Horribly Right

Story by ClockworkSable on SoFurry

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Sniffy gay semi-consensual/unconscious sex? I dunno; I'm so bad at these.

I wrote this because I felt like it - no real intents or purposes, it's just pooorrrrrnnn! Don't expect Shakespeare.

I think it sucks, but I must obey tradition and post it regardless.

SUPER IMPORTANT WARNING: Contains underwear sniffing and semi-consensual unconscious/sleep-sexytimes. It was also horribly proofread because I just wanted to get the damn thing out the way, so apologies for the quality.

Let's do this shit.

Having never been the kind to speak up first, Jay found himself watching on in lugubrious resignation. Not wanting to infringe on the party's atmosphere, he stifled a sigh. Alone on the sticky black leather sofa, his eyes remained firmly fixed on the white-tailed stag who swayed, without a single sober care in the world, his hips in time with the blaring music - well, almost in time.

He was so... confident. Why couldn't Jay be more like that? Not cocky or arrogant, but just enough to be... ugh. Jay felt a familiar self-loathing wash over him - and he hadn't even been drinking. Nope, the half-empty can of cider that rested in his paw didn't constitute for much, other than to soothe his nerves - although it would probably take a lot more than that to calm him down.

Despite Jamie - the stag's - friendly demeanour, the arctic fox simply couldn't approach him. Well, he could approach him alright, but approach him without fucking up hugely thanks to a lack of social awareness and stumbling on his own words? Not likely.

'You beat yourself up too much.' He told himself. He knew he was right, but it was hard to blame anyone else for his own social inabilities.

"Boo!" A furry black mass called from his side, colliding with the sofa. Jay was sent rocketing off the chair, almost spilling his booze. Sammy! Jay could never tell whether or not she was drunk. "Cheer up spoilsport!" She cheered before he could speak up. Had his self-disdain really been that obvious?

"I am cheering... up? Yeah. I am cheered!" He was aware his sentence made no sense, but he was sure Sammy would understand. He repositioned himself on the chair, crossing his arms. "What makes you think I'm not?"

"Weeellll..." She began running a digit up and down his arm seductively. She didn't mean it, but she had always enjoyed breaching his comfort zone in one way or another. "You've sulked in a corner for the past ten minuuuutes..." She began, dragging out her sentences. Jay still couldn't tell if she was drunk or not. She leaned in and reduced her voice not to a whisper, but something close enough. "And Jamie still isn't inside yoooouuu-"

He pushed her away - half playfully, half seriously. The temperature of his face increased tenfold. Even though she knew of his plan - she was the orchestrator of it, after all - he still didn't like to talk about it. He was just that kinda guy. Sex was good and all, but he still couldn't bring it up without blushing. He knew it was childish, but he hadn't... well, he lacked experience in the field. Maybe that had something to do with it.

"Stop it, Sammy!" He gushed, turning away from her.

"What? It's true! By now, you two should be going at it like a..." She searched for words. "...horny arctic fox banging a drunken stag! Or is it the other way around?" She paused as if she actually expected an answer. "I forget!" By now, Jay had his head in his paw. "Oh come ooooonnn!" She playfully punched his arm. "We've still got our plan, right?"

"Right..." He began after a moment of reflective silence. "Right. Yeah." He looked back at her, then to the stained carpet. "But... but I dunno if I could go through with it-"

She grabbed him by the arm and yanked him off the sofa.

"Sammy! What're you-" He stuttered, before the black kitty hushed him with a paw. Without any further words, she took him into the hallway.

"Right." She held him against the wall. "Listen to me, you... fluffy white... awkward piece of shit." Jay perked his ears, unsure of what to expect. "Every time an opportunity pops up, you pussy out of it. I know it sounds harsh but every damn time it's the same. Jamie or Lee or someone is just there, pissed out of their minds, totally open for the whole 'sex' thing. Right?"


"Right. It's as if they're offering themselves up to you. Alright, maybe not you personally, but I certainly never see anyone else taking the bait. Then you just shy away-"

"Sammy," Jay spoke up hesitantly. "Let me stop you there. Jamie may be totally up for... well, y'know, but there's just one small problem."

