My Drunken Kitty

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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My Drunken Kitty

By: Jizzal

For: Nobodysville

Nobodysville is © himself

"Hey you little shit! Watch where you're going!" A stern, gruff voice spoke out to me, quickly getting my attention. He was right about me not watching where I was going since I bumped right into him.

"Er, I'm sorry...just been out of it lately." I said apologetically, I really didn't mean to start any trouble.

I slowly looked up and saw the frowning raccoon I tumbled into, even though I could have sworn I was walking on the right side of the sidewalk, I figured this tough looking figure thought I would move out of the way for him.

"Well sorry ain't good enough! I've been 'out of it' before too, but that's no excuse to be a rude little bastard now is it?" The raccoon scoffed and gave me a hard shove; luckily I kept my balance and didn't fall on my ass.

I should have figured this was going to happen. There I was, having a crappy day so I decided to go out for a walk. I ended up walking for hours, got lost, and ended up in a dodgy part of the city all of the sudden. I had only been there a few times, and that was enough for me, but I did recall this being around maybe four or five miles away from my parent's place in the suburbs. With the sun starting to go down, my cell phone dead, and my pride in the way of asking for help, I figured I would end up spending the night at my parent's house. The good news being they were out of town, again, but first I had to deal with this 'local' bent on starting a fight.

"I can't say sorry anymore Sir, though I think now we're even, sound fair to you?" I humbly asked, dusting off my shirt just in case the jackass towering over me didn't wash those paws of his.

"Even? Fuck, ain't even close. You better watch your mouth before I decide to shove my foot up your ass." He scoffed again and walked up to give me another shove, but I stepped back and sighed, looking around to see where I was again. I was standing before a pawnshop surrounded by a bar on one side, and a liquor store on the other...oh joy.

"I'll have to take you up on your offer another time, though please lets just put this be-" I would have continued, though the raccoon, who I figured had a few bottles of booze in his system, threw a punch at me. And POW, right in the cheek that balled fist hit me.

One good thing about my size was that it was deceiving, sure I was short and skinny, but I knew how to take a hit. I staggered backwards and held a paw over my stinging cheek and groaned out before sighing. Good thing this guy didn't put his weight into it.

"Oww...what th-" Once again another punch was thrown my way, but I figured that would be coming so I narrowly ducked and backed away. I had no intention of fighting back, probably since that would only put more attention on the skunk who clearly doesn't fit in with the rest of the inhabitants in this "interesting" part of town.

"Alright...lets just end it here and w-"

"Hey Rosco! That fag giving you trouble?"

Great, this guy had friends, just my luck. Out from the pawnshop stepped a rugged human and a spaztastic looking lemur, no doubt just cronies for the raccoon.

"Heh, yeah though I've got things handled here, feel free to step in and help yourself to some of this punk if you wanna."

How am I a punk? Wearing a button up shirt sans the buttons, jeans, and tennis shoes wasn't supposed to make people think I was some delinquent. Just from looking at what the other three were wearing they fit three stereotypes: asshole that drinks too much, douche bag that needs a shave, and tweaker that needs to find a better hobby than heroin.

"Well this is going to suck..." I muttered to myself as the three started to close in. I figured I could just drop my pants, turn around and spray them; after all it's what skunks do, though I didn't like the idea showing off my ass to pissed off assailants in one of the crappy parts of the city. It was pretty much all I had, and despite the fact it didn't carry the "traditional" effect of a skunk's spray, it was better than nothing.

I had my paws on my belt just before I heard the sound of glass shattering, which was followed by a groan, which was followed by a thud as the imposing raccoon fell face first into the pavement.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked myself, once again speaking out loud. I noticed the broken glass that hopefully caused a wound to that stripe-tailed jerk, but I couldn't tell where it came from.

"What's all this? Bunch of grown men are picking on one sweet, little skunk?" A familiar sounding voice chuckled, making my ears perk. I knew that voice, that laugh, the glass was probably from a bottle of some sorts...could it be?

"You doin' alright, J?"

Holy crap! It was him!

"Nobody?" I curiously meeped, though sure enough I was right.

Standing behind the gathered jackasses was my feline friend who of course was looking more smug than a cat next to an empty fish bowl. Under one arm he had a brown paper bag, in his fee paw he had a full bottle of booze, and between his lips was a lit cigarette. Clad in his Christ Analogue t-shirt and his trusty kilt, there stood my defender, and who on occasion I would refer to as "Master," Nobodysville.

