Savannah: The Lonely Sunset

Story by Nightdown Fox on SoFurry

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"Lioness", ©2001by Michael Caddell and colored by FurryD (StfN). Used with permission.

Savannah: The Lonely Sunset

(SoFurry Edition V2.5)

By BlackSin (Nightdown Fox), based on artwork copyrighted by Michael Caddell

© 2002, Revisited 2011 (Prose and plot clean-up)

I can only watch the beautiful sunset and wait.

Soon my love will appear over the sizzling horizon. Whether he will be walking or lifeless in the paws of others I do not know. I know he is strong, but I don't want my heart to be broken if the heat of battle gets too hot.

I sigh as I bask in the sunset and my memories. The sun massages my golden body as I watch the antelope and other prey graze along the Savannah. I should be hunting but I cannot convince my stomach or my appetite.

It's been almost a week since war broke out between my father's pride and a pride deep in the west. My fiancé is near the frontline leading our pride's males into battle on the foreign side of the Savannah. Somewhere in the direction of the lonely sunset, war is brewing. A fight over land and politics where many lives will be lost... maybe even the life of my lover Cali.

I ponder if Cali is watching the same sunset somewhere. Down in the pridelands, my father roars out in the humid air. I begged and pleaded Father to let Cali stay, even while my fiancé painted war colors on his face instead of listening to my wails. He had proposed to marry me just a week before. Now, he might not even be alive for our final courting.

I can remember the day Cali appeared at the base of our rock throne, a cub a mere year older than me. His mother left another pride and headed east searching for freedom from rebels and shamans. She ventured around the Savannah for months before she was killed by bloodthirsty hyenas seeking revenge against lionkind. Cali escaped the murderous creatures' paws and arrived on our pridelands dehydrated and starving. Father wanted to kill the foreign cub on the spot but Mother wouldn't let him, arguing that an alien cub would keep incest to a minimum. It took me years to see that Mother was talking about a mate for me, but father caught on in an instant. I only saw a new friend to grow up with. And grow up we did.

Life was great, until about a year ago when word of a new threat reached our pridelands. A lion by the name of Nebre took over a Western pride, bringing leadership to creatures known for their disorganization. With his new pride formed, Nebre set his eyes on our pridelands. He wanted the outstanding view of our rock throne to create an impenetrable kingdom where he could see every pride come and go. His jealous eyes also wanted the best prey and huntresses the Savannah had to offer. At first Father didn't take him as a serious threat. But over time, Nebre proved himself otherwise.

It always confuses me why creatures think the male lion is the dominant gender of our species. It is true that they get to please any female in season after their mate is satisfied, but that means the same for females. If it comes down to which gender is needed more, the female is dominant. We hunt, birth and raise the cubs, and more often than not, serve in keeping the peace. The males tend to think with one particular thing so it's not hard to keep their minds on "love, not war." When my father saw Nebre starting to become more of a threat, he formed a 'diplomatic group' made up of pristine Eastern females.

When I told Father that it was my duty to go along with the group, he roared about it being too dangerous. The pride's doctrine, however, states that all hunting females of age are required to go on these trips at some point. The historical precedent held that the daughter of the king didn't have to partake, but I knew that wasn't fair. I want to be treated like an equal among my fellow lionesses, not like some privileged princess. My father didn't have a choice without risking his position as King.

So I gave up any sign that I was a princess and headed West along with six other pridemates. I was nervous but I knew in my heart that I was doing the right thing. Our mission was to set up diplomatic relations and douse any ill feelings, but we knew we had to make their pride favor ours by any means necessary.

Four days later, we entered the foreign pridelands and I laid my eyes on the male known as Nebre for the first time. He was bold and brash with slick dark mane and sinister eyes. As he walked through his lands, he commanded respect and no one dared challege him. His fur was dark and he was rather big for his build. He wasn't as big as my father per say, but he was still a very powerful presence. He and the other males eyed us and I noticed the lack of lionesses. I could only guess that the lack of female presence was due to the males' cruel ways, but little did we know how cruel they could be.

Nebre told us to stand in a straight line so we could begin our 'talks.' We stood at attention and watched him walk around and inspect us. Four lionesses in our group already held their Heat, so we hoped that the males would go after them and leave the rest of us to do reconnaissance. Nebre continued to walk around all seven of us, touching a tail here, squeezing a thigh there, and rubbing our head lioness' nipples. I saw her narrow her eyes and smile out the corner of my eye... a fake smile mind you, but just real enough to convince. As Nebre passed behind me, he grabbed my rear end and I jumped with a mewl before regaining my composure. He continued down the line before bending down to sniff one of the lionesses' Heat. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and she opened her legs for him. Nebre licked her opening before piercing her with his tongue. My nose flickererd as her scent filled the air and the lioness moaned, pouting as he withdrew his tongue and stood back up. This particular lioness' feelings were quite real... she often looked forward to these trips to find fresh meat. Add in her Heat and you have a feliness who's ready to do the entire job for us.

As Nebre licked his dewed lips, I flinched as I noticed his manhood standing. It was full but limp just a few seconds before. I could feel my pads start to sweat. It wasn't the first time I had seen a male in his Nature before, but I felt nervous since this full maleness stood poised like a weapon. A weapon with the potential to find a place inside me.

Nebre looked around our group one more time before padding over to the lioness beside me. I felt a tinge of relief... but only for a second as he stepped over and grazed his paw down my cheek and neck.

"Let's go talk diplomacy..."