"And that is...?" Her head tilted.

"I haven't spoken to him the entire night. I haven't even had the confidence to approach him and say 'hi.' That's how... bad... I am at this." There was a short silence. "I mean, what do you expect? Just for me to go and... 'oh hey Jamie, nice to meet you. Let's go and do it?'"

She pondered for a moment. "He probably wouldn't decline, to be honest."

His face met his palm. "Sammy, I am not just gonna ask for sex off the bat. That's... no."

"What's wrong? Loadsa people do it!"

He threw her a glare. "Am I that kinda person? No! That's just... slutty. Lewd. I'm not a slut and I don't really wanna be seen as such." His ears fell back. "Plus... what if he said no? And... and I can't even speak to anyone. I'd just fuck up and-"

Halted mid-sentence with a sharp tug, the cat guided him through to the living room again. Their plan was to wait until Jamie had drunk himself into oblivion, spark up a game of truth or dare or something like that, then "dare" the two to kiss and it'd be plain sailing from there. Probably.

However, both Jay and Sammy knew that Jay was too shy to do it himself and would probably require a good kick in the arse to get him into the swing of things - probably literally. The two made their way through the small crowd of furs until they reached a familiar stag. Jay gulped. Butterflies waltzed in his stomach. He had visions of his legs turning into a gelatinous mass and collapsing into a quivering heap the moment Jamie set eyes upon him, then he realised that the vision was fast becoming a reality.

"Right," She shouted in his hear, barely audible over the music. "I'm gonna go get his attention. It's the most I can do without spoon feeding you the whole way." She tapped the stag on the shoulder and he was thrusted out of his own little world. Oh dear god, Sammy was whispering something to him. What could it be? Jay daren't even imagine. Probably, like... 'See that fidgeting awkward arctic fox? He wants your dick.'

The buck's reaction said it all. After Sammy pulled away - giggling, no less - his eyes widened and he turned to face the fox, stumbling back slightly. The stumbling was probably down to the alcohol, but the three-ish second glare that followed wasn't. Or it didn't seem that way, anyway. Given Sammy's forwardness, he wouldn't be surprised if she had put the stag off him for life and ruined his chances forever.

Jamie was openly gay; Jay, not so much. Jamie could probably tell exactly what Jay wanted and this knowledge didn't help soothe Jay's apprehension. Or the fact that Jay had often masturbated to fantasies involving Jamie.

Oh God Oh God say something he's waiting for you to say something Jay you stupid fuck what are you doing-

The buck threw Jay a small wave. To make matters worse, Jay couldn't turn away and pretend he never saw anything. God, this was awkward already. Behind his pearly white fur, his skin glowed a fiery crimson. He choked out a pathetic 'hey,' before staring at the ground.

Unbeknownst to the fox, Jamie found his awkwardness rather adorable. However, he was far too drunk to bother with all the formalities. But the fox seemed a bit too shy to go through with any of this himself, so what were they to do? Any attempt at conversation from the deer would undoubtedly be inappropriate or struck down and he wasn't exactly in a state to make any courteous introductions. He also noticed that Jay was pretty hot, but even a rock was 'hot' to Jamie when he was drunk. Then again, even though they rarely saw each other at university, he had the same thoughts when he was sober. He wouldn't go running after him, but he was certainly aesthetically pleasing.

What would Jamie say, though? 'Hey, cutie!' seemed a bit too forward. And creepy. Then again, he had the alcohol to excuse anything he did... within reason. Wait, was the fox drunk too? That would make it easier.

Fuck it, he thought; his inhibitions were gone and it was the fox who approached him.

"Hey cuuuutie." The buck beamed, smiling and generally looking totally wasted. From behind him, Sammy winked exaggeratedly and flashed Jay a thumbs-up.