"Holy shit...he just beamed him with a fucking bottle! What the shit man?" One of the cronies asked, simply appalled that their companion was assaulted.

"Listen, I don't plan on wasting any more bottles busting in skulls, so if you piss off now I'll let you off easy." The cat smirked, taking a long drag from his cig before puffing it out through his nose. With that, the two guys left the raccoon on the sidewalk and went back into the pawnshop; Rosco was probably a dick to them anyway.

I felt my heart start to beat faster while the black furred and red stripped feline stepped onto the head of the downed coon before hopping off to stand over me. My brown eyes scanned up his form until I was looking up to that grinning mug.

"Do I at least get a thank you kid?" He chuckled, I blushed, and I quickly clung to his body in the form of a tight hug, almost catching him off guard. "I missed you too kiddo..." He purred and hugged back with his free arm.

"Fancy seeing you here...really missed you..." I sighed before easing up, feeling a bit embarrassed that I let my emotions get the better of me, but I really missed this cat.

"Well I was in the neighborhood, stocking up on essentials, and I thought I saw you picking a fight. Shame shame J, I thought you knew better than to have both sides of your brain. The locals here function just fine without any of it." Nobodysville chuckled, his tail flicking while I just shook my head and gave him a quick hug before backing off.

"Heh...just like you to say something like that, though really, thank you. I mean, I never thought I'd see you around here, though I think my luck is starting to turn around now that you're here." I knew I sounded sappy, but I was sincere.

"Aww, J sweetie, you're going to make me blush," He smirked and slid the bottle of booze back into his bag to join the others before he reached down and rested a paw on my shoulder.

"Though it is nice to see you too, but what are you doing in this part of town?" My feline companion inquired.

I sighed and shook my head, figuring it was going to be a long explanation of me bitching about my life or something, though I couldn't remember what set me off. My mind was too pre-occupied being reunited with the kitty I hadn't seen in ages.

"It's not important anymore, though now I was heading to my parent's place since that's closer than my home is. They're out of town I think still so I won't have to put up with them at least."

Nobody quirked a brow at that, "You moved out? When was this? Why wasn't I invited to the house warming party?" He playfully pouted, but damn he still got me to smile.

"Yeah...long story, though c'mon, I'm not passing up this opportunity, you're coming with me handsome." I giggled and grabbed him by the paw, giving a gentle tug to lead him in my direction.

"Heh, wouldn't have it any other way..." He chuckled and walked with me, staying nice and close just in case anyone else wanted to try and deck me again.

We walked for about an hour, and got to catch up with one another. I asked him about the wife and kids, he asked me about school and what it was I was doing. It was great, though what I enjoyed the most was just hearing him go off on tangents about whatever it was that was pissing him off. People, politics, pneumonia, whatever it was, it was always a joy to hear such colorful language. He had opened a bottle along the way and began swigging from it, I couldn't tell what it was, though he offered me some and being the skunk I am I politely refused, which led to his next complaint: people that don't accept kind offers.

"Hahah...well thanks, but still, if you get plastered I should stay sober so that I can lead you back to my place." I nodded, but I waited for him to respond while he lit up another cigarette and shook his head before taking in a long drag.

"Nah...I'm fine, though what's this about you taking advantage of an inebriated kitty like me? I've always been quite the gentleman, and here you are about ready to slip me a mickey aren't you?" He laughed. I sighed; then laughed with him.

"I don't need date rape drugs to get you to my place, though really, can't let you walk home now, 'sides we need to do some more catching up. Though we should get something to eat first, haven't eaten all day." And my grumbling stomach reminded me of that fact.

"Hmm...I could go for somethin' too, booze does make me hungry," The feline responded, though I blushed and gently nodded since I recalled his appetite after he gets liquor in his system.

"Well my treat then, and don't give me that you're too proud to let some punk kid buy you dinner from a fast food joint." I smirked, but Nobody just waved a paw and shook his head.

"Oh of course not, would be an honor to mooch offa you, after all that bottle I chucked was a quarter full still, you owe me Skunky." He purred and leaned down to nuzzle me between my ears, which of course only made me blush more.

"I plan to make it up to you then, even with interest!" I noted firmly and giggled, reaching up to slide my fingers through his white head fur, just to tussle it around.

