Afternoon Pleasures

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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#8 of Mother and Son

Very short and basic continuation, but I wanted to submit something before my wisdom teeth get pulled tomorrow morning... Which sadly means no writing for a few days.

Edit: format fixed

"Are you almost ready Nate?" He heard his mom call from downstairs.

"Just one minute!" He yelled putting a pair of pants on followed by a pair of shoes.

Nate bent down to tie them as his mother waited patiently for him at the front door. The usual thundering of speedy steps down the main flight of stairs ensued as he ran over to his mom opening the door for him. The raccoon dashed by her onto the porch to the van parked in the driveway.

"Ready to go shopping?" she asked closing the door behind him. Nate slowed his run and stopped completely.

"Aww, shopping? Can't we go somewhere else mom?" he whined before hanging his head. Clothes, clothes, and more clothes would await him as he hoped for something more enjoyable.

"We need to go to the mall and shop for a few outfits. You're still growing and I like searching for a few things myself," she said raising his chin with a finger. Nate grinned seeing her smile and walked over to the van. In a minute, they were on the road heading into town. Karen noticed him rubbing between his legs every now and then in the passenger seat. "Are you still sore from this morning?" Karen asked, worried that she overdid the little fun they had.

"Yeah," he said staring down at the seat. "I don't even get all fidgety if I imagine you naked mom." Karen's ears perked up hearing him say that.

"Sorry hon, but be careful of what you say in public. Our relationship has to be kept a secret," she reminded him.

"I won't forget," he said readjusting his seat once more.

"But I don't mind if you fantasize about me," she said with a sly smile making his cheeks blush for a moment. Arriving at the mall was typical as the pair walked inside a well known clothing store. Nate followed his mom with disinterest as she seemed to scan through every outfit within sight. T-shirts, shorts, jeans, and even the rare collared short for when they went out to eat were held in front of him for appropriate size and length. The raccoon soon had a small stack to carry following the shopping mother around. It didn't get any easier when the wolf went to the women's section, which was at least three times larger than the men's. What amazed him was that every shirt, dress, or pants that she looked at were always put back on the rack, hanger, or shelf.

"Mom you look through so much but don't find anything that you like," Nate said following her into a different section of the store.

"You'll never know unless you look through everything hon," she explained with a swish of her tail so that the tip brushed his chin. A vulpine shaped manakin wearing only women furs undergarments quickly captured his attention.

'Ladies underwear department,' he pinned his ears back nervously at the made up name in mind. This area of any clothing store was a spot to avoid for him since he got in trouble before as a kid messing around. Nate noticed others nearby and kept his eyes focused on what he had to carry. Karen wasn't very focused either, but for different reasons. The wolfess was still a little heated from pleasuring her son earlier, especially since he wasn't able to reciprocate. But at least he had his fun and Karen grinned recalling the face he made. Skimming through a rack with tags deemed her appropriate size, a pair of matching undergarments caught her dusty golden eyes. Picking them out, she noticed a changing room nearby and only a few people within the area that were looking away. Glancing over at Nate idly standing by, she made up her mind. The raccoon suddenly saw a mischievous smile on his mother's lips before she grabbed him. Karen quickly led him by his wrist and snuck into the changing room, locking the door with a distinct click. Nate looked nervously around expecting someone else to be in there before breathing a sigh of relief. "Mom we shouldn't be in here together."

"Calm down I just want your opinion on an item," she told him before turning around beginning to disrobe. Everything she was wearing was shucked off leaving her open in the fur. Not even undergarments already on were spared. Karen looked back and gave him a wink swishing her tail straight up. Nate watched with hypnotic focus as she bent forward to put something on. The black lips of her sex glimpsed at him briefly before being covered up by an equally dark fabric. He noticed a different colored strap hooked in place in the middle of her back which definitely piqued his curiosity. "How do I look?" she said turning around wearing nothing but a black lacy bra with a pair of matching panties. They starkly contrasted against her white fur in a very elegant way that showed off her well kept body.

"Wow... Stunning mom," he admitted quietly almost expecting someone to knock on the door.

"Feel how soft the material is," she said sitting down on the little bench. Nate approached and crouched down in front of her. His mother's legs spread slightly as he ran his hand over her thigh approaching her waist. Karen watched him furrow through her white thigh fur before hesitating and stopping short of her covered femininity. With a reassuring pat on his shoulder, Nate carefully moved forward and brushed over the dark fabric. His hand glided over the silky material.

