A night in the asylum

Story by Tarzimon on SoFurry

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Anders, Pete, Terrance and Faruq all decided that in the run up to halloween, they would conduct their own amateur ghost hunt. However, what the boys discover whilst exploring the night is far more than they had ever experienced.

Night began to take over the autumn sky, invading quicker and quicker with every passing day, bringing with it a looser grip of boundaries. Halloween was a matter of days away, meaning that the boundaries of this world and the next were progressively becoming weaker and weaker, allowing for those on the other side to come into the mortal world.

The kinds of spirits coming over, however, were the more important question. It was believed that as well as the spirits of those who were long gone, more sinister incarnations were able to traverse boundaries of our reality, with powers far greater than those a modern man or beast could encounter. It was this, of course, that brought out the spirit hunters, conducting official ghost hunts with companies, or performing ones own little investigations.

Such people included equines such as Anders, whom was more than reluctant to conduct an amateur hunt with some friends. He had been planning on doing something like this since the end of the last summer, but other commitments got in the way, taking precedence. After all, he and his friends decided that waiting until October would be the best bet, due to the supposed heightening of supernatural forces around this time of the year.

Luckily, they wouldn't have to travel to far away in order to find some decent paranormal hotbeds - they would travel to an abandoned asylum which was located just a half hour out of the town, which many claim to have a disturbing form of supernatural incidence, primarily involving spirits throwing things, touching anyone whom were unlucky enough to end up in the spirit's grasp.

Anders waited for his friends to show up, seeing as it was Pete who was in charge of transporting the rest of the guys to the place. He was ready for the night ahead - a flashlight with fresh batteries; a laser thermometer which he was responsible for purchasing; and decent walking shoes with warm clothing. All that was missing was his ride.

"I can't believe you're actually going through with this!" Saul commented, dressed in his layabout outfit - grey tracksuit bottoms and a plain grey top. "What makes you think you'll find anything when you get there?"

"That's the point" Anders replied, "its not a definite thing - its about the thrill of it! Wouldn't you be excited about finding some paranormal activity anywhere?"

Saul looked over at his brother and grinned, saying, "you do know most of this stuff is bull that can be explained quite easily?"

"You can't account for everything" the elder sibling retorted. "You can't explain how EMFs pick up change in non-electrical places!"

"Fair enough" the horse, admitted, "but recording ghosts? Bullshit!"

"Screw you, non-believer!" Anders laughed, getting up to check for the guys. "So, what you got planned anyway?"

"Well all my mates are skint, so I'm just gonna stay at home, maybe watch a few slasher flicks or something."

"Yeah, cos you can handle horror all by your lonesome" the elder stallion mocked. Just then he heard the car pull up outside, containing within it the bear ate the wheel, as well as Faruq, a lean, dark bison dressed in similar attire to Anders, and Terrance, a highly muscular white bull terrier with a sternum piercing through is nose.

"So, ready to go on your spooky little trip?" the sceptical equine mocked at Anders, grinning towards him.

"Yeah" the mature stallion responded. "Don't wait up, probably won't be back until next morning."

"I wasn't going to" Saul retorted, "I just assumed you'd be dead by daylight."

. . the night . .

The boys' drove down winding country roads, the area isolated among hills and scarce woodland, the only evidence that life may once have graced these hills in the form of old cobblestone walls. The sun had long since gone from the sky, leaving the area drenched in black, the stars shining bright in the sky.

In celebration of the night ahead, the boys had decided that they would partake in a few drinks to make the night more interesting, as well as loosen the nerves of Faruq. Even Pete had at least one drink, knowing it wouldn't affect his ability to drive too much.

"So, Petey boy" Terrance spoke louder than necessary, "what is it we know about this place? Any sorts of creepy shit happen around here?"

"You don't even know the half of it" the bear replied, semi-excited grin across his face. "So this place was an asylum opened up in the late 19thcentury, and it was kept running until about the 1980s due to poor conditions for patients. Some say that the place was infamous for patient abuse - assaults, neglect, and even some sexual abuse to some of the patients. It was also said that the most notorious sex offenders and extreme sex addicts were placed here, but the eye of the law turned a blind eye once they got inside."