It didn't take long to get to the place I had in mind, just a Burger King that was a about a 30 minute walk from my parent's house. We were getting closer, and it had gotten later. I didn't know what time it was, but the quaint resturant was open so we went in and decided to sit down and eat. Things were quiet, or well, everything minus my feline friend was quiet. He ordered quite a bit, but I had expected as much and didn't care since I had brought along more than enough cash just in case. I was lucky I didn't get robbed actually. We got our food and sat down, cracking jokes and making the employees of the establishment smile and listen in, no doubt being a fresh of breath air compared to the other more traditional customer that makes their minimum wage not worth it. And I swear the girl at the register was checking me out, poor girl could do so much better than a gay skunk like me.

After our rather lengthy meal, and another bottle of booze guzzled by Nobodysville, we left the 'restaurant' and waved to the associates. As soon as we got outside, the cat of course lit up another cigarette and sighed happily.

"Nothin' like a good smoke after a meal, care for one kiddo?" He asked, but I shook my head, not having the heart to tell him I had asthma, no since in spoiling the good mood.

"Hmm...we're almost there though, got enough alcohol to hold you over on the walk?" I gave a gentle poke to the cat's side, but he gave a playful hissing at me and snared his arm around my neck and leaned against me, nearly toppling me over due to our size difference.

"Nah...I'll be alright, 'sides you should be gettin' to bed, isn't it late for you to be out with the alley cats?" He grinned again, which made me roll my eyes.

"I should be asking why you aren't out with those other felines, you know, meowing out on fences or whatever." I joked back with him.

"Oh please, those losers wouldn't know a good time if I stuck it up their asses. It's damn near impossible to stay awake when hanging out with that kind of crowd."

I couldn't help but laugh again, but I shook my head and stayed up and close against Nobody as we walked. What should have been a walk down memory lane for me was more of a walk down I remember why I hated this place lane. Though really I didn't live terribly far away, it was far enough for me. The boring street I used to live on was still just as boring, not even any loiters trying to look like badasses, just nothing.

"Man, no wonder we're coming here to crash, I'm having trouble keeping myself from falling asleep." Nobody grumbled while he leaned up against my parent's house, but I still had a key and unlocked it before inviting him inside.

"Well just wait, only about 15 more steps till my bed Kitty." And shortly after I said that, I realized just how bad it sounded.

I only got a smirk in response as the feline showed off his ivory fangs to me once more, but I chuckled and closed the door before stretching out, finally inside.

"So going to give me a tour?" Nobody curiously peered around the foyer as I turned on the lights.

"Yeah, upstairs is full of useless crap, as is the downstairs. Oh, and there's a bathroom by my room too if you gotta let out some of that alcohol..."

"Bathroom? Don't mind if I do!" My cat companion laughed, and I snickered a little before showing him to the bathroom.

"And don't use the litter box, that's for my parent's cat...speaking of which where is the little asshole?" I made sure he wasn't around, but chances are that skittish piece of fur was hiding since of course I brought a stranger into -his- home. I flipped on the light switch in my room, seeing how empty it was with just a bed there now, but I shrugged and sat down while I heard the toilet flushing and a satisfied feline padded into my room.

"Ahh...much better, though now what?" The feline asked, unscrewing the last bottle of booze, probably whiskey or something, I didn't care to read the label. He promptly began drinking and slumped down on my bed next to me.

"I dunno...I'm feeling a bit tired, probably going to head back home tomorrow morning, but I'll probably call someone to pick me up. You should come too, or are you expected back home?"

"Hmm...I suppose I could -hic- stick around for a bit longer, enjoy your company." Nobody purred sweetly and pulled me close to his side while taking another swig. "Ahh...really, this is the life kiddo, isn't it?"

I thought about how my day went from completely pissed off irrationally angry all the way to cuddling with a close friend. It really was nice, and even though in all honesty I didn't feel tired I curled up against the cat and slipped off my shoes and socks to get comfortable.

"Yeah, it really is. Today has been a great day..." I said and closed my eyes, just for the moment while my arms sneaked their way around Nobody's waist and I gave him a firm squeeze. He smiled at that and screwed back on the cap of his bottle and set it on the floor so that he could properly hold me.

I sighed happily as he leaned back, taking me with him and pulled me up to his chest so he could kiss me on the lips. A little whimper almost left me, but I kept my eyes closed and pressed my lips back to his, spreading them a little to offer an invitation. He took it, and closed his own eyes while he pressed a bit firmer against my mouth and let his tongue slip free into my mouth. I could smell and taste the food and booze on his breath, it was somewhat soothing, but that was probably only because it was his. A part of me just wanted to melt away into the moment we shared, so I swirled my tongue around his.

