The Hedge Wizard - By Danath

Story by Taiko on SoFurry

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Yes, another of danath's stories, and something of an interesting one; normally, Peri here is a dreamsire, a being who eats dreams for food. In this story...well, it's ambiguous. :-p All the same, awesome story~

Also, somehow, I didn't notice until the story had been written up that the two main characters have names that are only two letters apart! Why did I do this?! XD In any case, great work from Danath, and go check him and his work out. :-) Link to the original submission is here:

The Hedge Wizard

Written by Danath Peri and Pherin are property of Taiko.

The day was bright and beautiful at Cornsworth Manor, a stately private residence on the outskirts of the city. Sprawling across a dozen acres, the manor's most notable characteristic, besides the proud brownstone mansion, was a series of intricate and detailed hedges and gardens surrounding it.

In early spring, a legion of botanists and gardeners descended on the manor, cleaning and planting and uprooting and preparing the yard for another year. By mid-summer, most of the work was done, leaving only a single gardener to run the hoses, prune the hedges, and clear the weeds.

This year's gardener was Peri, a 21-year-old college student majoring in botany. Working at the manor as an intern of sorts, he found the solace of working his way through the maze-like hedges calming and enjoyable, especially on cloudless, warm, breezy days like this one.

Peri was handsome, with dark brown skin and black, naturally braided hair. He was fit at a bit less than 6 feet tall and 223 pounds, more in-shape than the average botanist thanks to his hours at the gym. Yard work was tough and he spent many long hours at the manor, but he didn't mind - the pay, while small, was enough.

Today, the scent of freshly-mown grass wafted through the air as he turned to the hedges. An electric clipper in hand, Peri checked the battery before hauling his stepladder with him into the depths of the gardens. He liked to start at the interior and work his way out of one of the winding, twisting branches of the maze, doing a different arm each day.

He hadn't been down this particular branch in a while. The hedges here were taller, almost nine feet in places, and he found himself going up and down the stepladder constantly. A few hours in, however, he rounded the corner and found something that didn't belong.

Nestled into the center of a neatly-manicured hedge was a cave. Pale gray stones lined the mouth. The stones were neatly mortared in place, similar to a retaining wall, and formed a smooth roundness over the top of the entrance. Peri scratched his head as he stared at the cave, confused at its sudden appearance. It wasn't supposed to be there, so what, exactly, was it?

Peri brushed his palms on his knee-length khaki shorts, cleaning the debris from the trimming he'd done earlier, as he leaned forward, peering into the inky black cave. He couldn't see very far in - the shadow started almost immediately, as though the sun light was being blocked.

Something moved inside the cave and Peri jumped back, alarmed. The electric hedge trimmer fell from his hand to the ground when a giant dinosaur stepped out of the cave, bending low to avoid hitting its head, before straightening up. Peri gaped at it. The dinosaur - at least, he assumed it was a dinosaur - was eight feet tall with a light orange hide. Its chest and belly were lighter, more tan than orange. Thick squares of rougher, darker hide bunched up on the sides of its hips before spreading out the further they traveled upwards, towards its backside.

Powerful muscles covered the reptilian body, from his broad shoulders and short, thick neck down to his absolutely ripped belly and bulging thighs. He looked squat despite his height thanks to the thickness of his stomach and legs.

As he walked towards Peri, the young human fell backwards and tried to scramble away. He covered his head with his arm and waited for the sharp black claws he'd seen on the edges of the creatures hands to sink into his flesh.

Only, that didn't happen. Instead, he heard a polite cough, as though he were being incredibly rude and was being alerted to the fact of his misbehavior.

Peeking out from under his arm, Peri realized the creature was wearing a pair of thigh-high black-leather boots and a matching utility belt. Various gardening tools hung from the belt - clippers, a trowel, some twine. The orange, reptilian creature's long tail swung side to side behind him. Vertical scales shaped like shark fins ran down its backside and along the top of its tail, Peri saw, and he lowered his arm further when he realized that whatever was standing in front of him was also wearing, of all things, horn-rimmed glasses.

"How do you do!" the creature exclaimed in deep baritone. His accent was very British and very posh. "My name is Pherin and I am a hedge wizard, here to amaze you with my magical botany services. No hedge is too big, no thorn bush too thorny for Pherin!"

As it spoke, the creature reached into a pouch on its belt and pulled out a small white card. It handed it to Peri, who took it rather incredulously, and read the imprinted golden text.

