GBL High: Chapter Eight

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#8 of GBL High (Fave)

I had a lot of spare time over the past two days, so I was able to get this 25 page, 10'337 word edit done :) hope its all good! Do take note I did my editing in 4 in the morning haha so do escuse it like ususal :P

Chapter Eight


Timmy gasped as his tight pants slid easily from his legs, leaving the feline laying down in his pair of red underwear, the elastic waistband stretched over a pink length that just slightly poked free from the casing.

Timmy gulped slightly, while the blush over his face went all the way into the pink of his ears.

"Oh kitten." Ryan whispered, like somebody getting something they have always wanted, but knowing how expensive it really was.

"Y-Yeah?" Timmy asked nervously,

"You're just gorgeous." Ryan whispered. Timmy smiled and exhaled as the feline above him, just stood and let his eyes soak in the beautiful gift.

Timmy giggled a little as he watched Ryan just look over his body, but movement grabbed Timmy's attention. A pulsating in Ryan's jeans.

Timmy gulped a little and slowly sat himself up as his new teenage mind began to urge him forward. Timmy gulped as he moved himself forward just in front Ryan who tilted his head and laid a paw just softly on his cheek.

"What are you doing beautiful?" Ryan asked, rubbing his thumb against the felines cheek.

Timmy didn't know how to respond; he didn't even know what he was doing. All he knew was what he was about to do.

Timmy reached up with both his paws and with a pace just as fast as a snails, began to slowly undo Ryan's thick belt.

Ryan smiled as he saw the feline slowly pull the belt from around his waist and let it drop next to the bed. Timmy's heart began to beat faster as he then reached to the big silver button.

Timmy held his breath as the button came free. He knew from here, there was no turning back. Well... There was, but in a way, undoing Ryan's pants was a sort of commitment. It's a way of saying 'I am going to continue with this' and Timmy didn't want to say he was, and then flee.

Timmy took a quick breath, and then continued. He let go of the button and with one paw, pulled the zipper down. It wasn't as slow as the larger feline had done it, but it was slow nonetheless.

Timmy gulped as the pants began to fall slowly, the grip on the side of the tiger's hips was getting looser and looser until the denim fabric fell to a crumble. Leaving Timmy nose to throbbing member with Ryan.

Timmy's eyes widened as the thick, long outline of Ryan's man hood bobbed in front of his eyes.

The thickness alone worried Timmy, knowing where that would be going later. Timmy took a small breath before reaching forward and sliding his paws into the top waistband. The thick grey band slid over Timmy's fingers and allowed the small feline to pull the last piece of clothing off from the tiger.

Timmy gasped as the thick, long, jet-black member leaps forward, giving his nose a soft hit.

Timmy began to breath a little heavier as the Ryan's phallus bobbed in front of him. The head a pointed, round dome that was smaller on the bottom than on the top. The edge of the members black, head bigger then the shaft behind it.

Just behind the head, in a circle around the member were three lines of small feline barbs. Then after that was just veins and skin.

"W-Wow..." Timmy said as he looked at the member of Ryan, who only chuckled,

"You don't have to do this sweetheart." Ryan said softly, his paw going back to Timmy's cheek.

"I know," Timmy replied before leaning his lips into Ryan's paw pad and softly placing his lips against it, "But I want to." Timmy whispered.

Ryan gave a huffed chuckle as he looked down at the eager feline. He couldn't believe just how fast Timmy had become to ready. It was only a week ago, he was anxious about just regular contact, but now he was sitting only a few centimeters from giving his first blowjob.

Ryan kept his smile as he gave a nod to tell the feline to go when he was ready. Ryan was already ready. He had been ready for a long time.

Timmy nodded back and then let his gaze fall back to the feline cock that was in front of him. The heat radiating form the very flesh it was made from, in a way to try and tell Timmy that it was ready.

Timmy had seen minimal porn, but bits a pieces of the blowjobs he had seen were coming back to him. He hoped it would be enough.

Timmy paw slid up the thick, muscular thigh in front of him. The paw just tracing over the hip as it turned and very slowly down to the jet-black pole.

Timmy's heart skipped a beat as his paw made contact with the throbbing love muscle and slowly dragged his paw down the length to the head.

"Ohh." Ryan whispered as the paw dragged over his barbs, sending that warm, rubbed feeling through his muscles. The electricity sending Ryan's member to pulsate, causing a white bead to form at the tip.

"Pent up?" Timmy asked with a giggled, looking up towards the bulky tiger.

"I was ahh, saving myself for you." Ryan explained, "I wanted to make sure that you know, I would give a good amount." Ryan said panting a little as Timmy's paw was slowly sliding over the veined meat. His paw squeezing every so often causing Ryan's member to tense in bliss.

Timmy was speechless. This tiger was preventing his needs so that he would be pleasured? Timmy smiled up with a soft smile, the pleasured, caring eyes of Ryan looking down at him and returning the smile.

Timmy looked back at the love muscle and with a deep breath, the tiger leaned forward and let the pointed meat slip past the moist skin and onto his slightly rough tongue.

"Oh sweetie." Ryan moaned as Timmy's head continued to take in his cock.

Ryan looked down and moaned as he saw his dark member slide further and further in Timmy's maw. The sight made the Tiger moan as he felt the warmth get past the half way mark, but his head hit the back of his throat

Timmy stopped as he found himself unable to go any further on the large thickness. Timmy pushed himself forward once more, but as his stomach jumped inwards and his throat opened up, he knew that gaging over the tigers phallus wasn't going to pleasure him.

"Don't push yourself hun," Ryan purred, "you got half of it in! Now just work on that part. It feels amazing already!"

Timmy giggled and nodded up at the feline. Timmy let his tongue drag out from his lips and along the underside of the thickness, Ryan growling in a dominant pleasure. "That's it kitten."

Timmy closed his eyes as he began to move his head slowly, back and forth along the length. His lips sliding along the smooth, musky rod making the tiger it belonged to growl and purr at the same time.

"You sure you haven't done this before?" Ryan chuckled, as his eyes closed tight and he instinctively began to softly buck his hips.

Timmy blushed at the comment. It was nice to know he was doing a good job, but he still wanted to do more then good. He wanted to be excellent.

Timmy's paw came forward from the base and with the same speed as his maw, started to slowly paw the other half of Ryan's manhood.

