What Friends are For

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

After her last experience, things seem to have settled down a little. Seraph sparks a little romance and when a visitor arrives everything seems to be just the way it used to be... or is it?

Part 3 of Mr. Annonymous' commission for your tantalizing enjoyment.

Part 4 is in the works =3

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Tasha fidgeted at the doorway, waiting anxiously for the soft chime of the old wooden clock to ring seven. Her relationship with Seraph had certainly become different since she found out how... insistent he was about playing with other partners. Watching her mate so openly have sex with another woman was bad enough but the turmoil of sensations brought with it had been... difficult to deal with. On one paw she loved Seraph with all her heart and wanted nothing but his happiness even if it meant letting him mount other females; but then on the other, how could he do that to her?!

Her possessive, jealous anxiety bubbled around her mind. He was her mate, her lover and she didn't want to share him with anyone! And yet, she did. The fling with that young gryphon hadn't been the last time; having Tasha strapped down to watch her mate fill some other hen with his seed had only been the beginning. He'd gone out on several occasions without a word, a spring in his step and the hint of arousal hanging between his legs. She didn't think he'd lie about it if she asked but she never asked, she didn't really want to know.

But it made tonight's date a little worrisome. 'Dinner and a show!' He'd said. A month ago she wouldn't have even questioned what that meant; a nice restraint and perhaps a movie afterward... now she wasn't so sure. Dong... dong... dong... The solid chime resonated loud enough that she could hear it even outside the den. With a bit of apprehension, the pretty dragoness nosed the door open and slipped inside.

Darkness greeted her, the normally well-lit home quite gloomy. It wasn't like Seraph to be late, was this part of the plan then? There was a glow down the hall toward the kitchen. She could navigate these halls blind and did so with relative ease, her heart resting somewhere in her throat as she made her way onward. Finally reaching the corner where the glow began, she peeked her pretty little head around the corner.

What she saw made the lump in her throat melt away warmly. There, in the kitchen stood the handsome rump of her mate as he quietly hummed a tune, finishing the last preparations for what looked to be a wonderful candle-lit dinner. The table was dressed and set for two and smelled wonderful. Turning with a plate full of food, his eyes met hers and he smiled in that adorable way that always made her troubles fade.

She had to admit, other than lusting after other girls, Seraph hardly acted any different- in fact he seemed to have a bit more energy and affection. She didn't know if that should be considered a good thing or a bad thing but the sea green dragoness didn't dwell on it. Tonight was just for the two of them. With a shy smile of her own, Tasha purred loudly as she slid fully into view, her mate making an elaborate show of seating his date.

"I hope you're ready for a wonderful evening." He rumbled, kissing her cheek.

The meal had been fantastic, the atmosphere relaxing and the conversation soothing. By the time the clock struck nine, Tasha was sure the bond they shared was still strong to the point where all that unsavory business with other females seemed but a distant memory.

So when a knock at the door caught their attention, the relaxed dragoness didn't even think things might go astray. With ears perked, her head turned toward the hall. With her attention diverted, Tasha never saw the smirk that curled at the edge of Seraph's muzzle. Giving his mate's paw a soft pat, he excused himself from the table.

"I'll see who it is." He rumbled, giving his dragoness an affectionate kiss on the side of her head.

As that long full red tail disappeared down the hallway, Tasha couldn't help but wonder who it could be at this late hour. The soft creek of the door opening preceded a short conversation. Her head perked to the side curiously; the other voice sounded vaguely familiar and, as the door closed, both voices were still talking. Ser must have let whoever it was in. A bit of lingering dread began to creep in on her thoughts as the two of them moving toward the living area and not toward her.

Her features lowered slightly as speculation rolled around in her head. Ser might have been sleeping around with other ladies but he'd never invited one into their home... or at least not while she was there. And that voice... who...?

Making her way down to the main living area those pretty eyes tingled with curiosity, tentatively peeking around the corner. Her relief was almost palpable and it took conscious effort not to sigh. There, with her back to Tasha stood Kandis, a cream colored dragoness with sassy violet-pink stripes and a nosetip of rich royal purple. Kandis happened to be one of her closest and most trusted friends so seeing that warm body standing there in place of whatever she'd been dreading was a great relief.

