In Shining Armor

Story by Shinji_Hiroku on SoFurry

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I'm sure anyone who's been reading my stuff lately will know that all I've done is flat out porn. That's mostly because I realized that in most cases, people would take one look at my story, see that it included lizards with tits bigger than their heads and write it off as fap material. Which, hey, it's true sometimes, but I decided to stretch my writing hand for this one because I love fantasy universes. I love world building. And I loooove big-titted lizard women. I had a lot of fun with this one. May dick around in this universe some more.

Idly Nathan hummed as he bided his time. After a day, he was beginning to get bored. Moreover, his wrists were killing him. That was the unfortunate reality of well-made rope. Sturdy, flexible, but damn painful, especially when worn for days at a time.

"Be patient," he sighed to himself. It was getting dark outside, at least it should have been. Nathan didn't exactly have a window in his cell, but he was fairly confident in his mental clock. Things seemed to be slowing down outside of his little stone prison. He hadn't seen someone pass by in hours.

"Maybe I can make my escape soon." Just the thought made him giggle a bit. This was always his favorite part. The knife hidden in his sleeve dislodged itself with a few hearty shakes. Small as it was, it's no surprise they didn't find it when he was captured. Even if they did, there's no way they would have gotten the two in his boots as well. "Always be prepared."

The rope around his wrists was particularly thick. It took minutes of sawing just to get halfway through them. The funny angle he was forced to work with slowed things down even more. He was in no particular rush though. Judging by his memory of the compound's layout, it'd take maybe twenty minutes at most find his way to freedom, that is after retrieving his belongings.

He was just about finished when the compound's horn began to blare. He wasn't quite sure what that meant, but chances are it would mess up his escape. Begrudgingly, he hid his knife under a nearby brick and eased himself into the corner. Sure enough, several men ran down the nearby hall over the course of a few minutes, most of them with their swords drawn. Nathan sighed again. "Looks like I'm going to be here for a while."

Even the guard had left his post to meet whatever was threatening the compound. Nathan considered escaping during the chaos, but getting caught in the middle of a battle was a scary proposition. Seeing as the sounds of clashing swords and shields were now nearby, it wasn't an option.

"Who'd attack this place anyway? It's a damn fortress."

His question wasn't answered for another hour or so when the sounds of battle finally faded. A few injured soldiers passed by the hallway outside, many of them limping as they rested on the shoulders of their comrades. Eventually things turned quiet again. A short time after the battle ended, several men walked inside the dungeon. On their shoulders was a thick log, and tied to it was a large, orange creature, hung like a wild pig after a hunt. Only after it was thrown into the adjacent cell did Nathan figure out what it was.

"Crazy Urian bitch," Nathan heard one of the men say as he massaged his aching shoulder. "What the hell was she even thinking attacking this place on her own?" Urian, or lizard-folk as Nathan knew them. They were naturally very big, with physical strength to match. Formidable, but not formidable enough to storm a castle alone. Nathan sided with the guard on this matter. The Urian was nuts.

The men removed the stick and left the big, orange lizard in her cell, her hands and feet still hogtied. It was quite the humorous sight.

"You didn't...actually attack this place on your own, did you?" Nathan felt compelled to ask. With a large amount of effort, the Urian wiggled and squirmed until she was on her front, her admittedly massive breasts propping her up. If she was wearing armor before, they had stripped her almost bare. She wore nothing but a white, shredded undershirt and an animal's pelt around her waist.

"Are you the only prisoner here?" she asked.

"Probably. No one else is stupid enough to get caught in here. Speaking of, did you _actually_attack this castle alone? That was awfully stupid of you."

Almost immediately the Urian began squirming again. She gritted her teeth as she struggled to break her binds. From Nathan's view, the chances of success were slim. Her ropes were even thicker than his. Appropriate when a Urian's strength is taken into account. An amused expression on his face, Nathan sat and watched for minutes as the big orange lizard failed to free herself. All the while he sawed at his own rope with his spare knife. It didn't take long.

The Urian was dumbfounded as Nathan's ropes fell to the floor. He stretched his arms, finally free of horrid rope burns. "Well, if you aren't going to answer, I'll just take my leave then." Using a piece of rusted metal, Nathan fiddled around inside the lock of his cell. "Wow. How old is this place? This is some primitive lock-smithing." With only a second of searching, he managed to find a rectangular piece of metal about half the thickness of a coin and as long as his hand. He reached his arms through the thick iron bars and began picking at the lock. Idly humming to himself, it took only seconds to open the primitive lock.

"Suppose I should thank you, Urian, for getting rid of that guard. Would have knocked him out myself but every little bit helps. Goodbye."

"Wait!" she protested as he began to walk away. "You aren't going to help me? Even as easy as it would be for...someone such as yourself."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

The Urian's voice carried the slightest tone of disgust. "You know full well what I mean. You're a thief."

"Hey, hey. Merchant. Merchant with a convenient set of skills. And a merchant out for his own safety. You and your..." He scoffed, "'heroics' are the last thing I need hindering my escape."

The Urian scoffed as well. "Of course. Your kind has no honor."