Now he's speaking to me what do I do oh goodness I can't think of anything to say-

"Wanna dance?" He extended a paw... or hoof, whatever. Jay opened his muzzle to say something, before pausing and realising there was nothing he could say. The blood pumped through him even faster. His palms grew quickly sweaty. That was... unexpected. "'Cuz, er, someone_suggested you wanted to." He grinned in sync with the black cat behind him. Well, that was already a load off his shoulders - at least Sammy hadn't told him something like _'he wants to feel you several inches inside him.'

"I-I... I'm a crap dancer, honestly-" He barely managed to sputter, before he stopped as he noticed Sammy shaking her head rapidly and scolding at him. He knew that internally she was screaming something along the lines of 'Don't you even think about backing out you little shit!'

"So am I."

Before Jay could redact his statement, the hoof reached for his own. The buck took his quivering, clammy paw into his own and pulled him into his chest_._ Jay's heartbeats grew in intensity and frequency and his breath quickened. Oh goodness, what would he do? The Stag he had a crushing lust for now held him into his chest - had Jay been slightly taller, their noses would be brushing. Oh God, he was so close to him. His mouth had gone as furry as own coat. His chest was now pressed up against the Stag's firmer, larger one and he could even smell him above the reek of alcohol. He bit his lip, a shiver trembling through him.

Jay could see why the term 'hard to swallow' was often used in moments like these - it was almost painful with such a dry throat. While the buck's statement wasn't all that untrue, he certainly had rhythm. As the fox followed, almost in time, to his movements, none of them cared for - or even noticed - the implications of two guys almost grinding to the music. Whatever, nobody really cared for that around these parts. Jay had long finished his cider, but his mouth remained dry and cotton.

Eventually, the two grew exhausted. Next to no words had been exchanged between them, yet they had quickly grown strangely familiar and comfortable with one another. After retrieving two breezers or some other alcopops from the kitchen, the stag joined the still-exhausted ball of cuddly whiteness.

"We don't talk enough." he remarked, handing Jay his drink. The fox noticed his speech was slurred and quite drawn out.

Oh Jesus, not conversation!

"Huh? What makes you say that?" Jay questioned, his timid voice standing in contrast to the stag's bolder, more dominant one. Or, it would be bold and dominant, were it not impeded by intoxicated slurs and drones.

"Well," He began, although his 'l's sounded more like 'w's. "Because thiss..." his head rolled back as if it couldn't support the weight of his antlers. Thank goodness they were trimmed, like most bucks'; otherwise someone would be missing an eye by now. "This is our first conversation! And I... I spend too much time not approaching cute guys such as yourself..." Jay picked at the label of his bottle, not looking the stag in his eyes, occasionally taking tentative sips. "... and then I... like, beat myself up fer it..."

"Ohhh, I dunno... you seemed pretty confident to me." He squeaked. He was met with an exaggerated head-shaking in response.

"Nawwhh... not when it comes to approaching adorable guys. Nishe to meet you, by the way! S...sorry if I'm creepin' you out already... It happens when I'm drunk." He took another gulp from his bottle and - dear God, it was half finished already.

"Nooo, it's alright..." Jay relaxed his shoulders after noticing how hunched his posture was.

"Ya' sure? 'cuz, like, we barely know each other, so it might be awkward... y'know?"

Jay swallowed. The butterflies had resumed their dancing. "What might be awkward?" He half expected the Buck to swoop in on him and blurt out something like 'this!' While he would have liked that - oh yes, he would have really liked that - the thought made him tense up a little. Was he not ready, or was it just nerves?

"Well... like... Sammy said thatchu wanted to dance, yeah? Well, when one guy approaches another wasted drunk gay guy, it usually means... well, it usually means... like-"

"Okay, yeah I get it." He interrupted, preventing the conversation from growing even more awkward. At least he knew now, however, that Sammy didn't just full-on give away his intentions. Thank you, Sammy.

"She also said you wann'ed to fuck... so yeah... there's that too."

Fuck you, Sammy.

He burned up. He had never been so embarrassed in his life. He couldn't even look the stag in the eyes. All the desire that was once there was gone, kicked to the back of his mind by the obnoxious embarrassment.

"I-I didn't-... I'm s-sorry if I-"

The deer interrupted him with a laugh.

