Chapter XII, Hot blood Black fur (Part One)

Story by Pierce on SoFurry

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#13 of Tale's of the wanderer's

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Chapter XIII, Hot Blood Black Fur (Part One)

"...And don break anything!" the innkeeper said as he left the room. Nauil and Sibuna were lucky to find a room, not even to mention one with near the chimney of the inn.

Nauil discarded her soaked cloak and hung it to dry, while Sibuna never one to be bashful simply removed his kilt and rung it out over an empty chamber pot. Nauil turned to him before darting her eyes away from his toned backside with a deep blush.

The jackal let it hang over the edge of a small chair before sitting bare-ass on a bench near the heat producing brick. He ran his digits through his wet fur in an attempt to help it dry faster.

Nauil sat upon the tiny cot; it smelled like wet dogs had been living on it for years. The rain outside pounded hard. Neither the wolf nor jackal said anything to one another.

Both counted their luck for getting this room; Nauil for the tall black jackal being intimidating enough for the innkeeper to charge them normal price and not adding money for the circumstances, And Sibuna was thankful that the pretty wolf girl was able to convince the innkeeper to let them in a warm room.

The jackal sighed in satisfaction as he rubbed his legs and felt warmth return to them. Nauil watched him pump his arms to heat his legs, but she found her eyes wandering down his long backside till his strapping chiseled ass was within her sight. She caught herself and looked away.

The jackal absently looked at his feet, he wondered how his lovely company was doing. He looked over his shoulders just in time to see her look away from his ass. He grinned devilishly...

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Ramhoto the Slave Trader rung his hand nervously... This was a vary important man to his trade.

"Ramhoto, You have been a vary trusted supplier to me and my organization, what could you possibly have that I have not already seen?"

The crocodile gave a friendly smile that anyone else would mistake for malice "Viusis, What have I sold you over the years... some lions... a few wolves, a Tiger or two? I would not call you so hastily unless I had something that you and you enthusiasts would find too good to be true," the slaver clapped his fat claws and his lackeys brought out the goods.

The snake hissed in shock "GODS?! IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?" The croc nodded, his fat belly bounced with it.

The snake slithered slowly to his side "W-Where did you get that... thing?"

The croc slapped both hands onto his protruding gut and laughed "You would not believe me if I told you, just a heads up for the auction,"

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Ayden kept his ears flattened and his head down... His captor took no chances with such a valuable cargo.

He was alone again, and the croc had decided to punish him for such audacity to running away. While the crocodile could not punish him like any other slave he found ways around the 'fragility' of his cargo....

Aside from the Cropping the Slaver gave to him, he separated him from the only other creature that could speak to him.

The fox now lay naked on a cold stockade floor. In a cell that was too small to stand or sit in. If it were not humiliating enough for hours he had been dragged out of his cell and made to parade in front of perspective buyer...

Anyone could see the resentment in the slaves eye, he stood in normal slave position; hands tied behind his back and an iron collar that held his head up.

The fox was seemingly unaware of the fact that this was only a viewing; the auction would come later this was only the more wealthy and regular customers inspecting such a treasure.

If Ayden could understand the continental trade language of Kulya he would quickly learn that that he was in a slave Bazaar in Thran; it was more of a small Stockade with a large auction house attached to it. The Slave stockade held room for only one hundred slaves, which was small by port cities standards, but it made up for it in valuable slaves.

The auction house was well furnished a small platform was set at the end of the large octagonal room. A long line of 'good's' stood with backs to the wall. Before the slave auction rare and exotic animals were sold.

While the arena owners bided on exotic fare, slavers haggled and argued over deals on slaves that still waited in the stockade. What dominated most of the conversation was what a minor trader had brought for sale...

  • + + +

As the last lot was moved off the platform, the auctioneer nodded in his direction. The signal to move his lot on stage

"Hussk! Vrussk! Get the meat on stage,"

The two boars looked at each other before beginning to squabble over who would take the fox or creature.

The crocodile became irritated before hissing at his lackeys to get the crate containing the creature on stage before he sold the two of them to a butcher. He went to his privately reserved holding cell and Put the fox on a leash; at first the fox resisted but after a brief (And Gentle) cropping the fox marched slowly, his eyes filled with pain and tail between his legs.

The crowd gasped as they saw what the slaver Ramhoto had brought... A fire fur... Young, supple and healthy... Without a mark and from the looks of it, already broken.

The younger more ambitious slavers chatted excitedly among themselves, while the older more experienced one counted their cash mentally. A small gallery filled with nobles quickly became intrigued in such a rare luxury; a good fox was quite the status symbol amid many noble ranks. Wealthy brothel owners while few in the auction became vary interested.

The fox was led up the platform just in time for both of the crocs minions to place a huge crate near him before quickly backing away. While Ramhoto beamed with pride, Ayden felt like a bandit lead to his execution he did not dare to look over the crowd...

  • + + +

Sibuna was delighted to find the previous occupant of the room was a vintner, and that he had forgotten two jugs of Sherry, which Sibuna intended to quickly dispatch of.