Timmy smiled to himself; the deep growl he got from Ryan began to build up his confidence. He began to believe he wasn't as pathetic as thought. He wasn't as horrible as he thought he would be. He was worth something to Ryan. Something that Timmy thought nobody would want.

Timmy felt something inside him crumble. He felt those walls that kept his self confidence imprisoned fall to the floor. Then what he felt next, was warmth.

The warmth of self respect, the warmth of high self esteem, the warmth of knowing that he was worth the love.

"Timmy. That's feeling so good." Ryan moaned, running his paw through Timmy's hair. Timmy looked up at the tiger that had made his world crumble to show him the newer and brighter world. His face showing the pleasure and his bliss that he was making him feel.

So why would he stop now?

Timmy closed his eyes and in a heart beat, Timmy's head and paw began to work faster. His paw squeezing harder, while his lips pushed down and his tongue pushed up against the underside of Ryan's thick long, member.

"Oh fuck sweetie. That's it." Ryan moaned in encouragement. His member throbbing in the warm, confined, space that was Timmy's maw.

Timmy's tongue working that pleasure spot on his member, causing it to throb harder while drooling its pre fluid along Timmy's taste buds.

Timmy moaned in a euphoria that he had never felt before. His jaw was aching from the stretching, but his tongue was tingling from the taste. His eyes were watering from the member poking the back of his throat, yet his lips were numb in pleasure from the constant pressure.

He was in discomfort, and he loved it.

Timmy kept his movements up, keeping his speed and his tongue movements up while he heard Ryan moan his name.

Timmy's own member was standing tall. His shaft throbbing outside of the fabric prison, causing the elastic to bend around it.

Timmy knew he needed to help himself out, but he knew if he waited he would get it in the most satisfying way. That Ryan would be sure to take care of his needs. Like he always did.

"Oh Timmy, I'm cumming." Ryan moaned in his deep baritone voice, sending a shiver down Timmy's spine. He knew what was about to happen; he could feel the long member in his paw getting harder, and he could feel the barbs beginning to stick out and flare.

To Timmy, time slowed down. He was no longer in discomfort, his lips weren't numbed, he was just going slowly.

Timmy opened his eyes and looked up at Ryan. His eyes were shut tightly, while his face showed absolute pleasure.

Timmy's warmth spread through his body as he told himself that he had done that. That he had caused Ryan the pleasure that he was feeling. That he was why Ryan was sweating and moaning in a state that only a lover could.

Ryan's paw held onto Timmy's ear, squeezing it in pleasure. It wasn't hard, or rough. It was squeezed in caring thanks. A thank you for the pleasure that he was causing to every fiber of his being.

"Fuck!" Ryan yelled out as Timmy came back from the slow motion. Back to the fast pace he was going, and to the aching of his jaw, to the numbness to his lips, and to the sudden jets of thick cum that was being shot against his tongue.

Timmy continued his movements as Ryan released his built up balls, into the warm, pleasuring maw that had made him feel so good.

Timmy gave a soft whine as his tongued savored its first taste of Ryan. The salty and musky taste was maybe not as pleasant as he would have thought, but the very thought of knowing he had done this to Ryan was enough for him to get through it.

"Oh Kitten..." Ryan moaned as his member let out the last dribble of jizz into the felines maw, who moaned in his own adult satisfaction.

Timmy gave a little giggle as he moved his head back slowly, letting his lips catch any sticky fluid it had missed.

Ryan gave an out of breath chuckle as his member came free from the felines maw, who made a soft swallowing sounds before licking his lips.

Ryan chuckled as he reached down to Timmy and brought him back with him to the back of his bed. The two then let their purrs make the beautiful harmonic sound they made as they nuzzled each other. Their eyes closed while the their cheek's softly rubbing together as Ryan's large arms held Timmy around his waist, with his smaller arms around Ryan's larger ones.

"I'm choosing you." Timmy said softly as the two became still. Ryan opened his eyes to see Timmy's already open, purple-jeweled eyes. His mind making sure he had heard that correctly.

"Really?" Ryan asked, his smile getting bigger and his eyes more excited.

"You're the only person out of the football team I feel a connection with. You're smart, funny, you care about me and truth be told, I really like you." Timmy explained as he looked right into Ryan's eyes, "I feel bad for doing this to the other guys, but I don't feel guilty for choosing the person I know who I'm going to have the longest relationship for. I want you Ryan."

Ryan was speechless. He couldn't even open his maw; he didn't know what to say. Here was the tiger he had had a crush on for a weeks now saying that he wanted to be with him, over all the others.

It was a feeling like no other.

Ryan smiled and leaned forward to one again place his lips against the Tiger he now called his own. The tiger that he was going to love one day, but for now, he really liked.

Timmy purred softly as his boyfriend kissed him softly. His own paw reaching up to hold Ryan's cheek as the two sealed the relationship in a lovers kiss.

After a short while, Timmy rolled himself over slightly while his lips were still firmly attached to his mates. He rolled himself over and Ryan gave a soft chuckle as his abdominals were then poked, and Ryan knew it was one of Timmy's fingers.

"Do you want to um, stay the night?" Ryan asked as he broke the soft kiss. He looked up at Timmy who gave a small giggle and then nodded.

"That sounds wonderful." Timmy replied,

"Maybe I can help you out with this?" Ryan asked reaching down and slowly wrapping his paw around the pink throbbing member.

"Oh." Timmy moaned softly as Ryan slowly began to move his paw back and forth slowly.

"Or," Ryan said with a bit to Timmy's ear, "we can wait for tonight?" Ryan asked suggestively, making Timmy blush.

"Y-Yeah." Timmy agreed with blushing cheeks.

"Well then, if you're staying tonight." Ryan said before kissing Timmy once more, and then getting up from the bed, "I am going to go get some things. I will be back in like thirty minutes so um. Rooms yours to play with." Ryan explained as he opened his draws and began to dress himself.

Timmy giggled as he watched his new boyfriend get himself dressed. Timmy purred to himself as he slid into a pair of jocks, a pair of baggy jeans, then a light blue shirt. Once he was dressed, Ryan looked over to his close to naked tiger and smiled.

He hurried himself over to him and once again, Ryan kissed those soft lips he was getting addicted to.

"You have no idea how happy you just made me sweetheart." Ryan told Timmy, before kissing his forehead and hurrying out the door.