A gasp flowed around the entire group and Nebre perked his ears and looked around. He smiled and motioned for me to step out of line. The lioness beside me squeezed my handpaw one last time as Nebre took my other paw and led me further into the dark forestry.

"Boys, you can talk to the rest of these fine Eastern felinesses," he said as we disappeared.

Happy roars and catcalls answered him and the dreary camp exploded in fiery excitement.

My heart beat five times a second as I followed Nebre. I tried to relax as best as I could so the juices could flow easier. After all, I chose to do this for my pridelands and family.

"So what's your name?" His words broke my thoughts with a jolt.

"Savra," I lied before looking down.

Nebre put his paw on my chin and made me look into his eyes. "You're very beautiful, Savre. A shining example of youthful innocence. Your face... gorgeous, your breasts... exquisite, your rear is shaped perfectly and I can only dream about the delicate area between your legs. Definitely the best of the group."

"Thank you, Nebre."

He leaned back against a thick tree with a sly grin. "So you know my name, eh? First time on a diplomacy mission?"

I nodded, hoping I didn't offend him.

"Well, loosen up and tell me about your land."

"Hmm, my land," I started, trying to lose my fears by repeating what I was trained to say. "My land is beautiful... free... and we wish to keep it that way. We wouldn't mind sharing it with you, and we are here to invite you to a welcoming peace..."

Nebre leaned up from the tree and walked over to me. "Tell me, are those really your words or some scripted ploy?"

He grazed my cheek with a sharp claw and kissed me before I could answer. I kissed him back as best as I could.

"We have beliefs over here that naïve Eastern lionfolk cannot begin to understand. Magical tradition is a delicate power that you will have to understand in order to appreciate." He spoke while walking around me, eyeing me from head to toe. "But for now, we will accept your peace." He took my handpaws and placed them on his burning manhood. It was as hot as it was hard. "And I will gladly accept this gift your leader has offered of such tender female presentation..."

I swallowed as he moved me into position. He leaned me over the tree with my back towards him and my legs spread. I complied, pausing for a second as I realized what was going to happen. I bit my lip and shivered as I raised my tail, telling myself that it would be over soon.

Nebre kissed down my back and pressed his nose into the opening between my legs. "You're not in your Heat, young Savra."

"No," I said, shaking my head.

"What can we do to change that?" he sneered into my ear before looking up under my loins.

He kissed and bit my rear end, running his fingers around my netherlips. After a moment, he started licking back up my spine as he opened me and pressed his fingers inside. I groaned a little, imagining he was someone else... not anybody in particular, just other creatures I wanted to mate with. I felt a tinge of pleasure as he thumbed my clit, just enough for me to concentrate rather than the butterflies in my stomach.

He stood up, kissing up me and suckling my nipples. I closed my mind to focus on the pleasure and not the creature or situation. His fingers worked faster inside of me and he suckled harder, but my body couldn't get over my nerves and bring me into Heat. He dropped back to his knees again and spread open my area, licking my clit with his tongue. I had to admit his tongue was precise and more pleasure shot through me as he lolled around my sensitive nubbin. I opened my legs further but even a few minutes of his tongue dancing couldn't push my body into Heat.

Nebre grew impatient. He grabbed some juice berries from around the tree and squeezed them in his paw before lathering them into his manhood. He found more berries and rubbed the sticky juices up inside me before pressing himself close and placing his paws over mine on the tree. He entered me and fear froze my mind as pain shot through my legs. I yelped out and he pressed slower while letting my little natural lubrication mingle with the berry juice so he could press in further. The pain was intense... but we lionesses can withstand a lot of pain and the initial jolt ebbed away. He started to move in and out just as my body locked.

"It'll all be over soon... It'll all be over soon..."

My canal conformed to his manhood and the pain eased to give away to a little pleasure. As he sped up to full thrusts I could feel a little pressure start to build. I heard his pleased grunts and realized how quiet I must be... but then I wondered if he even cared. I forced myself to moan for him as I felt his hood start to strain, and he grabbed my ass and worked with his thrusts growling.

I moaned again and moved with him, still fantasizing about my Dream Lion. Nebre tensed with his frenzied thrusts and he grabbed the tree, jolting me out of the dreams as his claws shot out into the bark. He yelled out in an unintelligible language as his face contorted and eyes widened with the crazed energy of his mating.

I felt little hot jets spurt inside me with the sudden pinch of his manhood spikes, and my body entered a slight Heat as I started to feel more pleasure and less pain. I lowered my head and gasped as Nebre sank his teeth into my neck in a powerful love-bite. I felt more of his seed shoot inside me as my Heat dissipated in pain. I tried to scream as he bit harder but he cut off my air circulation as his jaws pulled my neck. His orgasm started to cease and he let go of my neck. I couldn't move without feeling pain and his maleness slithered out of my area. I could feel the trail of blood moving down my back.

"Oh sorry," he said as he leaned over on the tree and panted. "I guess I got a little overexcited. Mother would have been proud of me."

I looked back at him with a mixture of disgust and surprise, my voice stuck in my throat. He only coughed before wiping his mouth and stumbling away.

"We should do these talks again sometime, female."

As I limped back into camp, the free lionesses from my pride ran over and helped me lay down while shaking their heads. A couple placed some healing herbs on my aching neck and gave me more contraceptive herbs. They bathed my shaking body and some even noticed the smell of blood in places other than my neck.

A sudden roar from the front of the camp turned all free eyes towards Nebre. He roared again, my blood staining the sides of his mouth. "These eastern whores think we're naïve here in the West! Do they think we're not smart enough to do reconaissance? We shall see how peaceful the great King of the East is when he finds out my seed drips from inside his once virgin daughter!"

