most of what he would be reading to Mist and the others who decided to listen in.

To: Dr. Nicholson,

I fear that the virus is spreading between planet colonies in various provinces, and there still isn't a developed vaccine. There has been an evacuation of Porolissens?s, Traxonia, and M?s on Europa Major! I believe the entire population will be forced to evacuate back to capital Earth by 2755, and who knows how many are infected on your planet! Take care of your son and Helen.

From: Your dear friend, J. Atkins

David flipped to another page that contained a different letter.

February 21st, 5:44 A.M. 2754

The state Marquis of planet Moesia is issuing a complete evacuation of the planet's four settled districts. All families are required to meet at the Hyknousa transportation field to travel by stellar cruise liners to Earth by February 25th, 10:20 A.M. If any families are infected with the virus, please stop by the medical center prior to boarding a separate flight. Anyone who doesn't show up by then may or may not be searched for and rescued.

The next twenty or so pages were boring city, town, and population reports that he skimmed through lacking informative substance. David stopped flipping to an older wrinkled page that was dated much earlier.

Since Explorer class shuttle Juno discovered Moesia, the planet of forests and fields with a few large lakes, two years ago in 2672, we have discovered natives within one hundred miles of our first major city. They resemble wolves with a similar body structure that can walk as a bipedal human. So far no contact has been made, but they remain as cautious of us as we are of them. Most groups stay in the forests of our settled hemisphere, but a small amount are scattered along where the grassland meet the dense tree line. Stay on alert, even if they are primitive in nature.

"Colonel K. Rupert's Report on activity in Moesia"

David flipped the sheet over. It was the last one in the stack Mist had brought into Huexo's hut.

"Planet? That must be a very far distance," Mist stated staring at the ones David had already read through.

"Very far away," David agreed with him remembering the scant traces of space history he was taught so many years ago.

"What is Moesia? That's a funny word," Illu pointed out swinging her legs on the bench.

"It's the name human discoverers called this place when they first saw it. We like to name areas similar to the forests."

"Primitive." Huexo scoffed to himself over the human's choice of words.

"What are vaccines and viruses? Do they mean the coughing death?" Mist asked.

"Coughing death is the virus, a vaccine is a strong medicine that could have cured it, but I guess it didn't work."

"Maybe if they weren't so primitive it could've been cured," Huexo said returning to his collection of herbal leaves.

"Where did you find these Mist?" David asked looking at the stack of papers

"In a large room with a lot of funny storage things inside your old hut." That sounded like his dad's workroom that he was usually forbidden to go into. A room normally locked.

"Why waste time marking this stuff?" Illu asked.

"To send messages to people from far away, and I guess to help remember things."

"They could just walk over and talk to them instead," she replied earning a chuckle from Mist who actually grasped the context of what David had said. The older grey wolf stood back up from the bench, papers in hand.

"Well thanks again David!" Mist said ruffling the boy's hair. They watched the wolf leave them with Huexo as he bowed out through the entrance. David looked down at the ground frowning. He could still remember waking up every morning to an alarm clock in a bed frame made out of wood with stitched sheets and mattress. Necessities such as electricity and food were readily available as he was told to study or given an hour to lounge around. Now it was a large hut, fire pit, bedspread for the entire family, and hunting. The human was used to it by now, but he had never expected anything like this to have happened.

"What's with the long face David?" Illu asked peering over at him.

"I feel... Misplaced you know? I'm a human among wolves," he shrugged slumping his shoulders. David felt a hand resting on him and turned to see Illu giving him a warm smile.

"Hey I thought you were a fur less dying animal when I first saw you, but you're just like every wolf here. And most importantly you're my friend." The first part of her statement didn't really help, but the rest of it made David feel better. He returned the warm smile only for the whole fuzzy moment to be interrupted.

"Ah! Don't touch him! You're wasting my medicine!" Huexo yelled swatting Illu's hand away from David's shoulder. The old wolf took a sigh only after swinging his hands through the air in frustration. "Come over here Illu so I can wash your hand," he pulled his ears down sitting next to a basin of water. His specialty was always being put through the test of patience. David couldn't help but chuckle as Illu groaned in annoyance herself walking over to Huexo.

Autumn, 2754

A constant rain continued beating down on the whole village. It had started sometime late at night and decided to stay for a while. The pattering sound it made proved to help others sleep in, except for one awake human. David continually opened the door flap and peeked out to see if it was letting up. Normally the early morning would include a bright sunrise where nearly everybody began busying themselves. Today, however, the sunrise was covered by a sky full of grey clouds and no one was seen going outside of their homes from where he could tell. David sighed closing the flap once more. Doing anything in the rain was generally bad because it made the leather clothes soaked and difficult to dry, and fur took time to dry as well without sunlight.

'I bet Axiu would be doing something fun.' An idea started forming in his head. He looked back over to his parents sleeping away on the bedspread before looking back through the door flap. 'They won't mind if I'm gone for a while,' he stood up and undid the door flap. After putting in his moccasins, David stepped outside and shivered feeling the slightly cooler air against his cheeks. The village looked dismal, and obviously... Wet. But the combination made it perfect to visit someone and play. Lining up ready to sprint, he resembled a shock put runner on a track lane eyeing the finish line. David took off running through the shower and used each hut as a dry zone the best he could. Keeping his clothes out of the rain was a must since the material would take forever to dry by fire. After a few more stops, he easily made it to Axiu's hut without seeing anyone else outside. David checked making sure nothing was wet as he undid the door flap. He bent down going through the hut's door flap. Once inside, the only occupant there was his friend's mother. "Is Axiu here ma'am?" David asked Axiu's mother.

"Sorry David, he went with his father out into the west forest to teach him how to track despite the rain. They won't be back until midday I think," The older wolfess said putting out a low fire in the middle of the hut. "You're up awfully early anyway David, aren't you hungry?" She asked turning towards him.

"Uh... No I'm fine," he said covering his stomach with a hand as it growled out. He watched her canine ear swivel able to pick up on the sound.

"Young pups trying to act like adults," she said shaking her head with a smile. "Come here, no one goes hungry in my home!" she said confidently walking over to her families bedspread.

"Oh alright," he said resigned following her. Axiu's mom laid down on her side patting the spot next to her. David laid on his side in similar fashion facing her while she removed the top half of the garment. A chest full of white fur was revealed, the same that her jaw was covered with. He was greeted with two grey teats very similar to his mothers poking out at him. David chose the one on the bottom and started suckling. The wolfess moved a hand to the back of his head and gave a relaxing sigh.

"I keep telling Axiu that he can't ween himself unless he is able to hunt for his family, but the pup seems determined to change that tradition by himself," the wolfess said with an amused tone as if she were expecting him to understand from a mothers point of view and talk back with a closed mouth. "I know I was the same way at his age," the mother wolf said with a sigh placing her other hand on David's shoulder. She contently watched him feeling her eyelids becoming heavy. "Guess I woke up a bit early," she yawned before closing her eyes. David didn't notice her fall asleep and kept eating as his stomach was slowly filled. David didn't realize he was that hungry and gladly fed for a few more minutes. With a quiet popping sound, he slid back and wiped his lips. Looking up, Axiu's mother was revealed to be lightly snoring. Hastily standing up, the hut was still empty except for the older wolfess. He uneasily shifted his weight from one foot to the other. How was someone supposed to thank a mother while she was asleep?The rain outside was much quieter, down to a drizzle, but he couldn't just leave. That wouldn't be very appropriate. So David decided to wait most of the morning until she woke up. It was sunnier and not raining as he occasionally peeked outside the door flap. But finally he noticed her waking up with a loud yawn.

"You're still here David?" She asked noticing she was still halfway undressed. "Oops," she picked up the shirt piece, quickly putting it on.

"I'm waiting for Axiu, and I'm supposed to thank you for feeding me."

"That's very kind of you and I'm sure he will be-" David turned finally seeing someone entering through the door flap.

"Axiu!" David ran up and greeted him.

"Hey David, why are you here?"

"I wanted to play with you while it rained, but you were gone."

"I could've came home faster if my dad didn't decide to swim in the lake while it was still raining." he chuckled.

"Hi sweetie, how did everything go?" his mom came up giving him a hug.

"It was great! I know every mark possible out there in the forest mom." He said proudly.

"That's grea-" David interrupted himself with a drawn out yawn. His mother chuckled.

"It looks like you need a nap now David. He didn't deny it, but still wanted to do something while it was still sunny outside.

"Hey do you want to go pick berries in the southern tiny forest?"

"Sure. When do we go?" he finished with another yawn.

"In a while... Maybe a little after noon."

"Good, I need a nap," David laid down with a questioning look from Axiu.

"Just don't sleep too long." Axiu said as his friend already closed his eyes.


David felt someone shaking his arm as he woke up.

"Don't sleep the rest of the day away because I kept you here in the morning," he heard Axiu's mother whisper to him.

"I'm up," he said stretching before making his way to the entrance.

"Oh don't you want a basket David?" Axiu's mom asked finding one.

"A basket for what?" He turned around in question.

"To go with the group and find some berries you silly pup," she walked over and handed it to him.


'Berry picking!' David reminded himself heading through the knee high grass closely following Mizu. A group of them already went down to the tiny forest, and he had almost forgotten about it. The sun's position showed how late in the afternoon it already was.

"Hurry up David you're slowing me down!" she yelled back to him. His legs carried him as fast as possible as the tiny forest was within sight. He and Mizu slowed down out of breath as others were digging around through a few plants. "These two," she pointed finding a pair of healthy berry bearers. They set their baskets beside one another and Mizu wasted no time in going arm deep to pick out a nice ripe red one. It took careful maneuvering as David pulled off his first one from the vine. They were a little smaller than a birds egg, but well worth the effort to retrieve. The berries were sweet and juicy, each one's flavor depending on the coloring.

"I thought we got most of them in the north forest back at the beginning of summer?" David questioned sitting at a large bush decorated with the tasty fruit.

"These are all late season," Mizu said pulling off a dark blue one. She set it in her basket half full of other various colors. David busied himself as well picking off more from his bush. Gren suddenly walked by holding his stomach with a look of discomfort on his face. Mizu's eyes widened seeing his basket with a few green ones at the bottom.

"I don't feel so good," he groaned.

"Gren you can't eat those when they're green! You have to wait when they change color."

"Uhh," he groaned again clutching his stomach before bolting away through the brush. David looked at his basket with an uneasy face. Most of the berries he had were green. In fact the bush he was at mostly contained green. Dumping them out with a less than satisfied look, he headed deeper into the tiny forest hoping for better luck. The middle of the thicket was heavily shaded and a great place to hide if they were playing a game. As of right now however, it was the best spot to find bushes full of the colored fruity treat. And without a clear check on time, David easily became engrossed in picking as many as he could find. His basket gradually filled with an assortment of colors as an unknown unknown storm quickly approached. The eager gatherer suddenly noticed that the thicket he had entered was much darker now. A drop of rain landed on his nose.

"Uh oh," he said looking up at the new grey clouds overhead. Holding on carefully to his basket, David hurried out of the middle back to edge. "Hey it's raining!" he said coming out from his thicket. To his surprise everyone else had already left him behind in the now deserted bushes. Gathering what he had, David picked up his basket and left the tiny south forest as a few more drops started to fall from the sky. The rain was already pouring by the time he made it to the first few huts. Seeking quick shelter, he spotted Illu and, her mother, Phasu's home and dove to the entrance. Undoing the flap, he entered before re fastening it behind him. David felt damp but otherwise ok as he shook some water from his arms, and set the basket full of berries by the entrance.

"What are you doing here David?" Illu's voice was easily recognized behind him. David turned around to see her behind him looking down at his wet form.

"Hi Illu, is it alright with you and your mom if I stay for a little bit so I won't get completely soaked outside?" The mostly brown furred pup looked behind to where her mom was laying on a small spread of blankets. Phasu turned her head and opened an eye.

"Good evening David. Did the rain catch you off guard as well?" she asked stretching to sit up. "It's fine by me for you to stay, please warm up at the fire if you would like."

"Thank you," he gratefully said. Illu stood out of the way as he approached the fire.

"Did you go with the group to pick berries?" Illu asked looking at his basket.

"Yeah, I lost track of time and didn't notice them leave."

"I remember Mizu coming back a while ago looking for you," she took a seat. "Can I have some?" She asked holding a handful of blues, reds, and yellows.

"Yeah there's plenty to eat." He gave her permission. Illu lifted the basket feeling how heavy it was before popping a few into her mouth. Phasu joined David by the fire to warm up a little as well. He started realizing just how damp his clothes had become in the rain. The leather rubbed uncomfortably against his skin as he did his best to sit still in front of the fire. His actions didn't go unnoticed for long. Concerned, Phasu felt over his chest feeling the damp material. "Let's get you changed out of that before you give yourself a blister." She directed him over to the end of the hut away from Illu. David stood still facing the wall until Phasu came over with a large stretched out blanket. "Take off those and I'll wrap this around you," she said quietly. David quickly stripped down leaving the damp leather on the mat below.