"You serious?" Anders queried.

"Dead serious" the bear responded. "And to add to the appeal, it's also said that the area used to be a meeting ground for witch covens, and the effects of rituals in the area still haven't quite worn off."

"You're kidding, right?" Faruq asked, nerves showing in his voice. The dark bison was a somewhat superstitious creature, ears folded in fear at the idea of running into spirits.

"No kidding" the terrier next to him said, leaning in close and putting on a spooky voice, warning "there's a lot of demons in the area, so you might be possessed!"

"Quit it!" the stallion in the front passenger seat laughed, "you're scaring the poor boy."

"Well if I knew we needed them I would have bought some adult nappies" the terrier laughed, drink the last swig of his lager can.

"Too late now" Pete announced to the car, "we've made it!"

The car had arrived to a large, dishevelled building located in the middle of nowhere. The building was a big Victorian structure with old, red brick walls, small windows that could hardly be seen through, showing the only evidence of any attempt to modernise the location. The walls had become coated in a layer of shrubbery, a few windows having been smashed in; the years of neglect to the building were evident.

Getting out of the car, Anders looked on at the building and commented "so, this is the place then?"

"Yep" Terrance responded, going on to note "this place looks like shit!"

"You can tell its old."

"Shame its coated in graffiti" the bear commented.

"So" Anders started, "you boys ready to explore?"

"I-I guess so" Faruq stuttered, his nerves getting the better of him. He may have thought some drink helped, but not enough for his liking.

"Aw, is the baby scared?" Terrance mocked.

"Mate, knock it off!" Faruq responded, shoving the canine. The four lads make their way from the car into the abandoned building, Pete carrying a bag with some equipment in it.

The interior of the building is somewhat different from its exterior. The building obviously went through some form of modernisation in its time running, the foyer displaying its bare, off-colour white walls, signs of age showing in the cracks on the wall.

"Not much better inside, huh?" Anders commented.

"Yeah, but we're not here for interior design" the bear retorted. "I know I told you guys to get some things-"

"Like laser thermometers!" Anders interrupted.

"Yeah" the bear continued. "However, my cousin is a paranormal investigator and he was kind enough to lend us some of his equipment, so we've got EMF readers, we've got ghost boxes and tape recorders - basically, we've got the essentials for any decent investigation."

"Okay then, so what you want us to do now?" the bull terrier queried.

"Well, I figure we split off into two and go around each side of the building, placing some film cameras in different places to record any potential activity."

"But what if something happens when we're going around?" the nervous bison asked.

"Then I'll protect ya, sweetheart" the terrier replied, leaping onto the bison and embracing him jokingly.

"Yeah" the bear laughed, continuing "but if anything happens and you have reasonable suspicion that it's out of this world, then record that shit!"

"But what if nothing comes up on recordings?" Anders queried.

"Well, the ghouls either erased the tapes or its tough shit."

"They say the most activity occurs on the upper levels, right?" the stallion asked, tail wafting behind him.

"Yeah, so lets get going!"

With the briefing for the night over and done with, the quartet venture up the stairs of the abandoned building, feeling it best to only go up to the next floor up with their equipment, splitting up and heading around the building, setting up cameras to get any footage they can in various rooms, including an eerie washroom what can be assumed to be a staff coffee room.

. . . . Pete/Anders . . . .

With the cameras all placed in various spots around the building, Anders and Pete had decided to go on and explore one of the rooms on the second floor, what could be assumed to be a medical examination room.

"So, any reason we're gonna start out here?" The equine asked his companion, looking around at the room, empty of anything but a lone wheelchair.

"Well, it's said that this floor is particularly infamous for activity" the bear informed him. "People have heard all sorts going on here - patients yelling, random knocking on the walls, and wheelchairs - like the one in the room - moving without explanation. Most of the spirits are thought to be patients, but some people suggest that a particularly vile doctor once worked here and he can't move on from here."

"So, you think he's fucking around with visitors?" the stallion queried to the bear.

"Pretty much" the bear responded. "Everyone thinks he was a bit of a cunt!"

