Double Blind Experiment

Story by Bronzewing on SoFurry

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Another collaboration from Dsc85 and myself. This one continues from The Invitation, reading it isn't required though I would recommend it. Have to give Dsc a lot of credit for this as it was his skills that really brought this story out.

The invitation can be found here:

Dsc85's page: <--Go read his stories!

The Double-Blind Experiment

Wait. That was all they had to do. Five anthros and one human applied online for a blind experiment in which they would be compensated for exposure to a new, DNA-altering formula. Supposedly, it only involved a simple injection into the arm. Then, they had to remain on site two hours after exposure in anticipation of a potential reaction. The group would be paid one hundred credits in return, an attractive sum that outweighed most of their trepidation.

But before any of them even showed up to the testing facility, a haggard raptor was reviewing their files one last time. Lek reclined in his chair, his office hidden in the back of the testing facility. The information they provided included a picture, physical description, and list of personality traits. He sipped at a foamy latte as he opened up a plain manila folder filled with their dossiers.

First up was Korvun. The salamander was young, but then again, so were all of them. Even in a photograph, his blue skin and bright eyes dazzled. The dinosaur figured despite his friendly appearance he could cause the most trouble. Korvun was a learned amphibian, excelling academically and just the kind of anthro to run right to the authorities at the first sign of trouble. He made a mental note to get him injected and out the door as fast as possible.

Second was Garth, a tiger shark. Lek particularly enjoyed his entry, and it was not just for the subject's unique stripes and charming smile. From what he could infer from the psychological profile, the shark was a tough guy with a sensitive side. Apparently he enjoyed cooking as much as wrestling, according to his self-reported interests. Fascinating. He will be quite the playth--well, better not get ahead of myself just yet.

In a first for the raptor's trials, the last four entrants were two pairs of friends. The first sheet on the pile was a human named Sten. He was painfully average in almost all respects, and Lek was tempted to use him as a control, but the dinosaur did not have the patience or the resources to spend any more time with his inferiors than necessary. Curiously, the man's friend was a bobcat who called himself Leki. How a friendship like that blossomed, Lek could not hazard a guess, but the raptor did always want a furrier victim for his experimentation.

Finally he was down to two pages. A rabbit and a horse. The rabbit, Jarik, had the lengthy white ears typical of his species. He appeared in his picture with an arm wrapped around his equine friend. Korav was the name, a well-built, attractive horse by any standard. The raptor thought of what he would do with them once the experiment was underway. Perhaps he would put them to a race. The horse would have greater endurance. Imagine his face as he looks back to see his doomed friend, lagging behind. The dinosaur purred, taking a drink from his coffee cup.

Lek had carefully laid out the procedure for their adventure. Upon entering the testing facility, each of them signed a generic waiver that was yanked away before any could scrutinize the text closely enough.

"Hey! What did that say about 'grievous bodily harm'?" asked Korvun, his tongue nervously slithering across brilliant blue lips.

"Ahh, that's nothing. You're not gonna get hurt by this," replied the reptilian administrator with a guiling smile. "Trust me. Now, do you want to participate or not? There are plenty of people out there who'd love these credits right now." He dangled the form over a nearby trash can.

The salamander sighed, defeated. "No, no, that's alright. I'm ready to proceed."

"Perfect. Now follow me." The imposing, digitigrade raptor's paws _smack-thudded_down uncomfortably tight hallways to an austere room decorated with little more than a gurney and a sink. "Just need to sterilize everything," he said after washing his hands, tearing open an alcohol wipe and cleaning the amphibian's upper arm.

Next, the lab coat-clad dinosaur produced a capped syringe from one of his pockets. A clear liquid floated inside the similarly-transparent plastic. Korvun's palms sweated while this ostensible doctor inverted the needle and removed excess air.

"And this is basically a vaccine, right?" he wondered aloud. They were told by the reptile in charge that it was intended to inoculate them against some exotic-sounding virus, but beyond that he was tight-lipped.

"This is intended to be a _blind_experiment," Lek reaffirmed, rebuffing the question. Before the subject could protest any further, the raptor pinched his clammy skin and pressed the solution into him. "There we go. I need to leave for the next patient now, but you're free to sit and relax here."

He moved into another examination room, where a human was waiting for him, idly kicking his legs.

"So, Sten, is it?" The blond-haired man glanced up at the mention of his name. "While I'll admit your biology is quite a bit different from that of most of our other participants," the raptor paused for a moment, "it has been proven that this dose will not be harmful in the slightest."

"Have you been with Leki yet?"

"The wildcat, correct? Yes, he readily accepted the procedure and so far there have been no discernible side effects."

"Well, I suppose if it's good enough for him, then it's good enough for me." The human rolled up his sleeve.

Sten accepted the injection with slight irritation at first, gasping as the cold needle pierced his skin. He self-consciously grinned as the procedure was over in a matter of seconds. Lek showed no reaction beyond reiterating his promise of one hundred credits for the human's time before departing.

The second hour of the trial was particularly tense for all of them, as they began to second-guess their forays into the world of becoming a scientific guinea pig. When the time had elapsed without a single effect on any, each subject was handed an envelope containing a check for the time spent within the lab.

"So you're sure you don't feel anything whatsoever," the administrator inquired. "No vertigo, nothing like that?"

"Nope," Garth shrugged, his gray dorsal fin bobbing. "I guess that means it worked flawlessly."