"He's naked isn't he!" Illu giggled momentarily forgetting about the berries.

"Show some respect to a guest in need," Phasu said turning her head to scold her daughter. Illu folded her ears back and looked down. Seeing him unclothed, she wrapped the dryer warm fabric around him nice and snug. "There you go, much better." She patted his back before collecting the clothes on the ground. Phasu laid everything spread out by the fire to dry and re heated a few already cooked pieces of deer meat over the fire. David warmed up by the fire in the cozy blanket enjoying the smell of cooked dinner. She handed everyone a fair amount to eat as soon it warmed up. "Illu aren't you hungry?"

"Uh... I'm full of fruit," she confessed not touching what her mother had given her.

"Thank you Phasu!" He said appreciatively. David happily ate until he was stuffed as well. Everything tasted delicious as always.

"How does it feel to be naked with a bunch of girls?" Illu giggled as her mother gave a sigh.

"The blanket feels nice and secure," he said smugly. Phasu pointed a finger at her daughter to hold her mouth as she finished putting enough firewood on for the night. The adult went out to the entrance and lifted the door flap only to reveal a steady rain and dimly lit sky. Phasu came back to the fire and sat by David.

"It doesn't look like the rain will calm down until nighttime so you are more than welcome to spend the night here."

"Thank you ma'am," he said keeping the blanket tightly wrapped around him. Night approached and mother and daughter went to lay down on the bedspread while David remained by himself at the fire in the mat provided. He felt a little homesick, not for his old manor home, but for his hut with Red and Amu. Laying down, he watched Phasu and Illu snug and warm together through the firelight.

"You don't have to sleep over there all alone David, you can come over here with us." She offered. Illu made a smart remark that he couldn't hear, but the human agreed wearily getting up from the sturdy mat. The two scooted over making room for him as he laid down on the edge next to Phasu. The bedspread felt the same, but there was something different than when he slept with his mom and dad. With a quick peek over his shoulder, he reached behind and grabbed the older wolf's arm so that it went over his chest protectively. Everything in place, David was able to fall asleep despite Illu snoring on the other side.

Winter, 2754

Snowflakes floated around the village as winter made its first appearance since the temperature began dropping several weeks ago. Every pack member was bundled tightly in warmer clothes to shield away the frigid air and snow. The human's outfit was insulated with a lot of fur on the inside to help keep out the stinging cold. David found the snow to be good and bad in he village. It could turn muddy and slushy if the temperature warmed the slightest degree, or it could be a beautiful fluffy white that changed the entire landscape. A few cold stings landed on a pale face. "Stop shaking snow on me," David wiped his cheeks once again.

"They keep sticking in my fur!" He shook his head flinging a few white crystals around. Both stepped aside making room for two adult wolves that walked by carrying a small deer recently caught.

"I wish they would give us some." David sighed watching then turn a corner with the precious cargo.

"I hope my dad sneaks me some of that cooked. He used to do it a lot last winter, but I don't know if it's supposed to get really cold or not this time around." They both licked their lips as the two older adult wolves carried the deer towards the large village fire pit. David and Axiu would miss their meat all winter, but there wasn't much that could be done.

"Well then let's go to your hut, mine was almost out this afternoon," David suggested.

"Alright." The pup led David around a few huts before arriving at his. By then the snow had accumulated over most of the ground, leaving footprints where they stepped. Axiu bent over through the door flap followed by David, who fastened it back. They were greeted by a warm fire and they both peeled off the outer layer of their outfits that had become damp from melted snow.

"Well hello you two," his mother greeted them both while changing out a few blankets for a better bedspread.

"Hi mom, can David stay over to eat," he smiled feeling himself getting hungry for something cooked, but was disappointed seeing nothing over the low fire.

"Of course he can," she said laying down another blanket. "Why? Are you both ready to eat now?"

"Yes please!" They said in unison receiving a chuckle from her.

"Ok you can both eat at the same time I suppose," she said pulling her arms inside of her thick winter shirt. David gave his friend a wide eyed look that it just might not be the they were expecting. Axiu's smile faded watching her take off the top part of her clothes, setting it aside. He quickly prostrated in front of his mom realizing what David had already figured out.

"Please tell me there is still a little bit of venison left!" He pleaded as she set her garment aside shaking her head.

"Sorry sweetie, we finally ran out today. So back to your diet for the winter."

"But I saw a small group bring back a large deer." He whimpered staring at the empty fire.

"Come on Axiu. At least you don't have to run around catching your food yet."

"It's a lot more fun," he said standing back up as David did. David took one side as Axiu took another and obediently suckled.

'No pup can complain with a closed mouth,' she thought to herself with an inward smile as they ate. Axiu's arms were crossed as he ate but no matter how frustrated the pup was, he couldn't let himself go hungry for long without conceding anyway. David giggled at Axiu only to feel a finger lift his chin up slightly.

"Don't drop any from laughing David," he heard a voice say from above. They ate the ret in relative silence.

"Thank you," David said licking his lips from the bland, but available meal.

"Can David stay for the night mom?" He asked looking at her with puppy eyes. He didn't want to walk his friend all the way back through the cold snow with the sun already setting.

"I guess so. But you will need to make a separate bed since ours can barely hold all three of us."

"Ok!" He beamed hopping over to grab a few rolled up blankets. David helped him set up the new bedspread as the mother readied her own. "It'll be fun David, we can tell stories and stay up late by the fire-" the wolf pup was cut off as rustling was heard outside the door flap. A tall burly wolf stooped in through the entrance shaking his outfit of snow. "Hi dad!" Axiu said greeting him.

"Do we have a guest for the night?" He asked setting his spear down before taking a seat by the fire.

"David is spending his night here Juho," the mother informed him. He nodded and went over laying down in the bedspread, apparently tired from the whole day. "Good night boys," she said wrapping herself up next to her husband. He relaxed with the wolfess he loved, all in the soft comfort of bed. Juho's little personal heaven however was interrupted with two higher pitched voices laughing.

"And then Cocom fell on Mizu again!" Axiu said as another round of laughter ensued. For Juho, working sunrise to sunset, providing for his wife and pup to live an easy life meant sleep was an absolute must.

"Perhaps you two would sleep better outside where the whole pack can hear you." Axiu's dad said with a growl. Axiu gave David a worried look. His dad was usually vey strict.

"Juho they're only pups." His mom whispered trying to calm her husband. David and Axiu remained quiet the rest of the night. Juho was second tallest only to Amedeo, and in no way nice like him. Sleep was elusive at first for David, with Axiu holding onto him for protection.

The following morning, after a mostly reluctant breakfast, the two went outside and gathered up a group to hopefully play a fun game in the snow. The managed to get Illu, Lilly, Cocom, Mizu, and Gren all together by

"What game do you have in mind?" Gren asked.

"We could build snow huts," Mizu suggested only to receive mixed results from everyone else.

"Or... We could play the best game." Cocom said catching their attention. "Hide and hunt!" Everyone readily agreed with the exception of one pup.

"Cocom has to be the hunter first since no one can find him when he hides." Mizu said pointing a finger at the wolf pup.

"Fine I'll be the hunter. Everyone hurry up and hide so I can catch you." He crossed his arms turning around. The group immediately split up without warning and ran around the village finding places to hide. Lilly tagged along with David as hey searched for a spot themselves.

"Over there!" She pointed to a partially completed snow wall alongside a hut. They sat down only for someone else to join in. "Illu there's only a small spot to hide," Lilly said kneeling down with David. The pup joined them regardless.

"It's just right to hide the three of us," she said crouching down. David felt uneasy being squished between the two girls as the eldest one clearly wanted trouble. He moved barely an inch closer to Illu so that Lilly's tail couldn't be seen. "I'm all out of room," she said with a little predatory grin. Illu's nose pressed harder against David's causing the human's head to go back a few inches. He braced himself seeing the wolf wiggle her squatted legs about to pounce.

"C'mon David get down!" Lilly whispered loudly. A small pair of arms wrapped around his waist and tugged him down to his back. "We'll be seen too easy if you and Illu wrestle around." Lilly shot Illu a glance before relaxing on the ground next to David. The other pup frowned and sat back against the hut, resting her legs over David's. He didn't mind her placement until the slight pressure started making his legs go numb.

"Illu... Move your legs," he started squirming underneath her.

"Sh! You're making too much noise."

"I can't even feel them!" he whined trying to pull away.

"Both of you be quiet!" Lilly said holding onto David.

"Well it looks like I found my last three," a voice said startling the trio. "It's ok. I found Mizu first so she has to be the hunter."

"How are you so good at this game?" Illu asked.

"Illu my legs!"

Late Summer, 2756

Amu stretched and rolled onto her side facing the fire pit. Patting the space next to her, she frowned noticing it was empty.

'Where is he?' With a yawn wolfess opened her eyes finding David scoffing down a quick breakfast. "What's the rush for hon?" his mom asked seeing him eat with fervor. David pulled the strip of meat in half barely long enough to explain.

"Me, Cocom, and Axiu are going to swim at the lake early before anyone else does so we can have the whole place to ourselves." Amu raised her brow amused and giggled watching him attack the other half with speed.

"Well don't eat too fast, or you might catch a stomach cramp while swimming," she advised rolling over on her other side to continue sleeping with Red. He rolled his eyes before making sure his moccasins were tied tightly.

"I'll be back before nightfall," he said leaving the hut. Red merely started snoring only to receive a jab from Amu's elbow.

"I swear you always get crazy ideas from stopping by Axiu and his families hut," she muttered to herself before falling asleep again.

David hurried around a few huts before quickly diving through the opening to Axiu's. The brown furred wolf was sitting against a wall by himself. His face lit up seeing David come in.

"It's about time one of you show up," he whispered sitting up before crawling to the entrance towards David. "Keep it quiet until Cocom gets here, my parents are still asleep," he pointed out towards the bedspread occupied by two snoozing adults.

"What about Cocom getting here," a voice said from the opening. Axiu and David looked over to find his head peeking in before darting back out.

"It's about time you showed up," Axiu said as he and David exited the door flap.

"Hey it takes a lot of practice to not wake up the rest of my family," Cocom said adjusting a rolled blanket he had strapped on his back.

"Excuses," David and Axiu said in unison. The three companions quickly left the village and made their way to the lake.

"If it wasn't for the lake, I wouldn't even bother going into the western forest. It's way too dense to run through with speed, or even hunt accurately." Cocom made his point by pushing by a few thin branches that sprung back as he passed. One of which smacked Axiu in the face earning a chuckle from David.

"We might as well make a new path if you don't decide to use the one already here," David said as the three had a tough time trekking through the dense foliage.

"Don't worry, I can already see the lake water from here," Cocom reassured them as they headed down the sloped ground. The two wolves and human ran up to the shore eagerly losing their clothes along the way before charging into the water. Splashes and droplets of water sprayed everywhere as they went swimming to the center. After an hour and a half passed, the trio swam back to shore. David stayed back as Axiu and Cocom shook their fur somewhat dry.

"Are you afraid of a little water shower?" Axiu said teasing David.

"No, but I prefer if you guys didn't drench me after I got out." Cocom only laughed at the human's remark. Gathering their things, they went to the nearest sunny spot to dry off. Cocom spread the blanket out to cover up the floor of leaves. They gladly laid back onto the large soft fabric soaking up the rays contently. "Don't shake your fur again," David said starting to shield his face waiting for Axiu to settle back down.

"You don't even have much fur to shake yourself," he said ruffling the human's hair.

"I prefer to keep it that way so I can dry faster," the human retorted.

"You dry fast enough," Cocom said and they all shared a quick laugh.

"I think your dad is going to be breathing down your neck since he can't practice hunting with you today," David elbowed Axiu lightly.

"Oh he can pull my tail all day long, I want today to be a rest day," Axiu said laughing.

"Your dad would never bother you for hunting David. Heck you shot a bird in flight a few days ago!" Cocom added.

"That's good accuracy!" Axiu said. "Maybe you could hunt for me."

"Not a chance my furry friend." David sat up and straightened his damp hair.

"Your skin always dries faster," Axiu mumbled feeling over his own damp arms.

"At least cooler weather doesn't affect you as easily." He put on his leggings.

"True." Axiu said closing his eyes as a breeze passed.

"Don't worry Axiu, I can at least teach you how to cook if you catch anything." Cocom offered.

"I always end up burning whatever I try to cook," Axiu said.

"You need a finer touch that I have." Cocom demonstrates slowly turning his hand.