"Kandy!" She chirped. Seraph let a slight smirk curl at the edge of his muzzle as the creamy female jumped at the unexpected voice of her girlfriend.

"...Tash!" She responded at length. Kandis' heart was thumping in her chest as the larger dragoness trotted up jovially and nuzzled into her flank affectionately. "I didn't know you were home!" She added bluntly.

But Tasha just smiled, a little sway in her tail. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" To the innocent seawashed female, nothing could be amiss here. Out of all the people she knew, Kandis would be the one who would step up and defend her in a fight, the one she could go to with any problem and the one who understood her best.

However, Tasha couldn't help but notice the glance her girlfriend gave her mate and the silence that ensued. Ser just gave a quirky little smirk. It didn't click immediately, the pieces of the puzzle so distant and obfuscated that even remotely putting them together seemed a stretch. But the answer was there, she just refused to see it.

"I-" She began, not quite sure what to say to her best friend.

"Don't be shy, she knows." Interrupted Seraph, his casual mannerism making Kandis bristle slightly.

"She does?!" Tasha tilted her head slightly in silent confusion, the green dragoness being the only one here not privy to a critical piece of information. Seraph's smile remained relaxed. "You promised me you weren't going to tell her!" Kandis growled slightly but the red drake's composure remained unperturbed.

"I didn't." The cream-colored female's features softened immediately as she realized her error.

"Then... who?" Kandis' muddy yellow eyes turned back to look directly at Tasha who glanced between her best friend and her mate in total confusion. "Who told you I was having sex with Ser?"

The moment was like a brick to the face. Denial clung to her mind for as long as it could but the words bounced around her mind as if there nothing else. Like a keystone falling into place, the whole evening seemed to suddenly make sense.

"You what?!" She blurted out.

Poor Kandis suddenly found herself in a very awkward situation. Since the affectionate nuzzle Tasha had given her upon arriving up to being told that her best friend knew about their sexual tryst, Kandy's emotion had been one of anger at being betrayed. But now she stood there having just openly admitted to cheating with her best friend's partner and both of them standing right there beside her. The blush burning upon her cheeks made the smaller dragon want to run and hide.

Instead Seraph's strong yet soothing paw found its way around her ear, stroking the area with such intimate casualness that she felt herself retreating into his embrace instead- though she was still blushing like a schoolgirl.

"No one told her. But she already knew." The large male rumbled reassuringly, talking about his mate in third person as if she weren't even there. "She didn't want to admit it but she knew the moment you knocked on the door what you were here for." His gaze washed over the creamy colored female in a way that made Tasha's jealous nature run red hot.

But when his eyes lifted from Kandis' shy form to her own, Tasha shrank. His forepaws began roaming over her best friend's body in a way that made the aquamarine dragoness desperate to protest, but the only thing she did was twitch her tailtip anxiously. The comfort of those large paws seemed to help relax the dragoness beneath them to the point where she could speak again, albeit at a hushed, embarrassed tone.

"I... I thought you wanted to... you know." She wiggled her hind end, drawing Tasha's eyes toward that shapely rump. Ser's grin grew. Leaning forward, he let his clawtips trail all the way down her backside with a soft scritch that made the smaller female's back arch in a feline fashion.

"Didn't get enough out of me earlier today?" He rumbled, gripping the base of his playmate's tail and held it up, eyeing the slickened remains of another date he'd apparently enjoyed with Kandy earlier.

The scent of her mate was strong on the stripped dragoness, she'd noticed it when they first greet with that affectionate nuzzle but it wasn't until now that she realized the why of it. The poor dragoness got a good view of that sticky undertail, her eyes drawn away only when the view was cut off by a bashful Kandy.

"I have every intention of making you whine like a whelp in heat." He continued, a deliciously devious smirk disappearing as his eyes shifted from Tasha back to Kandis, softening into a loving smile. "You do still want to be my little hen don't you?" He rumbled, stroking the side of her head, enjoying the pressure of having her snout nuzzling into his much larger paw.

"Of course!" She responded quickly with, perhaps, a little too much eagerness. "But what about..." She couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence and couldn't muster the courage to nod back at her girlfriend either but the implication was obvious.

Seraph's paws gently held and caressed his dragoness like a prized treasure, her small, lithe frame so soft and delicate as he directed her snout lower. "You needn't you worry about that." He burbled softly while starring directly at his mate. "In fact-" He continued. "-I want you to show Tasha just how good you really are."