"Don'tchu worry 'bout nothin', hun... I'd do the same..." An awkward silence came between them, despite the blaring music, and Jamie finished his drink. Jay sipped at his with trembling paws. "Aw shit-" he groaned as he mopped up spilt drink from his lap with his sleeve. "How long's that been there?" Jay heard him mumble to himself as he sat there, unsure of what to say or do. Well, at least now Jamie knew his true intentions...

... and hadn't shown any disinterest.

"Uhh..." he began, ending the blaring silence that surrounded them. "Juss' sayin' an' all, but, like... I'm super drunk and... well, susceptible..."

Oh God, he's the worst hinter ever. He may as well just come out with "I'll totally let you fuck me." Go for it, Jay! Do something!

But he couldn't. His heart was pounding so fast he wondered if it was healthy... or physically possible. There was no trace of moisture in his maw as an entire fox worth's of sweat accumulated in his palms. He wanted to just... do something, but he just couldn't.

"_Like, I'd never say this sober... and I really don't mind if..." He continued. Jesus, he was pretty much _asking for it. It wasn't even like there was a risk of rejection or anything... but what about tomorrow? What if he regretted it? He'd have the alcohol as a failsafe excuse- but was it too obvious he was mostly sober?

What if he had any... infections?

"... I mean I'm not saying we should-"

Fuck it.

Jamie was in the middle of saying something, but was silenced by a swift movement, then lips of an arctic fox. As he pondered, Jay's subconscious had secretly been working, for once, in his favour, building up an unfamiliar confidence that exploded in a fraction of a second. The fox's free paw swung around to back of the buck's head as his tongue rolled in, with shameless enthusiasm, to Jamie's awaiting maw. Out of reflex, the drunk Stag jumped, before taking the fox in a tight grip, his eyes fluttering closed. His tongue helplessly battled the slick intruder that invaded his wet, warm crevice. Jay noticed his partner's juices bore a strong taste of chemicals, ethanol and stag - an unusual combination for Jay. Heavy, desperate breaths defiled the air as they trembled down the buck's muzzle. Tongues swirled, tepid juices were exchanged and soon enough, moans escaped the deer. His tongue was big, but smooth - oh, and wet - a nice contrast to the flat roughness of Jay's own, the moisture of which was quickly returning. His embarrassment dwindled instantly to nothing more than an insignificant niggling and he wanted to just climb on top of the stranger - the same stranger that had featured in so many of his fantasies - and ride him right there and then. Maybe even the other way around; he still knew nothing of Jamie's sexual habits, other than that he was a good kisser.

As much as Jay would have liked to have stayed like that forever, his body had other ideas. Jay's sheath shifted; he felt it bulge and his sensitive cock head brush against the cotton of his pants, sending him breaking away from the kiss.

The two opened their eyes and stared at each other. No more words escaped them; none needed to. Jamie hastily took the fox's paw in his hoof and guided him through the living room, into the hallway and towards the stairs.

'Oh God,' he thought to himself, although in a more positive, excited light than the previous time those words graced his mind. 'He's taking me upstairs... to the bedrooms! I'M GEETTTIIN' LAAIIID'!'

But when the stag stumbled and tripped on the third step, falling back into Jay's arms, the fox grew concerned for his sobriety. The thoughts diminished as the two found themselves in each other's cosy, warm, sloppy embrace... right there on the stairs, as if their muzzles were magnetised.

Jay pulled back after a few seconds, however.

"We... we kinda need to get up the stairs." He squeaked. With him now taking the lead, he helped the stag on his hike to the first floor. It was a big house, with multiple bedrooms - all, as far as Jay could remember, with lockable doors. Oh, tonight was going to be fun!

As they approached the door to the nearest room, they paused. Somehow, they ended up in another kiss - this one longer and much more intimate, with their paws landing on each other's rears. Jay's cock only edged further out of its sheath as he squeezed the buck's tight butt, pushing him into a deeper, more intense kiss.

Suddenly, a door swung open to reveal a black tabby cat.