The lionesses around me growled and lashed out, and Nebre disappeared into the night with a menancing laugh. A tear flowed down my cheek and down to the ground. He took my virginity, and now he has taken my true lover Cali.

When we returned home and Father saw my wounds, he spit up antelope. He fell sick and he couldn't eat for days. At one point Mother ran to me in tears and said Father was about to commit Hi-Yannah, the worst thing a king could do. He ran out into the pridelands in front of the prey and put his claws to his neck, renouncing himself as a failure to his daughter and starting to tear his throat out. I reached him just in time and begged him not to kill himself as my tears streamed down my face. I told him that I acted on my own to pursue peace and that the pride would get taken over without a strong king at the throne. It was the only time I saw my father cry...

My thoughts return to the present as I notice the outline of a bird flying along the horizon. I stand up and look closer, using my paw to shade my eyes. Father communicates with the battlefield using messenger birds. Sometimes the birds bring back trinkets of the dead or dying, other times they can't even find the group. Father sent the birds out yesterday morning and they have yet to return. I see that this bird is not a messenger as I hoped, but just a hawk looking for a meal. I sigh and look down as the butterflies return to my stomach. A short distance below, a white lioness stands staring at the same bird in the distance. She is my age and her brother is also fighting, so she feels a similar worry as I. She peers up at me for a moment before sitting back down and continuing her own lonely sunset watch.

I sit back downl as memories once again filled my head. The white lioness is one of my closest friends and we've gone through a lot together. My mind yearns for flights of fancy to keep the worry away, and I remember one particular night...

It had to be a year ago, right before we heard about Nebre. On that special day, the white lioness and I had just completed our first successful hunt. We left the rock throne at night in celebration of earning less strict rules with our new titles of "huntress". Cali came along with us to enjoy the freedom since it was our last night as "cubs."

The savannah at night is a full and beautiful sight. The moon highlights the grass and trees as a soft wind flows through the underbrush. We pounced about and played, heading into a deep oasis to the south of the throne. Cali and I knew that the white lioness had entered a full Heat the day before. Our strict pride outcasts any young lioness without her maidenhood before the king declared her able to mate. Cali wasn't supposed to even be around my friend except for certain times of the day, but since he was my courting mate it really didn't matter.

As she moved in front of us, the moon gave her white fur a bluish hue and she flounced and swayed with her Heat. Cali and I laughed whenever she moved or mewled a little too lustfully. I knew it wasn't her fault because she was unaware of most of her actions. A lioness' Heat is like a sense of ultimate freedom and a mental high. All her convictions and inhibitions flow away only to leave a sense of enjoying life and her body. Judging by the white lioness' thick scent, her Heat was very much full. Father could probably smell her all the way back at the throne. As we reached a clearing in the forest, the white lioness stopped in front of us and jumped up and down, her breasts bouncing with each leap. I smacked Cali's arm as I noticed him looking at her chest just a little too closely.

"You guys remember when we used to come out here when we were cubs and play hide and seek? This place was so big, we could get lost for hours..."

Cali and I both nodded in agreement. The white lioness mewled and smacked Cali's handpaw.

"Tag! You're it!"

"Why am I always it," Cali whined. "And why are we playing a cub game?"

"You're it because you're male," she said as she stuck out her tongue. "C'mon, one last time before we're totally adults!"

She turned around and ran further into the dark oasis. Cali looked at me with a blank face and I stared back for a moment before bounding away giggling.

"Count to twenty before you try to find us!" I shouted as I tried to hide. I ran all the way to the pond in the middle of the oasis and hid in the plants next to the water. I looked out from the tall grass, and the moon beamed on the white lioness trying to climb a tree. I didn't know why she started this game since even a human could follow the scent she was letting off.

Sure enough, only a few short moments passed before Cali shook the base of the tree. I could hear him calling her and telling her to give up as he clawed the tree. She started whining when he threatened to climb the tree himself. "But there's no one up here!"

Finally, her head popped out of the leaves and she climbed down pouting.

"No fair, you must've cheated and watched me! That was a damn good place. It would've taken days when we were cubbies..."

"Yeah but when we were cubs your Heatsource didn't scream 'here I am, come and get me' as much," Cali replied, looking around. "Now where is the princess...?"

Now my plan, on the other paw, was foolproof. At least I chose to hide downwind. But after a few moments, I noticed Cali coming closer and looking at the ground. He found my plan's fatal flaw... I was near water and the soft ground left footprints.

Oh, well... The rules never said that I had to stay hiding in one place. I took off running through the underbrush as he got closer. I knew my lithe body would move through the forestry a lot quicker than Cali's strong stance. I ran blindly, just trying to at least confuse my stalker.

A paw reached out in front of me and grabbed my arm. I screamed and tried to jerk away just as the white lioness jumped right in front of me.

"Nuh-uh, princess! If I got caught you're coming down with me!"

I growled and tried to push her away. Instead, I tripped and we both went tumbling back down the hill... landing right at Cali's feet.

"That had to be the easiest game of hide and seek ever," Cali said, laughing like a crazed hyena.

I kicked the white lioness in jest. "You see what you've done? Now I need a bath!"

"I'll give you a bath," Cali said as he perked up and licked his lips.

"Whoa no, male! You know the rules," the white lioness said in a dramatic fashion. "Only females can bathe the unmarried maidens, and for good reason! You'd probably only clean her in one place..."

