Chapter XI, a cold night

Story by Pierce on SoFurry

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#12 of Tale's of the wanderer's

Nauil surveyed the tough jackals form, her eyes hungrily ran up and down Sibuna's body from his broad shoulders to his muscular ass.

The naked jackal looked over his shoulder and smiled "Such a lovely lass, I'm glad you decided to accompany me,"

Nauil smiled softly, she gazed into his green eyes. Sibuna turned towards her giving the wolf a good look at his robust form, his ebony black fur and his plump sheath. His black tip stood ready to fully emerge from the fat sheath.

The wolf-girl could feel her warm passage moisten in preparation for the passion to come, she lay back in the bed and spread her long lovely legs, giving Sibuna a good look of her soft cunt. Her silky white fur almost glowed in the moonlight.

Sibuna took in the sight of beautiful wolf; from her shimmering blue eyes to her plump breasts "My..." was all the jackal could manage.


Sibuna heard a gruff voice say.

"Mate!" louder this time


Sibuna almost jumped out of his skin as he fell from his hammock. A tall sailor helped him up; the jackal was still groggy from his sleep.

The sailor looked down "Mate, ya may wanna put yer kilt on," Sibuna looked down, apparently his cock had not gotten the message yet that the dream was over. His hardon was fully engorged knot and all.

The jackal quickly looked up, the wolf still stared wide-eyed at his impressive member "Ahem," the wolf quickly looked away from the black rod.

  • + + +

The rain fell like daggers upon the worn salt encrusted deck as it moored. It was late in the night; waves made the ship toss like a paper boat, had the ship been further out it would have no doubt sunk in the violent storm.

The crew rushed to moor the Icerunner in the dock, as was every other ship coming into port. The docks were in a frenzied pace as ships fought for a place to moor. The Icerunner had already pulled into a stone dock just the gusts of wind began to launch their assault upon the city of Whiteport.

Nauil tightly wrapped herself in a small cloak given to her by another sailor. Sibuna simply affixed his kilt to himself unfazed by the heavy rain that ran down his fur.

"I'm Afraid we can go no further by boat..." Sibuna said loudly as he tried to talk over the rain. The two of them had long since left the ship and the two both made their way along the stone docks trying to find shelter.

They both walked briskly in the rain trying to find an inn that was not full...

  • + + +

Nafusir grimly gazed out into the dark sky, as far as the eye could see the dark storm had turned the sky black. Rain fell heavily upon the usually parched city. In a way the storm was a blessing; it washed away the filth in the cities streets, it filled the cities wells and it watered the crops that sustained them.

In a way Nafusir had always liked storms, for some inexplicable reason the thunder and roar of rain upon his windows seemed to intoxicate him, its calming effect had mystified his valets and advisers. His behavior only served to confound them as well.

On many such occasions he seemingly wandered the palace aimlessly; any thing said to him was effectively like talking too a statue. His seemed almost zombie like in his pursuit of some unknown. While thunder and lightning had made others jump it only made the prince more intoxicated.

"My Prince, please..." Sababa tried in vain too talk too his lord, the normally sharp tiger simply ignored him and looked out his window at the churning sea, he had been in this state since the storm had set in.

"My lord, the Nobles are growing impatient," the tiger simply stood.

"The Hatusa question needs to be debated now!" this also did nothing to rouse the cat from his trance. After a few more vain tries Sababa hissed softly and gave up...

  • + + +

"Sibuna! We need to get out of this rain, before we catch our death!" Nauil said clutching her cloak to her shivering frame as tight as possible.

The Jackal nodded, and pulled her through the alleys of the normal dry city in search of escape from the icy rain as soon as possible; every inn they had visited had turned them away, and all the taverns were filled to the brim with traders and sailors in the same situation as them.

The two ducked under signs for harder sprays of rain and ran when the rain settled. Eventually they ran under a small bridge; it was small, but it was shelter.

Just as they ran in a billowing cloud of mist blew into the city. By this time Sibuna's constitution gave way too cold and he was shivering as much as the wolf-girl.