"...But..." Came the single word of protest from that violet tipped muzzle. Tasha had confided her possessive nature to Kandis on more than one occasion and the cream colored female was more than a little aware of just how much this must be tearing the poor girl up inside.

A month ago she'd agreed with Tasha's desire for a monogamous relationship, helping to comfort and sweep aside a bit of lingering doubt that had taken hold of her best friend. Ser had seemed so far out of reach at the time that she hadn't considered any other alternative. The two were a happy couple- so much so that, when he came on to her last week like a speeding train, the change was so sudden and unexpected that she'd been totally unprepared for it.

And just like a train he'd plowed her over with hardly a moment's hesitation, taking her brazenly in the back of her own den. It wasn't until it was all over and the sore girl was alone and had time to think that feelings of an ashamed and regretful nature began gnawing at her. She'd just been rutted by her best friend's mate! But even all that shame hadn't been enough to get her stop the aggressive, powerful male from claiming her again... and again. By the end of the week Tasha had ceased to even enter her thoughts when he mated her. But now here she was with those innocent purple eyes watching, knowing.

For just a moment, the white dragoness could see the glint of doubt lingering in Kandis' eyes. Something had possessed Ser into doing these things to her and Kandis had just been caught in the middle of it all- she could be forgiven for that... Hope faded a moment later as the creamy female's eyes slipped closed.

The large red male let the tips of his claws slide over his hen's soft hide in a delicious, almost ticklish fashion. The sensation by itself wouldn't have been enough to sway her against Tasha but the hot rush of arousal that washed through her frame from catching the strong scent of Seraph's stiff drakehood gave her just the right push at just the right time. As that wave of heat settled in the pit of her stomach like the flutter of electric butterflies, her eyes slowly slipped open again, all trace of conflict gone. The striped female averted her eyes, looking down as she turned her snout away.

The string of goo that fell to the ground before her shy snout caught her attention. Ser didn't have to say anything, the moment she caught sight of that long, strong, powerful erection, the compulsion to take it within her body was almost overpowering. Taking a half step forward, the smaller female sniffed that long pink shaft, letting the intoxicating scent tickle all the right parts of her brain. Unlike Tasha, Kandy was small enough to fit fairly comfortably beneath the big drake- he didn't have to sit back or stand tall to let her under his belly allowing him to fully relax and take in the sensations as that reptilian tongue slid tentatively over his unprotected length.

Kandis' ears folded back against her head at hearing the soft whimper of dismay from her girlfriend, blushing furiously. Her actions spoke loudly and, while Tasha held out hope that the one female she trusted most might still back down, watching her striking purple muzzletip wrap around the head of her mate's shaft and slowly suck his exposed length into her maw shattered her faith. Seraph's pink flesh disappeared slowly beneath the curve of that brightly colored snout leaving no room for misinterpretation. No words had been exchanged throughout the entire scene; Kandis had made her choice and now Tasha would have to live with it.

Out of everyone, Seraph seemed to be enjoying himself the most; his eager flesh being tended by a lovely female and his mate watching of her own volition. There were no straps, no bonds, nothing to stop his pretty dragoness from walking away and yet still she sat there, watching his shaft disappear within her best friend's maw with a mixture of dismay and arousal. Her tongue coiled and stroked, slathering over his length as she held her purple muzzletip right at the edge of his base. He cooed excitedly.

"Come now, don't be shy- show Tasha what you can do." The great drake thrummed, one paw on her rump, massaging those lovely thighs. "No need to hold back my dear; just do what you do best." The smaller dragoness flushed at being reminded of her situation.

It took a moment to muster the confidence to continue, but Ser's sexual prowess, dominance and desire was intoxicating. Refusing had always been next to impossible and, even with his distraught mate watching, she did it anyway. Closing her eyes and relaxing, the sexy stripped female curved her neck upward, opening throat and let that tapered tip slip right in. He was a big male but nothing she couldn't handle with a little coaxing and a bit of effort.

