168 Hours

Story by Michael Deltair on SoFurry

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An older, overweight buffalo decides to enjoy a week without his wife and kid.


Hehe, had to take a break from my current writing projects, and I figured this would be best. As always, comments and criticism are appreciated

Story by: Michael Deltair

Edited by: darkbear

Disclaimer: This is a fictitious story involved M/M, BDSM, and humiliation. Characters involved are original creations by Michael Deltair and may not be used without expressed consent. If you are not a fan of the above mentioned, do not read.

The older buffalo began to pace back and forth, his eyes focused down on the ground. Six steps in one direction, turn around, six steps in the other direction, repeat. Over and over again for an unknown amount of time, he just paced, the look of fear and anticipation plastered on his face. He raised his arm up and wiped the sweat from his furred brow, before just resuming his worried routine, his round middle shaking every time he turned around.

He walked over and over again in the large living room, his foot prints imprinting the room's carpet badly. The entire area wasn't lavish. It was quite simplistic. A large TV sat on a simple entertainment center that housed a plethora of electronics, and the top was adorned in family photos. Another buffalo was in most of the pictures with the older male. In many of the photos, the two were shown as a happy pair, being close or holding hands, and in some, kissing. A few of the photos included a younger buffalo, smiling happily.

The buffalo's head perked up, hearing a set of footsteps running down the stairs in an adjoining room. He gulped a bit and walked off to the front door of his home, looking up at the stairs and seeing the boy from the pictures approaching. He held a large duffle bag over his shoulder, his expression full of exhaustion and annoyance.

"Do you have everything you'll need for the week, Billy?" asked the older buffalo, scratching at his cheek a bit.

"Yeah, I got everything, Dad," he replied. "Joey will have whatever else we'll need at his place." The mature buffalo nodded a bit, looking at his son's bag a bit more intently.

"You're sure now? I don't want you calling and asking me to bring anything," said the buffalo, which only made his son groan out.

"Come on, Dad. I know Mom won't be home for another 2 weeks, but you don't have to act like her!" exclaimed Billy.

"And that's exactly why I have to. Your old man wants a week to himself for once," the buffalo replied. Both their heads turned to the door suddenly, hearing a chain of loud beeps from a car horn.

"And that's Joey. I'll see you in a week, Dad," said the young teen.

He walked past his father and heading straight for the door. His father trailed after him outside, grabbing the door and opening it before his son had a chance to close it.

"Love you, Billy," said his father. "And remember, call first if you need to come back home! I don't need you walking in when I'm naked!" Billy groaned more and slapped his head with his hand, rubbing it down his face.

"Yah yah, I love you too, you old fart."

The old buffalo watched as his son walked to the old, beat up car at the sidewalk and climbed inside, hearing a bunch of cheers before the tires squealed and the car sped off.

The older male sighed in relief and walked back inside, closing the door behind him. He walked a bit, going right back to his pacing in the same spot as before. His hand glanced at his watch to check the time. He gulped heavily, seeing the hands read eight fifty five in the morning. He reached down and scratched his large belly, feeling that bit of softness underneath his tight polo shirt. He gulped again and looked at his watch again, his eyes focused on the second hand ticking around.

His head shot up as he heard the doorbell ring a few times, swallowing hard again. His hands felt clammy as he took slow steps toward the door, almost hyperventilating the entire way. After what seemed like an eternity of anticipation, his hand grasped the door handle and turned up, stepping back as he opened the door.

A smirking wolf stood at the door. His black fur shone in the morning sun, his green eyes piercing and complimenting his grin. He was wearing only a white tee-shirt and jeans, the former seeming too tight for his chiseled and muscled body. His arms were thick in the snug shirt, his biceps bulging out a bit. Behind him were two very large suitcases, which only made the buffalo gulp again.

"So you must be Steven," said the wolf, extending his brawny hand. "I'm Edward, though I doubt you'll have much chance to say it."

Steven's face flushed under his brown fur, a bit of pink still showing as he took the wolf's hand, shaking it and moving from the doorway.

"N-n-nice to meet you finally. C-come on in then," Steven stammered out.