"Ah, I was looking f- hooooly shit! You go girl!" She erupted into a cheer. "The, uh, bedroom's free for you two, hehehe..." she began, but stopped as she realised they were too absorbed in each other's muzzles to acknowledge her presence. "I'll... yeah. Stay safe, guys!" She took off down the stairs. Jay imagined she would probably tell everyone what they were up to, but he'd be damned if he gave a shit.

Jay was the one to pull away again. This time, a string of saliva lingered for a second. He brought the buck through to the bedroom, now feeling the kick of the alcohol in his system. However, as he sat the deer down on the bed, he noticed something... off. Something about the way the guy looked him in the eyes - rather, looked through him. He could barely even sit up.

Jay brushed it off, pressing the stag down into the duvet of the double bed. He paused, before he remembered he had a door to lock. As he returned, he straddled the deer, leaned into his awaiting muzzle and held back on absolutely nothing.

His paws ran up the stag's T-shirt, resulting in a sharp gasp from him. Ooft, he was toned! His paws explored a deliciously buff frame; defined pecks; smooth, solid abs... Oh God, he wanted this fucking stag... and he was going to have him.

His other paw traced its way down to the stag's bulging crotch. With a firm grasp, he took it in his paw. He shivered at the thought of feeling it several inches deep inside him. Jamie's own paws ran up and down the chest of the looming white fox, before snaking under his T-shirt. Subconsciously, Jay bit his lip, stifling a gasp at the contact. Funny, he thought, how a shy, awkward fox such as himself could go from bumbling, blushing loner to lust-fuelled, throbbing horndog. Or fox, whatever. The two were running on instinct, their paws developing a mind of their own. Every sweet ridge of the buck's muzzle graced his tongue, before it explored the slick, flat flesh of his soft, hot muscle.

But the kiss grew gradually weaker and eventually Jamie's hoofs stopped exploring Jay's frame. Jay withdrew, throwing the buck a quizzical look. Jamie's eyes remained shut.

"J..Jamie?" He panted. No response. He gently tapped the side of his muzzle with the back of his digit. Again, no response; only the soft rising and falling of the chest.

Oh shit.

"Don't worry about it, Jay, really. It's not the first time the idiot's drank himself into unconsciousness."

Jay sighed.

"Thanks, Sammy. Ugh, it was going so well!"

"There's always another time though, eh?" She smiled. Jay's eyes moved down to the unconscious Stag as he lay in the recovery position, a bucket by the side of the bed.

"I suppose..." He began in response, melancholy. "I guess I've nothing to do but look after him now, anyway. I'll sleep in this room, if that's okay with you."

"It's my parents', so don't tell anyone." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Yeah, that's alright. Just make sure he doesn't die or anything."

"I thought he had for a minute! That's why I came running down to you shirtless, shouting 'Oh dear lord I think I killed him!' Or whatever it was I said." He blushed; now half the house had seen him topless. Great. An to think only half an hour ago, he had his tongue down in the maw of a stag, so close to turning a series of fantasies into one messy reality. Ugh.

"Then you remembered dead people don't breathe or have any pulses." She smirked and then thought for a moment. "It'd be a good way to go though, right?"

He glared. "Sure. Whatever." He turned to face the sleeper. "Anyway, I think I'll go to bed now."

"What - already!?" She seemed genuinely shocked and even a little offended.

"Uhuh." He elaborated no further than that. Of course, it wasn't the case at all - his erection from earlier had resurfaced after learning that he hadn't killed Jamie after all. The tension still lingered and gnawed at him; he needed to get rid of it one way or another. The en-suite, with a lot of tissues for company, seemed like the only way now.

"Well... okay, I guess. Keep an eye on him. Sorry you didn't get your dick wet and all, though. Better luck next time, buddy." She patted him on the shoulder.

"Goodnight, Sammy."

"Night, gayboy. Call me if you need anything."

And just like that she was gone, leaving only him and the stag in the room.

He locked the door, not hurrying anything.

It seemed unfair, but he was kind of angry; he should be screwing that buck right now. Or the other way around. Or better yet, both. Ugh.

He headed to the toilet and threw the light switch on. Wait, he had a condom.

