
Story by NoOneOfConsequence on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

Something written two years ago under the influence of winter madness and a bit of loneliness.

I'm not sure how many times we've done this. It's become such a habit for us; it's pretty much something of a yearly ritual.

Every winter, when the moon is full overhead, she runs. And I give chase.

It's always the same. She rushes through the snowy drifts of the forest, over old trails we've used over the years. It's not a difficult path for me, yet I'm always lagging behind her. Maybe because I'm only human and she... she's a little more than that. It's one of the reasons I love her so much.

I've gotten pretty good now. I can keep up with her with little difficulty, though sometimes I can't help but wonder if it's not because she takes it easy on me. Even so, I've managed to surprise her a couple times. When I do, I take advantage of it. In the past, she used to let me pounce her; now I do it as I please. She still won't let me pin her though. I never try that hard. I enjoy the game too much to end it so soon. I do love it when we struggle.

Eventually, it gets to be too much for me. I have to rest, to take a break. A couple times I've suffered an injury, but that was in the past before I knew the woods better. Now I don't get injured at all. But I still act like it sometimes. She does like to play her role so well.

What happens next I will never tell about in great detail.

Somehow, no matter how long we've travelled or where I choose to stop, there's always a cave nearby. She leads me to it and it has the same features, though sometimes rearranged. I have long ceased asking about it. She never would say; she only ever gave me a coy look. Some secrets she may never share with me. I don't think I mind so much.

She sits me down in front of the fireplace and disrobes me. I'd return the favor, but she never wears clothes, at least not during this little thing of ours. "Too cumbersome," she says. Who am I to protest? She checks me over right after, especially if I have an injury, real or pretend. Not once have I had to visit a hospital or ended up bed-ridden because of our ventures into the forest. For instead of the harsh medicines of man, she uses a gentle magic that warms the bones and soothes away all wounds. I stopped asking about that too. She never gives me much time to ask anyway.

The next part has her pushing me onto my back, laid down onto a luxurious fur rug that's always warm. What follows next you can probably guess. We make love after our own fashion, entwined with each other on that rug, doing it however we please. And as often as we like. There's very little that compares to having someone like her close against me, fur against skin as she whimpers and nips at me. It makes me wonder how I ever did without her.

In the morning, she wakes me up. I get dressed and follow her out, and we make our way back through the forest. There's more magic involved, for we're always just a little ways inside from where I parked the car. I never really asked about that; I've never been a morning person. And I'm not about to question a gift when I'm sore, half-awake and have to deal with her wonderful and cheery morning disposition. It's the only thing about her that bothers me. There's just so much to love.

We drive home in silence. She actually takes a nap, if you can believe it. All perky and ready to go, and a few miles down the road she's fast asleep in the passenger's seat, wrapped in a blanket as I head for more civilized lands. She's real cute when she's asleep, though she denies it. I've yet to mention her snoring.

The funny thing is I've never caught her. Not once. I haven't even managed to pin her and I'm not sure why. Sometimes I think it's because of her strength. Other times, I think I just like the chase too much. Or maybe there's more going on than I realize. There's so much I don't understand. So much that's a mystery to me. And I must admit, I kind of like it that way.

Who knows? Maybe I'll spend the rest of my life chasing her. I wouldn't mind at all.

The Proposal

You'd think being a werewolf would be easy. Change on three nights every month, maul a few people, be the big, hairy boss amongst the flock. You'll probably die a violent, early death, but at least you'll have a sweet deal going up until then, right?...

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She awoke to screaming. At first she was scared that she was dreaming. Then she was scared because she knew it was not. The voices were all too familiar, and adrenaline had cut through the fog of sleep like sunshine. She sat up and looked around in...

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Make Me Like An Irishman

Lord, make me like the Irishmen, Let my reasons here be told: Passion to the Irishman Be worth more than a pot of gold. As he falls to the ground and weeps, For maiden fair and young, Let me mourn for Eden lost, And join his tearful song. ...
