Anemone High Ch. 3 - Teacher

Story by Leon Alexander on SoFurry

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#4 of Anemone High


Authors notes: This story contains graphic sex between two male characters. I've wanted to write a Teacher/Student piece of a while now. I'd also like to deticate this story to the Advanced Physics teacher I had a crush on in High School. Also, the songs featured in this story are "Dark Beat" by Oscar G and "Neverland" by Central 7. As always, if you are offended by these things, please look elsewhere. If you are underage, I'm sorry but come back in a couple years. And lastly, if such material is considered illegal in your area, I'm not forcing you to read it. Comments and ratings are greatly appreciated. Any comments, questions, and capricious compliments can be directed to [email protected] Questions on comissions are also welcome.


Sweat dripped down the black wolf's muscular chest as the servers buzzed around him, filling the room with a dull hum. He curled his paw around his already throbbing erection as he kicked his pants from around his ankles, leaving him entirely exposed. A low song played on the laptop beside him as he began to stroke his length. A soft pant came from him as he mopped the sweat from his brow with his free hand while the other moved up and down his slicked cock.

_I feel it deep inside me

I wanna ride it

Can't fight it

I might as well rely on the drum beats . . ._

The song played on beside him as he pressed back against the metal server class, panting harder as his paw moved up and down faster while the other seized around his knot. The sweat dripped down his back as he slid down the case onto the floor. Arching his back, the wolf grunted loudly as he felt himself pulsing harder. The techno filled the room, mixing with the hot, moist air rising from his body and the heat from the whirling fans. A guttural snarl filled his throat as he pulsed faster and faster before splattering his chest with shot after shot of wolf spunk. The snarl subsided into quiet panting as he laid back into his own puddle of sweat on the concrete floor, his ears perking to the last few lines of the music.

_Cause I'm addicted to drums

And I'm a slave to the dark beats_

With a tap to the keyboard, the room was once again filled with nothing but the whirling hum of servers. The wolf raised his cum-soaked fingertips up to his lips, licking them clean as he glanced at his once-clean shirt, now balled up in the corner. He rose up to his feet, giving a low sigh as he reached for his towel.

What had started as a one-time endeavor had quickly become a daily routine, though he hated to think of it like that. A low growl formed in his throat as he did his best to mop the sweat from his body with a spare gym towel that he had snuck off with the last time he had snuck down for an afternoon release. The towel was already soaked as the tried to mop the sweat from his body, leaving him with no choice to toss it in the corner to dry. Knowing his fur was still far too damp to get redressed, he glanced up at the air vent. Many of the school's cables ran up through the ventilation system, so he had spent a good while amongst the steel plates. He knew he had spare clothes back in his office just for situations like this, and it would only take a couple minutes if he hurried. He could reach his office, change, and come back to the server room to gather up what he had left behind. Foolproof. He turned and followed the thick bundles of cable up the stepladder and into the vent.

A blast of cold air rushed across his still naked body, sending a chill through him. The vents were quite large, big enough that an average-sized fur could walk with only a slight crouch. The route was fairly easy to remember after making the journey via the hallways at least once a day. He moved briskly through the tunnels, occasionally stopping to glance down through a vent into the rooms below: the cafeteria, a literature class room, another class room, the men's room . . .

"Help!" a shout rang out through the air vents. The wolf slowed his pace slightly, normally not the type to even bother in the affairs of others. "Someone, help me, please!" the cry came again. "Please, I need help "

The wolf neared the vent for the men's room and glanced down into the tile-covered room below. Muffled whimpers echoed from inside one of the stalls, increasing in pitch and urgency with each cry. "Help! Anyone!"another shout came. "I'm trapped in here!"