"...Oooohh, you're one of those knight-types, aren't you?"

"I am Knight Lucius of the house of Ophelia. Servant of Duke-"

"Yeah, I'm going to have to stop you right there. I think we might be able to work something out after all." Nathan chuckled to himself. Knights were always a wealthy bunch. This failed heist could turn into Nathan's biggest cash cow in months. Although he couldn't quite recognize the surname 'Ophelia,' there were certainly many royals in the world he had never met. "Well, well Ms. Knight. I'm afraid I'm fresh out of honor right now, but I do have some I.O.Us if you're interested."

Lucius stared at him with utter contempt in her eyes. She had already figured something like this would happen, but being prepared only slightly lessened the blow. "Indebted to a thief. How much lower could I sink?"

"Approximately six more feet under the dirt. After injuring so many men, I'm sure that's where you'll be tomorrow morning. So what do you say? I'll help you escape and you'll owe me a little favor."

"Just do it before I throw up."

"As you wish, Sir Knight. " Retrieving his lock-picking 'tools,' Nathan was quickly able to unlock Lucius' cell. "Easy peasy." His hands in a much more natural state, he was able to saw through the Urian's rope in less than a minute.

She stood tall, at least a foot above Nathan himself, who was only an average human's height. Her cream-colored stomach was exceptionally rotund as many Urian's were, but despite their size, they were nothing to be trifled with.

"Milady, I'm going to have to ask you to wait here."

"And why is that?"

" Because, I have to find our equipment. Surely you came in here with more than you have now. I'll bring it back for you, or at the very least, find where it's stored. I'd take you with me but Urians as large as yourself aren't exactly the most stealthy of creatures."

Though stated bluntly, Lucius couldn't argue with facts. "A lance. My weapon is a lance. Everything else you should be able to identify."

"Sit tight. I'll be back momentarily."

The stone hallways of the compound were surprisingly empty. Asides from torches and rocks, there was very little to see. "Tending to the wounded, I guess. That Urian must have really done them in. Then again, didn't exactly seem all that guarded to begin with." It was very lucky for Nathan, who saw only a few guards on his way through the dank castle. Child's play. It was no fun at all. He did, however, remain cautious, tip toeing everywhere he went and peeking around every corner.

It took more than he expected to find what he was looking for. The castle was a maze, with several rooms in every long corridor. Most of the were empty, abandoned long ago and completely stripped of all valuable contents by looters over the years. As far as personal gain, Nathan could find nothing of real interest. Even the 'armory' was barren. Save for a short sword or two, and a rack of cheap wine, nothing inside was worth its weight in gold. However, its bare state made it a simple matter to find Lucius' lance.

"Pretty unceremonious for a knight's weapon." Its appearance was like any other lance. Long, wide at the base, but tapering to a sharp point at the tip. It was heavily scuffed from use. It was however solidly made and weighty. "I couldn't even get ten gold out of this thing," Nathan sighed. Engraved in the hilt was the name, 'Ophelia,' in a fancy, calligraphic cursive. Once again, Nathan thought about the name. "Ophelia...Ophelia. Where have I heard that before?" He inspected the weapon for clues, but could find nothing. Only when he looked at the base of the hilt did he realize why it felt so familiar. '1170' was inscribed on the bottom.

"Thought so. I knew it was too good to be true." He was forced to focus elsewhere as the sound of footsteps filled the hallway. Lance in hand, he preemptively hid behind the door, only to the find the footsteps fading away moments later in the direction Nathan had come from. "Yep. That probably means what I think it does." Once the noise had died down, he followed the footsteps down the hallway. Stealth wasn't much of an option anymore.

As he was running at full speed, the return took far less time than the initial trip. Despite the maze-like nature of the compound, Nathan's mental map of it was flawless. He immediately recognized the dungeon corridor, but couldn't quite make back as the number of unconscious bodies in the hall began to grow.

Nathan groaned. "So much for a clean getaway." Across the large pile of bodies Lucius stood, stretching her arms and legs after the battle. "Didn't I tell you to stay put, Urian?"

"I did. What, did you not expect them to send more guards to watch over the dungeon?"

"Fair point. I should have left you tied up then. That way they wouldn't have suspected anything." Nathan spoke in a joking manner, but something about his smile told Lucius that he was at least somewhat serious. She had little time to question it as the sounds of more men started to fill the hall.

"Heads up, Ms. Knight," Nathan said as he tossed her the lance. "Follow me. Let's get your things back."

The two of them sprinted towards the armory, knocking out any oblivious guards in the way. As Nathan expected, the Urian knight could easily outrun him despite her size. She jogged next to him however, for fear of taking a wrong turn. There was a certain grace to the way her feet moved. Effortless and almost as light Nathan himself. Coming from a lizard twice his size, it was impressive. It's what one would come to expect of a well-trained knight, unlike the many Nathan had encountered in his lifetime.