For the life of him he could not understand the odd customs of his companion, while he would simply drink from a perfectly good jug, the wolf-girl would find a small bowl and sip the slightly sweet wine.

Nauil watched the large jackal swagger around the room drunkenly, she found herself a bit more cheerful then usual and she giggled when he accidentally bumped into something, he heartily laughed as well before falling onto the small cot.

Nauil gasped in surprise as she bounced up and fell onto the jackal with a groan. The barbarian caught her and pulled her into a kiss.

The wolf stared at him, the grin faded from his face as he gazed her in the eye. He thought that he might have done something wrong but just as he thought she would slap him she leaned into the broad barbarian and kissed...

  • + + +

An aged Coyote stood at the podium "I know we are all interested in what has been provided for our approval, but we have one more creature for sale before we move to servants, Trader Ramhoto? What was it you have again?"

The croc looked out over the crowd who was more interested in what stood chained next to him


The crowd looked at each other asking others if they knew what the croc talked about; the croc turned to his guards and hissed something. Eyes followed the two boars as the cautiously approached a crate until now ignored.

The side of the crate dropped away and the crowd gasped; horror gripped the faces of the nobles and beastmasters backed away cautiously.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER! I'LL KILL YOU I KILL YOU!" Marcus shrieked as he slammed on the makeshift bars that prevented him from venting his rage, but he may as well have been speaking Russian to a redneck and all the crowd of Beastfolk saw only a screaming monster.

Almost the second the beastmasters caution wore off the began to shriek bids

"15 ROYAL'S!"


"34 ROYAL'S!"

Bids continued to fly into the air, Ayden looked as far over his back as his color would allow; he saw his companion shriek madly out at the croc who simply ignored him.

"50 ROYAL'S!" A Rat called from the gallery.

"Going Once... Going Twice..."

"60 ROYAL'S!" the crowd's eyes fell upon a single robed Hyena.

"70 ROYAL'S!" The Rat yelled, such a rare beast would draw a large crowd

"100 ROYAL'S!" the crowd gasped as they heard such a huge amount, only slaves sold for such a sum

The auctioneer looked shocked, the crowd wondered who would pay such a princely sum for a beast.

"Going Once... Going Twice... SOLD! To the Hyena," the coyote called before cautiously backing away from the raging creature; the two Boars quickly shut the crate side again, though the beast's rage could still be heard.

With help from the reluctant guards they moved the crate off the stage, the slaves backed against the walls as the crate was moved past them...

  • + + +

It shocked Sibuna how quickly Nauil leaned in and kissed him; not that he was opposed to it, in fact he was more delighted at this then the free wine, she even seemed to forget his nudity, though that may have been a product of the wine.

She could taste the wine on his tongue as she licked the inside of his muzzle; he pushed his long red appendage into her mouth and tasted around. He ran his muscular paws down her small frame, she felt like silk.

Nauil likewise gripped his strong shoulders, his fur felt like spun cotton. His hands slowly slid down her sides until he felt her soft rump in his paws, Nauil was dimly aware of his paws until he gave her ass a good squeeze, she groaned and threw her head in the air; Sibuna took advantage of this and began to kiss her soft neck.

The snowy wolf moaned as she felt the jackal's long tongue rub against the soft fun on her throat. Sibuna's long ears brushed against the wolfs muzzle; Nauil took advantage of this and gently began to nibble on the long black ears causing Sibuna to shiver.

He slowly snaked his paw under her loose shirt, he let his long figures find the tender flesh of her breast and squeezed. Nauil cried out loudly as she felt the long digits of the jackal fondle her plump breast.

Sibuna marveled at the softness of her ample bosom. His other hand clutched the lovely wolf girl to him. Nauil still had the vary tip of his ear in her mouth even when she began to moan lustfully.

She could not explain what came over her, it was like a tidal wave of desire had hit her full force, and after seeing the jackals tightly toned figure and sleek shining fur she felt lust hit here like a comet.

Finally the jackal could not stand it any more, he pushed her down onto the bed and began to tug at her undergarments. He was hit with a blast of pheromones...

To be continued...

(Took me a while to write this one, I'm sorry for the wait. As always feel free to use my characters -Pierce)

Chapter XI, a cold night

Nauil surveyed the tough jackals form, her eyes hungrily ran up and down Sibuna's body from his broad shoulders to his muscular ass. The naked jackal looked over his shoulder and smiled "Such a lovely lass, I'm glad you decided to accompany me," ...

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Chapter X, Chained

Chapter X, Chained Marcus felt them stare at him... he could feel what he could only describe as 'Beastfolk' stare at them as they passed. But who could not stare at the sight; A Mysterious traveler clocked from head too toe, and a fox......

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Chapter IX, A rough passage

Chapter XI, Rough Passage (Please note, I'm having a bout of Writers block, I promise longer chapters soon) Sibuna the jackal felt like he would vomit, the ships constant rocking made him seasick. He had scaled great mountains, survived harsh...

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