"Yeah, so I can break a knife while carving deer meat." He retorted with a grin. The furrier two of the trio slowly dried out before getting up with David. Cocom rolled up the blanket and fastened the strap securely over his chest. "Let's get going!" He said marching out with Axiu and David around the lakeshore to the forest path. The trio walked the first few steps without considering the ground very closely.

"Ow my paw!" Axiu yelped in pain hopping on one leg.

"Calm down, only sharp things can hurt David's paws." They watched Axiu hop for a moment.

"Dang that hurt," he whined uneasily stepping down. Both thought he was joking, but looking at the ground were proven wrong.

"It's a snake!" Cocom yelled quickly grabbing a branch before dealing a swift blow to the serpents head, killing it instantly.

"Ugh! That doesn't look good," Axiu stared at his own paw that had a tiny trail on blood going through the fur. David looked at the dead snake only to feel his face grow pale.

"It's poisonous!" he yelled recognizing a large orange spot on top of the scaly head.

"Come on we need to get you back to the village. Hurry and help me David!" Cocom hoisted up one of Axiu's shoulders. David followed suite and they walked as quickly as possible through the forest back home. Things had quickly gone from good to bad for David who originally expected the day to be full of leisurely fun. And the trail felt as if it were miles longer than normal as they hobbled along together. The tree line finally started to break as they reached the grassland. "How are you holding up Axiu?"

"I don't feel good," he moaned having a tough time concentrating. David knew they weren't going fast enough seeing the wolf try to hold his head up.

'I can't let this happen!' A panic went through him as he remembered watching his mother die unable to do anything about it. But now he had an opportunity to save his friend's life that was slipping away by the second. Stooping down, David scooped the heavy wolf into his arms away from Cocom, sprinting through the trees as fast as he could go.

"Hey! What are you doing David?" Cocom yelled following him, unable to keep up. He didn't bother saying anything in return as he made it out of the forest and into the plains. The poisoned wolf in his arms didn't seem to weigh a ton like it normally did as adrenaline coursed through David's body. He made it to the village in record time thundering past anyone in his way to Huexo's hut. Luckily the door flap was free as he scrambled through. Huexo was oblivious to the commotion outside and turned around seeing a visitor.

"Hello?" He questioned before seeing Axiu in his arms. "What wrong with him?"

"He was bit by that orange dot snake!" Huexo immediately went into action and directed David.

"Lay him down here with is head to the side!" David carefully laid his friend down as if he were to shatter at the slightest discomfort. Axiu was breathing shallowly with his eyes clenched shut. A hand squeezed balling up a section of quilt beneath him.

"Is there anything else I can do?"

"Get out! I need all the room I can get!" Huexo said collecting a few things. David obliged and ducked out of the hut only to find himself in a crowd by the entrance, Axiu's parents among them.

"David who is in there?"

"What's going on?"

"Axiu was bitten by a snake when we were walking back from the lake, and Huexo is going to heal him."


David was a nervous wreck. The whole pack was for that matter. Their village was so far away from the closest ones that there was no other outside contact. Which meant every potential loss was greatly felt throughout the tightly knit community. Putting his head between his knees, he hoped everything would be alright. His parents were worried as well, but there wasn't much they could do either.

"You're going to worry yourself for no reason hon." His mother said sitting beside him.

"I need to know if he's going to be ok." David said as she wrapped an arm around comforting him.

"Shhh, it will be alright. Like a wise wolf once said, 'Grass can only grow when you don't step on it.' So let Huexo do what he needs to."

"Listen to your mother David. We're lucky that you stopped pacing all around the hut earlier."

"I just need to check once so I can sleep better," he said getting up.

"David," his mom whined folding her ears back.

"I'll go with him. Please stay here Amu." Red told her following right behind David out of their home. The short trip was made to the older wolf's hut where they waited as the sun began to set. A shuffling was heard before the old wolf finally exited his home. Red stood off to the side as David went up to Huexo.

"I-is Axiu going to be ok?" He asked barely holding everything together. Huexo heaved a big sigh and wiped his forehead with a small cream colored cloth.

"Well thanks to your speed in getting him here, he should recover in about a few day time." Huexo wiped his forehead once more with a relieved look. "Just give him space if you decide to visit, he's going to feel like a broken drum tomorrow." David exhaled a breath he felt to be holding in his entire life.

"Thank you for saving him!" He lunged forward hugging the elder wolf. Huexo grumbled before prying the clingy human off.

"Don't thank me. If you didn't run him up here fast enough I wouldn't be able to help. The wolf then gave a small smirk. "Now take it easy. You've done you're part, let me do mine." Huexo sent David back home ruffling his hair, in a much better mood. "He's growing into a strong wolf," Huexo said to Red with a pat on the wolf's back as David turned a corner.

"You're right. I think Anthos will have another right of passage soon during autumn."

First thing in the morning, David went straight to Huexo to check on Axiu.

"Hello David, come to see Axiu I suppose?" He asked grinding something with a pestle.

"If it is alright with you." Huexo nodded in response and opened the door flap for David.

"Be quiet. He's still sleeping." The older wolf reminded him closing the flap behind the human. David waited for his eyes to adjust to the darker surroundings noticing his friend's form in the bedspread. He crawled over before sitting beside him watching him calmly breath as if he had overslept a hunting party. For what felt like hours, he started to stir and wake up.

"Ugh... Where am I?" He turned his head seeing David.

"Hey how's it going Axiu?" David said quietly seeing his friend somewhat awake.

"It feels like my dad pulled my tail off," he said giving a weak laugh.

"Well at least your humor is in good check." David gave a sigh sitting back.

"Hey. Listen." He said slowly to not tire himself. "I heard that Anthos planned on having an initiation for us to become adult wolves, but he's going to delay it until I'm better."

'An initiation?'

"Can you do something for me David."

"Sure, name it."

"Can you swim for me at the lake the next few days for me?" They both burst into laughter as David agreed.

Autumn, 2756

"Listen closely!" Mist said forming a circle with the group. "Stay close to each other until we spot the beast. That's when we'll spread out and take it down." The orders sounded simple enough to David as everyone gave a nod before walking into the east forest. Having a boar close to home put everyone in the pack on high alert. The creatures were aggressive and not to be thought lightly of, but that made the passage into adulthood all the more challenging.

"This heat is going to make me pass out first," Cocom whispered to David who waved a hand in agreement. The autumn day was surprisingly humid, and the windy trails of the west forest made walking as a group difficult. Everyone froze as Mist raised his hand. Listening closely, a rustling up ahead could be heard as glimpses of something large moved through the forest. David grimaced seeing its size as it strutted through a small space. Large tusks poked dangerously out of the mouth. A shaggy coat adorned the body that looked unpleasant to touch. Mist showed using hand signals to follow it closer before ambushing it. Two more steps were taken when an arrow suddenly whizzed by alerting the boar of their presence. It turned around giving a threatening snort before charging at them. Everyone scattered to hide and distance themselves from the beast. A few even climbed onto low hanging branches barely out of reach. The boar rushed by slamming trees and tearing through undergrowth in an attempt to finish off any hunter caught in its way. David spotted Illu poking out from behind a tree and firing an arrow that stuck deeply into its flank.

The animal screeched mercilessly thrashing through a few bushes surrounding it as Illu ducked back for cover. A spear was thrusted out from one barely poking the swine. The act served enough to scare it away as it ran off. One jumped out of a tree and notched an arrow as it retreated.

"Careful!" Mist yelled as the boar turned around rearing to charge again. The group fired a few arrows, but to their dismay didn't seem to hit deep if strike the boar at all. The wild beast was enraged as it bumped into small trees unphased dashing towards them. A few arrows rained around before it slammed a tree shaking the ground underneath. Illu peeked out again and fired an arrow, narrowly missing the boar's head. The creatures gaze turned towards her hiding spot and readied to charge.

'That's where Illu is hiding!' His eyes widened seeing the beast's back turned towards him. Seizing on the crucial moment, David ducked behind the boar from his hiding place as it regathered its senses. With his bow already pre drawn, he let loose his arrow aimed for the beast's spine. A loud squeal reverberated throughout the forest floor causing everyone to cover their ears. The boar turned around towards David taking a step.

'If it charges-' David didn't even finish his thought as the creature wobbled once before falling to its side with a muffled thump. He breathed out a big sigh as the others came out of their hiding spots. His heart was thundering faster than lightning as he slumped to the ground hearing a few cheers. A few gathered around him hauling the human to his feet.

"Wow David are you going to hold a small feast for the whole tribe?"

"Or maybe a large one for your friends right?" Cocom slung an arm around David's shoulder.

"It's going to make quite a large skin, that's for sure," Mizu said tapping it with her spear.

"It's not my call to make," he shook his head to everyone's confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Another asked.

"Since Illu made the first hit, I think she deserves the whole kill," he said pulling out one of the arrows and handed it over to the surprised wolfess. The others were just as shocked to hear what David had just said.

"You're a good sport David," Axiu patted the human's shoulder congratulating him. Ion pushed past the group unhappy with the decision that was made.

"Then I deserve the kill since I shot at it first!" He protested only for Mist to intervene.

"That is true Ion, but you didn't hit the boar. You missed causing us a greater task at hand, so David's judgement is far," the wiser wolf said. Ion huffed an agitated growl and stormed off back towards the village.

"Do you want us to help carry it back for you?" Pacis, a mostly white and cream colored wolf asked stooping down as a few others went to grab a part.

"Oh! Sure, that would be nice." She said a little dazed at what was given to her.

"Come on, back to the village we go!" Cocom chanted as the dead boar was picked up by two dozen hands. David slowly came down from the adrenaline high as he walked alongside everyone else. He noticed Illu walking with a little distance from the group and decided to give her some company.

"How would you like your meat cooked Illu?" David asked with a chuckle.

"You know I can't eat it all by myself. Feel free to invite everyone to help me." She grinned.

"You may regret saying that with these wolves," he pointed over to the group. She laughed at that and loosened up walking beside him. The two went silent most of the way back to the village as the others laughed and told funny stories. As the village came within sight, a hand held David's wrist. He turned seeing Illu with he ears partially folded back.

"By the way, thanks for giving the boar to me. You didn't have to."

"It's fine, you deserved it anyway." He said receiving a bright smile from her. She released his hand and walked ahead of him. Illu turned around and grinned at David with a wave before walking away. He waved back feeling a strange surge inside his body concentrated at his chest. The sensation was nice as he happily walked back to his families hut, proud of what he had done.

"You are all young wolves now," he spoke loudly continuing to throw small amounts of petals over each. "Expect to be weened from your mother's milk and provide food for your families, for you will soon be in new homes with a caring husband or wife by your side." Anthos said heartily with optimism as a few couples looked to one another giving an appreciative wink or kiss. David and his friends were too prideful at the moment to notice their parents lovey dovey behavior. They waited for Anthos to hurry and declare them as adult wolves. The splendored moment was attended by nearly every pack member, who looked at the right of passage in great light. To the adults present it was a time to feel proud for the next generation that they helped raise. "Now you are all adult wolves." Anthos said receiving a few cheers and howls from the group. The new mature wolves stepped away from the fire pit and were quickly met by a parent or relative. David went to the edge of the small crowd where his mom was and received a warm hug.

"I'm so proud of you!" She said before giving a kiss on his forehead. "I heard you killed the boar all by yourself too."

"It took the whole group. Without Mist we never would have even found it." He said starting to walk back with her home.

"You're just too modest David," she said rounding another hut with him to their home. "I can make your favorite venison as a little reward." She promised with a smile holding the door flap open for him. David's mouth naturally watered as he dove into the hut with his mom right behind him. Both furrowed their brows noticing an empty fire pit and Red nowhere to be seen. "Or at least I can make it when your father catches it," she sighed shaking her head.

"It's ok, something else more available?"

"Sadly no. I hope he caught something and he's on his way home." She said as they sat down on the bedspread together.

"What about the winter diet? I can always drink what you produce."

"You're almost fourteen winters old David, why would you ask about having milk like a hungry pup?"

"I'm going to miss it mom," he said giving her a hug that surprised her.

"I don't think I have heard any new adult wolf say that, and last I remember it had a taste that was very bland," she hugged him until he backed off slightly.

"I liked it because it comes from you, and I won't see you as often when I build a home of my own," David said holding his mom's hand.

"Aww, don't worry sweetie, I'll always be right here for you. Your new hut doesn't have to be built too far away when you're ready, and you still have a few years until then," Amu added comforting him.

"Can I still have some every now and then, until I'm a season older?" he asked shyly. Breastfeeding too late wasn't very common and was often discouraged, but technically it was the weening period after becoming an adult wolf.

"Well... As long as you don't tell anyone," his mom said a little unsure looking away until she felt him hug with full force.

"Thanks mom," he said happily nuzzling her cheek. Amu chuckled and patted her son's back happily.