Maybe it wouldn't go totally unused after all. Or maybe he should keep it for another time and just stick with tissues? Ack, this was going to be the most disappointing orgasm of his life, but he needed to do away with his throbbing problem one way or another. A quick peak into the bedroom confirmed the door was locked before he began to unzip. He'd probably sleep in his pants, so he let his trousers fall to the floor before kicking them away. He removed his shirt too, because - well, why not? Saved him from doing it later, he supposed.

Ugh... but what was he going to get off too? More fantasies? The thought only angered him; he was so close to finally having that buck to himself, yet he still found himself furiously jacking off in the bathroom to mere thoughts of him - this time as the guy slept no more than five yards away!

Get over youself, Jay, you'll have plenty of opportunities.

Actually, you probably won't.

He sighed.

Then an idea struck him. He was surprised it had taken this long, given his current mindset... but it was a brilliant one. Simple, yet it made his stomach twist into some bizarre knotted formation. His tail - among other things - shifted rapidly.

Ethical implications were the least of his concerns as he approached the sleeping deer. He tapped him gently on the face. He flicked his nose. No response. He had seen people in this state multiple times before - he wouldn't be waking up for a while, no matter what happened.

A grin spread across his muzzle.

He removed Jamie's trousers as his heart began to drum against his chest with dangerous intensity.

His thumbs found their way into the rim of the sleeping beauty's black boxers and he, with a cautious movement, slid them down his unmoving legs. Now, he wasn't really into scents and all that - they weren't exactly a turn off, more something that just hadn't occurred to Jay before. But from that buck... it was different.

He sat on the edge of the bed, boxers scrunched in his paw. He looked at them, before plunging them into his muzzle and inhaling deeply.

"Oh G-God!" He gasped without realising, vocalising his arousal. Amongst the cotton, he was hit with the deer's own unique scent, along with a heavy, empowering musk. Shaky breaths trembled out from his occupied muzzle as the scent enveloped him; there was even a hint of sweat, but it just added to the maleness of it all - the very same maleness that drove Jay to grasp his dick and start furiously jacking off, huffing the musky, cotton mass in his paw.

He stopped before he could get too into it and triple-checked that the door was locked - y'know, just in case. On his way back to the bed, though, he noticed the stag lay, knocked completely out, on the bed... bottomless. Jay had been so eager to bury his muzzle into the underwear that it never previously occurred to him; the buck's rear was completely exposed.

His heart jumped.

Ideas flooded the Fox's head and he found himself absent-mindedly running his paw up and down his throbbing, twitching length - not that he would need any physical touch to maintain it, however. His toes curled in and out and almost tore the soft patch of soft carpet they rested on. Meanwhile, that sexy, enticing deer lay bottomless on a double bed.

Jay could do anything he wanted to him and he would never remember.


But... he couldn't, could he? Was that wrong? Heck, was it rape? Jay wasn't a rapist... he hoped. He had the pants to keep him company, and the exposed ass to... well, maybe grope and stare at and feel. That couldn't hurt, right? Gah.

Who was he kidding? With the opportunity right in front of him, mere musk and groping just wasn't enough. They were gonna fuck anyway, right? What difference would it make if one of them just happened to be unconscious?

Sitting next to Jamie now, the fox placed his paws on the buck's ass cheeks. They ran through the fur, which tickled his soft, trembling paw pads. His cock leaked at the contact and his stomach's knot intensified. He turned to straddle the legs, now looking directly down on the rear, before cautiously slipping a thumb under the stubby tan-and-white mass of fluff that was his tail.

His thumb tip met with a puckered, warm ring. It flinched slightly at the touch, as if the deer were awake. The fox's length pulsed with anticipation. With his other paw, he traced down to the sleeper's balls and gently rolled them around in his paw. He noticed they were pretty big - he assumed that was normal for stags. He suddenly liked stags a lot more.

His thickness began to hurt, as if it was begging Jay to hurry up with burying his dick under the tail and hammering the sleeping buck's ass. His thumb ran up and down the ring and Jay felt every muscular detail of it, before pressing the digit firmly against the tight hole.

