Wild Ch. 10: Group Hug! 3

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#10 of Love in the Wild

Stormtalon carefully stepped over low branches and logs, holding his heavy belly as if his baby would fall out if he didn't. He had a decent pair of breasts on his chest, and though he was very pregnant, he still looked fairly masculine, looking at his brother and chuckling a little, flicking his ears. "You know, this would be a lot easier if you hadn't knocked me up, Bro," he said, carrying his spear.

The white griffon rolled his eyes as he followed Storm. He had to admit he was hesitant to let Storm try to hunt when their baby could come any day, but Storm had been so restless lately that Nivalis couldn't stand to make Storm just sit and wait. Thankfully, Asahi had come to them from hir tribe several days ago to give them a hand, leaving hir pup in the care of a wet nurse, and was waiting for them back in the cave. "Get over it. It'll be over soon," he retorted.

He sighed and grumbled a bit, his tail flicking anxiously. He'd been a bit grumpier in the last couple of months of his pregnancy, and for good reason: in addition to the inconvenience of having a big belly, he could barely reach his own genitals anymore to pleasure himself. "That's easy for you to say: you're not the one getting huge with our baby." He flashed Niv a smile, winking a bit.

Niv smirked and picked up his pace to walk beside his brother, giving his tummy a poke. "Oh, come on. How bad can it be? Aside from the leaking, the kicks, the cravings for food and sex and rubs...."

Storm purred at the poke, nosing his brother and putting a wing around him. "Why can't you be nice and rub my belly...and not prod your unborn child...?"

Niv nuzzled into the wing hug and wrapped an arm around Storm's back. "How about you take a seat and let me?" he asked, resting his taloned hand on the tight skin of Storm's belly.

The griffon moaned a bit, feeling his sheath growing thick while he slowly crouched down, his belly twitching under Niv's hand. "Mmmm...you know how much I love this...."

"And I thought you were just complaining about being so pregnant," Niv teased as he knelt and rubbed his hands in circular motions over Storm's belly, leaning in and giving his protruding belly button a lick.

Storm growled louder, squirming a bit and rubbing his brother's side with his foot, his tummy wriggling as he winced slightly, his sheath growing rock-hard. "Mmmm, Bro...you make it worth it...."

The griffon's stark white eyes looked up at Storm; even as empty as they could seem without their former light blue irises, they still readily displayed the warmth in Niv's heart. "Any day now, we're finally gonna have our baby," he purred.

The maleherm nodded, shifting about a little as his brother kneaded his belly, the muscles beneath twitching while he moaned and shifted about. "Mmmm...yes, brother, soon...."

Niv leaned his head back down and gave Storm's belly a big nuzzle, purring loudly and resting his ear on the taught skin. "I think I hear it...or maybe that's just you...."

Storm grunted a little. "Well I am hungry, dear...that's why we're out here." He groaned again, sitting up a bit and putting a hand on his belly.

Niv stood up again and offered a hand to his brother. "I know, I know. Even though we have food at the cave..." he lightly complained.

The griffon stood up slowly, grunting a bit and crouching over slightly, whimpering for a moment and lifting his tail a bit. "Mm...hunger pangs I think...."

Niv cocked an eyebrow. "That baby must be craving fresh meat something fierce if it won't even let you rest when you're this far along."

Storm nodded a bit, clutching his spear and grinning. "Not even pregnancy can keep a griffon from his meat." He started stalking into the jungle, conscious of a twinge of pain now and again from his lower belly.

Half an hour later, Niv, walking in front, held up his hand and signaled for Storm to stop. "Okay...there's a deer up ahead...it's pretty young, so shouldn't give us too much trouble." Said animal was grazing at the moment, unaware of the brothers' presence.

Storm nodded and leaned against a tree, crouching slightly. Moments later, he let out a yelp, shutting his eyes and gasping, his belly tightening while his sex began to dampen, a thin stream of warm clear fluid starting to dribble from his cunny down the back of his ballsack and inner thigh.

The deer perked up and stared at them for a moment before it bounded off into the foliage. Niv was at Storm's side in a moment. "Storm?! What is it?" he asked urgently, but he had a feeling he already knew.

The herm straightened up, brushing a hand under his tail and feeling the wetness tickling his ballsack, only serving to arouse him further. He sniffed his hand and whimpered a bit, looking at his brother. "I think...it's finally time for our child to come into the world...."

Niv's eyes widened as he looked down at Storm's tummy, then back up at his face. "Is it...really?" he asked excitedly, his heart and wings fluttering anxiously.