"Anything for my pup," she said giving him a kiss before pulling down her garment below the curve of her breasts. She laid down on her side on the bedspread, using a rolled up blanket as a pillow. He reclined with her and picked her left one at the bottom. The one on top laid partially over his cheek as he fed, but David didn't care. He wanted to remain close with his parents to make up for all the times he couldn't be with them. "I remember you being so reluctant around me especially for this." She said stroking a hand through his hair.

"Back then I-" He suddenly closed his mouth.

"Don't drop any," she giggled as he tried retaining some in his cheek. He swallowed, a little embarrassed before latching back on. Soon the only sounds in the hut were suckling noises as Amu watched her son feed. "You were right David, I will miss doing this with you," she said hugging his head close to her chest. 'And everything else,' Amu reminded herself. He smiled and hugged back without stopping. Despite the little amount of time she had parenting him compared to every other mother, Amu thought that everything had flown by too fast. She certainly had another three to four complete season cycles left of him living in the same hut, and that time would be valued greatly. "All full?" She asked seeing David pull his head back slightly to unlatch. He nodded swallowing what was left as a furred finger wiped his lips clean.

"I love you mom," he said snuggling up to her.

"I love you too David."

Spring, 2760

David breathed in a deep fresh breath of spring air as a gust of wind blew by ruffling his outfit and hair. He was now seventeen springs old standing proudly along the edge of a forest with his bow in hand. A little over three years had passed since he successfully weened himself, and the human was around the age to be moving out of his parents hut to build his own. But moving could wait. Catching a nice meal for later was on his mind as another breeze passed by.

"Hello David," a familiar voice greeted him from behind.

"Oh hi Illu," David turned to greet the wolfess. "What brings you out here?" She fit into her summer outfit nicely, and carried a bow as well.

"Nothing much. Just fresh air I guess."

"That's good. I'm about to go hunt for a little something," he said picking up his bow for her to intervene.

"We could hunt together... if you wanted," Illu asked scratching her neck before fidgeting with her quiver strap.

"Sure that sounds fun." Two after all was much better than one when it came to hunting.

"Great! So where should we go?" she asked excited.

"I guess here in the east forest," David pointed around. She nodded her head and followed him as they walked deep into the woods.

A rabbit was sitting by a tree munching on whatever little snack it could find. It was brown and fluffy without a care in the world like any other bunny. David took a small silent step forward peeking out from his tree, bow halfway drawn. The rabbit wasn't facing him. An easy shot. Suddenly, without cause, the prey scampered off into the brush leaving David aiming at a tree root. "You have to be kidding." He mumbled to himself slowly releasing the string's tension. That had to be the third runaway so far for the sport hunter.

"Empty handed as well?," he heard Illu say approaching him from behind.

"We're not having much luck are we?" David said returning his arrow to the quiver.

"I'm sure we will find something," she said walking ahead of him. He almost lost his balance as she brushed against him, her tail going over his waist.

"What makes you so confident?" he said catching up with her. "I've been pretty unlucky when all those clouds rolled in."

"We make the perfect team, so I should stick closer to you." Illu explained as her shoulder bumped into his. He smiled at her optimism and the fur brushing against him. Their walk only lasted a minute more before he noticed something. David stopped and concentrated. His ears picked up a sound he dreaded while being this far out in the forest. "It's raining!" He looked up just as the drops started descending to the forest floor. Only seconds passed as the rain quickly started picking up in intensity. Illu shrieked as a bolt of lightning jumped across the sky quickly followed by a loud bang of thunder. "Come on let's get out of here!" David yelled taking her by the hand. They quickly ran back southwest, the quickest way home, but the rain proved to be too much for the pair.

"There's a big tree!" Illu pointed over to his left up ahead. They broke off in a sprint heading towards the safe haven as the downpour began. Ducking under a low branch, David and Illu ran right up to the tree's bark nearly colliding with the wooden tower. David caught his breath and was surprised that his clothes didn't get soaked. They both put their hunting equipment aside and settled down next to each other. Thunder rumbled in the distance as the tree they stayed under provided enough shelter to stay dry. Staring out ahead was disheartening with the wall of water limiting his sight.

"That was a quick striking down pour." He commented hearing the loud rainfall.

"At least we're mostly dry," the wolfess brushed over her arm fur appreciatively.

"Yeah, but I guess I ruined the day for both of us," David said leaning his head back against the tree. It certainly seemed that way to him since they were stuck under a tree indefinitely.

"I thought it was pretty fun," Illu said surprising him.

"You have to be joking. We're stuck under a tree until the rain passes. We might be lucky if it even passes before the sun sets."

"I think we're pretty lucky that nothing bad happened to us with that lightning nearby," she pointed out. David gave a nod but still didn't see any silver lining with all the rain pouring around them. The tree he was under was definitely something to be thankful for, but neither of them had to be under it if it wasn't raining. "Hold still, there's something on your cheek," she pressed a warm finger into his skin. David felt her digit stay on his face for a few seconds not doing anything.

"Did you get it?" he asked after the pause of silence as her finger remained firmly planted on him. She pulled her warm digit away and apparently flicked something off.

"Yep. It was just a little speck of dirt."

"Oh thank you." He said leaning his back against the tree in an attempt to get comfortable.

"Ow!" He heard Illu yip next to him suddenly.

"What's wrong?" He asked turning towards her.

"I think I broke a claw or something," she said holding her fingers with another hand.

"Do you want me to check?" He inquired peering closer to her hands. She gave a nod and held her hand out to him. David held the furry palm and looked over it. "Which claw is it?"

"I don't know check them all," she said hurriedly. He obliged and spread her fingers out looking over the claw like nail that each harbored. Her entire hand resembled his except for what was covered in a soft dark brown fur.

"I don't see anything wrong with any of them," David held her hand up so at their palms were connected. She brought his hand down to her lap holding it.

"Good... So how have you and your family been doing?"

"Pretty good, how about you and your mother?"

"Boring, but good. Whenever I try talking to her about building my own place she tells me how I can't yet and all that stuff." David smiled knowing that was the norm of most wolves their age, but he wanted to enjoy being with his parents as long as possible.

"Any reason why we are still holding hands?" He asked feeling her thumb stroking him.

"Oh! Just... Holding." She said letting go as David returned his hand to his lap. The two remained silent for a while. He stared back out into the wall of rain as thunder rolled by hoping for a break. As soon as the weather started to calm down, they readied themselves to leave only for the storm to continue in intensity. Whenever the rain started to let up, thunder and lightning sounded off flashing too close for comfort. The two stayed put and ate what they had packed for the little hunt as the daylight started slipping away. Without the sun to warm up the forest, the air took a noticeable drop as the rain continued. "Oh great it's getting dark now," Illu complained crossing her arms giving a huff of frustration as she waited for David to agree with her. With the strange silence prevailing, Illu looked beside her only to feel worried. David was huddled up near her but covered in goosebumps. The cold air was getting to the fur less human as he shivered in place. "David are you alright?" she asked touching his cheek which was cooler than before.

"N-no, I'm c-cold," he said pressing his face to her warmer hand. Illu pulled back and touched the tip of her nose only to shiver briefly herself. The rain definitely brought a cooler air with it and David wasn't prepared by wearing his summer outfit.

"Well it doesn't look like this will be letting up until nighttime, so I guess we can share body heat, and you could definitely use another layer of clothing," she suggested not really waiting for his approval. Frostbite was unlikely this time of the season but she didn't want to take any chances with this sudden blast of cooler weather.

"Won't you get c-cold?" he asked concerned more about her even though she was a wolf. The furred female looked back at him with her head tilted in question before rolling her eyes.

"I should be fine with my fur even if we share," Illu said starting to undo the lace to her top piece. David felt her scoot next to him pressing her shoulder up to his. "If you look I'll give you more than just a scratch across your face," she warned taking the top half of her clothes off.

"Calm down I won't," he reassured Illu by staring straight ahead trying not to shiver so loudly. 'I have a bigger problem to worry about anyway,' he thought to himself with a smirk. The wolf wrapped the makeshift blankets of tribal attire around both of their backs. David securely held his end as she held herd. Illu then brought her arm across his back to hold onto his shoulder while pressing her body closer to his. Her fur was toasty warm and brought a grateful smile to David's face. He in turn looped an arm around Illu's back to her waist and held on with her permission. The shivering soon stopped altogether as he comfortably relaxed beside her for a couple of minutes.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked.

"Yes, and thank you for sharing your clothes with me. Oh and especially your fur," he added snuggling closer. "It's very warm and nice."

"No problem and you're very welcome," she giggled shyly looking away, but still gave him a partial hug with her outstretched arm. The two didn't say very much after that as they contently sat together. David certainly wasn't going to complain as he was kept warm. The rain did in fact start letting up as darkness quickly arrived blanketing the area much to his dismay. This meant going back home would have to wait until daybreak since the scarce moonlight only provided a little source of light for the human to see. David shifted in his seat feeling a fuzzy weight resting on his shoulder. Looking to his left, Illu's head was revealed to be the weight on his shoulder contently sleeping. His eyes trailed briefly to her front. He was a little surprised to actually see her naked from the waist up despite what she had told him earlier. Not wanting trouble, he turned his gaze instead looking at her peacefully sleeping on his shoulder. Even though he was a different species altogether, she had feminine features that were beautiful. A unique mixture of browns and occasional black covered her head. They combined into a tan brown on top of her muzzle, where the bottom of her jaw was a snowy white.

The same white went around her cheeks and ears in a thin line that connected on the top of her head. Although under the present lighting, her colorful features were mostly hidden leaving him to connect the dots in his mind. David suddenly let out a yawn, he was pretty tired himself. Seeing how close they already were, there shouldn't be any problem sleeping beside one another. A soft ear poked running under his chin as he gently laid his head onto hers. The fur acted like a comfy pillow that kept his cheek warm. Another yawn passed as he closed his eyes whispering a thank you to his friend sleeping with him.

The lack of pattering rain greeted David's ears as he woke up the following morning. The air was still cool, but much more bearable and humid. He could see faint clouds of steam floating around the trees signifying that the worst of the chill was over. His left cheek was very warm with Illu's head fur acting as a pillow. He lifted his head carefully from hers and noticed a smile etched cutely along her lips. Seeing her happy made him happy.

'At least we both slept well.' David also saw her bare chest and remembered about her clothes. Carefully moving to not disturb her, he pulled the clothing over both their heads before wrapping the garment loosely around Illu. With his friend covered, David sat back to enjoy the peaceful morning until she woke up. He always loved early mornings in the forest that didn't include sudden downpours. Birds could be heard synchronizing their melodious songs together while remaining hidden from sight. The young golden sunshine scattered broken down from the treetops to the forest floor giving everything a beautiful radiant glow. However, traces of last nights storm were clearly visible as well. Numerous puddles big and small were seen scattered throughout the forest floor. Plenty of leaves were scattered into misshapen piles along with twigs and small branches. 'I wonder how the village looks now.' He thought imagining the whole place covered with muddy puddles. David held back a laugh knowing all too well how tempting a mud puddle was to jump in. He noticed movement beside him and felt her start to stir. The wolf's arm squeezed his back as her cheek rubbed over his shoulder.

With a yawn Illu opened her eyes and stared out into the forest before them. "Are you awake now?" David asked receiving a nod as she sat up.

"Yeah," Illu hastily returned her arms and adjusted her outfit. "How long have you been awake and why didn't you get me up?"

"Not long, and you looked too happy as you slept." Her ears splayed out in a flustered manner.

"Well now we can go back to the village since everything has cleared up." She tightened a few strings before rising and retrieving her hunting equipment. David joined her and prepared to walk home as well. "I wonder how watered down all the huts look right now." She said stepping through a few mushy leaves alongside David.

"I was thinking the same thing earlier, but hopefully not too bad. I don't want to swim from hut to hut." Both laughed in the wet forest making the dreary scenery a little more cheerful. They walked side by side avoiding puddles along their way back home talking between each other about various things to help pass the time. The ground in the plains seemed to squish under their steps until reaching the edge of the village as it came within sight. "Thanks again for saving my skin back there under the tree Illu. I thought you would have ended up carrying me back to the village frozen stiff." She nodded humming a happy 'you're welcome' to him before looking around the empty area. Something was clearly on the wolf's mind. Illu stopped in front of the first hut and turned to David. "Is something wrong?"

"N-no I just need to tell you something." She said a little flustered

"I'm all ears," he smiled making her smile as well.

"Well David, despite the cold rain... I really-"

"Hey! We finally found you two!" Cocom's voice rang out from nearby. Illu growled before composing herself for the untimely visit. "For a second I thought you two didn't make it with all the lightning and rain."

"We made it through the night safely. Illu found a large tree to hide under." Cocom gave a slow nod understanding and took a swig of water from a cup he had.

"I'm sure you're both thirsty from the little getaway you two planned," he said giving the cup of water to Illu first.