His thick ribbed base forced her maw apart at the seams as she took him all the way to the base. Her tongue lay carefully over her teeth as she muzzled him fully. Seraph even extended his hind leg back some, the motion seeming so casual and inconspicuous while simultaneously making sure to keep the act in full view of his distraught mate. The bubbly murr of deep pleasure from feeling the entirety of his needy arousal stuffed all the way down her throat added insult to injury- though Kandy kept herself conveniently unaware of the effect her actions were having on the other dragoness. She just swallowed and massaged the hung male with every fiber of her being.

As she'd done so many times before, the cream-colored female let distracting thoughts of betrayal fade into the heavenly pleasure of lust. The transition came with unexpected ease... Even knowing Tasha's stubborn position on the matter and having her watching couldn't overcome the dangerous, exciting pleasure of sheathing the gorgeous male deep within her maw. Seraph's heady rumble of approval only helped solidify her position.

The poor spectating dragoness watched with flattened ears as her best friend casually suckled her mate. What little hesitation had been shown earlier was non-existent by now, the sloppy muzzlejob was made all the worse by the look of utter satisfaction on Seraph's face as he let the smaller female have at it. It was wrong, cruel and disgusting... but also awkwardly fascinating and uncontrollably arousing in a way she couldn't begin to understand. This strange mixture of emotions had happened once before, like an intense wave of nauseous desire that was as awkward as it was enjoyable.

Kandy, oblivious to her girlfriend's struggles, ever so slowly withdrew from around that tasty log of male flesh. The soft slurpy sound tingled in Tasha's ears as she starred at the scene, watching the glossy shaft of her mate reappear. There was a rosy tint to Kandis' cheeks as she held just the tip of his length between her pursed lips and suckled him like a hungry hatchling; Seraph wanted her to show off what she could do and that's just what she did.

Tilting her head to the side, the cream colored female gently but firmly gummed her way up along the underside, caressing his gender, squeezing here and there to get delighted little rises out of her playmate. With her nosed pressed against the base of his shaft, she gave his slit a rather lewd little kiss, groping at his arousal with her tongue leaving sticky wet strands of pre-tainted saliva all over his gender. Meshing smoothly from one act to another, she balanced his throbbing erection on the tip of her nose while sliding back down, letting the musky scented malehood glide over her nostrils. Pursed at the tip like a well trained puppy with a treat on its nose, she waited for a spell before tipping her snout back, angled straight up to catch his bare length between her lips and swallowed the 'treat' whole.

Kandis played her little games all throughout the teasy muzzlejob, her long snout and willing throat taking the eager male deeply and with unmatched energy. Somehow it was even more arousing to have Tasha there watching. It was wrong, she knew, but her muzzle continued to slide purposefully up and down that incredible log of dragonflesh all the same.

Poor Tasha had seen that face before, Ser was never one to hide his emotions and that heady look of building pleasure was hard to mistake. The only difference was it was being caused by the actions of another woman... Those powerful haunches swung slightly in rhythm to the hot maw stroking over his shaft, a paw on the base of her neck to encourage the lovely dragoness beneath him to keep going.

Kandis had to know what was going to happen- even aside from the silky flow of precum that tainted her breath, there was really only one result pleasuring a male like this could have and she showed no signs of preventing the outcome. In fact, the more aroused he became, the more eagerly she responded in kind. The stripped female had no regard for herself as she worked him over, her muzzle a sloppy wet mess as the violet tip of her nose buried itself deeply between his legs.

That was the breaking point for the frisky male. His facial features bunched in a pleasured snarl as his hips rocked forward, pressing deep inside the dragoness before him as the first wave of sticky-sweet seed shot down her throat. Kandis was well versed in the ways of lovemaking but even she wasn't prepared for the force and eagerness of her lover's desire. His throbbing arousal made good use of her deep muzzle, the poor thing taking as much as she could before the excess began backwashing out over her tongue.

Ser's toeclaws dug small gouges in the earthen stone, holding himself within that delicious, intimate embrace for a time before relaxing and letting the lovely dragoness slide off his engorged flesh with a wet cough. Even the unexpected ending didn't diminish her utter satisfaction as her tail wagged happily. A string of cummy fluid slowly drizzled off her chin as Seraph's large crimson paw caressed the side of the creamy female's head with great affection.

"Mmmn, your best yet." He purred, indicating that this was not the first time the two had shared such an intimate act. "Going to be hard to top that next time." He spoke with a toothy grin, letting his paws roam over her snout and neck firmly.