"So, why are we here?"

"Well, I thought we'd try a bit of calling out, then go around with dowsing rods to find any hotspots." Pete began to lay out equipment to detect activity - a common voice recorder to pick up any spirit voices; and an EMF reader to detect any changes in magnetic fields. "Now, this thing is supposed to signal the presence of a spirit - when it flashes read, it means a spirit is definitely here."

"Okay then" the horse said, "what now?"

"Turn off your torch and I'll switch on the tape recorder. Just say if you feel anything okay?"

Anders nodded, switching off his torch. Pete left his torch on so that he could make it to the recorder and switch it on, leaving the tape to go.

Stand from his crouch over the tape recorder, the bear calls out "are there any spirits in hear?" which is met with no reaction. "If there are any spirits in this room, could you please give us a sign?"

Immediately after his request, the EMF began to flash up to red. "Dude, look" Anders whispered, drawing it to his friends attention.

"Good" the bear said. "If you have something to say to us, could you speak into the projector?" After a short pause, the bear queried, "Did you used to work here?"

A few moments after his question, the room was filled with the sound of an object slamming hard into the wall. After a few more moments, Anders started to sway back and forth, informing, "Mate, I'm not feeling to good."

"Are you okay?" the bear asked.

"I think... I think I-" before he could finish his sentence, the stallion went crashing to the ground, completely unconscious on the floor.

"Anders!" the bear called out, switching his torch back on and running over to his friend, kneeling down next to him. He shone the light in his friends face, opening his eyes and shining a light to check his pupils. He pressed an ear to his chest, hearing that his heart was still beating, feeling it rise and fall with each breath. "Don't worry mate, I'll be right back, I just need to get the others."

He rose from his knees and started out of the room, running down the corridors to look for his friends. "Terry!" he yelled, "Faruq! Where are you?!?!" He ran down the corridor, quickly getting out of breath. He stopped at the end of the second corridor, his feet no longer able to carry him, hunching himself over and heaving breath in. Between breaths, the bear called out into the darkness, "Terry! Faruq! Where are you?!"

Before he could continue any further, he felt a foreign presence in the corridor. He didn't want to move anywhere, nor look around to see who it was. He felt as though the presence was right behind him, and had sinister intent for being there.

Before the bear could do anything about it, He felt something hit him in the back of the head, knocking him out cold.

. . . . Terrance . . . .

On the second floor of the building, Terrance and Faruq were looking for a place to start their own investigation. The bull terrier was somewhat sceptical of this paranormal activity type of thing, so he treated this as a simple little activity. It wasn't that he didn't believe in the paranormal, it was simply that he drew the line at the prospect of supernatural activity that was powerful enough to affect him or anyone else.

Faruq, on the other hand, was somewhat superstitious, and quite a fan of the paranormal. He had thoroughly indebted himself with knowledge about various types of supernatural activity, reading up on ghosts, demons and practitioners of the dark arts. This, coupled with the Bison's love of horror films and psychological thrillers, left the boy more than a little jumpy. It didn't help that he was the young of the guys here tonight, often mistaken for someone in their late teens (he was nearly 20). What did work in his favour, however, was being paired with his canine friend - a guy built like a brick shithouse and a killer smile.

"So, any of these rooms calling out to ya?" the terrier called back to his nervous friend, torch going back and forth across the corridor before them, looking for a suitably eerie room to make camp in.

"I don't know" the bison replied, trying and failing to keep his voice steady. "Why are we looking here?"

"Well first, it's the asylum" the dog man pointed out sarcastically, "and because I thought this would be an interesting place to start. You know the sex addicts were apparently placed here?"

"For real?"

"Not lying" the terrier responded, "and at one point they had an overflow of schizophrenics on here. Pete told me that at one time, schizo's here had some sort of shared hallucination, seeing a blue light flying around and night and hearing a woman's voice luring them out of their rooms. I still think it was someone playing games with the doctors."

"What makes you think that?" the bison asked.