"Oh ha-ha, you're so funny," Illu said taking a sip just wanting him to go away for a moment. Cocom ignored her and instead turned to David.

"I know you'll tell me what really happened," he turned to David with interest.

"It wasn't anything exciting Cocom. Our little hunt was just rained out."

"I'm sure you two stayed nice and warm together through the night," he mocked a pup's voice hugging his tummy. David noticed Illu looking at him in a strange flustered way.

"Well I would rather stay dry with her instead of running back to die freezing cold in the rain," David said hoping to end the argument. Illu's facial expression gave away a more shocked and annoyed expression though.

"You! Ugh!" Illu exclaimed pitching her cup of water at him. A cold splash went over David's face as the frustrated she wolf stomped away. David sputtered as his friend laughed.

"I think she likes you David," Cocom said ruffling the human's hair.

"I... Don't think so," he replied wiping his face off. Throwing water at someone would have to be the worst way to catch someone's attention romantically.

"Well don't you like her?" Cocom asked with an invisible grin planted across his muzzle.

"Stop changing the subject before I use your fur as a towel," he retorted only earning a chuckle from the brown wolf.

"Whatever lover boy," he walked away chuckling within earshot.

"What has gotten into him, we were only caught up in the rain for the night," he muttered to himself finished wiping the water off. "Then he makes a big deal out of it." David stood up and headed back home to check in with his parents. They must have been worried while he was stuck in the woods all night. Making his way around the huts was a little more challenging with the excessive amount of leftover water. He spotted his dad standing past he entrance to the but facing away from him. 'A little surprise won't hurt,' he silently passed the door flap to his dad.

"You're home!" He suddenly heard behind him. Amu turned her son around before wrapping her arms around him. Another pair of arms from behind quickly followed as his dad hugged him as well. He found himself squished between two loving parents as they tightly hugged him with a head snug on each shoulder. His mother gave him a round of kisses showing no desire of letting him go. He hugged them both back the best he could until they finally gave him room to actually breathe in.

"Are you ok hon? Did anything bad happen while you were stuck in the forest?" She asked checking him over.

"Yeah I'm ok. I survived the night."

"How did you stay warm when the air cooled down during the night?"

"Illu let me use her shirt piece." He said receiving a questioning look from his mom.

"You sly wolf," his dad remarked lightly elbowing his son in the side.

"Red! That's not a good thing to do. Why didn't you tell us that you had your eyes on someone?"

"It's not like that! If we didn't sleep together, I would've been frozen-"

"You two slept together while you had her shirt?!" His mother nearly yelled for the whole pack to hear.

"No mom!" David said flustered only to see his dad fall to the ground laughing.

The following morning David decided to visit Illu and at least try to make up for the bad day of hunting. The weather was promising with nothing but clear blue skies to see above.

"Is Illu home Phasu?"

"Yes she is. Help yourself to anything if you stay long," she said looking up to give him a brief smile. David ducked through as spotted the wolfess on the other side of the fire pit. She was facing away from him working with a small fabric. Maybe something ripped from last night.

"Morning Illu," he greeted her.

"Hi," she plainly replied.

"Did I tear your shirt yesterday?"

"No, something snagged it when we split up before it rained." A little silence passed through the hut as she returned to mending the fabric.

"Would you like to hunt with me today since the rain cut it short?," David asked seeing her ears perk up.

"Would it involve me being compared to dying from freezing weather?" She asked turning towards him.

"Huh? No just you, me, the forest around us, and everything that we can catch.

"Hmm.... Deal. Meet me by the edge of the north forest in a while." She said turning back to finish up whatever she had been doing.

"Alright I'll see you soon," he said before leaving. David went back home and prepared his things before heading out to the same spot yesterday. He stood by the the edge of the north forest and scanned the area. 'Where is she?' he stepped forward looking around the first tree. "Illu? Did you leave already?" He called out turning back to the village. Movement from the corner of his eye caught him. Sharp fangs were bared at him making a growling noise. "AAH!" he stumbled falling down on his back. David froze looking up only to find Illu tossing a large piece of bark aside, a large grin splayed across her face. "What was that for?" He held a hand over his heart. The rapid beating thudded through his chest threatening to tell everyone in the village how scared he was.

"There, we're even now." She held her hand out to him quickly pulling David up to his feet.

"I don't understand," he said brushing off his clothing while keeping a close eyes on her.

"I saved your life, and now I scared you to death," she smiled her cute toothy grin at him.

"Fine. Can we head out now?"

"Of course," she said leading the way, swishing her tail excitedly.

Early Summer, 2760

David approached the hut of Axiu's family with a noticeable bounce in his step. The human found himself spending more time with Illu as spring progressed, to the point where Cocom made jokes about it around him. There was even the annual summer festival coming up a day away that he always enjoyed. David entered the door flap only to notice that Axiu wasn't home. Only Lilly was present working with a needle trying to sew.

"Hi David!" She said standing up before running up to hug him.

"Hi Lilly." He hugged back the twelve summer old pup. "Have you seen your brother anywhere?"

"Nah, he's probably goofing around and not helping dad with hunting." She said waving her hand in the air before returning to her seat.

"So he couldn't help you with sewing?"

"He would never help me out like you do," she chuckled at the older wolf's typical behavior.

"Well for once I'm not busy with Illu, so I wanted to hang out with him for a while." David stood by the entrance a little disappointed. Lilly's smile faded as soon as he brought up her name.

"I need to tell you something about that." She caught his attention. "I know how good of friends you two are, but yesterday I heard Ion talking about how he much he wanted to marry Illu," she shared the gossip with David.

"I haven't seen those two anywhere near each other willingly before." He said surprised. "And even if that is true, her mother wouldn't agree to that so quickly."

"His dad is well respected. So I think it would be tough for Phasu to deny a wedding," Lilly said sadly with her ears folded back. "And I haven't talked to Illu recently to hear if she accepted."

"Oh come on. Cocom already told me that Ion wanted to marry Anthos's daughter." He rubbed his forehead lying to down play the situation. "Any idea where he is at so I can talk to him?"

"He's at that spot by the north forest practicing his archery, but I don't see what you can do to change anything." She admitted as David turned heading for the door flap.

"Don't worry, I just want to talk. She is my friend after all." He reiterated leaving the hut. Lilly sighed picking up the needle and returned to her sewing. David didn't waste any time going over to his hut. Picking up his bow and quiver, he headed out for the small practice area by the north forest that Ion was at. 'Why didn't Illu tell me about this?' He felt himself start to worry. Sure enough when he arrived, Ion was shooting by himself at the targets hanging idly over various tree limbs. David set up his things after exchanging a hello with him, and shot a few rounds until the question had to be asked. "Hey Ion, is it true that you plan to marry Anthos's daughter?" David said as Ion notched an arrow to shoot at a target hung over a low branch.

"Yep I do," he said firing the first arrow, barely catching the edge of the target. "Darn," the young wolf muttered under his breath pulling another arrow out. David was relieved to hear the news and wiped his forehead breaking free a big sigh.

"So you don't plan on wedding Illu then," David concluded dismissing his fears perhaps a tad too early.

"No I plan on marrying her as well," he said cooly firing another arrow sending a chilling shock up the human's spine. David's jaw dropped before he scrambled his thoughts together to prevent himself from panicking.

"You can't marry two women at the same time!" He said noticeably shell shocked.

"Who said I can't? There is no tribal law against it," he replied pulling out a fresh arrow.

"Then how can you love two women at the same time?" David asked even more perplexed.

"I don't really love Illu but her body is sexy to say the least, and probably very fertile for a strong son. I guess I like Anthos's daughter even though she is plump, but hey if getting on his good side means I'm that much closer to being chieftain then so be it."

"You can't just treat Illu like that! It's wrong!" He said wishing it was a stupid joke meant to only anger him.

"Why do you care? It's only Illu," he said as if she were another arrow in the quiver. David was angry at the grey wolf.

"Because I love her!" His eyes widened realizing what he had just said, feeling his heart beat funny from mentioning it. Ion though didn't seem phased at all by what David had said so suddenly.

"Woah Calm down fur less! Just because you like her doesn't mean that she likes you, and no offense but you're a human, what wolfess would want to be wedded to you?" He stated logically. David felt a burning anger boil up only to be extinguished with doubt and worry. Ion did have two really good points, he was very different from everyone else and she might have her love with another wolf. An uneasy feeling formed in the human's gut as he conceded.

"Alright I'll see you later Ion," he said walking away. The wolf waved a good bye returning to his archery, only to grunt in frustration as another arrow missed the center. David sauntered back to his families hut staring at the grassy ground most of the way. His bow felt heavier than normal trekking back to the village. Stopping by a random hut only two turns away from his own, he set his bow down to adjust the quiver's strap digging into his shoulder. Looking back up, the human froze seeing Illu not too far away. The wolfess was hurriedly approaching his families hut and on impulse, David quickly broke off in the opposite direction. He was too afraid to talk to her now. Needing refuge, the human ran to the east forest where the stream was located for some much needed solitude. By the time he made it, David was out of breath and frustrated sitting down on the mossy bank. There was a tiny pond barely worth stepping into in front of his crossed legs. He wiped his eyes from the forming tears and stared into the still pool of water that reflected his image back. David ruffled his hair in disappointment. He was very different than everyone else from the pack in a physical sense.

It was no wonder that no other wolf than his mother called him handsome. Giving a sigh, he threw a small rock in the pool of water breaking the images clarity. "I'm just like any other wolf. Why would anyone consider otherwise?" He questioned himself looking ahead past a few trees as if they would answer. Illu had said it herself to him during his first summer with the pack. But what Ion told him continued to sting. If he wasn't a wolf, then his could he truly be a part of the pack and have anyone other than his parents truly love him? But no one ever spoke ill of him when he was around. He even had two really good close friends, Cocom and Axiu. David closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was just mad that Ion desired the same wolfess that he did, especially for all the wrong reasons. "I guess I'll have to practice some archery of my own to take my mind off things." Bow tightly gripped, David made his way back to the grassland heading for the practice area in the north. By now Ion should be gone leaving the place open for him. To his surprise, voices could be heard up ahead in the practice area. He pressed up against a tree seeing Illu and Mizu at the practice spot.

David would've wanted to go up and talk to her more than anything, but now the thought entirely seemed strange with Ion wanting to marry her. His ears couldn't help but overhear the last bits of a conversation.

"Do you really think he's avoiding you on purpose?"

"I've only caught a glimpse of him earlier and then he vanished, so he has to practice archery eventually. It's what he would do if he needed to get some stress off his mind."

"It's just one day of abnormal behavior." Mizu did her best to calm her friend. Illu grumbled something out that David's ears couldn't pick up. "Look Illu I don't see him anywhere, can we just go for a late swim instead?"

"Oh calm down Mizu! I know he should be around here somewhere," she bit a claw looking around. "I need to tell him a few important things anyway," she shyly kicked the grass.

"Can't wait to see his reaction to that," Mizu chuckled receiving an annoyed punch from Illu.

"Hey David where are you?!" She nearly yelled only to huff an agitated sigh. A couple more seconds passed before Illu conceded and walked off with Mizu, leaving David alone in hiding. He took a step out from behind the tree and watched her slowly disappear over the edge of the plains. It just wasn't fair. David quietly snuck away and headed towards his families hut as a new spot to hide and think. Things were normal to a degree back home. His dad was working on making a detailed arrowhead, and his mom was away visiting someone for the evening. He occupied his time sitting not he edge of the bedspread thinking. Other than his dad's occasional scrapings, the hut remained quiet for the pair. Red put the arrowhead down and took a break noticing the teen's abnormal silence.

"David you're very quiet and the festival is only a day away, what's on your mind?" his dad asked sitting beside the pondering human.

"I don't know, I'm just thinking," he said staring at the ground.

"Must be important to have you so down before the big festival. Last year you were happy as can be," his dad pointed out by patting David on the shoulder. He shrugged thinking over how to word his problem to his dad.

"Well, it's... Um, when did you know that you had fallen in love with mom?"

"That was a long time ago," he scratched his chin doing his best to remember the details. "I was eighteen and she was a year younger than me. She hurt her ankle from hunting and decided to collect berries with other foraging things to help her family. I decided to help her out of kindness and it all grew from there."

"How did you know if she even liked you?"

"Your mother always tagged along with me wherever I was going after her leg was all healed, but most importantly, your mother always smiled at me," Red stated staring off at a wall imagining it very clearly.

"Oh," David said halfheartedly. Illu didn't really do any of those things with him. Sure she hunted with him for a while but the wolfess never followed him, let alone gave him a bright smile everyday.

"Don't worry, every wolfess is unique. And I'm sure whoever you're worrying about is worrying just as much about you right now."

"Is throwing water on someone romantic?" David asked only to receive a confused look from his dad.