We both laughed as Cali pouted. She dusted herself off and curled around me, grooming my back. I stretched out and let her nip and scrub my fur. I admired how beautiful her white fur looked in the moonlight as I glanced over her body. I saw some dirt marring her moonlit fur on the back of her leg. I poked and cleaned up her thigh, breathing in as I noticed how close I was to the very source of her Heat. I blushed and pulled back, looking up at her face. She didn't seem to notice anything as she scritched a point of dirt on my back so I shrugged and continued to groom her thigh.

The female body in Heat has always fascinated me. Her white fur flowed into a deep red hue around her excited area. Her netherlips swelled to double their usual size, and they begged to be opened to unfold the secrets within. I could see a few drops of her wetness dripping down the crest of her opening...

I woke up from my reverie a little startled and embarrassed as I noticed that I was staring into another female's genitals. I wasn't staring in a lusting manner, but I did find it interesting. She still didn't notice anything as she continued to groom me, but I did notice Cali starting to eye me with suspicion. I played it off by grooming her calves but it was only a matter of seconds before her engorged mound held my full gaze again. I noticed a speck of dirt between her legs and I scratched at it while satisfying my curiosity and grazing her opening. She moaned and shivered, but still she continued to groom. I hoped she thought it was an accident and I acted like I didn't notice. Her area felt so thick... even thicker than her scent. She spread her legs further to hold her balance and her netherlips opened to reveal the tender pink meat inside. My curiosity got the best of me yet again and I brushed my paw past her mound as I moved to another spot to clean.

I noticed her continue her mechanical grooms for only a second more before the licks flowed into kisses down my back and leg. I looked down at her with a surprised glare and she gazed back at me with narrowed eyes as she kissed further down my leg and foot-paw. I fell into her beautiful blue eyes, knowing that she caught me being too curious. She kissed and cleaned back up my thigh a little more "sensuously" while keeping her long gaze set in my eyes. She licked and cleaned around my own mound before sliding her tongue inside me, finding my clit for just a second before cleaning right above my area. I stared at her source and then right back at her and she did the same to me.

Our eyes grew as we remembered Cali. We turned around to find him gawking at us with his jaw dropped and his manhood standing hard, glistening in the moonlight. I was about to say something when I gasped, feeling the white lioness' mouth grace my area as her soft tongue entered me yet again.

I breathed out and fell into a trance as I stared back at her excited mound. I pressed against her Heat a little more, watching it open and bloom. It was a beautiful sight as the petals of her lush pink rose unfolded and drops of nectar spilled out. I touched her and her plump flower tensed and closed before letting a few more drops of her nectar flow. Each time I touched her she tensed in pleasure. I pressed two fingers inside her full flower and felt it clench my digits. I drove my fingers deeper, in complete awe as I watched her beautiful, thick opening take the intrusion. She was so very hot... and so very wet... My fingers found the clump of her inner spot and her walls started to quiver as I massaged her ass and tail with my free paw...

My deep trance broke as intense pleasure shot through my legs. I looked down at the grunting and moaning white lioness as her muzzle buried itself deep inside my area and her tongue lapped all along the right spots. I felt my body screaming towards something spiritual and a shiver started from my opening and ran all over my body. I growled as I felt my full Heat overtake me, my golden body reddening as my blood flowed quicker. I looked down at the white lioness' nether-region as my mind and body gave way to total freedom. I could feel my innocent curiosity ending and the true needing began. I spread my legs wide and gave her my entire canal, smiling at her for a moment of consent before diving back into her thirsting Source. I thrust my fingers deep inside her and spread her open further until her clit popped out. I thumbed the little nubbin, trying to treat her much like I did myself. She cried out and started to rock with my fingers. She needed what I offered and her ecstatic yelps proved her appreciation.

She was far from selfish. Her tongue surged with my own Heat as my mound opened and released my own pungent scent. I felt a flash and moaned out her name as I pressed my backside further onto her. She licked her lips and lapped at my clit as my juices spread down her muzzle. I cried out and pressed my fingers even deeper inside her, teasing her innerspot. She sucked my clit a little more before pulling back and piercing me with her tongue. My own flower swelled and closed as she lapped and licked inside me. My body shook as I seethed in pleasure, and I regained control as she pulled back and kissed up my soaked area and rear. I kissed and nipped her lovely red hued thigh, loving the sweet taste of female.

After a moment I felt her squeeze my rear cheeks together over her face while licking at my tailhole. That never crossed my mind to try but I had to admit that a soft tongue on anything hot and tense felt moondamned good. I basked in the soft pleasure while stroking her body with my free paw. She jabbed my rear pucker with her tongue and after a moment of tautness it began to press inside. I tensed a little as I got used to the new intrusion and she ran her paws up my leg and slid her fingers into my Heatsource.

I still had a mission of my own and her quick breathing told me that she was very close. I pulled my fingers back a little and stared at her beautiful engorged mound one last time before pleasing her as best as I could. I kissed her opening and pressed my lips to her netherlips. She moaned and sped up her fingering, her tongue still tasting and sucking my tailhole. I opened my muzzle, opening her as well as I breathed in her scent and taste. Her clit found my tongue as our deep kiss started once again. Cali had taught me the art of kissing and now I was using it on this wonderful lioness' area. I lubed my middle finger with her juices and slipped it into her own tight tailhole, feeling it squeeze me in pleasure and pull my finger further in. I held open her netherlips with my mouth and bathed her clit with my tongue before pressing my other fingers inside her. Her entire body shook and she pulled back and wriggled in pleasure. She tried to return to fully pleasuring me but it was too late... her pending climax had already taken control. She tried her best to continue fingering me as she twisted and mewled louder and louder.