They made it to the armory in record time, closing and locking the door behind them. Immediately Lucius found her equipment and began to suit up. Thick leather under armor covered her arms and legs along with her tailor-made metal gauntlets and greaves. Due to her somewhat enormous bust, plate mail for her chest wasn't an option. With a long strap of leather, she held her breasts tight against her chest, further covering them with another specially-made piece of armor akin to a bra. A small backpack on her back and traditional knights helm on her head, she stood fully-armored and ready for battle.

"Let's go," she commanded.

Nathan chuckled. "Yes, ma'am." After grabbing his own backpack of confiscated items, he followed Lucius to the door. Upon slightly cracking the door open, they found the halls much more populated than before. The guards were on the hunt.

"We're going to have to fight our way out."

"That seems like an utterly terrible idea. Look how well it worked out for you before. I say we run right through."

"And how to you suppose we do that? They're uncoordinated and untrained, but they have numbers. We can't easily break through a crowd like that."

"Their numbers are precisely why fighting is a bad idea." Nathan scoffed. "Knights. Always wanting to do things the hard way." He reached inside of his bag to find two small balls wrapped in a thin white cloth. "Chivalry's dead. Sometimes you have to think like a rogue."

Nathan opened the door ever-so-slightly wider, using the extra space to roll the cloth ball down the hall. There it remained for a short while, a number of men ignoring it as they continued to their frantic search of the compound. Inevitably, a stray foot stepped on the ball and it exploded into cloud of white smoke, completely obscuring the hall.

"Go forward, make a right and keep running straight. That's our exit. By the way, now is a good time to run in case you haven't noticed."

With the slightest amount of disdain on her face, Lucius nodded. "You'll slow me down though. Get on my back." She turned and kneeled, presenting her back to the would-be rogue. Understandably, he was somewhat hesitant.

"I'm not that slow..."

"We don't have time to argue. Shut up, get on, and hold tight. I won't have time to come back for you if you fall."

Nathan was reluctant, but he didn't have much of a choice. He hopped on and wrapped his legs around Lucius' waist. She held him by his thighs and before he could say, 'ready,' Lucius was dashing down the hall at a frightening speed. She skidded to a stop only to take the right turn before breaking into a sprint once again.

She plowed through dozens of men along the way, the vast majority of them unable to react as they coughed and hacked in the smoke. The ride was both exhilarating and horrifying. Lucius moved faster than any horse Nathan had ever ridden, and nothing, it seemed, could stand in her way. She charged down the winding hallway, eventually reaching the dilapidated front gate. Without slowing down, she plowed right through, bursting a Urian-sized hole right through the middle.

She slid down the massive hill on which the castle resided and ran through the forest, not even thinking of looking back.

Nathan wasn't sure how long they had been running. He lived by the, 'better safe than sorry,' mantra, but there was 'safe,' and then there was 'paranoid.' They had passed that twenty minutes ago.

"Urian. Lucius!" He had to yell over the wind rushing by his face. "I think it's safe to stop now!"

Lucius noted her new surroundings before finally slowing to a stop. Sparsely-populated woods with only small, scattered trees for protection. Not ideal, but there were only bandits behind her. Uncoordinated, slow, human bandits, with no real reason to give chase. She was more than likely safe.

She released Nathan who landed on his feet, but then promptly on his back. "Solid ground. I missed you."

As Nathan adjusted to solid footing, Lucius once again took in her surroundings. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, listening to the sounds of the forest before heading off into the woods.

"Hey, hey," Nathan yelled before chasing after her. "Where are you off to so soon?"

"I hear a waterfall. I'm setting up camp near there. You can come along if you like."

"I think I will. You do owe me a favor after all."

The waterfall was a good mile away. Though Nathan had trouble keeping up with Lucius' normal walking speed, the two of them made it very quickly, just in time as the sun was beginning to go down.

The waterfall emptied into a wide river and continued for a ways into the forest. The water itself looked crystal clear and the area around it was overgrown with moss and weeds. The river itself made several drop-offs into progressively smaller streams. Lucius followed it as far as she could until the roar of the waterfall was just distant noise. At one of the river's smaller drop-offs was a large pool, just what she had been looking for.

"That Urian hearing must come in handy. I envy the ability to find fresh drinking water as easily as this."

"I'm going to survey the area. Wait here." Without another word, Lucius made her way into the woods.

"Not one for small talk, I see..." Nathan sighed. "Oh well."

In the short time Lucius was gone, Nathan took it upon himself to gather strewn branches and other such pieces of kindling. With his personal tinderbox, he set up a modest fire. If maintained, it would get them through the night. "One last thing..." Nathan remained completely still as he waited for an opportunity. For minutes he sat in front of the fire, a small knife in his hand. He could hear many promising sounds. The chirps of large birds, the skittering of small forest animals. Patience would earn him his prize.

It was only when Lucius suddenly entered the camp grounds did he strike. With the flick of his wrist, his knife flew through the air, pinning a squirrel to the tree next to Lucius' head. "Caught dinner," he said with a smile.

Within minutes, Nathan had skinned and skewered the lifeless animal. He suspended it over the fire and waited patiently for first meal in a day in a half. "I think I might need to do some more hunting if I'm going to feed both of us."