Edward only grinned more at the response. He walked into the house, taking his hand back and wiping the moisture off on his jeans.

"Sweating with anticipation, huh?" chuckled the wolf, dragging in his baggage. Steven gulped again and timidly closed the door, hoping that the flush over his face wasn't too apparent. "Don't worry, natural reaction."

Steven nodded a bit, walking off into the living room. He moved toward his arm chair, before hearing a cough behind him. He turned to see Edward, shaking his head with that same grin on his face.

Steven understood what that meant, and moved to sit on the large, sectional couch. He plopped his rounded rear down as Edward walked over to the arm chair and sat. Steven looked him over and swallowed again, wiping his blow clean of nervous sweat.

"Should I show you around the-" began the buffalo, only to stop his words seeing a raised hand from the wolf.

"I'd rather get acquainted with your home while you're... occupied," said the wolf with a wink. That only made the buffalo's blush show more through his fur.

"Now, let's get to business," continued the wolf, dropping a stack of papers onto the coffee table before the buffalo. "That is our full contract. Payment will be due before we begin, and I will require that you actually read and sign the contract." Steven, nodded a bit, taking the papers in his hands and beginning to flip through it all, his blush staying on his cheeks as he took the time to read it.

"You won't find anything different than what was discussed there," said Edward. "We will continue for a full one hundred and sixty eight hours, seven days, without interruption. You will not be allowed to break the contract for that time period, but I'm sure you remember the reasoning. After the time period, I was never here. This never happened."

Steven nodded timidly, gulping harshly as he took a pen and envelope from his pants pocket, laying the envelope on the table toward the wolf, and proceeded to sign the contract. Edward grabbed the envelope and opened it, sliding out a large stack of bills into his hand. He quickly thumbed through it, smirking as he slid it all back in. He pulled the contract away, placing it with the envelope to the side.

"Is there anything else I need to be aware of?" asked the wolf.

"My... my son will be gone, as well as my wife. I'd like us to not use either his room or our master bedroom. I have a large guest room that should suit any needs," replied Steven, rubbing his hands together nervously. The wolf nodded and stood up, motioning for the buffalo to rise with him.

"That's fine. Why don't to show me a bit of the first floor now?" said the wolf. Steven rose up and shuddered as the wolf's brawny hand patted his shoulder. "And relax. You're not doing anything wrong here; just let me handle everything and look forward to enjoying the next week." Steven nodded and chuckled a bit, his shoulders loosening some as he walked ahead of the wolf.

"Well, there isn't too much going on down here. The kitchen is off to the-MMMPH!"

Steven's scream was muffled out as a thick cloth covered his muzzle and nose. The wolf's thick arms squeezed around the buffalo tightly, forcing some air out of him. He struggled around as he was held tightly, shaking his body around instinctively and trying to break loose. He was forced to inhale, smelling something odd on the cloth. It made him feel funny, and a bit drowsy. He kept struggling, but every struggle he made got weaker and weaker. Slowly, his mind began to distort, his eyes closing over and over again. His eyes started to roll back as his legs began to give out as the wolf gently let go and placed him down on his knees. The buffalo flopped down heavily afterward, hearing one last line from Edward before the world went to black.

"It's funny how no one remembers that I said I didn't want a tour..."


Steven let out a light groan as he started coming to, his mind still a daze. His head felt so weird, like something was enhancing that post sleep daze. He motioned his arm to raise and rub his head, but it didn't go where he wanted. He tried again and grunted in pain as his right arm yanked at his left arm too much. He listened to his own grunt and heard it muffled. He tried to say something, but it also came out indiscernible. He screamed out in surprise, biting down on a thick rubber gag that was strapped to his muzzle. He tried again at his arms, but they were both secured behind his back. He tried to move his legs, but something was keeping them from moving also. The buffalo struggled a bit, the sensations of waking up immobile so enthralling, he didn't bother to pay attention to what he saw. He grunted a bit, looking up as his eyes growing wide and finally beginning to register his surroundings.

