Jock and the Fox: Chapter 1: The Start Of Something New. (part 2)

Story by StormTierSkywolf on SoFurry

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#2 of The Jock and the Fox

"fuck..." I groaned, waking up from my dream. My right paw was hanging off the edge of the bed, as well as my left hind paw. I moaned softly as my morning wood rubbed against the fabric of my boxers. I threw the sheets over to the side and slowly got up, rubbing my head and stretching out. Turning around I slowly made my way down the ladder to my bunk and looked around my room. That's when I noticed that something was missing. I just shrugged it off and walked over to turn on my computer. Once it was fully on I yawned and opened Skype. But my head turned around and looked around the room making me wonder what was missing. I got up from my chair and started looking around, but a bell sound came from my computer and I saw that Collin was trying to video chat. I accepted the invitation and his face popped up onto my screen.

"Hey stud shep." He chuckled watching me. "Lose something?" he asked grinning.

"Yeah Hun, but I have no idea what the hell it is. I just know that there is something missing form my room." I said looking around the back at my computer screen.

"You mean this?" he said and stood up. Around his waist was my jock strap, the jock strap I wore all week thanks to football practice.

"How did you get that.. you better not cum in that! I need that thing for the rest of the year." I said growling softly, but admiring how his package fit snug inside the fabric of the athletic jock. A slight bit if blue pubic fur was hanging out the top, and for me, it made it even hotter. I felt my sheath stir lightly looking over my slim mate.

"Don't worry." He said and sniffed the actually cup of it. "I just wanted it for the scent of my shepherd." He laughed and set it aside.

I chuckled and shook my head. "You always did love the way I smelt, with or without axe." I smiled, and he smiled back.

"What can I say, you smell really good!" he laughed.

"Yeah, I know, you told me 500 times. Anyways, do you know what we are going to be doing today?" I asked looking over his chest.

"No idea." He said rubbing his chin. "Maybe get together with Emily and Feidie." He shrugged. "Not sure, I just want to be with you right now." He chuckled and smiled.

"Gah, I want to hold you so bad right now." I whimpered, but smiled seeing my mate happy.

"Well I can be over in a few minutes, parent's aren't home." He said pulling a shirt over his body.

"Sweet!" I said, my tail wagging quickly behind me.

"Heh, is it ok if I don't shower? I'm too lazy to actually get up and shower." He said and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Why would I care?" I asked chuckling. "I'm around guys who are way worse then you could ever imagine. To me, you smell so good that I honestly wish I could wear your scent." I chuckled, and he laughed. "See you soon, Sexy." I said. He waved and the call ended. I turned around in my leather chair and rolled over to my dresser. I picked out some army shorts and slipped them on. As I went to exit my room, Collin was already on his way up. We walked right into each other and out muzzles brushed against one another's. When I looked into his eyes there was something that I haven't seen in them before, a type of lust, and that's when my feral side slowly stepped into play. I moved my muzzle down to his and our lips connected. A loud murr escaped my chest as well as a slight murr from his. My paws made their way up his chest and to his cheeks, as his roamed down my bare stomach and around my waist. He pulled me close to his body and rubbed his crotch against mine, as our lips slightly parted letting the each other's tongue into the others muzzle. I broke the kiss and took his paw, pulling him into my room I shut the door and pushed him up against a post of my bed and pressed my lips back against his. My paw rubbed down his body and groped his fox-hood with a light squeeze. He broke the kiss with a soft moan and gripped my shoulders while my muzzle moved to his neck and nipped around the fur.

"Jero." he started before a soft moan left his muzzle. I felt the tip of his thick fox member started slipping out of its furry home, as well as mine. Put before I could do anything he pushed me back softly, and looked into my eyes. "Jerome, wait, please." He said and took a breath and grabbed my paws. my head tilted to the right and my heart beat raised as I thought I just messed up with the person I love the most in this world. "Don't give me that look hon." He chuckled. "I just want to wait, ya know. Just a little bit longer. Hell we have been dating for only a week." He smiled and shook his head. "I'm not ready to lose that to you, just yet." He chuckled and kissed my cold, wet , nose pad. "I hope I didn't tease you to much." He said and rubbed my neck.

"It's fine, Hun." I smiled and hugged him. "I got a little to wrapped up in the moment, im sorry." He chuckled and licked his cheek.

"Oh, don't be sorry ya asshat." He laughed. "you have nothing to be sorry for." He smiled and flicked a ear. "now lets go out and do something!" he said pulling me out of my room.

"Wait!" I said and pulled him back.

"Gah, what is it ya big lug." He said turning around.

"I still need a shirt you know!" I barked and chuckled. He let go and I ran into my room picking up a white t-shirt and running out. I picked him up by surprise, getting a little yelp out of him, and carried him down the stairs and out to my car.

"what was that for stud." He smiled and buckled in.

"oh you know, just felt like being a nice guy." I smiled and started the car and pulled out of my driveway. I took his paw and turned left to head out of the subdivision.

"Hun, do you need your hand to drive?" he asked looking at me.

"heh, no sexy. I have it all under control." I laughed and struggled to flip the turn signal on, but got it before I turned. "See, I got it." We both laughed and he squeezed my paw. I murred softly to myself as we started out to a place neither of us know of, but to a friend of mine, met the world.

"Here we are." I said after a hour of driving.

"Where is here?" Collin asked stepping out and walked to the edge of the cliff. "Oh, my god..." he said stepping back. I walked up and put my arms around his neck and pulled him back to me, giving him a strong hug. "It's, its.. Beautiful." He said nuzzling against me.

"yeah." I said as we looked over the city from a hill. I sat down and patted the grass in between my legs and Collin sat in my lap.

"How did you know about this place?" he asked looking back at me.

"Well I have a friend, Hayden. He told me that he was going to propose to his mate Jeremy here someday. I don't know if he did or not, it's been a while since we actually talked. "I chuckled.

"Well, he knows how to pick out the good spots in town." Collin laughed and rubbed my cheek. I gave a murr and looked down into his eyes. As I looked into them I got lost, thinking of everything in my life. All the things I have messed up on, all the things that hurt me and felt them all just slip away. For the first time in my life I can actually say I love the man that I'm with. He doesn't want sex, a quick blow job and leave. He wants to wait a little bit, and to be honest, I love that the most about him. I held him close to my chest and kissed his lips, not like I did before, but this time with true love. This time, I didn't want to let him go for anything. Not even if the world started on fire. I would be holding on to him forever.