"Quiet down," the wolf said, almost stunned by the sound of his own voice. "I'll help." Kicking open the grate, the naked wolf dropped down easily onto the floor. Thankfully, the ceilings had been low enough in this particular rest room that it was only a small drop down to the floor blow.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you," came the voice again as the wolf gritted his teeth, swinging open the door. His heart nearly stopped as his eyes fell upon a small bunny boy, wrists neatly cuffed to the toilet pipes. The boy's uniform rested in tatters on the floor, leaving the boy in just a pair of small white briefs that left nothing to imagination, especially with a long slit down the back to expose his pink hole. "Some guys played a trick on me! I didn't mean to end up like this. I'm sorry, I can't get free, I just want to go home, I-"

"Quiet. Let me see the cuffs," the wolf said, silencing him. The bunny immediately went quiet as the wolf began to tug and pry at the links with his claws. The cuffs were of poor quality, obviously just bought cheaply by some smug jock for using on a squealing girlfriend. He tugged and pulled at each of the links, looking for any with small cracks in them. One of the links began to bend against his fingers. With one last valiant effort, a single link bent and popped open along the unwelded seem. Before the wolf could react, the student flung himself against him, hugging him as tight as he could.

"Thank you so much!" the little rabbit whimpered. "After those guys left me in there, I thought that no one would find me. Wait, why are you naked too? Oh, it doesn't matter, I'm just so happy that I'm free now," He began sniffling as he clung tighter against the wolf.

"No crying," the wolf said quickly. "I need to get back to my room to change." His arms firmly peeled the bunny off of him and set him down.

"Wait!" the bunny cried. "Take me with you. They might still be out there." The wolf glanced back down at him, the timid brown rabbit boy staring back up at him. "Who are you anyway? I'm Derek Reagan, Freshman."

"I'm no one," the wolf replied simply, leaping up to grab a firm hold of the opening. His arms burned in protest as he struggled to pull himself up. All the strain of yanking the cuffs open had worn him down, and his body slowly slid back down to the floor.

"Here, I'll help," the bunny said quickly as he clambered over to him, pressing up on the wolf's feet. The extra boost was all the black wolf needed to slide up and into the vent shaft. He gave the bunny a stoic stare before leaning down and extending a paw.

"Jump up. I've got a spare uniform in my office that might fit you. You can leave from there, but after that, you're on your own," he said. The bunny quickly jumped up and grabbed a hold of the paw before being roughly dragged up into the vent shaft. He toppled forward, pressing himself up against the wolf. The soft warm body against him caused his sheath to begin stirring as one of the bunny's paws rested against his inner thigh.

"Office? Does that mean you're . . . "

"A professor. Professor Heinrich," the wolf said, quickly moving the bunny off of him. Being caught roaming around the vent shafts naked was enough of an issue, but allow himself to become involved with a student was entirely different. "And as to why I'm naked, I was doing repairs to the server room. Even the slightest bit of static electricity can cause terrible damage, so I prefer to do all repairs like this." It was a lie, of course, but the last thing he needed was to confess to a freshman that he has been roughly masturbating after class in the server room. The bunny didn't reply, his eyes fixated on the red tip of flesh poking free from the wolf's sheath.

"Professor Heinrich," the bunny said quietly, moving up close to him. "Thank you for saving me. Can I repay you somehow?" The wolf just gave a gruff mumble, trying to dismiss any thoughts of the boy as regret began to seep into the back of his mind. "Anything at all? How about," the bunny's paw ran up to squeeze the wolf's sheath, "this?"

Heinrich snarled and grabbed the bunny's hand. "Sexual contact with a student is an extremely grave-" he was silenced as the two long bunny ears folded back as the boy dropped to his knees, wrapping his eager muzzle around the professor's heavy balls. "Shit," he snarled again as he stumbled back against the wall, feeling the moist lips nursing eagerly at him as his thick red member slid from its sheath.

"It's ok," Derek whispered as he nosed up along the pulsing shaft. "I won't tell anyone. I want to thank you for helping me, and this is what bunnies do best." With that, he opened his angelic muzzle wide and engulfed Heinrich's length. The wolf bit down hard on his lip to suppress a moan of ecstasy. His paws, looking almost like a negative pressed against the bunny's smooth white fur, raked slowly across the boy's neck before coming down hard on the back of his head, guiding him into a steady bobbing rhythm. Drool trickled over his chin as the long-eared cock sucker went to work, letting the big wolf do with him as he pleased. Feral lust began to well up inside the wolf as he felt his body beginning to sweat again. He knew it was too late. He knew the bunny was in for something rough.