"Nothing" Terrance replied. "I know there was some big anti-psych thing, but I'm not sure if I'm in the right period of time, but I know people did that in some psych wards. How about in here?" the bull terrier queried, waving his torch around a former patients room.

"I guess" Faruq replied, following his canine friend into the room. "Its not like we're gonna get anything better. What are we gonna do in here anyway?"

"Well" the terrier said, reaching into the bag of supplies Pete sent him with, "we're gonna be talking to the spirits, my friend." He the proceeded to pull out a Ouija board and a small round glass, placing it down on the floor below them.

"Are you serious?!" The bison asked in shock. "We shouldn't be fucking around with those mate! Don't you know you can summon things with those things? Bad things!"

"Oh calm down" the dog told his friend, "you've got nothing to worry about. First of all, there's basically no chance of anything coming through. Second, if something does come through we're still alright - we're looking for spirits from the building, not doing some stupid Exorcist shit! Now put your torch down and get in this!"

Faruq tentatively came over to the Ouija board, placing his torch in the opposite corner to Terrance' own torch to illuminate the other side. The board before them was a fairly standard design for a Ouija board - series of numbers and letters, designs such as the sun and the moon in the corners of the boards, and_goodbye_ scrawled across the bottom in order to allow the spirit to leave.

"Okay, now place a finger lightly on the glass, like so" the dog told him, placing his finger upon the glass. Faruq placed his finger on the other side of the glass, shuffling on his knees for comfort.

"Now what?"

"I don't know" the dog replied, "ask something?"

Preparing himself for the possibility of contact, the bison looked out into the darkness of the room and called out "Are there any spirits in here?" to no reply. A few seconds later, he calls out, "if there is a spiritual presence in the room, can you please move the glass."

Upon his command, the glass had begun to move across the board, landing on the yes on the other side of the central star.

"D-did you do that?" Terrance asked, nerves showing in his voice.

"No" the bison replied. "Did you?" he asked, only to have the bull terrier shake his head. The bison swallowed, looked out into the room and asked again, "Were you a patient in this hospital?"

The glass began to move again, simply moving in a short burst and landing back on the yes.

"Okay mate, you ask something."

"Um" the canine started, taking a moment to gather his wits, finally came out with "did you enjoy it here?" Seconds later, the glass moved to the other side of the star and landed on no.

"'Did you enjoy it here?' What kind of question is that?" the bison asked.

"I don't know, that's all I got!" Terrance replied. "You got anything better?"

Before either one of them could ask the spirit another question, the glass began to circle aimlessly around the board.

"Are you gathering energy?" the bison asked, figuring that was the only reasonable question for a moment like this.

The glass began to slow down and landed on the yes.

"What are you preparing for?" the terrier asked.

The spirit began to take the glass along the letters of the board, first landing on the P, then travelling to the L, then the A and the Y.

"Play?" the bison asked, the spirit guiding the glass back to yes.

"With who?" the terrier asked, the glass heading back to the letters - W-I-T-H-U.

"Me?" The terrier asked, the spirit going back to yes.

"Are a child?" the bison asked, the spirit guiding the glass to no. The glass then began to spin in a circle again, this time getting faster and faster, the two boys unable to keep their hands on the glass, eventually having to remove their hands from the glass, which was now becoming progressively faster and faster, until eventually the glass was launched out onto the other side of the room smashed against the wall.

"I don't think that was a patient!" the terrier said, fear in his eyes.

Before Faruq could say anything, his eyes were fixated on something which seemed to be behind his canine friend, and without prior warning he grabbed his torch, screamed and ran for the door, shooting down the corridor as fast as his legs could carry him.

"Faruq?!" the terrier yelled, looking behind him quickly, grabbing his torch and running out the door, swinging his torch down both ends of the corridor. Before he could do anything, he heard Pete yell "Terry" to which he turned and yelled "Pete?! Where are you?!"

Before he was able to move in either direction down the corridor, he heard a female voice call behind him "over hear."

He turned around, and above his head he saw a small, blue light floating in the air. "Fuck" was all he could say to it. He knew he shouldn't be able to see, nor that he should be so enraptured by it, but he could not remove his gaze from the blue orb. It glowed with a bright, ominous tone, strangely soothing for what it was. He began to feel incredibly warm and flighty, an odd euphoria coming over him in the moment.