"Sure," the raptor hung his head, looking none too happy. To the shark, it was almost as if he were disappointed nothing terrible happened. "Here's your payment. Don't spend it all in one place," he joked nonetheless.

The six split up and went in different directions, the friends traveling together. But one thing was for sure, manifesting as a nagging feeling in the back of their minds. None of them wanted to remain there with the sly dinosaur and his strangely shabby laboratory.


Korav and Jarik went down the street to a neighborhood gym, planning on working their frustrations out. Despite being paid for their time, they still felt it would have been spent better elsewhere than a dingy lab.

"Hey, for a hundred creds I won't complain, but fuck me if that wasn't boring as all hell," Korav lamented. He checked himself out in a mirror on their way into the workout room, admiring the reflection of his own sculpted equine body. His chestnut mane was neatly brushed, "not a hair out of place," he proudly boasted. "I want to make a hare joke here, but..."

Jarik shook his head. "No, man. Just don't." Korav chuckled and slapped the rabbit's back. After the onceover, he moved to a free treadmill. He spotted his friend had chosen a stationary bike across the floor. His large ears were easy to pick out. The horse selected his favorite song and set a moderate pace to begin with. Shortly after beginning his routine, though, Korav nearly tripped over his own hooves, jostling the machine. An intense pain stabbed him in the gut ceaselessly. It was as though a knife was barreling through his midsection and twisting his insides apart. He jabbed his finger at the control panel to put his jogging to a stop, and leaned on the support to catch his breath. Relief would not come.

Doubled over, he trotted towards the locker room at what felt like a snail's pace. He was lucid enough to notice his friend was following close behind with the same pained look haunting his face. Empty, he thought upon sitting down on one of the benches just beyond the first row of lockers. Thank the gods. He felt ready to fall over and die. But then his ears began to buzz and darkness crept along his peripheral vision.

"Hey, Jarik, the test..." he slurred, before collapsing in a heap on top of his buddy. The rabbit was already sprawled across the bench, and soon both were unconscious.


Jarik wandered around a contorted, bumpy surface, with an irregularly-shaped blue pavilion or canopy far ahead of him. At least, that's what he thought it was, shimmering in the light. The rabbit moved toward it in an attempt to find someone who could help him, but in the process a shadow descended over the landscape. Two black and white mountains were coming down right on top of him, and he was forced to stand still, as in any other direction the walls would crush him. Fleshy monoliths slammed down on either side of him, and the surrounding air quickly became swelteringly hot.

The rabbit's path forward was blocked by two white rocks. Soon he did not have to worry about where to move, however, because the landscape decided that for him. The blue circus tent-like object from before slipped under his feet, tripping him up. Then, an unseen force, like being lifted by a high-speed elevator, pressed him into it.

After that, every second there was an explosion, and with every explosion he was tossed violently between blue and black. Jarik heard two loud splashes before the space he was in filled with a torrent of water. Some of it was forced down his throat, and the unusually acrid taste made him gag. He flailed around in the ever-rising waters, looking for some sort of escape.

The rabbit followed a crevasse of black down before the water got too high, noticing what appeared to be a cave just above water level. It was a small opening, flexing as the tide propelled him toward it. Whether he wanted it to or not, the hole was sucking in water, and he was pulled deeper inside darkness. Jarik panicked when he got caught on a slick mound entrenched within the larger-than-normal cavern. Everything shifted as the walls reacted to his presence, closing in slightly before the unnatural place flipped end over end. Jarik's grip began to fail on the oily wall as the mound beneath his hands pulsed at random. He looked downward, his vision lit by a dim glow that leaked in through the gap from which he had entered. Sliding closer to the entrance, he could he see it clench, giving a disgusting squish in the process. Forces pulled at the small rabbit as his immense prison continued to move, his body nearly getting thrown into the abyss below. Before he could slide into the orifice's crushing grip the world tipped yet again, leaving Jarik on his back beholding the wrinkled entrance.

Deafening pounding emanated from above as it rippled through the vast place. The rabbit cried out while fleshy surfaces moved in rhythmically before squeezing like a vice. All around, he heard hellish moans and the sounds of a river. Flexing walls dragged Jarik towards the deadly exit against his will, tiny claws on each finger failing to get any traction. The hole opened as his feet slid into a fold of its surface.

Now out of the slick environment, he was greeted by a blinding light before his eyes adapted to discern immense black walls stretching into a hazy distance. The ravine in which he had begun his journey appeared far larger now that he could see it illuminated. Up were the undersides of the ivory boulders, shifting and relaxing. Looking down, Jarik observed vast reservoirs of water mixed with an oozing white substance. He breathed a sigh of relief just as the entire landscape unexpectedly clenched, tossing off the mote. The air rushing by prevented him from even screaming before he landed in a mass of more goo. Swimming for his life, he broke the surface and inhaled deeply.


The small exclamation was all he had left in him. An unmistakable foot was suspended high in the air above him. It had a wrinkled white sole tipped with four toes. The digits were splayed slightly to reveal that between each lay a thin, transparent webbing of skin, dripping Olympic pool-sized drops of water. Skyscrapers curled in anticipation of the slimy spot they were about to drop onto. Navigating through miles of muck was pointless for the rabbit, as his executioner was descending at light-speed. One toe crunched down on his body, killing him instantly.