"Swallow. Your mouth is already starting to run over," Heinrich ordered. The bunny nodded with the cock still deep in his mouth as he swallowed a few times, pulling all of the excess saliva and pre down his throat as his paws squeezed and stroked over the professor's heavy balls. The warm lips drew back as the bunny exhaled a cold breath over the hot pulsing flesh. Heinrich shuddered as he moved his paw around from the boy's head and over his face, a dark grin moving across his face. "You are good. How many dicks did you suck today?" he said in a low voice.

"I don't know what you mean," Derek said quietly, suddenly feeling like prey as the big wolf moved closer to him. Still clad in only his briefs, he slid down the metal walls and onto his back as the wolf straddled and loomed down over him.

"Handcuffed in a boy's room, probably doing what bunnies do best," he said quietly, unable to restrain instinct as his thick wolfcock pulsed in yearning. He tugged the boy's body, grinding roughly against the exposed little pink hole. "I mean, I bet if I fucked you here and now, it would be all warm and stick still. You've probably got a load or two up inside you."

Derek squirmed as the wolf's fingertips pressed up against his hole, sinking easily into the warm flesh. The bunny wriggled in the predator's grasp, unable to get loose Heinrich began to wiggle his fingers around inside him. "Oh, I can feel it, too. Still all slick and warm inside. You let those boys cum inside you, didn't you? If I fucked you right now, it would just be sloppy seconds. Or maybe third or fourth?"

He snarled down into the bunny's ear as the tip began to press harder against him. "And that's just want I'm going to do, little bunny. I'm going to fuck you." Derek squirmed more as he felt the girth of the cock lining up with his hole. "I just can't help myself. You're just too cute to let out of my jaws." The bunny's blue eyes met the teacher's dark form, holding the gaze for just a moment before the bunny replied in a mix of humor and submission.

"Yes, professor," he said quietly, further reminding the teacher of the taboo he had broken. The dark grin on Heinrich's face spread further as he pinned the boy down by the shoulders, leaving a loud thud ringing through the vents.

"I'll teach you how to take a dick like the little whore you think you are," he snarled, the tip of his cock spreading the boy's eager hole. Smooth and slick from an earlier fucking, the bunny hole began to squeeze around the tip as Derek let out a tiny whimper. "Ah, starting to get worried? I thought this was what bunnies did best. Or has the little bunny never taken something of this size?" Heinrich taunted as he sank further in, his cock barely halfway inside the wriggle student.

"Mmph," Derek groaned as he felt himself spreading wider, "I've never taken anything this big, Sir. I feel like I'm being torn apart."

"Too bad. It's what bunny's do best. If they can't perform to the best of their ability, they should learn from a teacher," Heinrich growled playfully as he thrust his hips forward, leaving just his thick knot outside the boy. As Derek opened his mouth to cry out, the wolf's mouth pressed down over his to silence him with a sloppy, feral kiss. The bunny's hole tightened instantly, squeezing hard around the work dick burrowed inside him. Heinrich wasted no time to allow his student to adjust before he began jack hammering deep inside him at a blinding pace. Derek's eyes rolled back into his head as his body was ravaged rougher and fiercer than any of the fuckings he had ever received before. "How is that, little bunny?" he snarled with haunting clarity as warm drool fell onto Derek's face. "Has the professor outclassed his students?"

Following instinct alone, he lapped the drool from his face and cried out, "No, Sir! This is the hardest I've been fucked, Sir!" Heinrich snarled as his claws shreaded the briefs to pieces. Deree quickly gripped his flopping bunny dick in his paw as the insurmountable pleasure coursed through him, each thrust grinding against his prostate as the wolf's knot threatened to breach his already stretched rings.

Heinrich's eyes flashed in the dark, the smell of sweat and metal heavy in his nose as he thrust harder and harder, the bunny moaning for more, before driving forward with all the force in his body. His pulsing knot drove through the resisting rings and locking with the bunny. Derek cried out in ecstasy as hot cum shot from his cock, splattering across his face and chest. He moaned and grinded back, hole milking the knot as he wriggled his hips more. The wolf snarled and bit down hard onto the bunny's shoulder. Pain shot through his body as the fangs pricked under his fur as the wolf gave a muffled howl into his body as thick wolf cum began gushing into his abused hole. Derek whimpered and squirmed more as more and more seed filled him in endless waves, his toes curling in pleasure as he Heinrich slowly released the bite to look down at him.