"I'm not hungry," Lucius coldly replied as she removed her armor and arranged it in a neat pile. She removed her helmet last, revealing her small, rear-facing horns. With all the excitement that day, this was the first time Nathan had actually paid attention to Urian's body. The big orange lizard was large, as most Urian's were, maybe a foot taller than Nathan himself. Most of her size however was in her rather wide body. She was definitely wide around the hips, a trait Nathan found himself admiring as Lucius removed her belt. Her smooth skin was a vibrant orange and her tail was short and stubby. Only after he was staring at her bare behind did he realize just how much clothing she had removed. Everything from her heavy leather bra to her thigh-high leggings went into her armor pile, and for the first time Nathan was viewing a naked Urian. Assorted scars adorned her body at random places. Surprising to Nathan considering many knight's tendencies to avoid battle.

Lucius stretched briefly before sinking herself into the pool. The act had Nathan flabbergasted, but he shook it off quickly and decided it was about time to take a long walk.

"And where do you think you're going?" Lucius asked as Nathan began to walk away.

"...Away? I know how ladies need their private time. I'm just going to let you have that and I'll be back later."

Lucius groaned. "I know you humans are sensitive about your bodies, but a knight has no time for such trite. Besides, you stink to high heaven. I can smell you from here. If you're going to be around me, you're going to have to wash up."

"To be fair, I was in that cell for almost two days. I'm not entirely to blame for the stink. Still, are you sure it's alright?"

"I couldn't call myself a knight if I were afraid of something so insignificant."

Nathan couldn't complain. He stripped down to nothing but his boxers and set his items close to the water's edge. Safety first. The water was mildly cold as he expected, but it was mid-summer so the temperature was tolerable. It came just past his waist, and when found a nearby rock to sit on, it came up to his shoulders. "Not bad." After all of the stress over the past few days, he was content just resting in the cool water and enjoying the view from across the pond.

With a personal rag, Lucius scrubbed herself down, the dirt and sweat sliding off of her body and washing down the river. Without batting an eye in Nathan's direction, she washed herself in a quick, methodical manner. In a few short minutes she was done, and like Nathan, she found the most comfortable rock she could and used it as a seat. Tall as she was, the water could only cover her breast line, leaving the top of her large bosom exposed. Nathan did his best not to stare.

They sat in silence for a time, Lucius staring into the sky while Nathan stared at the water. "So," he said breaking the silence. "What's my knight in shining armor got planned for tomorrow?"

"I'm dropping you off at the nearest village. It's about thirteen miles east of here. After that, you're on your own. " Lucius continued to stare into the rapidly darkening sky, not even bothering to look Nathan in the eye.

"Brutal. That only half answers my question though. Where are you going? What are you going to do?"

"That's none of your concern."

"You're right. That's a little private." Nathan sighed. "But you can't blame me for being worried. I just had it in my head that you might do something crazy like storm a castle full of lowlife bandits in the name of misguided justice...or something."

With that, Lucius finally took her eyes off of the stars. She stared at Nathan, a neutral look on her face.

"That got your attention. You still haven't answered that question for me. Just what were you looking to accomplish by storming that place alone? There was no treasure. No one to save. Hell, as far as I know those bandits hadn't even done anything yet."

Lucius stared down into the water, her expression turning somewhat solemn. "I was doing my duty. Nothing more."

"Duty," Nathan scoffed. "I've said it before. I'll say it again. Chivalry's dead. I hate to break it to you, but knights are going out of style. There hasn't been a war in decades. People are uniting. The world's calming down. Soon there won't be very many places left for you."

Lucius went quiet again. For what seemed like minutes in the awkward atmosphere, she closed her eyes and thought to herself. Nathan had said all he needed to, so he let her think. It wasn't too long before she decided to speak again. "I know that. I know it better than anyone else."

"Oh...most knights get angry when I tell them that. Well now I just feel bad."

"Don't. If I were worried about such a thing, I would quit now, but I'm not. I chose this path, and once you go down the path of a knight, you see it through to the end, or throw away your honor. I have my place in this world. I fight for the people. I protect the innocent. Evil will exist whether or not the world is at peace, and it's my sworn duty to fight it. In the name of justice and...Ophelia house..."

"Ophelia house. They're a pretty small family. If rumors served though, they expanded their wealth faster than any noble's house has ever done. They were destined for great things...and that's why they were all killed forty years ago." Lucius looked away, her expression downright dismal. "It's pretty common, I guess, jealous nobles killing one another for money and power. Doesn't make it any better, though. I'm sorry I brought it up, but I wanted to know if you knew it yourself..."

"A houseless knight in an age that doesn't even need her." Lucius scoffed. "That's just something I've come to accept. A pretty pathetic existence, mitigated by the occasional good deed or act of stupidity thinly veiled as bravery. That's been my life for the past decade."

Nathan was feeling worse by the second. He had opened a can of worms bigger than he knew, and it was depressing. He huffed as he reached backwards to grab his bag. It took him only a second to find what he was looking for. Once he had, he traversed the small pond. By the time Lucius looked up, there was a large glass bottle filled with crimson-colored wine next to her face. "Here."

Lucius appeared confused at the offering.