Timmy's smile stayed on his face for the longest time. He rolled around in Ryan's bed, taking in the scent of his boyfriend and purring happily as he did.

Timmy didn't think he could have gotten any happier at that moment. He didn't think there was any state higher then the Euphoria he was in now.

My my, my myyy, give me love, my my, my myyy give me love

Timmy looked over as where his pants were and then rolled himself off the bed to pad over slowly towards his ringing phone.

Timmy reached into his pocket and pulled out his device and tilted his head as he saw lewis's name on his screen.

Timmy swiped his finger and held the phone up to his ear.

"Hey Lewis." Timmy said happily,

"Hey Timmy, umm can we talk?" He asked,

"Yeah sure hun, what's up?" Timmy asked sitting himself down on the bed.

"I fucked up Timmy." Lewis sighed, "Umm, you know Even? The Raccoon in your drama class?"

Timmy had a quick ponder about his drama class, and sure enough, the little Raccoon popped into his head.

"Yeah hun, what about him?" Timmy asked a little worried,

"I've fallen in love." Lewis said, his tone sounding happy and yet, it had a mixture of sadness. Timmy was a tad bit confused as Lewis began to apologize. He sounded close to tears, and Timmy didn't understand until it clicked.

Lewis didn't know that Timmy had already chosen.

"Lewis, Lewis!" Timmy said having to raise his voice a little,

"Y-Yeah?" Lewis asked, his nerves obvious.

"I am so very happy for you! I hope you and him are very happy together!" Timmy said happily.

That's when the confusion hit Lewis.

"Wait...What?" Lewis asked,

"Honey. I was going to have to tell you. But I have chosen Ryan." Timmy explained, "Me and him kinda just... Happened."

"Oh god that's a relief..." Lewis exhaled before letting himself laugh a little. "How did it happen?"

Timmy sighed as he then went into detail of the events of the evening. Starting from when they got back to Johns house, the conversation the two had, the running, and finding himself at Ryan's house.

"John said what to you?" Lewis asked, his tone one of angered disbelieve. Timmy sighed as he nodded.

"Yeah, but if he didn't I guess what just happened wouldn't have you know?" Timmy said with a slightly shrug,

"Well look at you all optimistic." Lewis chuckled making Timmy giggle.

"Yeah, something happened while me and Ryan were in the middle of our deed. I just... felt so much more happier."

"Heh, yeah finding that one person will do that to a person. Oh shit he's waking up." Lewis chuckled, "Hey I'll see you at school ok?"

"Yeah hun. See ya." Timmy said, then with that. The call was over and Timmy just laid back in the bed purring.

He began to squirm happily in the bed he would most likely loose his virginity in.

All Timmy had to say to that was good riddance.

Timmy was just about to get back into his pants when again the phone rang. Timmy looked down at the phone and laughed as the caller idea read out Sammy's name.

Again Timmy swiped his phone and said his hello.

"You little slut!" Sammy laughed,

"Oh thank you!" Timmy laughed back, "Says the person that has it multiple times a night with his boyfriend!"

"I'm not in a dating game now am I?" Sammy laughed,

"Steven and I weren't going to work because of issues with kinks," Timmy began, "Lewis just called me to tell me he had found somebody else, Rob is with you, and John..." Timmy stopped, "and John..." Timmy sighed as his smile fell and he pouted his lips to the right, "John can go fuck himself."

"Woah Timmy. He might get annoying but that's a little harsh." Sammy said, sounding surprised.

"Well, considering he told me he couldn't date me because I was under the age of consent and he didn't want to wait a week, I think I have..."

"He said what!?" Sammy yelled,

"Yeah. He was giving me a hug one moment telling me he was going to take me to a comedy club, then the next he's telling me he wasn't going to date me because I was too young for consent as if it matters! I wasn't ready for him to do it. But Ryan... Oh Ryan!" Timmy purred falling back onto the bed. He could hear Sammy giggle,

"Was it that good?" Sammy asked,

"Well swallowing was a little gross." Timmy replied,

"Yeah, its not as delicious as porn makes it out to be. However, If Ryan eats his pineapples, it should be more editable." Sammy explained,

"I will be sure to make him burgers!" Timmy giggled,

"So what's happening with the camping tomorrow?" Sammy asked, "Maybe we should just all go on a camping trip to celebrate you on your first boyfriend or something?"

"Well technically, he was still my date. We can still have the ceremony or what ever it is, just maybe skip the bit where I talk to the others where they went wrong." Timmy suggested.

"We could yeah. We will have to work it out." Sammy explained before a loud purr was heard over the phone,

"Hi Rob!" Timmy called out,

"Hey Hun! Congratulations!" Rob said happily,

"Thanks!" Timmy giggled,

"No Rob not right now." Sammy giggled, "As soon as I'm done with Timmy."

"I'll let you go," Timmy said happily, "don't want Rob pestering you."

"Yeah, wouldn't want that haha." Sammy laughed, "bye Hun."

"Bye Sammy." Timmy giggled before he hung his phone up, but as he went to put it down. He saw he had three notifications on his phone. Timmy made his way to his text messages,

Jo-Jo 1message

Cole 1Message

John 2messages

Timmy sighed as he saw Johns name. He really didn't want to speak to him right now, but still, he wanted to at least see what he had to say. Timmy shook his head and went straight to joeys message.

Congratulations hun! Its great

loosing it isn't it? Love you,

see you tomorrow! Xoxo

Timmy giggled at Joeys message, smiling as flashes of the little fox, smiling and giggling with his group filled his mind.

"God I love you Jo-Jo." Timmy said to himself before opening Coles message.

Hey you dirty tramp! Congrats

on getting dicked! Haha! I would

have called, but Brads balls deep

inside me :P see you tomorrow xo

xo <3

"Oh come on Cole!" Timmy laughed as he swiped it away, he then hesitated on Johns messages. He was scared, angry and also curious, but he knew he should at least hear what the bull had to say.

Timmy sighed as he pressed his thumb against Johns messages.

Timmy, please come back,

I didn't mean it as it sounded,

if you just come back we can

talk. Please. You know I'm not

a bad dude. I just want to explain

to your face and not over the

phone like a coward.