He stared for a minute as he was kneeled in front of the mirror, forced to gaze upon himself. There was a bright, red ball gag strapped to his muzzle, a bit of drool flowing from behind it. His clothes were all gone, his fat, naked body on display for him to see. He saw a bar strapped to his knees also, keeping them from moving as he wanted. He was completely restrained, despite his large frame. His cock and balls were also trapped, a bit of rope tight around the base, forcinghis member to stay hard, while another piece was wrapped around his large, heavy balls. He squirmed a bit, his large gut wobbling until something caught his eye. There was a bit of metal at his neck. He tilted his head up to see it was attached to a leather collar, his face turned completely red as he made out the letters on the little, metal tag.


He whimpered and struggled more and more, feeling more vulnerable and timid than ever before. His muffled cries filled the room, trying to ignore how just seeing himself bound up made his cock throb and ache. Suddenly, he heard a familiar cough. He took a glance to his left and his muted yelling stopped.

In the buffalo's own large arm chair sat Edward. Every piece of clothing was gone from the wolf's body. He sat back, sipping on a glass of some liquor as a lit cigar was in his other hand. He grinned widely at the buffalo, placing his glass down and getting up.

Steven stared at the wolf as he walked toward him. Edward was wearing a leather harness that wrapped around his thick, sculpted chest. One of the harness straps ran down his torso, leading down to the wolf's crotch. Steven drooled instinctively as he looked at the wolf's crotch, seeing the harness link to a cock ring around Edward's cock and balls, displaying the thick and veiny member for the pent buffalo.

Edward walked up and slapped his cock over Steven's face a few times, the buffalo whimpering out as the wolf's pre stuck to his face fur. He tried to struggle a bit more, only succeeding in rubbing his face against more wolf cock. He whined as the clear pre matted his fur down in different places, but it was the scent that made him squirm. That earthy, musky, purely male scent that assaulted his snout, making a drop of his own pre throb out of his tip and drip to the floor.

"I hope you enjoyed your nap, boy," snarled the wolf lightly. "I assure you, that'll be the only rest you'll get from me."

Edward chuckled, watching the buffalo squirm in place more frantically. His hand lowered to raise Steven's chin, forcing the bound buffalo to look him in the eye.

"Now then, time to start training my new cock sleeve."

The wolf reached behind Steven's head, undoing the strap of the ball gag. He grinned as he pulled the gag away, leaving the buffalo panting for air, drool dripping from his muzzle.

"I-I changed my mind Edward," said Steven, looking up at the wolf timidly. "I-I-I-I don't think I ca-GUUCK!" The wolf rumbled out a bit as he shoved his drooling member into the buffalo's mouth, gagging him again in the middle of his sentence.

"I see we're gonna have to start with speech lessons," said Edward

He chuckled as he pulled his hips back and shoved them forward again. That thick shaft was forced in and out of the buffalo's maw, making him gag a bit. Even through the rough treatment, Steven's cock throbbed below his gut, enough to make him suckle on the cock lightly.

"First lesson, you are to call me 'sir' and nothing else, understood?" asked Edward, removing his cock. Steven panted again, looking up at the wolf.

"B-but I-GUUUCK!" stammered the buffalo before that cock was just shoved back in again. The wolf grinded his crotch against the chocking maw, making sure every ounce of his length was enveloped by the moist mouth.

"I see," muttered Edward. "I suppose you'll need to learn the hard way then. That works for me." Edward grinned widely down at the buffalo, pulling his cock out again, slapping the drool-coated member over Steven's face as he coughed out.

"I enjoy teaching the hard way," chuckled the wolf, grabbing onto the buffalo's horn, yanking him down to the ground.

Steven cried out as his horns were jerked downward, the ground rushing toward him fast. He grunted out weakly as he was forced down onto his face and chest, his round ass pushed out behind him. He whimpered as he felt so vulnerable, his short tail laying over his exposed ass cleft to cover up his pucker.

He looked up as he saw the wolf release him, only to wander off behind him. He squirmed around, his entire body covered in sweat, trying to get back up. He grunted and struggled in vain, until he felt a hard slap on his wide rear. He moaned out in spite of himself, his cock squirting out a bit of pre on the spreader bar attached to his knees.