Wait... the stag's pucker was completely dry. He needed to change that! Shuffling back, then leaning down before making a small parting in the deer's ass with his thumbs, Jay's muzzle cautiously approached the muscular entrance. His cold, wet nose bumped into it - had Jamie been awake, he would have probably flinched at the contact. His ring pulled back slightly, contracting at the unfamiliar touch. Jay savoured the musk it exuded - the same scent found on the pants, but more intense and prevalent. His sensitive vulpine nose twitched as the masculine scent washed through him and slowly, he extended his tongue.

Tentatively, he pressed it against the fleshy pink ring and trailed his tongue up it. With a muzzle buried completely in ass, it was hard to breath, but totally worth it. Dragging his slick muscle back down the sensitive region, his member throbbed in delight. He repeated the movement, the moist hole gradually relaxing beneath the rough, wet vulpine tongue as he savoured the sensation of the puckered ring against his tongue.

I can't believe this is actually happening.

He picked up the pace, swirling, massaging and teasing the hole, his face buried completely in the buck's rounded cheeks, heaving with every musky breath he took. Eventually, he pulled back; the cold air washed around where his muzzle had once been buried in soft, warm stagness. The fur surrounding his pucker was matted, damp and darkened - as was the fur of his muzzle. Jay considered rolling the guy over and sucking him off for a while, but he doubted it'd be worth the effort.

Shifting forward again, Jay's balls rested on the back of Jamie's leg. With his left paw, he slid his thumb back under the tail, grasping the base of his length with the other. He stroked up and down, before cupping his paw around the shaft and pawing slowly, resisting the temptation to just blow his load over the exposed buck rear.

The ring clasped sharply around the invading thumb as it slid into the moist, now-lubricated hole. For a moment, Jay could have sworn he noticed the stag take a sudden, quick breath. After a terrified pause, he resumed the penetration. Warmth engulfed the digit as the hole loosened its grip and allowed it to venture deeper. Sinking to the base, Jay felt around the soft, wet walls of the hot interior, keeping an eye on Jamie, just in case... y'know.

There came a point where he couldn't hold back any longer. Remembering the condom in his pocket, he withdrew his thumb and dashed to the en-suite, tiptoeing across the soft carpet as if to prevent the stag from waking up. Not as if that was possible... he hoped. Fumbling in the pockets of his discarded trousers, he produced a foil packet. He didn't hesitate to tear open the packet and toss it aside.

What if I'm the one who passed out and this is my comatose fantasy? This seems too good to be true.

With shaking paws, he rolled the latex sleeve over his twitching cock. Then, climbing onto the bed with his knees, he loomed just over the rump. A breath trembled out of him as he took in the sight that lay before him; even though he was asleep, it was as if the buck was enticing him, inviting him in...

He pressed the head of his member against the hole and with a solid push, he was in.

Jay's head fell back. He was so warm and tighter than Jay recalled from when his finger was inside him no less than five minutes ago. Hot, fleshy walls enveloped Jay's cock and his eyes shut. He pushed in - making sure not to go too fast - and began to pant as the wet tunnel hugged the intruder, sending waves of pleasure through his body.

He could feel his thickness twitch and throb inside Jamie, the buck's ridged insides gliding over the meat. Even the slightest of contact almost sent Jay into a frenzy. As he reached the knot, the fox checked the buck- he was still completely out. Phew.

It wasn't just the tight canal hugging his dick that sent him closer to the edge - it was the sheer boy-to-boy intimacy. The feeling of his knot bulging against another guy's hole, the balls so nearly touching (and they would be touching, was it not for the knot) the plump cheeks in his paw... it all added up. Jay didn't have a care in the world right now - not about tomorrow, about the implications of tipsily screwing a K.O'd drunk or even the thought of him waking up. It was just too good, too surreal, even - a fantasy literally come true.

He pulled back gently, observing his latex-engulfed member as it glistened in the light, then disappeared back up the deer's ass, pushing through the tight cavity as it caressed his sensitivities. A soft scrunching played as he slowly bred the deer and acted as - along with Jay's heavy breathing - the only thing that broke the erotic silence that filled the room.