Tasha's ears drooped at next time.

"Now I told you I had something special planned for you." Mentioned the large drake, slowly drawing the smaller dragoness out from beneath him and letting his eyes wash over her attractive form. He lifted her chin with the side of a claw so he could get a good look at her, notwithstanding that it gave Tasha a good view of her drippy muzzle as well of course.

Kandis just purred like an excited hatchling, eager in more ways than one. She'd have been satisfied just giving Ser a messy muzzlejob but he was always a gentledrake and never left her unsated; a gorgeous, powerful, frisky hornball, but a gentledrake nonetheless. Stepping around her, he gently but firmly tugged the creamy dragoness to follow, wandering toward the doorway Tasha was sitting in front of. Kandis thought he meant to take her somewhere more private, feeling a little bad for her green-scaled girlfriend as he stepped casually around behind his mate, passing her without a word.

But it seemed there was more to Seraph's 'something special' than she realized. Tasha's drooped ears lifted slightly as her head shifted to the side reluctantly to eye the two drakes now behind her. She didn't know why she kept torturing herself like this, all she got to see was her mate nibbling and caressing Kandy's extended neck. The smaller female rumbled and closed her eyes, twisting to expose herself to whatever wiles her male had in store.

It took quick, careful, calculated motions as he guided his plaything forward, still caressing her and speaking in a soothing tone. "I've heard you always wanted to try a three-some." He grinned, holding the smaller female's forepaws up as he guided her forward, the lovely hen unaware of her position until the two met. "Though I'm not sure if this is quite what you were looking for." He smirked, feigning innocence.

With a soft squeak of surprise, Kandy's eyes spread wide as her chest came in contact with Tasha's back, the meeting causing the poor girl to lose her balance and fall right into place. The poor green dragoness shivered lightly as her wet, Seraph-scented girlfriend was left hugging her backside. Kandis' cheeks burned, her purple snout tip still painted white with Seraph's fluids. Their eyes met and, for a lingering moment, there was an unspoken exchange.

The large red drake didn't give the two of them long however, both females suddenly pinned beneath the weight of a hefty male. The stripped dragoness' eyes suddenly slipped closed with a lustful gasp as Ser's powerful jaws nibbled delightfully up neck. With one paw on the ground to support his weight, the other slid under her throat slowly gliding upward, following the contours of her hide with supple affection.

"But that doesn't mean you won't enjoy every moment of it." He continued, curling his talons just under his lovely plaything's throat and lifted her head up. Her eyelids parted just enough to watch that great muzzle bend down and connect with hers.

Tasha's body tensed utterly while every muscle in Kandis' form seemed to suddenly fall limp. The poor aquamarine female watched her mate kiss another woman. Not just kiss her but kiss her! A flush of jealous heat washed through her gorgeous form though her eyes belied whatever emotion she pretended to be feeling. Ser's jaws worked Kandy's smaller muzzle over, tongues messily entwined; the two sharing an intimate embrace that, up until a few moments ago, Tasha had convinced herself was something he still only shared with her. With time at a standstill, there kiss could have lasted a second or an eternity... It was only Seraph's powerful lusty desire that caused time to start up again for the poor dragoness.

The gasp that came from Kandis' lips was one of elation and it took a moment for Tasha to realize what had happened. The luscious moan that dripped from her enamored lips seemed to solidify the facts and drew the mated dragoness from her captive state. The shared embrace continued unabated even as Ser's began wedging his thick shaft under her best friend's tail. The green female could feel her girlfriend tremble as her tender vent was slowly spread around her mate's engorged drakehood, slowly being pried open- and not for the first time...

A dirty lust tainted Tasha's eyes as the pressure on her back increased, her mate having to put a good amount of force behind his penetration as he slid inside the dragoness sprawled on her back. It took only seconds before the pleasured dragoness let off an even more lurid moan. Tasha's ears flattened to her neck, head lowering slightly as the two maws parted. A long strand of intermingled fluids stretched between their lips, breaking and falling away after a spell. He was all the way in.

She didn't need to look, she could tell by the way they held themselves on her backside, but she did it anyway. Sure enough, that smooth peach-colored tail was shoved far up out of the way with her mate's powerful haunches smushed snuggly against that lifted tailbase. The confused swirl of emotions in her eyes was mirrored perfectly in the pit of her stomach; that was her mate, it should be her vent yawning around his thick log of drakeflesh... He was there, on her back, just a few inches lower and it would be- but he had chosen Kandis instead.