Earthor was in the gym's locker room, taking off his work clothes to go swimming. The toned cetacean saw a black lizard was checking him out and smirked. It felt especially sweet whenever a reptile could not help but stare. He sat down before pulling on a skimpy blue speedo that showed off his impressive endowment. He more or less had to cram his flaccid member into the crotch just so he could fit in. The orca snapped the elastic band back and reacted to the slight pressure with a self-satisfied grin.

After the scalie left, Earthor stood up and stretched, drumming his toes against the tile floor as his barrel chest puffed out. The orca threw a towel around his neck before stepping out into the mostly-empty indoor pool area. He picked out a nearby lane to swim a few laps in and practice his butterfly stroke. He felt totally at home in the water, and spent most of his spare time honing his skills.

He cut through the water with ease, thanks to his fins most other anthros were not gifted with. But he did not feel right. Perhaps it was just his swimwear rubbing against him, but the orca was becoming uncomfortably aroused. The tightness around his crotch only created a vicious cycle, as his shaft responded accordingly. He sat kicking in the water against the wall for a bit, waiting to go down slightly. As horny thoughts raced through his mind, he bit his lip to prevent himself from grinding viciously against the concrete. When the time was right, he leapt out and sprinted into the men's locker room once more. Thankfully, the towel he carried with him spared Earthor from any real embarrassment.

He ducked into a shower before reaching a muscular hand under the stretchy blue fabric and pulling out his pink cock and two white, creamy balls. It felt so right to have them free of constraint, his hands controlling the resistance now. To conceal any noise, he turned on the hot water and let the stream spray down his body. Earthor lay down on a bench inside the stall, spreading out and letting one arm dangle lazily over the side as warm water poured around him. The orca thought of all the gym regulars he would love to see riding him someday, adding to that mental fantasy a certain lizard he met earlier. Earthor imagined his hands as the reptile's pebbly lips wrapping around his tip and moaned. When his heavy orbs told him a wave was coming, he pressed a finger to the base of his shaft. As a result, his sperm jetted high into the air, splashing all the way down to his feet. When he was finished cumming, the orca cleaned himself off and let his thick spurts wash down the drain. Refreshed and ready for more laps, he shut the water off and pulled his speedos back on. Earthor strode out of the stall with his head held high, puddles of water splashing between his toes.


Korav awoke with a killer migraine to a patchy field of rough obsidian. He wondered if it were coal or slate, but scratching at it did not help, as the earth was obstinate. Perhaps a volcano had erupted and it was cooled lava, which would account for the dark, unyielding texture. But there was still no explanation for how the horse had gotten there in the first place.

The sky was another riddle. Dizzying colors rushed by his face, and Korav was unable to focus on anything until two circular black disks with a metal bar stretching between them filled his vision. Four obelisk-like buildings joined at the base whizzed by, joined by one just like it that also grabbed onto the bar. The field underneath tightened when the twins began to move the entire odd structure further away into haze and back again.

An overwhelming musk permeated the air soon after. The mildly sour scent made his muzzle twitch and his nostrils flare. As he looked around, the world rumbled, briefly settling in place before trembling again. Struggling to move across this unnatural place, the horse discovered ponds that appeared to flow and move. Korav approached one to quench his thirst, sinking his hand into it to bring some to his lips. The water was a foul salty liquid that must have been the source of that unpleasant aroma. Tastes like I just wrung out my sweat rag, he choked. He spit the mouthful back out, but as the equine anthro did this the lake crept toward him.

The fluid flowed around his body, forcing Korav to swim to keep on its surface. During his struggles he could tell the rumble from earlier was increasing its pace. The foul tarn moved over the landscape with each quake, faster than the horse could have ever hoped to gallop. Other lakes joined with his, leaving Korav in what amounted to a basin filled with the stuff. Soon an off-white pile of filaments raked over the nearly drowning horse, plucking the lake and its passenger off the black ground. The anthro could only watch as he was carried through more, similar lakes by this object. Soon he could hold his breath no longer, trapped beneath the ever-larger ocean.


Raloz finished changing in the locker room, which was curiously empty aside from a rather buff orca who caught his eye. The black-scaled lizard could have sworn seeing a rabbit and horse enter a little before him, noticing only because of the scene they were making. Well, they're gone now, he thought, sitting down next to the cetacean to put on his workout clothes.

Pulling on his shirt, he snuck a clandestine peek at the orca while the mammal put his feet through a pair of speedos. Holy shit! That thing would give a baseball bat a run for its money! If only... Raloz let his mind wonder as he gave the well-endowed stranger a nod and moved towards the weights, unwilling passenger in tow.

The lizard sat on a padded bench and began his lifting routine. As his reps went on, he worked up quite a sweat. When he finished, he toweled off his scales, never perceiving the speck that was wiped off and discarded.


Sten and Leki figured they would head to a mutual friend's home, given they were nearby already. They jogged up the steps of a modest stucco duplex and only had to knock once before a tigress greeted them enthusiastically.

"Wasn't expecting you guys today! Sulrask might be home soon, but until then I'll grab a few drinks," referring to her draconic boyfriend. She motioned for them to come inside. Leki nuzzled his gray fur against their host, as was custom.

"Thanks Nadya! Take your time. We'll just sit here and chat in the meantime." She purred in response and playfully flicked her tail against the cat as she turned around. The pair took a seat on a comfortable leather couch and began to converse.