Although he knew better, he couldn't help but look on as the light floated towards him, then floated past him and down one end of the hall. Hypnotised by the orb, Terrance followed the light slowly behind, wanting to know where this light must be taking him. He only had one desire in that moment, and it was to find out where he was being taken.

After a few moments of following, the light guided the hypnotised terrier into a large, dark room, surprisingly empty even for an abandoned building such as this. The room had an unusual air about, filled with a feeling of awe, flowing with a mixture of menacing and beautiful energies, suggesting a highly spiritual presence in this area. It didn't matter to Terrance, however, as he was in a different state of mind, to entranced in this beautiful high to notice the negative energies.

"Ah, so this is who they bring," said a serene voice, light as a feather to the air. The hypnotised bull terrier turned to his left to notice a pure white wolf standing before him, a look of innocence in his eyes. "Why my dear boy, you seem to be miles away." The wolf walked over to him, removing his coat and revealing his wife beater shirt, exposing his large, solid arms and thick, protruding chest, of which the wolf's hand wandered down delicately. The wolf leaned into the Terrier's body and softly kissed him on the lips, sending Terrance's tail on a wagging frenzy. The terrier melts into the kiss, his tongue intruding into the wolf's mouth, this mysterious white creature returning the gesture.

The wolf pulls away from the kiss and places a hand on the back of the terrier's head. He looks deep into the terrier's eyes and not before long guides him into a state of deep hypnosis, the canine's pupils wide with other worldly enchantment.

The wolf then guides the man to his knees, gesturing towards the cock of which is protruding from his sheath. "Now, my friend, I want you give me a sign that you trust me."

With the terrier completely under the control of this mysterious entity, he was more than willing to oblige with his requests, having virtual instantaneous understanding of what was required of him. He wraps his paw around the wolf's erect cock and begins pumping slowly at the wolf's meat, looking up for the wolf's approval. Having gained what he wanted, the terrier buries his muzzle into the wolf's crotch and balls, inhaling the wolf's light musk.

"Do you like that, boy?" the wolf asks.

"Yes, master" Terrance replies, his mouth open, tongue panting like a feral dog.

"Good. Now, would you like to taste me?"

Still smelling the wolf's scent in his nose, the terrier was hungering for a taste of the wolf. So reluctantly, the terrier opened his muzzle wide and wrapped his lips around the wolf's cock, already slick from the pre, which was leaking forth from the canine member. The wolf move his hips back and for in the rhythm of the terrier's bobbing head, the knot at the bottom starting to grow out from his cock.

The wolf quickly pulls the terrier away from his member and tilts his head back, kissing him passionately, the pre still coating his lips. "Now, let me inside you."

"Please" Terrance begged half-minded, "please come inside."

The terrier lay down flat on the floor and the wolf stood before him, crouching down to lift his hips and legs at an angle, pressing himself against the terrier's tight hole. Looking deep into the terrier's eyes and maintaining the hypnotic state, the wolf pressed himself deep into the terrier until his hip touched the terrier's rear, slowly bucking into him.

"Grab onto my neck" the wolf commanded, Terrance more than reluctant to follow his command. Open gripping him, the wolf was more than able to lift the muscular canine man from the ground and stand fully, thrusting himself deep into the terrier. The scent of the two canine's musk entwined filled the room, seeming to drive the wolf into a more and more violent state, nearly slamming into the terrier.

Suddenly, the wolf's eyes began to change from the soft blue of the orb to a dark, blood-esque red. He fur had started to turn black and his muzzle was upturned in a vicious snarl, seeming to become much larger. Suddenly, the wolf had begun to transform, his features twisting into a monstrous mutation of what the terrier had looked upon, his entire body becoming much larger. The terrier caressed the wolf's expanding chest; his muscles became more visible underneath his now pitch black fur. Along with this increase in muscular growth came a sudden increase in the canine's erection, his cock more than doubling in size, the terrier moaning from the pleasure of being stretched out by the demonic wolf.