"Found a few bottles in the armory back there. I was going to sell it in town but I think you could use it more than me right now. I doubt I'd get very much for it anyway."

"I may be pathetic, but I'm no drunkard. I don't need to drink my pain away."

"Oh just take the damn thing." Forcibly Nathan grabbed her hand and forced her to hold the bottle. "Even a knight needs to unwind a bit. Just think of it a celebratory drink for our daring escape from bandit clutches...You can hold your liquor, can't you?"

"O-Of course I can." After removing the cork by its tiny handle, she took a large swig of the fortified wine. She was thankfully not as cool-headed as she put on.

Mostly, the two of them relaxed and tried to enjoy calm waters. The sun had long since gone down and there was only the crackle of the fire and the loud sounds of crickets in the distance. However, the more Lucius drank, the louder she became. After only half of the, admittedly sizable bottle, she was talking more than she had all day. By the end of it, she could almost pass as the life of the party. Such were the consequences of drinking on an empty stomach.

Nathan himself had very little. He was content listening as the once-stoic knight regaled him with random tales from her past while drunkenly forgetting many of the details. It was amusing to say the least, if not incredibly sad at times. Her most somber of stories came when she spoke of Ophelia house.

"I was ten. I wasn't even a knight when it happened. Just some homeless wanderer. But they took me in and gave me a life as a servant. It wasn't luxury, but it was a better life than I'd ever had, and for that, I vowed my life to Ophelia house." She sighed. "And Prince Raymond." Just the mention of his name seemed to make her smile and blush. "Little human kid. Same age as me at the time. He was the one who picked me up off the streets, the one who encouraged me to become a knight."

She sighed again, once more looking at the stars as she reminisced. "I wonder what he'd look like today. Tall and handsome. A flawless face fit for a prince. Blonde hair, blue eyes."

Somewhat uncomfortable with the change in topic, Nathan could only chuckle and nod. The movement of her hands under the water only made the situation more awkward for him.

Lucius' smile disappeared as she finally looked down to see the small 'merchant' again. Her hand quickly returned her side as well.

"...If you want some alone time, I can make myself busy elsewhere," Nathan sheepishly offered.

Instead of a response, he only received an indiscernible look and impatient jitters. Nathan watched her for minutes as she went through what he could only assume was internal conflict. Several times she look at him only to quickly avert her eyes to a random point in the trees. She huffed, puffed, and scoffed the entire time, simultaneously biting her lip and tapping her fingers against the rocks.

She emptied the last of the bottle down her throat and all at once, the conflict stopped. "Alright," she said as she exhaled. "Can't wait anymore."

"I'm going. I'm going."

"Come here."

Nathan stretched as he went to exit the water. "Everyone needs their personal- wait what?"

"Come here," she repeated slower. "Hurry up before I change my mind."

"Oh no. No, no. Look I'm not complaining or anything,'re drunk. I don't want you sobering up in the morning, realizing what you've done and punching me in the face for 'taking advantage of you.' Wouldn't be the first time..."

Lucius scoffed. " Why are you humans so...dramatic? You shy away like it's insemination or commitment. Don't make it more than it is. It's just a mutual exchange of pleasure. Oh, what would you humans call it? 'Fun,' or something. A thief's not exactly my first choice of partners but you'll do."

"That's not exclusively a human word. You're just drunk. Very, very drunk. On that note. I should probably leave before you do something you regret." Nathan went to exit the pool once again but was astonished at how quickly Lucius could close the gap between them, especially over water. He had almost forgot it was a Urian he was dealing with. She pinned him to the edge of the pond, her giant breasts squeezing him against the rocks.

"I'm not that drunk," she hiccupped. Nathan was unconvinced. "I'm not going to hurt you. Just hold still."

Nathan wasn't entirely convinced of that either. Lucius was frighteningly rough with as she pulled his underwear down. He was as helpless as a rat against a snake. The large Urian could easily have broken him in two if she wanted.

"Wait, wait, wait, please! Just one second!"

"What is it this time?"

"Oh thank heavens," Nathan sighed in relief, thankful to have delayed the drunken lizard for even a moment. "Look, I'll help you, alright? But I'm not exactly a Urian, you know. I'm considerably...smaller in places. Here," he patted the ground behind him. "We'll have to do this a different way. " Lucius glared at him, a look of impatience and suspicion on her face. "Just trust me." He smiled as sincerely as he could and eventually Lucius gave in.

With an over-exaggerated huff, she climbed onto solid ground, letting her legs dangle over the edge of the pond. There Nathan sat in between her hefty thighs, suddenly realizing just how hard his job would be.

'What have I gotten myself into,' he thought to himself. Truth be told, he'd had thoughts about such acts the moment Lucius undressed, but not once did he consider acting on them out fear and respect, but mostly fear. He prayed that luck was on his side and threw caution to the wind.

Meekly he reached forward, his hands sliding in between Lucius' inner thighs. They were as soft and smooth as they looked, but underneath, Nathan could feel firm muscle. The soft outer layer was something common to Urians. That thick layer of fat could easily absorb and dispel damage from blunt attacks, and as tough as Urian skin was, it could repel some sharp weaponry as well. As for Nathan's benefits, he liked the feeling of it. Soft and bouncy, easy to squeeze between his fingers and very easy to hold on to.