The next day, David helped carry as many things as he could to the village fire pit to keep himself and his mind occupied. But that only lasted until the final piece of firewood was brought along with a few drums. Pretty soon the makeshift work finished itself and Cocom began tagging along beside him.

"Come on and take a rest, you've helped more than enough in setting things up for the festival."

"I know Lilly told you to follow me around... But you're right, I should take a break." David said taking a seat by a random hut.

"That's more like it." The wolf sat beside him stretching out his digitigrade legs. "Lilly told me to stay with my friend because he was feeling down, and I would never want you upset over anything."

"Thanks Cocom, I appreciate it." David gave a brief smile relaxing somewhat. He didn't mind his friend tagging along with him, in fact David knew he needed it for a time like this.

"Good! Now if you don't mind, we should be finding something to eat. This is the only day of the season cycle where everyone cooks and offers food to you!"


"You were right about what Gren's mom cooked. It was delicious!" David said rubbing his stomach satisfied.

"I don't thing I could eat anymore of it," he stifled a burp. Spending the last three hours eating before everyone packed up was a very fulfilling adventure. David barely had time to stretch before his friend was on the move again. "The sun is just about to set. Let's get a good spot David." Cocom nearly took the human's arm off from pulling him.

"Slow down it's not going anywhere." He said following his enthusiastic friend. The summer festival was a night of fun for the sake of having fun. Drums or reed flutes would be played as wolves danced around the fire wearing elaborately made costumes. Anyone could join in or sing so long as it didn't end in anyone getting burned. More than half the pack had already assembled around the center of the village, finding good unobstructed seats before the rest arrived. He sat down with Cocom in the middle of a group around the large fire pit. The last of the stockpiled logs were tossed into the fire before night approached the village.

"Alright now it's about to start!" Cocom watched as someone came up and started the fire. A few suddenly ran up towards the center wearing scaring and silly masks. David's eyes widened seeing Anthos up front and center nearly naked.

"He's barely wearing a loincloth!" It made sense though. Anthos's pelt was made of vibrant yellows, reds, and oranges. He looked like he was part of the flame as he began dancing around. Others laughed and cheered as drums were beat creating a random rhythm to dance to. Huexo even went up and threw what appeared to be small pouches of powder into the large fire. Small explosions were created as plumes of colorful clouds ascended to the sky, rightfully earning the crowds amazement. No matter how amazing the annual spectacle was, David couldn't help but wonder where Illu was. He scanned the crowd and spotted her sitting down beside Phasu with a disinterested look. The festival commenced as background noise to the young human as the wolfess filled his thoughts. As the night commenced David's eyes kept trailing away from the large bonfire and everyone dancing around it to Illu's green eyes. Out of all the things going on, her green gems shone brightly with the flickering fire light obtaining his attention above everything else.

"Haha! Look at my dad dancing around in the bird costume!" Cocom roared laughing above the noise nudging David in the side. Forcing out a quick laugh, he watched his friend's dad hop around making bird calls. It really did seem like everyone was having a lot of fun while he wallowed in his little bout of sadness. Looking back to where she was sitting, it was revealed that Illu had moved from her spot much to his dismay. Heaving a sigh, he watched the others continue dancing, listening to the fast beat of drums and small flutes being played. He contemplated leaving when someone tapped his shoulder. Turning around, David looked up only to open his eyes in surprise seeing Illu standing behind him.

"Can you come with me for a minute?" She asked pulling him up to his feet.

"Uh, sure," he said before telling Cocom he would be back later. The she wolf took him by the wrist leading the human behind a secluded hut away from the celebration. Checking the corner for safety, her green eyes returned to him.

"Hey tell me what has you so bothered and down. You've even been acting kind of strange around me for the past few days, and I want a good reason as to why. I wanted to spend the festival with you but I couldn't even get near you," she declared releasing him from her grip. He missed her hand constricting his arm already. David swallowed a thick lump of nervousness, hoping not to sound like an idiot explaining himself.

"Well... Um-Ion said that he was going to marry you-"

"I would never marry that wolf even if he was the last one alive," she said interrupting him. Looks like Ion was full of hot air as usual. David felt relieved and quickly showed it.

"Oh thank goodness!" he closed his eyes taking a deep breath relaxing somewhat. After the elated moment he noticed Illu with her hands on her hips holding a questioning look etched on her face.

"I doubt that's the whole reason you've been dodging me by every house," she said taking a bold step closer to him. David was back in the hot seat as that butterfly feeling erupted in his stomach.

"Well... I mean it kind of does. Um, I didn't want him to because I really... Like you a lot. I mean you're very beautiful and smart." Her ears perked up but her face didn't change.

"What are you trying to mumble out?" She said taking another step forward to him, leaving him without any space to think. He took a deep breath able to smell the wolf's unique scent and looked into her bright green eyes.

"I really enjoyed the time we've spent together recently and if I let Ion take it away I would never forgive myself for not trying. I kind of grew feelings for you that I didn't realized until a while ago. What I'm trying to say Illu is that... I love you." His heart was pounding as those last three words came out. He gave a shy smile finally able to admit his feelings to her, but it soon faded realizing that she could deny them in a heartbeat. David felt like a nervous wreck waiting for a reaction only to fear the worst looking down at his moccasins. "But if you don't feel that way-" His statement was cut short as a hand swiftly brought his chin up while a pair of thin fuzzy lips pressed against his. Blinking, everything looked darker than he remembered as a pair of arms wrapped around his back. He leaned a little as his eyes widened in surprise, then fluttered down half closed. 'She's kissing me!' David thought as his heart thundered harder with excitement and giddiness. The human could've dropped right there if it weren't for his hands holding onto her sides for support. She pressed her body up against his and depended the kiss moaning into his mouth. Her head tilted so that her jaws could part overlapping his mouth.

Canine teeth pressed into his lips as their tongues danced together. They would've stayed like this all night had breathing become obsolete, but their lungs burned more than their hearts. Illu pulled back breathing heavily taking a break. "Wow," he panted catching his breath as her nose touched his.

"I think I like you too," she said with a giggle hugging him close. The wolfess proceeded to kiss the cheek that her muzzle was next to. David wore a dumb smile over his face unable to return the favor due to their different mouth structures. She didn't leave his smile alone very long before their lips connected once more with a passionate moan. Footsteps weren't even heard as they walked around the back of the hut.

"Hey David where did you- Woah!" Cocom's mouth gaped open as he shielded an eye seeing the two lip locked together. Illu didn't really stop, only slow down, even though she could clearly see their intruder watching.

"Mm-mrph. Can you save us a spot?" David gasped for a breath of fresh air.

"Just don't miss the whole festival behind a hut." Cocom said still surprised leaving them alone.

"Want to GO watch the festival?" David felt her nibble on his ear still holding him.

"Um... We can go one step at a time." She said running her muzzle across his cheek and jawline. "Slow steps," she added with a whisper.

"Hello is Illu home?" David asked Phasu. She was busy mending a torn legging, but smiled looking up to greet him.

"Well good afternoon David! Yes she is inside, and make yourself comfortable if you stay for a while." Her mother didn't have to tell him twice as he entered through the moveable door flap. The hut's interior was homely decorated like every other one, except unlike the rest, one specific wolfess lived here sitting on the other side. She set down whatever she happened to be working on as her ears flicked catching David's steps. Illu turned seeing who it was before her thin canine lips spread into a radiant grin.

"What a coincidence, I was just thinking about you." She said looking up at him.

"Like I think a out you every day?"

"Oh don't flatter me," Illu blushed under her brownish fur. "Any real reason why you stopped by so late?"

"Just wondering if you wanted to stretch your legs and do some target practice before nightfall." He asked as the wolfess tapped her chin in thought.

"How about we go on a walk instead," she suggested taking his bow, setting it down next to hers.

"I like the sound of that," he said as she stood up and took his hand back to the door flap.

"We're going out for a walk mom," Illu said.

"Ok, I'll be right here when you two come back." She replied watching them go, wearing a smile. The grassland looked beautiful as always in the late evening as they walked out a little distance from the village. The human and wolf walked slowly along the grass as they held hands

"You look even more beautiful with the sun shining on your fur," David broke the silence earning a shy smile from her.

"I actually didn't bring you out here to compliment me," she slipped an arm around his side bringing him closer.

"Oh? Then please tell me why." She stopped and took a sigh with a serious look in her green eyes.

"I talked it over with my mother and I'm stuck waiting for her approval," Illu kicked a rock with her ears pinned back. David had already received approval from his parents without hardly a problem, but Illu's mother was a challenge to say the least.

"It's because I'm not a wolf then." David said dejected. She smacked the back of his head to knock some sense into him.

"Don't give up! I've already told you it's not because you're human. I know she wants to say yes but something is barely holding her back, and I have no clue as to why," Illu crossed her arms with a frown.

"We'll think of something. Just give it time." David suggested doing his best to ease her concerns. The wolfess smiled and hugged him close before giving him a quick kiss.

A few days passed and still no approval from her mother. David spent a good portion of each day thinking of solutions and worrying himself to no end until his parents begged him to relax.

"You're still not married to Illu yet? The wolfess you love to death?" Axiu asked with his eyes closed. They were outside of the village where Axiu was sunbathing while David so far paced around.

"Illu did say that she was waiting for her mother's approval for the marriage before talking to my parents," David replied.

"Then go sweet talk her or help her around the home for a day," Axiu stated taking in a deep breath as a gust of wind blew by. A sweet smell berries from nearby brought a grin to his muzzle.

"Isn't that like bribery?" he asked.

"It's customary for a young male to do favors for the parents, and besides, it physically shows how much you will do for the girl and how much you love her," Axiu said easily persuading him.

"Alright I'll do it! So any idea where her mother is now?" David asked looking hopeful.

"Hmm, no clue. You can just ask Anthos so I don't have to get up and help look for you," he replied stretching before turning onto his front.

"Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes," he walked back to the village determined to do some sort of favor for her. It didn't take long to reach Anthos's hut, and lucky for David he was by himself sunning in the entrance. The human approached and kindly waited for the superior wolf to pause in his meditative humming. "I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know where Phasu is at the moment Anthos?" He asked.

"Any reason why you're asking me that question?" The chieftain replied opening one golden eye at him.

"Well, um... Illu wants me to help her out with something." David wasn't too sure what to say. He didn't know what kind of something had to be done to cheer her up.

"Something huh? She really wore herself out chasing down that deer the other day so I told her to rest," he explained. "But since she isn't doing anything at the moment, I'm sure you could help her around with something," he answered further with a knowing tone to what David was after.

"Thank you chief!" David said immediately heading towards the location of her hut. The southern plains were in perfect view as he eyed her hut's door flap. Seeing it left unfastened, David entered finding Illu's mom laying on a messy bedspread. She almost looked like a different wolf. Her back and tail were a fine mixture of browns that he was used to seeing. Her front midsection on the other hand was revealed to be divided with the top and bottom being white, and the little bit of her chest in the middle revealed to be a light grey. But what he really wasn't expecting was a mopey expression that her face carried just laying there on the bedspread. Phasu turned a little and her face brightened considerably noticing who was standing there.

"Hello David, what brings you here? Illu is out hunting with a large group," she asked yawning on a large incline of blankets that kept her propped up to see him.

"Oh. She isn't the reason I'm here this time," he said starting to feel self conscious that they were the only two in the hut. Phasu must have been trying to relax, or something, since the top part of her outfit barely covered her chest and the strings to tie them up were casually left untied. But she was alone in her home, so the wolfess had every right to be doing whatever pleased her.

"So tell me!" she said with a wolffish smile looking him over when he scanned around the hut to think of a response.

"Uh... Anthos told me you really tired yourself from running yesterday, and that I could help you out with whatever you wanted," he said keeping his eyes level with hers.

"Now that you mention it, my paws are pretty worn out. I do need help with that," Phasu emphasized her point by stretching her legs only to grunt from the discomfort.

"It would be my pleasure," David said giving a genuine smile as she murred in approval. He sat down cross legged in front of Phasu where the wolf's tail was wagging almost impatiently yet very excitedly. Once comfortable, her paws slid into his lap and flexed crackling a few joints eager for some soothing treatment. The white fur was surprisingly softer than he expected since it was normally so close to the ground. David lightly rubbed over the furry tops for a moment only to realize that he didn't have a clue how to perform a massage . Nevertheless he continued with a good amount of hesitation and didn't receive any complaints from above, so he had no choice but to figure it out by hand to not embarrass himself too badly. After a minute or so of focusing on her tops, she flexed both causing the pads underneath to brush his thumbs. A moment of realization went off in David's mind. Holding the top halves with his hands, he switched to using his thumbs along the underside.