"You know, I'm glad nothing came of that experiment," Sten said. "On second thought, 'DNA-altering' is something I don't want to have anything to do with."

The bobcat chuckled, tugging on the wisps of black fur above one of his ears. "Then you wouldn't want to know what else I'm willing to do for a hundred creds," he replied, mock-ashamed.

The human was still laughing when Leki's face fell a bit. His eyes appeared to become unfocused and his torso sunk into the plush pillows.

"Hey, man, you OK?" Sten said, before the wall of pain hit him as well. He tried to yelp out, but could no longer form words with his mouth. The human's eyes fluttered closed before he could help his friend.


Sten was jolted awake by the undulating of the ground underneath his body. Sitting up, he gasped at a sudden pain, his limbs feeling stiff for some reason. The human realized he was not in Nadya's home anymore. He stood in a valley covered in white, branchless trees, the forest stretching into the distance and up along mountains on either side. The soft, pink ground was far from normal as he walked around in the shadow of the valley, seeing nothing he could use as a landmark. Gazing up the mountainside, a glimmer of metal near the top caught Sten's eye. Might be a way station for rangers, he thought.

The human set off towards the structure, its gleaming surface a beacon in this strange place, as he tried to remember how he got there. The experiment involved chemicals, not teleportation, and he knew he got on Nadya's nerves occasionally, but she would never do this to him. None of it made sense. His body was on autopilot as his mind was lost in thoughts, climbing the soft ground with only minor difficulty. Sudden rumbling thunder grabbed his attention as the ground seemed to drop out from his grasp. He landed with a thud before another quake ripped the floor away again, leaving Sten at the bottom of the canyon again and dazed from impacting the pink ground.

Closing his eyes, he let his body relax before shadows fell over his form. Looking towards the sky he could see it was still the blue he expected, but it shimmered slightly, as if it were a reflective surface. The air grew warmer before his dull nose started to pick up an overwhelming smell that caused him to retch. Coughing, he glanced around before seeing something that made his mind pause. The glittering heavens stretched all the way to the ground, terminating in a mountain that was smaller than the white peaks he found himself between, yet still dwarfing his own body. He heard a squelch from above the blue structure as a pink monolith slid out slowly. Cold sweat enveloped Sten's body as he realized what he was looking at: Sulrask's immense groin.

The jagged spire was spiked and horned, typical of a dragon. Sten, even as he gagged, could not help but admire the beast's dragonhood above him, promising an imminent death. The human could do nothing but sit there while the tower enlarged and grew to shroud the valley in a musky darkness. Thunderous moans filled the air as it descended into the valley, sliding back and forth vast distances with the subtle movements of the giant's hips. Sten found his will to live far too late, running away only to see the underside of the shaft land ahead of his small form. His pathetic cries were never heard as his body compressed into the skin before being ground to dust by the giants' foreplay.


Stiff pains and a piercing agony plagued Leki when his eyes fluttered open, only to see he was no longer where he had passed out. Struggling to his feet, the bobcat grabbed onto a nearby tree to steady himself, though the 'tree' didn't look like any normal one. The bark was white with no branches, and his mind struggled to think of what it could be. The ground was just as odd, with its pink hue and smooth appearance. Looking around through the forest, he could not see his friend, Sten, anywhere nearby. Leki set off in search for him, shouting for the human only to receive a reverberation in reply that drowned out his own voice.

Although he saw the sparkling sapphire of a sky in the hazy distance, the bobcat could not make out the sun anywhere to give him a sense of which direction to go now. Panic rose while the young feline sniffed at the air, a scent flooding the forest that drove his headache away. Overwhelmed by the smell, his body was driven in instinctual reaction to it. He started to run in search for its origin. It took only minutes of travel to realize he was close to his goal, only to feel a shudder run through the ground as another smell filled the air. Above, Leki marveled at a vast pink wall driving through the forest before it ran over his position, his body seeming to stick to its surface while it lifted into the air. G-forces drove the bobcat into a hot, hard surface. He clenched his eyes shut, unable to see where he was carried to.

Darkness overcame the cat as he was forced into somewhere sweltering and humid, the scent from this new place burning in his nose. The force stopped suddenly before sliding backwards, the motions nearly causing Leki to blackout again before he was flung into the cavernous space and a gooey fluid. He swam in the quaking cavern as the shifting walls nearly crushed his body before a loud noise stole his hearing away for good. Everything squeezed together in a heartbeat. The immense wall that brought him there held quivering in place before twitching more violently and spurting out a thick fluid that held a very masculine scent. Flailing in the cream, Leki struggled to find air as the cavern filled with a roiling lake of ooze. Suddenly the vast plug shifted backwards, the suction it caused drawing everything back with it. A squelch emitted from it as it exited. Walls closed in slightly, yet they allowed enough light in for Leki to see where he was. Pink glistening walls surrounded the cat, the slime in which he struggled to paddle white. Confused as to where he was, he was startled as a blue wall lowered over the exit before opening. It revealed another pink cavern leading to a black pit.