"Now look at all the fun toys we get to play with, boy," laughed Edward.

Suddenly, Steven found himself looking at a wide array of 'toys', varying sizes of plugs and dildos. He caught himself staring at them intently, his face beet red. Edward chuckled at the buffalo's reaction, pulling the tray of toys away and sitting behind him. Steven yelped out loudly, feeling his tail yanked out of the way, before something cool and slick coated his ass crack.

"Wait! No! I can't take all that!" screamed out Steven.

He tried in vain to squirm away. His eyes shot open and he groaned out, feeling a thick digit spread his pucker open and slide in, the lube going with it.

"Next lesson: you have no say anymore, boy," said Edward

The wolf grinned with a small plug in his hand. Steve gasped as he felt the toy prod his hole, only to hear a groan escape him as it was forced in, his hole locking around the slender base quickly as the thickest part was stuck inside him.

Steven gasped and whined, shaking his ass around instinctively as the foreign object was stuck in him. In spite of his protests, he couldn't deny how hard he was throbbing, and could only image how much he was leaking.

"Hmmm, you took that a bit too easily," said the wolf.

He slapped the buffalo's wide ass, making him squirm around more. Steven gasped out as he felt the plug shift around and start to tug at his tight pucker. He clenched out of instinct, only to wince and moan as he felt his hole forced open and the relief of the toy coming out of him.

Steven gasped and panted into the carpet of his living room, still reeling from the overwhelming sensations that were forced upon him. He tried to wiggle around in his bonds, attempting to look over to his wolf captor to see what was going on, only to have the thought forced from his mind soon after.

The buffalo's eyes bulged out, his forehead slamming back against the floor. He groaned wildly and thrashed a bit, feeling another intrusion in his rounded ass. Another toy, but this time it was so much thicker than before. He thrashed more and more, trying to get the thick object away, but it only kept prodding and pushing itself in.

He lost track of time easily as he was forced into a state he rarely ever felt. That state of utter submission, of not being able to control the actions that were happening. That feeling of being assaulted by so much denied pleasure was overwhelming the poor buffalo, and it only made it worse to know that the wolf was watching the entire thing. Steven could feel the wolf's eyes on him the entire time, or more precisely, on his heavily leaking cock. Steven groaned out, his face turning crimson as he heard the wet schlop of the thick plug securing its way inside the abused hole.

"Now, what's your name, boy?" asked the wolf. His wide hand came down and smacked the plugged ass, making Steven cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain as the toy shifted inside him.

"S-Steve-AHHH!" responded the buffalo, only to cry out again from another harsh spank over his plugged hole. He squirmed his wide rear around, feeling the skin under his fur start to grow warmer and warmer from the abuse.

"Let's try again," said Edward. "What's your name?"

"S-Stev-AHHH!" screamed out the buffalo. The wolf only chuckled out more.

"Either you're just a dumb boy, or you want your ass spanked more," laughed the wolf.

Steven shuddered and whined out, the mere mention of him being abused more making his body squirm around, but also making his bound shaft throb for more. His mind was so focused on his cock wanting release and shaking around under his bent form, that he didn't notice the wolf coming from behind and strapping the ballgag on his crying buffalo muzzle.

Steven groaned and shouted through gag, struggling more and more as that feeling of being helpless kept growing. He had no control over the situation; he was just part of it all. Despite all his yelling and struggling, he couldn't deny that his shaft loved every moment as it leaked on the carpet below.

Edward chuckled down at the bound buffalo. He could only grin as he watched the married man writhe in the pleasure he had been denied for so long. He reached down to the array of toys he had laid out, grabbing onto a thick looking horse dildo. He walked back over to his bound sub and squatted in front of him.

"I think this will break you in well," said Edward casually, taking the horse dildo and slapping it over Steven's face. "What do you think, cocksleeve?" asked Edward, chuckling as Steven whined more.