Timmy sighed as he read it. Maybe he was a little quick to judge on John. He was a very quirky guy. Maybe it was his religion or something. Timmy just sighed as he laid back down against the bed, his mind racing through what he should do, when their door began to open.

Timmy looked over at the door, about to race over to his pants incase it wasn't the person that took them off; but as a white and blue paw came past the door, Timmy smiled.

"Hey." Timmy said, sitting himself up. Ryan placed the bag down, tore his shirt off before pouncing the smaller feline to the bed. "Woah!"

Timmy and Ryan laughed as they rolled in the bed. Their arms around the other tight until their momentum stopped and they became still.

"Hey there." Ryan said softly, before placing his maw against Timmy's for a moment, "Dad said it was cool for you to stay."

"Awesome! oh... I should probably ask my parents." Timmy giggled reaching for his phone and finding his home phone number and calling while Ryan got up from the bed and began to undress again.

Timmy giggled as the phone began to ring. He waited until the phone was answered and there came the voice from none other then his brother. "Parker residence."

"Yes hello Mister formal, Can I speak to my brother please?" Timmy asked,

"What you want fool?" Sean asked with a much deeper voice,

"Mister T? I didn't know we were related," Timmy said confused,

"Oh my god Timmy what do you want!" Sean laughed,

"Can you just tell dad that I'm staying at a friends house so that they don't have to drive over to our place?" Timmy asked,

"Ooo a friends house?" Sean asked just like Sammy would.

"Yes, my boyfriends house." Timmy giggled as Ryan began to crawl up the bed, with not a stitch of clothing on him.

"Woah what?" Sean asked excitedly. "Are you serious bro!?"

"Yeah hehe." Timmy giggled having to arch his back so Ryan's large paws could hook into his underwear and pull them down. Timmy's cheeks turned their usual shade of scarlet as Ryan took them off his legs and flung them across the room.

"Dude congratulations! Which one is he!?" Sean called out in excitement,

"Remember me telling you about my crush on Ryan?" Timmy asked, Ryan freezing as he heard those words and gave a very happy smile.

"Really?" Sean asked,

"Really?" Ryan whispered,

"Yeah," Timmy said sliding his hind paw up Ryan's paw with affection. Ryan slid his paws up his thigh and kissed Timmy's hind paw on the top of his ankle.

"Dude that's awesome, will you and him?" Sean asked,

"Well I already did something with him, and more tonight I think." Timmy giggled,

"Ooo my brothers loosing his virginity." Sean laughed, "well I will leave you with him. Talk soon bro."

"Bye hun." Timmy said before hanging up and giggling as Ryan began to slowly kiss up his leg. Timmy purred softly as he expected Ryan to stop at his knee, but Ryan continued.

Timmy began to breath a bit heavier as Ryan's lips began to inch closer and closer to his groin. Timmy reached down and ran a paw through Ryan's white and blue head fur before letting out a soft moan as his thick feline tongue slid right over his white sheath.

"I th-thought we were waiting till tonight?" Timmy moaned as his pinkness began to slide past the furry prison.

"We were. But I thought I should thank you." Ryan whispered as his he let his lips slowly cover the hardening member.

"Ohh." Timmy moaned reaching down to grip Ryan's head fur while the rest of his man hood slid into maw.

Timmy moaned as Ryan's lips stayed attached to his groin area, while all of his male-hood pulsated in his new lovers maw.

Ryan began to softly purr while his head moved up the pink muscle till only the head was left. He let his tongue slide around the sensitive flesh a couple times, letting Timmy feel the rough, sandpaper like surface. Timmy's back arched and his claws dug into Ryan's scalp as his pleasure met an all-new height.

Timmy's eyes rolled into the back of his head as Ryan began to move his head in a continuous motion of up and down. His lips squeezing Timmy's base every time they made contact, his tongue sliding over the sensitive barbs and the pleasure spot that made Timmy's member leak its pre.

Ryan's purr making his tongue vibrate which in turn made the pleasure that Timmy was feeling, that much better. His member was tingling as the warm, moist maw worked so expertly against on the most sensitive area of his body.

It felt like electricity was going through his cock, and through out his body. It was then he realized why the big beefy men loved blowjobs so much. They felt so good, while helping them forget all that was troubling them because all they could think about was the warm, wet feeling of the maw around their maleness.

"Oh Ry-Ryan... I'm close." Timmy moaned,

"Already?" Ryan asked, after quickly taking his maw away.

"Its my first time sweetheart." Timmy whined as the cool air hit his member.

"Heh. true." Ryan said before quickly padding over to his white bag and pulling out a white tube. Timmy tilted his head as he panted, wondering what Ryan was doing, until he saw the grey square packet.

"Oh. I see." Timmy panted as he laid himself back.

"Yes." Ryan said, dragging the word out before padded back to the tiger. Ryan placed the items down on the bed, then crawled up to the top of the bed and laid himself down.

Ryan smiled as the small tiger leaned forward to kiss him. He happily returned the kiss, reaching down to grip the feline by his cheeks and rolling them over so the smaller feline was on top of him.

Timmy giggled as he did.

"So how are we going to go about this honey?" Timmy asked as he pushed himself up, and sitting himself down just in front of Ryan's long hard member. Timmy couldn't help but purr as he felt it against his back.

"Well we could do it two ways cub." Ryan explained, "We could either one, let you sit down on it in your own pace. Or I could give you a little help with my fingers." Ryan said sitting himself up, his lips going to Timmy's shoulder.

Timmy purred as Ryan began to slowly inch his way closer to Timmy's neck. The softness of his lips causing Timmy's skin to bump up and for a soft whine to slide past his lips.

"What's the best way?" Timmy whispered as Ryan reached his neck. Ryan chuckled as he softly bit down on the flesh, causing Timmy to shiver softly.

"Definitely the fingering kitten," Ryan whispered, helps stretch you out and it's not to painful."

Timmy nodded his head as he leaned forward to begin nibbling on Ryan's triangular flesh.

"He-he, hey." Ryan chuckled Timmy softly bit down into the ear making Ryan let out a grunt of pleasure.

"Not an ear person?" Timmy asked, getting a chuckle from the large feline.

"No not really." The Tiger said with a sly slime. Timmy shrugged it off and then leaned down to kiss the feline. His lips softly pulling back, and being pushed back against the soft lips causing his toes to curl.

