
Story by Jr Silver on SoFurry

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"We're all animals, some of us are just in denial.."

His eyes opened lazily as he awoke from a slumber, and instantly he was greeted by the sun's beams, making him squint in an effort to see. Panning his field of vision, he gazed around, still disorientated and groggy. The first thing he recognized was the immense foliage, the kind one would see in some documentary about the rain forest. Not at all the urban landscape he was used to. No sky-scrapers, no taxi cabs, the only familiarity coming to him were the unending sounds of life. But this was an unusual set of sounds he was hearing. There were birds chipping, leaves, bushes and tree-branches were all being bothered as things dashed through their midst. If only he could see better..

After what seemed like hours, the man stumbled to his feet. It'd felt like he never walked before as he accounted his unreal lack of balance. How long had he been out? He took another look at his surroundings and was amazed, seeing all the lush, colorful trees that stretched up high and blocked most of the sun. He continued gazing at the canopy of green and gold, with a boon of other colors mixed in. There were vines tangled all throughout his vast jungle abode, a few were occupied by primates, swinging and swaying as they all chuckled and laughed at the poor human in their own wiry tongue. A sudden bustle of noise behind him threw him forward in fear as a flock of colorful birds darted by him, He watched from the dirt as they soared up and through the immense wall of leaves and branches. His eyes closed, and he faded...

*After a rude awakening by a curious little spider the man was on his feet, and a little less disorientated. Despite where the last 24' hours of his life had went, the man managed to keep a calm composure about his current situation. He trekked through the vastness of his wilder surroundings as he tried to piece together his conundrum, or, whether it should even be called that. For all that he 'could' remember, it was all a big, brandy-sized bottle of sorrow. He remembered debt, anger, hurt, confusion, betrayal, and a loss..indeed, thoughts he wished he hadn't "checked in" on. *

*In an effort to get away from the loss, he focused on the anger and the debt, which were basically one thing all together, just with two problematic results. With litigation loopholes and shortcuts, it's a shock people can't be legally enslaved now-a-days, just from not paying their taxes. He made himself happy at that point, all he'd had done was gotten back into on the parkway, but the utmost slimiest, rotten type of human in existence. It was an insurance scam he'd had the misfortune of being prey to. With him, driving an old of a car, you'd think a guy who's vehicle has more 0's at the end of it's price tag, more 0's than even mother earth had on her, maybe they'd shrug it off. Instead he got a weasel, who used and abused the system and made an innocent guy guilty. *

Angry thoughts were preoccupying him to the point where he didn't notice the rough hill a few meters in front of him. As his foot came down with nothing beneath it his topside went forward and he went into a roll, hitting branches and rocks as he tumbled down some fifty feet. A particularly sharp rock managed to hit him spot on in the chest, and he felt searing pain as he came to a halt, landing in a cool stream of water..

He rolled onto his back, facing a familiar canopy of green and gold, and an even more, unforgiving feeling, of what it was like to be home. Beaten, bruised, hurt, tired...yup..he was home...

He remained on the ground for a while, feeling battered and exhausted. As he stared vacantly at the great green overhead he probed around his chest with his hand. He ran his fingers over a hot, stinging cut and cringed, gasping as he immediately retracted his hand. Looking at the tips of his fingers he saw crimson, not enough to worry him though, a partial relief. At this point life was what it was, there was nobody at home waiting for a call from him, no family, friends..

Despite his masculine features, he'd never been all that social, just the guy you'd see on the streets sometimes. Much of his interaction with the world was usually an accidental bump while trying to avoid people in a crowded NYC bar, or a crowded NYC subway, or a crowded NYC bus-line. He didn't not like people, just claustrophobic, It made life difficult in the city in which he lived. He'd always wished though...friends...lovers...parents....

As the jungle around him was alive with life, he was still on his back, thinking about the one he didn't have..ever. He continued thinking on the life he no longer had to worry about, and began contemplating the ever more annoying problems which were also gone....** No more bills.....No more traffic....No more work......No more disturbing news breaks about troublesome wars....Nothing... ***A smile begat him as he began to laugh, he brought his hands up and gripped his face, wiping away dirt and sweat as he continued. His ears perked and he noticed for the first time the great noise of the place he was in, all together laughing with him, he thought. *

All together laughing at him...unfortunately. A bleeding man, resting at a water spot, laying flat out on his back, and...making noise... Yes, they were laughing at him, for three good reasons.