I pressed my fingers in both areas, moving faster and faster but keeping my tongue at the same slow and teasing pace along her clit. Her inner walls started to quiver and she begged me over and over to make her release.

She wanted to be pleased by her princess. She wanted me to make her orgasm like only her princess could. She wanted me to suck her thick Source until she exploded in pleasure and released it all over my face. She wanted to feel her area rip with so much utter pleasure that it hurt, and she only wanted her lovely princess to do it...

I growled out inside her and thrust my fingers in and out as deep as possible, pressing right into her swollen innerspot and spinning my tongue all over her clit. Her entire body trembled one last time and closed around my fingers as she screamed out in pure, violent bliss. She mewled and groaned so hard that her lungs strained and her cheeks and breasts flared just as red as her flushing mound. Her entire body tensed as the floodgates of orgasm swept her away. Tears streamed down her face as her Source clenched me. At least four huge climaxes tore through her and her juices sprayed all over my face. She screamed out my name and thanked me as she wriggled in pleasure.

She returned to pleasing me as smaller orgasms grasped her, but part of her energy had already flowed into me and I was close as well. She sucked my tailhole as hard as she could and rammed her fingers so deep in my other area that I felt true pleasure surge throughout all points of my body and rush right to my Source. My body locked as the first orgasm rocked me. I must've passed out as the intense pleasure kept coming and coming... and by time I woke up I was dizzy and still climaxing with Nature.

We slowed our fingering down to hold out the pleasure until we could let each other down into a panting heap. I collapsed right into her soaked lower regions and all she could do was shake and thank me over and over. I stared right at her alluring tailhole as her legs opened and closed, realizing how delicious it must be. At this point, though, I didn't even have energy to keep my head raised.

"Oh my Nature," the white lioness breathed out. "I've been wanting to do that for a very long time, princess..."

"Really?" I asked with a surprised tone.

"Yes, you are such a beautiful and enchanting lioness. A perfect princess."

I laid my head on her thigh as I thought over her words. "Females have always fascinated me. I was just curious and you just had to entice me..." I looked back and our eyes met as we giggled.

"Besides, you are beautiful yourself with your angelic white fur..."

A serious look crossed her face and she played her eyes down for a moment in deep thought. "You don't think it makes me look like a freak?"

"I think it makes you look like a goddess," I replied as I stroked her thigh.

We looked at each other and gasped, our eyes widening in realization that there was a witness to our acts. We glanced over at Cali, both of us too high on orgasm to even remember that he was still there.

His eyes bulged out of his head and his jaw couldn't drop any further. His manhood was so hard that it looked like it was about to burst, and his balls were matted with his pre.

"Where... under Nature's eyes did that come from?" He couldn't manage to say anything else out of his gaped mouth. Everything else was just gurgles.

We heard rustling in the bushes behind Cali, and the white lioness and I jumped up. An older lioness stepped through the bushes and looked at us in anger. The white lioness and I squeezed our legs together so she couldn't see our soaked mounds.

"There you all are! You're not full adults yet, so you know that you should've been back at the rock throne a long time ago! You, whitey, you're making the entire savannah go on a huge mating fest with that scent of yours! Antelope, zebras, giraffes... No one can get any sleep with all that grunting and groaning. And I know all the older creatures wanted to be sleep by sunset for the celebrations tomorrow. How can your scent be so strong..."

The old lioness sniffed the air and noticed another aroma before looked over towards me.

"Princess, are you in season now, too? That would explain it..."

I looked down and blushed as the lioness noticed Cali.

"What in Nature, a male too? Young male, you should know that you shouldn't be out here with two females in season no matter what time it is, ESPECIALLY at night. Moondamned males thinking with their sacks and nothing else! Look at you, all hard..."

The lioness cuffed Cali and looked at us. "Did he try anything?"

We shook our heads in silence.

"Well it was only a mater of time with his hood that hard," the old lioness growled and glared at him. "Just wait until the king hears about this, he'll bite your sack clear off!"

"But... but..." Cali started.

"Father will not hear of this," I said walking up to the lioness and frowning at her. "We were out here talking and this male fell asleep protecting us from the dangers under the Moon. You know what happens to males when they fall asleep, don't you? That's my courting mate and a very respectable gentlemale, so watch yourself. He was out here to protect us and nothing more."

The old female turned her nose up to me. "What a irrepressible little tramp. You think that just because you're 'daddy's little girl' that you can order...."

I growled and narrowed my eyes, and the old lioness closed her mouth. As my female partner and I walked past her, she tried to get to my nerves one last time.

"Phew, you two reek. You need a bath..."

We looked at each other and burst out laughing before pouncing back to throne rock.

"Oh princess, I could really go for another bath," the white lioness said rather loudly.

The older lioness looked at Cali with a confused stare but he only jumped up and followed us, still stunned. He told me later that he masturbated eighteen times that night.

I believed him.

I chuckle at my memories and look at the purple sky as the sun disappears and the breeze of the night blows past. I need something to make me laugh and keep my mind from worrying. I look down at the white lioness as she still sits in the same spot below my perch, and I wonder if she's thinking about the same thing. Not that I think of mating in times like these, but my mind tends to wonder when stressed.

All I can think about now is Cali holding me close to him and telling me that everything will be all right. I can see his confident smile and bright eyes, his handpaws rubbing up and down my back. I feel a tear drop down my face and I wipe it away. I can see him in my mind but I want to hold him for real.

Imagination never really satisfies all the senses.