He was happy to find she had cleaned herself quite thoroughly, even while he was watching her. Being the first time he had been in such a situation, he was also happy to find her privates relatively identical to human women's. Her cream-colored labia were thick and plump looking, and her clitoris was about the size about the size of Nathan's fingertips, but otherwise, everything seemed normal.

Using his forearms, he held her legs apart as his fingers began to tickle her nether region. Gently he teased the area around her privates, testing to see just how sensitive a Urian really was. He was very pleased at what he saw. As evidenced by her stifled gasps, Lucius was just about as sensitive as any other woman. The tickling of her inner thighs caused her legs to quiver. It was subtle but very noticeable. Nathan enjoyed watching the drunken knight try and hold her composure.

Little by little, her tough attitude was fading away. Despite essentially being forced to do this, he felt as if he were in control. It made him feel bold.

Slowly he ran a finger up and down Lucius' slit. Already it was wet and, the knight's drippings very distinguishable from the river water. Her juices were cloudy and tinted a very light shade of yellow. The farther Nathan pushed his finger, the more of the cloudy liquid he would receive. It smelled almost sweet, but Nathan assured himself that it was the alcohol in his blood making him feel that way.

Feeling generous, he drove his middle finger in to the knuckle, causing Lucius' body to tense. He could feel her walls squeezing him hard, but as wet and slick as she was inside, it was easy to keep pushing.

This time, he used three of his fingers. The sudden increase in size made Lucius exhale sharply, just the reaction Nathan was looking for. Upon that small victory he set his rhythm. Slowly and deliberately he began thrusting his fingers in and out of her hole. Above him, he could hear her breath become more strained and as he looked up, he was pleased to find her becoming red in the face. Even a Urian could blush.

Lucius' mouth hung open. Nathan could tell it was becoming hard for her to choke back her moans. She looked down at him with half-lidded, glazed-over eyes, her once stalwart face twisted by the pleasure she received.

"A-are all humans this s-slow," she shuddered, failing to maintain the tough knight act.

"I'm told women like to take it slow. Makes the finish that much more enjoyable." Nathan pushed his fingers as far in as he could go and gently raked Lucius' walls on the way out. Unprepared for the sudden burst in pleasure, she threw her head back as she moaned out loud for first time. "Although...I suppose I can speed things along if you'd like.

Nathan smiled wide. He'd been wanting to do this since the beginning. Lucius cried out once again as Nathan wrapped his mouth around her sizable clit. It took all the willpower she had not to slam her legs shut on Nathan's head, but that willpower quickly began to deteriorate as he sucked on the sensitive nub of flesh. Lucius' hands clawed at the ground. The pleasure was almost too much to take, but maintaining her pride as a knight, or what little there was left, she didn't tell Nathan to stop.

He was very careful with Lucius' clitoris. There was no need to be rough as even the slightest brush against it caused the large Urian to moan loud enough for half of the forest to hear. He couldn't imagine her receiving such treatment very often so the reaction didn't surprise him. Strong as the knight was, she wouldn't hold out long. If that's what she wanted though, who was Nathan to deny her?

His mouth held firm around her sensitive nub as he dragged his tongue back and forth across its tip. And not for a second did he stop plunging his fingers in and out of her depths. He could feel her contractions growing steadily more rapid by the second, and with every forcible thrust, her tunnel would splash his hand in her warm juices. He felt a slight hint of fear Lucius suddenly and, almost painfully grabbed on to the back of his head and pushed him inwards. There was no pulling away now. The only way was forward.

Louder and louder Lucius moaned as she rapidly approached her climax. The overwhelming pleasure shook her body and caused her every muscle to tense. She tilted her head back, gasping for breath. It wasn't long before she could no longer hold her composure. She moaned into the air, her voice jumping an octave with every successive shout. Soon her entire body began to tremble. Fearing what she might do in the throes of orgasm, she released Nathan's head and fell on her back seconds before the climatic moment hit her.

She bit down on her finger, forcibly stifling her screams of pleasure as her climax reached her. Nathan held firm during the moment, continuing his duty as Lucius' body quaked around him. Her reaction was the strongest he'd seen in a long time. Her lower half convulsed almost violently, her juices splashing Nathan's chest and face unendingly. It was quite satisfying for him as well, knowing that he'd done well enough to bring Lucius to her knees, figuratively speaking. He felt content moving forward and smiled for the long minute over which the Urian's orgasm stretched.

It would most likely be the only time Nathan would have such an experience, so he savored the moment, continuing to smile as he looked over Lucius' panting form. A small victory in his long list of accomplishments. Feeling satisfied, he pulled his pants up and climbed out of the water, ready to take a small break himself. Lucius had held back almost ten minutes. It was tiring for both of them, at least Nathan thought so. As he sat on the water's edge, Lucius' hand landed on his shoulder. He looked back, amused by the afterglow-induced look of bliss on the Urian knight's face.