"It's warm," Nate said rubbing over her thinly covered mound. Karen bit her lip as he continued pressing his fingers tracing directly over the line of her sex. She wanted to have him right there, but it was a dressing room in the middle of a mall and more importantly her little coon was still worn out from the morning. With a sigh, Karen removed his hand and told him to wait as she changed back into her clothes. She re opened the door cautiously making sure no one else was around. Peeking around the corner, she motioned to Nate that they were unseen and quickly bolted out. She smiled a mischievous grin thinking about a surprise she could give Nate while wearing it. Perhaps for his birthday later in the year? Karen decided to buy it along with the few other small items for Nate before leaving the store. Her son was oblivious to her thoughts but was just glad that the shopping was over.

"Go put these up in your room," she said handing Nate his bag of new clothes. He looked up to the second floor before his mother held him close. "I'll be in the living room waiting for you," the wolf whispered into his ear tickling the sensitive hairs. He hurried upstairs to his room and deposited his clothes in their appropriate places. The bag with her two items still inside was left by her bedroom door. Nate walked down back to the living room with a vague idea of what his mom meant with that kind of tone. He stopped in his tracks seeing her on the couch looking back at him. During the past two minutes, his mom somehow lost all of her clothes except for her underwear. She had her arms covering her chest for the most part as they remained crossed. The raccoon felt his pulse quicken ever so slightly as his mother's arms unfolded, revealing her immaculate breasts to his young eyes. She patted her lap expectantly making him blink before walking to her. "Everything taken care of upstairs?"

"Uh huh," he said before climbing up into her lap. They remained quiet simply enjoying the others company. "You really are beautiful mom," he said honestly looking her over.

"Aww, thanks sweetie," she bent forward and gave him a kiss, furrowing her hands through his exposed arm fur. Nate murred grinning as he stared into his mom's unwavering eyes. Without breaking eye contact, her hands slid down to his covered rear giving it a firm squeeze before retreating away. Nate arched his back and held his breath at the sudden aggressive touch, but quickly found himself staring at her mesmerizingly exposed form. The wolfess grinned seeing the effect she had over him enjoying every second of it.

"Why do I feel all funny when you show me your private areas?" He asked reaching his hands to her front making contact. Nate paused looking up to see if everything was alright with her. His mom nodded in approval as his hands proceeded to gently rub over her chest carefully. Karen smiled watching him play with her breasts and rested her arms on top of the couch.

"Well that's a typical reaction a guy normally gets when a girl disrobes. It's hard to explain but it shows you're interested and like what you see in a potential partner." Nate nodded before returning full attention to her chest. She liked the sensation his palms produced as they brushed almost constantly against her nipples.

"Does it feel good when I do this mom?" he asked noticing her black nipples hardening under his ministrations.

"Mmhm," she hummed happily as Nate continued to feel around. He cupped both and lifted them noticing the weight each carried. It was enjoyable to see how they squished under his touch as he picked them up. His hands smoothly rubbed the undersides and let gravity slowly bring them down. The wolf's hum deepened feeling a thumb and forefinger suddenly pinch a teat carefully, rolling it around in an erotic twist. "Careful, not too hard," she said keeping him in check.

"Sorry." He loosened his grip and continued. The mother relaxed once more melting into her son's sensuous touch. Nate gave the hardened black spouts one last quick tease with his thumbs before moving away.

"Ohhh," the wolfess's claws dug into the carpet below as she slid down the couch a little. His young hands trailed down her sides and went for her hips as he slid out of her lap to stand in front of the couch. "You can pull them down," she said raising up enough for him to do so. Nate grabbed the hem on each side and pulled. The garment slid without trouble gliding past her beautiful thighs and knees where they pooled at his mom's footpaws. He left the underwear where it was and lifted a footpaw setting it in his lap before rubbing over the main pad. "What a gentleman," she murred flexing her toes in his grip. Nate grinned at the compliment and happily continued for another minute before moving to the other one. When he finished, the coon stood up on his knees seeing his mom contently grinning down at him. Her nude form was irresistible to his eyes as he looked her over. Covered in that beautiful white fur from head to toe except for her obsidian black nipples poking out at him on her lovely breasts. There was also the exception of her fluffy golden patch below her neck, and black nether regions that somehow still remained hidden. His mother's legs may not have been parted yet, but he liked the white furry view regardless.

"Can I touch again?" He asked receiving an earnest nod from her.

"I already told you that unless I state otherwise, you have full access to my body Nate." He gave a nod understanding, but was practically shaking with excitement already. Nate drew both of his hands through the fur above her knees, feeling through to her warm soft skin. The raccoon didn't stay there long with a bigger prize within sight. His hands traveled further up to her inner thighs. Nate watched with interest as her legs began to part the further he went. After parting a little more, he could see the black lips of her sex surrounded by the fluffy white downy fur. "Is there somewhere else you would like to touch?" She asked noticing his prolonged stare. Nate bit his lip looking away for a moment only to feel her knee brush enticingly under his chin. The tips of his mom's canine teeth were visible as he nodded. He brought his hands further up to where her legs and waist connected. Two thumbs began petting over the smooth fur that surrounded the wolf's black lips, trying to make them as visible as possible.