"Pherin the Dragon Hedge Wizard Extraordinaire

Gardening services rendered Inquire at the strange little cave"

Peri looked at the card, up at the dragon (not a dinosaur, as he'd first assumed), and back at the card. A million questions ran through his mind and his confusion must have shown on his face.

"Allow me to explain!" the dragon said, reaching down to grip Peri's arm and help the human up to his feet. "I tend to go where my services are needed and where payment is readily available. So here I am!"

"But... dragons aren't real!" Peri said, as though that would change the fact he was speaking to an eight-foot-tall example of one.

"Well, we'll agree to disagree in that regard," Pherin said, a good-natured tone to his voice. "As for these hedges, well... they're in quite the state of disarray! Fortunately, I'm here to help!"

"You're a dragon..."


"...that trims hedges?"

"Hedges, bushes, ferns, trees... if it's got leaves, I can handle it!" Pherin said. "No job too big or small!"

The dragon flexed, showing off groups of muscles Peri hadn't known existed - and probably didn't, not on a human body, at least. He looked upwards, towards the sky, and wondered whether heat stroke caused hallucinations. He looked back at the dragon as he felt thick, rough, bark-like skin press against his front.

"Now... let's render payment, shall we?" the dragon said. His muzzle broke into a huge grin full of teeth far too sharp for Peri's liking. Strong, powerful biceps curled around Peri's backside, pulling him up and off his feet into the dragon's chest. A large hand grabbed at his ass, squeezing him through his shorts.

"Wait, what?" Peri cried out, wriggling. "Payment? But... what kind of payment?"

"Well, how does the saying go over here in... I'm assuming we're in Canada? North America, at least?" the dragon asked, tipping his head up. His nostrils flared as he sniffed the air. "Yes, Canada, Newfoundland, if I'm correct. Lovely flowers in spring. Anyways. Your saying, 'Ass, gas, or grass,' correct? Well, I have no vehicle and as there's plenty of grass around here, that leaves you with only one way to pay."

The dragon laughed at his own joke as Peri froze. Something poked his belly. Something warm, slightly wet, and altogether... large.

"But I'm the gardener! I'm supposed to garden!" Peri said, trying to argue his way out of whatever came next.

"Nonsense! Think of all the time I'll save you!" Pherin said. The dragon lowered his head, where black crests formed from his forehead and over the back of his skull. They lifted up into the air, much like a rooster's, as the dragon's grip shifted, both hands now firmly gripping the young human's behind.

"But what about mppphhh!"

Peri's complaint was silence by the dragon's long black tongue. It swirled inside his mouth, running over his blunt teeth and pushing out against his cheeks. Peri sucked in a breath through his nose as he felt rough, broad lips press against his face, from his nose down to his chin. The dragon's large muzzle moved slowly, tipping to the side. The pointed warmth against Peri's stomach grew significantly larger as the fingers on his backside squeezed and massaged him.

By the time Pherin pulled back, Peri was in a daze. The young human moaned, mouth hanging open, eyes wide as he stared at the dragon, who grinned back at him. Peri's palms pressed against Pherin's chest, flat against the dragon's powerful pectorals. The large reptile flexed, grinding against the human's smaller body.

"Haven't been with a human in a long time," Pherin said, licking his lips. "You're so delightfully... soft."

Peri gasped as Pherin dropped him to the ground. A huge maleness rubbed up his chest and against his neck and cheek. The tip was pointed, angling down into a capped head. The shaft itself was thin just under the head, but thickened rapidly towards the base, where it ended at a fat, knot-like ball of flesh protruding from a spread in the dragon's crotch. A large pair of nuts, each orb the size of a softball, dangled below. How Peri missed them earlier, he wasn't sure, but they were on full display now.

Peri got a much better look at them as the powerful dragon's hand rested on top of his head, pushing him down onto his knees. He could feel the soft, warm flesh of the dragon's skin massaging his hair as his face was pushed up under the shaft, between the balls and erection proper. Pherin groaned happily, hips thrusting ever so slightly, as he pushed his cock along Peri's smooth face and lips. A series of bumps along the urethra flicked over Peri's nose. Each bump, about as wide as a quarter, was about a half-inch thick or so and seemed extra sensitive - Pherin shivered whenever they pushed particularly hard against Peri's face.