Leki flowed toward it as the pink field in the cave ahead entered his own, sliding along the ground and scooping up the ooze below his form. Trundling uselessly for his life away from this new threat, he was carried through the air, where two orbs that looked suspiciously like eyes hung as twin moons in the sky. They disappeared as he entered this new slimy place. Before the opening closed and he became permanently ensnared, he saw the blue surface from before now looked a lot like scales and the cave he was in previously was surrounded by white...fur, he swallowed. A sudden thought flooded his mind, causing Leki to shiver and fear for his life even more than he did before. He gargled the cum as he attempted to shout to his host, unable to clear his mouth enough to scream. Surfaces shifted as he was thrown toward the vast throat before a loud _gulp_issued forth, dragging the feline down the throat of the dragon he once called his friend.


"Hey guys, do you want a coke or something har..." the tigress' singsong voice trailed off when she poked her head back into the living room. Both of her guests had inexplicably disappeared within the space of a few minutes.

Hmm, she frowned. She thought it was highly suspicious that they leave just as mysteriously as they arrived, especially since she swore hearing Sten call out a moment earlier. But she relented, chalking it up to them being in a hurry to leave for whatever reason. Silently thanking the gods for giving her a little privacy, the tigress pulled off her tank top and capris. She put her paws on her nude hips, thinking for a moment how to best surprise her mate. Nadya smiled at the couch and slinked over, reclining across the cushions and waiting for her dragon to get home. In the interim she flipped over and stretched out, her breasts pressing into warm leather. She yawned and rumbled contentedly. When the door finally did open up, she peeked around the corner to see Sulrask's tired face. He lit up upon seeing her lithe body in all of its glory.

"Woah, what'd I do to deserve this?" he was grinning ear to ear.

"Just thought I'd surprise you today," she sulkily replied. Her heart beat a little faster when his entire, powerful body came into view, wings and all.

"Damn, babe, you're so fucking hot," the dragon growled, sensing the pheromones in the air. He brushed his warm hand down her arm, both feeling flushed now.

"Then come and fuck me," his mate bit her lip, bending her furry leg at the knee and arching her back. She ached from the emptiness only the dragon could fill, growing wetter by the second. His clothes came off in an instant, and he was on top of her, their lips coming together in a passionate kiss. For a brief moment, they sat there, caressing and taking in each other's touches. The dragon's scaly toes curled around her smooth, tufty ones.

"Do you mind if I do that thing? You know..." Sulrask began, his snout resting on her shoulder.

"Alright, since you've been good lately," the tigress finished. She knew exactly what he was asking for.

Sulrask sat up, positioning himself on her chest. His pink member was already sliding out from inside its sheath to suspend itself above Nadya's voluptuous breasts. He angled his hips until his length touched her striped fur. Then he moved it forward. At the same time, she took both of her paws and squeezed her impressive mounds together over his pulsing cock. The dragon instantly groaned and threw his head back. The foreplay and seeing him melt was making the tigress want him all the more. As she pushed in tighter, he protested.

"Ahh, babe, slow down..." he said, already steadily leaking pre.

Nadya just smiled and licked at his tip. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she purred while wrapping her legs around his thigh. Sulrask sat back and rested his stiff dragonhood on her groin, growling as he prepared for entry. He pushed up and down along her folds, just touching the tigress' clit. She gasped and clawed at his armored wrist. Nadya felt like she was touching a live wire when he finally did enter, the pent-up energy releasing in a torrent.

The dragon clutched at her breasts for hand-holds while he rammed himself inside her, panting and roaring. The feeling of her pussy wrapped around his cock was indescribably wonderful. He rolled over to be underneath her, and lustily jackhammered away until he was totally spent. Then, for a change of pace, she rested her chin on the armrest, presenting herself to the dragon. Sulrask sat up and drove into her body once again, this time hitting her g-spot. He slowed down to stretch out the moment, running his claws along her plush and luxurious fur.

The dragon showered her body in kisses, just light enough to be teasing. Nadya could barely hear his dirty talk when he hit her sensitive spot, the pleasure coming in overwhelming waves. She added to his own snarls, cries to fuck her harder as her claws dug into leather.

The tigress reached around to feel his balls. The orbs were pulled taught, prepared to shoot an enormous amount of cum. "Ooh, hun, they're so tight," she purred.

"I think I'm close, babe. I'm gonna cum soon," he muttered.

"Whatever you do, don't pull out," she replied. Sulrask hissed. She knew that would instantly put him over the edge! He pulled her close, nuzzling into her neck as he came.

"Ohh, Nadya..." he groaned. The whisper twitched her feline ears and goose bumps broke out across her shivering body. Her tail wrapped around the dragon's own as his virility overwhelmed her. Sulrask slipped out, but much to her surprise he was not done yet. The tigress deserved a little attention herself, after all. He dropped down and grabbed hold of her legs, beginning to eat her out. His tongue deftly glided over her slit as he gulped down his own load that had leaked out.


Garth hopped inside a sedan parked just outside the laboratory. He was rubbing at his dorsal fin, unsure whether or not the soreness was just in his head or a result of the injection. He hoped it was the former. Missing even one football practice would be a nightmare.

"Thanks for picking me up, man, I owe you one," he said to the driver while he buckled his seatbelt.

"Don't mention it," replied a smiling deer, turning into traffic. Naruv and Garth's friendship went back all the way to high school, where they both played for the varsity team. Since then, they had started living together.

"Nah, I have a surprise for you when we get home," Garth insisted. The deer briefly thought about what it could be, settling on dinner. While he could barely get an oven working, his friend was surprisingly gifted with cooking prowess. Needless to say, the shark swore he would kill Naruv if that little tidbit ever made it out to the rest of their college squad.