Feeling the purrs from his body, and his paws rubbing down my back and sides, we continued while I took a deep inhale from my nose and rumbled with pleasure. His tongue lapped all around my teeth, my gums, every part of my maw after he pinned down my tongue and had his way with my mouth. I gave a few suckles on his maw muscle, hoping to stimulate him the same way he was doing so to me. I felt my pants tenting, and sure enough he did as well, but it wasn't the first time something like this had happened. He started to pull back slowly, and reluctantly I released. I panted softly and looked into his eyes while a strand of saliva kept our mouths connected, but he pressed his lips to my forehead and gave me a soft smooch.

" know J, I'm really glad today happened." Nobodysville cooed into my ear, making it flick and my cheeks fill with blush under my dark fur.

I gave him a nod in response, I had already told him how I felt about the amazing evening I shared with him. However since I didn't say anything I heard a low growl emit from the feline's body, one so loud it made my ears perk. There was a short, awkward pause I was wondered why the cat was growling, but he chuckled and licked over my forehead, matting down some of the white fur on my head.

"Though I don't think those burgers filled me up, heh, it usually takes a lot when I've been drinking..."

My head tilted at that and I pondered. Sure he had been hitting back the bottle since I bumped into him, though he had a way of keeping himself just as gruff and friendly as he always was. After all he was my badass kitty with a heart of gold.

"Well...we could check up stairs for some stuff, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind." Though as I said that I didn't know who I was kidding, I knew very well the last thing to find in this house was least the 'traditional' kind.

Rather than a verbal response, I got another lick. Then another. Then another. It kept going, and I closed my eyes while the rough, feline tongue felt over my scalp. His breath kept getting heavier, and the murmurs that left his lips were making me blush harder and my heart beat faster in my chest.

"Mrrrowl...forgot how good you tasted kiddo..." He said into one of my ears before licking up it, sending a shiver down my spine.

I figured he was just teasing me...though a part of me hoped he wasn't.

"Th-Thanks...though I think that I need to use the restroom before bed..." I quietly muttered and was allowed to wiggle my way out of the arms of the overly affectionate feline as he chuckled and slipped off his shirt.

"Fine then...don't be too long now..." He spoke softly, but the words were hitting me like bricks. That cat even got so into his 'teasing' he was stroking his bare stomach as he spoke.

I closed the bathroom door and took a deep breath before relieving myself. My mind was jumbled with thoughts, and I didn't know what to think. Not only did I have an erection, but also Nobody was hitting my buttons, those buttons he knew quite well. I knew he was more than just a little buzzed by now, hell I could smell it from the bathroom if I tried probably. After a quick splash of water in my face I told myself he was just being himself, trying to get under my fur playfully. And I made a promise that if he made any advances; I'd politely decline. I thought I should just sleep upstairs; give him his space after all, no sense in making him squeeze with me onto my crappy bed. He was a big kitty and all.

After flicking off the lights, I went back to my room and peeked inside, but Nobody wasn't there. Which sounded confusing in my head, and reminded me of the trick Odysseus used on...hmm, my mind was far too jumbled thanks to that darn cat. Though rather than letting my mind have that trip down literature lane, I walked in, leaving the door open while I scratched the back of my head.

"Uhm...Kitty? Where are you?..." I sighed a little...maybe he left because of me, or maybe he was looking for something upstairs. Whatever it was, I shrugged it off and began to feel confident again. Only after my door closing behind me without me doing anything, and a pair of arms wrapping around my form did I figure out where Nobodysville was lurking.

"Guess who..."

I felt my heart jump, my ears perk, and my cock throb...damn I'm such a pervert. Though really it didn't take much to startle me, I was in the arms of my friend a friend I found to be very attractive, but I gave a little wiggle to try and get free none the less.

"W-Well you almost scared the crap right out of me..." I joked quietly, clenching my toes into the carpet. He wasn't laughing though, but I could hear his nose inhaling my scent. Damn he was so good at this teasing thing; it was making me squirm a little but his firm grip made it so I couldn't move too well.

Rather than a verbal response, all I received was more licking as the feline's tongue matted down my head fur quite nicely. I closed my eyes and gave in, sighing weakly in defeat while my arousal poked at my pants and my companion feline continued to slurp over me. His stomach gave off a low growl, and it sent another chill down my spine. Maybe he wasn't just joking around, though regardless I didn't want things to go any further, even if I did think I felt something poking against my back.