"You like that, don't you? You little whore" the wolf said to the know miniscule canine, his voice now guttural and deep. The wolf had begun to slam fast and deep into the canine, whining and groaning from the twisted pleasure of having this monsters erect stretch deep and wide, his hole taking a beating.

"Are you gonna share that?" another voice said, equally as deep and guttural. From the darkness emerge a wolf demon of similar build and look, expect his fur a bright red and eyes glowing yellow, his cock equal in size.

"I have him first" the black demon commanded, "but I'm sure my little slut will be more than willing for you to join. Am I right, whore?" he queried, looking deep into the hypnotised canine's eyes.

"Yes" the terrier said, virtually on the edge of consciousness from hypnosis.

The red wolf came along to join the two canines, grabbing the terrier by the neck and pulling him back with force. As the black wolf continued to slam into the terrier's tail hole, the red wolf forcing his mammoth balls into the terrier's face. The terrier inhaled deep and filled his nostrils with the heavy, thick scent of the wolf's musk, sucking on the enormous orbs in his face.

"Now, a taste me?" the wolf asked rhetorically, pulling his testicles away from the dog and forcing his cock in his mouth, barely able to fit the whole thing in. The terrier was more than reluctant to try and fit the rest in and without doubt began to suckle on the end, the red wolf fucking his muzzle with force and speed, the terrier nearly gagging on what was able to fit in his mouth, the pre-cum practically drowning him. Before long the black wolf had reclaimed him and was on his back, slamming himself hard, deep and fast into the terrier's hole until he slammed in one final time and shot the canine full of his seed, the terrier also shooting his load far into the air.

"Now, my red friend, you may have him."

With no hesitation, the red wolf pulled the terrier off of his companion and had him on his front, positioning his own massive length over the cream filled hole and sliding in with relative ease, his companion's own remainder oozing out and over his length, the terrier moaning at the sensation of being stretched in a similar fashion as before. In no time the wolf was slamming himself hard and fast into the terrier, his tongue lolling at the side of his face as he was slipping in and out of consciousness, kept conscious only by the sensation of the wolf ramming himself into the terrier. Before long the wolf was shooting his load into the terrier, this time forcing his impressively sized knot into the terrier, his cum permeating deeper, the wolf growling loud.

Suddenly, the two demonic wolves had vanished into thin air, leaving the terrier sore and passed out, alone in a dark, wide room, the scent of his own musk and the musk of the two demons filling his nostrils, lulling him into a deep sleep.

. . . . Pete/Anders . . . .

Pete began to feel himself come from the grips of unconsciousness, lightly aware he was lying down. He didn't want to open his eyes, knowing that the last time he was up and about, someone - or something - had beat him around the head, which had an acute ache to it. It hadn't even crossed his mind how Anders was doing.

Shit, the bear thought, what about Anders?

Just as his equine friend was brought up in his thoughts, the bear could feel a brushing over his body; only then realising he had been stripped completely naked.

"Ah, such a perfect specimen" the mysterious stranger said. "Nice and beefy. Its such a shame really" the voice went on, his hands slowly caressing up and down the bear's naked form, "you don't get that around this asylum. Most of them are skin and bone."

The bear began to feel a creeping fear flow down his spine, opening his eyes to look at whom it was lusting over him.

To his surprise, Anders had somehow regained consciousness.

"Anders? What are you doing?" Pete asked, "Why are you talking like that?"

"First, my friend, I must correct you" the stallion said, his way of speaking markedly different from the norm. "I am not your friend, I've just acquired his body. I'm doctor Alfred Roddoman, physician extraordinaire."

The mention of the name made Pete's blood run cold. Having done some reading up on what happened in the asylum, he was perfectly aware of what the infamous German shepherd had done in his lifetime at the hospital. "W-what are you gonna do to me?"

"You know" the possessed stallion started, venturing down to the bear's cock, "I have plenty of ideas of what we could do together. And don't think this body is discouraging for me - in fact, I've often noted Stallions to be above worthy sexual vessels, either greatly powerful or greatly submissive. I guess we know how this young man is, don't we?" he said, looking down at the bear with a menacing stare, a smile forming across his face as his hand took a tight grip on the bear's balls.