We made love for the first time last week and because of him I overcame my fear of mating with males. We made love and then his inner pride took over to drive him to the West for revenge. But he didn't understand that I didn't care about what Nebre did. I just wanted my lover to stay close to me. He corrected all the wrongs. If Nebre killed him now, it would hurt me more than my first encounter with the Westerner and give Nebre yet another notch in destroying my life.

I sensed a sudden feeling to be close to Cali the day before I found out he was leading our forces into battle. It was our Feast of the Full Moon and after hunting with my fellow lionesses and preparing the huge meal, I started to look for my Cali. The sun descended and the moon was a huge spotlight in the sky but I still hadn't found him. Finally, I asked Father if he had seen Cali and he laughed as he cleaned his teeth with an antelope bone.

"I ordered that male on a little test mission. He's patrolling the south side of the pridelands looking for invaders."

"That was unnecessarily harsh," my mother said as she hit my father with a leg bone on his head. "You know we never have any invaders and that poor boy needs to eat."

"I just wanted to see how loyal he is. He just asked for my daughter's paw in marriage, and I need to make sure he is strong enough for my lineage. Plus he'll need the training if this Nebre thing doesn't cool off."

I had come into season the day before after Cali proposed to me in front of the pride, but the mere mention of 'Nebre' made my Heat mellow. I sighed and looked down. My father could be a real hyena tailbone sometimes.

As I walked away and looked up at the moon, I couldn't push myself to enjoy the feast with the others. I only watched them dance around as the feelings in my stomach started to get worse. I hid in the darkness and snuck down the back of the rock, making sure to keep myself downwind. I hit the cool savannah grass and headed for the Southern Oasis.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I spun around and gasped as my mother padded up right behind me. My mother was just like me and she could guess my every move. My lips started to tremble and I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I started to say something...

"Shhhhh," she said, cutting me off and putting her paw over my mouth. "If you're going to disobey your father at least bring your poor guy some meat."

Mother handed me a leg of antelope and I smiled, hugging her close. I could feel her chuckling. "Have you taken your contraceptive herbs?"

I nodded and blushed.

"Well then you'd better get going before the rest of the pride smells that antelope meat," she said as she motioned towards the oasis. "Go on now and I'll hold your father at bay."

I turned and ran through the savannah as my feelings pushed me further. I didn't know why my intuition was so strong that night, but as I entered the cool forestry another particular feeling started returning to me. The moon always casts such a beautiful illumination in our romantic oasis...

I ducked down into the soft grass with the meat in my mouth and prowled around the trees. It was time to see just how well Cali had been trained.

I looked up and checked the wind as I stalked through the underbrush. My hunting experience gave me an upper hand in tracking, but even after five minutes there was still no sign of my Cali. I sighed and rested before letting my nose work for me. I cut through the mysterious scents of the night and picked up the brut scent of a male. I smiled and crouched further, paying close attention to each and every step. Breaking a twig or rustling a few leaves could be the difference between a successful catch and going home hungry.

I saw Cali's long mane and muscular lean body highlighted in the moonlight. He sat on a log with his back to me but it wasn't hard to see that he was sleeping. Smiling, I took a few more quiet steps before glancing at my target one last time.

I pounced out with perfect accuracy, cutting through the air with my paws reached out...

At the last possible second Cali jerrked around and avoided my ambush. I mewled and landed with a thud, kicking up underbrush and twigs. Cali looked down at me and laughed as I seethed and growled.

"I don't think you're cut out for the art of war, my princess," he said chuckling.

His smile faded as he saw my angry eyes... and the meat I held in my mouth.

"Is that for me?"

Funny how hunger changes one's demeanor. I hissed and threw the meat over his head. He jumped and missed before turning and diving like a crazed cub. I only watched him as I got up and sat on the log as he devoured the meat.

"I thought I did everything perfectly," I said.

"Oh you did," he replied while licking his paws. "I never heard you once. If I were an antelope, it would've been a kill. The crickets didn't even stop chirping. But on the battlefield, all your enemies are as capable as you are. You have to learn to sense shifts in the wind and trust the premonitions."

Cali threw the bone away and pulled himself next to me. "The air looses its peace and develops a certain surge when there's high speed silence. What brings you out here anyway? Don't you have a feast to cater?"

"Daddy told us what he ordered you to do and we didn't agree with it," I said, looking down.

"Disobeying your father's orders just to see me?"

"I had a feeling all day that I couldn't get over and then Father started talking about Nebre. I just had to come see you." I shook my head and tried to keep the tears away.

Cali rubbed my paw. "So you realize that I hold you deep inside my heart?"

I gave him a concerned glance. After refusing our pride's other twenty two females and dealing with my sudden flashbacks whenever we got in the heat of the moment, I had to say that he was the most patient and understanding male ever. I buried my head into his chest and held him close.

"Of course I know that," I said. "If I didn't think that, I would..."

I cut my sentence short as I opened my eyes and saw his manhood standing straight up. This had to be an awkward moment for him. I perked my eyebrows and looked up at him as he blushed and cleared his throat.

"Don't listen to him, look at my actions," he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"And what exactly would he say?" I asked as I tapped my fingers against his chest.

"Well of course he wants to mate but I understand otherwise. Plus I hear it will be better the longer we wait..."

I returned my attention to his stiff member. It didn't remind me of a fearsome weapon as Nebre's hood did... probably because it didn't threaten me at all. It was a part of my courting mate. I had to admit that it did scare me, but it was a good and more respectable fear. I touched it and its heat flowed through me as it lit my fire. Cali wasn't like the other males. I trusted him because I knew he could rewrite the bad 'Nebre' chapter of my life.