The deer pulled into their driveway. "I can't wait, but first I need a shower, alright?"

"Perfect, actually. It'll be waiting for you in the kitchen." Naruv laughed. So it was to be food, after all. He was starving, so the present would work out nicely.

While the deer started off to the bathroom, Garth took out chicken and began preparing it. He practiced his culinary skills, breading the meat as the main course of the hot meal. He ladled mashed potatoes onto a dish afterward, humming happily. The shark had been trying to get his friend to start eating meat forever, and he knew Naruv was on the verge of relenting. He wanted to start with fish, considering his nature, but settled on the most palatable protein he knew. Maybe with the credits he got he could even buy the two of them steaks the following week.

The shark opened a cabinet, grabbing plates for the two of them. He finished by opening a can of peas. The can opener was whirring along when he became dizzy. The serum's effects took hold on him, just as with the others, as he poured the peas into a bowl. Garth's throbbing head collapsed over top of it before he drifted off into a deep sleep.


Pain flooded Garth's head as he got onto his knees. Bringing his hand up to his forehead, the shark felt a warm wet spot. He quickly brought his hand down, relieved to find only a gooey clear substance that was fairly hot to the touch. Looking around, he found himself surrounded by forest green boulders. But they were immense, far larger than any kind of rock formation he had ever seen. Wading through the same fluid in which he was coated, Garth peered awe-struck at the environment. The stones formed caves and ravines as they stacked upon each other.

It had been quite some time before anything happened, yet when it did, it sent the shark to his belly. Quakes rattled everything, including the boulders, which bounced and shifted with a crackling thunder that shook Garth's teeth. He was nearly crushed before everything settled into place again. Adrenaline flooded the shark's system, his heart beating faster than it had ever before. He waited for some sign, any sign it was safe. Scraping deafened him before a silvery wall slid by and under the boulders, finally lifting into the sky. Running quickly as everything began to fall again, Garth stumbled upon a vista he never wanted to see.

A mountain dominated the view, colored white and having an almost fluffy appearance. Brown slabs stood nearby that were half its height. Garth sprinted forward again as the silver structure flew overhead before grinding into the spot where he had first woken up. He could barely see through the glaring light above, but he managed to follow it up into the sky and make out a tan, spotted form in the hazy distance. Garth felt a shiver run down his spine as even through the haze he could recognize that color pattern as his roommate Naruv, only he was like a moving continent now.

Backing up away from the now giant-, or rather normal-sized peas he was in earlier, Garth felt the rough texture of the breaded chicken he had cooked. The shark screamed as a fork slammed into the meat and pinned him to the side of the burning hot surface. Blood rushed from his head as he was lifted into the air before slipping and falling into the open. Below was the mountain of mashed potatoes, so his feet sunk into the creamy substance as it absorbed the impact. Garth struggled to escape, while all the while he was forced to watch his friend devour the chicken. The shark shook when he saw the colossus turn his gaze on the last portion of food. For the third time in his life, Garth sobbed, knowing he was never getting out of this alive. With little resistance, the fork slid below the shark, rising into the sky and giving the small shape a view of the smiling face of his friend.

A massive, glistening tongue slid along Naruv's lips before they yawned wide, allowing the last offering of food into the humid cave. Flying into the depths and landing on the pink tongue, the shark was forced to watch the metal tongs slip back before he could grab the last lifeline he had. Shifting muscles tossed the potatoes and the passenger within towards the crushing white teeth. The skyscraper-sized structures spared the shark from the acid of the stomach as they slammed together, his bones disintegrating from the impact leaving but a smear to be washed away and digested.


"Hey Garth, what'ya need?" Naruv called out, walking into the seemingly-empty kitchen. The deer dried off his antlers and came to rest in front of the food Garth laid out. He eyed the meal curiously, a tad disappointed it was not the fresh salad he expected. Normally an herbivore, the shark had encouraged Naruv to eat a little meat every now and then. Time and time again, he had rebuffed Garth, saying the idea of it did not sound appetizing at all.

"I dunno. It just seems primal to me," Naruv once said. "Killing animals and eating them feels cruel, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah," Garth had shot back. "But one of these days I'll get you to try it, mark my words."

The deer sighed. I guess now's as good a time as any to start, he reasoned, egged on by his hunger. He made himself a plate with a little bit of each side. Naruv sat down at the table and began with the chicken. He chewed slowly to savor the taste, testing out its texture. It stimulated his palate, and he was quickly salivating over the delicious taste of the entree. Why I didn't listen to Garth earlier, he thought, I have no idea. He vowed to tell the shark the next time he saw him that he had a new meat-eating convert.

After a serving of the more familiar peas, Naruv finished with his heap of mashed potatoes. He forked a mouthful into his dripping maw and chewed it for a bit before swallowing. He was not sure if Garth had put spices into his recipe just this once, but he detected the slightest hint of tanginess that made him grin after he had eaten every last bite. Not only that, but the potatoes had positively melted in his mouth. The deer silently praised Garth's masterful cooking for satisfying him so well.