"Well...I'm...dripping, and it's not pee." He presented his rear to the younger griffon, showing the wet fur and leaking fluid. "I think this is the most blatant sign...apart from the..." he groaned, holding his belly again, "pains."

The white griffon gulped and nodded. "Then...you wanna start heading back to the cave?" He put an arm and wing around Storm's back.

He nodded softly, smiling and nuzzling his brother. "I think that would be best, Niv...and you don't have to support me, I can walk all right...." He held up his spear and grinned. "We're griffons, remember? Labor is the last thing to keep me from being independent."

Niv chuckled a little. "Um...okay. Let's get going," he said, giving Storm's tummy a rub.

Storm murred and walked with his brother, conscious of the fluid leaking out of him, a squirt here and there as he stepped over things and stopped to moan at the contractions now and again. "I'm getting soaked, Niv...and it tickles...."

"Heh, that's what Asahi said when shi had hir pup," Niv commented, reaching under Storm's belly to feel Storm's wet nethers for himself.

He squawked and stopped mid-step, moaning a bit and looking over at Niv, his cocktip peeking out. "Mmmm, what're you doing, hon?"

He carefully ran the backs of his fingers around Storm's labia and then brought them to his beak, taking a lick. "Mm, that smells..." he purred with a shudder.

He cocked his head. "It smells...like what, hon...?" He glanced at his brother's crotch curiously, smirking a bit.

"Like nothing I've ever smelled before," Niv purred as his loincloth tented. He looked up at Storm amorously, panting lightly. "Storm...can we mate...just once more?"

Storm rubbed himself a little, smirking as he watched his brother become aroused from his labor. "Mm...you really want to...even as drippy and fat as I am...?"

Niv nodded. "I always want you, Storm, and these scents you're giving off are making me crazy," he said with a nuzzle, pawing at his crotch.

He nodded softly, leaning in to kiss his brother, pressing his belly against Niv's so he could feel the muscles twitching. "Mmmm...I can't help it, hon."

"Then don't, let your body take control," he growled lightly as he started to pull Storm down to the ground, rubbing Storm's sheath.

His cock was already halfway out of his sheath by the time Niv pulled him to the ground, crouching over his brother and dribbling fluids onto his loincloth while they kissed and rubbed bellies. "Mmmrrrf...."

Niv kissed Storm deeply and felt the twitches of the grifflet in Storm's belly that was now soon to join them. "God I love you, Storm," he breathed.

"I love you too, bro...mmm...man, now I'm horny as hell." He smirked, his cock dripping pre onto Niv's belly while his nethers continued soaking his loincloth. "Want some help with that?"

He nodded and hastily tore off his loincloth, letting his shaft free, which poked at the top of Storm's slit, under his balls. "Now lemme feel your big, pregnant body on me."

Storm groaned softly, lowering himself onto Niv's thick shaft, feeling it spreading his cunny like the day nine months prior when they'd made their baby together, leaning over him on all fours and rocking his body back and forth while hot pre drooled out over Niv's toned stomach. "Mmmm, you're so naughty, bro...."

Niv arched his back and let out a long grunt, thrusting his hips up to push his shaft into Storm's body. "Uhh...your belly's so big...and heavy...and full..." he mumbled, his hands clutching at the ground.

"Because of you, Niv..." he grunted while their baby kicked, warm fluid soaking his brother's crotch and balls while he swayed his hips, squeezing his cunny around Niv's shaft and milking him for his seed. "Come on and give it to me...." He leaned down to lick at Niv's nipples.

"Oh yeah...I made you swell...made you get breasts and, mmf, leak...." Niv's hands reached up and gave Storm's breasts a slightly-too-hard squeeze as his shaft dribbled precum into Storm's birth canal.

Storm yelped while his breast squirted some milk onto Niv's hand, making him tremble and gasp, his cock throbbing as he nearly lost control, holding back just a bit longer. "Mmmf...god, Niv, I'm gonna cum!"

"Then...do it!" Niv grunted, grasping Storm's wide hips and pulling him onto his cock, letting out a rumbling growl as he came into Storm's soon-to-be-used birth canal, his back arching hard and his whole body tensing with a hard climax.

The laboring griffon yelped and howled, cumming just as hard as his seed splattered over his brother's body, soaking him in his cum while Storm panted and growled, another contraction hitting just after he came, making him shudder and grip Niv's cock even tighter inside of him. "Ooooh godddd...!"