"S-so C-cold..." Nauil whimpered. Sibuna nodded. Whiteport was a semi tropical city, but storms like this made it like a fishing village in northern climates. Then Sibuna threw caution to the wind and made a bid for warmth.

Nauil's eyes flew open as she felt the Jackals strong paws wrap around her waist as he hugged her to his wet shivering frame. Despite the surprise she did not stop him. The warmth of his arms felt good against her.

Nauil felt the faint beat of his heart, the hardness of his muscle and the gentleness of his paws. Oddly Nauil felt her body begin to warm as the jackal held her close despite his wet fur. The two held close and soon they felt heat return to their cold bodies...

  • + + +

The load crack of lightning lit the sky, Nafusir stood like a statue at his window. He had not moved from the spot. A large blazer kept the room nice and warm, his bodyguard sat by it and enjoyed the heat. Sababa waited for his lord to break from his trance on a comfortable sofa, he puffed shisha flavored with mint while he waited.

The sound of rain had long since turned to white noise, the soft crackle of the fire competed with the weather. Nafusir had remained stoic for the majority of the day; both his bodyguard and Sababa were half asleep when he broke the drowsy silence

"It was a noble who wanted me dead..."

Sababa sat up like a bolt; on days like this he was effectively dead to the world it surprised him greatly that the prince spoke.

"It would half too be... a servant could not guide her all the way through the palace to my chambers, and a guard would have done the deed himself, it had too be a noble who guided her..." Nafusir said, almost apathetically

Sababa blinked, what the tiger was suggesting was there was a conspiracy to topple his throne "My lord, are you sure?"

The tiger turned to the lion "no one else could, plus the Hatusa would have no reason to kill me yet, they know that I could not act against them without the support of the diet, a noble would be the only one who would have a reason to kill me,"

Sababa turned his head to the bodyguard and nodded his head in the direction of the door before returning his gaze to the tiger "My lord... if such was the truth, who would want you dead?"

The Consular barely finished before Nafusir sneered "Who else?"

"Sific?" the Consular asked

"If I die, he is left unopposed to rule, I'm the only one who can control him and he has deep pockets to pay for assassins," Nafusir said wearily as he turned back the window "He knows I cant act without the diet behind me,"

"My lord, why would he risk his position in such a risky gambit?" Sababa asked. No reply came, the Prince had returned to his trance. Sababa sighed and sat upon the sofa he took a deep puff from the hookah...

  • + + +

Sibuna and Nauil quickly ran along the street in search of shelter, they had left the safety of the alley; they had since visited three more inns and two taverns to no avail.

"Are you sure there is no space?" Nauil asked

The Innkeeper shakes his head before closing the door. Nauil whimpered softly, as they began to run again, Sibuna kept his eyes open for more tavern signs. They both ran at a feverish pace, finally the spotted an inn sign.

Sibuna lifted his large paw and pounded on the door, an old Lynx popped his head out of the door "What?"

"Are there any spaces left?" the jackal asked.

The old cat glared "No!" before slamming the door, Sibuna growled in a low tone until Nauil gently placed her paw on his shoulder.

He gently took hold of her paw "Let's go..." as they raced into the street in search of warmth...

(Wrote this in a hurry, I've been busy lately. As always feel free to use any characters or settings of mine)

Chapter X, Chained

Chapter X, Chained Marcus felt them stare at him... he could feel what he could only describe as 'Beastfolk' stare at them as they passed. But who could not stare at the sight; A Mysterious traveler clocked from head too toe, and a fox......

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Chapter IX, A rough passage

Chapter XI, Rough Passage (Please note, I'm having a bout of Writers block, I promise longer chapters soon) Sibuna the jackal felt like he would vomit, the ships constant rocking made him seasick. He had scaled great mountains, survived harsh...

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Chapter VIII, Politics

Chapter VIII, Politics The four armed goddess... the black spirit... such were the names of Hatua, the four armed panther goddess and patron of the Hatusa... the faith was old... much older then the prince of Whiteport could possible know......

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