Korvun, as he usually did, arrived home about a half hour before his roommate. He was a little suspicious about the experiment he had just returned from, but if anyone needed money, it was a broke college student like him. The salamander hopped onto his laptop almost instantly, but the keywords 'raptor,' 'DNA,' 'experiment,' and their town turned up nothing useful. Some strange conspiracy website mentioned the lab's address along with so-called invitations where the bearer would disappear forever, but Korvun laughed it off. Considering his research was going nowhere fast, he decided to study for a test he had the next day instead.

"Ethane is an alkane. Or is that an alkene?" The hyper amphibian was reviewing a few organic compounds in one of his texts when a sledgehammer smashed through his skull. He grabbed at his smooth blue forehead, calling for help. Despite his stupor, he stumbled down the hallway and into his roommate's bedroom, praying that maybe he decided to come home early that day. "Corsev?" he called out, clutching the sheets before passing out on top.


Korvun awoke feeling rather refreshed, caressed by sheets on a comfy bed. Ahh, so it was just a nightmare, he thought, before smiling to himself. Uh huh. Even my dreams would involve school work. Sitting up, the salamander rubbed at his eyes, only to see that he was far from his room. He crawled up a fabric ridge to get a better view, and noticed scattered clothes and posters decorated the vast chamber rather than the books and games of his own. Of course, that's beside the fact that I'm now the size of a dust speck!

A booming voice suddenly rattled his entire body. Miles of walls and how deep the voice sounded kept Korvun from understanding what was said, but he could guess his roommate had arrived. The blue salamander felt his booming steps before the gigantic eagle opened the door, shutting it quickly afterwards.

"Corsev! Corsev, down here!" he shouted as the avian slid his talons into a discarded pair of pants before retrieving a key Korvun had never seen before. Curiosity took hold of the bookish reptile's body, only to be thwarted by the top of the chest blocking his view while the giant rummaged around inside. He ran, but any confidence he had built instantly evaporated with the disheartening sight of a massive blue dildo. The salamander gasped fearfully as the ridged surface was tossed in his direction. He was launched into the air slightly as it landed, grunting as he impacted the hard blue tip.

Crawling up the head of the false pride, he heard the loud snaps of Corsev's shirt before the soft thump of it hitting the floor. Korvun noticed the toy stretched for seemingly miles before ending at the bulging shape of a scrotum. His stomach bottomed out when he heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper echoing through the room. The salamander stared at his friend, who was dropping his hand slowly, as if putting on a show for his invisible friend. With little fanfare, the eagle's briefs dropped, revealing a naked figure that made Korvun blush. He had never seen his roommate like this before.

The salamander was thrown along the massive length as the planet-sized bird dropped over the bed. Gravity tugged at the speck-sized amphibian as the dildo was lifted far into the sky, before getting a touch of vertigo as the strange aircraft held its altitude. Looking further up, he made out the mountainous shape of the underside of the larger male's sack as a hand curled around it. Shudders ran through the shaft, causing Korvun to follow the wall downward towards an alien mouth within the ravine between the avian's legs. Screams flowed from his throat, only to be drowned out while the tip slid into clenching cavern. A disgusting squish followed it along with a deafening squawk from above. Running away, he knew he would never outrun the crushing ring unless his horny friend aided him.

"Oh, Korvun, put it in me," thundered the voice of the giant, causing the salamander to trip at the mention of his name as the anus slid overhead. His heart nearly stopped as the humid muscle rushed toward his mote of a body, surprised as he survived in the squishing embrace of a single fold of Corsev's entrance. The giant pulled out enough for the salamander to run again from the sliding flesh that wanted to be pleasured. "Pump your hot cum into me," boomed the eagle's voice again as the clenching depths closed in again, only to close just behind the micro's tail. A cold sweat broke out on Korvun's body at how close he was to being killed by his friend's pleasure, and the giant only proved it by bucking with the dildo buried within his body. Sliding along the slick blue ground, the salamander watched as clear meteors rained down along the path to safety. The fluid propelled the micro all the way down as Corsev pulled out again. He collided with the end of the shaft as an immense hand propelled the toy back in deep before a fleshy wall sandwiched Korsev to the hard dildo. The fake shaft pounded into his small body several times as he stuck to the edge of the anus before everything held still.

"Korvun, if you could only be here," squawked Corsev as he held the blue sex aid before his ready hole.

"I'm here! Please don't do this to me," screamed the salamander, only to be drowned out by his tormentor's continued speech.

"I'd want you inside me." Shocks ran through Korvun's body as he realized how true the words were about to become. He screamed at the top of his lungs, but the miles-thick shaft rammed into his body regardless and propelled him deep within his friend's anus. Trapped above the false slit by a thick lube, the salamander was held in place as the walls clamped down around the dildo. He cried in the shifting darkness, startled by the sounds of a river before being flung into the dark pit by a synthetic-tasting substance. The foul chemical filled the eagle's core before the dildo slowly slid out. Floundering after it, Korvun grabbed the edge of the slit, allowing his friend to unwittingly save him from this torturous cave. Hopes for being saved slipped away along with his own grip on the slick tip, a glob of fake cum his downfall. The salamander's heart raced as he fell, landing on a field of soft feathers surrounded by the lakes of various liquids, both organic and synthetic.