"I must thank you," she said still panting, though not quite as hard as before.

"It was my pleasure, milady."

"No. I must thank you." Before Nathan could realize what was happening, he was pulled onto his back. Lucius climbed atop him, straddling his waist with her own.

Whether from intoxication or orgasm, Lucius' arms and legs wobbled. Her body swayed to and fro, her eyes still half-lidded. "I'm already indebted to you. I'll not add more to that debt." Her voice still carried a heavy slur. Clearly she was still drunk, but somehow Nathan felt she would feel the same way about the situation intoxicated or not.

It took effort, but Lucius lifted herself up, coming to rest in a sitting position over Nathan's body. Looking down, she could see his erection bulging through his shorts. Gently, she grabbed hold of the small tent and pressed it against her crotch. She slid herself back forth, wantonly grinding herself against his shaft. Nathan could do nothing but watch as his erection disappeared in between Lucius' fatty thighs again and again. Even sitting on her knees, the knight towered over him. Had she not bent forward, Nathan wouldn't have seen her face past her colossal breasts. He found it difficult to stay worried about his safety at such sights.

Without warning, she yanked at his shorts, Nathan's erection springing upwards as it was released. Lucius wasted no time sliding it across her lower lips once again. Without the cloth restriction Nathan could feel her delicate folds as intended. They contoured to Nathan's shape as Lucius pressed them against his shaft. They were pillow-soft, and glossy from Nathan's previous activities. Had he not been so distracted by Lucius large bouncing breasts, it would have been a unique and interesting sight to behold.

However, he was forced to look back down as Lucius finally began to press his head against her entrance. Nathan squeezed on her legs as he watched her slowly lower herself onto his shaft. Despite the size difference, Lucius' tunnel was nowhere near as loose as he expected. It was warm and soaking wet, likely made for much larger men than Nathan, but even so it was a suitable space.

Lucius bent forward, planting her hands at Nathan's side as she came to rest on top of him. Her giant breasts once again pressed against his chest, effectively pinning him to the ground as she forced pleasure upon him. With a short but noticeable grunt, he could feel her walls tighten around his length. She gauged his reaction, adjusting the tightness until the discomfort on his face disappeared. No woman Nathan had ever been with possessed such fine control. His respect for Urian women doubled that day.

There was little time to give it thought as Lucius began sliding back and forth. It was an experience unlike Nathan had ever felt before. While most of the knight's weight rested on her knees, she still applied a great deal of force to his body. Movement was limited but even so he found himself rocking to and fro to the rhythm of Lucius' thrusts. He wrapped his hands around her weighty behind, helping to guide her every move.

Her doughy breasts held firm against his chest, pressing against his face every time the knight lurched forward. It was likely Nathan would never have an opportunity like this again, so he took his chance. "May I?" he asked as he touched his hand to Lucius' large bosom.

She blushed at the notion. "...if you must..."

Once given permission, Nathan was all too happy to feel his way around her sizable chest. It was extremely plush, easily wrapping around Nathan's fingers as he touched and squeezed them. They bounced and jiggled slowly as if filled with thick but liquid-like substance. No human woman could ever come close to matching their size and as such, Nathan felt the need to enjoy them while he could.

Her off-brown areolae were as large as his hand, fingers outstretched and her nipples were another opportunity Nathan couldn't pass up. He couldn't help but chuckle at the mortified look on her face as he took her finger-sized nipple into his mouth. Yet more treatment she most likely wasn't used to.

"You humans..." Despite her complaint, Nathan was sure she would enjoy it. It was just as smooth as the rest of her curvaceous body, making it a joy to tease. Nathan ran circles around it with his tongue, gauging Lucius' reactions as she had done with him. Her embarrassed expression quickly dissolved as it became apparent that she enjoyed the act. She suppressed her gasps in an effort to hide it, but Nathan could see right through her. She shivered as he wormed his tongue into the small opening. It was a different feeling for her, something most Urian men ignored entirely. It was so foreign, but at the same time so wonderful. However, she had already submitted to this human once. She wouldn't shame herself again.

She mustered up the last of her willpower and doubled her thrusting efforts. Already Nathan could feel the pressure building. Due to Lucius' rather slow pace before, he could keep himself under control, but it was becoming increasingly hard with every passing second. He bit his lip and bared it, although he wasn't quite as concerned with appearing weak, unlike Lucius.

"Y-you're really good at this, you know that?" He teased.

Mortified but determined, Lucius squeezed her tunnel somewhat powerfully around his shaft, both affirming Nathan's point and punishing him for making it. It hurt, but he couldn't process the pain for long. The growing pleasure in his groin was all he could think about. Lucius' rump bounced up and down on his crotch, producing a light slapping sound as it hit. He began writhe beneath the heavy Urian. His fingers and toes clenched. His breath began to shudder. Lucius' hole was too good to resist.

Eager to end it, she rose to her knees once again, rapidly gyrating her hips with expert control. Her massive rump enveloped Nathan's lower half as she did, but he didn't seem to mind at all. He found his fingers digging into her thick thighs, his hands moving on their own as they guided the knight into his shaft. Lucius' skillful hip movement was akin to a belly dancer and just as quick and lively. Nathan couldn't deny how much he was enjoying it. His eyes clenched and his face contorted with bliss, he could only let out strained gasps as he was pleasured by the drunken Urian.