"You called this the labia, right mom?" he questioned tracing the fur around it with a finger. "It feels warm," he said placing his palm over his mother's mound. The soft spot enjoyed the contact and greatly missed it when he pulled his hand away.

"Mmhm. They are sensitive and make mommy very happy when you touch down there," she pointed with a finger down to his hand already feeling herself becoming aroused.

"Like when I use my tongue?" Nate said opening his mouth to see the slick appendage.

"Yes, or hands, lips, and here," she nudged her knee to between his legs. The coon licked his lips before eyeing between her thighs again.

"I like using my tongue more than the others," he said leaning a little forward to catch the irresistible smell that wafted from her nether region. Karen spread her legs wider giving him a better view as her heart shuddered with arousal.

"Well there's nothing wrong with that. It's very pleasurable for me, just like it is when I do it for you," she said swiping a tongue across her lip. If Nate hadn't been utterly drained from the morning, he definitely would've had a tough time hiding an erection. The further Nate dipped his head, the further her thighs spread for him. It was in Nate's nature to please and he always preferred his mom to be happy than anything else. Even if he wasn't directly reciprocated in return, knowing that he could create happiness was just as thrilling for the young coon. His nose paused almost touching her femininity. He took a deep breath feeling his body shiver excitedly while Karen grinned, intently watching from above. Positioning his hands, he parted his mother's folds revealing the source. His tongue suddenly shot out meeting the warm skin of her folds causing his mother to shiver in delight. The wolf's smile only grew as she leaned her head back on the couch quietly moaning. He was already dipping between her folds to taste that irresistible nectar of hers. The strong sweetness made his taste buds tingle. Nate wriggled within the love tunnel collecting all he could, hearing positive reinforcement from above.

The sensitive muscular walls gladly produced more for the little coon to lap up. He looked up seeing her happy expression before smiling himself before focusing his tongue on her love button. Karen sucked in a breath through her teeth. "Mmm, right there sweetie with gentle licks," she watched as her cheeks heated into a blushing red. His agile tongue didn't disappoint her either as it teased her clit, gently loving over the spot repeatedly. Karen held in a moan wiggling her body as the heat below increased. The coon was doing spectacularly. That slick appendage of his was in a perfect rhythm that occasionally traced her walls to collect anything that "leaked." He felt her walls clench once in preemptive warning. "Ngh! Keep going, mommy is getting really close," she huffed out a breath of air before feeling him press forward going as fast as possible. Karen could practically feel her clit throbbing with passion from each stroke that his tongue made. Her insides throbbed with erotic passion as the build up began reaching a breaking point. One final tongue curl over her love button sent the canine over. Her hips raised up in the air briefly before falling back down to the couch with a muffled thud.

The mother wolf then erupted into a passionate howl as the lustful dam broke. Below, Nate thought a dam of sorts did break as a torrent of feminine juices released from within. Karen writhed through her climax while her son licked her sex clean. Eventually he pulled back finishing up to catch his breath and savor the strong sweet taste. Most of the fur on his muzzle and chin were plastered back to his skin from all the fluid he received.

"You look really happy mom," he said cleaning off his face before climbing into her lap. Sitting sideways to her, the coon watched as her eyes fluttered briefly with an indescribably satisfied smile etched along her muzzle.

"Afterglow... Although I don't think you felt it very well when we used denial." She hugged him appreciatively as her body floated through the euphoric feeling. He hugged her in return until she gently came down from the euphoria. "It's that wonderful feeling you get after sex," she explained a little better to him. Karen noticed that Nate was still wearing all of his clothes. "Do you want mommy to make you feel good as well?" she asked sneaking her hand to his upper thigh. To Karen's surprise he shook his head.

"I'm fine from this morning," he said quietly rubbing over between his legs.

"Alright sweetie but don't worry I won't tease you that long anymore," she reassured Nate patting his arm. "And I promise to repay you for this wonderful afternoon another day. How does that sound?"

"I'd like that!" he beamed. She caught a whiff of his breath and moved her nose out of the way.

"Wash your mouth out young man, you smell like me," Karen ruffled her son's head fur. He giggled hugging her.

"But I like how you taste mom." The wolfess found herself blushing at the comment.

"Come on. You need to take a shower, and I can whip up a quick snack for us." She said standing up with him.

"Ok I won't take long," he took off his shirt and walked away. The mother admired her son's young form before he turned a corner leaving her sight. Karen gathered her things and went over to the hall, pausing by the stairway. A heartfelt sigh was given as she caught a glimpse of him going up the last step. She couldn't wait for his equipment to recover, or wait for him to get out of the shower for that matter.