Jay leaned forward, edging closer to the stag's clothed back. He shifted his paws to Jamie's sides, resting them on his thick, masculine frame. His hips thrusted faster now, his meat now overcome with a constant friction that sent sensation after sensation throughout his smaller, foxier frame. A fluffy tail brushed against the tod's pubic fuzz with every thrust, which Jay found strangely erotic. Eventually, he grew confident enough to press his knot against the reddened hole enough so that it didn't slip in, but their hips clashed.

Soft thwaps of hip-to-ass contacted bounced off the walls and echoed throughout the room as the wet, hot friction on his member shot pleasure through his frame. He was already close - with arousal as intense as his, nobody would last very long. Placing a paw on Jamie's back, his other paw slid up to the stag's antlers and he took hold of one. Tugging back accordingly with each thrust, Jay was now thrusting at speed comparable only to that of a horny arctic fox banging a sleeping deer -an uncommon allusion.

Pre oozed from his dick and into the rubbery pouch as he tightened his grip on the bony appendages, thrusting with all his might. He was by no means rushing the encounter, he just couldn't hold back; he was running entirely on instinct, which drove him to hammer the cervine's ass as hard as he could, shameless moans now escaping him. He was aware that nobody was around to hear or see and he made the most of it.

Before he knew it, his length grew more sensitive; an energy had built up inside him which increased with every throb, twitch and stroke of his tool. Eventually, his knees grew weak and he trembled, his fingertips turning white beneath the fur as he tightened his grip. Then, letting an obnoxious moan slip, he erupted into the cervine tunnel, filling the condom with his hot, slick seed; his meat spasmed inside the canal and his he shifted a paw, digging his claws into one of those perfectly toned cheeks. The most powerful orgasm he had ever had the pleasure of experiencing shattered every fibre of his being and rocked through his body and he quickly found himself lost in it.

Panting, overcome with afterglow, he remained looming over Jamie's unaware body. His mind gradually returned to the material world, descending from its orgasm-induced ascension to nirvana. He straightened his back and observed as he pulled back on his now hypersensitive meat. With a pop, it flopped out of the buck's abused rear, sticky with lube.

Still weak from the mind-obliterating orgasm, Jay trudged shakily through to the bathroom. He unrolled the condom from his now slickened cock, wrapped it in toilet paper and threw it in the bin.

He approached the bed again, a wave of guilt dropping on him. Was what he just did even legal? How would he explain the inevitable anal pains to Jamie?

Oh wait, he wouldn't. The guilt diminished in an instant, drowned out by the euphoric satisfaction of having such a fantasy come true. Whatever happened, it was totally worth it. It's not like he would remember or anything; and even if he did, he had the alcohol as a failsafe excuse.

He awkwardly dressed the deer, before falling back into the duvet, not even slipping under the covers. Gosh, he was suddenly so tired; understandable, given the intensity of the encounter.

Jay couldn't decide how to describe the night; it had gone so horribly wrong, yet right. Just like the sex; so horribly wrong, yet so horribly right. That'd have to do; horribly right.

He wondered what he'd tell Sammy. As he slipped, much like Jamie, only more gracefully, out of consciousness and into dreamland, he realised that he couldn't exactly boast to her about this encounter. Not that it was wrong or anything... just a little out of the ordinary. People may not appreciate that the way he did. Oh well... it would be their secret.

Rather, it would be his.

Thanks to avatar?user=321992&character=0&clevel=2 Scales of Yrouk for checking it over and existing.


So, I'm not entirely happy about this one. I wrote this as an experiment to see what I'd get done if I just sat and wrote something with absolutely no pre-planning within a given space of time. As you can imagine, it's nothing brilliant, but I'm...

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Falling Into Place

_Or "An abrupt occurrence of homoerotic interspecial intercourse."_ So, this is an on-off project I've had going for a while; just today I forced myself to finish it and I'm not unhappy with it. I actually ended up restarting it roughly 7 and a half...

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