Korvun saw his roommate's churning spheres in one direction while the vast quivering crater of his anus was in the other. Hanging above was the ominous shape of the fake penis, yet as he watched it was flung away with ease. The entire world quaked with even the giant's smallest movements. Grasping onto the feathery ground, Korvun heard unintelligible rumbling voices before making out a phrase that sent shivers down his spine. "Feel that huge cock inside me," the giant uttered, before lifting his briefs back up and leaving the minute amphibian in the shadowy canyon between Corsev's legs. Looking over at the anus, Korvun could see muscles flex with enough strength to crush his body and shift in time with Corsev's pleasured voice. He was left to wonder if he would survive the night.


"Hey, Korvun, you home?" called the salamander's roommate, a tawny eagle he had met through the university. "Hello! Korvun?" Calling out his friend's name in earnest, the avian had an ulterior motive. Once he was convinced the amphibian was not home, he slipped into his bedroom and grabbed a pair of pants thrown carelessly over his desk chair. The eagle fumbled around in the pockets for a small brass key. It unlocked a polished wooden chest at the foot of his bed, in which lay his favorite Bad Gryphon toy. The dildo was dyed a tangy blue hue and had ridges in all the right places. Corsev would never, ever tell Korvun that he had an enormous crush on him, so for now 'Sav the Salamander in Electric Blue' would have to do. He even splurged and purchased a hollow one he filled with artificial cum.

Corsev snapped off his colorful t-shirt, attractive to other avians and custom-made to accommodate his impressive wingspan. Next he unbuttoned his jeans, slowly, sensuously pulling the zipper down as a sort of self-foreplay. They fell in a heap over his shirt on the cluttered floor. His briefs were last to drop, leaving the eagle completely naked. It was then he flopped onto his bed, the sheets already askew.

The eagle hitched up his textured feet, pressing plump, yellow toes into the bedframe. The dildo he held in his hand, with a firm grip around the flared base. Dusky talons slid down his body's curves until they reached a pink spire. A full, dark brown sack formed its foundation. Corsev brushed the toy's aqua tip around his entrance, and his anus quivered in response. Sighing, he pressed his finger-pads to his own pulsing shaft before slipping the lubed dildo into himself. His pleasured squawks drowned out a light squelch.

"Oh, Korvun, put it in me." He closed his eyes, imagining a scene unfolding in his mind's eye. One day, the salamander had mentioned his mutual, hidden feelings to the eagle, and one thing led to another. Corsev led him to his bed amid passionate kisses and presented his rump to his roommate, shaking his ass invitingly. "Pump your hot cum into me," he rumbled to thin air.

Drops of pre flung into the air while the eagle bucked against his toy's girth. When the dildo reached his prostate, his wrist flicked ever faster. The pressure he almost could not take; it was an overload to his senses to feel just so good all over.

"Korvun, if you could only be here," he groaned, longing for the real thing. "I'd want you inside me." He pressed the artificial cock right up to the hilt. It felt like he was filling a hole deep inside. His anus was stretched wide by its girth, and it gripped the dildo as he slowly pulled it out again.

Corsev felt his own body clamp down around the synthetic shaft as orgasm hit. With each contraction came a gush of his succulent cum, which dribbled down the length of his cock all the way down to his anus. He squeezed the azure balls at the same time to squirt some of the fake cum deep into his own body. Korvun was suddenly there, moaning his name as they held each other close. Their tongues danced, knowing this would be but the first of many future encounters. In reality, the eagle's feet pushed at the air, kicking and wiggling freely. The eagle's heart raced blood into his loins, his beak gaping wide. He pumped the balls to drain them completely, and was satisfied at last. Corsev pulled the dildo out inch by inch, shaking as a strand of cool cum from the tip fell onto his taint.

A vibration from his nightstand startled him. Despite living on his own now, he never could quite shake the heightened awareness a good, old-fashioned jerk-off session instilled. The eagle laughed it off when he saw it was only his phone, and threw his toy to the side. It was another one of his casual friends calling, a hawk who helped him with his physical desires when fantasizing was not enough.

"Hey! Yeah, I'll be waiting for you in bed. That's it? You're so fuckin' hot. Heh, if that's what you want. I'll make sure to put it on before you get here," the eagle cooed into his phone. "Can't wait to feel that huge cock inside me..." he trailed off, leaving the rest to his fuck buddy's imagination. The eagle pulled on his briefs and started preparing for the night that lay ahead.


Lek decided to do things a little differently this time around, and appear at least somewhat legitimate. Despite his connections to powerful figures in the military, one industrious detective after another rash of disappearances could bring his whole operation crashing down. So he reluctantly posted an open advertisement on the internet, taking a risk for the potentially juicy rewards.

The raptor lured in more victims for his shrinking trials, as he could not test the serum on himself. Engineering the formula was difficult enough, let alone an antidote. Once they were tiny, a micro's life was worth no more than a flea's or ant's.

"To be squashed with reckless abandon," he murmured to himself. Lek promised them what he saw as a pitiful sum, and they all signed their death warrants like the morons they were.

Unfortunately, yet again he was little better than they were, for his experiment failed. They were supposed to shrink to a negligible size within a few minutes but instead they simply sat there with those insipid expressions on their faces. Lek gave them their checks anyway, a small price to pay so they would not ask any more questions. Whatever, he thought. At least the serum will not be a total waste. Perhaps I can pawn it off to some idiots. There's no shortage of those in this city.

The raptor kicked his large padded feet up on his desk. He idly pressed a toeclaw into springy gray flesh, sighing. Yet another fruitless day of research, chasing a dream he could never quite attain. Yet another day without a breakthrough, where nothing even remotely important happened.