While the two softly locked lips, Ryan's leg reached out to grab the tube of lube. When it was in range of his paw, Ryan reached out and grabbed it to then undo the lid.

Timmy heard the cap pop open and his stomach began to fill up with butterflies. He knew Ryan would be soft, and he would be sure to make it as painless as possible, but this was his first time... Well second if you were being technical, but it was going to be his first time being penetrated. That was always scary to some degree.

It wasn't even two weeks ago that Timmy would have said no to anybody who offered. But here Timmy was; butt naked on Ryan's lap as Ryan lubed his finger up.

Timmy didn't understand how he could have such a sudden change himself. All he knew was that he wanted Ryan to be his first, his middle, and his last. And right now, he was about to get his first part of his wish.

Ryan softly slowed the kiss down to a stop, and then ever so slightly leaned back with a smile covering his lips.

"Are you sure you are ready sweetie?" Ryan asked with a look of worry on his face, "You know I have wanted this for a while and I still do, I'm just worried that you just doing this to make me happy."

Timmy nodded his head a little, but his lip went up in a smile.

"Truth be told, that's a part of it. But. It's a very small part of it." Timmy began, "Ryan, I don't know how to explain how safe and... and wonderful and, sexy, and eager you make me feel." Timmy explained laughing slightly as he did, "You are the first male to make me feel worth, and make me feel like I deserve somebody in my life to do this with. Ryan, you make me feel something that I never knew I could feel and that's readiness. Readiness for this. I want this because it's with you."

Ryan felt his heart softly melt as Timmy explained himself. He had never heard another male say that to him. Ever. He may have been with a few, but never had he heard them say that to him. Never had they said that he made them feel ready for such a big step.

Ryan's worry disappeared from his face and slowly changed into a happy bliss as he looked into the violet eyes in front of him. He didn't know what to say so all he did was nod and give the tiger another kiss. A simple peck, before sliding his head next to his.

Ryan looked down and with his lube free paw, slid Timmy's paw into his and softly held it to Timmy's back.

Timmy took a few deep breaths as Ryan moved his paw slowly to the virgin pucker that he was about to (as they say) pop.

Timmy shivered as he felt the cold gel hit his bare skin. Timmy kept telling himself that Ryan would take care of him, that he wouldn't be rough, that he wouldn't dare hurt him.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" Ryan whispered as he softly placed a soft kiss against Timmy neck. He could feel the tiger's heart was racing. He knew he was worried. He knew the tiger was nervous, it was completely normal for him to be.

The only thing that Ryan could do for him was to just help him through it all. Not rush through it, Timmy deserved more then that. Timmy deserved a soft and loving experience that he would love and remember for the rest of life. One that he wouldn't regret or dislike, and Ryan knew just how to do that.

"Y-Ye-Yeah." Timmy stuttered nervously, his claws digging in as he shook slightly.

"Breath kitten. Breath." Ryan said softly into his ear, taking his finger away slowly. "Just like before honey."

Timmy began to slowly take in air, letting it go down to his nerves to settle them. Ryan smiled a little as he began to softly nuzzle the feline, purring softly to try and get him to relax.

Timmy closed his eyes as he felt Ryan's head begin to softly rub against his in soft affection. he let out a small purr as the tiger let go of his tail and slowly rub up and down Timmy's spine.

"I'm not going to hurt you Cub." Ryan whispered, "You know that."

Timmy was still for a moment, he let those words flow through his body and sure enough, the nerves in his stomach fled from his body, unable to fight the words of his new boyfriend.

Timmy took one last deep breath as his boyfriend held onto him. Ryan's soft cheek caressing his neck while he slowly brought up his courage.

He knew what was going to happen, he knew Ryan would be gentle, and he knew this wasn't a onetime thing. So what was he so scared of?

Timmy opened his eyes slowly and softly nuzzled into Ryan's head fur. He took a small breath, letting his mates scent calm even further. Then with the exhale of said breath, Timmy nodded his head and said the two words he had been waiting to say.

"I'm ready." Timmy said softly.

Ryan gave a smile, leaned back to give the tiger one more soft kiss before slowly putting his lubed, wet finger back onto Timmy's pink rose.

"Take a deep breath honey." Ryan said as he softly rubbed his back. Timmy slowly filled his lungs with air, and with that Ryan slowly began to apply pressure.

Timmy let out a whine as part of his virginity was taken there. His pucker instinctively clenching against the intruder. Timmy's claws dug into Ryan's back as Timmy slowly let out the air he had in his lungs.

"Its ok sweetie, the hardest parts over." Ryan said as he continued to slowly push his smallest finger into his mate. Ryan's pinkie was being squeezed over and over as Timmy's body reacted. The alien feeling was making Timmy feel a whole bucket of different emotions.

Timmy felt proud that he had taken these steps, he felt weird by the feeling of something inside him, he felt the pleasure of his boyfriend being inside him, he felt worried that the pain was about to start, and lastly, he felt closer to Ryan.

Timmy began to breath a bit faster, he waited for the pain to start, he waited for the burning sensation that he read in so many stories. Timmy waited for it, but it didn't come; but what did come, was a sudden graze against the spot that Ryan had been looking for.

Timmy let out a soft squeaked moan as Ryan's smallest finger caused his heart to skip a beat, caused his member to slide back out, caused his entire world to just stop.

"Oh." Was all Timmy could say. It was just a simple press, but it felt like Timmy's body had been struck with lightning. "Oh Ryan."

"Well I found what I was looking for." Ryan chuckled as he then began to slowly pull his small finger from the inside of Timmy, to just slowly push it back against the very spot he had found. Again Timmy felt the bolt.

It sent electricity through his body, through to every muscle Timmy owned. Timmy's muscled clench against the small finger as it began to slowly pick up a bit of speed, constantly hitting Timmy's prostate over, and over, and over again.

Timmy sat on Ryan's lap, letting Ryan attack his pleasure source, his body surging with a lust that was screaming for more. But he knew that if he jumped to far to soon. Things would be more pain then pleasure.

"Yo-You can add another finger." Timmy moaned as his hips began to slowly work at the digit. Letting his spot feel the awesome pleasure that Ryan was giving.

Ryan nodded and slowly withdrew his finger. Letting Timmy feel it slowly pop out. Timmy whined as it left his body, he whined as the pleasure stopped and his body was just left begging for more.