"Professor," he whispered breathlessly. Heinrich nodded quietly as he panted for breath, tugging his knot free from the boy. Small red drips of blood formed under the soft white fur from the fang marks. Derek yelped in surprise as seed poured from his hole, dribbling down onto his tail on the metal vent panels below him. "I'm leaking," he whimpered quietly as he looked up at the black wolf. Heinrich silently pulled the rest of his pulsing shaft from the boy's hole, moved up to his cheek, and let the last of his seed dribble down over the bunny's face.

"That should teach you to play games in the rest room," he said as his face returned to the stoic stare he had before, his senses finally returning to him as he worked his way back up to his feet. "Come on, we need to get out of here."

"Wait," Derek said, still laying in a puddle of quickly drying semen. He gasped as he crawled over toward the wolf, dragging himself feebly closer. "What class do you teach?"


"What class do you teach, professor?" the bunny whimpered, still unable to work his way back to his feet. The wolf stared down at him before slowly moving closer, this time not as a predator to prey but as a teacher to student. He gathered the boy up in his arms and began to carry him through the dark vents.

"Physics. Advanced physics," he replied finally. "I only teach one class, special for students who are especially adept in science. They mostly keep me around to keep an eye on the computers here."

"If I study really hard, can I," Derek said, his voice still quivering as he began to come down from the sexual high, "take your class?" Heinrich looked down at him, still splattered in cum, hand cuffs still locked around each wrist with gaudy bracelets, and eyes filled with genuine concern.

"Why would you want to do that?" Heinrich said quietly, ducking his head down as he turned down the final narrow path.

"I want to know you, professor. I want you to show me more," the bunny confessed, beginning to blush as he burrowed his face against the black fur. Heinrich smirked quietly as he opened the grate with a kick and set the bunny down.

"Can you manage the ladder?"

"I think so," Derek said shakily. The black wolf stepped down onto the ladder below and descended into the dimly lit office. Derek, finally beginning to regain some of his upper body strength, pulled himself down. His feet began to shake as he moved from step to step, but soon enough, a pair of warm arms wrapped around him and lifted him down. Silence hung heavy in the room as the wolf set them both down under the small chemical shower. Without warning, cold water rushed over both of them, washing the sweat and sin from their bodies. Derek began to feel confusion and regret filling him as he stepped out from the water and picked up a gym towel laying on the floor. They both dried off and redressed in silence. The red tie stood out sharply against the buttoned black shirt as Heinrich fidgeted with the knot, trying to adjust it. Derek's paws fumbled around his own tie, feeling almost foreign in the uniform after what had been such an earthshattering experience.

"You can go now," Heinrich said quietly, a small chill in his voice. Derek felt his eyes beginning to burn as he turned toward the door, trying not to walk awkwardly as his hindquarters still ached. "But one last thing," the professor said, standing up from his desk as a piece of paper fell into the printer tray. Derek turned and blinked up at the wolf, feeling as if he finally looked up as a teacher rather than a feral beast. Heinrich leaned down and pressed his lips against the boy's. Derek's heart raced as he closed his eyes, savoring every moment, even smell, taste, and touch. As the warm lips of the professor left his own, Derek's long ears twitched as the wolf moved up to one to whisper, "Don't let me catch you chained up again. Focus on your schoolwork, don't fall behind, and next time I fuck you, I want to be the first in at least two months to make sure you're nice and tight. If you keep your grades up, this letter of recommendation will get you into my class."

Derek pulled back to respond, but the professor had already turned his back on him, walking back to his desk. He looked down at the paper in his paws and only nodded before turning around to return to class. There was homework to do and lectures to attend.

He had a goal now.

As the door swung shut behind the boy, Heinrich sighed and put his paws in his hands. No amount of cold water could remove the sent of the student he had just mounted. He inhaled deeply, memorizing the scent before moved one to the mouse. He loaded up a song on his desk computer before leaning back in the chair.

_I have to dream

I have to forget about all these things

About broken heart that is beatin'

So fast all the time when it rains

I want to fly

Just higher and higher out of sky

wind blows out there and we're going forever

To our neverland, our neverland, our neverland_