With a soft huffing squeak, the pressure on her back suddenly tripled as Seraph pressed the two ladies together, causing the distraught green female's forepaws to slide out from under her. Going from sitting up under her own power to splayed out on her belly in a matter of moments was a little disconcerting but it gave the red drake room to work. And work he did, that smaller, tighter slit receiving the full brunt of his frisky desire; his body began rocking above the two, plowing one vent and leaving the other untouched.

Kandis blushed furiously as her best friend's snout tilted to the side, watching the two bodies dissolve into a hot rush of lust and sex. The stripped dragoness was too small to stand fully over her girlfriend but she did manage to take some of their weight off the poor thing. Their eyes met for a moment- there was a spark of apology in her features but no regret.

The tentative visual contact between the two females ended suddenly as an aggressive muzzle came down around her neck, biting gently but firmly on his smooth creamy dragoness, asserting his dominance over the lovely little hen beneath him. Kandis' eyes slipped closed with a pleasured gasp, feeling his forepaws tucked around her hips, drawing her wide haunches back against his crotch again and again with a lewd wet slap.

Tasha could vividly feel the two needy reptiles rutting above her. Her ears remained folded but refused to slip far enough back to help silence the wet sloppy noises that echoed harshly throughout the den. In her mind she could easily imagine herself in Kandy's place, feeling her gorgeous stud burrowing through her tender folds, rubbing his scented precum into all those hard to reach places and fully intent on satisfying his desire in her. But in the poor girl's heart she knew it wasn't her, it was another female and not some stranger this time...

"Krrr, atta girl, just like that." He rumbled soft and sweet, just loud enough for his mate to hear. Kandis was a good vent but, in the week that he'd known her, it had never felt this good. There was something about torturing his sweet innocent Tasha that drove him into it.

He'd only intended it to be a way to introduce his sweet mate to the wide variety of pleasure that could be had at the hands of others but it hadn't worked out the way he anticipated. She'd come out of her first experience almost unchanged, still vividly loyal to him and unwilling to explore other avenues. Yet she tolerated his unprecedented desire to sleep around with other girls with an almost knowing denial. He didn't understand what it all meant, he just knew he hadn't had an orgasm as incredible as when he'd her tied down on the stage... Good, yes, but not like that night.

And this, heavens alive, this was even better. He'd have tied her down if necessary but, instead, she'd watched of her own volition. Some part of her enjoyed watching him breed other females; he could see it in her eyes- literally. Confusion, concern, distress and even anger painted her features, but under it all a layer of arousal remained in play. At the moment though, his mind was focused on the more immediate issue.

He could feel that ball of pleasure growing in the pit of his loins as Kandy's tight little vent continued to hug his bare shaft with the very core of her being. The moist sloppy sounds of their devious copulation only enhanced the moment, coupled with the scent of their mingled friction-warmed fluids tainting the air. There was a puddle on Tasha's tailbase, oozing around the curve of her own unloved sex, teasing the poor girl wickedly. Ser had one last thing to do before fulfilling this pretty lady's desire.

The massive male stood over both hens and, without missing a beat, began slowly stepping forward, thrusting his hips flush against Kandy's to herd her along. It was difficult for the stripped dragoness to move with a massive log of male flesh pistoning in and out of her unprotected sex, nearly tripping over the poor thing beneath her twice. But the powerful jaw on her neck and paws around her hips kept the needy female on all fours.

Tasha had no idea what to think as she watched that warbling belly slowly advance one shaky step at a time. She could feel a long strand of cooling fluid being dragged up her backside as well, marking her with the strong scent of two copulating dragons. She hardly noticed when they stopped, her eyes glued on that long, tapered spire of male meat as it disappeared inside Kandy's vividly stretched nether lips. She could almost see the bulge of her mate's shaft as it slid home again and again inside the warm welcoming confines of her best friend.

Kandis was the first to reach her peak, her pleasured cry starting off long and low before quickly escalating to a heavenly crescendo. Tasha's violet eyes only gave her quivering slit a half glance. It took several more good, long, powerful thrusts to bring Seraph to his peak- though truth be told he was holding back, powerful muscles clenched tightly as he held himself in check to the very last moment.