Ryan reached for the lube and let the cool jell dribble over his ring and middle finger, he knew this would hurt his tiger, but if he took to much time, there was the worry of causing Timmy to climax.

Ryan put the tube down then, by placing a his middle finger on top of his ring, Ryan placed it back against Timmy's rose bud.

Timmy closed ready for his spot to be attacked again, ready for that spot to be attacked again, but as the two thick fingers slid in. Timmy didn't feel all pleasure.

"Fuck!" Timmy yelled as his ring began to burn. His ring began to sting and his eyes began to water. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Timmy whimpered and Ryan held his fingers still

"Breath through it sweetheart," Ryan said as he softly kissed Timmy's neck, "I know it hurts, just slowly breath through it."

Timmy whined and let out struggling whimpers.

"It really hurts." Timmy said, letting out a soft laugh as he clenched his eyes tight.

"I know sweetie," Ryan chuckled, "It's a real bitch. Just tell me when you're ok."

Timmy nodded as he held onto his boyfriends neck, keeping him close to him as he let the pain slowly but surely subside.

"I'm feeling like an idiot." Timmy chuckled,

"What's that?" Ryan asked laughing a little as he did.

"Why couldn't I be a normal gay teenager and finger myself?" Timmy ask as his muscles contracted against the two thick digits.

"Oh wow," Ryan said surprised, "Really?" Ryan asked as he let his fingers slowly apart. The same thickness of a bellow average male.

"Y-yeah. I always wanted to do it, but I never knew how to go about it." Timmy panted as he his tail-hole slowly began to adjust. "Sean even told me he tried it once" Timmy laughed, Ryan laughing along side him, "He told me how he did it but when I got around to it, when I was just about to push in, I just said no and cleaned myself up."

"Were you waiting for the real thing?" Ryan asked, letting his tongue slide out to give an affectionate and also encouraging lick to his boyfriends lower neck.

Timmy giggled softly at action, he himself leaned down and gave Ryan a soft kiss on his forehead. "Maybe. I just didn't feel right doing it. But right now, I think I should have."

"Might have helped?" Ryan asked,

"Might have helped." Timmy confirmed before pushing himself back on the fingers.

"Oh Timmy!" Ryan said worryingly, but as he heard the soft moan from the tiger, he took a breath of reassurance. "Please don't hurt yourself Cub." Ryan asked as he kept his fingered as still as possible.

"Its ok honey." Timmy whispered, "felt good actually." Timmy purred as he once again felt the bolt go through his system.

"Oh?" Ryan asked with a smug grin. Timmy looked up and squinted his eyes in question,

"Yeah?" Timmy said with a questioning tone, just before he let out a loud moan as Ryan's fingers began to slowly stab into once again Timmy.

Timmy let out moans, his muscles clenched, his pink pole began to throb again, and his vision began to blur as his body kept getting struck with bolts of pleasuring lightning.

It was like he was a metal coil out in a lightening storm.

Ryan kept pushing his fingers in knuckle deep into his tiger, keeping it at a slow-like pace to make sure he wasn't rushed into it.

Timmy gripped his muscled man and moaned his high-pitched moans into his ear, as he kept hitting his pleasure spot.

"I want you Ryan!" Timmy moaned out suddenly. His mind clouded in a mist of lust and euphoria.

"You've got me sexy." Ryan growled in pleasure as his own jet-black pole was grinding up against the now slowly bouncing tiger.

"I'm ready for you." Timmy whined as his pain was now long gone, and his body telling him for something more.

Ryan and Timmy both stopped. Both anxious for the time where they both felt pleasure, where both were giving the pleasure while also receiving it. "How should we do this?" Timmy asked nearly out of breath.

"I think that you should do it hun," Ryan said as he leaned back to look as his panting Tiger, "Means I can't accidentally hurt you."

Timmy smiled at that comment, he may have been panting, but his feelings for Ryan were getting stronger with every moment.

"Ok." Timmy said softly before moving off the feline so he could lay himself down.

Ryan moved himself down on the bed, while Timmy grabbed the grey packet. Timmy gripped the packet with two hands and tore it open, quickly having to grab the round creamy, frosted plastic, item fell from the packet.

Timmy smiled as he held the slightly lubricated, creamy, frosted plastic condom in his paws, giggling as he looked over at Ryan who was laying and slowly running his paw up and down his member.

"Excited are we?" Ryan asked, chucking as he saw the feline blush.

"Well... yeah." Timmy giggled with embarrassment.

"Come here sexy." Ryan said softly, holding his paw out to his mate. Timmy smiled and crawled the short distance to his tiger.

Ryan slid his paw around to the back of Timmy's head and slowly brought it down to his, to give the feline a soft, caring kiss to his lips. Timmy let out a soft moan as he felt his boyfriend on his lips again. He was definitely excited for what was to come. He was excited to finally lose his virginity, to finally be with a person who he truly cared about, and to be with somebody who felt the same way.

Ryan slipped his paw into Timmy's and took the protection from him. Timmy giggled, knowing that there was enough to worry about, so they didn't need to add troubles with protection to the mix.

Ryan put the thick, tiger condom onto the tip of his muscle and then easily rolled the shaft down to his base.

"Wh-What size are you?" Timmy asked, blushing softly as he did,

"Extra large in Tiger." Ryan chuckled as he guided Timmy back over onto his lap and then handed him the tube of jell.

Timmy took the tube and emptied some onto his paw, he was about to put it to the side, but Ryan's paw came up to his. Timmy looked at Ryan who had a smile on his face.

"Bit more sweetheart." He instructed and let Timmy squeeze more onto his paw, "little more." Ryan said with a chuckle, making Timmy shake a little with nerves.

Ryan softly ran his paw up Timmy's thigh as the tiger put the tube down and he rubbed his paws together. Timmy slid off his boyfriend's lower belly and knelt down next to his crotch. His eyes going to the length that was about to go into him.

Timmy gulped as he reached forward and began to slowly work the jell around the long member. Timmy moved his hands up and down the length, making sure that he got every inch of covered member.

Ryan began to softly purr as his boyfriend's paws began to pleasingly run over his sensitive length. His member began to throb under the touch of the tiger he now called his own, and Timmy would only blush as it did.

"Anxious?" Timmy said softly, getting a little chuckle from Ryan.