It didn't take much of this treatment to send him over the edge. A tense groan escaped mouth as he was rushed to his climax. He arched his back, his lower half completely unable to move under Lucius' weight. Though underwhelming, she could feel his shaft throbbing inside of her as it no doubt splashed her walls in his cum. She continued rapidly grinding her hips in circles until the very end, giving Nathan somewhat more than he bargained for. He didn't complain.

While his orgasm didn't last nearly as long as Lucius', it was just as satisfying. He let his head fall to the ground. Exhausted, he lay there panting. Sex with a Urian was almost more trouble than it was worth. Almost, but not quite.

"Whoops, looks like I'm going to have to get cleaned again." He smiled and laughed as he noted Lucius' oily juices coating his lower half. His attempt at humor seemed lost on the Urian knight. She looked down at him with an expression he couldn't quite read. Not angry or embarrassed ,but melancholy in a way. Once she realized that she was staring, she promptly looked away.

"Do what you like. I'm going to bed." She said nothing else as she stood up and walked away.


The rest of the night went without incident and by the middle of the next day they had made it to civilization, a small town Nathan recognized as Greneth.

"Damn," he complained to himself. "It'll take hours to reach Galbrook from here. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess. Well, Ms. Knight. I guess this where we part ways. Good luck on your travels." He readjusted his backpack and went to head off, but not before Lucius stopped him.

"Hold it. Have you forgotten I'm indebted to you? I'd assumed there was something you wanted from me..."

Nathan stared to the sky as if pondering his options. "Hmm. Nah, just forget it." He went to walk away again, but Lucius grabbed his shoulder.

"As a knight, I cannot let a debt go unpaid."

Nathan groaned. "Look, you guessed it a long time ago. I'm a thief, a hoodlum, a swindler. I was just trying to get money out of you, understand? It's what I do to stuck-up knights, not even for the monetary gain, just because I hate their pompous attitudes." He sighed. "But you, you're not like those other knights. As much as your overly virtuous attitude annoys me, I've never seen someone so dedicated to their code of knighthood, and for that, you have my respect, whatever that's worth coming from a rogue. In all good consciousness, I can't take from you."

It was the first time Nathan had seen the knight look so amazed. For a time she gazed at him with wide eyes, but eventually she came back to her senses.

"You're...You did more than save me from that fortress. This debt is about more than just an IOU. As you can imagine, it's been ages since I've had someone to talk to about such...personal things. Thief or not, I truly wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for being a listening ear in which I could speak. Not only that, but I see a strong sense of honor within you. You have my respect as well. So please, if there is anything at all I can do for you, tell me."

Nathan stared at her, his eyebrow raised and a look of mild annoyance on his face. After a moment's thought, it turned into a smile. "'Anything?' Are you sure about that? I could have you do horrible, dishonorable things. Are you sure you wish to trust me with such an opportunity?"

"I would. Whether toward king or peasant, a knight never turns their back on a promise."

Nathan chuckled. "You've never had a lover, correct?"

Lucius hesitated for a moment. "N-no. As a knight, I have no time for-"

"Kneel, please." Confused, but unfaltering, Lucius quickly removed her helmet and dropped to one knee. "Now hold perfectly still. I wish to tread the untrodden." Nathan lifted her face and before she could change her mind, he planted his lips against hers. Lucius' eyes went wide. Sudden as the kiss was, she wanted to pull back, but bound by her word as a knight, she held firm, letting Nathan's lips gently caress hers. After a short while, he pulled away, laughing heartily as he did.

"First kiss of the Urian Knight. Sounds like a children's fable, right? He laughed again, sounding intentionally arrogant and boastful as he did. "Your honor stolen by a mere human thief. Surely the shame will follow you until the day you die. And now I bid thee farewell. May your dreams be haunted by my terrifying visage."

Before Lucius could say a word, he ran into town, weaving his way through a small crowd of people. Within seconds, Lucius had lost him. She made no effort to chase. Knowing his profession, she was unlikely to catch him.

She stood there, still stunned at the thief's brash actions. She was sure he had no idea what he had just done, but she would tell him in detail later. After all, she had no choice but to find him now.


IWFYC - Tauren Dance

Being a whore isn't all it's cracked up to be. I mean sure you get paid pretty well...very well...maybe a little overpaid, but it loses its buzz after a while. Some anal here, a blowjob there. Occasionally I get to spank a man and make him lick my...

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Another day another dollar. Lord only knows who my client is this time. Guess I'll know soon enough. Better to relax and enjoy the walk than waste brainpower stressing over it. It was pretty late, some time past two in the morning. Provided I'm smart...

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That poor kid. He couldn't have chosen worse for his first time. I'd even hesitate to go against the Black Bandit, but him, he didn't stand a chance. I can't pity him too much though. He probably had the time of his life. 'Newcomers,' 'one-timers,' we...

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