The tense red drake had no intention of sparing his mate the final embarrassment, however. On his last leg, the needy male suddenly whipped his tail around Tasha's snout and yanked it upward. The sudden maneuver caught the unsuspecting dragoness off guard leaving neck stretched out to bring her nose-to-vent with the copulatory scene. The timing was perfect; Tasha's eyes focusing on her mate's impressive length just in time to see the first lurid bulge of dragon sperm getting forced down inside the tight seal of her girlfriend's bare vent.

The enraptured female starred unblinking as her lifemate began eagerly filling another woman, the hot throb of his juicy pink base sending a rush of aroused, conflicting emotions through her body while casually splattering his seed all over inside her best friend's unprotected sex. Ser showed no restraint in announcing his pleasure, adding in a very vocal sound of blissful satisfaction as he drained his lust into Kandis' very willing vent with reckless abandon. She took it all like the good girl she was but, just like her muzzle, even her lower lips couldn't handle the amount of lust being pounded under her tail.

Already fairly full with an earlier load of his seed and stretched deliciously around his hefty breeding rod, it didn't take much before the excess began spilling out around her tightly stretched neither lips. Tasha instantly became the recipient of these sloppy seconds. Her mate had never been one to hold back and, with a situation as unparalleled as this, he came quite copiously.

For the first time her eyes washed over lustfully as thick sticky strands of her mate's musky male fluid dribbled over her extended snout leaving the poor girl to bathe in the remnants of their unscrupulous mating. The moment of lust lasted only for a moment before Kandis' lewd moan reminded her of the situation; it might be his seed but it was her vent...

The two freshly sated dragons hung above their silent spectator, huffing and panting softly together in the heady afterglow of their shared indulgance. Tasha didn't know what to think, the poor thing too conflicted on so many levels to come out with anything remotely registering as a straight thought. It was only long after Ser finished laying his seed deep within the yawning slit of her best friend that he relaxed his tail and took a slow step back.

The motion was casual and deliberate, dislodging from the freshly rutted female in full view of his mate. Kandis had always felt good but it she'd never felt this good; even the first time he'd managed to 'convince' her to lift that pretty little tail of hers and let him stretch that tight, reluctant vent over his shaft didn't compare to the pleasure he'd felt this evening. With a soft pop the big male dislodged himself from the clingy confines of her deliciously tight undertail, letting the excessive strings of seminal fluid dribble from Kandy's sore nether lips. The silky core of this freshly rutted dragoness was lined with her mate's fluids and Tasha could clearly see just how deeply she'd been taken.

"Wonderful as always my dear." He purred and nibbled the back of Kandis' neck with serene affection. "Mmm, but you two should clean up. We're going to be late if we don't get going soon." Both females turned toward the red drake as he shook off. Tasha gave a questioning look but her mate just smiled casually as if nothing were amiss. "I did say tonight was dinner and a show. The movie starts in just under an hour. And I hope you don't mind that I asked Kandis if she'd like to join us."

The cream colored dragoness blushed and lowered her head, the embarrassment and awkwardness of the situation going seemingly or conveniently unnoticed by the big male. With a final stretch Seraph began trotting casually toward the back bathing room.

"Don't you two take too long now!" He called over his shoulder, leaving the two girls alone in awkward silence.

Tasha had no idea what to say. With her mind so wrapped up in recounting all the events of the evening in striking detail, she opted to say nothing at all as she washed her seed-covered snout beside an equally as silent Kandis. She couldn't keep going on like this... could she?

Getting Your Monies Worth

D: The black dragoness couldn't help but give her companion a kiss on the cheek as they sat down in the theater. He'd been so sweet to her with dinner and the gift and now a movie too, one she'd wanted to see for some time now without ever telling...

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A Chance Encounter

With a huff the blue-grey hippogriff slid off her porch slowly. Stopping with one paw raised, she glanced back at the open doorway with a last hopeful glance, tuffeted ears raised, but her boyfriend simply lay sprawled where she'd left him. He was good...

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Lab Work

D: The dragoness let off a soft sigh, the feral-fitting lab coat draped over her black hide clean and neat as she stood outside Sargon's office. Her green eye peered in the small window, she couldn't see him from this angle. The labtech really didn't...

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