"Better," she commended relaxing a little more in her seat continuing to watch. He gave a nervous smile looking back up briefly. Phasu returned a sweet smile, appreciating his efforts. "Don't rub too light boy-" she interrupted herself with a giggle followed by a snorting laugh as her paw twitched, "or it will tickle." He obeyed and dug his thumbs in with more pressure running circles over the larger paw pad. He adjusted both paws in his lap focusing on the one rather than both simultaneously. Her giggles were quickly replaced by low murmurs of approval. Glancing from his peripherals, Phasu had relaxed and closed her eyes happily giving David a surge of confidence. He moved up on the large black pad towards its top and struck gold. "Mmm! Right there!" she moaned as her toes curled around his fingers before splaying out again to repeat the action. David thought it was amusing to see her paw appearing to hug his thumbs every few seconds. Digging in firmly, he mostly focused on the single point resulting in one happy mother wolf. Her tongue was even lolling out in a goofy fashion by the time he switched paws. Only a few sensitive hairs made her move more than she had to.

'She hasn't had any good attention in a while,' David thought, happy to hear that the mother was enjoying herself. While rubbing her pads, he couldn't help but look over the attractive mother. She was a very beautiful wolf for her age, and he could see where Illu's looks came from. Her entire coat, and even her tail was nicely combed. Looking up, the wolfess was watching him with a happy grin. He gave a shy smile returning focus to her paws in his lap. Phasu had been watching the whole time. After massaging her clawed toes, and everything in between thoroughly, he set down the final paw feeling a sense of accomplishment. She couldn't have been making those noises out of anything but satisfaction. Which hopefully meant that he had good favor with Phasu now to get approval. David looked up as he finished only to stare in shock and freeze up. Somewhere along the way Phasu "lost" the upper half to her outfit and her well endowed chest was plainly in view, each breast maintaining a pink erect teat sticking straight up. Looking a little further up, he noticed her lips were curled in a large wolffish grin with her green eyes twinkling of mischief, not angry that he could clearly see her practically nude.

David didn't know what to do, his mind suddenly went blank until her legs began moving up. Her digitigrade ankles hooked over his shoulders causing him to bend forward a little, somewhat able to see the grace of her womanhood puffed out. The potent nectar that had apparently built up could faintly be detected by his nose. "Phasu, eh-what are you doing?" he asked as the wolfess drew him closer within reach.

"David, if you do what I say, you can have my daughter for marriage," she plainly stated with a lecherous grin drawn on her muzzle, "and I will more than gladly be your mother-in-law." He gulped, the whole reason he came to her hut was to get on her good side but this wasn't quite what he expected. Her legs went down his sides and connected behind his back as her warm hands softly gripped his shoulders gently massaging them, which oddly comforted him as they helped bring him closer. David tried to pull back and get a better grip on common sense, but instead the stronger grip of her hands held him close along with her well toned legs. Being brought down, David planted his hands next to Phasu's shoulders so he wouldn't lay directly on top of her. She tried pushing David down again but could feel him hesitate. "My husband died so many years ago. Do you have any idea how empty I felt by my very last heat a year and a half ago?" she demonstrated by pulling away the lower half of her garment, fully revealing her womanhood to him. A funny scent could be detected in concentration by the human's nose that came from the coarsely furred spot. It wasn't heat, but simply a wolf that was very aroused. "Just mate with me this one time," she whispered into his ear giving it a playful nip.

"I-uh," David couldn't form the words he was looking for as her hand went down to his pants to help persuade him. She freed his already half erect member after undoing the strings that held him confined. David couldn't cry out even when her hand snaked over grasping him. "Ooh, no sheath," she cooed feeling around his nether regions. "But you do have some fur down there," she gave a quick chuckle twirling her digits through it before returning to the human's hardening organ. Her warm paw pads were velvety and felt wonderful on his skin as her hand stroked up and down with slow deliberate speed making him groan.

"What would your daughter say?" he asked in a last ditch effort to dissuade her with words, unable to with his body. Pleasure and a few other feelings were having a battle in his head trying to choose on what to do.

"Sh... Don't worry, she'll be fine," the older wolf cooed with a wink using her other hand to continue easing him down. David felt her warm fur against his skin as Phasu brought him down on top of her completely. Laying on top of the older she wolf, he shuddered as her warm hands explored his back. The rest of her fur was also protectively warm and inviting. David felt this to be a weakness since he loved the comforting sensation so much from his mother. He gasped moving up as she aimed his erect tip so that it was kissing the heated feminine entrance. Two stiff nipples scraped against his skin as David quickly found himself touching noses with her. His brown eyes stared back at her twinkling green ones. A smooth tongue gently licked his lips before teeth nibbled around seeking entrance. Phasu's legs continued to bring his hips forward, slowly impaling herself. He gasped again feeling himself starting to be engulfed by her silken folds. Phasu took advantage of this and joined their lips together keeping his mouth open. Her tongue plunged in and explored the foreign area as he was slowly taken to the hilt down below. He could feel her soft thin black lips pressed against his fuller human ones.

To his surprise however, the wolf's breath smelled and tasted sweet like that of a berry. The feeling and reward were too good for David to pass up as he gave in and reciprocated the kiss, moaning into her mouth. She couldn't help but smile wider as his tongue wrestled hers with their mouths mutually pressed together. He traced over her smooth appendage with his own enjoying its muscular feel as it flexibly curled around. Furry palms cupped his cheeks as they explored each other. His tongue traced over the rows of sharp teeth her mouth harbored and the ridged roof above. David felt his hips finally join hers completely as his length was buried deeply inside her. He moaned into her mouth as the sensation was almost too much for him to handle. Phasu's canines had already reached his cheeks as her tongue eagerly lapped the inside of the human's mouth. The wolf's hands aggressively held his head and neck until she ran out of breath. Phasu broke off the kiss as both panted for air with a thin trail of saliva connecting the two. She redirected his attention giving her walls a squeeze while gyrating her hips. David moaned as her muscular canal caressed his virgin member.

He gave an involuntary thrust making the wolfess blurt out a surprised yip. "I haven't felt this filled in a looong time," Phasu emphasized her point by slowly rocking her hips. Both had a difficult time containing their moans. Every time she pulled back, her muscles gripped almost in a suction trying to pull him too. David loved the pleasure coursing through his body and felt that it should be reciprocated in some way to the older wolfess. His inexperienced hips began rolling in a shaky rhythm of slow thrusting that wasn't exactly on time with hers. "Pace yourself with me," she breathed out using her legs to bring him in at the right time. David listened and let her legs control his hips for a moment before figuring out a better rhythm. Phasu twisted her head to the side as he started rubbing against the most sensitive part of her femininity. David saw the whole side of her muzzle facing him and thought of an idea. Wrapping his arms around her back, he started kissing and nibbling along her jawline. The fur didn't prove to be a problem as he found the wolf's key points without trouble. She exposed her neck and cooed rewarding words to him as he kept the double action going.

"Yes David!" She nearly hissed as her nether regions quivered excitedly. He increased his pace bucking wantonly into her, wanting the finale to be wonderful for the wolfess. Phasu's toes and claws dug into the blanket below as her breasts shook in time with their combined thrusts. David could feel a pressure down low building as he became more sensitive to her surrounding slicked walls. Phasu had a similar tingling down low and started losing control as his phallus began brushing against her clit. She was moaning more frequently until her face suddenly strained in time with her body spasms. "Oh heavens David!... Aroooo!" Phasu's expression showed pure bliss as the she wolf moaned leaning her head further back. David rammed into her to the hilt for a final time as her clenching walls sent him over the edge. He buried his head into her welcoming neck fur, muffling a loud moan. Jet after jet of creamy white erupted into the slick lupine tunnel only for her walls to contract wanting more. David weakly bucked as she seemed to drain him drop for drop making spots appear before his eyes. At the same time, they both gave out panting heavily as their combined arousal clouded the hut's air.

Phasu held onto his back feeling the human start to slide away on her slick fur. She gently adjusted his head so that it rested comfortably on a grey furred breast. The older wolfess and human simply laid there basking in the mutual afterglow. David was completely exhausted but felt wonderful on the inside from the new experience. He looked up at the open smile she gave before falling asleep on top of the wolfess in her arms.

David awoke around fifteen minutes later feeling a hand of clawed fingers combing through his hair as another padded hand rubbed sensuously over one side of his back. His head was resting over her left breast as it slowly rose with each breath. Looking up, there was probably one of the warmest smiles he had ever seen before.

"Thank you so much David," she whispered before craning her neck to give him a quick kiss on his forehead.

"Mm, you're welcome," he said able to feel himself still inside of her despite having gone soft. "It felt... Nice." That wonderful warm feeling continued to float around him as if he were on a cloud facing the sun's golden rays.

"Glad you enjoyed it, I didn't want to force you at all into doing it but I had to persuade you one way or another," she explained stroking a finger over his exposed cheek. He mumbled a response relaxing under her hand's gentle caress. She was warm, and the wolfess's fur felt so incredibly soft. Phasu might as well have been the cloud he thought he was floating on. The wolf felt so wonderful to sleep on.

"Do you want me to leave?" he asked noticing her starting to wiggle underneath him.

"Please don't! Not yet anyway, just a few more minutes," she replied with a whine giving him a quick squeeze with her strong arms. David felt her bosom squish around his face until her arms relaxed, only to settle in once more. Minutes went by until Phasu decided that the fun was over for good. "Alright. I think it is time for you to leave now," she said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. David didn't want to, but he started sitting up only for her to stop him. "Hold on, pull out slowly and stand on your knees," she advised grabbing a small cloth. Doing as he was told, David propped himself up by his arms leaving her warm body. Standing up straight on his knees, he began to pull back feeling something drying his male hood. Looking down as he slipped completely out, Phasu was cleaning away a mix of fluids that coated him. She wiped him thoroughly before moving on to herself.

"Shouldn't I help you clean up?" He offered only for the older wolfess to decline.

"Oh no! You have done more than enough for me," she said using the other side of the rag on her nether region. Some of it had leaked out leaving a sticky shiny trail in her fur. He helped nonetheless by cleaning what had stained the blanket below. "Your shirt," she said holding it out to him.

"Thank you," he plucked it away to put on. David gathered his pants and tied the lacings together as Phasu straightened out his shirt piece, dusting it off. He felt a nagging feeling, but brushed it off walking with her to the entrance. David halted as a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. "Thank you again David," Phasu said before letting him go. He turned and returned the hug hearing the wolfess give a content sigh.

"You're welcome." He said again before leaving through the door flap as that nagging feeling grew stronger. Everything looked much nicer for some reason as David looked around. The grass looked healthier, the huts more organized, and the sky even bluer. He turned left and walked unguided enjoying this new found beauty. Later, David stopped seeing that his legs had walked him back to where Axiu was sunning himself. 'Wait a minute.' Just as a cool breeze hit him, he realized that he had just made love to the mother of who he was in love with. A shocking guilt coursed through him and eradicated the warm pleasure that had just so tenderly loved him. "I was seduced!" He groaned smacking a palm over his face before wiping it away. The human nearly panicked thinking of some way to correct the fault, almost not seeing Axiu walking towards him.

"Hey David. Are you feeling alright?" The wolf asked seeing his friend's clammy appearance.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." He lied straight through his teeth.

"So how did it go?" Axiu said a little curious himself as to what had happened.

"Uh... It sure did go," David answered a little dazed thinking it all over. He was having a tough time coming to reality that he had been seduced by a much older she wolf.

"What's that strange smell?" Axiu interrupted his thoughts sniffing the air making David's already colored face turn a bright red.

"I need to be somewhere!" He quickly left Axiu behind hurrying off to his own hut. The human's wobbly legs somehow carried him back home only to further worry about what he had done. 'What in the forest will she think?' David had never heard of a mother offering sex to anyone other than her husband. He combed a shaky hand through his hair for the hundredth time pacing around the but's entrance. There had to be something he could do, but time was running thin as she turned a corner and spotted him.

"Hey David!" Illu's voice rang out as she hurried towards his position. David waved seeing her approach. He was more than happy to see Illu, but an incredibly nervous guilt overcame him. 'Did Phasu tell her anything?' he worried before standing up to greet her.

"I think I have some good news for you," she said with open arms before wrapping them around him in a big hug. He hugged back feeling the soft leather and fur that she wore beautifully. The guilt he harbored taking away most of the wonderful effect.

"Good news?" He asked as they undid the embrace.

"Yep. Let's take a walk and discuss it," she offered her hand to him as he dutifully took it. Each step he took felt as if his moccasins were filled with hot coals and heavy mud. The beautiful wolfess would glance over at him every now and then with that radiant smile that she always carried. David couldn't help but smile back feeling his heart flutter. "My mother told me that you did her a great favor to get on her good side. Now she seems very fond of you," Illu said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Uh... yeah she really is," he said rubbing the back of his head nervously. It might have been himself, but Illu looked like she knew exactly what went on. A little silence passed as they walked the field before he broke the ice. "Your mother told you what happened didn't she?" he said turning his gaze towards the ground feeling guilty about letting her persuade him so easily.