Niv's growl turned into a combination of a screech and a roar, releasing Storm's hips and clenching his hands into tight fists and pounding the ground. Storm gripped him so hard with his lower muscles it almost hurt, but that only spurred him on harder, his balls clenching as they surrendered their seed.

Storm panted as the contraction passed, simply leaning over Niv and heaving with breaths, his cock hanging limp out of his sheath, the last of his cum leaking onto Niv's belly while he felt his brother's climax slowly dwindle within him. "Mmm, bro...good...oooh...last fuck before the baby comes...."

Niv panted hard and rested his hands on the sides of Storm's belly. "I don't think...I've ever been more...in love with you...than I am now, Storm," he said with a deep kiss.

He kissed back passionately, closing his eyes and putting his paws on top of his brother's, feeling their baby kick. "I'm surprised my water didn't break from that...."

"Y-Yeah," he breathed, gulping down some spit that had accumulated in his mouth. "Let's...get back to Asahi...shi'll want to know."

"Okay...." He smiled a little and slowly stood up, letting Niv's cock slip out of his wet cunny, a small gush of fluid from the seal and some cum spurting out of him.

Another hour passed before the brothers returned to the cave, their pace periodically slowing when Storm had contractions. Niv couldn't wait to see the look on their hyena friend's face when shi saw that Storm was in labor and they'd stopped to mate along the way. "Asahi? We're back!" he called into the cave as they walked into view.

Asahi smiled, standing up as shi heard their arrival. Clad only in a tight loincloth, hir breasts were still swollen with milk as shi noticed Niv was nude, the scent of sex and birth about them. "Hey...oh my god, is it-" shi began to ask when Storm let out a yelp, clutching his brother for balance as his water broke, soaking his lower body and splashing both Niv and Asahi. "...Time...?"

Niv's legs strained to keep Storm upright as he nodded with a slight grunt. "Y-Yeah...heheh...how about that?" he asked, rubbing Storm's back. "He's handling it...pretty well so far."

Storm growled softly, leaning forward and panting, flicking his tail as he fanned his wings slightly at the backrub. "Mmmmf...now I'm soaked," he said with a blush, while Asahi looked on, amused.

"Welcome to the club, hon. Come on, activity will help it go faster, unless you want to lie down," shi offered.

"Yeah, Storm, how about we just walk nice and slow around the cave? Asahi did really well when shi walked for a little while," Niv offered, smiling over at Asahi, "didn't ya?"

"I did both of ya if I remember correctly." Shi winked, and took one of Storm's arms with hirs. "Come on, we got ya, big guy." Shi petted his belly gently, feeling the kicks. "Doesn't show as much on you as it did on me, huh. I might need to tone up some before the next one."

Storm chuckled at hir and winked. "Guess it's just my build."

Niv let out a laugh at Asahi's comment as they started walking. "Bah, you just love pushing our buttons, don't you, Asahi?" he chirped a bit flirtatiously.

"You know I only do it cause I love you guys," shi said, giving them each a kiss on the cheek, hir paw caressing Storm's belly while they walked.

"We love you too, hon," the pregnant griffon said, slowly making his way around the cavern, panting regularly as his contractions slowly drew closer together.

The white griffon purred lightly at the hyena and reached further around Storm's back to give hir rump a pinch. "Yeah. You're sexy and nice," he said with a smile.

The hyena groaned a bit, lifting hir tail slightly and smirking at Niv, hir sheath swelling under hir loincloth while shi regarded the brothers thoughtfully. "You know...you two helped me when I was in labor...." Shi slowly began to remove hir loincloth. "Storm...would you like me to return the favor...?"

He looked at hir with his beak agape, momentarily forgetting he was about to give birth. "Uhhmm...."

Niv's white eyes widened once again. "What...what are you doing...Asahi?"

Shi smiled a bit, lifting hir ballsack to expose hir swollen cunt, teasingly rubbing Storm's beak with a paw, which he licked softly. "If it's okay with you, Niv...I'd like to offer myself to your brother, to take his mind off things. It helps, trust me," shi said, licking hir muzzle suggestively.

Niv blinked in surprise as he looked at Asahi, then at his brother. "...If...it's okay with Storm...then it's okay with me." He felt his cheeks blush under his feathers at the thought of his heavily pregnant brother mating their friend while in labor.

The herm griffon chuckled, and fluttered his wings at Asahi. "If shi doesn't mind the risk of maybe getting knocked up again...." He stroked his thick sheath, even though he couldn't see it himself, and his thighs and groin soaked with birthing fluids which still trickled out of him slowly.