*A group of rather large noises came together around the man, but as sounds rang in his ears his eyes stayed focused on the wonderful canvas above him. The things that he was looking at, high in the trees, were looking down, though not at him. They were watching as three all new 'problems' began closing in on the man. Confusion dawned quickly on the lazing NYC'er, his beautiful view suddenly became dark and obscured, covered over with a strange darkness. *

*For a minute he sat blinking, at first thinking he'd somehow gone blind...when his eyes rested upon other eyes gazing back down at his, he wished he had gone blind.. Uneasy, he'd no idea as to what he was looking at for sure. Three large, prominent creatures were blocking his line of sight as he gazed up at them. He dove headfirst into a pool of fear as he shifted his eyes around, the more he learned about his current situation, the more being blind sounded tempting. *

*He was lying in the middle of a lion, tiger, bear triangle. All creatures were either about to go at it, or they were preparing to sit down for a nice, family meal. Looking at them, their gazes all directed toward his tired and trashed body, he quickly excluded the idea they were all there for a throw-down, probably wouldn't have ended well for him either, just the prize. *

His eyes slowly drooped shut and he raced into his own thoughts.. Painful?...Yes.....Quick?....maybe..or not.........long and drawn out?.......well, I guess that'll be good.. Somehow, he managed to re-open his eyes and stare at the three beasts, the thought came to his head how this trio managed to come to be, in such a weird setting.. He pondered in his bewilderment till reality came back, in the form of a lion's paw on his chest..

He screamed and thrashed about as pain excreted from his wound, sending fire throughout him. The animal pressed down harder with it's paw, and was quickly joined by the other two as they held the defenseless human at their mercy. The man whimpered and cried, tears we're making seeing difficult as his death filled his racing mind...He cringed in pain again as the loin pushed more weight down, but a guff of hot air made his eyes flash open, and he was face to face with that of the lions thick features. Despite the impending doom, serenity came about him again, not many people, well, living ones, get to see a sight like this..

*He was face to face with that of a full grown lion, breathing in hot, wet exhales that the beast was showering him with. It's head only came closer as the man looked at his death, shaken and broken by fear, he felt a gulp traveling down his throat as he watched. Closer and closer, he continued to stare, though no fangs, not even a move from the other beasts. Only in a flash he felt something warm, ultimately confused, until he realized it. His mouth was pressed up with that f the encroaching lion, which was looking down at the man intensely. The confusion lasted long as the man sat patiently as he could for his death, breathing in the thick, hot air of the lion. *

Pain began to dull in his chest from the pressure of the lion's paw, and he began breathing at an easier pace, even a shred of his fear slowly faded as his arms rested at his sides, laying numb on the ground. Did he get torn apart, and by the un-explainable grace of god didn't feel a thing? He didn't think so, the lions weight, still incredibly on his chest, and the wetness coating his face by that of the lion's air. He laid thoughtless for a moment, pinned by a monstrous set, and yet time was passing, but he wasn't getting eat.....He was blank....Maybe they were gay orgy animals he thought....The thought was dangerous in his head, in the bizarre of it all he felt a laugh, stifled it, and then let it go..he was dead anyway...he thought..

Having his mouth agape for no more than a second, he felt dread. Feeling fell upon him like a bolt of lightning, and he was sure they were ripping into his flesh... He tensed up in horror...waiting...though no pain came....

He waited, sweating, and reason finally started calling to him, the first thing he allowed himself to know.. There was a heavy, wet protrusion inside his mouth. He tried to cough, but it was stopped by the thing blocking his mouth, filling it. His eyes slowly settled on the lion's face, before his. He stared up at a beautiful set of golden eyes, drugging him as he gazed at them. His situation was foggy, and then he felt small, little tickles across that of his lips...And then it came to him...

The lion was holding him down, shoving his thick, feline tongue into that of a smaller maw. They were kissing!..Or he..was getting kissed, by a lion. The thought that you'd be happy about not being torn apart was distant and hard to find, after all, the present circumstances were very..different...The tongue invading his mouth was hot, wet..slick with a copious amount of saliva..It was hard to stay focused, as it wasn't necessarily unpleasant. All together, the wet kiss, the heat of his breath...the strong weight on his chest..He was..enjoying it...much more than he'd like to admit to society..but society wasn't here to one was here to judge....

The tiger and the bear both stepped away, perhaps waiting their turns, as the lion slowly stepped over the small man and engulfed his meager frame as he laid atop him. The man's arms dashed across that of the thick, heavenly body, coursing through fur and mane as he stroked the beast, their maws wrapped together as their tongue flashed and danced, he had a thick mess of saliva across his face, streaming down his neck...

A common desire

It's a disturbing thing, to be pulled so far over the edge, losing all thoughts of morality and decency in the sake of a fix, that indescribable sensation that rides through the veins of those plauged, those caught with the slow, lonely death that is...

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Eighteen and Stoned

Eighteen is a very exciting time in a wolf's life. It's adulthood put into the form of a number, and gives one a whole new grasp of life. If your lucky enough not to live New Jersey, you could buy smokes, or go ahead and legally watch porn. Why was it...

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