Hiway Ride

Story by AtomicCoon on SoFurry

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#9 of The Complex

Long time, no see fellow furs! Been a while since I posted a story. I had lost a bit of my drive, and works been kicking my tail. Hard. I'll start working on the massive party like I said, but now I'm gonna be like most of the other writers and not posting for extended periods of time. This one is the last character intro, at least for the permanent characters. And now, for the annoying portion of the show. If you are under 18, can't leagally view this stuff, or don't like this stuff, move you paw from down there and step away from the website. If you refuse to abide by these rules, try not to get it everywhere.

  • * * Joan couldn't contain herself for much longer. She couldn't stop herself from pacing the airport lobby. She fumbled with her keys in her purse, tapping her dolphin tail against the marble flooring. She was hearing a lot of whistling from the males around, but didn't care. She wasn't the only female there, but it was her outfit that caused all the callings. She wore a tight fitting red blouse and a matching mini skirt. This left little to the imagination for the guys around, her toned legs visible from just below her butt down and her ample breasts almost popping out her top. Her pacing was interrupted mid-stride as she almost bumped into a kangaroo. She looked up into his eyes, staring him down. "May I help you?" she said firmly. The roo just chuckled, pointing to the small group. "We figured you were looking for a little fun. Care to join us?" he asked forming a coy smile, reaching out a paw for a breast. Joan quickly slapped his paw away. "No, thank you very much. I have a boyfriend. And he's probably has a bigger unit than your whole group." She gave a firm poke to the kangaroo's chest before continuing. "And it goes double for you." The whole group let out hoots and hollers, knowing the kangaroo just got burned horribly. He was just about to try and redeem himself when a high pitch squeal caused everyone to turn towards the escalators, Joan running towards them with a few dolphinic squeals of her own just once she spotted James. She caught a twinkle from his blue eyes, their color amplified by the white ovals around them. Joan couldn't help staring at his strong frame and his clothing clinging to it from what appeared to be water. He finally caught sight of her before he jumped onto the center divide. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- The orca sulked off the plane slowly, gingerly adjusting the book bag he took as a carry-on on his back. The plane ride was cramped cause it was over booked, causing him to lose his second paid seat. Luckily, he got his money back for it. And it didn't help that he was the biggest fur in the plane. Not easy to fit a 6'6" muscle lined creature like him into a coach seat. Plus, the flight attendants were almost constantly tripping on his tail. But now he was off, but it didn't help that his clothes were clinging to him. The plane was humid. Of course, he needed to keep his skin wet so it wouldn't dry out, but it only needs so much moisture to make it work. He finally made his way to the escalator, looking down and not able to see his love. He hopped onto it, and was halfway down before he let out a squeal, causing everyone around him to look towards him like he was crazy. But they knew he wasn't when something squealed back. He spotted his dolphin making her way through the crowd and decided to make life easier as he hopped onto the marble divide. He slid down with ease and landed onto the flooring, grabbing his bag that slid behind him. He was just about to head towards Joan when he felt a paw on his shoulder. "Now James," the voice barked out. "What have I told you about free running in the airport?" James chuckled as he turned to face the collie in the police uniform. "Not to get caught?"' "Bull's eye!" the collie chuckled out, looking over the orca's shoulder to see a dolphin running towards them. "Try not to be so enthusiastic next time, ok?" James nodded, turning around just in time to catch a leaping Joan into his arms. They locked into a kiss, receiving a few 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' and other reactionary noises from the onlookers. Joan broke from the kiss first, looking into his eyes. "Glad you're home, Love." James just smiled, looking back into her jade eyes. "Glad to be home. We can really catch up on things." "Oh?" she asked, tilting her head. "You get time off?" "Did I ever. The deal went so well, we finished before the last planned day. On top of that, my boss is giving me all of next week off!" Joan gave an excited squeal, kissing his cheek. "Just in time for the pool party!" "Already?" James seemed to gasp out. "Man how time flies." He finally put her down onto the floor and stepped back, admiring the outfit that heavily contrasted with her gray skin. He finally took one of her hands into his and headed for baggage claim. "Come on. Let's get out of here." --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- After grabbing his bags and fighting through the chaos of the parking lot, they finally made it onto the highway, heading towards the Complex. Joan was in the passenger seat cause she hated driving at night. And she didn't exactly like driving the SUV, but it was the only car between them he could comfortable fit in. But this also gave her plenty of time to look him over as he drove. He had pulled off his polo shirt and khakis and actually twisted water out of them before he threw them into the back before they left the lot. This left him in only his boxers with tons of eye candy for her to look at. She mainly concentrated on his chest, following the large white patch that 'floated in the sea of black' from under his chin that stopped at the top of his boxers. They listened to the radio play soft music for a while before she looked up at him. "Hey James?" she lazily asked out. "What's up, Honey?" he replied, keeping his eyes on the empty road. "I finally used it," she said, blushing lightly. "Used what?" "That replica you paid good money to get. But I wasn't expecting it to vibrate." James just chuckled. "You'd really expect it to just receive and not give back?" She cooed lightly, leaning over in her seat to nuzzle his chest. "Glad you did do that." She then looked up to him, forming a coy grin on her face. "But you know I gotta pay you back. Now." James chuckled but stopped short. "Here? NOW?!" "Why not? You seem to be liking the idea." She gave a playful pat to the swelling in his boxers, getting an 'epp' from James. "I saw how you were checking me out," she said softly. "So was every guy in that airport. And I wouldn't be surprised if they saw my butt when you caught me." James looked down at her, some skin arching above his left eye. "What. So you're telling me you wore a thong?" "Nope. Not a thing." She