Asahi flicked hir tail and gently kissed Storm on the cheek, letting hir slightly pudgy belly and erection rub against his. "I don't if you don't mind potentially becoming a father...as well as a mother...." Shi let hir fingers stroke over his hip, brushing against his wet folds. "Maybe we could help you onto your back, or would mounting me be easier?"

Niv smiled and panted slightly, his own sheath filling out. "If...if he mounted you, I could take him at the same time," he suggested, hugging Storm from the side and running his claws over his taut belly.

His belly kicked slightly, and he lifted his tail a bit to tease his brother. "But you might knock me up again," he said playfully

Meanwhile, the hyena moved down to all fours and waved hir rump in Storm's face, hir cock throbbing under hir by now. "Either way, you boys better hurry before that baby decides to come out, or you'll never get your cock in...."

"Yeah, Storm, show hir what shi's been missing out on," Niv goaded, already moving Storm up to the hyena and gently licking Storm's bicep as he gave one of Storm's breasts a light squeeze.

The griffon moved to cover the hyena, a little bit of milk dripping onto hir back at his brother's squeeze. "Mmf, don't do that, Niv, I'm leaking enough as it is," he chided, feeling down for his big cock which was throbbing and stiff by now, gently guiding it towards the hyena's swollen sex, his full belly pressing against hir back somewhat firmly, but shi was strong enough to hold both of them up if necessary.

Niv moved behind Storm, wrapping his arms around his brother's belly as much as he could, moving his hips to find Storm's own sex. The feeling of birth fluids dripping onto his cock made him shiver with anticipation, his eyes going half-lidded. "Ohhhh, Storm..." he moaned.

Storm shivered a bit as he simultaneously slid his shaft into the hyena, while shi gripped the grass and arched hir back, pressing back against his shaft. "Mmm, you're one big griffon, Storm, in more ways than just that belly."

Storm blushed a bit as he felt his brother slide in, a spurt of fluid tickling Niv's sac. "Mmm, don't make me pop yet, bro...."

"You're already full...and that baby's not going anywhere until we've had our fill of our big, pregnant griffon." Niv rubbed Storm's belly as he hilted, the position a bit awkward to be sure but he wouldn't be dissuaded from having his brother orgasm.

Storm put his hands on Asahi's breasts, which were still swollen and leaky from hir own recent pregnancy. Warm milk dribbled over his fingers as he thrust inside of hir cunt, his wet crotch becoming wetter from hir honey and his pre, while his own tunnel was already squeezing Niv's cock inside of him despite the ongoing labor.

Niv panted onto the back of Storm's neck as he slowly thrusted; he wanted to make this last, make this count. "Mmmf...what if you or I knock hir up...and this time we get to watch hir swell with our baby's half-brother or sister?" he asked, trying to spur the three of them.

The herm griffon groaned a little and spurted another hot stream of pre into the hyena, his hands moving down to hir belly which he gently kneaded. "Yeah...or maybe more than one this time..." he moaned with a smirk, gently nibbling the back of hir neck with his beak as shi squeezed his cock inside of hir.

"Mmhm, and I could return the favor after your belly is empty, Storm..." shi grunted.

The younger griffon moved his hands up to Storm's chest, rubbing his nipples and periodically licking the premilk off his hands. "I'm gonna miss this...having all of you I want...but Asahi told me it gets better once the baby's born and your milk comes in." His shaft was already leaking pre, but still he kept his pace slow.

Storm felt very full and tight with his brother inside him and the baby ready to be born, his belly rubbing against Asahi's back with each thrust, his hands moving down to hir hips for leverage and one sliding down to caress hir shaft and sac. "Oooh, Storm...." Shi twitched and moaned, spraying a stream of pre onto the ground and his hand as hir muscles tensed, near hir own climax.

Niv's panting escalated as he maintained his thrusts; he had mated Storm enough over the course of his pregnancy that he could feel the changes in Storm's passage, especially now, with its tightness and the faint weight of the baby pressing down. "I...I can feel it...it's so wonderful..." he breathed. "I can't hold on...."

"Then just let it go, brother..." he moaned softly and he knew when his brother came, so would he, filling the sexy hyena's womb with his seed, and perhaps a baby as well. His hands continued to massage hir abdomen and cock, while shi panted and moaned at the edge of hir own release.