Nonetheless I wasn't going to let him know that I was ready just yet.

"So let me get this straight," I glared at him as serious as I could. "You know what I've been through yet you still manage to think about mating so much that you get erect?"

"What?" he recoiled. "I've been extremely patient with you and you know that. I've had erections before when you stopped things and I never took it a single step forward."

My plan worked too well and he looked exasperated. My expression sunk as he growled. I never meant to hurt his feelings. He must have thought I was serious... until I dropped my head and buried his length in my mouth.

A hot shiver surged through his entire body as his eyes grew. I had never gone further than kissing his chest. The setting was perfect as we sat alone in a beautiful haven, the fireflies casting mysterious flashes as the crickets chirped and a cool breeze flowed past my hot area... All I ever needed to know was that everything would be ok.

I sucked Cali's manhood, running my tongue around the head. I tickled his balls and slid him out of my mouth, standing up and placing my hot Source right in his face. I took a few steps and bent over, not only to give Cali a full view of my swelling nether-region, but also to pick up some berries from the ground. My mound had never been this full with a male before. The scene was perfect and my lover was going to be the one, so now was the time. I padded over to the pond and motioned for Cali to follow me as I sat on the edge and stuck my feetpaws into the water.

Cali stood up from the log with the surprised look still on his face. He looked away and I began to wonder what he was thinking. When he turned back towards me, he moved with such grace that I gasped. His cute clumsiness left as he flowed towards me... the epitome of pure style.

Cali walked into the pond and he bent over to cup his handpaws with water before washing his face. He checked the surroundings before padding over and sitting next to me. I looked away while playing the berries across my face and listening to his feet splash in the water. He put his arm around me and licked my ear. I looked back at him and couldn't help but fall into his eyes. I leaned up and kissed him, and he responded by rubbing my cheek with his handpaw. I brushed my tongue across his lips before pressing it into his mouth and playing with his sharp teeth. His tongue discovered mine and I moaned as we kissed in passion. I could feel my Heat start to rise as our kiss broke and he started to nibble my neck. I rubbed his chest as shivers of pleasure rushed down my spine, finding their way to my Source...

Cali rubbed my tummy as he licked my neck and kissed down my chest. I groaned as I laid my head back and let him suckle me. My nipples turned red and I started to feel hotter as he bit and lapped.

I moaned out and shivered again as I opened my legs and noticed my Heat increasing. As pleasure teased my mind, I started to think like a good Heatfelt lioness should. I've had my own fingers in me many times and I've had the white lioness' tongue and fingers inside me, but why not Cali's hardness?

I felt his handpaw caressing my thigh as he kissed back up to my neck and I realized that he wouldn't start anything because he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. As I felt him move back down my thigh, I held his face on a sensitive spot on my neck before grabbing his handpaw and tracing his fingers around my swollen pink mound. The delicious scent of Heat filled both our noses and pushed us further. As Cali sucked the perfect spot on my neck, I pressed his fingers into my fleshy wet Source and felt my opening flush before inviting his digits inside me. Cali growled with desire and returned to sucking my tits as I held his thumb on my clit and pressed his fingers in and out of my aching area.

I arched my back and gasped. "Oh, Cali... Cali, yes!"

I tensed as I let go of Cali's handpaw and felt my juices coat his fingers. I kissed him before puting my fingers in his mouth and letting him taste me. His questing digits found my growing innerspot and I cried out as pleasure from my opening flowed up and down my legs.

I opened my legs even further and bent over before sucking his pre-cum soaked sack. He shuddered and gasped as he pressed his fingers even quicker and harder inside me. I licked up his length and swallowed the sweet juice coming out of him. I almost came as I felt him curl his fingers and work them in perfect rhythm. Just as I looked up at him one last time, I engulfed his organ in my mouth. His entire body shook as he cried out and sprayed more precum deep into my mouth. He started to quiver and convulse and I felt him harden even more. He was too close and I had to back off.

He squeezed my innerspot and twirled his thumb around my clit and I realized how close I really was.

"Oh, Cali... Yes.... YES!! You're gonna make me cum, make me cu...!!!"

I screamed out as orgasmic bliss flowed through me and my back arched as my muscles tensed. Cali bent over as he continued pumping me with his fingers, sucking my copious juices right out of my loins and off my surging clit. I blasted again as I rode his fingers and mouth, closing my eyes as I started seeing stars.

He let my orgasm ebb and sat up, licking my juices from his handpaw. I stood and looked over him as he glanced up at me in mid-lick, his eyes growing. My own eyes narrowed and I frowned with pure needing as my breasts heaved up and down. There are two dangerous looks that a lioness has. The first is the moment you realize that you are her prey and you are about to die. The second is when you realize that her Heat has taken full control of her and she is going to mate you until every ounce of lust has dripped out of her tender body. Cali knew each look well. He didn't even try to resist.

My entire body shook with yearning as I grabbed his arm and pushed him into the water. He panted and looked up at me as his manhood pointing up from out of the pond. I stepped over to him with the berries in my paw and bent down into the water, squeezing the sticky juice over his organ. He moaned as I lathered him from base to tip... the teasing calm before the storm. I rubbed the excess juice over my own area and kissed Cali while positioning myself over his length. I felt his member press my netherlips open, and I slid down and let him penetrate me. I didn't even feel a pinch.

We looked into each other's eyes for a split second as we realized what happened and then his length rubbed against my innerspot. The need to be gratified took over. I growled and pulled up before sliding all the way down to the base of his manhood, my innerwalls quelching with Heat.