"You have no idea how much I wanted this to happen honey." Ryan said reaching forward and reaching for Timmy's paw. Timmy smiled over at the muscular tiger and blushed as his words sunk in. "Honey, I have wanted it to end up like this from the first moment I saw you. You are the most beautiful and sexiest tiger I have ever laid my eyes on."

Timmy blushed his shade of scarlet once again as he looked up at the tiger. He smiled a bashful smile as his wet paw was held by the larger felines.

"Now this is going to hurt again sweetheart, its going to hurt a lot. But don't think for a second that stopping is going to annoy me. I want you to feel the most pleasure here cub. If it hurts to much, you stopped and get off ok?" Ryan asked, and Timmy nodded in response. He nodded and then climbed back onto his tiger's body.

Timmy then just took a second to look down at the person he chose. To take in what he had just gained.

How could he have gotten so lucky? After the years of abuse, and hardship, here he was. About to lose his virginity to the most caring, most wanted tiger in his school.

Was it Karma? Was it the universe apologizing? He didn't know. All he knew was that he was thankful for what he had, for what he was going to have, hopefully, for a long, long time.

Timmy took a deep breath in as he got himself up onto his knees and slowly lowered himself until he felt the top of the feline condom his now stretched pucker. He took another gulp.

Timmy looked down at the feline who reached up and slid both his paws onto Timmy's hips. Holding him in a soft and gentle way that made Timmy smile down at the already smiling tiger.

"Don't worry." Ryan said, "I'm here honey."

Timmy nodded and with the exhale of his breath, began to lower himself slowly onto the thick head, losing his virginity for ever.

Ryan held back his moan of tight pleasure as he saw Timmy wince. Timmy's teeth were clenched as his claws were digging into his arms.

"God damn." Timmy whimpered as he held himself still on the first inch of tiger meat. His ring once again burning from the stretch around the thick black member.

"A-Are you ohh..." Ryan began in an attempt at speech. He was trying to see if his boyfriend was ok, he was trying so hard; but the constriction against his member was just to much. He couldn't open his maw with out a moan escaping.

"I'm ok hun." Timmy said wincing softly as the pain held round his pucker. "Just getting used to it."

Timmy looked down at the tiger who was in the middle of a battle. His face was trying to show affection and care while Timmy was in pain; but the animal in him was begging him to start thrusting.

Ryan was trying but every time Timmy's inner muscles clenched, his pleasure receptors went into over drive.

Timmy continued with the breathing Ryan had told him to do, and it was working. The breathing was making him relax, causing the muscles that were tense to relax. Timmy kept with his deep breaths in and out and then began to slowly go further and further down Ryan's cock.

"Oh that's good Timmy." Ryan moaned in an attempt of encouragement, but sounded more like a pleasured moan. Timmy didn't seem to notice. He was all to focused on his breathing and working his way down his boyfriends long, thick member.

More and more slowly sunk into the small feline while he moaned every so often, wincing every other moment; but soon enough Timmy found himself sitting on Ryan's crotch.

Ryan growled softly in pleasure as Timmy continued with his breathing. It was getting easier, his backside may still be in a bit of pain, but it was nothing to what it first started as.

Timmy sat there, he sat there breathing in slowly and deeply until finally, after a short while. all he felt was the throbbing of his boyfriends member deep inside him.

"Fuck." Timmy whispered softly as he gave a small test by clenching his tail hole which to his surprise didn't hurt at all. It did how ever cause a low deep moan from Ryan.

"Jesus Timmy," Ryan moaned, "You have no idea how good this feels."

Timmy gave a huffed laughed as he eased himself forward to softly kiss the feline who was nine inches deep inside of him.

Ryan moaned as he gave Timmy's hips a soft squeeze, while Timmy moaned into the maw of the large tiger and slowly dragged his claws lightly across his chest.

"Y-You can start." Timmy whined as the pulsating inside of him began to move his muscles in a pleasuring way. The way it just throbbed inside of him made Timmy's toes curl to an almost painful extent.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asked while his animal instincts told him to start slamming away; but his care for Timmy screamed at him to make sure he was ok first.

"Yeah." Timmy let out in a soft breath, "It feels good." Timmy purred as he softly clenched at the shaft.

"Alright." Ryan moaned, who quickly but carefully rolled the two over. Timmy now on his back while Ryan lay on top.

Timmy gave a sudden gasp as the sudden motion caused the large member to get pushed into him that much deeper. He let his legs wrap tightly around Ryan's waist and his arms around Ryan's neck in a reassuring way.

Like he had told himself before. Ryan wouldn't hurt him. Ryan was incapable of it! He was to caring, to sweet, to nice to be that kind of person.

"You ready?" Ryan asked in a soft whisper as the late February afternoon filled the room with a bright orange tinge.

"Y-Yeah." Timmy whispered with Ryan's arms next to him, and his eyes looking down on the small feline.

Ryan gave a simple nod, that's all that was needed at the time before he began his slow pull.

"Ohhh." Timmy moaned as the movement inside him cause that spot to be brushed against in a long, slow movement.

Ryan let out a deep moan as he pushed his hips forward again, back into his boyfriend. Into his best friend who he cared for more than anybody else in his life.

Into the being that he close to loving, to the person he could now call his own.

"That's it Kitten," Ryan moaned as Timmy began to softly clench his muscles.

"Ohh," Timmy called out as he clawed lightly into Ryan's back, the pleasure slowly causing his member to leak its own fluid onto Timmy's stomach.

Ryan couldn't believe what he was feeling at that moment. He didn't know how Timmy could be clenched so tightly around his maleness, and be moaning so blissfully.

Ryan was worried, but he didn't want to seem like he was over protective or expecting Timmy to be in pain. He trusted Timmy to tell him if he was going to fast, or if something was wrong. so why couldn't he just enjoy himself?

"Ryan god, go faster." Timmy moaned as he looked down between then, watching the long jet-black tool slid back and forth. Ryan reached up to his bead frame, he took the thick wood into his paw and began to move his hips faster.

"Oh fuck Timmy!" Ryan moaned out as the sound of crotch against but cheeks became even more constant. To Timmy, the spot was hit that more often and for Ryan, the clenches came even sooner.

The two let out soft moans, one in blissful submission, the other in caring domination.

The two felines lay in the bed, letting their needs be taken care of, while also helping another out with their needs.