lifted her skirt to show her slightly moist sex before she slipped it back down innocently. James just licked his lips, the bulge getting a little bigger. "Mmmmm...So what were you going to do to me again?" She didn't say anything before she rubbed softly at the slit under his boxers, feeling the bulge get larger until his shaft finally started to peck out. She pulled his boxers down and looked at his large shaft, stroking it until it came to its full size, James moaning softly the whole time. She looked at it again before looking up towards him. "You scaled down the replica, didn't you?" James blushed lightly. "Yea. Cause you know it still hurts a bit for you to take all of this." "So? I can only get used to it by using, you know?" She unbuckled their seatbelts, and then moved slowly to straddle his hips. James moved his right arm so she could slip onto his lap before he started rubbing her belly, causing a loud squeal to escape her lips. "You know, this is a really dangerous thing we're planning on doing." He looked at her, lovingly but firmly. Joan just looked back just as firmly. "But at least we'll die happy, in each others arms, right?" She looked over her shoulder and waited for a flat, straight section before she moved again, placing her waist against his chest. She lifted her skirt and slowly slid down the massive cock, both moaning heavily as she did. She almost got it all in before she started to groan in pain, a bulge forming on her stomach. She finally landed on his lap, panting lightly, patting the bump before she looked towards him. James smiled softly, trying to enjoy the feeling while keeping some attention to the road. "Nice and easy, Joan." She nodded gently before she started to move up and down shallowly, only a couple of inches moving in and out. But because of how far it was into her, both moaned heavily as she rode. James used a paw to slip under her blouse and rub on a breast, his other hand vice gripped onto the steering wheel. Joan squealed lightly, leaning forward to kiss on his chest as she rode. She then concentrated hard, using her internal muscles to work on his cock, causing another squeal to come from James. Joan didn't know how much longer she could hold on, having gotten dangerously close to the edge just trying to mount. She whispered into James ear about this, causing him to nod softly. She then felt his cock tighten inside of her, it starting to go through the final actions of climax. Both of them could hear the car starting to speed up, James' foot pressing against the gas as he arched lightly. Joan couldn't hold out anymore as she pulled James into a lusty kiss, milking his shaft hard as she came. James let go of the wheel and held her as he finally felt his balls give up his seed, pumping it deep into her. They panted out their climax, James quickly grabbing the steering wheel when he heard some rumbling from the truck drifting onto the gravel shoulder. He finished pulling the car off the road, putting it in park and stopping the engine before he looked into her eyes. "That was different," he panted out. She nodded gently before looking to her left to see the Complex in the distance. "I want more, but I can't wait." "Me either. Get off me first though." He helped her climb off his semi-erect shaft before he stepped out the car. He hastily opened the back door and put the back row of seats into the flat down position. "Get back her, sexy. We have plenty of room now." She giggled like a schoolgirl before she pulled off her clothes and slipped into the back. He climbed in and shut the door, turning just in time to have her push him against it. She kissed him softly before pulling back, kneeling down to nuzzle on his cock. He murred softly before looking down, watching her lick their combined juices off of it before taking a large portion of his shaft into her maw. She moaned softly around it, bringing it back to life before pulling off. She then laid on her back in the cargo area, spreading her leg. James licked his lips as he moved his head towards her sex, being stopped short by her paw. "Don't you want some restarting?" he asked out, his tongue just short of licking her slit. She shook her head. "I've been so needy, just looking at that monster is turning me on." She wrapped her feet around it and stroked it gently, causing a moan from him and a shot of pre to land on her belly. "Fuck me with it, please!" James slowly crawled up between her legs, licking up the bit of pre before he continued to kiss her front. He placed the tip against her sex, looking into her eyes for a sign. She nodded softly, and then they both moaned as he slipped into her again. After pushing all the way in, he laid on top of her gently, feeling his shaft pressing against him through her belly. He pushed himself back up slowly before starting a slow thrust, kissing on her neck gently. Joan started a constant moan, it soft at first but slowly getting louder. She started to clamp around and milk on his shaft again, James shivering lightly from the pleasure. He knew her form wasn't built for something this big, but he had to admit, she knew how to make it work. They wrapped their flukes around each other, Joan leaning up to kiss James firmly. He slowly started to speed up, each placing their heads on the others shoulder, moaning loudly. Joan was the first to cum, squealing loudly as her sex clamped hard around James' cock. James shivered lightly, then moaned loudly as he shoved in hard, releasing his seed into her for the second time. They both squirmed lightly, kissing each other's bodies wherever they could. When they finally came down from their state of bliss, James rolled so that they were on their sides, looking into the other's eyes. "That was wonderful, Joan," he managed to pant out. She nodded softly, then gasped as she saw red and blue lights pull up behind the car. "Oh shit, the cops." James cursed to himself, and then saw a flashlight aimed at the heavily fogged windows. "Police. Roll down the window, please," the voice asked. James slowly reached over and hit the down switch, looking at the German Shepard through the opening window. "Well what have we here," the officer chuckled out. "A couple of lovebirds." He sniffed the air for a quick moment. "Alright. I'm assuming you guys are wrapping this up, right?" Both the sea mammals nodded before the officer continued. "Alright. Then I'll leave you two alone. I'll be back around in 10 minutes. If you don't clear out by then, I'll have to give you a ticket, ok?" He winked and tipped his hat before he walked back towards his patrol car. Once the car pulled away, Joan looked at James. "Wow...my fear of getting caught during sex has been lived. I am so turned back on, James." "Well now you'll have to wait," he chuckled out, slipping out of her and climbing back into the driver's seat. He turned on the truck and hastily drove back to the Complex, knowing he and Joan weren't done just yet.