He screamed out through the gag, the massive fake cock scaring him, despite the idle thoughts of being forced to take it, and the potent wolf musk assaulting his nose. He could only whimper desperately as Edward disappeared from his sight, walking behind him.

The wolf grinned as he watched the buffalo rump shake around in vain. He gave one of the round cheeks another slap, grinning as Steven cried out more. Edward watched the plump ass wobble from the hit, only to reach out and grip on the thick plug that was stretching out the hungry buffalo tail.

Steven groaned out, feeling the plug start to get pulled from him. He gasped as the thickest part started to stretch out his pucker. He squirmed and screamed about, trying to clench and force the plug out, only to get his cock stroked a few times.

The buffalo's eyes bulged open and he let out a loud, muffled moan as he felt his cock finally get some attention. He tried to hump against that teasing paw, hoping to get the plug out at the same time. He groaned out as the paw stayed, starting to lose himself in the pleasure of humping against the stroking paw, so close to having his under used balls unload. He panted between the toy stretching him out and the paw he was humping, he was right on the edge of blowing, before the plug was suddenly removed and the paw withdrew.

Steven screamed out and humped the air under him desperately, his brain unable to accept how close he was forced to the edge, only to be denied. He cried and whined more through the gag, praying for some pity from the wolf, only to receive another slap on his broad rear.

"Awwwr, did you wanna cum?" asked Edward mockingly.

He grinned and slapped over the buffalo's ass crack with the large horse cock, grinning more as Steven was still consumed by being denied his release. The buffalo screamed and begged through the gag, unable to say anything intelligible between the gag and the drool that flowed from around it.

"Only good boys get to cum, cocksleeve," said Edward, pushing the flared tip of the dildo to press against the stretched hole. "Now, let's see if you're learning how to be a good boy, and we'll see about getting you off."

Steven could only slam his forehead against the carpeted floor a few times. The poor buffalo was in tears from having such a load backed up inside of his large, heavy balls. He tried desperately to calm down from the edge, the slamming of his head on the floor enough to snap him out of being a whining slut, but not enough to distract him from the dildo that started to force its way in.

Edward laughed out as Steven shook his ass around, the large dildo looking like a second tail. The buffalo cried and groaned more, the dominating wolf not letting up at all. He felt the thick, fake shaft inch its way inside him more and more, his hole stretched wider than ever more. He could only scream out and bite down on the rubber gag while being forced to writhe in the flood of sensations.

For every second that passed, it seemed like that massive fake cock just inched its way in more. It crawled in at such a slow, but torturous pace, Steven began to wonder just how big the endless dildo was. The buffalo began to just lose track of how long he had been taking the cock, only groaning and screaming more and more, feeling his cock leak like a faucet. The overstimulated buffalo felt like he couldn't take anymore, his entire body shuddering until he felt those fake balls rest on his taint.

The buffalo panted over and over again, trying to regain his breath from the endeavor. He felt abused and beaten. He felt captive and humiliated. He felt toyed with. In spite of it all, he felt the burning for more. His shaft had not stopped leaking since he awoke in the situation. No matter how he outwardly portrayed himself to the wolf, his cock, eager for more, showed how much he really was enjoying himself.

Steven's ears perked a bit, hearing the rip of duct tape fill the room. The horse cock in his ass started to withdraw a bit as he breathed in a sigh of relief, only to groan as it was shoved back in to the base. He felt something cling to his wide cheeks and over the dildo, before another rip sounded and another strip of tape ran across his ass with the first in an 'x'. He could only whine more and wriggle his ass around, trying in vain to get the cock out. He shut his eyes tightly, trembling and screaming out more, only to gulp back all the thrashing. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that thick, wolf cock slapping over his face again, and its owner holding a large, leather paddle.

"Enjoying yourself?" asked the wolf, grinning down to his buffalo plaything.

Steven could only flush bright red. He didn't dare respond, considering his last poor response gained him a horse in the ass. He whimpered a bit as he watched his vision become nothing more than the thick baseballs the wolf called his nuts. He felt the strap around his head slowly loosen, and the drool covered gagged pulled from his panting maw.