Before he could wail out in pain, the horse-turned-doctor placed a hand over the bear's muzzle, muffling the cries of pain as the stallion played rough with his little plaything.

"What's wrong?" the horse said playfully, "not up for examination?" Anders released his grip from the bear's genitals, now stood in a forced erection, taking hold of a needle of which seemed to come from nowhere, jabbing it into the bear's leg and pushing down. On cue, the bear yelled out in pain and began to struggle. "There's no use, you know; the serum will only work quicker if you struggle. What I have injected you with is a concoction which, if injected in the right dosage, will temporarily paralyse the recipient, leaving them able to breathe and open to whatever I see fit."

In that moment, the bear could feel the serum getting to work as he felt his leg first going numb, followed slowly by his arms, torso, genitals and head. All he could do was breathe and blink, attempting to lift his leg, then his arm, only to find himself unable, both feeling like stone.

Noting the panic in the bear's eyes, Roddoman said, "well, I can see the serum is working" with a seedy smile across his muzzle. "So, the examination can begin!"

The stallion ran his hands once again down the bear's somewhat chubby body, up and down his legs. The stallion then grabbed for a discarded piece of fabric and began tying it around the bear's genitals, fashioning a sort of tourniquet.

"I've observed patients lose erections after a while, and I have no patience for them going flaccid. Now just relax" the possessed equine warned, applying lubricant to his fingers, "You can still feel on the inside."

Whether this was mere suggestion or genuine sensation, the bear could feel everything as his possessed friend inserted his finger deep into his muscle ring, but only slightly. It made the bear want to squirm, feeling as though he was being invaded himself.

"Well" the stallion stated, "it seems to be having the desired effect - your ring is fairly loose right now. However, what I have planned will require more flexibility." The stallion went on to insert a second finger into the bear's ring, this beginning to become a somewhat tight squeeze. As he went on, he began to insert more digits, squeezing a third, then a fourth finger into the bear's tailhole, until the stallion forced his hand into the bear's hole. As the equine fist went into him, the bear let out a moan, weakened by his state of paralysis.

"You can feel that, can't you?" the man mocked, pulling his fist out and slowly pushing it back into the bear. "There's no need to be worried, this is vital preparation. I don't want to hurt you for the grand finale now, do I?"

The possessed lad continued to force his hand into the bear, work his way up to his elbow, his arm pumping in and out of the poor bear's hole, Pete able to register as the arm filled the space and emptied it again, moaning as the stallion forced himself in.

"Nearly there" the stallion said, applying lubricant to his other hand and forcing it into the bear, weak moan audible from the sensation. The stallion continued filling the vulnerable young man, pushing one hand in and pulling out the other, then going to insert both hands in at the same time, getting off on the bears own torture. The young horse boy derived a perverted pleasure from toying with the bear, stretching out the tight ring, the bear receiving a twisted mixture of pain and pleasure.

He slowly pulled his hands out of the bear and stood up, walking over to Pete, caressing his hands over his face. "I hope you know that was for your own good. I wouldn't want to do anything unless it was absolutely vital. Now" the stallion proclaimed, removing his jeans and underwear, exposing his large erection, "time for the main event!"

The stallion travelled back to the bear's rump, bending his knees and lifting up the bear's paralysed legs, parting them and exposing his now sensitive hole. The stallion positioned himself closer to the bear's body, positioning his cock just above Pete's ring, frotting against his rump and scrotum, the bear's cock now a shade of purple. The possessed man looked into the bear's eyes as he rubbed himself the bear, letting the conflicted image of torture and pleasure in his face sync in, a grin of perversion decorating his own face. His own heart was beginning to beat fast, the heat in the room rising markedly and he could feel his sensitivity increase further and further. As the bear's face became more conflicted, the stallion pulled his cock back and positioned his hips for ultimate leverage, pressing the tip of his cock against the bear's disproportionately sensitive asshole, pete whimpering in acknowledgement.

