A Digimon World Family

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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A request from jubi jubi, I hope it's what you wanted. ^^

A son leaves on an infamous game on his computer, though when his grandfather comes across the laptop he finds an awful truth about to hit him...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^.^

Tim finally finished downloading the new Digimon World game, excitement rushed through him as he booted up the new game for the first time. Having always been a huge Digimon fanatic, it was a dream come true to have such an immersive Digimon game come out. He logged into his account and looked over the choices of Digimon, "There are so many to choose from..."

As he was about to choose his new Digimon, his dad called out from the other room. "Tim, it's time to head to school!"

"Crap..." Tim had forgotten, summer was finished as of yesterday. Now he had the most dreaded future before him, the dreaded... school. He bit his lip and sighed, "Alright Dad, one second!" He called out before closing his laptop and stretching. As the high schooler walked out of the room a small glow could be seen emanating from the edges of the laptop.

Quickly getting dressed, Tim walked out of the room with a bored expression on his face as he walked downstairs to meet with his father who was looking at his watch. "We have to get going now if you don't want to be late buddy." His father said impatiently as Tim quickly grabbed a muffin from their kitchen.

Tim's father quickly called upstairs, "Bye dad, I'm taking Tim to school. I should be back in about twenty minutes, if you need anything just call my cell phone."

A shout of affirmation came from upstairs, Tim rushed to the front door eating his muffin. As the pair rushed out the door, Tim's Grandfather rushed out with a question but they were already driving out of the driveway.

Darren sighed as his son and grandson whisked themselves out the front door, "I can never keep those two here long enough for them to do anything..." He glanced at his cellphone and sighed, "I didn't charge this damn thing..." He looked into Tim's room and saw the laptop, "Oh, there it is. Guess I don't need their help."

The old man walked into the bedroom, grimacing at the teenager's smell infesting the room. "When Tim gets back, I'm going to tell him to clean up this mess..." Darren walked over to Tim's bed and lowered himself gingerly onto the surface of the bed, picking up Tim's laptop.

"Alright... so what do we have here..." He muttered as he opened up the lid of the laptop, for a moment he thought he had logged onto one of Tim's porn sites. But he found that it was instead some odd video game, "Huh... Tim must've forgotten to get off of his game before he left."

The grandfather attempted to log out of the game, but since he was awful with anything technological he had no hope with it. Instead, as he messed with the computer the camera scanned him without his knowing and quickly scrolled over to an older looking Digimon named Jijimon, and as it did Darren's finger accidentally pressed Enter.

There was a flash as the screen opened up into the game, Darren was shocked as noise started to pour out of the computer and for a moment he thought that he had broken Tim's computer. "Oh shit..." But as he looked at the screen, he realized that he had actually started up the game.

As the game started up, Darren found himself looking at an odd looking creature coated in white fur holding a staff. A chuckled rolled out of the old man's mouth, "Is that supposed to be me? That's actually kinda funny..." As the old man chuckled, his character was suddenly caught up in a rush of other odd creatures. Entertained as the sight, Darren decided to watch what happened. After a few minutes of being pushed around, Darren's Avatar was rushed into a large building that seemed to be covered in odd white splotches of something.

Having finally stopped, Darren used the mouse to look around the room and at first it just looked like an average place full of creatures. But after a moment, he realized something odd, the Digimon were all quite male. They started to sport individual rods that pulsed with sexual energy, the old man's mouth slowly dipped in surprise. "What in the...?"

Slowly the Digimon in the room started to present their bums to one another, and one after another they started to hump and grind against one another. Darren shuddered, "W... what's going on here?" He asked, he couldn't believe that Tim would play any game like this. "Tim isn't gay, he's more of a womanizer then anyone I know..."

Though he was disgusted, the old man had to see what his grandson was doing on a game like this. The old man quickly got the hang of moving around his character and started to move himself around the room, grimacing as he saw the multiple lude acts of males fucking one another. There were multiple faces of pleasure on the avatars, "Damn... this is disgusting..."

Darren's hair started to grow, slowly encroaching his face as his sideburns also grew in rapidly moving down his face. After a few moments with the door, he was able to open it up albeit with a few moments of annoyance as a group of the fucking mass attempted to pull him into it.

Stepping out into the village that he had started in, Darren looked around to see if there was any more of the raunchy stuff that had been going on inside but found that the village was pleasantly empty. A few Digimon passed him by, though not before giving a good look at the Jijimon's crotch. Darren grew annoyed as a lot of male Digimon kept on throwing him odd emoticons, "This is a disgusting game... when Tim gets home he's never playing this game again..."

Though even still, Darren couldn't pull himself away from the computer. His feet had been touching the ground at first when he was playing the game, but now his feet had slowly retracted towards his body. Not only that, but his pants and shirt had been replaced with the cloth that Jijimon himself was wearing.

The old man's hands were starting to become twitchy as he would scratch his nipples every few seconds, the flesh slowly growing hyper sensitive. In the town, Darren kept on coming into areas where Digimon were shooting each other sexual remarks, gestures, or even going at it in plain daylight. Darren grunted in irritation as a pair crossed his path, "Will any of these kids realize what they're doing is wrong?"