Timmy's toes were curled and his claws were now digging into Ryan's skin. His body was now in a constant flow of electricity, causing his member to leak a thin and small river from his member.

"Yeah honey! Th-That's it!" The small tiger moaned out. Ryan let go of the bed frame and moved his head down to his lover's neck. Ryan opened his mouth and began to softly lick, bite and every so often suck on the side of Timmy's neck. "Oh fuck!" Timmy called out as he himself began to buck in time with Ryan.

Ryan growled loudly as his hips began to move that much faster, while Timmy began to feel a build up. He felt a familiar feeling in his shaft, a pleasuring build that made his moans louder, and that much more pleasurable.

"Ryan I'm cumming!" Timmy shouted out as his prostate hardened, the muscles around his thick member clenched harder then they had before and Ryan was letting out louder, growls and moans of dominancy.

Ryan gave harder, drawn out thrusts for his mate, wanting the build up to last longer then it usually did. The euphoria of the build up was one that any male alive would love to feel a little bit longer, and if Ryan could do that to his mate, he would be very happy indeed.

Timmy whined and moaned as his build up ran through his body, he could feel his climax was just on the brink of becoming a reality, it was right there, he could feel it happening.

"RYAN!" Timmy screamed out as he body began to convulse, his entire body tensed, his fluid shot from his member in large, thick streams, and his muscles that surrounded Ryan's member went into a constant clench.

"Oh fuck Timmy. I-I'm cumming!" Ryan moaned as he let his hips sway forward, letting his pleasure take over while his mate was in the haze of afterglow.

He knew he wouldn't feel pain; he would have already if he was. So that was the green light for Ryan. He let his animal instinct take over and let his hips work faster to work his shaft in and our of that tight clenched pucker.

"OH FUCH CUB!" The Tiger yelled as he himself began to release his male fluid into the safety of the tiger condom. Ryan moaned into the neck of his now no longer virgin boyfriend as his hips jerked with every jet of release.

The two climaxes were now over, and all that was left was the after glow of that mind-blowing sex. Where your body singles, your muscles don't wont to work, and you are left panting in pure ecstasy.

Timmy looked up at the ceiling while his claws retreated back into his paws. His body was warm and his and Ryan's belly now matted with his cum.

He didn't know how to explain the emotion he was in at that moment. The moment where you had found the person you can see a longer future with, the person who you are happy to lose the thing you kept close to yourself for so long to. The person you know are going to emotionally love as a partner for a long, long time.

"That was amazing." Timmy whispered as he nuzzled into the large tiger who was still panting heavily.

"That's the understatement of the year." Ryan said with a chuckle, "That was the most spectacular sex I have ever had Timmy. The way you moaned and moved and clenched, my god!" Ryan chuckled as he leaned back to kiss the feline he had just made love to.

Timmy whined in the sweet taste of his lover, holding to him that much tighter.

Ryan smiled and purred as best he could as his heart began to slowly slow itself back down.

As Ryan softly kissed the feline under him, He began to slowly pull himself out. To slowly break that connection that was the most pleasuring towards the two.

Timmy let out another high pitched moan as the thickness slid out from inside him. He didn't know how to explain it, but his body felt empty with out Ryan inside of him. He didn't feel as whole as he did with Ryan inside him. It was like that missing puzzle piece to his body.

It sounded cheesy, and it probably was, but that's how the small feline felt as the green-eyed tiger looked down into his violet eyes. They were only a few centimes apart, but Timmy felt like he was miles away.

It was most likely the drowsiness, and the haze.

Timmy gave a long yawn as he lay there, looking up at his boyfriend, thinking about the experience he had just been given.

"Take a nap sweetheart." Ryan whispered as he gave Timmy a soft peck to his forehead. Timmy didn't have the energy to fight. He wanted to stay up and cuddle, but Ryan had already slipped away to slowly remove the plastic that covered his cock.

Timmy rolled himself over onto his right side, his eyes drooping slowly as a soft purr was escaping his chest. He looked at the wall in front of him, the thick blanket bellow him now cold with sweat but Timmy was to tired to care.

He let his eyes droop shut just not fast enough to feel the warm body of his boyfriend cuddle up behind him. His arm now his pillow, and his other arm pulling the thick blanket from under him to throw it back over him.

The warmth Timmy felt in those two seconds of consciousness was like nothing he had ever felt before. the warmth of the warm bed, and the warmth of his mate combined to make the ultimate comfortably.

The next thing Timmy remembered was waking up, and the room was dark. He gave a soft groan as he looked out the window to see the crescent moon filling the room with minimal light.

Timmy looked down at his paw and smiled as he saw Ryan's big blue and white paw over it. He shut his eyes and reminisced on the events of the afternoon.

They almost didn't seem real. It seemed to good to be true! Like he had tripped and fallen down the stairs at Johns and all that had happened was his dream.

Timmy slowly lifted Ryan's paw off his body then lightly laid it down beside him, then after checking Ryan wasn't awoken, Timmy sat up on the side of the bed and gave his tired eyes a rub.

Timmy sat on the side of the bed and giggled as the matted fur on his belly and chest tell him how real everything really was. Timmy looked up into the stars of that night and silently thanked who ever let him meet the fur asleep behind him.

Timmy was about to turn around and go back to sleep when he felt the bed moving from behind him. Timmy turned to see the still very naked Ryan slid his legs on either side of him and softly plant a soft peck to his ear.

"Are you ok?" He asked in a soft whisper as his arms held the feline,

"I'm more then alright," Timmy whispered back, lifting one of Ryan's paws to his maw to softly kiss.

"Then why are you awake sweetheart?" Ryan asked nuzzling into the smaller felines neck,

"I don't know," Timmy giggled, "I just woke up and began wondering just how real everything is."

"Deep." Ryan said with a chuckle,

"Oh shut up." Timmy laughed quietly as he looked back at the feline and smiled.

Ryan returned the smile and the two then shared a soft smooch that to Timmy, just made the night.

"I feel like I'm about to wake up and everything is going to be a dream." Timmy whispered,

"Don't you worry kitten." Ryan whispered before reaching around and sliding back with Timmy to the back of the bed, and under the covers. Timmy purred in the warmth as Ryan softly held him, letting his paw slid through the soft naked fur he had. "This is real."