"Now, boy, let's try this again ..." said Edward, standing and trailing off with his words. Steven watched as his captor left his sight once more, only to shudder as he felt that hard paddle caress his rear.

"Now, what's your name, boy?" asked the wolf.

Steven cried out as Edward followed the question with a hard hit of the paddle. The buffalo's ample cheeks shook around from the hit, and that thick dildo hit in deeper than before, making the buffalo's knees tremble.

"C.... c... cock.." stammered Steven.

He tried to get the words out, but they were stuck in the lump in his throat. His stammering stopped as the room filled with the sound of his wide rear getting stuck again. Steven cried out and moaned, his cock shooting a bit of pre onto his large gut as the dildo stuck deeply inside him again.

"Say it boy!" commanded the wolf, spanking the leather paddle against the upturned backside again.

"Cocksleeve!" cried out Steven.

The pressure on his prostate drove him on. Between the feeling in his ass, and the need in his balls, his inhibitions finally broke down. For him, he would gladly take the abuse. He would humiliate himself for the leather god of a wolf. All that mattered was that it all made his cock throb for more, and that if he was a good boy, he would be allowed to cum.

"Again boy!" shouted Edward, giving another harsh spank with the paddle. Steven moaned and cried again, his rear feeling sore and tender all over.

"Cocksleeve!" cried out the buffalo, earning himself another few spanks. Each spank only made the thick, horse dildo drive in deeply, and every time it hit in deep enough, another shot of pre painted the underside of his belly.

"Cocksleeve who?" asked the wolf, his grin growing wider as he kept destroying the walls of sexual frustration in his new toy. He spanked the reddening ass a few more times waiting to hear what he wanted.

"Cocksleeve sir!" cried out the buffalo, his entire body trembling with need. He closed his eyes, expecting another harsh spank, only to feel the wolf's strong hands knead over the punished ass.

"Good boy," chuckled the wolf.

He squatted down, looking over how badly ravished the fine, wide ass was. He smiled to himself, before reaching out and getting a good hold of the buffalo's cock, electing a needy moan from its owner.

"You want to cum, boy?" asked the wolf teasingly, chuckling as the buffalo squirmed in his bounds.

"Yes sir!" shouted Steven desperately, shaking his hips about and trying to hump the soft, wolf paw more.

"Beg, cocksleeve. Beg to cum and maybe you will." Steven's blush burned over his face, still trying to hump the paw in his bound state, trying to figure out what his master wanted to hear.

"Please sir!" cried the buffalo. "Please let your fat, old, cocksleeve cum!" Edward laughed out more, his own cock throbbing out pre upon hearing those words. He released the buffalo's cock, making Steven beg more.

"Please sir! I'll be a good boy! I'll do everything you order! Just let me c-GUUUKK!" Steven's words were cut off fast, feeling his gag get shoved back in and secured. He whined and whimpered, humping the air desperately, trying to get the soft, wolf paw back around it. When he felt a slickened hand ensnare his cock and stroke down to the base, he could only moan loudly.

"There yah go, yah fat slut," taunted the wolf. "Let's see you make yourself cum."

Steven didn't need any more commands than that. Instantly, he thrust his hips up and down, groaning wildly as he cock leaked like a faucet again. He felt so very close to having the best cum of his life, being bound and used like nothing more than a sex toy. He groaned and thrust again and again, his wide ass being hand spanked in between, which only drove him on with need. He was right on the brink and about to drown himself in this much wanted orgasm, when the slick, soft paw around his cock removed itself again.

Steven screamed and cried out, humping the air frantically, his balls so ready to unload but nothing there to cause it anymore. He whined and thrashed in his binds hopelessly, screaming through his gag to be allowed to cum, but all he heard were chuckles in response, and a soft patting on his ass.

"Good boy," said Edward with a smile. "Oh, this is going to be a fun week with my new, fat, cocksleeve ..."

Steven blushed and moaned out more from behind his gag. In the matter of hours, he was knocked out, bound, and abused in ways he had only fantasized about. In his mind, he was in complete agreement with his captor. It was going to be a fun week indeed.y

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