"Y-You gonna let me go?" My voice was so meek and timid, yet I felt so warm.

"For just a sec..." He whispered into my ear, and the next thing I heard was a ripping noise. It didn't take me long to recall that predatory claws plus clothing results in leaving me bare and naked with my former clothing nothing but scraps at my feet.

My heart jumped again, and I almost moved a paw down to cover my swollen sheath, though Nobody gave me light nudge forward before practically tossing me onto my bed. Luckily my landing space was soft, so I bounced a few times before trying to sit up. He turned off the lights, letting me only see the toothy grin on his face, which reminded me of that cat from that movie I couldn't recall since my instincts were shouting at me to do one thing, my body another, and all around I was just paralyzed. This cat had me cornered in my own room, and was slowly advancing. He was blocking the only exit, and I couldn't overpower him even if I tried, or wanted to. My ears splayed submissively and I offered up a soft whimper to that fangy smile while my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see my feline friend towering over me as I sat there on the bed.

"Now then...where were we?" Nobody chuckled, licking over his lips and whiskers as he did so. He got me to squirm, and my member to bob by doing so. Though before I could even form a thought in my mind, his paws gripped me by the thighs and held me firmly while his head buried itself into my groin.

I tensed up at first, and my blunt claws clung to my top bed sheet while lewd slurps started to feel my ears, and saliva began to run down my penis. The low purrs escaping the cat's form only reminded me that he had quite a kink for this sort of thing, and it wasn't as if I was against it either. His lips slowly closed around the head of my cock and his tongue slurped down along my musky length, causing me to whine out and writhe as that incredibly skilled muscle played along my dick, keeping me nice and hard while he slurped over my ebony length.

"Mmm...sooo good..." He murmured around my penis before biting down gently, playfully nibbling on my tender flesh while one of his paws slid down to play around my ball sac, getting it to throb and pulsate accordingly.

I could barely hear him anymore as the sensations of getting a blowjob from my rather ravenous, inebriated friend became too much for my poor horny mind to handle. I gave up on trying to escape his clutches, since drunk or not he still knew what he wanted, and I would have been selfish to not give it to him. My head leaned back down and my lips quivered with each little satisfying slurp while he played my member perfectly. He began to apply some suction, mostly around the head, but it was more than enough to get my shaft to start oozing with clear pre cum, which he began to eagerly lap. Despite the booze already in his system, he was still quite a thirsty kitty.

I gave a gentle thrust forward, or tried to at least while my energy was being drained from all the sexual attention. I could tell when my dick was bulging his cheeks, or pushing against the entrance to his gullet, and no matter where it was, it felt like thousand of tiny, moist hands fondling my privates. My cock only gave him more of that clear treasure, but he was wanting more, much more, so the onslaught continued. With my breathing heavy and my eyes nearly in the back of my head, all I could do was hold on for the ride as that skilled set of jaws worked so roughly but at the same time it was so tender I wanted to melt away. Rather than melting, I released.

The cat quickly, and nosily swallowed my thick wad of semen down, and of course his tongue continued to tease over the tender flesh on the tip of my penis. Panting and lost under waves of euphoria my shaft finally began to soften, but still stayed somewhat firm even as Nobody pulled his lips free from my spent dick. He licked over his lips slowly, grinning while he gave off a deep purr and swished his tail behind him.

"Mmrrowl, such a tasteful skunky," he grinned and stroked a paw along my thigh.

The comment kept me feeling flustered, but now I had submitted to his advances and I couldn't remember why I was so reluctant before. However before I could respond those paws gripped on me tightly and I was flipped over onto my stomach, muttering out a playful yelp in the process. Before I could move, as if I could after that mind shattering orgasm, Nobodysville had already placed his paws down on my shoulders and let his body weight pin me down. His warm, purring form was mildly uncomfortable at first, but I quickly began to relax while his claws groomed into my fur.

His paws began to knead into my back and my shoulders, still keeping me pinned down though as he roamed those soft pads over my fur and flesh. Before I could ask what was going on, I felt something poking underneath my tail and everything became clear. Well...I had already come this far with him, didn't see what the little harm would be going just a bit farther. After all he seemed determined enough to get me trapped in my own room and effectively pinning me, working my buttons and using that gruff voice of his which I always found to be somehow sweet and alluring. My thoughts quickly became jumbled as I didn't get time to "warm-up," all I got was a sudden pressure in my ass and a low growl over my ears. I was penetrated.