"I...." Whatever he was going to say was taken from him as he felt the tingling in his balls that signaled his climax approaching. Burying his face in Storm's neck, he let out a squawking, growling rumble as he thrusted hard and deep, spraying his seed into his brother.

Storm gasped as he felt his brother's hot cream flood his passage and womb, squirting out between their mating and triggering his own jet of cum to fill the hyena. Asahi let out a howl of pleasure as hir belly warmed with Storm's seed, and hir own cock pulsed and shot hir cum onto the ground beneath them. "Ooooh...."

Niv came harder than he could remember in a while, his cock pulsing with his releases and then dying to a leak, then a trickle. "Gggahhhh...n-nice..." he purred.

The bigger griffon squawked and moaned, his back arched to push as much of his cock inside the hyena, but still even some of his cum leaked out of hir before he slowly came back from the climax. "Mmm...yeah...*purrrr*..." he moaned, panting heavily, as more fluid dripped out of him along Niv's crotch.

Niv gave his brother a tight hug from behind, leaning up to kisslick Storm's cheek before he withdrew, moving to sit on his shins and lean in to gently stroke Asahi's shaft. "How you holdin' up?"

Storm slowly withdrew from the hyena and panted, standing up and rubbing his belly, looking back at his brother while he dripped various fluids from his groin. "Ehh...tight...crampy...I hope this doesn't take too long now, or else we're gonna have to hunt with me like this...."

Chuckling a little, Niv looked up at his brother's cummy groin. "Wanna...lie down for a while? Cuddle?"

"We could," he said softly, sitting up a bit, "but this is going to take hours, and we have things to get done...firewood for one, we can't get that as easily with a baby in hand."

Niv nodded slowly. "Well...staying active is good, right, Asahi?" he asked the hyena, moving in front and offering a hand. "Wanna come with if Storm needs release again?"

He blushed while shi sat up and smirked. "Absolutely," shi replied, looking at the two griffons. "You boys want to put anything on before we go?"

The white griffon looked at Snow and shrugged. "Why?" he asked in as innocent a tone as he could muster.

Shi giggled. "Not like anything would fit you, Storm," shi observed, and helped hirself up to hir feet. "Come on then, naked through the forest...."

The day rolled by, Storm's labor moving along steadily, Asahi and Niv always nearby to support him. They had mated several more times: all three of them, Storm and Niv, Storm and Asahi, and on one occasion Niv and Asahi. Passion and emotion were running wild as Storm labored, and sex helped keep his mind off the pain and fear.

Eventually they returned to the cave as Storm felt the growing urge to return to the nest, feeling he did not have much time left. Niv let out a sigh of relief as they entered the cave. "I thought we weren't gonna make it for a little bit," he remarked.

"You really think this baby would stop me from doing anything?" Storm asked as his brother hugged him, smiling and stroking his head as the hyena followed them.

"You smell good, Storm..." shi said softly, hir sheath bulging. "Care for another go?"

He blushed at the remark. "I think this baby wants to come out now, though...playtime is over." He continued to scritch his brother while Asahi guided them to the nest.

The white griffon rubbed Storm's lower belly, having learned it was very sensitive on the pregnant maleherm. "Mm, our little grifflet's ready to come out?" he cooed, feeling his heart jump.

Stormtalon nodded, his breasts and body bare to them both as he padded over to the nest that Niv and Asahi had prepared. "Yeah...mmmf, I'm so glad I'm not alone in this," he grunted as they helped him to sit down, more fluid pouring down his thighs as he did so, milk dripping off his nipples with each movement. Asahi leaned in to lick his neck softly, the hyena's shaft peeking from hir sheath, but the maleherm was too preoccupied with labor to think about more sex.

Niv leaned down to kisslick Storm's taut belly, feeling some stirring from the baby inside. "You ready to come out and meet your parents?" he murmured into it, rubbing all over the swell.

"Mmmm, bro that feels...oooh...." The big griffon leaned back against the edge of the nest and relaxed. Asahi moved behind him to rub his shoulders while he moaned and tensed slightly, his belly tightening beneath Niv's licking and rubbing. Suddenly, he let out a louder moan as a contraction hit, and he bore down with it, squeezing any hand available to him almost to the point of pain. "Agggh, this isn't what I expected...oohhh!" he cried out at feeling the grifflet start to slide down.

Niv reached to take Storm's hand, trying to just hold his fingers so Storm wouldn't break his bones. He crouched to look down at the squatting griffon's sex, his blank eyes widening at seeing it push out. "Ooh, come on, Storm! Bear down hard!"