"And now, we start" Roddoman told the bear, his hands holding onto the bear's face, their eyes locked onto one another as the stallions length pushed its way into the bear, his eyes revealing the bear's surprise at the sensation. "You like it, don't you?" the spirit within the stallion asked, slowly bucking the first half of his cock in and out of the bear, he himself enjoying the sensation of the equine cock going in the first few inches, the somewhat tight sensation and warmth bringing him close to ultimate pleasure. He gathered further sadistic pleasure from the depths of the bear's eyes, registering the equine invasion from below.

Feeling the moment was right, the stallion brought himself to a halt, cock only in the bear by its flare, repositioning himself for both his and the bear's pleasure. He hunched himself over the bear, positioned so that he could show the bear he was in charge; he forced the entirety of his dick deep into the bear, Pete moaning loudly in torture. The stallion began to pick up speed as he thrust deep into Pete's hole, grunt with each thrust. The bear below him clearly wanted to do something in the situation - clench his paws to deal with the pleasure, bite his lip to stop any noise from coming out of his mouth.

The stallion had picked up his speed, as he slammed deep into the bear, slamming his hips into the bear with full force, balls slapping against the base of the bear's back. The stallion gave out a prolonged groan, his cock coating Pete's ass with pre. The bear was starting to feel himself near climax, hoping he would be able to hold back; he didn't want this imposter invading his friend to see him climax. However, the bear knew he had little choice, the stallion cock within him becoming slick with pre.

"I" the stallion began, slowing his buck to a steadier rhythm, speaking between thrusts and breaths. "I- think- I'm- going- to- cum!" as he said this, he slammed his hips ultimately into the bear, filling him to the brim with warm seed. The equine grunted and moaned with the sensation, tentatively moving his cock in and out of the bear, shooting a few more week strands into him.

Sensing the bear's dismay at the prospect, Roddoman's spirit guided Anders' hand to caress the bear's intensely discoloured pecker, rubbing furiously. The bear could barely register the sensation of the stallion's grasp. From how well he could feel it, he suspected that the serum was beginning to wear off, but it was too late - the stallion had brought forth the bear's seed, shooting high above Pete's body, a few strands landing on his chest and stomach, his own heart racing from the intense activity the two of them shared with one another.

Having finally finished his activities, the stallion looked into the bear's warn out face, slowly pulling himself out of the young man. As his cock became fully free from Pete's fragile hole he lay the bear back down on his back, the result of his climax slowly draining its way out of him onto the floor of the cold floor.

"I do hope you enjoyed that," the possessed stallion said, "because I did. I do hope you come back for more," he told the bear, sly grin across his face. As he said that, Pete noted something happened in his eyes, and the stallion was once again on the floor unconscious. He tried to lift his hand up from the discarded bed, just barely able to lift it. However, before he could think about lifting the rest of his body from the bed, his head lolled back onto the bed, slipping again out of consciousness into a dreamless sleep.

. . . . the morning after . . . .

The next day the boys all wake up, their clothes inexplicably on, with little to no memory of the night before. They had all agreed that the next morning they would meet in the foyer and check out the tapes and debrief one another.

"So, did you guys find anything?" Pete asked the terrier and the bison, his head pounding from the other night.

"You know" the terrier confessed to his friend, "I don't remember what happened last night. I just remember the Ouija board and suddenly its all a blank."

"That's odd, I can't remember anything either" the bear confessed. "I guess I must have hit my head, cos its killing this morning."

"Same" Anders retorted, "but I feel alright."

"I remember investigating the other side of the building" the bison told the group, "but I've completely blanked on most of the night. And I don't know how, but I feel like I got attacked by like 10 guys or something."

The boys went on to check if they got anything significant from the night before. On the video cameras it was thought that a few orbs may or may not have appeared, although they could just have easily been specs of dust. What was most disappointing, however, was the tape recorded by Pete and Anders which didn't seem to pick anything up, not a voice or anything; although to Pete's understanding he was absolutely sure something must have happened last night.

Perhaps it was for the best that they boys couldn't remember the night in the asylum.

Rainy day

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fall writing challenge - friday the 13th

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Isolation Treatment: 1 - the lure

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