I quietly yelped, my paws clenching into the bed sheets once again while one of those soft paws came around and clamped down around my muzzle, keeping me mostly quiet as I whimpered weakly into Nobody's snug grip.

"Shhhh...let me work kiddo..." The cat purred out, feeling like a subwoofer on top of me.

He grunted and gave another thrust, forcing in a few more inches of his thick, glistening length into my tail hole, forcefully spreading out my rump and making me whine in the process. His thumb stroked under my chin as he kept me muffled, and I swore I heard him cooing before he was balls deep into my anus, wiggling his dick inside of my tight backside. I groaned and started to try and relax as the feline took his hips back along with several inches of his penis before thrusting it all back in, slapping his sac up against mine while my whimpers began to turn into shaky moans. At that moment I swore the entire room began to spin.

Nobodysville was letting my ass have it. I could barely move while his dick head pushed up against my prostate, pressing that little button deep inside of my 'tender zone' over and over again until I was to the point was forgetting to breathe. His low grunts and growls made the fur on my back stand up and my body tense, though the rough and sensual fucking was trying to make me melt at the same time. Things started to get smoother with each thrust, and I could hear a few squishes each time the big kitty pumped his shaft forward. He was no doubt oozing pre into my butt; I could even feel some of it dribbling over my sac.

With my muzzle still being held shut, and my ass overflowing with clear juices the last thing on my mind was my own hard on that was pressing firmly into my bed, no doubt making a mess there which was being absorbed by the bed sheets. I heard a low growling, and it was steadily getting louder around my ears while Nobodysville's onslaught continued. I curled my toes and gave off a whimper of pleasure, my body being unable to keep this up for much longer, and I could finally feel a familiar tingling in my scrotum.

"Mmmm....almost time kiddo..." the cat grunted with his face right above my ears. His speech wasn't slurred, though he was dribbling drool onto my head to remind me that he was drunk.

I didn't see it coming, though I certainly felt his orgasm. Not only did my body tremble as a sudden rush of thick cat fluids invaded my bowels, but at the same time the paw around my mouth slid down to my chest, and a set of jaws closed around my head. His sharp, ivory fangs sank into my shoulders firmly, holding me there while all I could hear were deep, powerful purrs and wet squishing sounds around me. Fully encased in darkness, with my head and shoulders bulging out my dear friend's drooling muzzle...what a night.

My mind started to get blurry, mostly due to the fact I was inhaling his hot, booze-lined breath, but the fact he was still plunging his twitching length into my now soaked ass wasn't helping either. I offered a muffled moan, and a weak squirm, though his teeth squeezed a tad bit harder, threatening to break the skin and reminding me that even though he was a playful, handsome feline; felines are still predators.

I knew that cats would often bite down on the neck of their lovers during orgasm, though Nobodysville was one-upping them as his gullet began to relax and my head was forced further into his toothy maw. I tried to squirm, but with my body still overcome with pleasure and my orgasm not too far away, I probably didn't accomplish anything. After all what could I do? Over power the stronger, faster, ravenous feline I was pinned underneath? My options were limited, though a weak smile crept along my muzzle as my energetic lover was planning to fill his belly, and fulfill a well-known dark fantasy of my own. Damn, this cat was definitely spoiling me with his company.

As the slick, yet powerful muscles rippled and squeezed around my head and neck I was treated to a sort of organic massage, one that was going to be around my entire body soon enough. The deep, throaty purrs of pleasure lead me to believe I tasted good, and since my tail hole was still attempting to squeeze around that thick cock I'm sure that was why he resumed humping, trying to get more cream filling for his skunk dinner. Nobodysville's jaws relaxed slowly as they grazed down my chest, combing through my silky fur that was being soaked in thick strands of feline saliva. His paws grasped me by the sides, keeping my arms pinned and me completely helpless. Though my muffled moans I was sure he could hear through his bulged neck signaled I couldn't find enough reason to complain. Another swallow, and he was nearing my stomach, tongue lapping and scrapping along my back as my hand paws curled tightly and my body bent backwards slightly.