"I AM!" he screeched, panting and gasping, while the experienced hyena took a wet cloth and laid it upon Storm's forehead to help him relax.

"Just take it easy, dear, there's no hurry...you aren't going to die. I've seen much more difficult births succeed without incident...my own included." Shi didn't have to go into detail about hyena births, as both of them were present for hers.

Niv kept rubbing Storm's belly with his free hand through Storm's contractions, crouching on one knee to keep an eye on both Storm and let him hold his hand. "That's it, breathe, save your strength," he tried to coach, but he was just too excited.

Storm didn't have much time between contractions to catch his breath, and the baby was coming fast. Groaning and whimpering, very unlike his normal self, he clutched Niv's hand with one hand and Asahi's with the other, while the hyena stroked his thigh, and the baby's head slowly inched out of his sex. "Unngh...it's big...Niv, it's big...."

The white griffon kneaded Storm's hand and kept looking down at the emerging baby. "I know, Storm, but you're doing great, the baby's coming."

"Just be glad you're only having one," Asahi reminded him softly, though between his squeals and grunts he barely heard hir. He grit his beak with all his strength: now the head had almost emerged, and his cries of pain and agony couldn't be louder. Asahi's ears drooped while he gave up holding their paws, and clawed deeply at the ground. "AAHHHHhhhh! DO SOMETHING!" he screeched.

Niv looked anxiously to Asahi as he moved between Storm's legs, looking as if he were staring at a puzzle as he regarded the light gray griffawn head sticking out of Storm's body. "Mm, what do I do?" he asked Asahi.

"Support the head. That's about all you can do." Shi continued to massage his shoulders, though Storm barely felt it, his body sending naught but pain signals to his brain, with the occasional "PUSH!" message while his belly tightened and his thighs burned. "Fuck I feel so helpless..." he panted for a few seconds, before his golden eyes shut tightly, tearing up as he struggled to deliver the head, spreading his folds almost painfully to watch.

Niv cupped his hands under the slimy head, his heart leaping at finally being able to touch his baby. "Come on, Storm, you can do it, you're strong!" he encouraged. "Push our baby out!"

Stormtalon nodded, flicking his long tail against Asahi a bit harshly with his attention focused elsewhere. Shi still held him against hir front, watching his breasts leaking down his belly which heaved with a mighty contraction, a squawk and screech as the head cleared his passage, and suddenly the baby began sliding out. The worst seemed to be over. "Ooooh...gods, Niv...our child, do you have it...?"

Niv nodded, starting to tear up himself as the baby let out a tiny chirp, its featherless wings twitching and it seeming to reach out with its arms. He held the grifflet up by the armpits and leaned in to rest his forehead against the baby's, giving it a little kisslick. "I have it...just one more...."

"Unnnf...I think I can...manage..." he groaned and leaned forward a touch, his stomach twitching, giving one final push as he panted and then fell back against the hyena, who held him to hir breast. The baby fully slid out, and Niv could now see that it was a male, entirely.

He held the griffawn in his arms as he squeaked and reached out for warmth and comfort. He was a very cute, if very slimy, mix of his parents, having Storm's blue tummy and Niv's white fur. Niv crawled up next to Storm and offered the baby to him. "It's a boy...we have a son..." he said quietly, kisslicking Storm's beak.

"Lucky for him..." he muttered with a weak smile, Asahi moving to watch but keeping hir paws to hirself for now. Storm took the baby and gently cut the cord with a claw, letting his body take care of whatever cleanup it had to do over the next several minutes regarding the afterbirth. "I wonder what we should name him...."

"His name will come. I'm just glad he's finally here." He stroked the baby's back as their son nuzzled against Storm's breasts, instinctively clinging to any source of warmth he could. Niv looked up at Asahi. "Should he feed now?"

"He'll know when to feed..." shi said with a smile. "Right now he's just wanting his parents close. And with everything in order...I should leave you both to it...." Shi started to stand up. "I'm very happy for the both of you that this child is healthy."

Niv stood up and took Asahi in a hug. "Thank you, Asahi, for sharing this with us," he said quietly before pulling his head back and carefully kissing the tribal hyena.

Shi gave Niv a kiss as well, lightly licking his cheek, before crouching down to kiss the top of Storm's head. He looked up with a smile, and then back to the child. "Thank you, dear Asahi...." To which shi smiled, and bowed lightly before starting the walk back to hir tribe, wondering if in nine months shi would add to their family.

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