The old man's nipples were now swelling up, perking up at every touch of the clothes that the old man was wearing. Darren's cock had also started to grow, the normal sized penis becoming unnaturally large as he played the game. Pre started to form on the tip of the growing tool causing an oddly arousing musk to encircle the room.

Darren watched as another group of Digimon fucked one another, at first he looked on with disgust but as he watched he realized that they were doing it all wrong. He licked his lips as his cock grew erect, "They aren't doing it right... you need to shove that cock up a ass reaaal nice... wait... what am I saying?!"

Realizing something was wrong, Darren attempted to pull himself away from the computer but as he looked down he saw that his body had changed. His clothes had changed into a brown cloth that encircled his body along with his hands and legs having grew far shorter. He reached up and brushed the hair that had now completely encircled his head as well, "It's this game! It's changing me somehow..." He muttered as he tried to pull off but found that his body wouldn't be pulled away.

His nipples only growing harder as well as his cock, Darren tried to stop thinking about males and ran away from the Digimon in game to escape their delicious looking poles and asses. He dodged and weaved, but in real life his nipples were growing so large as well as his cock, it was becoming so hard to think about anything but to relieve the sensitivity of his body.

He bit his lip as images of manly Digimon having sex with him ran through his head, his cock grew even stiffer at the thought. He started to hump into his cloth as the thought of men grew stronger, "Nooo..." Darren muttered as the last of his defense was broken and he came, his cloth disappeared to let the copious amounts of sperm splatter all over his new body.

Jijimon cooed as he felt the delicious liquid run all over his body, it stuck in his beard and it ran into his mouth. "Wonderful..." He muttered as the wonderful smell of musk hung in the air. The new Digimon basked in the glory of his transformation.


Nate stepped into his house, "Euch, morning traffic is the worst..."

As he stood in the doorway he realized that he heard something pumping upstairs, "What is that?"

Stepping upstairs, Nate called up. "Dad? Is that you, is something wrong?"

As he reached the top of the stairs, having received no answer he realized that the sounds were coming from Tim's room. Slowly stepping towards the door, he smelled something odd wafting from the door. "Dad...?"

He opened the door to find an odd white creature masturbating to Tim's computer, "W... what the fuck?" Nate muttered in horror.

The creature looked over and noticed him, "Oh, so you've finally arrived have you?"

Nate wasn't going to answer though, he turned around and rushed towards the stairs but was stopped as the old creature grabbed his staff and used it to catch the man's foot. Nate screamed out in pain as he landed on the floor, "Da... damn it..."

Jijimon chuckled as he approached his son, "Well... it looks like my little boy needs a little change..." Nate looked up in horror as the creature climbed onto his and started to grind against his crotch, he struggled to get away but the little monster wouldn't be easily pushed off. Jijimon leaned over his son's face, letting the cum on his chest run all over the man's face.

Nate attempted to spit out the sperm but it only rushed in, he choked on the vicious material as it coated his throat. While this was happening, the cum dripping off of Jijimon's cock soaked Nate's pants allowing his underwear and by extension, his cock to become coated in it. Nate tried his best to pull away, but as cum coated his cock it started to grow erect under the corrupting force of the cum.

Jijimon's musk flowed into Nate's nose allowing him to smell the awful manly stench, "Oh god... please let me get away..." He begged the Digimon, but as he breathed in more and more his body started to throb. Nate moaned as his face pushed out growing fur and a golden ring out of his nose, horns also grew from the sides of his head.

Giggling in glee, Jijimon watched as his grandson's body bulged out underneath him. Nate's clothes stood no chance as his muscles bulged to extreme amounts and they ripped off showing his hard nipples and growing cock. His shoes though morphed into large boots, and his cock grew larger and larger as he himself grew to a ridiculous size.

A chain grew down his neck as large stiches appeared in his skin, Nate's normal voiced buffed out into a much deeper voice. Jijimon smiled as his son became a sexy Minotarumon, on Nate's left arm a large gun morphed on as he started to lose thoughts of any heterosexuality.

Nate attempted to resist it, but his tongue slowly worked its way out of his mouth and started to lap up cum from his father's chest. His eyes widened as the sweet and musky taste of cum filled his mouth, and he lost himself in the moment as he quickly transferred to the smelly armpits breathing in heavily as his large rod pulsed heavily.

Letting out happy sighs, Jijimon patted his son's enormous head. "How do you feel son?"

Minotarumon grunted in ecstasy, "Wonderful dad..." As the Minotaur lapped off sweat and cum off of his father, he slowly worked his way down until he was at his father's bulging cock. Wrapping the tool in his mouth, he slowly worked his way down deep throating the meat.

As Jijimon came into his son's mouth, Minotarumon had no more qualms with being gay. In fact, in both of their minds they couldn't wait until Tim came home to become a sexy gay Digimon...

A Digimon World Family

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