With saliva running down my arms and onto my lap and paws, finally the feline eased up his grip and started to sit himself up. Despite being a feline, a creature known for flexibility, there was no way I could wiggle myself out, nearly already half of my body had vanished into that hungry throat. The beating heart around my head mixed with the immense temperature and the amount of moisture was oddly soothing, probably due to because I knew who it was, and at the same time my penis was begging for release. Without skipping a beat, Nobody gripped his paws on my rump and pulled me off his cock with a muffled grunt that made my entire form shiver and my toes curl. I could feel a thick strand of his musky seed connecting my ass to his cock, and I was confident he left a mess on my underside by pulling out, but I was too enthralled to care, I was just a cream filled meal by this point.

My paws slipped into the fleshy confines of the cat's cheeks while I felt his head tilt back, probably to make devouring me easier while his jaws began to take in my hips. I imagined he was grinning by this point, mostly due to the fact he was going so slow. The blood was rushing to my head and I was panting, lungs filled with foul air and my nose inhaling the digested food and the alcohol he consumed over the last few hours, but I doubt he cared about that, he was ready to help himself to another helping of my semen. The second I felt the ridged palate along my shaft I began to grind as best as I could, and to aid my efforts the skilled tongue that got me off earlier was playing along my cum filled pucker and slurping against my testicles with lustful abandon. I tried to kick my legs, unable to stave off the impending climax, though I was still trying since the feelings were phenomenal and I didn't want it to end. I couldn't hold out for long, and I gave in with a groan of defeat from inside of his throat while my seed painted the inside of the cat's jaws white once more. Of course by doing so I made a mess of my ebony fur.

All I could feel for a moment was a -very- happy "MmmMmmmm..." and I tried to chuckle even though I was struggling to breathe after my second orgasm of the night. With my penis spent, balls empty, legs mostly limp and tail idly swaying all I could look forward to now was spending close and intimate time with the inside of my ravenous friend. He took another swallow, claiming my thighs with ease while a rumbling, unhappy grumble boomed in my ears. His stomach was complaining about the lack of skunk, though as my knees began to inch closer to his lips my head started to pass through a tight ring of muscular flesh that squeeeezed me firmly once I was past it. I gasped, and mumbled into the pulsating flesh around me as I entered his stomach. My body began to rumble with my murrs of content, which probably would have been odd to considering my current position, but then again I was a shameless pervert at times. Not that Nobodysville was much better, I imagined he was masturbating by this point, and part of me was hoping he was enjoying this as much as I was.

The feline nibbled around my knees and calves before they too slipped down that hungry tunnel of flesh with an audible gulp. His lips sealed around my ankles and his tongue lightly reached out to graze along what part of my tail was wet. With my upper half starting to spill out and bulge my friend's belly, I could hear a sort of grunt and I felt an arm rubbing against me repeatedly...yep, I was right. My hungry, feline company was jerking off. I tried to smile wider, but the lack of clean air made it hard to keep myself conscious, especially with myself still upside down. After another loud grunt, and a deep purrr, I suspected that Nobody had finished up his die hard of an erection and was ready to finish his meal. Which he did with ease, slurping down my feet and my fluffy length of striped tail as if they were nothing and sealed me away from the cool air of the outside world by locking me in the snug, humid insides of the no doubt content looking cat.

As my legs slid down the throat, I was able to prop myself up so to speak before the stomach walls started to squeeze and churn around my firmly to work me into a fetal position. I was panting, still managing a rumble or two of pleasure and surprisingly feeling cozy in the hot belly as the walls began to secrete warm fluids into my fur. I wasn't focusing on that however, since a familiar feeling paw was stroking along my trapped form tenderly before the confines squeezed even tighter than before and...


...filled my ears. That massive burp was nearly enough to get my hard again, though I could faintly hear Nobodysville slurping over his lips contentedly as if he were the cat that finally gulped down the canary.

"Mmrrowl I said, oh so tasty..." he purred and I felt him scoot over on my bed, making me wiggle to let him know that belch didn't finish off all of the air inside of his gut. I tried to imagine what I was doing, but whatever it was he was purring louder all around me and rubbing over the bulge I made in his mid section.

A familiar scent started to fill my nose faintly, making me cough and groan since it was smoke. Then I realized that after a vigorous sex session, a big meal, and still being on sexual cloud nine, it was obvious that he was smoking. I felt a tad bit more smug, though my head was feeling lighter by the second, as was the rest of my body. He inhaled again, deeply and puffed out with a contented sigh. I sighed along with him, and I began to slowly doze off, hearing just one last thing in the snug darkness that held my body so wonderfully all over...

"G'night sweetie...urp."