For Peri, more than the feel of the dragon's length throbbing against his face, was the smell. It was unlike anything he'd thought Pherin would smell like. Earthy, like fresh dirt, but also slightly fruity. Tangy and salty. The scent was delicious and Peri closed his eyes as it swam up his nostrils, firing off pleasure receptors in his brain. Something warm dripped over the back of Peri's head and down his shirt. Pherin groaned and thrust a bit more firmly, rocking his hips forward and pushing Peri hard into the base of his cock and balls.

"Open wide!"

Peri took a breath a moment before Pherin pulled back, both hands now firmly wrapped around the human's head. Peri's hands went the male's thick thighs, where he could feel the muscles contracting and expanding under the armor-like patches of dark brown scales running down the sides of his legs, compared to the softer, suppler flesh on the fronts and inner parts of his legs. The tip of the dragon's enormous shaft pushed past his lips, smearing them with clear pre-cum. The taste of the dragon's cum was like his scent, only more so. A few squirts filled Peri's mouth and he was forced to swallow the sticky, delicious seed. It slithered down his throat, tasting of earth and fruit, and into his belly, where it warmed his insides.

Pherin sighed happily and kept his firm grip on Peri's head as he pushed in further, stretching the young human's jaw. The dragon looked down, watching as the tip of his cock pushed in, pulled out, and pushed in deeper. The glans could barely fit and it stretched out Peri's jaw, making his eyes water. He pushed against Pherin's thighs, but the dragon's stance was like stone.

"Ohhh, yes... so soft," Pherin gasped, as a few more squirts of the potent and delicious pre-cum splattered the back of Peri's throat. He swallowed convulsively before Pherin pulled out, popping his tip free. The dragon's cock throbbed, lifting into the air with rhythmic jerks, full extended and smooth, almost shiny in the bright light. Peri gasped and fell backwards when Pherin released his head.

The human lay on his back, staring up at the huge, muscular dragon, eyes wide, with pre-cum running down his chin. He licked his lips, savoring the taste despite himself.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this as much as I am," the dragon said, a hungry growl underlining his words.

Peri glanced at his crotch and flinched when he realized he was hard enough to be making a wet spot in the front. Pherin laughed as he reached down and deftly opened the human's shorts. Sharp claws ran lightly down Peri's thighs, making him shiver. The dragon pulled his shorts and underwear off together, leaving him nude from the hips down.

Pherin's long tail crinkled as it swept around. The tip was black, looking for all the world like an oversized dragon fruit. It slid along Peri's side as the dragon lowered himself onto the ground on top of the dark-skinned human. Sharp claws tickled over his sides as Pherin lifted up his shirt, revealing a smooth, toned chest. Peri gasped when he felt a tongue tease his stomach. The tip was slippery and warm, but thick. It caressed his belly before moving up to his chest. Peri gasped, moaning out loud as he felt it circle his nipples. The dragon's hot breath steamed up his chest as his muzzle pushed in close. Peri froze when he felt teeth, but whimpered when the dragon simply teased him further, nibbling on his flesh.

The teasing continued higher. Peri wriggled as the tongue pressed into the crook of his neck. Strong hands gripped his biceps, pinning him down, as the tongue moved to his ear. Pherin licked the outside edge and then the inside. Peri moaned again, hips bucking involuntarily into the dragon's thigh.

"Delicious," Pherin whispered, before slathering half of Peri's face with his tongue.

The dragon's heavy, hard body pushed down against Peri. The smooth skin in the center of his chest and belly rubbed over the smaller human as Pherin pulled himself up, hooking his knees under Peri's armpits. The dragon's massive cock lay against the human's face; the knot bobbed against his lower chest. Pherin leaned forward on his knees and hands, hips going up into the air. He was about to reach back to guide his cock back into the soft human's warm mouth, but he was very happy to feel Peri's fingers clasp around his length. Peri moaned as he pulled the shaft to his lips, opening wide as Pherin pushed down, driving his tip over Peri's tongue.

Peri's cheeks bulged with thick, dark orange cock. The pointed tip went deeper, hitting the back of his throat. Thick pre-cum filled his mouth several times over as the dragon pumped in slowly, taking his time, enjoying the feel of Peri's hands playing over his length, cupping his balls, stroking his knot, all while the cute little tongue swabbed his tip and glans.

Pherin held himself still, eyes closed, body flexed, muscles bulging, as Peri's head bobbed up and down. The dragon shivered from the top of his crests to the tip of his tail and dug his black boots into the ground, lifting his hips up. Peri's mouth followed, until the human's shoulders were totally off the round. Pherin drove forward then, grinding in deeper than ever. He felt Peri gag around his length and groaned hugely, claws digging into the grass underneath his palms. His hips pulled back for a moment and Peri coughed, but he didn't have much respite - the horny dragon's thickness pushed down again, and again, and again. Long, deep strokes filled Peri's mouth as the earthy, fruity pre-cum squirted out around the edges of the enormous shaft - what didn't get eagerly swallowed down by the rock-hard human.