"Thank you," I breathed into his lips as I kissed him. "Thank you, my sweet lover. My body... all of it... Ssss.... is yours."

"Yes... Yes, lover," Cali whispered back into my mouth.

I... I can't even begin to explain how good it feels to have my loving male's hard staff grinding against the walls of my opening. My entire Source conformed to Cali's probing manhood's fit. I put my arms around his neck as I rode him. I felt him grind right on my spot and I sped up my pace as he started to thrust into my riding. He squeezed my back as pleasure changed the expression on his face. His eyelids flickered as he growled out and held me as he matched my thrusting rhythm. We moved in perfect grace... he thrust when I moved down, filling every inch possible and rubbing against my spot. When he pressed up inside me, I slid down so tightly that I could feel the veins bulge on his organ.

My hot Source stretched as a fire started to burn all around my body. I could feel it in my handpaws, I could feel it in my feet, and I could feel it up to the tip of my tail. My entire body surged with the excited tingling of my impending release...

Cali reached his paw out of the water and started flicking my clit with his cold thumb. I rose up and arched my back as ultimate pleasure rushed up the crest of my body and deep into my mind. The pleasure gave fuel to the flames around my body and my Heat started to blaze down the trail of pleasure.

I thrust down so hard that my body jiggled until my legs locked with Natue's very bliss and Cali pumped me the rest of the way. Each and every one of the fires around my body followed the trail all the way down to my hot and wet source and that's when everything exploded.


Pure bliss tore through my entire body as my tight innerwalls clasped his hard cock. I collapsed on him and roared out as I bit his arm and the fires set off another huge orgasmic blast. I couldn't tell how many orgasms ripped through me but by time I slowed down I couldn't even remember where I was.

Cali had a look of pure strain on his face and I realized he had yet to give me his gift. He was trying to his best to hold back. I felt myy nectar spread down his member. Nebre came right off the line, how dare Cali not give his princess his seed...

I pulled up and Cali growled as he grabbed my ass and laid me on my back in the water. The cool pond calmed my flames although the desire was still there. I growled and narrowed my eyes yet again.

I was already ready to be mated once more.

Cali didn't disappoint. He started right where we left off as he splashed in the water and plunged into me full speed. His chest pulsed as my breathing quickened and I could feel his maleness tense. He yelled out my name and groaned as his manhood expanded my tightness.

"Faster," I urged him, "Faster... mate me!"

He thrust so hard that I just shook... shook with intensity as his staff plunged into my innerspot... not that he could miss it at this point.

Cali yelled so loud that it caught in his throat, and I cupped and squeezed his balls as his eyes pinched shut. He held himself deep inside me and I shook harder as I felt his thick, thick seed erupt inside me, seeping deeper inside, flowing through my entire essence. Cali roared out as he sprayed even more of his gift inside me, making my mind reel with pure pleasure... and the sudden pinch of his hoodspikes pushed another hard orgasm through me. I swore that the water boiled around us as I squeezed him so that he couldn't even breathe. We both roared into the night as our muscles tensed. I held onto him as I felt my consciousness slowly drift off. He put his mouth on my neck and his lovebite didn't even get close to breaking skin. I loved it. We both fell into the water panting. I shook myself back into consciousness and stared lovingly into my mate's eyes.

Our afterglow was short and sweet, and I started giggling as my fear of males washed away. I stood up and danced, high on mating and love. Cali still looked dazed as he shook his head.

"Wow," he said as he shook his head again. "I never knew it felt that good."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You're my first, princess."

My jaw almost hit the ground. "Stop lying!"

"I'm serious," he said with a slight blush. "You've been here most of my life, who else have I been close to?"

"Not even our white friend?" I asked still in disbelief.


I looked down and pondered for a moment before a devilish smile crossed my face.

"Well since you're a newbie... Tag, you're it!"

I laughed as I heard him groan and ran off in a woozy daze into the forest. He found me within two minutes but I only ran away from him again. By the time I finished parading my slender body around the oasis, Cali was hard again.

"Okay I caught you," he said while panting. "Now what's my prize?"

I licked my lips and pushed him back against a tree, dropping down and burying his full organ into my mouth. My Nature, I was so much in Heat. I basked in the taste of his seed mingled with my juice and berries as I sucked and jerked his length. By time I really started to think, he was panting and thrusting into my lips and I felt him tense as more seed spilled into my welcome mouth. I swallowed every last drop and continued to suck begging for more.

Finally Cali slid down the tree breathing hard. "You will make a beautiful Queen."

I only smiled and pounced him. We wrestled for a while before I ran off again. This time it took Cali a long time to catch up with me, but when he finally did he grabbed my leg and we laughed as we tumbled down a hill. I sat up at the bottom of the hill and saw his manhood standing again.

One thing I could say about Cali... he sure did have a piece that loved to play. I took a few steps and squatted with my back towards him as I opened my still hot mound with my fingers and saying what I said many times afterwards during our moonlust night...

"Mount me again, my love..."

I wake up from my reverie of the past and notice that it is now dark. I feel a presence behind me and jerk around. It is only the white lioness. She must have climbed up to my section of the rock while I was dozing off in my memories. She bends down and hugs me close, but this time it wasn't out of romance. I feel her hot tears fall against my fur as she starts to cry. I hold her and rub her back trying to comfort her. I want my Cali back and she wants her brother. This war is too cruel. She starts to calm down and I squeeze her. We watch the moon cast ghostly highlights along the trees and bushes of the savannah.

I can only watch the lonely horizon and wait. I know I will see him in one form or another, but I pray to Nature that the light of my life has not blown out...