"Yes, and she hasn't been this happy in a long time, so I would like to thank you for reminding her how wonderful and important she is," Illu said grabbing his hand, holding it firm. David's jaw would've fallen off right then and there if he didn't need to ask a why.

"Bu- It... She's your mother! How are you not angry?" He said very confused at her relaxed reaction.

"Well I am a younger version of my mother, so it's good to know that I will still be attractive to you at her age," Illu gave a wink squeezing his hand.

"If you and my dad-"

"No no no no no, it's completely different. My mother needed this. She's been sad for as long as I can remember and you helped her in a time of need." She pleaded for him to understand.

"I thought you would be angry with me," he released a big sigh and returned looking into her eyes.

"Of course not! I was the worried one when my mom told me about you visiting." She paused giving a nervous chuckle. "I know how persuasive my mother can be, and I probably could've guessed what happened because of the overpowering smell." David looked at her black nose and should've realized that Phasu wouldn't have been that careless for someone her age.

"Is it that noticeable?" He looked around expecting someone to be watching them. Illu laughed swinging their joined hands.

"I forgot that your nose doesn't work like a wolf's. That's probably for your own good, especially when skunks are around." David nodded on that note as she stopped walking. "Come on, let's go back to my hut so we can get my mother's approval."

"Back so soon David?" Phasu said at the entrance of her hut setting a small decorative shield down. He blushed giving a nervous grin as he and Illu walked by.

"Mom!" Illu whined out embarrassed leading David through the door flap. He bent over and went through only to feel a firm slap hit his rear. "Please make sure that we're together when she visits us in our new hut." Illu whispered as her mother entered behind them. All three sat on the bedspread together with David in the middle.

"Oh Illu you're going to be so happy with him! So kind, caring, and a gentleman at heart? Not to mention, great in the blankets," she said with a lusty growl leaning on him.

"Ok mom I know." Illu said possessively holding onto David.

"If she ever denies you for whatever reason, please stop by. I will never do such a thing." She sweetly told David, her nose nearly touching his ear.

"Mom please! Someone outside might hear you!" Illu begged with her ears folded back. The older wolf nodded and collected herself, but still continued to lean on David.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you wait so long to approve our choice to marry?" He asked out of curiosity.

"I knew you two were a perfect match, but I guess I didn't want my daughter to go away just yet and leave me all alone. When you came over earlier, I figured I had one last shot at acting as a wife." She paused and hummed happily. "That was well worth it!"

"It's fine, no harm done at all." He replied

"You nearly had a panic attack." Illu said crossly. Phasu chuckled at them and patted his back. "So you do give your consent fully mom?" Illu asked peeking around David.

"Of course you two have my full consent! I'd be a fool to not allow it."

A few days later...

"And let the marriage be mutual of both!" Cheering and clapping ensued as Anthos finished the verbal ritual of uniting the two lovers as husband and wife. A few petals were thrown over the new couple by each parents as Illu and David kissed. Cheers were given from all around as at least half of the pack attended. They turned towards the crowd and held up their joined hands together receiving another wave of cheers and claps. Red hugged his son full force as he let go of Illu's hand.

"I'm so proud of you David," he said starting to choke up with fatherly pride.

"Thank you dad," he hugged back, "Without you I wouldn't even be here, remember?" His dad only hugged even stronger now, afraid his son might actually slip away. He looked over seeing Illu and Phasu in a similar position of lung constricting hugs. She gave her new husband a sheepish smile trying to breath as he did the same. He took a deep breath as he let go before his mother's arms wrapped around him.

"Don't ever feel too old to come spend the night at our hut with your wife, or at least try to visit for a while," his mom hugged him tighter than Red, threatening to cry as well.

"I can visit any day! It's the other side of the village, not the other side of the forest," he pleaded feeling her loosen enough to breathe. Illu quickly rejoined her husband as Anthos talked to the parents.

"Congratulations!" Axiu cheered slapping David and Illu on the back nearly startling them.

"I always had a feeling you two would end up together." Mizu interrupted standing by Illu. Everyone laughed happily to that.

"You should've given me a fair warning!" David joked.

"You better take good care of him Illu!" Lilly said breaking out of the crowd to join them.

"Of course I will," she said with a gleam in her eye glancing back to David who gave a shy smile. The group talked for a while as the crowd dispersed heading back to whatever ey had been doing.

"Hey where is Cocom at Lilly?" David asked noticing the wolf not present.

"Knowing my brother, he's probably drying his wet fur off by the lake right now." David couldn't help but smile at the thought. Cocom was more fish than wolf. Anthos started shooing away the parents and others so that he could talk to David and Illu undisturbed.

"Okay, to finish it up completely. You choose a forest and spend the night there, then come back in the morning. Don't go to the southern plains, that is associated with bad luck." They both nodded before Anthos stepped aside congratulating their parents once more. Others briefly talked with them as well before they found time to talk amongst themselves.

"Any forest to choose huh?"

"North forest?" He asked holding her hand.

"Lead the way handsome," Illu replied. He chuckled from the remark and kissed her hand. The two headed north hearing a few remnant cheers from behind. Leaving the village, there was still a good hour or two of daylight left as they crossed what was left of the grass filled south. The forest took on a much different appearance with the sun's last golden rays breaking through the trees. Their walk felt enchanted with the glittering golden light broken all around them. Illu and David continued until they came upon a suitable place. There was a nice empty space of grass where the sunset could be seen clearly spread out before them.

"This a good spot?" He said looking around the nice clearing.

"It's perfect." She agreed as David found a comfortable grassy seat to sit on and watch the sky. His wife didn't immediately sit down, and instead chose to lighten the mood undoing the lace on the back of her leather vest like shirt. "You know, we can see each other as husband and wife without clothes for the first time, remember?" The wolfess said with a giddy grin undoing the top half.

"I... sort of saw you half undressed back when we were stuck in the rain for that night in spring," he confessed rubbing the back of his head glancing back towards her.

"I was secretly hoping you saw," Illu looked away with a blush pulling the garment off. "And I hope that doesn't mean you're not interested anymore." David couldn't help but smirk, that incident did secretly peak his interest. Her coat like half was pulled off and thrown at him revealing a healthy pair covered in her luscious dark brown fur.

Illu then stood up and shimmied out of her leggings giving David quite a lot to look at. Completely naked as the day she was born, she ruffled through her matted down fur. The small breeze did feel nice between her legs. She padded over and sat down next to her gawking husband who turned away out of embarrassment. "Come on I won't bite." She nudged his side playfully.

"I know you wouldn't." David turned brushing his cheek over her muzzle, feeling the whiskers poke gently. She giggled and gave a harmless nip to his cheek. The two fell silent once more looking at the sunset so beautifully provided for them, giving the clouds a mix of golds, reds, and oranges.

"I'm so glad your dad brought you to this village all those seasons ago. Without you, your mother would've been childless. My mom would still be depressed. And Axiu may not be with us today. You've done so much."

"Oh don't flatter me, I was just as lucky not catching the coughing death like every other human did." David humbly stated.

"Well most important as of right now, I wouldn't be married to the wolf I love," she hugged him, brushing her cheek against his face.

"Alright you win, I'm special," he conceded returning the hug. "But I am a human, not a wolf like everyone else in the pack."

"You're as much a wolf like me as everyone else," Illu said returning to her spot beside him.

"If you say so," he rubbed her shoulder. Illu laid down on the mossy ground and stretched before propping herself up with an elbow. David noticed her expectantly staring at him. "So... Can you tell me how my mother persuaded you to mate with her? She said it was romantic and cute with your shyness," Illu asked giving David a sultry smile. He nervously laughed rubbing the back of his head.

"Phasu had me as soon as I agreed to help soothe her sore paws." Illu laid on her back in similar fashion setting her legs towards David.

"Describe it step by step after you 'helped' her," she said with a toothy smile. It was that kind of smile where no wouldn't be taken as an answer.

"Ok," he crawled over to sit between her knees as she spread them accordingly. "She hooked her legs around my waist." He said briefly combing through the fur on her knees.

"Like this?" she asked innocently enough hooking her legs behind his back. It was almost iconic for how similar everything looked to David. She really was a younger version of her mother.

"Uh yeah," he licked his lips seeing her smile at him with a wanting look. "Then she pulled me in." Illu got the idea and clamped her legs around him, drawing David closer. As soon as he came within arms length, she grabbed his wrists and pulled him down. With his arms planted by her side, he looked into Illu's twinkling green eyes. Everything else, not even the beautiful sunset, compared to her as time stood still.

"I think you lost your pants here," she said barely above a whisper as their lips drew closer.

"Yeah... I did," he said as soft fur brushed against him. They joined together in a passionate kiss. His fuller lips with her thinner ones as the sun bore witness to the whole spectacle. "I love you so much Illu," he breathed heavily moving to briefly kiss along her jawline.

"I love you too David." She murred happily rubbing over his back. Two lovers kissed again on the comfortable moss in the picturesque scene. The sun gave its last golden promise of return as it sunk below the horizon as the moon rose into the cloudless sky. Stars watched the two's fiery passion below as they loved each other deep into the night.

A bird not too far away was heard chirping as David blinked his eyes open feeling a very familiar furry weight on top of him. He stretched feeling the heat her body provided for him. A mostly brown furred face greeted him with closed eyes while breathing softly. Illu was still asleep on his chest with her jaws partly cracked open, breathing softly. Turning his head, their clothes were spotted nearby their moss patch on the ground. He smiled returning his sight back to his wife. Clothes could wait until they decided to go back. David brushed over her soft ears until she slowly awoke. He bent his head to the side a avoiding her arms that stretched past is head before resting once again by his side.

"Good morning sleepy wolf," he said making a grin sprout along her lips. She opened her green eyes seeing him with the sunrise in the background.

"I want to wake up like this every morning." She snuggled close to him.

"We can always have our hut facing east." David said tracing a finger over her muzzle.


Epilogue. Middle of Autumn, 2760

A female wolf was looking across the south plain from the shade of a tree. Her brown furred faced mixed with some black perfectly contrasted against the snowy white fur that traced the edges of her face. Her digitigrade legs were planted firmly in the ground to help support her swelling belly that carried her first pup. Illu was only halfway through her term of pregnancy, and she could hardly imagine herself growing any bigger than what her body was now. She found herself looking out into the southern plains for the past week, the place where her now husband had lived prior to his arrival in the village. If he had contracted whatever that nasty disease was that wiped out all the humans from the land, then everyone in the pack would be living completely different lives. Which for some could have been fatal. The wolf's daydreaming was cut short as she heard steps approaching from behind. Breathing in, the scent was familiar and brought a grin to her thin lupine lips. Illu's husband walked up to her before taking a seat behind.

"How has your day of relaxation been going my dear?" he asked. She giggled feeling him breathing through her neck fur until he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Very well David, thank you for asking," she leaned back slightly and brushed her cheek over his. They both gave a content sigh looking out into the vast grassland that dipped smoothly with soft hills. It was so peaceful and tranquil, the perfect home for human or wolf. David ruffled the smooth fur on her belly that had a distinct bulge protruding out. "I hope you're not too upset when the pup is born a boy," he teased lightly patting the bump.

"You mean a girl. I know she will be a girl. Early mothers intuition," she tapped her head before stretching her arms into the air.

"Yeah right, he will not be named anything girly either," David defiantly said with a little self laugh.

"Oh stop your joking! She will not like a father calling her by a males name," she tried to turn around and give David a piece of her mind. He chuckled preventing her from facing him before resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I will love our child no matter the outcome," he stated holding her down by her large belly before wrapping his arms around her in a hug. Illu smiled placing her hands over his, rubbing her thumbs over his naked hand. She personally liked it when he got all touchy feely like now. It showed how caring he was as a person, which was an invaluable trait for a father to have.

"Hey, is there a stump in your lap or something?" The wolfess asked feeling something poke her back painfully.

"Oops, sorry about that. Here let me show you what it is," he said pulling back slightly. Illu looked over her shoulder and saw her husband holding something made of wood. She had never seen it before. "Do you remember the strange markings that humans wrote speech down as?" He asked giving her the smoothed ovular wooden plaque.

"Strange markings?" She questioned holding it in the sunlight for a better look. The letters were finely crafted in their unique language with great detail, saying something only her husband could read. David smiled hugging her.

"I remembered how to write it from my human letters," he said tracing over the carved wooden letters with her.

"Oh? So what does it mean?" She turned asking him.

"It says 'I love you, my beautiful wolf.'" He read aloud pointing to each word as it was spoken.

"Aww, David." Illu set the carving in her lap and turned around with her extra weight to kiss him fully on the lips. He chuckled and reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her in a firm hug.

"I've never felt more at home than I have now," he said holding her close, like his mother did to him so many times before.