Pherin pulled his hips back, popping his wet, dripping cock free, and backed down until he was on top of Peri again. The dragon's claws gripped the smaller human, turning him over to his side. From behind, Pherin lifted his leg and scooted forward, nudging his tip between Peri's cheeks.

"No! Nnnnn... it'll... it'll never fit!" Peri gasped.

"Oh, it'll fit," the dragon promised.

Powerful, incredibly muscular arms wrapped around Peri's chest and belly, holding him still as the dragon's pointed tip pushed forward, easily spearing the human's tight anus. A few grinds later and the whole head was in. Peri groaned and moaned, wriggling frantically in Pherin's powerful grip. The dragon's tongue fell out as he panted hard, body curling backwards as he pushed in deeper. Somehow the massive cock fit inside Peri's ass - it was an incredibly tight fit, but a fit nonetheless. As more huge inches sunk in, Peri's belly bulged, the outline of the pointed tip clearly visible.

Each smooth button on the dragon's cock elicited a moan from both mammal and reptile as they popped in past the tight ring. Pre-cum squirted out as Pherin pulled back, pulling a few of the bumps free, before grinding them back in. Peri's hands grabbed at Pherin's arms as his legs spread.

Pherin rolled over onto his belly, pinning Peri beneath him. The dragon growled into Peri's ear, tongue following those growls, as his hips drew back.

What followed was, for Peri, an explosion of pleasure. The dragon's immense thickness spread him open over and over as a nimble tongue teased his inner ear. He squirmed and cried out, pushing back, pulling away, rubbing his shoulders back against the powerful, smooth chest of the dragon on top of him. Pherin, for his part, luxuriated in the smoothness of the human's body - no scales, just unadulterated flesh. He ran his claws down Peri's backside, watching the skin rebound back. His cock ground in deeper, until his knot threatened to slip inside as well. Pherin closed his eyes, panting hard, realizing how close he was.

Peri opened his mouth wide and arched back, body going tense, when Pherin popped his knot in with a deep, savage thrust. His belly bulged, but no sound came out of his voiceless, raw throat, as the dragon's hips lurched back and forth, tugging the knot back out before grinding the tip in even deeper. When Peri felt a flood of hot cum fill his guts, he finally found his words.

He screamed in pleasure when his cock went off, shooting a spray of cum into the grass below him. The dragon ruthlessly fucked the orgasm out of him, pounding him hard as he came inside the human at the same time.

Pherin moaned and pulled back. Peri's moan cut off abruptly when the huge knot unceremoniously pulled free. The dragon grinned as the little human writhed back and forth as he slowly pulled out. Thick, slightly orange dragon cum leaked from Peri's ass and Pherin's cock as the dragon kneeled up, shooting a few more streams across Peri's backside.

Peri groaned, hardly able to move. Pherin was happy to do the moving for them both as he rolled the human onto his back and lifted his legs so that Peri's calves rested against his broad pecs.

Peri's eyes closed as he felt the dragon's cock push up between his cheeks again, seeking out his hole. A warm, smooth hand gripped the human's cock, squeezing it, as the dragon pushed forward.

"Again?" Peri gasped. "So soon?"

Pherin's smile broadened as he sunk deep into the human, enjoying the new vantage point this position afforded him. He liked watching the tip of his cock push out against the smooth black skin of the human's belly.

"Dragons have very good stamina," Pherin replied. "And you have many, many hedges in this garden. Don't worry, it'll only be another... I don't know, six or seven hours? You use hours here, right?"

Peri moaned and let his head fall backwards as the dragon pumped steadily into him. Claws and leathery flesh rubbed over his body, steadily arousing him towards a second climax. Pherin leaned over, pushing Peri's legs back, and humped in harder, pulling out so that nearly every bump on his shaft ground in and out each time.

"You'll have to explain time zones to me," Pherin said. "I still don't get the concept. Last time I was here they'd just gotten a decent calendar system."

Peri couldn't reply - it felt like the dragon's cock was grinding straight into his throat. Pherin didn't seem to mind the one-sided conversation as he continued to talk while casually bottoming out in Peri's ass.

"And what's this new sport, hockey? Sounds interesting..."

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